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Replication of the kinetoplast DNA minicircle lagging (heavy (H))-strand initiates at, or near, a unique hexameric sequence (5'-ACGCCC-3') that is conserved in the minicircles of trypanosomatid species. A protein from the trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculata binds specifically a 14-mer sequence, consisting of the complementary strand hexamer and eight flanking nucleotides at the H-strand replication origin. This protein was identified as the previously described universal minicircle sequence (UMS)-binding protein (UMSBP) (Tzfati, Y., Abeliovich, H., Avrahami, D., and Shlomai, J. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 21339-21345). This CCHC-type zinc finger protein binds the single-stranded form of both the 12-mer (UMS) and 14-mer sequences, at the replication origins of the minicircle L-strand and H-strand, respectively. The attribution of the two different DNA binding activities to the same protein relies on their co-purification from C. fasciculata cell extracts and on the high affinity of recombinant UMSBP to the two origin-associated sequences. Both the conserved H-strand hexamer and its flanking nucleotides at the replication origin are required for binding. Neither the hexameric sequence per se nor this sequence flanked by different sequences could support the generation of specific nucleoprotein complexes. Stoichiometry analysis indicates that each UMSBP molecule binds either of the two origin-associated sequences in the nucleoprotein complex but not both simultaneously.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA, the mitochondrial DNA of Crithidia fasciculata, is organized into a network containing 5,000 topologically interlocked minicircles. This network, situated within the mitochondrial matrix, is condensed into a disk-shaped structure located near the basal body of the flagellum. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that before their replication, minicircles are released vectorially from the network face nearest the flagellum. Replication initiates in the zone between the flagellar face of the disk and the mitochondrial membrane (we term this region the kinetoflagellar zone [KFZ]). The replicating minicircles then move to two antipodal sites that flank the disk-shaped network. In later stages of replication, the number of free minicircles increases, accumulating transiently in the KFZ. The final replication events, including primer removal, repair of many of the gaps, and reattachment of the progeny minicircles to the network periphery, are thought to take place within the antipodal sites.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA, the mitochondrial DNA of trypanosomatids, is a remarkable DNA structure that contains, in the species Crithidia fasciculata, 5000 topologically linked duplex DNA minicircles. Their replication initiates at two conserved sequences, a dodecamer, known as the universal minicircle sequence (UMS), and a hexamer, which are located at the replication origins of the minicircle L and H strands, respectively. A UMS-binding protein (UMSBP) binds specifically the 12-mer UMS sequence and a 14-mer sequence that contains the conserved hexamer in their single-stranded DNA conformation. In vivo cross-linking analyses reveal the binding of UMSBP to kinetoplast DNA networks in the cell. Furthermore, UMSBP binds in vitro to native minicircle origin fragments, carrying the UMSBP recognition sequences. UMSBP binding at the replication origin induces conformational changes in the bound DNA through its folding, aggregation and condensation.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA, the mitochondrial DNA of the trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculata, is a remarkable structure containing 5,000 topologically linked DNA minicircles. Their replication is initiated at two conserved sequences, a dodecamer, known as the universal minicircle sequence (UMS), and a hexamer, which are located at the replication origins of the minicircle L- and H-strands, respectively. A UMS-binding protein (UMSBP), binds specifically the conserved origin sequences in their single stranded conformation. The five CCHC-type zinc knuckle motifs, predicted in UMSBP, fold into zinc-dependent structures capable of binding a single-stranded nucleic acid ligand. Zinc knuckles that are involved in the binding of DNA differ from those mediating protein-protein interactions that lead to the dimerization of UMSBP. Both UMSBP DNA binding and its dimerization are sensitive to redox potential. Oxidation of UMSBP results in the protein dimerization, mediated through its N-terminal domain, with a concomitant inhibition of its DNA-binding activity. UMSBP reduction yields monomers that are active in the binding of DNA through the protein C-terminal region. C. fasciculata trypanothione-dependent tryparedoxin activates the binding of UMSBP to UMS DNA in vitro. The possibility that UMSBP binding at the minicircle replication origin is regulated in vivo by a redox potential-based mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Leishmania amazonensis causes a wide spectrum of leishmaniasis. There are no vaccines or adequate treatment for leishmaniasis, therefore there is considerable interest in the identification of new targets for anti-leishmania drugs. The central role of telomere-binding proteins in cell maintenance makes these proteins potential targets for new drugs. In this work, we used a combination of purification chromatographies to screen L. amazonensis proteins for molecules capable of binding double-stranded telomeric DNA. This approach resulted in the purification of a 38kDa polypeptide that was identified by mass spectrometry as Rbp38, a trypanosomatid protein previously shown to stabilize mitochondrial RNA and to associate with nuclear and kinetoplast DNAs. Western blotting and supershift assays confirmed the identity of the protein as LaRbp38. Competition and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that LaRbp38 interacted with kinetoplast and nuclear DNAs in vivo and suggested that LaRbp38 may have dual cellular localization and more than one function.  相似文献   

A 1.3 kb cDNA (cDNA52) was derived from Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote mRNA. Using single stranded probes in Northern blots, we identified the putative coding strand of cDNA52. In addition, a minor band was detected in RNA from epimastigotes that was absent in RNA from trypomastigotes. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that cDNA52 was highly homologous to T. cruzi kinetoplast DNA minicircle sequences. All four conserved regions of T. cruzi minicircles were identified in cDNA52. Using several criteria, we demonstrated that the hybridization signals were not caused by contaminating minicircle DNA in the RNA preparations. The data provide direct evidence for the unprecedented finding that the entire length of a kDNA minicircle is transcribed in T. cruzi.  相似文献   

The dodecamer universal minicircle sequence is a conserved sequence present in minicircles of trypanosomatid kinetoplast DNA studied so far. This sequence is recognised by a protein named universal minicircle sequence binding protein, described for Crithidia fasciculata, involved in minicircle DNA replication. We have identified a Trypanosoma cruzi gene homologue of the Crithidia fasciculata universal minicircle sequence binding protein. Similar to the Crithidia fasciculata universal minicircle sequence binding protein, the Trypanosoma cruzi protein, named PDZ5, contains five zinc finger motifs. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis indicated that the pdz5 gene is located in the chromosomal band XX of the Trypanosoma cruzi genome. The predicted amino acid sequence of PDZ5 shows a high degree of similarity with several trypanosomatid zinc finger proteins. Specific antibody raised against Crithidia fasciculata universal minicircle sequence binding protein recognises both the recombinant and endogenous PDZ5. The complete pdz5 coding sequence cloned in bacteria expresses a recombinant PDZ5 protein that binds specifically to the universal minicircle sequence dodecamer. These data strongly suggest that PDZ5 represents a Trypanosoma cruzi universal minicircle sequence binding protein.  相似文献   

The kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) of trypanosomes is comprised of thousands of DNA minicircles and 20-50 maxicircles catenated into a single network. We show that kinetoplasts isolated from the trypanosomatid species Crithidia fasciculata incorporate labeled nucleotides and support minicircle DNA replication in a manner which mimics two characteristics of minicircle replication in vivo: 1) the minicircles are replicated as free molecules and subsequently reattached to the kDNA network, and 2) a replication intermediate having a structure consistent with a highly gapped minicircle species is generated. In addition, a class of minicircle DNA replication intermediates is observed containing discontinuities at specific sites within each of the newly synthesized DNA strands. By using a strain of C. fasciculata possessing nearly homogenous minicircles, we were able to map the discontinuities to two small regions situated 180 degrees apart on the minicircle. Each region has two sites at which a discontinuity can occur, one on each strand and separated by approximately 100 base pairs. These sites may represent origins of minicircle DNA replication.  相似文献   

The kinetoplast DNA of trypanosomes is comprised of thousands of DNA minicircles and 20-50 maxicircles catenated into a single network. Replication intermediates of minicircle DNA from the trypanosomatid species Crithidia fasciculata contain site-specific discontinuities in both heavy (H) and light (L) strands. These discontinuities map to two small regions situated 180 degrees apart on the minicircle; each region has two sites at which a discontinuity can occur, one on each strand. We have determined the position of these discontinuities on the minicircle DNA sequence and have characterized their structure. H-strand discontinuities occur within a 4-5-nucleotide sequence and consist of single nicks, only one of which appears to be a DNA-DNA junction. Characterization of the remaining H-strand nicks indicates a structure other than a typical DNA-DNA or DNA-RNA junction. Discontinuities on the L-strand can be either a nick or a short gap which overlaps a 12-nucleotide sequence universally conserved among minicircles from various trypanosome species. Up to 6 nucleotides are hydrolyzed from the 5' terminus facing the gap upon treatment with alkali, suggesting the presence of an RNA primer. Based on the structures of minicircle replication intermediates, we present a model for replication of minicircle DNA in which the site-specific discontinuities closely coincide with the origins of replication.  相似文献   

Short stretches of amino acids, termed nuclear localization sequences (NLS), can mediate assembly of proteins into the nucleus. Proteins from the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, have been identified that specifically recognize nuclear localization peptides (Silver, P., I. Sadler, and M. A. Osborne. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 109:983-989). We now further define the role of one of these NLS-binding proteins in nuclear protein localization. The NLS-binding protein of 70-kD molecular mass can be purified from salt extracts of nuclei. Antibodies raised against the NLS-binding protein localized the protein mainly to the nucleus with minor amounts in the cytoplasm. These antibodies also inhibited the association of NLS-protein conjugates with nuclei. Incubation of nuclei with proteases coupled to agarose removed NLS-binding protein activity. Extracts enriched for NLS-binding proteins can be added back to salt or protease-treated nuclei to restore NLS-binding activity. These results suggest that the first step of nuclear protein import can be reconstituted in vitro.  相似文献   

Nuclear proteins typically contain short stretches of basic amino acids (nuclear localization sequences; NLSs) that bind karyopherin α family members, directing nuclear import. Here, we identify CTNNBL1 (catenin-β-like 1), an armadillo motif-containing nuclear protein that exhibits no detectable primary sequence homology to karyopherin α, as a novel, selective NLS-binding protein. CTNNBL1 (a single-copy gene conserved from fission yeast to man) was previously found associated with Prp19-containing RNA-splicing complexes as well as with the antibody-diversifying enzyme AID. We find that CTNNBL1 association with the Prp19 complex is mediated by recognition of the NLS of the CDC5L component of the complex and show that CTNNBL1 also interacts with Prp31 (another U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated splicing factor) through its NLS. As with karyopherin αs, CTNNBL1 binds NLSs via its armadillo (ARM) domain, but displays a separate, more selective NLS binding specificity. Furthermore, the CTNNBL1/AID interaction depends on amino acids forming the AID conformational NLS with CTNNBL1-deficient cells showing a partial defect in AID nuclear accumulation. However, in further contrast to karyopherin αs, the CTNNBL1 N-terminal region itself binds karyopherin αs (rather than karyopherin β), suggesting a function divergent from canonical nuclear transport. Thus, CTNNBL1 is a novel NLS-binding protein, distinct from karyopherin αs, with the results suggesting a possible role in the selective intranuclear targeting or interactions of some splicing-associated complexes.  相似文献   

Upon centrifugation of gently lysed T. cruzi cells through a sucrose gradient, a free DNA fraction was shown to contain catenated dimers and knotted DNA structures. Southern hybridization and electron microscopic studies indicated that both of these structures derived from minicircle DNA, the major component of T. cruzi kinetoplast DNA. Partial denaturation analysis of a random population of catenated dimers suggests that these structures may have arisen from a late stage in the replication of minicircle DNA. On the other hand, the T. cruzi knotted minicircles we have isolated appear to be very similar to trefoil structures recently reported and implicated as replicative intermediates in two other trypanosoma species.  相似文献   

A protein which bound to 125I-labeled peptidoglycan (PGN) was isolated from hemolymph of silkworm larvae. The N-terminal amino acid sequence and the molecular weight of the protein were in accord with those described for Promoting Protein (PP) from the silkworm. The binding of the protein to [125I]PGN was competitively inhibited by various beta-glucans. The binding kinetics of PGN and chitin to the protein were analyzed in a biosensor.  相似文献   

Antibody affinity is critically important in therapeutic applications, as well as steady state diagnostic assays. Picomolar affinity antibodies, approaching the association limit of protein-protein interactions, have been discovered for highly potent antigens, but even such high-affinity binders have off-rates sufficient to negate therapeutic efficacy. To cross this affinity threshold, antibodies that tether their targets in a manner other than reversible non-covalent interaction will be required. Here we report the design and construction of an antibody that forms an irreversible complex with a protein antigen in a metal-dependent reaction. The complex resists thermal and chemical denaturation, as well as attempts to remove the coordinating metal ion. Such irreversibly binding antibodies could facilitate the development of next generation "reactive antibody" therapeutics and diagnostics.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), the mitochondrial genome of trypanosomes, is a catenated network containing thousands of minicircles and tens of maxicircles. The topological complexity dictates some unusual features including a topoisomerase-mediated release-and-reattachment mechanism for minicircle replication and at least six mitochondrial DNA polymerases (Pols) for kDNA transactions. Previously, we identified four family A DNA Pols from Trypanosoma brucei with similarity to bacterial DNA Pol I and demonstrated that two (POLIB and POLIC) were essential for maintaining the kDNA network, while POLIA was not. Here, we used RNA interference to investigate the function of POLID in procyclic T. brucei. Stem-loop silencing of POLID resulted in growth arrest and the progressive loss of the kDNA network. Additional defects in kDNA replication included a rapid decline in minicircle and maxicircle abundance and a transient accumulation of minicircle replication intermediates before loss of the kDNA network. These results demonstrate that POLID is a third essential DNA Pol required for kDNA replication. While other eukaryotes utilize a single DNA Pol (Pol gamma) for replication of mitochondrial DNA, T. brucei requires at least three to maintain the complex kDNA network.  相似文献   

DNA replication mechanisms are poorly understood in most of trypanosomatids, in particular the replication of the peculiar mitochondrial DNA, the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA). To contribute to the knowledge on the mechanism of kDNA replication in Trypanosoma cruzi, we have previously characterized the Universal Minicircle Sequence Binding Protein of this parasite (TcUMSBP), which was first called PDZ5 [E.R. Coelho, T.P. Urmenyi, J. Franco da Silveira, E. Rondinelli, R. Silva, Identification of PDZ5, a candidate universal minicircle sequence binding protein of Trypanosoma cruzi, Int. J. Parasitol. 33 (2003) 853-858]. In this work, we describe two highly polymorphic alleles of the TcUMSBP locus in the T. cruzi reference clone CL Brener and the differential expression pattern of these alleles. A 62 bp sequence in the TcUMSBP upstream intergenic region in one of its alleles affects the efficiency of polycistronic RNA processing and the polyadenylation sites, and therefore regulates the differential expression of TcUMSBP alleles of this locus.  相似文献   

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