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Alphabeta T-cell receptor (TcR) recognition of antigenic peptides bound to the major histocompatibility complex (pMHC), is integral to the cellular immune system. Crystallographic studies over the last decade have provided significant insight into this unique trimolecular recognition event. The TcR-pMHC structural information has been paralleled by biophysical studies that have further explored the emerging binding models in an attempt to answer fundamental immunological questions regarding MHC restriction, T-cell immunodominance and TcR cross-reactivity. However, despite the important data that has been generated regarding TcR-pMHC interactions, the scope of this information is still incomplete due to the limited range of TcRs that have been studied. These limitations are primarily due to difficulties in obtaining high yields of recombinant alphabeta TcR for crystallographic and biophysical analysis; here we will discuss some of the protein engineering strategies that have been employed to expand the pool of recombinant TcRs suitable for crystallographic studies and the subsequent studies that have utilized these proteins.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic progenitor kinase 1 (HPK1), a mammalian Ste20-related serine/threonine protein kinase, is a hematopoietic-specific upstream activator of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase. Here, we provide evidence to demonstrate the involvement of HPK1 in T cell receptor (TCR) signaling. HPK1 was activated and tyrosine-phosphorylated with similar kinetics following TCR/CD3 or pervanadate stimulation. Co-expression of protein-tyrosine kinases, Lck and Zap70, with HPK1 led to HPK1 activation and tyrosine phosphorylation in transfected mammalian cells. Upon TCR/CD3 stimulation, HPK1 formed inducible complexes with the adapters Nck and Crk with different kinetics, whereas it constitutively interacted with the adapters Grb2 and CrkL in Jurkat T cells. Interestingly, HPK1 also inducibly associated with linker for activation of T cells (LAT) through its proline-rich motif and translocated into glycolipid-enriched microdomains (also called lipid rafts) following TCR/CD3 stimulation, suggesting a critical role for LAT in the regulation of HPK1. Together, these results identify HPK1 as a new component of TCR signaling. T cell-specific signaling molecules Lck, Zap70, and LAT play roles in the regulation of HPK1 during TCR signaling. Differential complex formation between HPK1 and adapters highlights the possible involvement of HPK1 in multiple signaling pathways in T cells.  相似文献   

Immunoincompetence after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) affects in particular the T-cell lineage and is associated with an increased risk for infections, graft failure and malignant relapse. To generate large numbers of T-cell precursors for adoptive therapy, we cultured mouse hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in vitro on OP9 mouse stromal cells expressing the Notch-1 ligand Delta-like-1 (OP9-DL1). We infused these cells, together with T-cell-depleted mouse bone marrow or purified HSCs, into lethally irradiated allogeneic recipients and determined their effect on T-cell reconstitution after transplantation. Recipients of OP9-DL1-derived T-cell precursors showed increased thymic cellularity and substantially improved donor T-cell chimerism (versus recipients of bone marrow or HSCs only). OP9-DL1-derived T-cell precursors gave rise to host-tolerant CD4+ and CD8+ populations with normal T-cell antigen receptor repertoires, cytokine secretion and proliferative responses to antigen. Administration of OP9-DL1-derived T-cell precursors increased resistance to infection with Listeria monocytogenes and mediated significant graft-versus-tumor (GVT) activity but not graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). We conclude that the adoptive transfer of OP9-DL1-derived T-cell precursors markedly enhances T-cell reconstitution after transplantation, resulting in GVT activity without GVHD.  相似文献   

A method to produce alphabeta T-cell receptors (TCRs) in a soluble form suitable for biophysical analysis was devised involving in vitro refolding of a TCR fusion protein. Polypeptides corresponding to the variable and constant domains of each chain of a human and a murine receptor, fused to a coiled coil heterodimerization motif from either c-Jun (alpha) or v-Fos (beta), were overexpressed separately in Escherichia coli. Following recovery from inclusion bodies, the two chains of each receptor were denatured, and then refolded together in the presence of denaturants. For the human receptor, which is specific for the immunodominant influenza A HLA-A2-restricted matrix epitope (M58-66), a heterodimeric protein was purified in milligram yields and found to be homogeneous, monomeric, antibody-reactive, and stable at concentrations lower than 1 microM. Using similar procedures, analogous results were obtained with a murine receptor specific for an influenza nucleoprotein epitope (366-374) restricted by H2-Db. Production of these receptors has facilitated a detailed analysis of viral peptide-Major Histocompatibility Complex (peptide-MHC) engagement by the TCR using both surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and, in the case of the human TCR, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) (Willcox et al., 1999). The recombinant methods described should enable a wide range of TCR-peptide-MHC interactions to be studied and may also have implications for the production of other heterodimeric receptor molecules.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) elicits a very large burden on the immune system, with approximately one in ten T cells being reserved solely to manage this infection. However, information on the clonotypic composition of these vast T-cell populations is limited. In this study, we sequenced 116 T-cell receptor (TcR) alpha/beta-chains specific for the highly immunogenic HLA-B*3501-resticted epitope IPSINVHHY from the pp65 antigen. Interestingly, T cells recovered from all donors bore an identical or near-identical TRBV28/TRBJ1-4/TRAV17/TRAJ33 TcR. The ability to predict the responding alphabeta TcR repertoire before viral infection should prove a powerful tool for basic and clinical immunology.  相似文献   

Cardiac hypertrophy is an adaptive process that occurs in response to increased physical stress on the heart. Hypertrophy, which may be induced by hypertension among other factors, is characterized by an increase in left ventricular mass and an associated increase in force production capacity. However, as sustained cardiac hypertrophy may lead to heart failure and sudden death, an understanding of the molecular processes involved in both the onset and consequences of hypertrophy is of significant importance. Calcium is a key player in the process underlying the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Recently, several Transient Receptor Potential proteins (TRPs), including calcium-permeable and calcium-regulated ion channels, have been shown to be related to various aspects of cardiac hypertrophy. TRPs are implicated in the development of cardiac hypertrophy (TRPC1, TRPC3, TRPC6), the electrophysiological perturbations associated with hypertrophy (TRPM4) and the progression to heart failure (TRPC7). This review describes the major characteristics of cardiac hypertrophy and focuses on the roles of TRPs in the physiological processes underlying hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Hennecke J  Carfi A  Wiley DC 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(21):5611-5624
An alphabeta T-cell receptor (alphabetaTCR)/hemagglutinin (HA) peptide/human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR1 complex was stabilized by flexibly linking the HA peptide with the human HA1.7 alphabetaTCR, to increase the local concentration of the interacting proteins once the peptide has been loaded onto the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. The structure of the complex, determined by X-ray crystallography, has a binding mode similar to that of the human B7 alphabetaTCR on a pMHCI molecule. Twelve of the 15 MHC residues contacted are at the same positions observed earlier in class I MHC/peptide/TCR complexes. One contact, to an MHC loop outside the peptide-binding site, is conserved and specific to pMHCII complexes. TCR gene usage in the response to HA/HLA-DR appears to conserve charged interactions between three lysines of the peptide and acidic residues on the TCR.  相似文献   

Cell-cell transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is considered the most effective mode of viral spread in T-lymphocyte cultures. Evidence has accumulated that HIV-1 assembles polarized synaptic-like structures, referred to as virological synapses, as specialized sites of viral transfer. Interestingly, it was recently also discovered that HIV-1 impairs the formation of the structurally similar immunological synapse, thereby modulating exogenous T-lymphocyte stimulation to yield an optimal activation state for productive HIV-1 infection. The careful dissection of these opposing effects will contribute to our understanding of retroviral spread and cellular signal transduction machineries.  相似文献   

Most of the hypomorphic Prep1i/i embryos (expressing 3-10% of the Prep1 protein), die between E17.5 and P0, with profound anemia, eye malformations and angiogenic anomalies [Ferretti, E., Villaescusa, J.C., Di Rosa, P., Fernandez-Diaz, L.-C., Longobardi, E., Mazzieri, R., Miccio, A., Micali, N., Selleri, L., Ferrari G., Blasi, F. (2006). Hypomorphic mutation of the TALE gene Prep1 (pKnox1) causes a major reduction of Pbx and Meis proteins and a pleiotropic embryonic phenotype. Mol. Cell. Biol. 26, 5650-5662]. We now report on the hematopoietic phenotype of these embryos. Prep1i/i fetal livers (FL) are hypoplastic, produce less common myeloid progenitors colonies (CFU-GEMM) in cytokine-supplemented methylcellulose and have an increased number of B-cells precursors that differentiate poorly. Prep1i/i FL is able to protect lethally irradiated mice only at high cell doses but the few protected mice show major anomalies in all hematopoietic lineages in both bone marrow (BM) and peripheral organs. Prep1i/i FL cells compete inefficiently with wild type bone marrow in competitive repopulation experiments, suggesting that the major defect lies in long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (LTR-HSC). Indeed, wt embryonic expression of Prep1 in the aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region, fetal liver (FL), cKit+Sca1+LinAA4.1+ (KSLA) cells and B-lymphocytes precursors agrees with the observed phenotype. We therefore conclude that Prep1 is required for a correct and complete hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

The hematopoietic stem cell line, Myl-D7, is maintained by a self-renewing stem cell population that spontaneously generates myeloid, lymphoid, and erythroid progeny. MS-5 stromal cells are necessary for the growth of Myl-D7 cells. One component of the Myl-D7 cells proliferation activity released by MS-5 stromal cells was enriched by Q sepharose fractionation and shown to be colony stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) by Western blotting, BAC1.2F5 cell bioassay and inhibition of Myl-D7 proliferation by CSF-1 antibody. The requirement of Myl-D7 cells for CSF-1 was also demonstrated independently by selecting for rare, stroma-independent Myl-D7 mutant clones able to grow without stroma and additional factors. Eighty-nine stroma-independent mutant clones were obtained and belonged to two classes. The majority of mutants did not secrete any growth promoting activity. The second, rarer class of mutants releases a factor that stimulates proliferation/survival for up to several months and approximately half of the secretors express high levels of CSF-1 mRNA. Wild type Myl-D7 grown with supernatants from the secretor cells retained the stem cell phenotype. These data suggest that CSF-1 may act as a key factor in stroma-regulated hematopoiesis and cell-cell interaction.  相似文献   

The interaction between the alphabeta T cell receptor (TCR) and the peptide bound to the major histocompatibility complex class I molecule (pMHC-I) constitutes a central interaction in adaptive immunity. How these receptors interact with such low affinity while maintaining exquisite specificity for peptide antigen and host MHC (MHC-I restriction) remains a challenge to be explained by structural immunologists. Moreover, how this extracellular interaction is transmitted as an intracellular signal via the CD3 complex remains unresolved. Nevertheless, several structures of TCRs, non-liganded and ligated to a defined pMHC-I, combined with detailed biophysical analyses, have provided insight of the structural basis of MHC-I restriction. In addition, structures of isolated CD3 components have enabled T cell signalling mechanisms to be postulated. Recent findings in this area, which include seven distinct TCR/pMHC-I complexes, have fundamental implications in adaptive immunity as well as therapeutic applications to modulate the adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Nef is a membrane-associated protein decreasing surface expression of CD4, CD28, and major histocompatibility complex class I on infected cells. We report that Nef strongly down-modulates surface expression of the beta-chain of the CD8alphabeta receptor by accelerated endocytosis, while CD8 alpha-chain expression is less affected. By mutational analysis of the cytoplasmic tail of the CD8 beta-chain, an FMK amino acid motif was shown to be critical for Nef-induced endocytosis. Although independent of CD4, endocytosis of the CD8 beta-chain was abrogated by the same mutations in Nef that affect CD4 down-regulation, suggesting common molecular interactions. The ability to down-regulate the human CD8 beta-chain was conserved in HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac239 Nef and required an intact AP-2 complex. The Nef-mediated internalization of receptors, such as CD4, major histocompatibility complex class I, CD28, and CD8alphabeta, may contribute to the subversion of the host immune system and progression towards AIDS.  相似文献   

The E2A gene products, E12 and E47, are critical for proper early B-cell development and commitment to the B-cell lineage. Here we reveal a new role for E2A in T-lymphocyte development. Loss of E2A activity results in a partial block at the earliest stage of T-lineage development. This early T-cell phenotype precedes the development of a T-cell lymphoma which occurs between 3 and 9 months of age. The thymomas are monoclonal and highly malignant and display a cell surface phenotype similar to that of immature thymocytes. In addition, the thymomas generally express high levels of c-myc. As assayed by comparative genomic hybridization, each of the tumor populations analyzed showed a nonrandom gain of chromosome 15, which contains the c-myc gene. Taken together, the data suggest that the E2A gene products play a role early in thymocyte development that is similar to their function in B-lineage determination. Furthermore, the lack of E2A results in development of T-cell malignancies, and we propose that E2A inactivation is a common feature of a wide variety of human T-cell proliferative disorders, including those involving the E2A heterodimeric partners tal-1 and lyl-1.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that the interaction of thymocytes with thymic accessory cells (macrophages and/or interdigitating cells) is one of the factors required for thymocyte activation. Precursors of both thymic accessory cell and thymocytes are included in the CD4- CD8- Mac-1- Ia- subpopulation, and their respective maturation and/or activation may be modulated by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin 1 and interleukin 2. When CD4- CD8- thymic cells are activated with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor plus interleukin 2, both macrophages and interdigitating-like cells are present, as shown by electron microscopy. When activated with interleukin 1 plus interleukin 2, the interdigitating-like cells is the only accessory cell present. In both culture conditions, large clusters are formed between interdigitating cells and lymphoid cells. These results have led us to propose two-step signals for thymocyte proliferation: first, the maturation of macrophages under granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor control and the production of interleukin 1, and secondly, the maturation of interdigitating cells under interleukin 1 control, their clustering with thymocytes which are then activated.Abbreviations CFU-S colony-forming units in the spleen - CSF colony-stimulating factor - DC dendritic cells - DN double negative cells (CD4- CD8-) - EC epithelial cells - GM-CFC granulocyte/macrophage colony-forming cells - GM-CSF granulocytemacrophage CSF - IDC interdigitating cell - IL-1 interleukin 1 - IL-2 interleukin 2 - MØ macrophage - P-TR phagocytic cell of the thymic reticulum  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by increased incidence of cancer and an immunodeficiency of unknown origin. The BLM gene mutated in Bloom's syndrome encodes a DNA helicase involved in the maintenance of genomic integrity. To explore the role of BLM in the immune system, we ablated murine Blm in the T-cell lineage. In the absence of Blm, thymocytes were severely reduced in numbers and displayed a developmental block at the beta-selection checkpoint that was partially p53 dependent. Blm-deficient thymocytes rearranged their T-cell receptor (TCR) beta genes normally yet failed to survive and proliferate in response to pre-TCR signaling. Furthermore, peripheral T cells were reduced in numbers, manifested defective homeostatic and TCR-induced proliferation, and produced extensive chromosomal damage. Finally, CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses were impaired upon antigen challenge. Thus, by ensuring genomic stability, Blm serves a vital role for development, maintenance, and function of T lymphocytes, suggesting a basis for the immune deficiency in Bloom's syndrome.  相似文献   

Many data suggest the deep involvement of the substance P (SP)/neurokinin (NK)-1 receptor system in cancer: (1) Tumor cells express SP, NK-1 receptors and mRNA for the tachykinin NK-1 receptor; (2) Several isoforms of the NK-1 receptor are expressed in tumor cells; (3) the NK-1 receptor is involved in the viability of tumor cells; (4) NK-1 receptors are overexpressed in tumor cells in comparison with normal ones and malignant tissues express more NK-1 receptors than benign tissues; (5) Tumor cells expressing the most malignant phenotypes show an increased percentage of NK-1 receptor expression; (6) The expression of preprotachykinin A is increased in tumor cells in comparison with the levels found in normal cells; (7) SP induces the proliferation and migration of tumor cells and stimulates angiogenesis by increasing the proliferation of endothelial cells; (8) NK-1 receptor antagonists elicit the inhibition of tumor cell growth; (9) The specific antitumor action of NK-1 receptor antagonists on tumor cells occurs through the NK-1 receptor; (10) Tumor cell death is due to apoptosis; (11) NK-1 receptor antagonists inhibit the migration of tumor cells and neoangiogenesis. The NK-1 receptor is a therapeutic target in cancer and NK-1 receptor antagonists could be considered as broad-spectrum antitumor drugs for the treatment of cancer. It seems that a common mechanism for cancer cell proliferation mediated by SP and the NK-1 receptor is triggered, as well as a common mechanism exerted by NK-1 receptor antagonists on tumor cells, i.e. apoptosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of immature thymocytes is regulated by the pre-T-cell receptor (pre-TCR). The pre-TCR is involved in several developmental processes including rescuing cells from programmed cell death, allelic exclusion and alphabeta versus gammadelta T-cell lineage commitment. A major issue is how the pre-TCR functions to integrate these processes in developing thymocytes. RESULTS: We have used a sensitive immunofluorescence technique to reveal the surface-expression profile of the pre-TCR on immature thymocyte subsets. We show that early pre-T cells (CD25(+)CD44(-)) can be subdivided on the basis of the level of surface pre-TCR expression. Detectable surface pre-TCR expression identified a rapidly cycling population of early pre-T cells which had successfully undergone beta-selection and been rescued from programmed cell death. Late pre-T cells (CD25(-)CD44(-)), which had traversed the beta-selection checkpoint, expressed surprisingly heterogeneous surface levels of the pre-TCR: high levels of surface pre-TCR expression were associated with commitment to the alphabeta T-cell lineage, whereas late pre-T cells with lower levels of surface pre-TCR could develop along both the alphabeta or gammadelta T-cell lineages. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that the surface expression of the pre-TCR can be used to reveal newly identified stages of T-cell development and to provide insights into alphabeta T-cell lineage commitment. They show that, although pre-TCR expression does not act as a developmental switch per se, its level of surface expression on late pre-T cells predicts their developmental potential.  相似文献   

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