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In a series of experiments petiole lengths were increased, steminternode elongation induced, runner formation promoted, andflower initiation inhibited both in the perpetual-fruiting andthe seasonal-fruiting varieties of strawberry by applicationsof gibberellic acid. Runners were induced to form in Fragariavesca semper-florcns var. Baron Solemacher, which does not normallyrunner. Thus the physiological processes which lead to the morphologicaldifferences between perpetual and seasonal fruiting types wereoverruled by treatment with gibberellic acid. Gibberellins A1, A4, A7, and A9, like gibberellic acid (A3),induced elongation of petioles (a normal photoperiodic response),elongation of internodes on the main stem, and inhibition offlower formation in Baron Solemacher (responses not inducedby photoperiod). When applied to the cut stump of a debladed petiole, gibberellicacid inhibited flower formation at the growing apex of the stem,thus substituting for the leaf blade, which in long photoperiodsinhibited flower formation. A morphological study suggested that in Duchesnea indica, arelated genus, flower initiation is not regulated by environmentalcircumstances, but is the inevitable consequence of growth.Although promoting increase in petiole length and in elongationof lateral growths as in strawberry, gibberellic acid did notinhibit flower initiation in this species, except in so faras it caused a retardation in the growth of certain axillarybuds, so that a lower proportion of them reached the stage offlower initiation within the duration of the experiment. These results are discussed in relation to the hypothesis thatflower formation is regulated by an inhibitory hormone in seasonal-fruitingstrawberries.  相似文献   

Floret elongation and levels of precarthamin were investigatedin freshly collected flowers of Carthamus tinctorius. Accumulationof precarthamin was found to be induced at the early stagesof floret elongation. [U-14C]Acetate and [U-14C]phenylalaninewere incorporated into precarthamin in the detached floretsfrom the flower bud. The results suggest that precarthamin issynthesized via the acetate-shikimate pathway. Carthamus tinctorius L, floret elongation, pigment synthesis, precarthamin  相似文献   

Embryo sac development in ‘Nonpareil’ almond wasstudied following cross-, self- and non-pollination under fieldand greenhouse conditions. The embryo sac, which develops accordingto the Polygonum type, does not begin to differentiate untilanthesis in contrast to other Prunus spp. where a well-developedembryo sac is present at the time of flower opening. The developingmegagametophyte appears to be isolated from surrounding nucellartissue by the deposition of a ring of callose, which, as indicatedby aniline blue-induced fluorescence in the walls of nucellarcells, encloses the embryo sac during its elongation. Developmentand growth of the embryo sac following the different pollinationtreatments indicated that embryo sac development was stimulatedby the presence of compatible pollen tubes in the style andfinal elongation growth of the embryo sac was promoted by cross-pollination.Irregularities in megagametophyte development, including delayeddifferentiation of the megaspore mother cell, embryo sac abortionand lack of polar nuclei fusion and embryo sac elongation, werefrequently noted in ovules of self- and non-pollinated flowers. Almond, callose, embryo sac, megagametophyte, pollination, Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb.  相似文献   

Six cultivars of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgareL. amend. Thell.) of diverse climatic origin and different developmentalpatterns were studied under two environments, (a growth roomand an outdoors sowing) for the duration and rate of completionof their developmental phases. The need for vernalization in the cultivar Cappelle Desprezsubstantially increased the length of the vegetative phase,particularly in the growth room. Large differences in the durationof reproductive initiation and stem elongation phases betweenCappelle Desprez and the other cultivars in the growth roomsowing suggests an influence of veralization beyond the vegetativephase. Differences between the two environments influenced the durationof all phases of development, giving pronounced between-cultivarvariation in both the stem elongation and ripening phases. Rates of reproductive initiation and stem elongation for thecultivars, within and between the two environments appearedto be largely independent. The rate of spikelet initiation wassignificantly decreased in the growth room compared with theoutdoor sowing. The duration of the phases of development withineach cultivar appeared to be independent of each other, indicatingthe possibility for adjusting the rate, or duration, of a phaseof development comparatively free of a compensatory change inthe rate, or duration, of other phases. Triticum aestivum ssp, vulgare, wheat, vegetative phase, flower initiation, vernalization, photoperiodism  相似文献   

Regimes of long photoperiods or long skotoperiods interruptedby night breaks during vernalization reduced bolting and floweringin celery (Apium graveolens L.) and decreased the stem length.However, after vernalization long photoperiods promote boltingand markedly enhance flower stalk elongation. The possibilitythat the developing inflorescence itself is the source of endogenousgibberellins which control stem elongation is discussed. It is concluded that the celery plant, in addition to its vernalizationrequirements, is a short-long day plant and not a day-neutralplant.  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1343-1348
The initiation and development of the flower of Silene coeli-rosawas followed by examining apices by scanning electron microscopy.The sepals, stamens and carpets are initiated in a spiral sequence,the direction of the spiral king the opposite of the acropetalhelix of unequal axillary buds at the nodes below the flower.The petals are initiated almost simultaneously and at the sametime as the first few stamens. The change in phyllotaxis fromopposite and decussate in the vegetative shoot to spiral inthe flower occurs with the displacement of the first two sepalsaway from the mid-line of the apex and towards the axillarybud at the node below the flower. The sizes of the sepals andstamens are a function of their age since initiation but thepetals grow more slowly. The Silene flower can be interpretedas a shoot bearing primordia with associated axillary primordia,some of the latter being precocious in their development. Silent weli-rosa, flower initiation, flower development, phyllotaxis, primordia  相似文献   

A light break imposed in the middle of, or more effectively,two-thirds of the way through a 13 h dark period inhibited thedevelopment of the first initiated flower buds and reduced theproduction of open flowers in two daylength-sensitive varietiesof Phaseolus vulgaris. The effects were similar to those ofa long photoperiod applied continuously and therefore provideclear evidence of the importance of the dark period in mediatingthe effects of daylength on flower-bud development in the twovarieties. Phaseolus vulgaris, bean flower-bud development, photopcriodism  相似文献   

A technique for growing buds, flowers, and pods of oilseed rape(Brassica napus L. cv. Haplona) on stem explants in vitro hasbeen developed. Open flowers and young pods underwent normaldevelopment on a basal medium of minerals, vitamins, and sucrosebut the development of buds was less successful. Young buds(3 mm long) did not develop and only limited development ofthe older buds (5 mm long) took place. Some 3 mm-long buds wereinduced to develop to open flowers by adding naphthyl aceticacid or gibberellic acid. Pod and seed set in open flowers werenot affected by adding plant growth substances to the medium,but pod elongation and pod dry weight were promoted by gibberellicacid, 105 M, and benzyl amino purine, 107 M, respectively. Reducingthe supply of sucrose or minerals to open flowers reduced seedset, pod elongation and pod weight but did not affect pod set.The physiological significance of the results is discussed. Key words: In vitro cultures, oilseed rape, pod development, flower development  相似文献   

The flowering behavior of two cultural varieties of Fagopyrumesculentum Moench aseptically cultured in total darkness wasstudied. The effect on the flower initiation of some chemicalsubstances added to sterilized dry seeds was also investigated.Low temperature was found to be more suitable for flower initiationin buckwheat plants. 2-Thiouracil promoted flower initiationat high temperature in total darkness and inhibited it at anytemperatures examined under light conditions. Sucrose promotedflower initiation at higher temperatures than 15. Lithium chlorideand peptone inhibited flower initiation only at high temperature.Indoleacetic acid, gibberellin and kinetin had no effect onflower initiation in total darkness. It is postulated that in the flowering response the primaryreaction may be connected with the metabolism of sucrose andribonucleic acid. (Received September 21, 1964; )  相似文献   

The influence of shade on the growth and sink activity of youngflower heads and peduncles of white clover (Trifolium repensL.) plants was measured in controlled environments. Measurementof the peduncle elongation rate using a linear voltage displacementtransducer showed that when the inflorescence alone was shaded,peduncle elongation was higher than in the light. Translocationstudies using 11C-labelling techniques showed that shading theinflorescence alone had little effect on translocation of assimilatesinto the inflorescence but induced a major change in partitioningof assimilates within it. Peduncle elongation induced by shadeaccompanied an increase in partitioning of photoassimilatesto the peduncle, at the expense of the flower head. Key words: White clover, partitioning, translocation  相似文献   

Shortly after flower differentiation, Rhododendron flower developmentis interrupted by a rest period. The results reported here showthat the onset and duration of rest depended upon the presenceof the flower bud scales. When the scales were removed beforethe onset of rest, the flowers continued to elongate and attainedanthesis. Intact buds stopped growing and remained in rest forat least four months. Scale removal after the onset of restterminated the rest period, though there was a lag phase beforethe flowers began to elongate. The duration of the lag phasewas related to the time of scale removal. The scales preventedflower development in situ, on detached stems and in vitro.Theresults further show that the rest period of each flower budwas independent of the rest period of adjacent flower buds andthat the resting terminal flower buds correlatively inhibitedthe growth of the lateral vegetative apices. The correlativeinhibition was eliminated by removing the terminal flower budor by breaking the rest period of the flower bud.  相似文献   

Rhododendron flower development occurs in three easily definedstages: a pre-rest stage, during which petal growth is mainlyby cell elongation; an indeterminate rest period; and an after-reststage, that begins when the flowers resume growth and ends atanthesis. Early in the pre-rest stage of development, protein bodies andamyloplasts accumulate in the petals. The epidermal cells accumulateonly protein bodies and the mesophyll cells accumulate amyloplaststhat have a few small protein bodies around the periphery. Thesubepidermal cells and the cells around the vascular bundlesaccumulate both large protein bodies and amyloplasts. Duringthe rest period there is a cessation of cell elongation andthe reserve protein bodies and amyloplasts remain intact. The protein bodies in all of the cells including those aroundthe amyloplasts are proteolized early in the after-rest stageof development. Digestion of the starch granules occurs whenthe petals are about one-half their final size. Epidermal-cell expansion during after-rest is relatively uniform;the walls between adjacent epidermal cells remain attached toeach other. The mesophyll cells elongate irregularly and thewalls of adjacent cells separate giving rise to large intercellularspaces. At anthesis the petal cells consist of a cell wall, a parietalcytoplasm, and a large central vacuole.  相似文献   

Four inhibitors of proteases, namely, bestatin, diisopropylfluorophosphate, elastatinal and p-toluenesulfonyl-L-lysinechloromethyl ketone hydrochloride, were examined for their effectson flowering of a short-day plant Lemna paucicostata 6746 anda long-day plant Lemna gibba G3. Each of the inhibitors greatlyinhibited the flowering of Lemna paucicostata 6746 that is normallyinduced by nitrogen deficiency. Bestatin or elastatinal givenonly during the first half of the culture period inhibited theflowering more clearly than when each was given during the latterhalf, suggesting that they inhibited the inductive process(es)involved in flowering rather than development of flower buds.Bestatin or elastatinal greatly inhibited the flowering of Lemnapaucicostata 6746 induced by photoperiodic stimulus, ferricyanideand continuous far-red light. Simultaneous application of thesetwo inhibitors was more effective in the inhibition of photoperiodicallyinduced and ferricyanide-induced flowering than was each inhibitoralone. They also completely inhibited the photoperiodic floweringof Lemna gibba G3. These results suggest that the inductionor activation of some proteases, probably followed by the degradationof some protein(s), is necessary for the induction of floweringin both these plants. (Received November 21, 1989; Accepted February 19, 1990)  相似文献   

Effect of Heat Stress on Assimilate Metabolism in Tomato Flower Buds   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
DINAR  M.; RUDICH  J. 《Annals of botany》1985,56(2):249-257
Assimilate import by flower buds in two cultivars of tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) was inhibited by heat stress.With increasing temperature, levels of sucrose in the sourceorgan increased while levels of starch decreased. The transportof radioactive carbon was correlated with the starch contentof the flower buds. In Saladette, a heat-tolerant cultivar,conversion of the imported carbon to starch occurred to a greaterextent than in Roma VF, a heat-sensitive cultivar. Uptake ofsucrose from agar medium by detached flower buds was negativelycorrelated with their internal ratio of sucrose to hexoses.Glucose uptake from agar medium by detached flower buds decreasedwith increasing temperatures. Sucrose hydrolysis was negativelyaffected by high temperatures, and this was more pronouncedin the heat-sensitive than in the heat-tolerant cultivar. Theeffect of heat stress on assimilate translocation from the leavesto the sink organ is discussed. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., starch, sucrose, heat stress  相似文献   

Extending the photoperiod beyond 11 h with 2 or 3 h low intensityincandescent light inhibited the development of the flower budsand caused many of them to senesce and absciss in two varietiesof Phaseolus vulgaris, one of Peruvian origin (P47) and oneof Columbian origin (V664) but not in another variety of Columbianorigin (V344). In contrast, longer photoperiods increased petiolelength and plant height in all three varieties.  相似文献   

The floral buds of Iris flowers (Iris x hollandica) are enclosed by two sheath leaves. Flower opening depends on lifting the flower up to a position whereby the tepals can move laterally. This upward movement is carried out by elongation of the subtending pedicel and ovary. In the pedicels and ovaries of unstressed control flowers, the concentration of ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid) and the rate of ethylene production increased during d 0-1 of flower opening, and then decreased. Exposure to ≥200nLL(-1) ethylene for 24h at 20°C inhibited elongation of the pedicel+ovary, and inhibited flower opening. However, pulsing of unstressed flowers with solutions containing inhibitors of ethylene synthesis (AOA, AVG), or an inhibitor of ethylene action (STS), did not affect pedicel+ovary elongation or flower opening. When the flowers were dehydrated for 2 d at 20°C and 60% RH, they did not open when subsequently placed in water, and showed inhibited elongation in the pedicel+ovary. This dehydration treatment resulted in elevated pedicel+ovary ACC levels and in increased ethylene production. Treatment with STS prevented the increase in ACC levels and ethylene production, overcame the effect of dehydration on elongation of the pedicel+ovary, and resulted in full flower opening. It is concluded that flower opening in unstressed Iris flowers is not regulated by endogenous ethylene. An increase in endogenous ethylene above normal levels during stress, by contrast, strongly inhibited flower opening, due to its inhibitory effect on elongation of the pedicel+ovary.  相似文献   

Ovule and embryo sac development in the flowers of Cox's OrangePippin apple (Malus pumila L.) were studied from dormancy topetal fall using both scanning electron and light microscopy.The relative timing was established between these developmentsand the external development of the flower bud and flower. Malus pumila L. cv. Cox's Orange Pippin, apple, Cox, SEM, ovule development, anatomy, histology  相似文献   

HANDRO  W. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(2):303-305
Leaf discs of Streptocarpus nobilis were cultured in vitro underconditions leading to flowering. The histo-logical aspects ofthe in vitro flower bud development were studied. It was foundthat in some instances flower buds develop from meristematiccells differentiated from wound tissue, and in others they arisedirectly from epidermal and sub-epidermal leaf blade tissues.  相似文献   

LUSH  W. M.; EVANS  L. T. 《Annals of botany》1980,46(6):719-725
To test the proposition that photoperiodic controls synchronizethe flowering of cowpeas, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. [V. sinensis(L.) Savi], the day-length requirements for floral initiationand for flowering were investigated in several short-day accessions.No evidence was found of different critical photoperiods atdifferent stages of development, but exposure to only 2–4short days was required for floral initiation compared withabout 20 for development to open flowers. Pod setting was increasedafter exposure to even one short day more than the number requiredfor flower opening. Floral buds at higher nodes appeared to require fewer shortdays for development to flowering than buds at the lower nodes,and displayed faster rates of development. Inflorescence budsdid not resume development if they were exposed to 15 or morelong days following inflorescence initiation. Thus, any tendencytowards synchronous flowering in cowpeas is not due to the criticalday-length for flower development being shorter than that forflower initiation, but could be the result of cumulative photoperiodicinduction of plants and the more rapid development of later-formedflowers. Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., cowpeas, flower initiation, flower development, fruit set, photoperiodism  相似文献   

The length of the seminal root (SR) axis and the number andlength of lateral roots (LRs) of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench)were markedly inhibited by taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]residues incorporated into a sand growing medium. The sand profilewas divided equally into zones with and without residues. Productionand elongation of the first-order LRs of the SR axis facingthe zone containing taro residues were severely suppressed.On the side facing the zone that was free of residues, productionand elongation of LRs was not inhibited. SR and LR growth wasdrastically impaired and many plants were killed when taro residueswere incorporated in large amounts into the uppermost 2 cm ofthe growing medium. The activity of the allelopathic substancesin the root zone appeared to be location-specific. Sorghum bicolor, seminal root, lateral root, Colocasia esculenta, taro, taro residues, allelopathic substances, root growth  相似文献   

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