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Cross-linking of CD8 and HLA class I molecules with appropriate monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and goat anti-mouse Ig (GaMIg) antibody resulted in a marked proliferation of resting human CD8 cells in the presence of interleukin-2 (IL-2). These cells also expressed IL-2 receptor (IL-2R), transferrin receptor, HLA-DR and -DQ antigens. Activation of the cross-linked CD8 cells is apparently independent of accessory monocytes. Various anti-CD8 and anti-HLA class I mAb recognizing nonpolymorphic antigenic determinants were examined for the efficacy of activating CD8 cells. Among mAb specific for HLA class I molecules, PA2.6, MB40.5, BB7.7, A1.4, and W6/32 mAb markedly stimulated the proliferation of cross-linked CD8 cells, whereas BBM.1, Q1/28, and HC10 mAb were found inactive. Footprinting analysis of HLA class I molecules suggested that the activity of these anti-HLA class I mAb appeared to be related to the corresponding peptides they protect from enzymatic digestion. In contrast to the anti-HLA class I mAb, all anti-CD8 mAb examined (C8, OKT8A, and anti-Leu-2a) induced the proliferation of CD8-HLA class I cross-linked cells with similar efficacy. These results suggest that physical interaction between CD8 and at least one specific region of HLA class I molecules can trigger the activation of resting human CD8 cells.  相似文献   

Tissue factor (TF)-positive microparticles (MPs) are highly procoagulant, and linked to thrombosis in sepsis and cancer. MP-associated TF may be assayed by immunological or functional methods. Several reports have demonstrated discrepancies between TF-protein and TF-activity, which have been explained by antibody binding to "encrypted" or degraded forms of inactive TF-protein. Our goal was to evaluate the possible interference of fluorescent antibody aggregates in solutions containing antibodies against TF and CD14 in flow cytometric analysis. Using monocyte-derived microparticles (MPs) released from human monocytes, incubated with or without lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in vitro, we measured MP-associated TF-protein (flow cytometry) and TF-activity (clot formation assay). MPs released from monocytes exposed to LPS (1 ng mL(-1) ) had ~14 times higher TF-activity than MPs originated from monocytes exposed to only culture medium. However, using untreated anti-TF antibodies (American Diagnostica and BD) in the flow cytometric analysis, MPs released from unstimulated monocytes had a similar number of TF-positive events as MPs secernated from LPS-stimulated monocytes [~45,000 events mL(-1) (American Diagnostica); ~15,000 events mL(-1) (BD)]. These TF-positive events did not exert any TF-activity, and centrifugation (17,000g, 30 min, 4°C) of the antibody solutions prior to use effectively removed the interfering fluorescent events. Removal of fluorescent interference, probably in the form of fluorescent antibody aggregates, from the antibody solutions by centrifugation is essential to prevent the occurrence of false positive flow cytometric events. The events can be mistaken as MP-associated TF-protein, and interpreted as a discrepancy between TF-protein and TF-activity.  相似文献   



T cell-mediated immunity in elderly people is compromised in ways reflected in the composition of the peripheral T cell pool. The advent of polychromatic flow cytometry has made analysis of cell subsets feasible in unprecedented detail.


Here we document shifts in subset distribution within naïve (N), central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) cells defined by CD45RA and CCR7 expression in the elderly, additionally using the costimulatory receptors CD27 and CD28, as well as the coinhibitory receptors CD57 and KLRG-1, to further dissect these. Although differences between young and old were more marked in CD8 than in CD4 cells, a similar overall pattern prevailed in both. Thus, the use of all these markers together, and inclusion of assays of proliferation and cytokine secretion, may enable the construction of a differentiation scheme applicable to CD4 as well as CD8 cells, with the model (based on Romero et al.) suggesting the progression N→CM→EM1→EM2→pE1→pE2→EM4→EM3→E end-stage non-proliferative effector cells.


Overall, the results suggest that both differences in subset distribution and differences between subsets are responsible for age-related changes in CD8 cells but that differences within rather than between subsets are more prominent for CD4 cells.  相似文献   

Wild-type mice immunized with MART-1 melanoma Ag-engineered dendritic cells (DC) generate strong Ag-specific immunity that has an absolute requirement for both CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells. DC administration to CD8 alpha knockout mice displayed unexpectedly enhanced levels of protection to tumor challenge despite this deficiency in CD8(+) T cells and the inability to mount MHC class I-restricted immune responses. This model has the following features: 1) antitumor protection is Ag independent; 2) had an absolute requirement for CD4(+) and NK1.1(+) cells; 3) CD4(+) splenocytes are responsible for cytokine production; 4) lytic cells in microcytotoxicity assays express NK, but lack T cell markers (NK1.1(+) alpha beta TCR(-) CD3(-)); and 5) the lytic phenotype can be transferred to naive CD8 alpha knockout mice by NK1.1(+) splenocytes. Elucidation of the signaling events that activate these effective cytotoxic cells and the putative suppressive mechanisms in a wild-type environment may provide means to enhance the clinical activity of DC-based approaches.  相似文献   

Peritoneal cells (PC) in C57B1/6 (B6, H-2b) mice receiving an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of allogeneic BALB/c (H-2d) spleen cells demonstrated potent cytotoxic activity against syngeneic, xenogeneic, third-party allogeneic tumors as well as H-2d derived tumors. Maximum cytotoxic activity against various tumors other than H-2d derived tumor, B16 (H-2b) was elicited on day 3 post allosensitization and decreased drastically thereafter, whereas cytotoxic activity against P815 (H-2d) peaked 3 days after the inoculation and maintained the peak activity thereafter. Surface phenotype of PC responsible for the cytotoxic activity against B16 was Thy-1+/-, Lyt-2-, L3T4-, asialo GM1 (AGM1)+, and that of PC against P815 was Thy-1+, Lyt-2+ (or Lyt-2+/-), L3T4-, AGM1+. These phenotypes showed similar phenotypes to the counterparts against B16 and against P815 in spleen cells induced by intravenous inoculation of alloantigen. When mice were pretreated i.p. with anti-AGM1 antibody before the allosensitization, anti-P815 cytotoxic-activity in PC was completely diminished. Similar activity in spleen, however, was enhanced by i.v. treatment with the antibody before the i.v. inoculation of alloantigen. The data clearly demonstrate that in vivo inoculation of B6 mice with normal allogeneic cells induces "NK-like" CD8- cytotoxic cells and "anomalous" CD8+ cytotoxic cells in PC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation derived from Bcr-Abl kinase activity is the major characteristic of Bcr-Abl positive cells. In this study, we developed a method to detect the phosphotyrosine proteins by flow cytometry and we asked whether phosphorylation was affected by imatinib mesylate treatment. METHODS: Cells were treated or not with imatinib mesylate, fixed and permeabilized by PFA followed by saponin, then stained with anti-phosphotyrosine (p-tyr) monoclonal antibody and analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Optimal staining parameters were performed with p-tyr antibody using K562 and LAMA84 lines that displayed high levels of tyrosine phosphorylation as compared to the control line, HL60. Tyrosine phosphorylation was inhibited by imatinib in a dose-dependent manner, but not modified by other inhibitors demonstrating that the staining detected is specific to Bcr-Abl phosphorylation. The staining of imatinib-resistant cell lines such as the mutated BaF/Bcr-AblT315I cell line or resistant CML patient cells, showed that hyperphosphorylation was not affected by imatinib treatment. In one CML patient, our technique permitted us to detect a small hyperphosphorylated population resistant to imatinib that appeared hyperphosphorylated and amplified at the time of relapse. CONCLUSIONS: We have developed a flow cytometric technique presenting several advantages such as rapidity and sensitivity, which requires fewer cells than the Western blot.  相似文献   

The INCA program converts Consort 30-generated fluorescence list mode data collected from Indo-1-stained cells to absolute intracellular calcium concentrations (nM Ca2+i). The calcium data are plotted vs. time, allowing the user to analyze the fractions of cells responding to a given stimulus. Converted files can be restored to disk after replacing FL1 and FL2 with time and calcium, respectively, for future analysis.  相似文献   

IL-10 producing T cells inhibit Ag-specific CD8+ T cell responses and may play a role in the immune dysregulation observed in HIV infection. We have previously observed the presence of HIV-specific IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells in advanced HIV disease. In this study, we examined the suppressive function of the Gag-specific IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells. Removal of these IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells resulted in increased cytolysis and IL-2, but not IFN-gamma, production by both HIV- and human CMV-specific CD8+ T cells. In addition, these IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells mediated suppression through direct cell-cell contact, and had a distinct immunophenotypic profile compared with other regulatory T cells. We describe a new suppressor CD8+ T cell population in advanced HIV infection that may contribute to the immune dysfunction observed in HIV infection.  相似文献   

The present report concerns the demonstration of the exclusive detection among peripheral blood T-lymphocytes of the S-100 protein within the CD8-positive subpopulation which lacks the antigen recognized by the 9.3 monoclonal antibody. Highly purified human peripheral blood T-cell subsets, obtained by means of panning techniques, were first stained, by an immunofluorescence method, with purified anti-S-100 protein antibodies. The vast majority of S-100 protein- (and, specifically, its beta subunit) positive cells were detected in the CD8-positive, 9.3-negative subset. This subset had previously been shown to comprise all the alloantigen-specific and histamine-inducible suppressor T-cells. Other T-subsets, even those showing either CD8-positivity (but 9.3-positivity) or 9.3-negativity (but CD8-negativity), were, as a rule, S-100 negative. Immunoelectronmicroscopy confirmed that the S-100-positive cells, showing peroxidase activity within the cytoplasm, were found exclusively within the CD8-positive, 9.3-negative subset. This finding of S-100 protein in cells of a specific T8 suppressor subset extends the range of the known distribution of this protein and may have important implications concerning its role in the modulation of immune responses.  相似文献   

CD4 molecules on human cells function as a major receptor for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); however, certain CD4-negative cell types may also be susceptible to infection. Therefore, we attempted to quantitate the relationship between HIV infection and CD4 expression on human cell lines before and after introduction of the CD4 gene by using a retrovirus vector. Prior to introduction of the CD4 expression vector, low levels of HIV infection were detected by a sensitive focal immunoassay on all three cell types studied. With several HIV strains in clones of human cervical carcinoma (HeLa) cells expressing different levels of CD4, HIV titer increased with increasing CD4 expression. In contrast, in squamous cell carcinoma cells (SCL1) and astroglial cells (U87MG), even high levels of CD4 expression failed to augment HIV infection. The CD4 protein expressed in these two cell lines had the expected molecular weight and was capable of binding HIV virions. However, in contrast to CD4-positive HeLa cells, CD4-positive U87MG and SCL1 cells were unable to form syncytia when cultured with cells expressing HIV envelope protein. Thus, the inability of HIV to infect these cells appeared to be due to lack of fusion between HIV virion envelope proteins and CD4-positive cell membranes. This block is infectivity was overcome when cells were infected with HIV which was pseudotyped with the envelope protein of amphotropic murine leukemia virus. Thus, in addition to CD4, other cell surface molecules appear to be required for successful HIV entry into and infection of these two human cell lines.  相似文献   

CD3/CD8-positive, Leu-7-positive cells comprise about 3 to 5% of PBL in normal individuals, but the proportion of these cells is increased in patients with a variety of diseases including chronic viral infection, Crohn's disease, and AIDS. To study further the function of these cells, the proliferative and cytotoxic responses of highly purified CD8/Leu-7-positive cells were studied in vitro. These cells had low proliferative responses when exposed to PHA or mitogenic anti-CD3 mAb compared to CD8/Leu-7-negative cells, and their proliferative responses were significantly lower after addition of IL-2 or autologous adherent cells. However, the proliferative responses of both Leu-7-positive and Leu-7-negative CD8 cells were similar when stimulated with PHA, Ionomycin, or anti-CD3 in combination with phorbol ester. In addition, CD8/Leu-7-positive cells demonstrated high proliferative responses when exposed to a combination of both PHA and SRBC, and these responses could be inhibited by prior addition of non-stimulating anti-CD2.1 mAb. CD8/Leu-7-positive cells, but not CD8/Leu-7-negative cells, mediated lectin- and anti-CD3-induced cytotoxicity against K562 target cells. Cytotoxicity was in part dependent on the CD2 Ag because it was inhibited by anti-CD2.1 mAb. Finally, when small CD8-positive T cells having low cytotoxic potential were activated with PHA plus SRBC, but not PHA alone, there was significant enhancement of their cytotoxic function. Thus, the CD2 receptor may be an important activation pathway for cytotoxic cells.  相似文献   

The extreme rarity of micronucleated reticulocytes (RETs) in the peripheral blood of non-splenectomized humans has precluded facile enumeration of these cells, as well as evaluation of this endpoint as an index of cytogenetic damage. In this report, we describe a high-throughput, single-laser flow cytometric system for scoring the incidence of micronuclei (MN) in newly formed human RETs. The procedure is based on an immunochemical reagent that differentially labels the most immature fraction of RETs from mature erythrocytes based on the expression level of the transferrin receptor (also known as CD71). The resolution of four erythrocyte populations (young RETs and mature erythrocytes, with and without MN) was achieved for human blood cells treated with phycoerythrin-conjugated anti-CD71, RNase, and either SYTOX Green or SYBR Green I nucleic acid dyes. Anti-glycophorin A labeling of erythroid cells (CyChrome conjugate) was also incorporated into the staining procedure to ensure that debris or other potential artifacts did not adversely impact the analyses. Instrument calibration procedures utilizing malaria-infected rodent erythrocytes were also developed, and are described. Using this analytical system, blood samples from 10 healthy non-splenectomized human volunteers were analyzed for micronucleus frequencies with a single-laser flow cytometer. Average micronucleus frequencies in the mature and most immature fraction of RETs were 0.016 and 0.19%, respectively. Blood samples from three healthy splenectomized volunteers were also evaluated. As expected, these samples exhibited higher micronucleus frequencies in the mature subset of erythrocytes (range 0.03-0.18%). The resulting data suggest that MN can be quantified in human erythrocyte populations with a single-laser flow cytometer, and that the frequency of MN cells in the youngest reticulocyte population approaches values expected in the absence of splenic selection against MN-erythrocytes. This high throughput system is potentially important for evaluating the value of the micronucleated reticulocyte endpoint as an index of chromosome breakage and/or chromosome segregational abnormalities in human populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: CD14, the major lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein of myeloid cells, is found as a soluble molecule in human serum. Recent data describe the presence of elevated soluble CD14 (sCD14) concentration in various disorders, confirming disease activity. A novel, easy, and rapid flow cytometric assay was developed to measure sCD14 levels in serum. METHODS: The assay is based on the competition between membrane-expressed CD14 of isolated monocytes from healthy volunteers and sCD14 in the sample sera for binding to anti-CD14 monoclonal antibodies (mAb; 26ic or 60bca). The amount of cell-associated mAb is determined with a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled anti-mouse conjugate and flow cytometry. The fluorescence signal is inversely proportional with the amount of serum sCD14. Using dilutions of a standard serum, the concentration of sCD14 in the samples is calculated and compared with results obtained by a commercial sCD14 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS: After optimization, the assay showed log-log linearity of 122.1-984.7 ng/ml sCD14 using mAb 26ic and 29.5-246.2 ng/ml sCD14 using mAb 60bca. It revealed similar results as the ELISA (mAb 26ic: r = 0.88, mAb 60bca: r = 0.92) and provided significantly elevated sCD14 levels in systemic lupus erythematosus patients compared with controls (26ic: 2,213 versus 1,676 ng/ml, P < 0.002; 60bca: 2,625 versus 1,907 ng/ml, P < 0.0002). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis suggested a reasonable diagnostic efficacy of sCD14 quantification in this autoimmune disease. CONCLUSIONS: The method is easy, rapid, sensitive, and can be used in the follow-up of patients suffering from sepsis or chronic inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   

A procedure to stain the centromeric region of chromosomes for dual beam flow cytometric analysis is described. Serum from a CREST (Scleroderma syndrome) patient presenting a high titer of anticentromeric antibodies was chosen on the basis of specificity of labeling of cells on slides. The high affinity of the antibodies to centromeres and low binding to chromosomal arms allowed the development of an indirect immunofluorescent labeling procedure using isolated and unfixed chromosomes stabilized by Mg++ ions. Discontinuous Ficoll gradients were used to separate chromosomes from unbound antibodies. With this procedure, chromosome clumping and degradation were minimal. The chromosomes were then stained with the DNA dyes Hoechst 33258 and chromomycin A3, before dual beam flow cytometric analysis. Flow karyotypes, with good chromosome peak resolution, were obtained for both human and hamster chromosomes subjected to the immunolabeling procedure. For quantification of FITC fluorescence due to bound antibody, chromosomes were counterstained with Hoechst only. The FITC intensity of antibody-labeled human and hamster chromosomes were 4-10 and 20 times greater than control chromosomes, respectively. These results suggest that the staining procedure may be suitable for immunolabeling of chromosomes with antibodies recognizing other nuclear proteins and their subsequent quantification by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

The two-colour flow cytometry method applied in a routine enumeration of peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets reveals that in some patients the entire population of CD4+ lymphocytes seems to express CD8 determinants as well. However, expression of the CD8 antigens on the cell surface is much lower in comparison with typical CD8+ cells. Moreover, in one-colour staining with an anti-CD8 antibody, cells with weak CD8 expression are not observed and only one typical population of CD8+ lymphocytes is seen. Investigating this phenomenon, we showed that after washing patient cells in RPMI before CD4/CD8 staining, the CD4+ T cell population did not show CD8 "co-expression". These results suggest that CD4+ lymphocytes, which seem to co-express CD8 antigen, in fact do not have this antigen on their surface. Moreover, after the addition of patient plasma to healthy donor cells prior to CD4/CD8 staining, a weak CD8 expression on normal CD4+ cells was noticed. Therefore we can assume that the agent(s) causing this phenomenon is/are present in the plasma of some patients. Altogether, these observations suggest that this phenomenon is nonspecific and probably results from cross-linking of anti-CD8 mAbs with anti-CD4 mAbs caused by factor(s) present in plasma of some patient. However, identification of that/these factor(s) requires further research.  相似文献   

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