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Summary A tissue culture of five wild species of the Secale genus, i.e., S. africanum (Stapf.), S. ancestrale (Zhuk.), S. kuprianovii (Grossh), S. segetale (Rosher.), and S. vavilovii (Grossh), from immature embryos of sizes (stages) varying between 1.0 mm to 3.0mm, cultured on MS (1962) mineral nutrient medium supplemented with 0.62 mg/1–5.0 mg/1 of 2,4-D, was established. Initially various types of callus were observed and a correlation between genotype, size of explant and 2,4-D concentration was found. The best embryogenic response was observed when explants were smaller than 1.0 mm. Induction of somatic embryogenesis of 2.0 mm–3.0 mm explants required a higher concentration of 2,4-D. Most embryoids were formed in the presence of 5.0 mg/l of 2,4-D. Secale africanum and S. kuprianovii appeared to have the highest embryogenic capacity among the five investigated species. For embryoids germination to plantlets the MS medium supplemented with GA3 and cytokinins was used. Ultimately, out of the 932 regenerants obtained 364 originated from somatic embryogenesis.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 deGibberellic acid - BAP Benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

Variation in nuclear DNA in the genus Secale   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Estimates of the 4C DNA amount per nucleus in 16 taxa of the genus Secale made by Feulgen microdensitometry ranged from 28.85 picograms (pg) in S. silvestre PBI R52 to 34.58 pg in S. vavilovii UM 2D49, compared with 33.14 pg in S. cereale cv. Petkus Spring which was used as a standard. Giemsa C-banding patterns showed considerable interspecific and intraspecific variation and several instances of polymorphism for large telomeric C-bands. The proportion of telomeric heterochromatin in the genome ranged from about 6% in S. silvestre and S. africanum to about 12% in cultivated rye. A detailed comparison of nine taxa showed no overall relationship between 4C DNA amount and the proportion of telomeric heterochromatin in the genome. However, evidence is presented which strongly supports the notion that the major evolutionary change in chromosome structure in Secale has involved the addition of heterochromatin at, or close to, the telomeres. It is suggested that saltatory amplification events at telomeres were initially responsible for each large increase in DNA amount. Subsequently unequal crossing over between homologues may have played an important secondary role by extending the range of variation in the amount of heterochromatin at a given telomere, while crossing over between non-homologues may have provided a useful mechanism allowing an increase in the DNA amount at one telomere to be distributed between chromosomes.  相似文献   

DeBaryshe PG  Pardue ML 《Genetics》2011,187(1):51-60
Repeated DNA in heterochromatin presents enormous difficulties for whole-genome sequencing; hence, sequence organization in a significant portion of the genomes of multicellular organisms is relatively unknown. Two sequenced BACs now allow us to compare telomeric retrotransposon arrays from Drosophila melanogaster telomeres with an array of telomeric retrotransposons that transposed into the centromeric region of the Y chromosome >13 MYA, providing a unique opportunity to compare the structural evolution of this retrotransposon in two contexts. We find that these retrotransposon arrays, both heterochromatic, are maintained quite differently, resulting in sequence organizations that apparently reflect different roles in the two chromosomal environments. The telomere array has grown only by transposition of new elements to the chromosome end; the centromeric array instead has grown by repeated amplifications of segments of the original telomere array. Many elements in the telomere have been variably 5'-truncated apparently by gradual erosion and irregular deletions of the chromosome end; however, a significant fraction (4 and possibly 5 or 6 of 15 elements examined) remain complete and capable of further retrotransposition. In contrast, each element in the centromere region has lost ≥ 40% of its sequence by internal, rather than terminal, deletions, and no element retains a significant part of the original coding region. Thus the centromeric array has been restructured to resemble the highly repetitive satellite sequences typical of centromeres in multicellular organisms, whereas, over a similar or longer time period, the telomere array has maintained its ability to provide retrotransposons competent to extend telomere ends.  相似文献   

Summary Prominent C-band markers were found to be unchanged between different tissues of 9 individuals and during long term culture of 8 skin fibroblast and amniotic fluid cell strains.Supported by NIH Grants AM 04826 and GM 15253  相似文献   

Summary The progeny of polyembryonic Secale cereale L., was used to study the in vitro response of the immature embryos. The formation of embryogenic calli was very high, and this response and its distribution was statistically different to that shown by the normal regenerated plants and the original population. This behaviour seems to be related to a genetic condition which favours the presence of supernumerary embryos, in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

The karyotype of the Mediterranean species Anemone hortensis L. (Ranunculaceae) was characterized with emphasis on heterochromatin distribution and localization of ribosomal (18S−5.8S−26S and 5S rDNA) and telomeric repeats (TTTAGGG). Diploid chromosome complement, 2 n  = 2 x  = 16, common to all investigated populations, consisted of three acrocentric, one meta-submetacentric and four metacentric chromosomes ranging in size from 6.34 to 10.47 µm. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S and 5S rDNA probes revealed two 18S−5.8S−26S rDNA loci on a satellite and secondary constriction of acrocentric chromosome pair 2 and terminally on acrocentric chromosome pair 3, and two 5S rDNA loci in the pericentromeric region of meta-submetacentric chromosome pair 4 and in the proximity of the 18S−5.8S−26S rDNA locus on chromosome pair 2. The only GC-rich heterochromatin, as revealed by fluorochrome Chromomycin A3 staining, was that associated with nucleolar organizer regions, whereas AT-rich heterochromatin, stained with 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), was distributed intercalarly and terminally on the long arm of all three acrocentric chromosomes, and terminally on chromosomes 4 and 5. FISH with Arabidopsis -type telomeric repeats (TTTAGGG) as a probe revealed two classes of signals, small dot-like and large bands, at chromosome termini exclusively, where they corresponded to terminal DAPI-stained heterochromatin. Heteromorphism of chromosome pair 4, which refers to terminal DAPI bands and FISH signals, was observed in populations of Anemone hortensis . Chromosome pairing during meiosis was regular with formation of localized chiasmata proximal to the centromere.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 177–186.  相似文献   

The accumulation of photosynthetic pigments in underflag and flag leaves as well as the process of microsporogenesis in lines of tetraploid Secale, hexaploid Triticale, and hexaploid Secalotriticum were studied. Significant positive correlations were found between the amounts of chlorophyll a (Chl a), carotenoids (Car), Chl a/b ratio, and the normal proceeding of meiosis. High probability of paternal type of inheritance of specifities of meiosis of pollen mother cells and variation in photosynthetic pigments during plant transition from the stalk-shooting to heading stage were demonstrated.  相似文献   

The genus Artemia (Crustacea, Phyllopoda) is widely distributed all over the world as a result partly of natural colonization and partly of spread by birds and man. Artemia offers a very interesting model for speciation studies, since the genus comprises both bisexual sibling species and parthenogenetic populations, exhibiting different chromosome numbers (diploidy, heteroploidy and polyploidy). The finding of the clustered repetitive AluI DNA family in the heterochromatin of A. franciscana can provide a useful tool for investigating the relationship between the members of the genus Artemia at the molecular level. Sixteen strains of Artemia, comprising sibling species and parthenogenetic populations, were analysed for the presence of AluI repetitive DNA by dot-blot hybridization. The observed variation in the content of repetitive DNA together with genetical, biological and geological data, support the hypothesis that Artemia living in the New World are derived from ancestral species that evolved in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

Tang ZX  Fu SL  Ren ZL  Zhang T  Zou YT  Yang ZJ  Li GR  Zhou JP  Zhang HQ  Yan BJ  Zhang HY  Tan FQ 《Génome》2011,54(4):285-300
We present the first characterization of 360 sequences in six species of the genus Secale of both cultivated and wild accessions. These include four distinct kinds of dispersed repetitive DNA sequences named pSc20H, pSc119.1, pSaO5(411), and pSaD15(940) belonging to the Revolver family. During the evolution of the genus Secale from wild to cultivated accessions, the pSaO5(411)-like sequences became shorter mainly because of the deletion of a trinucleotide tandem repeating unit, the pSc20H-like sequences displayed apparent homogenization in cultivated rye, and the second intron of Revolver became longer. In addition, the pSc20H-, pSc119.1-, and pSaO5(411)-like sequences cloned from wild rye and cultivated rye could be divided into two large clades. No single case of the four kinds of repetitive elements has been inherited by each Secale accession from a lone ancestor. It is reasonable to consider the vertical transmission of the four repetitive elements during the evolution of the genus Secale. The pSc20H- and pSaO5(411)-like sequences showed evolutionary elimination at specific chromosomal locations from wild species to cultivated species. These cases imply that different repetitive DNA sequences have played different roles in the chromosome development and genomic evolution of rye. The present study adds important information to the investigations dealing with characterization of dispersed repetitive elements in wild and cultivated rye.  相似文献   

Metaphase-I chromosome association in PMCs of five F1 hybrids 6x-triticale x T. turgidum (2n=5x=35 and genomes AABBR), and 13 plants from their backross or self offspring is reported. In wheat 18 chromosome arms and in rye 14 arms were recognized after C-banding and individually studied. Plants of backcross and F2 showed variability for number and type of rye chromosomes, having in common the 28 durum wheat chromosomes (AABB). By testing meiotic association in plants with different rye chromosome constitutions, significant negative correlations were found. A clear negative effect of rye heterochromatin on pairing in wheat chromosomes is observed, the influence being more pronounced for large arms than for the short ones.  相似文献   

 An analysis of accessions of Triticum and Aegilops species (86 diploid, 91 tetraploid and 109 hexaploid) was performed using squash-dot hybridization with the tandem repeat Spelt1 sequence as a probe. The Spelt1 sequence is a highly species-specific repeat associated with the telomeric heterochromatin of Aegilops speltoides Boiss. in which its copy numbers vary from 1.5×105 to 5.3×105. The amounts of Spelt1 are sharply decreased in tetraploid and hexaploid species and vary widely from less than 102 to 1.2×104. Two tetraploid wheats, Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. and T. carthlicum Nevski, are exceptional endemic species and within their restricted geographical distributions maintain the amounts of Spelt1 unaltered. The Spelt1 repetitive sequence was localized on the 6BL chromosome of tetraploid wheat Triticum durum Desf. cv ‘Langdon’ by dot-hybridization using D-genome disomic substitution lines. The possible causes of the loss of the telomere-associated tandem repeat Spelt1 in the process of wheat evolution and polyploidization are discussed. Received: 5 March 1998 / Accepted: 28 May 1998  相似文献   

The distribution of two break chromosome exchanges (dicentrics and centric rings) following gamma or neutron irradiation of resting seeds of rye, Secale cereale, has been investigated. The localisation of heterochromatin in the terminal ends of the chromosomes of rye facilitates distinguishing aberrations involving heterochromatin from others. Dicentrics found in or near heterochromatic regions were about 5 times more frequent after gamma irradiation and about 2.5 times more after neutron irradiation, than expected on a random distribution. The implications of these findings in relation to aberration formation are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA from Plethodon cinereus cinereus separates into two fractions on centrifugation to equilibrium in neutral CsCl. The smaller of these fractions has been described as a high-density satellite. It represents about 2% of nuclear DNA from this species, and it has a density of 1.728 g/cm3. It is cytologically localized near the centromeres of all 14 chromosomes of the haploid set. In P. c. cinereus the heavy satellite DNA constitutes about 1/4 of the DNA in centromeric heterochromatin. The nature of the rest of the DNA in centromeric heterochromatin is unknown. The number of heavy satellite sequences clustered around the centromeres in a chromosome from P. c. cinereus is roughly proportional to the size of the chromosome, as determined by in situ hybridization with satellite-complementary RNA, and autoradiography. Likewise the amount of contromeric heterochromatin, as identified by its differential stainability with Giemsa, shows a clear relationship to chromosome size. — The heavy satellite sequences identified in DNA from P. c. cinereus are also present in smaller amounts in other closely related forms of Plethodon. Plethodon cinereus polycentratus and P. richmondi have approximately half as many of these sequences per haploid genome as P. c. cinereus. P. hoffmani and P. nettingi shenandoah have about 1/3 as many of these sequences as P. c. cinereus. P. c. cinereus, P. c. polycentratus, and P. richmondii all have detectable heavy satellites with densities of 1.728 g/cm3. Among these forms, satellite size as determined by optical density measurements, and number of satellite sequences as determined from hybridization studies, vary co-ordinately. P. c. cinereus heavy satellite sequences are not detectable in P. nettingi, P. n. hubrichti, or P. dorsalis. The latter species has a heavy satellite with a density of 1.718 g/cm3, representing about 8% of the genomic DNA, and two light satellites whose properties have not been investigated. The heavy satellite of P. dorsalis is cytologically localized in the centromeric heterochromatin of this species. — These observations are discussed in relation to the function and evolution of highly repetitive DNA sequences in the centromeric heterochromatin of salamanders and other organisms.  相似文献   

Summary Terminal bands of meiotic chromosomes stained by the Giemsa technique are permanent genetic structures of the nucleus during PMC differentiation in 8 samples of wild, primitive, and cultivated species of rye. The characteristic meiotic banding pattern is probably identical with the heterochromatic regions of mitotic chromosomes of root meristem cells (RMC) which have so far been studied. Karyotype analysis can be significantly improved by quantitative studies of the number and size of the bands combined with certain well-known chromosome characters in diplotene and diakinesis. The chromosomes involved in multivalents of some natural and synthetic species hybrids are identified for the first time. The results are discussed both in relation to the problems of chromosome evolution and their significance for marker techniques in cytogenetics.  相似文献   

Karyotype structures and heterochromatin distribution in representative taxa of the genus Ophrys are compared, based on Feulgen-stained and banded somatic metaphase chromosomes. The karyotypes of Ophrys iricolor , O. lupercalis , O. caesiella , O. lutea , O. lunulata , O. x. tardans , O. apifera , O. praecox , O. lacaitae and O. insectifera are described for the first time. The karyological analyses indicate the relationships among the species with respect to asymmetry indices and heterochromatin content. Chromosomal differences have been helpful in clarifying the taxonomic position of Ophrys species that do not have clear affinities. The representative species of Araniferae , Fuciflorae and Ophrys sections exhibited the most asymmetrical karyotypes, while chromosome complements of the O. fusca–O. lutea group, of O. tenthredinifera and of O. bombyliflora proved to be less asymmetrical. Weakly heterochromatic chromosomes, with heterochromatin present mostly in thin centromeric bands, characterize Ophrys C-banded karyotypes. Chromomycin A3 (CMA) staining revealed that the analysed species exhibit a weak pattern of CMA+ bands at centromeric, intercalary or telomeric regions. No DAPI bright blocks were observed. The significance of the karyological data is discussed with regard to the relationships between the analysed species. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 87–99.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations were made on the rye chromosome constitution and on the presence of telomeric heterochromatin in rye chromosomes of the 26 most widely and 24 most narrowly adapted triticale strains. Among widely adapted lines, 22 (85%) had a complete rye genome and four triticales only had chromosomal R-D genome substitutions. Twenty-three (96%) of the 24 most narrowly adapted triticales had substitutions between the chromosomes of the R and D genomes. The most widely adapted triticales accumulated fewer modified rye chromosomes in comparison to narrowly adapted lines. They had from one to three rye chromosomes with heterochromatic deletions: 46% of widely adapted lines had two modified rye chromosomes; 34% had three modified rye chromosomes, and 19% had a single modified rye chromosome. In widely adapted strains, the 1R, 4R, 5R and 6R modified chromosomes were observed; they were present in 80%, 73%, 50% and 11% of the cases, respectively. The most narrowly adapted triticales had from two to four modified rye chromosomes: 58% of the strains had three modified rye chromosomes; 29% had four modified rye chromosomes and 12% had two modified rye chromosomes. The modified 4R and 5R chromosomes were present in all of these lines. The 1R (modified), 6R (modified) and 7R (modified) were found in 83%, 25% and 16%, respectively, of the narrowly adapted strains.Results support the previous observations (Pilch 1980b) that a wide adaptation of hexaploid triticales is associated with the presence of the full potential of rye genome, and that it is independent of the amount of telomeric heterochromatin possessed by rye chromosomes.  相似文献   

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