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The emergence of informational replicators was fundamental to the origin of life and self-ordering proto-replicators provide an abstract, simulation based mechanism for a possible intermediary step in their development. Single systems enabled the dynamic self-ordering of generalised subunits into coherent and mobile structures, without the pre-existence of templates, replicators or functional catalysts. Paired systems linked via probabilistic, inter-system structural movement exhibited passive competition for subunits (which produced a new level of self-ordering dependent upon the systems’ relative self-ordering capabilities) and the existence of primitive membranes increased this effect. This discussion naturally extends this approach to a simultaneous linking of multiple systems. Initially for various fixed numbers of subunits, 12 simultaneously linked self-ordering proto-replicators were studied (with and without primitive membranes). Then for the same underlying systems and three rates of increase, subunits were randomly added to give subunit ranges equivalent to the fixed cases. The results show an interacting network of inter-system passive competition, which created clear orderings of environmental dominance, the range of which was increased by primitive membranes. The simulations with increasing numbers of subunits provided approximations to those with fixed numbers and potentially give access to multiple sample points for future simulations with significantly greater numbers of subunits.  相似文献   

Sayer RM 《Bio Systems》2007,90(1):121-138
Standard theories suggest that the first informational replicator involved RNA molecules (or a more primitive analogue) and that a preliminary step for the development of such replicating systems may have been the emergence of subunits capable of forming chains and interchain pairings. Following these hypotheses, this discussion describes various abstract simulations designed to investigate the structures resulting from such interactions for generalised subunits. Three classes of pairing strategy were considered for a range of subunit concentrations. The resulting dynamic self-organization of the systems produced high levels of structural complexity (some at low subunit concentrations and in the presence of disruptive subunits) and a significantly increased percentage of complementary base pairing (particularly in the more substantial structures). These properties of the systems, which did not require pre-existing replicators, templates or functional catalysts, were shown to be sensitive to the form of pairing strategy, subunit concentrations and various conditions that could theoretically be altered by products of the systems. Though no systems behaved as a replicator, some possessed collections of properties from which a replicating system might theoretically be constructed without requiring the introduction of additional classes of properties. The implications of such systems were considered with respect to the origin of life.  相似文献   

Containment in cell membranes is essential for all contemporary life, and apparently even the earliest life forms had to be somehow contained. It has been postulated that random enclosure of replicating molecules inside of spontaneously assembled vesicles would have formed the initial cellular ancestors. However, completely random re-formation or division of such primitive vesicles would have abolished the heritability of their contents, nullifying any selective advantage to them. We propose that the containment of the early replicators in membranous vesicles was adopted only after the invention of genetically encoded proteins, and that selective enclosure of target molecules was mediated by specific proteins. A similar containment process is still utilised by various RNA- and retroviruses to isolate their replication complexes from the host’s intracellular environment. Such selective encapsulation would have protected the replicators against competitor and parasitic sequences, and provided a strong positive selection within the replicator communities.  相似文献   

This is not an attempt to analyze the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) to understand the origin of living systems. We do not know what came before Gilberts' RNA world. Our analysis starts with the RNA world and with genes (biological replicators alla Dawkings) made up of RNA proteins with enzymatic catalytic functions within units that are not yet modern cells. We offer a scenario where cellular entities are very simple and without individuality; they are only simple primary units of selection (the first level of selection) in which replicators compete in the most Darwinian manner, totally deprived of cooperation and interactions among genes. The information processing system of this RNA world is inaccurate and inefficient when compared to that found in organisms that came later. Among the "genes" and the entities that harbor them, high mutation rate was the most prevalent source of variability and the only inheritance was through lateral gene transfer of mobile elements. There were no chromosomes or any other genomic organization. As millions of years accumulated, complex and organized biological structures and processes evolved thanks to the variability mustered up mostly by lateral gene transfers and mutations. With micro- and mini-satellites, lateral gene transfers became indispensable devices of selection to mold variability. Competition and Darwinian selection gave way to a new transition in evolution, one I consider ineluctable, in which cooperation among interactive genes prevailed for the sake of higher fitness. Compartmentalization constituted a major transition in evolution that spurted new types of genome organization. Minichromosomes is one of these; cellular membranes and cytoplasmic structures completed the picture of the primitive cell. However, the much talked about phylogenetic tree does not exit in that ancient LUCA. The tree has no organism at its base; only clusters of genes evoke a fragile beginning for the increasingly complex cell types that were to emerge later.  相似文献   

Replicators of interest in chemistry, biology and culture are briefly surveyed from a conceptual point of view. Systems with limited heredity have only a limited evolutionary potential because the number of available types is too low. Chemical cycles, such as the formose reaction, are holistic replicators since replication is not based on the successive addition of modules. Replicator networks consisting of catalytic molecules (such as reflexively autocatalytic sets of proteins, or reproducing lipid vesicles) are hypothetical ensemble replicators, and their functioning rests on attractors of their dynamics. Ensemble replicators suffer from the paradox of specificity: while their abstract feasibility seems to require a high number of molecular types, the harmful effect of side reactions calls for a small system size. No satisfactory solution to this problem is known. Phenotypic replicators do not pass on their genotypes, only some aspects of the phenotype are transmitted. Phenotypic replicators with limited heredity include genetic membranes, prions and simple memetic systems. Memes in human culture are unlimited hereditary, phenotypic replicators, based on language. The typical path of evolution goes from limited to unlimited heredity, and from attractor-based to modular (digital) replicators.  相似文献   

Virus capsids mediate the transfer of viral genetic information from one cell to another, thus the origin of the first viruses arguably coincides with the origin of the viral capsid. Capsid genes are evolutionarily ancient and their emergence potentially predated even the origin of first free-living cells. But does the origin of the capsid coincide with the origin of viruses, or is it possible that capsid-like functionalities emerged before the appearance of true viral entities? We set to investigate this question by using a computational simulator comprising primitive replicators and replication parasites within a compartment matrix. We observe that systems with no horizontal gene transfer between compartments collapse due to the rapidly emerging replication parasites. However, introduction of capsid-like genes that induce the movement of randomly selected genes from one compartment to another rescues life by providing the non-parasitic replicators a mean to escape their current compartments before the emergence of replication parasites. Capsid-forming genes can mediate the establishment of a stable meta-population where parasites cause only local tragedies but cannot overtake the whole community. The long-term survival of replicators is dependent on the frequency of horizontal transfer events, as systems with either too much or too little genetic exchange are doomed to succumb to replication-parasites. This study provides a possible scenario for explaining the origin of viral capsids before the emergence of genuine viruses: in the absence of other means of horizontal gene transfer between compartments, evolution of capsid-like functionalities may have been necessary for early life to prevail.  相似文献   

Ion channels allow the movement of ions across cell membranes. Nearly all cells have membranes spanned by ion channels, without which human nerves simply would not work. Ion channels are formed by the aggregation of subunits into a cylindrical configuration that allows a pore, thus forming a kind of tube for ion trafficking. In the present study, the subunits of the human potassium channel are formed by four identical protein chains, whereas for the case of the human sodium channel, the corresponding subunits are actually four hetero-domains formed by the folding of a very large but single protein chain. Since both of the two ion channels are important targets for drug discovery, the 3D (dimensional) structures of their pore regions were developed. On the basis of the 3D models, some important molecular biological mechanisms were discussed that may stimulate novel strategies for therapeutic treatment of the diseases related to ion channel disorders, such as long QT syndrome and chronic pain.  相似文献   

I attempt to sketch a unified picture of the origin of living organisms in their genetic, bioenergetic, and structural aspects. Only selection at a higher level than for individual selfish genes could power the cooperative macromolecular coevolution required for evolving the genetic code. The protein synthesis machinery is too complex to have evolved before membranes. Therefore a symbiosis of membranes, replicators, and catalysts probably mediated the origin of the code and the transition from a nucleic acid world of independent molecular replicators to a nucleic acid/protein/lipid world of reproducing organisms. Membranes initially functioned as supramolecular structures to which different replicators attached and were selected as a higher-level reproductive unit: the proto-organism. I discuss the roles of stereochemistry, gene divergence, codon capture, and selection in the code's origin. I argue that proteins were primarily structural not enzymatic and that the first biological membranes consisted of amphipathic peptidyl-tRNAs and prebiotic mixed lipids. The peptidyl-tRNAs functioned as genetically-specified lipid analogues with hydrophobic tails (ancestral signal peptides) and hydrophilic polynucleotide heads. Protoribosomes arose from two cooperating RNAs: peptidyl transferase (large subunit) and mRNA-binder (small subunit). Early proteins had a second key role: coupling energy flow to the phosphorylation of gene and peptide precursors, probably by lithophosphorylation by membrane-anchored kinases scavenging geothermal polyphosphate stocks. These key evolutionary steps probably occurred on the outer surface of an `inside out-cell' or obcell, which evolved an unambiguous hydrophobic code with four prebiotic amino acids and proline, and initiation by isoleucine anticodon CAU; early proteins and nucleozymes were all membrane-attached. To improve replication, translation, and lithophosphorylation, hydrophilic substrate-binding and catalytic domains were later added to signal peptides, yielding a ten-acid doublet code. A primitive proto-ecology of molecular scavenging, parasitism, and predation evolved among obcells. I propose a new theory for the origin of the first cell: fusion of two cup-shaped obcells, or hemicells, to make a protocell with double envelope, internal genome and ribosomes, protocytosol, and periplasm. Only then did water-soluble enzymes, amino acid biosynthesis, and intermediary metabolism evolve in a concentrated autocatalytic internal cytosolic soup, causing 12 new amino acid assignments, termination, and rapid freezing of the 22-acid code. Anticodons were recruited sequentially: GNN, CNN, INN, and *UNN. CO2 fixation, photoreduction, and lipid synthesis probably evolved in the protocell before photophosphorylation. Signal recognition particles, chaperones, compartmented proteases, and peptidoglycan arose prior to the last common ancestor of life, a complex autotrophic, anaerobic green bacterium. Received: 19 February 2001 / Accepted: 9 April 2001  相似文献   

Genetic chromosomes and genome mutations are taken into consideration. For a comparative study of mutagenesis types, data of separate families of seed plants bearing various vital forms of different evolutionary age were used. It was indicated that, in most ancient gymnosperms, the primitive mechanism of genetic mutation has been prevailing. In the process of evolution, chromosome and genome mutagenesis types were added, which enables the creation of new genes without functional disturbances of the ancestral system. Connections between various vital forms and mutagenese types are considered.  相似文献   

The origin of stable self-replicating molecules represents a fundamental obstacle to the origin of life. The low fidelity of primordial replicators places restrictions on the quantity of information encoded in a primitive nucleic acid alphabet. Further difficulties for the origin of life are the role of drift in small primordial populations, reducing the rate of fixation of superior replicators, and the hostile conditions increasing developmental noise. Thus, mutation, noise and drift are three different stochastic effects that are assumed to make the evolution of life improbable. Here we show, to the contrary, how noise present in hostile early environments can increase the probability of faithful replication, by amplifying selection in finite populations. Noise has negative consequences in infinite populations, whereas in finite populations, we observe a synergistic interaction among noise sources. Hence, two factors formerly considered inimical to the origin of life-developmental noise and drift in small populations-can in combination give rise to conditions favourable to robust replication.  相似文献   

Although common tree shrews have long been considered a model system for early eutherian mastication, little information on mandibular movement patterns relative to specific food types has been reported. Detailed analysis of mandibular movement patterns when related to resulting attrition facets may permit more accurate extrapolations regarding the dietary habits of primitive mammals. Marker beads were sewn to chins of five animals that were placed in a restraint system and filmed while they fully masticated mealworm larvae and standardized pieces of banana, almond, and commercial cat chow. These sequences were divided into early, middle, and late thirds of food reduction. Mandibular positions from both frontal and lateral perspectives were digitized frame by frame to yield plots of orbits in three dimensions as well as graphic display of displacements, velocities, and accelerations. Plot coordinates were averaged to generate composite orbital shapes. Significant (p < 0.01) findings included: (1) shortest orbital durations and greatest peak closing velocities and accelerations in early third of reduction; (2) smallest maximum gape, smallest maximum lateral excursion from midline, and longest duration of powerstroke relative to orbital duration in late third of reduction; (3) shortest orbital durations and smallest maximum gape during mastication of chow; (4) greatest maximum lateral excursion during mastication of mealworm larvae; and (5) smallest peak closing accelerations during mastication of banana. Significant differences were also found among subjects for all parameters examined. Capacity for complex jaw movement may have been critical for allowing primitive molars to be used for trituration of a variety of food types, and may have preceded evolution of more specialized molar forms.  相似文献   

The problem of systematic and objective identification of canonical and non-canonical base pairs in RNA three-dimensional (3D) structures was studied. A probabilistic approach was applied, and an algorithm and its implementation in a computer program that detects and analyzes all the base pairs contained in RNA 3D structures were developed. The algorithm objectively distinguishes among canonical and non-canonical base pairing types formed by three, two and one hydrogen bonds (H-bonds), as well as those containing bifurcated and C-H...X H-bonds. The nodes of a bipartite graph are used to encode the donor and acceptor atoms of a 3D structure. The capacities of the edges correspond to probabilities computed from the geometry of the donor and acceptor groups to form H-bonds. The maximum flow from donors to acceptors irectly identifies base pairs and their types. A complete repertoire of base pairing types was built from the detected H-bonds of all X-ray crystal structures of a resolution of 3.0 Å or better, including the large and small ribosomal subunits. The base pairing types are labeled using an extension of the nomenclature recently introduced by Leontis and Westhof. The probabilistic method was implemented in MC-Annotate, an RNA structure analysis computer program used to determine the base pairing parameters of the 3D modeling system MC-Sym.  相似文献   

Three cationic glutathione S-transferase forms isolated from rat liver were characterized as dimers that originated from different combinations of two subunit types, Ya and Yc. The cationic forms were purified using lysyl glutathione affinity matrices and were chromatographically resolved from anionic glutathione S-transferases that contain Yb subunits. The three classes of cationic transferase exhibited similar specific activities with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene as a substrate, all forms cross-reacted with antibodies to glutathione S-transferase B, and all had comparable secondary structures and tryptophan fluorescence properties. In spite of those similarities, the Yc-containing forms were clearly distinguishable from Ya forms on the basis of characteristic differences in circular dichroic patterns associated with their aromatic side chains. All cationic transferases bound bilirubin with stoichiometric ratios of 1 mol/dimeric protein molecule, but discrete differences in mode of binding were ascribed to forms containing Ya subunits as compared to Yc dimers. Binding to Yc forms was of lower affinity and may be associated with the catalytic region of the protein since glutathione effectively displaced bilirubin from the Yc component.  相似文献   

Secretion and assembly of regular surface structures in Gram-negative bacteria   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Bacteria synthesize large-sized surface structures through the ordered polymerization of protein subunits. This results in planar or tubular regular structures that have evolved to accomplish specific functions related to the particular environment in which these bacteria are found. Tubular assemblies known as flagella are the most complex structures known in bacteria and consist of a helical rigid filament, a torsion adapter or hook and a proton-fueled rotator known as the basal body. Pili or fimbriae are less complicated helical filaments, which consist of a major subunit and 3-5 minor subunits or pilins, whose main function is the attachment to specific surfaces. Planar structures known as S-layers are the simplest of these regular assemblies and are generally made up of a single subunit packed as a bidimensional crystal around the whole cell surface. Most of the components of these structures have to be secreted through the inner membrane (IM), the periplasm and the outer membrane (OM) before reaching their final destination. The so called general secretory pathway (GSP), or type II secretion system, appears to be implicated in this process to varying degrees, depending on the structure considered. A few S-layers and pili require GSP components but also need specific terminal branches, such as the well known chaperone-usher pathway. On the other hand, only two of the nearly 40 proteins involved in flagellar assembly are dependent on the GSP, while the external components are secreted through a specific pathway similar to the type III systems identified in some pathogens. Moreover, secretion of subunits of S-layers using dedicated type I machinery, without the involvement of any GSP component, has also been observed.  相似文献   

The flux of amino acids and other nutrient solutes such as phosphate across lipid bilayers (liposomes) is 105 slower than facilitated inward transport across biological membranes. This suggests that primitive cells lacking highly evolved transport systems would have difficulty transporting sufficient nutrients for cell growth to occur. There are two possible ways by which early life may have overcome this difficulty: (1) The membranes of the earliest cellular life-forms may have been intrinsically more permeable to solutes; or (2) some transport mechanism may have been available to facilitate transbilayer movement of solutes essential for cell survival and growth prior to the evolution of membrane transport proteins. Translocation of neutral species represents one such mechanism. The neutral forms of amino acids modified by methylation (creating protonated weak bases) permeate membranes up to 1010 times faster than charged forms. This increased permeability when coupled to a transmembrane pH gradient can result in significantly increased rates of net unidirectional transport. Such pH gradients can be generated in vesicles used to model protocells that preceded and were presumably ancestral to early forms of life. This transport mechanism may still play a role in some protein translocation processes (e.g., for certain signal sequences, toxins and thylakoid proteins) in vivo.Abbreviations LUV large unilamellar vesicle - pH transmembrane pH gradient - PAH polyaromatic hydrocarbon Correspondence to: A.C. Chakrabarti  相似文献   

Abstract Short oligonucleotide and peptide replicators have been described. To determine whether cross-replication could have occurred between such systems, we have attempted to show that peptides can specifically template the ligation of nucleic acids. A complex between a 35-mer anti-Rev RNA aptamer and a 17-mer arginine-rich motif (ARM) peptide from the HIV-1 Rev protein served as a model system. Aptamer half-molecules were activated for ligation via two activation chemistries, representing two distinct kinetic possibilities for early replicators. Cyanogen bromide activation was transient relative to oligonucleotides that terminated with a 5′-iodine and a 3′phosphorothioate, respectively. The Rev ARM specifically enhanced the degree or rate of ligation by both methods: there was a 10-fold increase in the production of full-length aptamer in the presence of cyanogen bromide and a 5.9- to 7.6-fold enhancement in the rate of ligation for stably activated aptamer half-molecules. These results support the possibility that life could have originated with peptide replicators and transitioned to nucleic acid replicators or that peptide and nucleic acid replicators could have been interdependent.  相似文献   

The evolution of visual processing and the construction of seeing systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper is concerned with the evolution of visual mechanisms and the possibility of copying their principles at different levels of sophistication. It is an old question how the complex interaction between eye and brain evolved when each needs the other as a test-bed for successive improvements. I propose that the primitive mechanism for the separation of stationary objects relies on their relative movement against a background, normally caused by the animal's own movement. Apparently insects and many lower animals use little more than this for negotiating through a three-dimensional world, making adequate responses to individual objects which they 'see' without a cortical system or even without a large brain. In the development of higher animals such as birds or man, additional circuits store memories of the forms of objects that have been frequently inspected from all angles or handled. Simple visual systems, however, are tuned to a feature of the world by which objects separate themselves by movement relative to the eye. In making simple artificial visual systems which 'see', as distinct from merely projecting the image, it is more hopeful to copy the 'ambient' vision of lower animals than the cortical systems of birds or mammals.  相似文献   

1. Neurofilament complement was studied in an early chordate (Ciona intestinalis) and six fish species by immunoblot with antisera specific for each of the three mammalian NF subunits. 2. The anti-NF-H and anti-NF-M antisera were characterized as strictly specific for phosphorylated epitopes located in the carboxyterminal domain. 3. The NF-L subunit is absent in primitive chordates and appears first in fish; it can be identified on the basis of its apparent mol. wt, its reactivity with the anti-IFA antibody and with polyclonal antibodies raised to the NF-L subunit of mammals. 4. Primitive chordate neurofilaments are constituted by a single polypeptide of ca 160,000 mol. wt exhibiting only M-type phosphorylation-dependent epitopes. 5. Primitive fish (Acipenser transmontanus, Salmo gairdneri, Scorpaena porcus, Serranus scriba) possess only a single high mol. wt NF subunit reacting with both anti-NF-H and anti-NF-M antiserum while more recent species (Mugil saliens, Perca fluviatilis) possess two high mol. wt NF subunits which are immunologically distinct as to their phosphorylation structures. 6. The existence in some fish species of two high mol. wt NF polypeptides suggests that the process of gene duplication and diversification supposed to have given rise to the two high mol. wt NF subunits of mammals and birds has occurred repeatedly in vertebrate evolution, and may be regarded as a case of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Replicators are fundamental to the origin of life and evolvability. Their survival depends on the accuracy of replication and the efficiency of growth relative to spontaneous decay. Infrabiological systems are built of two coupled autocatalytic systems, in contrast to minimal living systems that must comprise at least a metabolic subsystem, a hereditary subsystem and a boundary, serving respective functions. Some scenarios prefer to unite all these functions into one primordial system, as illustrated in the lipid world scenario, which is considered as a didactic example in detail. Experimentally produced chemical replicators grow parabolically owing to product inhibition. A selection consequence is survival of everybody. The chromatographized replicator model predicts that such replicators spreading on surfaces can be selected for higher replication rate because double strands are washed away slower than single strands from the surface. Analysis of real ribozymes suggests that the error threshold of replication is less severe by about one order of magnitude than thought previously. Surface-bound dynamics is predicted to play a crucial role also for exponential replicators: unlinked genes belonging to the same genome do not displace each other by competition, and efficient and accurate replicases can spread. The most efficient form of such useful population structure is encapsulation by reproducing vesicles. The stochastic corrector model shows how such a bag of genes can survive, and what the role of chromosome formation and intragenic recombination could be. Prebiotic and early evolution cannot be understood without the models of dynamics.  相似文献   

The first forms of cellular life required a source of amphiphilic compounds capable of assembling into stable boundary structures. Membranes composed of fatty acids have been proposed as model systems of primitive membranes, but their bilayer structure is stable only within a narrow pH range and low ionic strength. They are particularly sensitive to aggregating effects of divalent cations (Mg+2, Ca+2, Fe+2) that would be present in Archaean sea water. Here we report that mixtures of alkyl amines and fatty acids form vesicles at strongly basic and acidic pH ranges which are resistant to the effects of divalent cations up to 0.1 M. Vesicles formed by mixtures of decylamine and decanoic acid (1:1 mole ratio) are relatively permeable to pyranine, a fluorescent anionic dye, but permeability could be reduced by adding 2 mol% of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon such as pyrene. Permeability to the dye was also reduced by increasing the chain length of the amphiphiles. For instance, 1:1 mole ratio mixtures of dodecylamine and dodecanoic acid were able to retain pyranine dye during and following gel filtration. We conclude that primitive cell membranes were likely to be composed of mixtures of amphiphilic and hydrophobic molecules that manifested increased stability over pure fatty acid membranes.  相似文献   

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