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Summary Gene transfer techniques can be used to encode the production of a polypeptide product, such as human growth hormone (hGH), that is missing in an acquired or inherited disease state such as growth hormone deficiency. In one model system, engineered C2C12 myoblasts are injected intramuscularly into a mouse and subsequently secrete hGH into the circulation. In this regard, a gene-expression regulatory system that functions in myoblasts would be of interest. We demonstrate that theEscherichia coli lac operon system can be used to stringently regulate the expression of hGH in engineered C2C12 myoblasts in tissue culture. A DNA segment encoding hGH was linked to a DNA segment containing an SV40 enhancer and promoter. The latter components were positioned between two syntheticlac operators.Lac repressor expression was driven by a simian cytomegalovirus promoter. In transient co-transfection assays, hGH expression from cultured C2C12 myoblasts could be modulated up to 60-fold (P = 0.002) with the inducing agent, isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside (IPTG). In the absence of IPTG, hGH expression was almost fully repressed. These results show that the components of theE. coli lac operon provide a stringent regulatory system for use in myoblasts. The system might prove to be useful for the regulation of transferred genes in animals.  相似文献   

Two plasmid-based expression vectors have been constructed where one allows intracellular production of recombinant proteins while the second directs the proteins into the culture medium. Both vectors use the strong promoter preceding the groESL operon (codes for the essential heat shock proteins GroES and GroEL) of Bacillus subtilis fused to the lac operator allowing their induction by addition of ITPG. While the background level of expression of these expression cassettes is very low in the absence of the inducer, an induction factor of about 1300 was measured. When the genes htpG and pbpE (coding for a heat shock protein and a penicillin-binding protein, respectively) were fused to the groE promoter, the amount of recombinant protein produced after addition of IPTG represented 10 and 13%, respectively, of the total cellular protein. To obtain secretion of recombinant proteins, the coding region for the signal peptide of the amyQ gene encoding an alpha-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefasciens was fused to the groE promoter. High-level secretion of amyQ alpha-amylase and cellulase A and B of Clostridium thermocellum was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The interaction of the trp repressor with several trp operator DNA fragments has been examined by DNA gel retardation assays and by circular dichroism, in the absence and presence of the corepressor l-tryptophan. The holorepressor binds stoichiometrically to both the trpO and aroH operators, forming 1:1 complexes. In the presence of excess protein, additional complexes are formed with these operator fragments. The relative electrophoretic mobilities of the 1:1 complexes differ significantly for trp and aroH operators, indicating that they differ substantially in gross structure. A mutant trp operator, trpO c, has low affinity for the holorepressor, and forms only complexes with stoichiometries of 2:1 (repressor: DNA) or higher, which have a very low electrophoretic mobility. Specific binding is also accompanied by a large increase in the intensity of the near ultraviolet circular dichroism, with only a small blue shift, which is consistent with significant changes in the conformation of the DNA. Large changes in the chemical shifts of three resonances in the 31P NMR spectrum of both the trp operator and the aroH operator occur on adding repressor only in the presence of L-tryptophan, consistent with localised changes in the backbone conformation of the DNA.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - trpO, trpR aroH trp operator fragments - trpO c trpMH mutant trp operator fragments  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to extracellular matrices, including fibronectin, results in clustering of integrins in focal adhesions. To promote the clustering of fibronectin and thus enhance its activity at the sites of focal adhesion formation, we have engineered a fusion protein containing recombinant fibronectin fragment (hFN) connected to the tetramerization helix domain of lac repressor for oligomeric assembly. Purified Lac-hFN fusion protein exhibited significant increase of cell adhesion and proliferation of GF cells compared with hFN alone (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the importance of the specific DNA sequence of the deo operator site for DeoR repressor binding by introducing symmetrical, single basepair substitutions at all positions in the deo operator and tested the ability of these variants to titrate DeoR in vivo. Our results show that a 16 by palindromic sequence constitutes the deo operator. Positions outside this palindrome (positions ±9, ±10) can be changed without any major effect on DeoR binding. Most of the central 6-8 by of the palindrome (positions ±1, ±2, ± 3) can be substituted with other nucleotides with no or only minor effects on DeoR binding, while changes at position ±4 and ±_5 give a more heterogeneous response. Finally, changes at positions ±6, ± 7 and ±8 severely disrupt DeoR binding.  相似文献   

Although several induction systems have been described for plants containing transgenes in the nucleus, to date there is only one method for controlling transgene expression in plastids. This consists of chemical induction of a nuclear gene and import of the gene product into plastids, so that transformation of two cellular compartments is required. Here we describe a system for external control of plastid gene expression which is based entirely on plastid components and can therefore be established in a single transformation step. Our system uses modified promoters containing binding sites for the bacterial lac repressor. Chemical induction can be made with intact plants or after harvesting, which provides ecological and economic benefits.  相似文献   

Summary We present here HSQC experiments with improved sensitivity for signals in the presence of exchange broadening. During periods of coherence transfer through scalar coupling the experiments employ CPMG-derived pulse trains to reduce loss of dephasing of spin coherence due to chemical exchange. 15N–1H gradient CPMG-HSQC and SE-CPMG-HSQC experiments have been developed and applied to complexes of lac repressor headpiece with operator DNA. Improved sensitivity is demonstrated for many protein backbone and side-chain resonances in the complex, markedly for signals of protons located at the protein-DNA interface. In addition, a significant increase in intensity is observed for arginine guanidino groups undergoing conformational exchange.  相似文献   

We constructed mutants of the Trp repressor from Escherichia coli K-12 with all possible single amino acid exchanges at positions 79 and 80 (residues 1 and 2 of the recognition helix). We tested these mutants in vivo by measuring the repression of synthesis of -galactosidase with symmetric variants of - and -centered trp operators, which replace the lac operator in a synthetic lac system. The Trp repressor carrying a substitution of isoleucine 79 by lysine, showed a marked specificity change with respect to base pair 7 of the -centered trp operator. Gel retardation experiments confirmed this result. Trp repressor mutant IR79 specifically recognizes a trp operator variant with substitutions in positions 7 and 8. Another mutant, with glycine in position 79, exhibited loss of contact at base pair 7. We speculate that the side chain of Ile79 interacts with the AT base pairs 7 and 8 of the -centered trp operator, possibly with the methyl groups of thymines. Replacement of thymine in position 7 or 8 by uracil confirms the involvement of the methyl group of thymine 8 in repressor binding. Several Trp repressor mutants in position 80 (i.e. AI80, AL80, AM80 and AP80) broaden the specificity of the Trp repressor for -centered trp operator variants with exchanges in positions 3, 4 and 5.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 VP16 polypeptide is a potent trans-activator of viral gene expression. We have tested the ability of the VP16 activation domain to activate gene expression in plant cells. A plasmid encoding a translational fusion between the full-length 434 repressor and the C-terminal 80 amino acids of VP16, was constructed. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the chimeric protein binds efficiently to 434-binding motifs (operators). For expression in plant cells, the chimeric activator gene was placed between the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and nos terminator sequences in a pUC-based plasmid. The 434 operators were placed upstream of a minimal CaMV 35S promoter linked to the E. coli gus reporter gene. This reporter-expression cassette was then incorporated into the same plasmid as the 434 cI/VP16 activator-expression cassette. Two control plasmids were also constructed, one encoding the 434 protein with no activator domain and the second a chimeric activator with no DNA-binding domain. The chimeric activator was tested for its ability to activate gene expression in a tobacco protoplast transient assay system. Results are presented to show that we can obtain in plant cells significant activation of gene expression that is dependent on both DNA-binding and the presence of the activator domain.  相似文献   

Summary The high-affinity mutant cI gene of cIha (Nag et al. 1984) was cloned in the multicopy plasmid pBR322. In the resulting plasmid, pMD 102, a lacUV5 promoter was inserted giving the lacUV5-cIha fusion plasmid pMD 205. Bacteria carrying pMD 102 and pMD 205 contain 2.5 and 15 times, respectively, the level of repressor in a monolysogen of cIha. Results of the study of certain properties of the bacteria carrying these plasmids suggest that the ha repressor also has a higher affinity for the virulent mutant operators as well as the prm promoter of .  相似文献   

For the construction of a well-defined antibody surface, protein A was used as a binding material to immobilize antibodies onto gold-derivatized transducers. The traditional method tends to assemble protein A directly onto the gold-derivatized transducers. In this paper, we tried to indirectly bind protein A onto sensors through hyperbranched polymer (HBP) which was synthesized from p-phenylenediamine and trimesic acid. The three-dimensional structure of HBP and the characteristics including orientation control and biocompatibility of protein A led to highly efficient immunoreactions and enhanced detection system performance. With this strategy, cysteamine monolayer was first assembled onto Au electrodes associated with the piezoelectric quartz crystal; secondly, the cysteamine-modified gold electrode was further modified by the activated HBP; thirdly, protein A was immobilized onto the HBP film; and finally, antibodies were immobilized onto the surface of protein A film for detecting the corresponding antigen. The quartz crystal microbalance immunosensor thus fabricated was applied to detect hepatitis B surface antigen in solutions that ranged from 0.71 to 300 μg mL−1. The detection limit was estimated to be 0.53 μg mL−1. The immunosensor holds good selectivity, sensitivity, and repeatability.  相似文献   

Structural analysis by X-ray crystallography has indicated that direct contact occurs between Arg69, the second residue of the first helix of the helix-turn-helix (HTH) motif of the Trp repressor, and guanine in position 9 of the -centred consensustrp operator. We therefore replaced residue 69 of the Trp repressor with Gly, Ile, Leu or Gln and tested the resultant repressor mutants for their binding to synthetic symmetrical -or -centredtrp operator variants, in vivo and in vitro. We present genetic and biochemical evidence that Ile in position 69 of the Trp repressor interacts specifically with thymine in position 9 of the -centredtrp operator. There are also interactions with other bases in positions 8 and 9 of the -centredtrp operator. In vitro, the Trp repressor of mutant RI69 binds to the consensus -centredtrp operator and a similartrp operator variant that carries a T in position 9. In vivo analysis of the interactions of Trp repressor mutant RI69 with symmetrical variants of the -centredtrp operator shows a change in the specificity of binding to a -centred symmetricaltrp operator variant with a gua-nine to thymine substitution in position 5, which corresponds to position 9 of the -centredtrp operator.  相似文献   

The interaction of the oligopeptides Ala-Gln-GIn-Leu-Ala-Gly-OH and Gln-Leu-Ala-Gly-OMe corresponding, respectively, to the sequence 53–58 and 55–58 oflac repressor protein with four polynucleotides was studied. The two peptides did not interact with poly dA. poly dT, poly d(A-T)·poly d(A-T) or poly d(A-G)·poly d(C-T). But they interacted in a characteristic way with poly d(A-C). poly d (G-T), the sequences of which are in abundance in thelac operator region. Both the peptides stabilised the melting of poly d (A-C). poly d (G-T) at a peptide to nucleotide ratio (P/N) of 4; at lower ratios, they destabilised the DNA slightly. The circular dichroism of the alternating polynucleotide with CAC/GTG sequences was perturbed by both the oligopeptides. The hexapeptide at a P/N of 4 caused the transformation of the B-form circular dichroism spectrum to a new state, characterised by strong 220 and 240 nm bands, and a rather weak long wavelength spectrum.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of Salmonella abortus-equi fljA, which together with the phase 2 flagellin gene constitutes the fljBA operon and encodes the repressor for the phase 1 flagellin gene fliC, was determined. The repressor was predicted to be a basic protein consisting of 179 amino acid residues (Mr = 20419 Da) encoded by ORFII. This was confirmed by the fact that host fliC is repressed by plasmid-encoded ORFII, which indeed expresses a 20 kDa product as determined by urea SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. An amino acid sequence capable of forming a helix-turn-helix type of structure was predicted in the C-terminal region of FljA. A rho-independent intercistronic terminator was detected between fljB and ftjA. Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) assays of fusions indicated that the terminator is capable of reducing expression of fljA to the level of a few percent, relative to fljB in broth cultures and to 1 % in M9 glycerol cultures.  相似文献   

Summary A specific immobilization of laccase (EC onto a ready-to-usep-benzoquinone-activated agarose support is described. The single-step procedure leads to a laccase protein coupling of I8% and an enzyme activity immobilization yield of 27%, while the retained specific activity of the immobilized enzyme was 150% of the specific activity of the free laccase. This peculiar result is thought to be related to the fact that during the process of support activation byp-benzoquinone, a significant amount of the hydroquinone by-product of the activation process is coupled to the support. These coupled derivatives constitute substrate (hydroquinone) analogues for which laccase exhibits a high affinity. Therefore, simultaneous affinity retention on the hydroquinone groups and covalent coupling on the p-benzoquinone groups allow the binding of the enzyme in an advantageous conformation which can generate this increase specific activity by immobilization. The entire process can be considered as an affinity immobilization. The immobilized enzyme is much more stable to the inhibitory action of chloride and azide ions, with a recovery of 100% of the activity, than the free laccase, with a recovery of 67% and 32%, respectively, after removal of the inhibitors by dialysis. The stability was 95% after storage for 14 months at 4° C.Abbreviations HQ hydroquinone - p-BQ p-benzoquinone - U enzyme units Part of the work was presented at the Satellite FEBS 1989 Symposium onBiochemical and biophysical approaches to the study of copper proteins, Camerino, Italy.  相似文献   

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