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Two forms of RNA polymerase II were released from rat liver chromatin by micrococcal nuclease digestion of the nuclei. One form behaved like a free RNA polymerase II and the other like a complex with other nuclear components. Both forms of RNA polymerase II activity were recovered in the 0.16 M NaCl-soluble fraction of the nuclear digest, and the complexed form of RNA polymerase II could transcribe its endogenous template under conditions permitting only of elongation of the RNA synthesis. The RNA polymerase II complex was further purified by gel filtration chromatography and column electrophoresis. Analysis of protein and DNA of the partially purified complex suggested that the RNA polymerase II was bound to mono- or dinucleosomes carrying some characteristic nonhistone proteins. Furthermore, in experiments on tissues from starved rats, the two forms of RNA polymerase II were found to originate from different functional states of the chromatin-bound enzyme in vivo.  相似文献   

Mono- and dinucleosomes preferentially cleaved from mouse myeloma chromatin by very mild micrococcal nuclease digestion at 0 degree C are soluble and are released from nuclei under near-physiological conditions in which normal nucleosomes containing Hl are insoluble. These nucleosomes are highly enriched in RNA, high-mobility-group proteins and a unique subset of other non-histone proteins. They are nearly devoid of histone Hl and contain DNA significantly less methylated than whole myeloma DNA, indicating that they comprise a subset of genomic sequences. Previously we have shown that this fraction is enriched in transcribed DNA sequences. Non-histone proteins that co-sedimented with readily solubilized nucleosomes included many of the most basic, low-to-moderate molecular weight chromosomal proteins. Many of these proteins were also preferentially acetylated in vivo. The residual, pelleted chromatin was highly enriched in high molecular weight proteins (greater than 60 000), and very depleted in medium molecular weight proteins. Readily solubilized nucleoproteins sedimenting like mononucleosomes were partly resolved by electrophoresis, under non-denaturing conditions, into several subfractions differing significantly in non-histone protein contents. Methods described here should be useful for identifying and isolating non-histone proteins bound to nucleosomes and other chromatin regions that are structurally and functionally unique.  相似文献   

A chromatin fraction solubilized from mouse myeloma nuclei under near-physiological ionic conditions by very mild micrococcal nuclease digestion at 0°C is enriched at least 7-fold in DNA complementary to total myeloma polyadenylated mRNA, and 15-fold in DNA originating near the replication fork (labeled within 30 s). Newly replicated DNA recovered in solubilized chromatin after brief labeling was incorporated mainly into particles sedimenting with, or faster than, mononucleosomes. A rapid decrease in enrichment of newly replicated DNA in readily released, soluble chromatin with increasing labeling times indicated that newly replicated chromatin matured within 90 s to a form that was partitioned similarly to bulk chromatin by this fractionation method. Previous studies showed that chromatin readily solubilized from myeloma nuclei is enriched in high-mobility-group (HMG) and other non-histone proteins, RNA and single-stranded DNA; and depleted in H1 and 5-methylcytosine, relative to bulk chromatin (Jackson, J.B., Pollock, J.M., Jr., and Rill, R.L. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 3739–3748). Mild digestion of chicken erythrocyte nuclei with micrococcal nuclease yielded a soluble chromatin fraction (1–2% of the total DNA) with similar properties. This fraction was enriched at least 6-fold in DNA complementary to chicken globin mRNA, relative to total erythrocyte DNA.  相似文献   

Two species of histone acetyltransferase in rat liver nuclei   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Subcellular localization of histone acetyltransferase was studied in rat liver cells. Two histone acetyltransferases, designated NI and NII, were identified in the nuclear fraction, and an additional two acetyltransferases, termed CI and CII, were separated from the cytoplasmic fraction. These acetyltransferases exhibited different substrate specificities toward free and nucleosomal histones. The enzymes NI and NII represented major histone acetyltransferase activities in rat liver nuclei, and they were further differentiated by DNA-binding properties, subnuclear localization, and reaction kinetics. While the NI enzyme exhibited an intersecting initial velocity kinetic, the NII enzyme followed a ping-pong initial velocity pattern. These results show the multiple occurrence of histone acetyltransferases in nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions, events which may reflect the complexities of histone acetylation.  相似文献   

In chromatin a minor fraction melts at a temperature lower than deproteinized DNA, which may be assigned to DNA destabilizing proteins. We attempted to localize the destabilized DNA in the various chromatin fragments separated by electrophoresis after a mild micrococcal nuclease digestion. The small released fragments are enriched in coding sequences. About 20% of the DNA extracted from the released nucleosomes are single-stranded, 60% of the DNA in these fragments are digested by nuclease S1 after incubation at low temperature, which suggests that the DNA destabilizing proteins are present in the released nucleosomes. Hybridization studies have shown that 25% of the DNA in nucleosomes are specific of this class of fragments. DNA destabilizing proteins could be associated with the specific sequences.  相似文献   

Mild micrococcal nuclease treatment of rat and mouse nuclei and fractionation were based on the method of Tata and Baker. Three chromatin fractions, S, P1, P2, were separated, and for each of these fractions the sensitivity to the DNase 1 action was determined. The relative content in these fractions of non-transcribed DNA sequences was established by hydridization with a mouse satellite DNA, and the relative content of transcribed DNA sequences--by hydridization with DNA synthesised on the total poly (A) mRNA. None of the fractions displayed the properties characteristic of active chromatin.  相似文献   

1. alpha-Amanitin inhibits in vitro the RNA polymerase solubilized from isolated rat liver nuclei. 2. In contrast with previous observations with whole nuclei, the inhibition occurs approximately to the same extent in the presence and in the absence of ammonium sulphate. 3. Evidence is presented that the toxin acts by interacting with the enzyme itself and not with DNA or other components.  相似文献   

The author found, in rat liver nuclei, a novel factor which exhibited a strong inhibitory effect on RNA chain initiation by various classes of RNA polymerases (I, II and III) using an exogenous DNA template.The molecular weight of this factor was estimated to be 70 K daltons, and its activity was not affected by treatment with trypsin, RNase A, lipase C, -amylase and heat. However, its activity was inactivated by a digestion of glycosidases. The molecule is shown to contain a considerable amount of sugars by physicochemical analysis. In addition, it is elucidated that the factor is not heparin which has a similar biological activity.  相似文献   

Rat liver chromatin-bound RNA polymerase II could be differentially solubilized into two distinct populations, loosely and tightly bound enzymes, by a simple method. By this method the recovery of the solubilized enzyme from the chromatin fraction could be increased considerably as compared with the procedure of Yu (1). The two chromatin-bound enzymes had different properties:
  1. Loosely bound enzyme was easily extractable from chromatin with relatively mild ionic condition (0.5 M NaCl); the tightly bound enzyme had to be solubilized by more drastic conditions such as sonication or nuclease treatment.
  2. Loosely bound enzyme could not efficiently transcribe the chromatin template, but the tightly bound enzyme was active toward the same template. The latter enzyme is involved in the tight complex with the RNA synthesis activating factors.
  3. Cycloheximide treatment in vivo suggests that the two enzymes have different turn-over rates.
Therefore, with this simple solubilization method the functionally different two chromatin-bound RNA polymerase II activities can be estimated.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase were resolved by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. In addition to RNA polymerases, an active poly(A) polymerase was also fractionated. RNA polymerases were examined for their capacity to synthesize poly(A). None of the freshly prepared enzymes could efficiently make poly(A) in presence or absence of exogenous primers. However, “aging” of polymerase II by simple incubation at 37°C resulted in the loss of RNA polymerizing activity with a corresponding increase in poly(A) synthesizing activity. Transformation of RNA polymerase to poly(A) polymerase resulted in reduced capacity to transcribe native DNA and altered chromatographic behavior. The results suggest that subunits of polymerase II obligatory to DNA-dependent RNA synthesis were degraded by “aging” and that a stable subunit of the RNA polymerase could preferentially make poly(A).  相似文献   

We have followed the kinetics of staphylococcal nuclease digestion of duck reticulocyte nuclei and chromatin from early stages to the digestion limit. We confirm that partial digestion of nuclei produces discrete DNA bands which are multiples of a monomer, 185 base pairs in length. The multimers are shown to be precursors of the monomer, which is next digested to a homogeneous, 140 base pair fragment. This fragment in turn gives rise to an array of nuclear limit digest DNA bands, which is almost identical with the limit digest pattern of isolated chromatin. As in the case of chromatin, half the DNA of nuclei is acid soluble at this limit. While the DNA limit digest patterns of nuclei and chromatin are similar, the large multimeric structures present as intermediates in nuclear digestion are absent in chromatin digestion. Alternate methods of chromatin gel preparation appear to leave more of the higher order structure intact, as measured by the production of these multimeric bands. Our results are consistent with the "beads on a string" model of chromatin proposed by others.  相似文献   

We have used limited nuclease digestion of nuclei to probe the structure of nuclear ribonucleoprotein (nRNP). Analysis of [3H]uridine-labeled heterogeneous nuclear RNA isolated from nuclease digested nuclei revealed preferential generation of discrete bands of RNA ranging in size from 1.5 × 105 to 6 × 105 daltons. The nuclease digestion pattern of nRNP differed from the nuclease digestion pattern obtained with chromatin in that the RNA bands generated in these experiments were transient, appearing only early in the course of digestion, and no stable nRNP monomer size was evident. Therefore, although nRNP may be organized in a regular configuration, nRNP structure differs considerably from the repeating subunit structure of chromatin.  相似文献   

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