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To understand possible factors controlling transmission of trematode larvae between first and second intermediate hosts we examined the impact of ambient fauna on parasite transmission in a marine intertidal parasite-host association. Cockle hosts (Cerastoderma edule) kept together with selected co-occurring macrozoobenthic species in mesocosms acquired a lower parasite load compared to cockles kept alone, when targeted by cercariae of the trematode Himasthla elongata. The reduction of parasite load in the cockles differed between the 7 macrozoobenthic species tested and was between 35 and 91%. Three different types of reduction could be distinguished: (1) predators (Carcinus maenas, Crangon crangon) actively preying upon cercariae, (2) non-host filter feeders (Crepidula fornicata, Mya arenaria, Crassostrea gigas) filtering cercariae but not becoming infected and (3) alternative hosts (Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica) becoming infected by the cercariae and thus distracting cercariae from the target hosts. In addition, interference competition may occur in the form of disturbance of cockles by ambient organisms resulting in lower filtration rates and subsequently lower parasite loads. Our results suggest that the species composition and relative abundance of the ambient fauna of parasite-host systems play an important role in controlling trematode transmission rates in benthic marine systems.  相似文献   

The analysis of literary data and own investigations of gastropod molluscs on existence of cercariae of trematodes in Belarus was carried out. 13 856 specimens of 11 species and 2 species complexes of freshwater gastropod molluscs were examined on infection with cercariae of trematodes in 2010 by the authors of this article. Total infestation was 13.1% and infection of some molluscs species varied from 0.4% (Dnieper River, Gomel region) to 66.7% (Lukomskoe reservoir, Vitebsk region). The cercariae of 90 trematode species were found. The majority (51 species) at the adult stage parasitize birds. The cercariae of 14 trematode species have medical significance.  相似文献   

A survey of the larval stages (cercariae and metacercariae) of trematodes (Digenea) found in planorbid snails in Central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, south-east Germany, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic) is presented based on a study of 7,628 snails of 12 species examined between 1998-2006. A total of 34 trematode larval stages, comprising cercariae of 28 species and metacercariae of seven species (one species occurred both as cercaria and metacercaria) of nine families were found in 898 (11.5%) snails of eight species. The dominant cercariae were those belonging to the Rubenstrema exasperatum (Rudolphi, 1819)/Neoglyphe locellus (Kossack, 1910) species complex, Tylodelphys excavata (Rudolphi, 1803) and Echinostoma spiniferum (La Valette, 1855) sensu Nasincová (1992), all from Planorbarius corneus (Linnaeus). Almost the same spectrum of cercariae of the families Echinostomatidae, Plagiorchiidae and Omphalometridae was found in the present study as in previous reports; however, a considerably lower spectrum of cercariae of the families Diplostomidae and Strigeidae was recorded. The most frequent metacercariae were those of Echinoparyphium aconiatum Dietz, 1909, Neoglyphe locellus and Moliniella anceps (Molin, 1859), all occurring mainly in P. corneus. The most heavily infected snail species was P. corneus, followed by Planorbis planorbis (Linnaeus) and Segmentina nitida (Müller). The widest spectrum of trematode species was found in P. planorbis and P. corneus. Forty-two cercariae identified to the species level belonging to 15 families, plus an additional 43 taxa recorded under generic or provisional names, were reported from 11 species of planorbids in previous studies carried out in Central Europe. However, the actual number of trematode species occurring in the planorbid snails is probably much lower, because many, if not most, larval stages reported under provisional names or unidentified to the species level may be conspecific with identified adult forms. A key to the cercariae and metacercariae recorded from planorbids in Central Europe, together with illustrations of those species encountered most frequently in the field, is provided to facilitate identification.  相似文献   

In aquatic ecosystems, dense populations of snails can shed millions of digenean trematode cercariae every day. These short-lived, free-living larvae are rich in energy and present a potential resource for consumers. We investigated whether estuarine fishes eat cercariae shed by trematodes of the estuarine snail Cerithidea californica. In aquaria we presented cercariae from 10 native trematode species to 6 species of native estuarine fishes. Many of these fishes readily engorged on cercariae. To determine if fishes ate cercariae in the field, we collected the most common fish species, Fundulus parvipinnis (California killifish), from shallow water on rising tides when snails shed cercariae. Of 61 killifish, 3 had recognizable cercariae in their gut. Because cercariae are common in this estuary, they could be frequent sources of energy for small fishes. In turn, predation on cercariae by fishes (and other predators) could also reduce the transmission success of trematodes.  相似文献   

Ribeiroia ondatrae cercariae are consumed by aquatic invertebrate predators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trematodes amplify asexually in their snail intermediate hosts, resulting in the potential release of hundreds to thousands of free-living cercariae per day for the life of the snail. The high number of cercariae released into the environment undoubtedly increases the probability of transmission. Although many individual cercariae successfully infect another host in their life cycle, most fail. Factors that prevent successful transmission of cercariae are poorly understood. Microcrustaceans and fish have been observed to eat cercariae of some species, although the possibility that predation represents a significant source of mortality for cercariae has been largely unexplored. We tested the cercariophagic activity of several freshwater invertebrates on Ribeiroia ondatrae, a trematode that causes limb deformities in amphibians. Individuals of potential predators were placed into wells of multiwell plates with 10-15 cercariae, and numbers of cercariae remaining over time were recorded and compared with numbers in control wells that contained no predators. Of the species tested, Hydra sp., damselfly (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) larvae, dragonfly (Odonata, Libellulidae), larvae, and copepods (Cyclopoida) consumed cercariae. In some cases, 80-90% of the cercariae offered to damselfly and dragonfly larvae were consumed within 10 min. In most cases, predators continued to consume cercariae at the same average rates when offered cercariae together with individuals of an alternate prey item. Hydra sp. ate fewer cercariae in these trials. Our findings suggest the need for field and laboratory studies to further explore the effects of predators on transmission of R. ondatrae to amphibian larvae. In addition, the results suggest that conservation of the biodiversity and numbers of aquatic predators may limit adverse impacts of trematode infections in vertebrate hosts.  相似文献   

Life history trade-offs affect trematode parasites reproducing inside their 1st intermediate hosts. Within the constraint of the effect on host survival, parasite production of cercariae is subject to a size-numbers trade-off. Within each cercaria, resources must be partitioned between host-seeking and subsequent developmental functions. Three species of microphallid trematodes with the same 1st intermediate host (the gastropod Littorina saxatilis) were investigated. Maritrema arenaria periodically released many small cercariae. Microphallus similis released fewer, 15% larger, cercariae without periodicity. Microphallus similis cercariae were strong swimmers, moving toward the dark and downward in turbulent water, whereas Ma. arenaria cercariae remained suspended. Maritrema arenaria cercariae, although smaller in body and tail size, were produced at an average daily volume nearly twice that of M. similis. These differences are interpreted as transmission adaptations related to mobility and predictability of the 2nd intermediate host. Microphallus similis, with a mobile and less predictable crab host, adopted a 'bethedging' prolonged production of fewer cercariae by less intensive host exploitation, each cercaria having a high allocation to host-seeking behavior. Maritrema arenaria, with predictable sessile barnacle hosts, produced less mobile but potentially longer-lived cercariae in larger numbers. Microphallus piriformes metacercariae remain in the gastropod host. The number of M. piriformes metacercariae increased in larger hosts. The 3 species differed in the number of sporocysts and (meta)cercariae per sporocyst within the gastropod but not in the within-host volume of parasites. Variation in host exploitation and life history appeared adaptive for transmission to the next host.  相似文献   

The transmission stages of parasites are key determinants of parasite fitness, but they also incur huge mortality. Yet the selective forces shaping the sizes of transmission stages remain poorly understood. We ran a comparative analysis of interspecific variation in the size of transmission stages among 404 species of parasitic trematodes. There are two transmission steps requiring infective stages in the life cycle of trematodes: transmission from the definitive to the first intermediate (snail) host is achieved by eggs and/or the miracidia hatched from those eggs, and transmission from the first to the second intermediate host is achieved by free-swimming cercariae. The sizes of these stages are under strong phylogenetic constraints. Our results show that taxonomy explains >50% of the unaccounted variance in linear mixed models, with most of the variance occurring at the superfamily level. The models also demonstrated that mollusc size is positively associated with egg volume, miracidial volume and cercarial body volume, but not with the relative size of the cercarial tail. In species where they encyst on substrates, cercariae have significantly larger bodies than in species penetrating chordates, although the relative size of the cercarial tail of species using chordates as second intermediate hosts was larger than in other trematode species. Habitat also matters, with larger cercarial tails seen in freshwater trematodes than in marine ones, and larger miracidial volumes in freshwater species than in marine ones. Finally, the latitude (proxy for local temperature) at which the trematode species were collected had no effect on the sizes of transmission stages. We propose that resource availability within the snail host, the probability of contacting a host, and the density and viscosity of the water medium combine to select for different transmission stage sizes.  相似文献   

Agricultural activity and landscape features have previously been associated with diversity and prevalence of trematode species in amphibian second intermediate hosts. In this study, the density, diversity, and size of snail first intermediate hosts, and the diversity and prevalence of their trematode species, were assessed in 2 types of ponds, i.e., those adjacent to cornfields and those from the same region in southwestern Ontario that were adjacent to nonagricultural settings. Species of trematodes included, but were not restricted to, those that are known parasites of larval and adult frogs. We also assessed landscape factors likely to influence use by definitive hosts. Presence of the herbicide atrazine in ponds was measured to check that ponds adjacent to agriculture had potential to be affected by agricultural runoff. Both snail size and the proportion of snails releasing cercariae were greater in nonagricultural ponds, contrasting with a previous finding of lower trematode infection in tadpoles from nonagricultural ponds. Percentage of forest cover was associated with prevalence of certain trematode species, but not with estimates of combined prevalence. Absence of relations of trematode prevalence to measures of road density also contrasted with previous studies. We interpret our results in light of how agricultural activity might influence trematode viability, snail growth, and use by wildlife definitive hosts, independently of landscape factors.  相似文献   

We quantified the clonal diversity of the New Zealand marine trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis (n = 1250) within Zeacumantus subcarinatus snail (n = 25) and Macrophthalmus hirtipes crab (n = 25) intermediate hosts using four to six microsatellite loci, and investigated the potential biological and physical factors responsible for the observed genetic patterns. Individual snails harboured one to five trematode genotypes and 48% of snails were infected by multiple parasite genotypes. Overall, the number of parasite genotypes did not increase with snail size, but was highest in intermediate-sized snails. Significantly larger numbers of parasite genotypes were detected in crabs (relative to snails; P < 0.001), with 16-25 genotypes recovered from individual crabs. Although crabs are typically infected by small numbers of cercariae sourced from many snails, they are occasionally infected by large numbers of cercariae sourced from single snails. The latter cases explain the significant genetic differentiation of trematode populations detected among their crab hosts (F(ST) = 0.009, P < 0.001). Our results suggest that the timing of infection and/or intraspecific competition among parasite clones within snails determine(s) the diversity of parasite clones that snails harbour. The presence of a large number of infected snails and tidal mixing of cercariae prior to infection results in crabs potentially harbouring hundreds of parasite genotypes despite the crabs' territorial behaviour.  相似文献   

A survey of cercariae and metacercariae (Trematoda, Digenea) from the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) in Central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, South-East Germany, Poland and Slovak Republic) is presented, based on a study of 3,628 snails examined from 1998 to 2005. A total of 953 (26.3%) L. stagnalis were infected with 24 trematode species comprising 19 species of cercariae and 11 species of metacercariae (six species occurred both as cercarie and metacercarie) of eight families. The dominant cercariae were those of Opisthioglyphe ranae (159 hosts infected), Plagiorchis elegans (141) (both family Plagiorchiidae) and Echinoparyphium aconiatum (153) (Echinostomatidae); 14 double infections were found. The most frequent metacercariae were those of Neoglyphe locellus (71) (Omphalometridae), E. aconiatum (66), Echinostoma sp. (59) and Moliniella anceps (48) (Echinostomatidae). In the previous studies carried out in Central Europe, a very similar spectrum of nine trematode families of 22 cercariae determined to species level and 43 types of cercariae reported under generic or provisional names, which can be in many cases conspecific with the previous taxa, were found. A simple key to identification of cercariae and metacercariae, together with their illustrations, is provided.  相似文献   

We examined the interactive effects of predators and trematodes on Rana sybatica and Rana clamitans larvae. We hypothesized that exposure to predators would increase tadpole susceptibility to trematode infection, by reducing tadpole activity and thereby increasing time spent on the bottom. We further hypothesized that the tadpoles would experience reduced rates of growth and development in the presence of either predators or parasites, and that predator presence would stimulate both species to develop larger tails and smaller bodies. Rana clamilans and R. sybatica reduced their activity in the presence of both predators and trematode cercariae. In the longer running R. clamitans experiment, predator-exposed tadpoles developed significantly shallower tails and wider bodies, while trematode infection had no effect on growth, development, or shape. Most significantly, we found that extended exposure to caged fish predators made R. clamitans tadpoles more susceptible to trematode infection. A possible mechanism for this increased vulnerability is that reduced activity in the presence of predators increases tadpoles' proximity to cercariae. Our study suggests that various factors that decrease tadpole activity–predator presence, trematode cercariae and certain pesticides–may act synergistically to negatively impact tadpole populations.  相似文献   

Malformations and increased mortality due to infection by the digenetic trematode, Riberioa ondatrae have been reported for many species of amphibians. Severe malformations have also been reported in the Common Hourglass Tree Frog, Polypedates cruciger induced by pleurolophocercous cercariae in Sri Lanka in addition to the changes in the behaviour, development and survival of the host. We exposed pre-limb bud stage tadpoles (Gosner stages 25–26) of the Asian Common Toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus to the same pleurolophocercous type cercariae under laboratory conditions. Molecular and morphological identification showed that these cercariae belonged Acanthostomum burminis infecting freshwater snakes as definitive hosts. These cercariae induced malformations (27.8%) and reduced survival to metamorphosis (53.8%). The magnitude of the effects increased with the dose of cercariae. Types of malformations were mainly axial, such as scoliosis and kyphosis. Severe limb malformations such as extra or missing limbs as reported for amphibians exposed to R. ondatrae were not observed in the D. melanostictus. Same authors reported a higher percentage of malformations previously when P. cruciger was exposed to the cercariae A. burminis compared to D. melanostictus. However, tadpoles of D. melanostictus, which are smaller compared to those of P. cruciger, experienced higher mortality than P. cruciger tadpoles. Trematode induced malformations and mortality in amphibians are highly variable and depend on multiple factors such as host species differences such as resistance to infection and tolerance, life-history characteristics such as size at metamorphosis and length of the metamorphosis period, and other factors such as size of the amphibian at the time of trematode exposure.  相似文献   

When the snail Biomphalaria glabrata is doubly infected by two species of trematode, Schistosoma mansoni and Ribeiroia marini, each species keeps its own cercarial shedding pattern. Emergence of S. mansoni cercariae occurs during the photophase while the R. marini cercariae are shed during the night. These results demonstrate the absence of interference between the mechanisms responsible for the cercarial shedding of each species. The only difference noted concerns a two-hour shift in the peak emergence of S. mansoni as a consequence of the antagonism between the two parasites.  相似文献   

A total of 984 snails, comprising nine species, were collected from six areas in the Kafue wetlands between August and October 2003 to assess larval trematode infections. Of these, 135 (13.7%) were positive. Most trematode infections were recorded from Lymnaea natalensis (42.8%), which harboured four of the five morphologically different cercariae found. No trematodes were recovered from Bellamya capillata, Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Melanoides tuberculata, Physa acuta and Cleopatra nswendweensis. One snail (0.2%) of 416 Bulinus snails shed brevifurcate-apharyngeate distome cercariae while three (0.7%) shed amphistomes. Gymnocephalous and longifurcate-pharyngeate distome were the commonest types of cercariae recorded while xiphidiocercaria was the least common. The highest prevalence rates of F. gigantica (68.8%) and amphistomes (50.0%) in cattle (n = 101) were in Chiyasa while those in Kaleya had the lowest (9.1 and 18.2%, respectively). In most habitats, infections were recorded in both cattle and snails. Critical determinants of infection may have been the distance of settlements and/or cattle kraals, the number of animals in nearby homesteads and the presence of susceptible host snails. This study suggests that fascioliasis and amphistomiasis could be major constraints of cattle production in the Kafue wetlands because favourable factors were available to introduce and maintain the infections. It further provides a starting point for some comprehensive studies on snail-related aspects of transmission and snail host ecology in Zambia.  相似文献   

Flatworms occupy an important position among simple organisms, which were first in the evolution having bilateral symmetry and centralized nervous system. This paper provides evidence of the presence of a biogenic amine serotonin in free-living flatworms planarians Girardia tigrina (Turbellaria, Platyhelminthes). Using immunohistochemical method, fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy, we have identified serotonin neurons and their fibers using planarian whole-mount preparations and got important information about distribution of serotoninergic components in their body. Information on the number and size of serotonin-immunopositive neurons in the brain ganglion of G. tigrina and on the distribution density of serotoninergic neurons in the central nervous system of worms is presented for the first time. The published data concerning the serotoninergic signalization in flatworms are briefly overviewed.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) contribute to the immune defenses of many vertebrates, including amphibians. As larvae, amphibians are often exposed to the infectious stages of trematode parasites, many of which must penetrate the host’s skin, potentially interacting with host AMPs. We tested the effects of the natural AMPs repertoires on both the survival of trematode infectious stages as well as their ability to infect larval amphibians. All five trematode species exhibited decreased survival of cercariae in response to higher concentrations of adult bullfrog AMPs, but no effect when exposed to AMPs from larval bullfrogs. Similarly, the use of norepinephrine to remove AMPs from larval bullfrogs, Pacific chorus frogs, and gray treefrogs had only weak (gray treefrogs) or non-significant (other tested species) effects on infection success by Ribeiroia ondatrae. We nonetheless observed strong differences in parasite infection as a function of both host stage (first- versus second-year bullfrogs) and host species (Pacific chorus frogs versus gray treefrogs) that were apparently unrelated to AMPs. Taken together, our results suggest that AMPs do not play a significant role in defending larval amphibians against trematode cercariae, but that they could be one mechanism helping to prevent infection of post-metamorphic amphibians, particularly for highly aquatic species.  相似文献   

Nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences represent a useful tool for distinction of poorly differentiated developmental stages, such as trematode cercariae or metacercariae. Here, the complete internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal DNA (ITS 1 + 5.8S + ITS 2) was sequenced for 29 specimens of the digenean family Opecoelidae, including 16 adult specimens and 13 undescribed larval stages (nine cercariae and four metacercariae) occurring in various marine host organisms. Six cercariae and three metacercariae were found to match their corresponding adult form. This work also revealed that cercariae of the same species are able to infect more than one gastropod host species, suggesting that the specificity for the first intermediate host within the Digenea may be lower than previously thought.  相似文献   

The infro- and component community dynamics of digenetic trematodes in a freshwater gastropod community were examined over a 33-month period. The gastropod and trematode communities were composed of 17 and 10 species respectively. A total of 9,831 snails was collected; among them, 192 belonging to 14 species were infected by larval trematodes. The size of infected snails was significantly greater than that of healthy ones, and the increase of prevalence with size/age was interpreted as related to the increased probability of ultimately becoming parasitized. The trematode community was rich in allogenic species, but the most frequent trematode (cercariaeum) was autogenic and generalist (a range of 12 snail host species). There was a significantly positive relationship between the frequency of trematode species in the community and the number of first intermediate host species. A great temporal heterogeneity occurred in the prevalence of the snails, mainly attributed to the great temporal fluctuations of snail host populations and the variability of freshwater ecological conditions. The data on the occurrence of larval trematodes in 14 host species over the 33-month study allowed indicate a significant negative correlation between the abundance of gastropods and the prevalence of trematodes.  相似文献   

K. Rohde 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):344-352
Summary The population dynamics of the prosobranch snail Planaxis sulcatus and its trematode parasites on 600 m of beachrock on the southern side of Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, were studied. Populations of Planaxis show little mixing, due to lack of long-distance movements. From March 1973 to June 1975, an increase in the numbers of small and medium-sized snails occurred, but the biomass (dry tissue weight) of the snail population did not change. Snails were infected with one species of Aspidogastrea and six species of cerariae. Infections with cercariae did not significantly affect the relative weight of the snails. Multiple infections were random, i.e. neither negative nor positive interactions between trematode species could be demonstrated. Proportions of uninfected snails and snails infected with various trematode species remained more or less constant from July 1973 to February 1975.The population dynamics of the prosobranch snail Cerithium moniliferum and its 11 species of cercariae and one species of Aspidogastrea in a small area at Heron Island were studied. Numbers of large snails decreased and numbers of small snails increased from August 1973 to June 1975. The biomass of the Cerithium population increased only slightly. Prevalence of infection changed significantly only in large snails.Infections of Cerithium moniliferum and Peristernia australiensis with an aspidogastrid species decreased strongly from January 1971 to March/April 1972 and had not recovered by mid 1975.Seasonal fluctuations could not be demonstrated for any of the snails or parasites.The data for Planaxis suggest equilibrium conditions and saturation of the habitat.  相似文献   

Owing to the microscopical investigation, using selective neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, it has been possible to reveal the serotoninergic system and targets of its innervation in the rat cerebral cortex motor area. The serotoninergic axonal varicosities and synaptic boutons are present in all layers of the neocortex. Their large amount is revealed in the I and II layers. The terminals form contacts with dendrites of small size, sometimes they terminate on the head of the spines, as well as on bodies of neurons in different layers. According to their position and ultrastructural organization these neurons are, perhaps, pyramidal, that is glutamatergic, and those less in their size--refer to interneurons and can be GABAergic ones. Basing on own data and those of the literature, concerning the existence of nonsynaptic link for transmission of serotoninergic effects, a conclusion is made that a coordinating functioning of the synaptic and non-synaptic intercellular integrative mechanisms ensure a wide range of functions of the serotoninergic system in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

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