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Abstract Plasmid transformation of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense is described. A modification of the method of Hanahan [1] was used to transform this bacterium with the 20-kb plasmid pRK290. The efficiency of transformation ranged from 200–1000 transformants per μg of plasmid DNA according to DNA concentration. Ca2+, Mn2+ and K+ were essential for competence, while Rb+ and hexamine cobalt(III) chloride did not appear necessary. The length and the temperature of heat-pulse during transformation affected the efficiency of transformation. The response to different numbers of plasmid molecules was linear, in the range of 0.05–1.0 μg of DNA. No transformants were obtained with pRK290 plasmid DNA linearized with Eco RI. The transformability of different strains of Azospirillum has been compared.  相似文献   

The occurrence in Azospirillum brasilense of genes that code for exopolysaccharide (EPS) synthesis was investigated through complementation studies of Rhizobium meliloti Exo- mutants. These mutants are deficient in the synthesis of the major acidic EPS of Rhizobium species and form empty, non-nitrogen-fixing root nodules on alfalfa (J. A. Leigh, E. R. Signer, and G. C. Walker, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:6231-6235, 1985). We demonstrated that the exoC mutation of R. meliloti could be corrected for EPS production by several cosmid clones of a clone bank of A. brasilense ATCC 29145. However, the EPS produced differed in structure from the wild-type R. meliloti EPS, and the symbiotic deficiency of the exoC mutation was not reversed by any of these cosmid clones. The exoB mutation could be corrected not only for EPS production but also for the ability to form nitrogen-fixing nodules on alfalfa by one particular cosmid clone of A. brasilense. Tn5 insertions in the cloned DNA were isolated and used to construct Azospirillum mutants with mutations in the corresponding loci by marker exchange. It was found that these mutants failed to produce the wild-type high-molecular-weight EPS, but instead produced EPSs of lower molecular weight.  相似文献   

M ichiels , K., V erreth , C. & V anderleyden , J. 1990. Azospirillum lipoferum and Azospirillum brasilense surface polysaccharide mutants that are affected in flocculation. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 69 , 705–711.
Surface polysaccharide production by Azospirillum is demonstrated by fluorescence of colonies grown on media containing the fluorescent dye Calcofluor, which binds to β-linked polysaccharides. Mutants showing decreased and increased levels of fluorescence are obtained from Azospirillum lipoferum strain Sp59b by chemical mutagenesis, and from A. brasilense strain 7030 by Tn5 mutagenesis.
The A. brasilense 7030 fluorescence mutants produce wild-type levels of exo-polysaccharide in their culture supernatant fluids, but are affected in flocculation in liquid culture. On the basis of these observations, we postulate that an A. brasilense surface polysaccharide, different from the exopolysaccharide, is involved in both Calcofluor staining and flocculation.
It is shown by DNA hybridization that the genetic loci affected in the A. brasilense 7030 fluorescence mutants are different from the A. brasilense exoB and exoC loci, which are involved in exopolysaccharide production.  相似文献   

The cells from natural isolates of A. Brasilense were found to harbour 1 to 4 plasmids with the molecular masses within the 27-300 Md range. 100 Md plasmids are specific for this bacterial species. Strains isolated from the roots of cereals (wheat, maize, barley) have more heterogeneous plasmid composition as compared to the strains isolated from soil.  相似文献   

The possibility of the stable inheritance of the plasmid p85 mobilized derivatives from Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 in the cells of the bacterial genera Rizobiaceae (Agrobacterium tumfaciens) and Pseudomonadaceae (Pseudomonas putida) has been shown. The plasmid p85 participates in coding for the physiologically active products (the plant hormones). It is not inherited by the Escherichia coli strains. For the first time the incompatibility of azospirillium plasmids has been demonstrated on the example of the plasmid p85 from Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 and the plasmid p115 from Azospirillum brasilense Sp7.  相似文献   

The pathways for catabolism of fructose were investigated in the type strains of Azospirillum lipoferum and Azospirillum brasilense grown aerobically with (NH4)2SO4 as the nitrogen source. When grown on fructose, the former species possessed a complete Entner-Doudoroff pathway, whereas the latter species lacked activity for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Both species possessed a complete catabolic Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. Neither species possessed the key enzyme of the hexose monophosphate pathway, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Both species could phosphorylate fructose to fructose-1-phosphate by means of a phosphoenolpyruvate-phosphotransferase system, and high activities of 1-phosphofructokinase occurred. Both species possessed glucokinase activity, but only A. lipoferum had hexokinase activity; moreover, the cells of A. brasilense were nearly impermeable to glucose, accounting for the inability of this species to grow on glucose. Both species possessed pyruvate dehydrogenase, a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle, a glyoxylate shunt, and malic enzyme. Analysis of the acidic end products for both species indicated the formation of only small amounts of various organic acids, and most of the titratable acidity was due to utilization of the ammonium ions of the medium. Gluconic acid was not formed during growth of either species on fructose but was detected during growth of A. lipoferum on glucose; this species also possessed an NADP-linked glucose dehydrogenase and gluconokinase.  相似文献   

The interaction between Azospirillum brasilense and plants is not fully understood, although several bacterial surface components like exopolysaccharides (EPS), flagella, and capsular polysaccharides are required for attachment and colonization. While in other plant-bacteria associations (Rhizobium-legume, Pseudomonas-potato), lipopolysaccharides (LPS) play a key role in the establishment of an effective association, their role in the root colonization by Azospirillum had not been determined. In this study, we isolated a Tn5 mutant of A. brasilense Cd (EJ1) with an apparently modified LPS core structure, non-mucoid colony morphology, increased EPS production, and affected in maize root colonization. A 3790-bp region revealed the presence of three complete open reading frames designated rmlC, rmlB and rmlD. The beginning of a fourth open reading frame was found and designated rmlA. These genes are organized in a cluster which shows homology to the cluster involved in the synthesis of dTDP-rhamnose in other bacteria. Additionally, the analysis of the monosaccharide composition of LPSs showed a diminution of rhamnose compared to the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

The bacterium Azospirillum brasilense has been frequently studied in laboratory experiments. It performs movements in space where long forward and backward runs on a straight line occur simultaneously with slow changes of direction of the line. A model is presented in which a correlated random walk on a line is joined to diffusion on a sphere of directions. For this transport system, a hierarchy of moment approximations is derived, ranging from a hyperbolic system with four dependent variables to a scalar damped wave equation (telegraph equation) and then to a single diffusion equation for particle density. The original parameters are compounded in the diffusion quotient. The effects of these parameters, such as particle speed or turning rate, on the diffusion coefficient are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Aerotactic response of Azospirillum brasilense.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
R Barak  I Nur  Y Okon    Y Henis 《Journal of bacteriology》1982,152(2):643-649
Five strains of Azospirillum brasilense and two of Azospirillum spp., from Israel, responded to self-created and preformed oxygen gradients by forming aerotactic bands in capillary tubes and actively moving toward a specific zone with low dissolved oxygen. Increasing the oxygen concentration in capillaries containing phosphate buffer increased the number of attracted bacteria and decreased band velocity. High O2 concentrations and H2O2 temporarily repulsed the bacteria, causing the formation of a bacterial arc around the capillary mouth. There was no band formation under anaerobic conditions, although the bacteria remained highly motile. Exogenous energy sources were unnecessary for aerotaxis in Azospirillum spp. The addition of oxidizable substrates to the capillary slightly enhanced aerotaxis, possibly by accelerating O2 consumption. Aerotactic band formation was affected by pH, bacterial concentration and age, incubation time, and respiratory inhibitors, but not by the lack of combined nitrogen in the growth medium. It is proposed that aerotaxis plays a role in the capacity of Azospirillum spp. to reach an environment suitable for N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Azospirillum brasilense strain Cd responded chemotactically to amino acids, sugars and organic acids. Chemotactic rings were observed in semisolid agar plates containing oxidizable substrates. Increasing sodium succinate concentration decreased the velocity of ring expansion. Chemotactic activity of Azospirillum was also examined by a newly developed technique using a channelled chamber. Varying the concentrations of aspartic and glutamic acids affected the chemotactic response of the bacteria. In both assays chemotaxis was obtained under conditions that prevented aerotaxis.  相似文献   

Extracellular polysaccharides synthesized by Azospirillum brasilense and A. lipoferum were shown on agar plates and liquid flocculating cultures. The six strains used in this work expressed a mucoid phenotype, yielding positive calcofluor fluorescence under UV light. The calcofluor-binding polysaccharides were distributed between the capsular and exopolysaccharide fractions, suggesting exocellular localization. No calcofluor fluorescence was observed in residual cells after separation of the capsular and exopolysaccharide fractions. Cellulose content was significantly higher in flocculating than in nonflocculating cultures. Failure to induce flocculation by addition of cellulose (100 mg/ml) to nonflocculating cultures, together with the sensitivity of flocs to cellulase digestion, suggested that cellulose is involved in maintenance of floc stability. Different A. brasilense and A. lipoferum strains bound to a wheat lectin (fluorescein isothiocyanate-wheat germ agglutinin), indicating the occurrence of specific sugar-bearing receptors for wheat germ agglutinin on the cell surface. The biochemical specificity of the reaction was shown by hapten inhibition with N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. All six strains failed to recognize fluorescein isothiocyanate-soybean seed lectin under our experimental conditions. We conclude that azospirilla produce exocellular polysaccharides with calcofluor- and lectin-binding properties.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis of Azospirillum brasilense with nitrosoguanidine and selection on ethylenediamine yielded prototrophs which fixed nitrogen in the presence of ammonia. Nitrogenase activity in mutant strains exceeded that of the wild type three- to sixfold. The same mutants were also constitutive for histidine transport. Enzyme activities involved in ammonia assimilation were not affected by the mutation. The data suggest that the mutation occurred at a site which regulates nif and histidine transport functions.  相似文献   

The effect of wheat root exudates on the exopolysaccharide (EPS) composition and the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) profile of Azospirillum brasilense Cd under saline stress was studied. EPS of A. brasilense Cd was composed of glucose (47%), mannose (3%), xylose (4%), fucose (28%), rhamnose (6%), arabinose (1%) and galactose (11%). Under saline stress, A. brasilense produced a totally different EPS, composed mainly of galactose. Root exudates induced changes in A. brasilense EPS composition only under normal conditions, consisting of higher amounts of arabinose and xylose compared with EPS of bacteria grown without root exudates. No changes were induced by root exudates when A. brasilense was grown under saline stress. Additionally, root exudates induced changes in the LPS profile, both under normal and stress conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract The feasibility of electric field mediated transformation of the nitrogen fixing bacterium Azospirillum was studied. The broad host range plasmid pRK290 was used throughout this study. Transformants were obtained with all A. brasilense strains tested, although with strain dependent efficiency. No transformants were obtained with an A. lipoferum strain. Transfer of the pRK290 plasmid DNA in the A. brasilense strains was confirmed by DNA extraction of the transformants and gel electrophoresis. The effects of the physiological status of the cells and the electric field strength during electroporation were studied in detail for one particular A. brasilense strain.  相似文献   

Inoculation and incubation of wild type Azospirillum brasilense Cd (agg+) in pure quartz sand resulted in cell attachment to sand particles by a network made up of various sizes and shapes of fibrillar material. Inoculation of sand with an aggregate-deficient mutant of strain Cd (agg?) resulted in no detectable fibrillar formation. Initial attachment ratio between agg+ cells and agg? cells was 4:1. However, similar bacterial populations developed in the sand. Rinsing the sand, colonized by either strains, had a greater effect on agg?; decreasing adsorption from 8.1 to 1.4%. Prolonged rinsing entirely desorbed its cells from the sand. Long bacterial incubation in sand decreased the attachment ratio between agg+ and agg? from 3.4:1 to 2.9:1 and decreased desorption (by rinsing) from 10:1 to 6:1. Agitation increased bacterial population size (from 2 × 107 to 4 × 108 cfu g?1) and decreased the proportion of attachment of agg+ cells (from 29.2 to 9.8%). A decrease in attachment was being of higher magnitude in the non-aggregating mutant (from 5 to 0% adsorption). Protease treatment of sand colonized with either bacteria decreased attachement of agg+ (from 27.4 to 7.1%) and released proteinaceous compound(s) into the sand only in the agg+ strain. Addition of NaEDTA to sand before inoculation, decreased attachment of agg+ (from 24.2 to 14%) but had no effect on agg?. Addition of low amcunt of clay (montmorillonite) to sand significantly increased adsorption of agg? to the sand particles (from 8.8 to 98.3%). Survival period of agg+ cells in sand was slightly longer than that of agg? cells. It is proposed that bacterial fibrils are essential for anchoring of A. brasilense to sand.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-nine mutants of Azospirillum brasilense strain Sp6, resistant to methylammonium, were isolated. Three of the mutants were found to be able to reduce acetylene in the presence of 4 mM ammonium or 120mM methylammonium, concentrations which strongly reduced the nitrogenase activity of the parental strain. Under N2-fixing conditions, two mutants failed to switch off nitrogenase when NH4Cl was added. Moreover, the three mutants showed a reduced capacity to incorporate [14C]methylammonium. The level of glutamine synthetase activity found in the mutants was not reduced as compared to that of the parental strain. All of the data indicate an impairement in the mechanism of ammonium uptake by the bacterial cell.Abbreviations MEA Methylammonium - MSP minimal medium (ammonium free) - PY complete medium - GS glutamine synthetase  相似文献   

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