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Continuous recordings of the effect of light on oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Victory) coleoptile and pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) epicotyl growth were made. Using a single excised coleoptile 10 minutes of red light was found to promote growth after a latent period of 46 minutes. The stimulation was transient and was not far red-reversible. Blue and far red light also promoted growth with similar kinetics. The action of continuous red or far red light was similar to that of 10-minute light. The growth of the intact pea third internode (as well as excised segments) was strongly inhibited by red light, with a latent period of 80 minutes. This effect was far red-reversible, and far red and blue light caused only a slight inhibition of growth.  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the kinetics of the fluorescence emission of chlorophyll a in chloroplasts from spinach and pea and in the algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Chlamydomonas reinhardii. The fluorescence decay is best described by three exponential components in all species. At low light intensity and with open reaction centers of Photosystem II (F0), we find lifetimes of approx. 100, 400 and 1100 ps for the three components. Closing the reaction centers by addition of 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea plus hydroxylamine and by increasing light intensity produces only minor changes in the almost constant fast- and medium-lifetime components; however, there is a dramatic increase in the yield of the slow component, by a factor of about 20, accompanied by only a modest increase in the lifetime to 2200 ps (Fmax). In good agreement with previous fluorescence lifetime measurements, we find an increase in the averaged lifetime of the three components from 0.5 to 2.0 ns, which is proportional to the 4-fold increase in the total fluorescence yield. Our time-resolved results are inconsistent with models which are based on the proportionality between lifetime and yield and which involve a homogeneous origin of fluorescence that is sensitive to the state of the reaction centers. We conclude that the variable part of the fluorescence, which is dominated by the slow phase, reflects the kinetics of charge recombination in the reaction center, as proposed previously (Klimov, V.V., Allakhverdiev, S.I. and Paschenko, V.Z. (1978) Dokl. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 242, 1204–1207). The modest increase in lifetime of the slow phase indicates the presence of some energy transfer between photosynthetic units.  相似文献   

Purification of oat and rye phytochrome   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A purification procedure employing normal chromatographic techniques is outlined for isolating phytochrome from etiolated oat (Avena sativa L.) seedlings. Yields in excess of 20% (25 milligrams or more) of phytochrome in crude extract were obtained from 10- to 15-kilograms lots. The purified oat phytochrome had an absorbance ratio (A280 nm/A665 nm) of 0.78 to 0.85, comparable to reported values, and gave a single major band with an estimated molecular weight of 62,000 on electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. A modification of the oat isolation procedure was used to isolate phytochrome from etiolated rye Secale cereale cv. Balbo) seedlings. During isolation rye phytochrome exhibited chromatographic profiles differing from oat phytochrome on diethylaminoethyl cellulose and on molecular sieve gels. It eluted at a higher salt concentration on diethylaminoethyl cellulose and nearer the void volume on molecular sieve gels. Yields of 5 to 10% (7.5-10 milligrams) of phytochrome in crude extract were obtained from 10- to 12-kilogram seedling lots. The purified rye phytochrome had an absorbance ratio of 1.25 to 1.37, significantly lower than values in the literature and gave a single major band with an estimated molecular weight of 120,000 on electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. It is suggested that the absorbance ratio and electrophoretic behavior of rye phytochrome are indices of purified native phytochrome, and that oat phytochrome as it has been described is an artifact which arises as a result of endogenous proteolysis during isolation. A rationale is provided for further modifications of the purification procedure to alleviate presumed protease contaminants.  相似文献   

We have used single-photon timing with picosecond resolution to investigate the effect of phosphorylation on the fluorescence decay from broken spinach chloroplasts. Phosphorylation of spinach thylakoids causes a quenching of the slow decay phase (equivalent to a quenching of variable fluorescence) and an increase in the yield of the middle phase decay component. In addition, phosphorylation alters the intensity dependence of fluorescence in a manner which indicates a decreased antenna size of Photosystem II. The observed changes are indicative of a State 1-State 2 transition and show a clear reversal when the membranes are dephosphorylated.  相似文献   

Single-photon timing with picosecond resolution is used to investigate the effect of Mg2+ on the room-temperature fluorescence decay kinetics in broken spinach chloroplasts. In agreement with an earlier paper (Haehnel, W., Nairn, J.A., Reisberg, P. and Sauer, K. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 680, 161–173), we find three components in the fluorescence decay both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+. The behavior of these components is examined as a function of Mg2+ concentration at both the F0 and the Fmax fluorescence levels, and as a function of the excitation intensity for thylakoids from spinach chloroplasts isolated in the absence of added Mg2+. Analysis of the results indicates that the subsequent addition of Mg2+ has effects which occur at different levels of added cation. At low levels of Mg2+ (less than 0.75 mM), there appears to be a decrease in communication between Photosystem (PS) II and PS I, which amounts to a decrease in the spillover rate between PS II and PS I. At higher levels of Mg2+ (about 2 mM), there appears to be an increase in communication between PS II units and an increase in the effective absorption cross-section of PS II, probably both of these involving the chlorophyll light-harvesting antenna.  相似文献   

Purified oat and rye phytochrome were examined by analytical gel chromatography, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, N-terminal, and amino acid analysis. Purified oat phytochrome had a partition coefficient on Sephadex G-200 (sigma(200)) of 0.350 with an estimated molecular weight of 62,000; sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide electrophoresis gave an equivalent weight estimate. Purified rye phytochrome had a sigma(200) value of 0.085 with an estimated molecular weight of 375,000; sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis gave a weight estimate of 120,000, indicating a multimer structure for the nondenatured protein. Comparative sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis with purified phycocyanin and allophycocyanin gave a molecular weight estimate of 15,000 for allophycocyanin, and two constituent classes of subunits for phycocyanin with molecular weights of 17,000 and 15,000. Amino acid analysis of oat phytochrome confirmed a previous report; amino acid analysis of rye phytochrome differs markedly from a previous report. Oat phytochome has four detectable N-terminal residues (glutamic acid, serine, lysine, and leucine, or isoleucine); rye phytochrome has two detectable groups (aspartic and glutamic acids). Model experiments subjecting purified rye phytochrome to proteinolysis generate a product with the characteristic spectral and weight properties of oat phytochrome, as it has been described in the literature. It is concluded that the structural characteristics of purified rye phytochrome are likely those of the native protein.  相似文献   

The suggestion, that the increase in the far-UV CD signal of the 124 kDa oat phytochrome upon phototransformation of the Pr to Pfr form is possibly due to the chromophore interaction with the N-terminus segment of the phytochrome protein in the Pfr from (Chai, Y.G., Song, P.S., Cordonnier, M.-M. and Pratt, L.H. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 4947-4952), has been investigated by measuring the circular dichroism in the absence of exogenous tetrapyrrolic chromophores (bilirubin, biliverdin, chlorophyllin and hemin). Open tetrapyrrolic chromophores (bilirubin and biliverdin) did not have any significant effect on the phototransformability of the far-UV CD signal of the phytochrome, whereas closed tetrapyrroles (chlorophyllin and hemin) almost completely blocked the increase in the far-UV CD signal upon Pr to Pfr phototransformation. However, closed tetrapyrroles had no effect on the decrease in the CD signal upon Pfr to Pr photoconversion. Secondary structure analysis showed that the alpha-helix content of both Pr and Pfr forms of phytochrome (with 53 and 56% alpha-helical content, respectively) increased to 62% when a 50-fold molar excess of chlorophyllin was added to them separately. Spectral phototransformation of phytochrome was not affected in the presence of tetrapyrroles, except in the case of hemin. A 50-fold molar mass of hemin caused a significant bleaching of the Pfr form of phytochrome but not that of the Pr form. These results suggest that the chromophore-protein interaction is significantly altered during the phototransformation of phytochrome.  相似文献   

Expression of functional oat phytochrome A in transgenic rice.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
To investigate the biological functions of phytochromes in monocots, we generated, by electric discharge particle bombardment, transgenic rice (Oryza sativa cv Gulfmont) that constitutively expresses the oat phytochrome A apoprotein. The introduced 124-kD polypeptide bound chromophore and assembled into a red- and far-red-light-photoreversible chromoprotein with absorbance spectra indistinguishable from those of phytochrome purified from etiolated oats. Transgenic lines expressed up to 3 and 4 times more spectrophotometrically detectable phytochrome than wild-type plants in etiolated and green seedlings, respectively. Upon photo-conversion to the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome, oat phytochrome A was degraded in etiolated seedlings with kinetics similar to those of endogenous rice phytochromes (half-life approximately 20 min). Although plants overexpressing phytochrome A were phenotypically indistinguishable from wild-type plants when grown under high-fluence white light, they were more sensitive as etiolated seedlings to light pulses that established very low phytochrome equilibria. This indicates that the introduced oat phytochrome A was biologically active. Thus, rice ectopically expressing PHY genes may offer a useful model to help understand the physiological functions of the various phytochrome isoforms in monocotyledonous plants.  相似文献   

Purification and characterization of phytochrome from oat seedlings   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
F E Mumford  E L Jenner 《Biochemistry》1966,5(11):3657-3662

Etiolated seedlings of wild‐type wheat and a transgenic line overexpressing an oat PHYA gene were investigated by the use of in situ low‐temperature fluorescence spectroscopy. The red‐absorbing phytochrome form, Pr, was characterized by (1) fluorescence emission spectrum; (2) total phytochrome content, and (3) by the extent of the Pr → lumi‐R photoconversion at low temperature (γ1), and of the Pr → Pfr photoconversion at ambient temperature (γ2) as derived from emission data. All the characteristics were shown to be variable and to depend on (1) organ and tissue used; (2) seedling age; (3) transgenic wheat modification, and (4) continuous far‐red irradiation of seedlings during their growth. These variations were interpreted in terms of the existence in wheat seedlings of the two phenomenological Pr types: (a), Pr′– major longer wavelength (687/673 nm, emission/absorption maxima) variable and light‐labile with γ1 ≈ 0·5; and (b), Pr′′– minor, shorter wavelength (682/668 nm), relatively constant with its concentration not changing significantly with the increase of total phytochrome content in tissues and light‐stable with γ1 ≤ 0·05–0·1. Overexpression of oat phyA increases primarily the content of Pr′ suggesting that it is comprised of phyA (phyA′) whereas Pr′′ is believed to consist of the minor phyA fraction (phyA′′) and phyB. The transgenic wheat line has been demonstrated to have a modified phenotype – the appearance of the far‐red high irradiance reaction (FR‐HIR) (Shlumukov et al. Plant, Cell and Environment 24, 703–712). The increased content of phyA′ in the transgenic line, whereas the total [phyA′′ + phyB] remains the same as in the wild type, indicates that the phyA′ pool is primarily responsible for the observed modification of the phenotype and suggests that even in wild‐type plants the phyA′ component of the phyA pool may mediate the FR‐HIR.  相似文献   

A simplified procedure for the isolation and purification of 124-kDa phytochrome from etiolated Avena seedlings has been developed using the method of ammonium sulfate back-extraction. After hydroxyapatite chromatography of seedling tissue extracts, the pooled phytochrome was subjected to ammonium sulfate back-extraction instead of the usual application to an Affi-Gel Blue column. The resulting phytochrome had specific absorbance ratios (SAR = A666/A280) ranging from 0.85 to 0.95. Subsequent Bio-Gel filtration chromatography yielded highly pure 124-kDa phytochrome with SAR values ranging from 0.99 to 1.13. The absorption maxima of 124-kDa phytochrome were at 280, 379, and 666 nm for the red absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr) and at 280, 400 and 730 nm for the far-red absorbing form (Pfr). The A730/A673 ratio in Pfr was found to be 1.5 to 1.6. The mole fraction of Pfr under red light photoequilibrium was 0.88. No dark reversion was detected within 5 h at 3 degrees C. A photoreversible far-uv-circular dichroism was observable with all phytochrome preparations examined. Fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetimes were measured to further characterize the differences between the phytochromes prepared under different conditions. The Trp fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetimes of Pr and Pfr with the chromophore "X", probably polyphenolic in nature, were significantly shorter than those of phytochrome without the contaminant X. The short lifetime of the fluorescence of the Pr chromophore is attributable to X in the former.  相似文献   

The fluorescence emission kinetics at 740 nm of the retinylidence chromophore of the purple membrane protein of Halobacterium halobium have been studied. Using picosecond laser pulses and an optical Kerr gate, the fluorescence risetime is found to be less than 8 ps and its lifetime is 40 +/- 5 ps at 90 degrees K and is estimated to be less than 3 ps at room temperature.  相似文献   

1. The photoreversible chromoprotein phytochrome was extracted from etiolated oat seedlings. The final purification step revealed that there were two photoreversible coloured components. 2. The amino acid composition, spectra and Svedberg coefficients of each component are reported.  相似文献   

Detached leaves of pea (Pisum sativum) were submitted to water stress at different relative air humidities. The photosynthetic activity of photosystem 2 (PS2) was monitored by time-resolved picosecond chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence spectroscopy. In the first days the well-known fast Chl fluorescence decay was observed which indicated high PS2 activity. After a few days the average fluorescence decay time τm reached a maximum, depending on the wilting conditions, but always at a relative loss of leaf mass of 80%. After this maximum, τm decreased within a few hours, the fluorescence decay became similar to that one of an intact leaf, but an additional fluorescence decay component with a lifetime of 3.6 ns appeared. At first the primary quinone QA was reduced due to inhibition of the electron transfer to the secondary quinone QB. Simultaneously, water deficiency caused an electron lack at the oxidizing site of PS2. This disabled the primary electron donor of PS2, tyrosine Z, from reducing the oxidized reaction centre of PS2 (P680+). Thus a recombination of P680+-pheophytin-QA- took place, and the energy was lost as heat. With further water stress, QA was decoupled from PS2. The new fluorescence decay component could therefore be assigned to energetically decoupled antenna complexes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Berg  D.  Maier  K.  Otteken  D.  Terjung  F. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(1):97-106
Detached leaves of pea (Pisum sativum) were submitted to water stress at different relative air humidities. The photosynthetic activity of photosystem 2 (PS2) was monitored by time-resolved picosecond chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence spectroscopy. In the first days the well-known fast Chl fluorescence decay was observed which indicated high PS2 activity. After a few days the average fluorescence decay time τm reached a maximum, depending on the wilting conditions, but always at a relative loss of leaf mass of 80%. After this maximum, τm decreased within a few hours, the fluorescence decay became similar to that one of an intact leaf, but an additional fluorescence decay component with a lifetime of 3.6 ns appeared. At first the primary quinone QA was reduced due to inhibition of the electron transfer to the secondary quinone QB. Simultaneously, water deficiency caused an electron lack at the oxidizing site of PS2. This disabled the primary electron donor of PS2, tyrosine Z, from reducing the oxidized reaction centre of PS2 (P680+). Thus a recombination of P680+-pheophytin-QA- took place, and the energy was lost as heat. With further water stress, QA was decoupled from PS2. The new fluorescence decay component could therefore be assigned to energetically decoupled antenna complexes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of phytochrome conversion   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

At least four mRNAs for oat phytochrome A (phyA) are present in etiolated oat tissue. The complete amino acid sequences of two phyA isoforms (A3 and A4) and the N-terminal amino acid sequence of a third isoform (A5) were deduced from cDNA sequencing (Hershey et al., 1985). In the present study, heterogeneity of phyA on a protein level was studied by tryptic mapping using electrospray ionization mass-spectrometry (ESIMS). The total tryptic digest of iodoacetamide-modified phyA was fractionated by gel filtration chromatography followed by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. ESIMS was used to identify peptides. Amino acid sequences of the peptides were confirmed or determined by collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry (CID MS), MS/MS, or by subdigestion of the tryptic peptides followed by ESIMS analysis. More than 97% of the phyA3 sequence (1,128 amino acid residues) was determined in the present study. Mass-spectrometric analysis of peptides unique to each form showed that phyA purified from etiolated oat seedling is represented by three isoforms A5, A3, and A4, with ratio 3.4:2.3:1.0. Possible light-induced changes in phytochrome in vivo phosphorylation site at Ser7 (Lapko VN et al., 1997, Biochemistry 36:10595-10599) as well at Ser17 and Ser598 (known as in vitro phosphorylation sites) were also analyzed. The extent of phosphorylation at Ser7 appears to be the same for phyA isolated from dark-grown and red-light illuminated seedlings. In addition to Ser7, Ser598 was identified as an in vivo phosphorylation site in oat phyA. Ser598 phosphorylation was found only in phyA from the red light-treated seedlings, suggesting that the protein phosphorylation plays a functional role in the phytochrome A-mediated light-signal transduction.  相似文献   

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