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The opening and closing of chloride (Cl-) channels in the ClC family are thought to tightly couple to ion permeation through the channel pore. In the prototype channel of the family, the ClC-0 channel from the Torpedo electric organ, the opening-closing of the pore in the millisecond time range known as "fast gating" is regulated by both external and internal Cl- ions. Although the external Cl- effect on the fast-gate opening has been extensively studied at a quantitative level, the internal Cl- regulation remains to be characterized. In this study, we examine the internal Cl- effects and the electrostatic controls of the fast-gating mechanism. While having little effect on the opening rate, raising [Cl-]i reduces the closing rate (or increases the open time) of the fast gate, with an apparent affinity of >1 M, a value very different from the one observed in the external Cl- regulation on the opening rate. Mutating charged residues in the pore also changes the fast-gating properties-the effects are more prominent on the closing rate than on the opening rate, a phenomenon similar to the effect of [Cl-]i on the fast gating. Thus, the alteration of fast-gate closing by charge mutations may come from a combination of two effects: a direct electrostatic interaction between the manipulated charge and the negatively charged glutamate gate and a repulsive force on the gate mediated by the permeant ion. Likewise, the regulations of internal Cl- on the fast gating may also be due to the competition of Cl- with the glutamate gate as well as the overall more negative potential brought to the pore by the binding of Cl-. In contrast, the opening rate of the fast gate is only minimally affected by manipulations of [Cl-]i and charges in the inner pore region. The very different nature of external and internal Cl- regulations on the fast gating thus may suggest that the opening and the closing of the fast gate are not microscopically reversible processes, but form a nonequilibrium cycle in the ClC-0 fast-gating mechanism.  相似文献   

The charge on the side chain of the internal pore residue lysine 519 (K519) of the Torpedo ClC-0 chloride (Cl-) channel affects channel conductance. Experiments that replace wild-type (WT) lysine with neutral or negatively charged residues or that modify the K519C mutant with various methane thiosulfonate (MTS) reagents show that the conductance of the channel decreases when the charge at position 519 is made more negative. This charge effect on the channel conductance diminishes in the presence of a high intracellular Cl- concentration ([Cl-]i). However, the application of high concentrations of nonpermeant ions, such as glutamate or sulfate (SO42-), does not change the conductance, suggesting that the electrostatic effects created by the charge at position 519 are unlikely due to a surface charge mechanism. Another pore residue, glutamate 127 (E127), plays an even more critical role in controlling channel conductance. This negatively charged residue, based on the structures of the homologous bacterial ClC channels, lies 4-5 A from K519. Altering the charge of this residue can influence the apparent Cl- affinity as well as the saturated pore conductance in the conductance-Cl- activity curve. Amino acid residues at the selectivity filter also control the pore conductance but mutating these residues mainly affects the maximal pore conductance. These results suggest at least two different conductance determinants in the pore of ClC-0, consistent with the most recent crystal structure of the bacterial ClC channel solved to 2.5 A, in which multiple Cl--binding sites were identified in the pore. Thus, we suggest that the occupancy of the internal Cl--binding site is directly controlled by the charged residues located at the inner pore mouth. On the other hand, the Cl--binding site at the selectivity filter controls the exit rate of Cl- and therefore determines the maximal channel conductance.  相似文献   

Li Y  Yu WP  Lin CW  Chen TY 《Biophysical journal》2005,88(6):3936-3945
Oxidation and reduction (redox) are known to modulate the function of a variety of ion channels. Here, we report a redox regulation of the function of ClC-0, a chloride (Cl(-)) channel from the Torpedo electric organ. The study was motivated by the occasional observation of oocytes with hyperpolarization-activated Cl(-) current when these oocytes expressed ClC-0. We find that these atypical recording traces can be turned into typical ClC-0 current by incubating the oocyte in millimolar concentrations of reducing agents, suggesting that the channel function is regulated by oxidation and reduction. The redox control apparently results from an effect of oxidation on the slow (inactivation) gating: oxidation renders it more difficult for the channel to recover from the inactivated states. Introducing the point mutation C212S in ClC-0 suppresses the inactivation state, and this inactivation-suppressed mutant is no longer sensitive to the inhibition by oxidizing reagents. However, C212 is probably not the target for the redox reaction because the regulation of the inactivation gating by oxidation is still present in a pore mutant (K165C/K165 heterodimer) in which the C212S mutation is present. Taking advantage of the K165C/K165 heterodimer, we further explore the oxidation effect in ClC-0 by methane thiosulfonate (MTS) modifications. We found that trimethylethylammonium MTS modification of the introduced cysteine can induce current in the K165C/K165 heterodimer, an effect attributed to the recovery of the channel from the inactivation state. The current induction by MTS reagents is subjected to redox controls, and thus the extent of this current induction can serve as an indicator to report the oxidation state of the channel. These results together suggest that the inactivation gating of ClC-0 is affected by redox regulation. The finding also provides a convenient method to "cure" those atypical recording traces of ClC-0 expressed in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

Ion channels are frequently organized in a modular fashion and consist of a membrane-embedded pore domain and a soluble regulatory domain. A similar organization is found for the ClC family of Cl- channels and transporters. Here, we describe the crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of ClC-0, the voltage-dependent Cl- channel from T. marmorata. The structure contains a folded core of two tightly interacting cystathionine beta-synthetase (CBS) subdomains. The two subdomains are connected by a 96 residue mobile linker that is disordered in the crystals. As revealed by analytical ultracentrifugation, the domains form dimers, thereby most likely extending the 2-fold symmetry of the transmembrane pore. The structure provides insight into the organization of the cytoplasmic domains within the ClC family and establishes a framework for guiding future investigations on regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Amphibians have provided important model systems to study transepithelial transport, acid-base balance and cell volume regulation. Several families of chloride channels and transporters are involved in these functions. The purpose of this review is to report briefly on some of the characteristics of the chloride channels so far reported in amphibian epithelia, and to focus on recently cloned members of the ClC family and their possible physiological roles. The electrophysiological characterisation, distribution, localisation and possible functions are reviewed and compared to their mammalian orthologs.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated ClC chloride channels play important roles in cell volume regulation, control of muscle excitability, and probably transepithelial transport. ClC channels can be functionally expressed without other subunits, but it is unknown whether they function as monomers. We now exploit the properties of human mutations in the muscle chloride channel, ClC-1, to explore its multimeric structure. This is based on analysis of the dominant negative effects of ClC-1 mutations causing myotonia congenita (MC, Thomsen's disease), including a newly identified mutation (P480L) in Thomsen's own family. In a co-expression assay, Thomsen's mutation dramatically inhibits normal ClC-1 function. A mutation found in Canadian MC families (G230E) has a less pronounced dominant negative effect, which can be explained by functional WT/G230E heterooligomeric channels with altered kinetics and selectivity. Analysis of both mutants shows independently that ClC-1 functions as a homooligomer with most likely four subunits.  相似文献   

ClC proteins are a family of chloride channels and transporters that are found in a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell types. The mammalian voltage-gated chloride channel ClC-1 is important for controlling the electrical excitability of skeletal muscle. Reduced excitability of muscle cells during metabolic stress can protect cells from metabolic exhaustion and is thought to be a major factor in fatigue. Here we identify a novel mechanism linking excitability to metabolic state by showing that ClC-1 channels are modulated by ATP. The high concentration of ATP in resting muscle effectively inhibits ClC-1 activity by shifting the voltage gating to more positive potentials. ADP and AMP had similar effects to ATP, but IMP had no effect, indicating that the inhibition of ClC-1 would only be relieved under anaerobic conditions such as intense muscle activity or ischemia, when depleted ATP accumulates as IMP. The resulting increase in ClC-1 activity under these conditions would reduce muscle excitability, thus contributing to fatigue. We show further that the modulation by ATP is mediated by cystathionine beta-synthase-related domains in the cytoplasmic C terminus of ClC-1. This defines a function for these domains as gating-modulatory domains sensitive to intracellular ligands, such as nucleotides, a function that is likely to be conserved in other ClC proteins.  相似文献   

The ClC channel family consists of chloride channels important for various physiological functions. Two members in this family, ClC-0 and ClC-1, share approximately 50-60% amino acid identity and show similar gating behaviors. Although they both contain two subunits, the number of pores present in the homodimeric channel is controversial. The double-barrel model proposed for ClC-0 was recently challenged by a one-pore model partly based on experiments with ClC-1 exploiting cysteine mutagenesis followed by modification with methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents. To investigate the pore stoichiometry of ClC-0 more rigorously, we applied a similar strategy of MTS modification in an inactivation-suppressed mutant (C212S) of ClC-0. Mutation of lysine 165 to cysteine (K165C) rendered the channel nonfunctional, but modification of the introduced cysteine by 2-aminoethyl MTS (MTSEA) recovered functional channels with altered properties of gating-permeation coupling. The fast gate of the MTSEA-modified K165C homodimer responded to external Cl(-) less effectively, so the P(o)-V curve was shifted to a more depolarized potential by approximately 45 mV. The K165C-K165 heterodimer showed double-barrel-like channel activity after MTSEA modification, with the fast-gating behaviors mimicking a combination of those of the mutant and the wild-type pore, as expected for the two-pore model. Without MTSEA modification, the heterodimer showed only one pore, and was easier to inactivate than the two-pore channel. These results showed that K165 is important for both the fast and slow gating of ClC-0. Therefore, the effects of MTS reagents on channel gating need to be carefully considered when interpreting the apparent modification rate.  相似文献   

Ramjeesingh M  Li C  Huan LJ  Garami E  Wang Y  Bear CE 《Biochemistry》2000,39(45):13838-13847
The chloride channel ClC-2 is thought to be essential for chloride homeostasis in neurons and critical for chloride secretion by the developing respiratory tract. In the present work, we investigated the quaternary structure of ClC-2 required to mediate chloride conduction. We found using chemical cross-linking and a novel PAGE system that tagged ClC-2 expressed in Sf9 cells exists as oligomers. Fusion of membranes from Sf9 cells expressing this protein confers double-barreled channel activity, with each pore exhibiting a unitary conductance of 32 pS. Polyhistidine-tagged ClC-2 from Sf9 cells can be purified as monomers, dimers, and tetramers. Purified, reconstituted ClC-2 monomers do not possess channel function whereas both purified ClC-2 dimers and tetramers do mediate chloride flux. In planar bilayers, reconstitution of dimeric ClC-2 leads to the appearance of a single, anion selective 32 pS pore, and tetrameric ClC-2 confers double-barreled channel activity similar to that observed in Sf9 membranes. These reconstitution studies suggest that a ClC-2 dimer is the minimum functional structure and that ClC-2 tetramers likely mediate double-barreled channel function.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle acidosis during exercise has long been thought to be a cause of fatigue, but recent studies have shown that acidosis maintains muscle excitability and opposes fatigue by decreasing the sarcolemmal chloride conductance. ClC-1 is the primary sarcolemmal chloride channel and has a clear role in controlling muscle excitability, but recombinant ClC-1 has been reported to be activated by acidosis. Following our recent finding that intracellular ATP inhibits ClC-1, we investigated here the interaction between pH and ATP regulation of ClC-1. We found that, in the absence of ATP, intracellular acidosis from pH 7.2 to 6.2 inhibited ClC-1 slightly by shifting the voltage dependence of common gating to more positive potentials, similar to the effect of ATP. Importantly, the effects of ATP and acidosis were cooperative, such that ATP greatly potentiated the effect of acidosis. Adenosine had a similar effect to ATP at pH 7.2, but acidosis did not potentiate this effect, indicating that the phosphates of ATP are important for this cooperativity, possibly due to electrostatic interactions with protonatable residues of ClC-1. A protonatable residue identified by molecular modeling, His-847, was found to be critical for both pH and ATP modulation and may be involved in such electrostatic interactions. These findings are now consistent with, and provide a molecular explanation for, acidosis opposing fatigue by decreasing the chloride conductance of skeletal muscle via inhibition of ClC-1. The modulation of ClC-1 by ATP is a key component of this molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

During maturation of oocytes,Cl conductance (GCl) oscillatesand intracellular pH (pHi) increases. ElevatingpHi permits the protein synthesis essential to maturation.To examine whether changes in GCl andpHi are coupled, the Cl channel ClC-0 washeterologously expressed. Overexpressing ClC-0 elevatespHi, decreases intracellular Cl concentration([Cl]i), and reduces volume. Acuteacidification with butyrate does not activate acid extrusion inClC-0-expressing or control oocytes. The ClC-0-induced pHichange increases after overnight incubation at extracellular pH 8.5 butis unaltered after incubation at extracellular pH 6.5. Membranedepolarization did not change pHi. In contrast, hyperpolarization elevates pHi. Thus neither membranedepolarization nor acute activation of acid extrusion accounts for theClC-0-dependent alkalinization. Overnight incubation in lowextracellular Cl concentration increases pHiand decreases [Cl]i in control and ClC-0expressing oocytes, with the effect greater in the latter. Incubationin hypotonic, low extracellular Cl solutions preventedpHi elevation, although the decrease in[Cl]i persisted. Taken together, ourobservations suggest that KCl loss leads to oocyte shrinkage, whichtransiently activates acid extrusion. In conclusion, expressing ClC-0in oocytes increases pHi and decreases[Cl]i. These parameters are coupled viashrinkage activation of proton extrusion. Normal, cyclical changes ofoocyte GCl may exert an effect onpHi via shrinkage, thus inducing meiotic maturation.


The almost ubiquitously expressed ClC-2 chloride channel is activated by hyperpolarization and osmotic cell swelling. Osmotic swelling also activates a different class of outwardly rectifying chloride channels, and several reports point to a link between protein tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of these channels. This study examines the possibility that transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) modulates ClC-2 activity in human colonic epithelial (T84) cells. TGF-alpha (0.17 nM) irreversibly inhibited ClC-2 current in nystatin-perforated whole cell patch-clamp experiments, whereas a superimposed reversible activation of the current was observed at 8.3 nM TGF-alpha. Both effects required activation of the intrinsic epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase activity, of phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and of protein kinase C. With microspectrofluorimetry of the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye 2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein, TGF-alpha was shown to reversibly alkalinize T84 cells at 8.3 nM but not at 0.17 nM, suggesting that 8.3 nM TGF-alpha-induced alkalinization activates ClC-2 current. This study indicates that ClC-2 channels are targets for EGFR signaling in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

An HEK-293 cell line stably expressing the humanrecombinant ClC-2 Cl channel was used in patch-clampstudies to study its regulation. The relative permeabilityPx/PCl calculated fromreversal potentials was I > Cl = NO3 = SCNBr. Theabsolute permeability calculated from conductance ratios wasCl = Br = NO3  SCN > I. The channel was activatedby cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), reduced extracellular pH, oleicacid (C:18 cis9), elaidic acid (C:18trans9), arachidonic acid (AA; C:20cis5,8,11,14), and by inhibitors of AA metabolism,5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA; C:20trans5,8,11,14),-methyl-4-(2-methylpropyl)benzeneacetic acid (ibuprofen), and2-phenyl-1,2-benzisoselenazol-3-[2H]-one (PZ51, ebselen). ClC-2Cl channels were activated by a combination of forskolinplus IBMX and were inhibited by the cell-permeant myristoylated PKAinhibitor (mPKI). Channel activation by reduction of bath pH wasincreased by PKA and prevented by mPKI. AA activation of the ClC-2Cl channel was not inhibited by mPKI or staurosporine andwas therefore independent of PKA or protein kinase C activation.


Crystal structures of bacterial CLC proteins were solved recently, but it is unclear to which level of detail they can be extrapolated to mammalian chloride channels. Exploiting the difference in inhibition by 9-anthracene carboxylic acid (9-AC) between ClC-0, -1, and -2, we identified a serine between helices O and P as crucial for 9-AC binding. Mutagenesis based on the crystal structure identified further residues affecting inhibitor binding. They surround a partially hydrophobic pocket close to the chloride binding site that is accessible from the cytoplasm, consistent with the observed intracellular block by 9-AC. Mutations in presumably Cl--coordinating residues yield additional insights into the structure and function of ClC-1. Our work shows that the structure of bacterial CLCs can be extrapolated with fidelity to mammalian Cl- channels.  相似文献   

ClC-3 is a highly conserved voltage-gated chloride channel, which together with ClC-4 and ClC-5 belongs to one subfamily of the larger group of ClC chloride channels. Whereas ClC-5 is localized intracellularly, ClC-3 has been reported to be a swelling-activated plasma membrane channel. However, recent studies have shown that native ClC-3 in hepatocytes is primarily intracellular. Therefore, we reexamined the properties of ClC-3 in a mammalian cell expression system and compared them with the properties of endogenous swelling-activated channels. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells were transiently transfected with rat ClC-3. The resulting chloride currents were Cl(-) > I(-) selective, showed extreme outward rectification, and lacked inactivation at positive voltages. In addition, they were insensitive to the chloride channel blockers, 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid (NPPB) and 4, 4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS) and were not inhibited by phorbol esters or activated by osmotic swelling. These properties are identical to those of ClC-5 but differ from those previously attributed to ClC-3. In contrast, nontransfected CHO-K1 cells displayed an endogenous swelling-activated chloride current, which was weakly outward rectifying, inactivated at positive voltages, sensitive to NPPB and DIDS, and inhibited by phorbol esters. These properties are identical to those previously attributed to ClC-3. Therefore, we conclude that when expressed in CHO-K1 cells, ClC-3 is an extremely outward rectifying channel with similar properties to ClC-5 and is neither activated by cell swelling nor identical to the endogenous swelling-activated channel. These data suggest that ClC-3 cannot be responsible for the swelling-activated chloride channel under all circumstances.  相似文献   

Genetic mutations of theCl channel ClC-5 cause Dent's disease in humans. Werecently cloned an amphibian ortholog of Xenopus ClC-5(xClC-5) from the A6 cell line. We now compare the properties and regulation of ClC-5 currents expressed in mammalian (COS-7) cellsand Xenopus oocytes. Whole cell currents in COS-7 cells transfected with xClC-5 cDNA had strong outward rectification, Cl > I anion sensitivity, and wereinhibited at low pH, similar to previous results in oocytes. Inoocytes, antisense xClC-5 cRNA injection had no effect on endogenousmembrane currents or the heterologous expression of human ClC-5.Activators of cAMP and protein kinase C inhibitors had nosignificant effects on ClC-5 currents expressed in either COS-7 cellsor oocytes, whereas H-89, a cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA)inhibitor, and hydrogen peroxide decreased the currents. We concludethat the basic properties of ClC-5 currents were independent of thehost cell type used for expression. In addition, ClC-5 channels may bemodulated by PKA and reactive oxygen species.


Transmembrane proton transport is of fundamental importance for life. The list of H+ transporting proteins has been recently expanded with the discovery that some members of the CLC gene family are stoichiometrically coupled Cl/H+ antiporters. Other CLC proteins are instead passive Cl selective anion channels. The gating of these CLC channels is, however, strongly regulated by pH, likely reflecting the evolutionary relationship with CLC Cl/H+ antiporters. The role of protons in the gating of the model Torpedo channel ClC-0 is best understood. ClC-0 is a homodimer with separate pores in each subunit. Each protopore can be opened and closed independently from the other pore by a “fast gate”. A common, slow gate acts on both pores simultaneously. The opening of the fast gate is controlled by a critical glutamate (E166), whose protonation state determines the fast gate’s pH dependence. Extracellular protons likely can arrive directly at E166. In contrast, protonation of E166 from the inside has been proposed to be mediated by the dissociation of an intrapore water molecule. The OH anion resulting from the water dissociation is stabilized in one of the anion binding sites of the channel, competing with intracellular Cl ions. The pH dependence of the slow gate is less well understood. It has been shown that proton translocation drives irreversible gating transitions associated with the slow gate. However, the relationship of the fast gate’s pH dependence on the proton translocation and the molecular basis of the slow gate remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

Membranehyperpolarization normally activates the slow gate of theTorpedo voltage-gated chloride channel(ClC-0). To elucidate the structural basis of this process, carboxyterminus truncation mutants and chimeras were constructed, expressed inXenopus oocytes, and evaluated using atwo-microelectrode voltage clamp. Introduction of stop codons atseveral positions between transmembrane domains 12 and 13 (D12 and D13)showed no expression, whereas a truncation just after D13 yieldedwild-type currents. A chimera (022) entailing the substitution of thecarboxy-terminal cytoplasmic tail after Lys-520 with the correspondingregion of ClC-2 lacked slow gating, whereas a more conservativeconstruct (chimera 002), in which D13 was replaced with its ClC-2analog, retained its capacity to slow gate. These findings suggest thatimportant structures reside within the interdomain stretch (IDS)between D12 and D13. Unlike ClC-2, in which transplantation of"ball" structures could restore gating to constitutively openmutants, transplantation of the ClC-0 IDS to the amino terminus ofchimera 022 did not restore gating. Surprisingly, replacement of theIDS by the analogous regions of either ClC-1 or ClC-2 showed slowvoltage-activated gating, although the gating was altered. Our findingslead us to conclude that both the functional expression and the slowvoltage gating of ClC-0 rely on structures at the carboxy terminus of the channel.


Internalization of G-protein-coupled receptors is mediated by phosphorylation of the C-terminus, followed by binding with the cytosolic protein arrestin. To explore structural factors that may play a role in internalization of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1), we utilize a phosphorylated peptide derived from the distal C-terminus of CB1 (CB1(5P)(454-473)). Complexes formed between the peptide and human arrestin-2 (wt-arr2(1-418)) were compared to those formed with a truncated arrestin-2 mutant (tr-arr2(1-382)) using isothermal titration calorimetry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The pentaphosphopeptide CB1(5P)(454-473) adopts a helix-loop conformation, whether binding to full-length arrestin-2 or its truncated mutant. This structure is similar to that of a heptaphosphopeptide, mimicking the distal segment of the rhodopsin C-tail (Rh(7P)(330-348)), binding to visual arrestin, suggesting that this adopted structure bears functional significance. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) experiments show that the CB1(5P)(454-473) peptide binds to tr-arr2(1-382) with higher affinity than to the full-length wt-arr2(1-418). As the observed structure of the bound peptides is similar in either case, we attribute the increased affinity to a more exposed binding site on the N-domain of the truncated arrestin construct. The transferred NOE data from the bound phosphopeptides are used to predict a model describing the interaction with arrestin, using the data driven HADDOCK docking program. The truncation of arrestin-2 provides scope for positively charged residues in the polar core of the protein to interact with phosphates present in the loop of the CB1(5P)(454-473) peptide.  相似文献   

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