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Bacillus subtilis was not inactivated and was able to replicate even though approximately 3 x 10(4) methyl groups added by methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) were bound to the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of each organism. No significant loss of methyl groups from the DNA occurred for several generations upon incubation of methylated wild-type or MMS-sensitive cells. Single-strand breaks were not observed in the DNA from cells treated at this low MMS dose. Higher doses of MMS resulted in significant killing of both wild-type and MMS-sensitive strains, and the DNA extracted from such treated cells sedimented more slowly than control DNA through alkaline sucrose gradients, indicating the presence of breaks or apurinic sites (or both). These breaks were repaired upon incubation of wild-type but not of MMS-sensitive strains. Repair of damage induced by alkylating agents is probably the repair of breaks which occur as a consequence of high levels of alkylation.  相似文献   

The repair of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in germinating spores was studied in comparison with that in vegetative cells. Radiation-induced single-strand breaks in the DNA of spores and of vegetative cells of Bacillus subtilis were rejoined during postirradiation incubation. The molecular weight of single-stranded DNA was restored to the level of nonirradiated cells. The rate of the rejoining of DNA strand breaks in irradiated spores was essentially equal to that in irradiated vegetative cells. The rejoining in spores germinating in nutrient medium occurred in the absence of detectable DNA synthesis. In this state, normal DNA synthesis was not initiated. Very little DNA degradation occurred during the rejoining process. On the other hand, in vegetative cells the rejoining process was accompanied by a relatively large amount of DNA synthesis and DNA degradation in nutrient medium. The rejoining occurred in phosphate buffer in vegetative cells but not in spores in which germination was not induced. Chloramphenicol did not interfere with the rejoining process in either germinating spores or vegetative cells, indicating that the rejoining takes place in the absence of de novo synthesis of repair enzyme. In the radiation-sensitive strain uvs-80, the capacity for rejoining radiation-induced strand breaks was reduced both in spores and in vegetative cells, suggesting that the rejoining mechanism of germinating spores is not specific to the germination process.  相似文献   

The repair of ultraviolet (UV) damage in Bacillus subtilis W23T(-) has been studied by transformation with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from irradiated cells before and after repair. The extent of repair of genetic markers by donor cells after low or moderate doses of UV was found to be related only to the initial degree of inactivation. After a very high dose, further inactivation occurred, also in proportion to initial damage. In addition, the competent recipient cells were shown to repair approximately 75% of the damage in transforming DNA. The sensitivities of markers irradiated either in vivo or in vitro appeared to be related to map position, the more proximal markers showing a greater resistance to UV inactivation.  相似文献   

Summary: From microbes to multicellular eukaryotic organisms, all cells contain pathways responsible for genome maintenance. DNA replication allows for the faithful duplication of the genome, whereas DNA repair pathways preserve DNA integrity in response to damage originating from endogenous and exogenous sources. The basic pathways important for DNA replication and repair are often conserved throughout biology. In bacteria, high-fidelity repair is balanced with low-fidelity repair and mutagenesis. Such a balance is important for maintaining viability while providing an opportunity for the advantageous selection of mutations when faced with a changing environment. Over the last decade, studies of DNA repair pathways in bacteria have demonstrated considerable differences between Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. Here we review and discuss the DNA repair, genome maintenance, and DNA damage checkpoint pathways of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. We present their molecular mechanisms and compare the functions and regulation of several pathways with known information on other organisms. We also discuss DNA repair during different growth phases and the developmental program of sporulation. In summary, we present a review of the function, regulation, and molecular mechanisms of DNA repair and mutagenesis in Gram-positive bacteria, with a strong emphasis on B. subtilis.  相似文献   

Methyl transfer in chemotaxis toward sugars by Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Like amino acids, the sugars glucose and the nonmetabolizable 2-deoxyglucose caused a turnover of methyl groups on the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. These sugars also caused methanol formation on addition. Thus, in contrast to chemotaxis in Escherichia coli, taxis to phosphotransferase sugars by Bacillus subtilis utilizes the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins.  相似文献   

Nature of the Suppressor of Bacillus subtilis HA101B   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The suppressor of Bacillus subtilis HA101B is shown to act by suppression of polypeptide chain termination. The efficiency of suppression is 25 to 30%.  相似文献   

Repair of UV-induced lesions in DNA was studied with various kinds of subcellular system prepared from Bacillus subtilis. The degree of repair during the post-irradiation incubation period was calculated from marker survivals in transforming DNA. Systems consisting mainly of non-viable spherical cells and subcellular fragments, as well as systems consisting of colony-forming protoplasts, were able to repair UV-induced lesions as efficiently as intact cell systems. A Teflon homogenate, a freeze-and-thawed product and an osmotic shockate were also examined. The former two systems showed high repair activity, but the last did not. Attempts to repair the lesions with a supernatant fraction of Teflon homogenate were unsuccessful. In contrast with the active protoplast derivatives, toluene-treated cells were inert with respect to repair even when supplemented with substrates and cofactors although they retained DNA-synthesizing activity under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Although the association of phage SP-10 with Bacillus subtilis W-23-S(r) persists in heat- and antiserum-resistant form through the spore stage, it is unstable in vegetative cells and frequently terminates in loss of the carried phage or in lysis. On low-tonicity media, the plating efficiency of carrier cells is low. However, high concentrations of succinate or sucrose or a slowed growth rate preserve viability: on 0.48 m succinate-agar, the viable count per optical density unit is the same as that of a noncarrier control culture. Carrier clones retain phage on 0.48 m succinate-agar. At higher succinate levels, many colonies emerge free of phage; at 1 m succinate, all are cured, probably because high succinate inhibits reinfection. Growth of carrier cells in liquid medium with antiphage serum results in rapid curing; events in such cultures with and without succinate were studied quantitatively by tracing the emergence of sensitive cells, the multiplication and induction of carrier cells, and the sensitivity of carrier cells to superinfection with virulent phage. During log phase, 40 to 70% of the carrier cells became sensitive to virulent phage, although the same cells were insensitive during lag and stationary phase. Apparently, fluctuations in repressor levels are responsible. Spontaneous induction of carrier cells followed a qualitatively similar pattern, perhaps in response to changes in level of the same repressor. Production of sensitive segregants by carrier followed a different course, presumably because the repressor does not affect segregation. Many sensitive cells were found two to three divisions after inoculation in antiserum medium. This suggests that each inoculum cell contained one or only a few phage replicons. The data are compatible with the idea that the carrier state in media without antisera is maintained entirely by reinfection and without replication of phage in the latent state. Alternative models which involve replication of latent phage are not ruled out, however.  相似文献   

The methyl parathion hydrolase (MPH)-encoding gene mpd was placed under the control of the P43 promoter and Bacillus subtilis nprB signal peptide-encoding sequence. High-level expression and secretion of mature, authentic, and stable MPH were achieved using the protease-deficient strain B. subtilis WB800 as the host.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair is a highly conserved pathway responsible for correcting DNA polymerase errors incorporated during genome replication. MutL is a mismatch repair protein known to coordinate several steps in repair that ultimately results in strand removal following mismatch identification by MutS. MutL homologs from bacteria to humans contain well-conserved N-terminal and C-terminal domains. To understand the contribution of the MutL N-terminal domain to mismatch repair, we analyzed 14 different missense mutations in Bacillus subtilis MutL that were conserved with missense mutations identified in the human MutL homolog MLH1 from patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). We characterized missense mutations in or near motifs important for ATP binding, ATPase activity, and DNA binding. We found that 13 of the 14 missense mutations conferred a substantial defect to mismatch repair in vivo, while three mutant alleles showed a dominant negative increase in mutation frequency to wild-type mutL. We performed immunoblot analysis to determine the relative stability of each mutant protein in vivo and found that, although most accumulated, several mutant proteins failed to maintain wild-type levels, suggesting defects in protein stability. The remaining missense mutations located in areas of the protein important for DNA binding, ATP binding, and ATPase activities of MutL compromised repair in vivo. Our results define functional residues in the N-terminal domain of B. subtilis MutL that are critical for mismatch repair in vivo.  相似文献   

Of six deoxyribonucleic acid repair mutants of Bacillus subtilis assayed for deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase, only the methyl methanesulfonate-sensitive and ultraviolet light-sensitive mutant JB1-49(59) has impaired polymerase activity. Extracts prepared by sonic treatment or gentle lysis had about 10% of the wild-type activity with poly d(A-T), an alternating copolymer of deoxyadenylate and deoxythymidylate, used as template. The sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate and ultraviolet light and the low level of polymerase activity transformed and reverted together, indicating that the two characteristics are a pleiotropic manifestation of a single mutation. Mixed extract and kinetic experiments mitigated against an altered nuclease activity as the enzymatic consequence of the mutation. Also, the mutant and wild type activities were stimulated equally by Escherichia coli exonuclease III. The residual activity in the mutant showed several differences from the wild-type activity: it purified differently, was more sensitive to sulfhydryl reagents, and displayed a different template specificity. We tentatively conclude that either the mutation in JB1-49(59) has introduced a qualitative as well as a quantitative change in the polymerase or the wild type contains two distinct polymerases, one of which is missing in the mutant.  相似文献   

A recombinant plasmid was constructed by ligation of chromosomal DNA from a sulfanilamide-resistant strain of Bacillus subtilis to the plasmid vector pUB110 which specifies neomycin resistance. Recombinant molecules generated in vitro were introduced into a B. subtilis recipient strain which carried the recE4 mutation, and selection was for neomycin-sulfanilamide-resistant transformants. A single colony was isolated containing the recombinant plasmid pKO101. This 6.3-megadalton plasmid simultaneously conferred resistance to neomycin and sulfanilamide when transferred into sensitive Rec+ or Rec- cells by either transduction or transformation.  相似文献   

The amino acid residue modified in the reversible methylation of Bacillus subtilis methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins was identified as glutamic acid; methylation results in the formation of glutamate 5-methyl ester. Identification was made by comparing the behaviour of a 3H-labelled compound isolated from proteolytically hydrolysed methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins labelled in vivo with that of authentic methylated amino acids by chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques. Also, the isolated compound on mild alkaline hydrolysis shows behaviour identical with that of authentic glutamate 5-methyl ester. [3H]Methanol released by mild alkaline hydrolysis was made to react with 3,5-dinitrobenzyl chloride to form [3H]methyl 3,5-dinitrobenzoate, which was identified by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

The addition of attractant to Bacillus subtilis briefly exposed to radioactive methionine causes an increase of labeling of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. The addition of attractant to cells radiolabeled for longer times shows no change in the extent of methylation. Therefore, the increase in labeling for the briefly labeled cells is due to an increased turnover of methyl groups caused by attractant. All amino acids gave enhanced turnover. This turnover lasted for a prolonged time, probably spanning the period of smooth swimming caused by the attractant addition. Repellent did not affect the turnover when added alone or simultaneously with attractant. Thus, for amino acid attractants, the turnover is probably the excitatory signal, which is seen to extend long into or throughout the adaptation period, not just at the start of it.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that paraspeckle protein 1 (PSPC1), a protein component of paraspeckles that was involved in cisplatin-induced DNA damage response (DDR), probably functions at the G1/S checkpoint. In the current study, we further examined the role of PSPC1 in another DNA-damaging agent, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-induced DDR, in particular, focusing on MMS-induced apoptosis in HeLa cells. First, it was found that MMS treatment induced the expression of PSPC1. While MMS treatment alone can induce apoptosis, depletion of PSPC1 expression using siRNA significantly increased the level of apoptosis following MMS exposure. In contrast, overexpressing PSPC1 decreased the number of apoptotic cells. Interestingly, morphological observation revealed that many of the MMS-treated PSPC1-knockdown cells contained two or more nuclei, indicating the occurrence of mitotic catastrophe. Cell cycle analysis further showed that depletion of PSPC1 caused more cells entering the G2/M phase, a prerequisite of mitosis catastrophe. On the other hand, over-expressing PSPC1 led to more cells accumulating in the G1/S phase. Taken together, these observations suggest an important role for PSPC1 in MMS-induced DDR, and in particular, depletion of PSPC1 can enhance MMS-induced apoptosis through mitotic catastrophe.  相似文献   

Cells of Bacillus subtilis recA1 are sensitive to irradiation with ultraviolet light. Evidence is presented here that these cells are not defective in ultraviolet light-induced incision of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or repair DNA synthesis. Ligation of DNA at repair sites appears to occur, but the DNA is subsequently fragmented, apparently at sites of previous repair synthesis. It is hypothesized that the defect in DNA repair leads to host-specific restriction at repaired sites because of a defect in either the structure of the repaired region or specificity of the restriction/modification system.  相似文献   

We found that the nucleotide excision repair protein UvrA, which is involved in DNA damage recognition, localizes to the entire chromosome both before and after damage in living Bacillus subtilis cells. We suggest that the UvrA(2)B damage recognition complex is constantly scanning the genome, searching for lesions in the DNA. We also found that DNA damage induces a dramatic reconfiguration of the chromosome such that it no longer fills the entire cell as it does during normal growth. This reconfiguration is reversible after low doses of damage and is dependent on the damage-induced SOS response. We suggest that this reconfiguration of the chromosome after damage may be either a reflection of ongoing DNA repair or an active mechanism to protect the cell's genome. Similar observations have been made in Escherichia coli, indicating that the alteration of chromosome structure after DNA damage may be a widespread phenomenon.  相似文献   

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