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The coordination of adult stick insects walking on a light double wheel system with a fixed axle is examined as a function of friction loads applied to the wheels. Four parameters are influenced by loads parallel to the body axis in the range 0.08–1.0 p. Protraction duration at low stepping frequency falls to a value equal to that used in high speed walking and is therefore independent of step period for loads >0.4p. Above 0.4p the step period is significantly increased producing coordination patterns similar to those reported for free walking mature adults. Both the anterior (AEP) and posterior (PEP) extreme positions move forward with increasing load for all legs.  相似文献   

The biomechanical conditions for walking in the stick insect require a modeling approach that is based on the control of pairs of antagonistic motoneuron (MN) pools for each leg joint by independent central pattern generators (CPGs). Each CPG controls a pair of antagonistic MN pools. Furthermore, specific sensory feedback signals play an important role in the control of single leg movement and in the generation of inter-leg coordination or the interplay between both tasks. Currently, however, no mathematical model exists that provides a theoretical approach to understanding the generation of coordinated locomotion in such a multi-legged locomotor system. In the present study, I created such a theoretical model for the stick insect walking system, which describes the MN activity of a single forward stepping middle leg and helps to explain the neuronal mechanisms underlying coordinating information transfer between ipsilateral legs. In this model, CPGs that belong to the same leg, as well as those belonging to different legs, are connected by specific sensory feedback pathways that convey information about movements and forces generated during locomotion. The model emphasizes the importance of sensory feedback, which is used by the central nervous system to enhance weak excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections from front to rear between the three thorax-coxa-joint CPGs. Thereby the sensory feedback activates caudal pattern generation networks and helps to coordinate leg movements by generating in-phase and out-of-phase thoracic MN activity.  相似文献   

A computer (Fortran) model is proposed that describes the temporal and spatial coordination pattern of straight walking stick insects (Carausius morosus) for a broad speed range. It provides a stable pattern independent of the different starting positions. The model is based on six relaxation oscillators. The leading oscillator corresponds to a frontleg. Therefore the information flow runs from front to rear in contrast to earlier models (Graham, 1972; Wendler, 1968).Supported by DFG  相似文献   

The role of Manduca sexta lipid transfer particle (LTP) in the transport of lipid from fat body to lipophorin was investigated in vitro. Fat body that contained radiolabeled lipid was incubated with either high density lipophorin or low density lipophorin, and it was shown that lipid was transferred from fat body to lipophorins. The transfer of diacylglycerol was blocked by preincubating fat body with LTP antibody. Furthermore, transfer was restored by the addition of LTP, indicating that LTP promotes the transfer of lipid from fat body to lipophorins. Using lipophorins radio-labeled in their lipid moiety, transfer of lipid from lipophorin to fat body was demonstrated. This transfer was not mediated by LTP. The adipokinetic hormone induced diacylglycerol mobilization from the fat body and the concomitant interconversion of high density lipophorin to low density lipophorin were performed in vitro and were shown to require the presence of LTP.  相似文献   

Insect walking relies on a complex interaction between the environment, body segments, muscles and the nervous system. For the stick insect in particular, previous investigations have highlighted the role of specific sensory signals in the timing of activity of central neural networks driving the individual leg joints. The objective of the current study was to relate specific sensory and neuronal mechanisms, known from experiments on reduced preparations, to the generation of the natural sequence of events forming the step cycle in a single leg. We have done this by simulating a dynamic 3D-biomechanical model of the stick insect coupled to a reduced model of the neural control system, incorporating only the mechanisms under study. The neural system sends muscle activation levels to the biomechanical system, which in turn provides correctly timed propriosensory signals back to the neural model. The first simulations were designed to test if the currently known mechanisms would be sufficient to explain the coordinated activation of the different leg muscles in the middle leg. Two experimental situations were mimicked: restricted stepping where only the coxa-trochanteral joint and the femur-tibia joint were free to move, and the unrestricted single leg movements on a friction-free surface. The first of these experimental situations is in fact similar to the preparation used in gathering much of the detailed knowledge on sensory and neuronal mechanisms. The simulations show that the mechanisms included can indeed account for the entire step cycle in both situations. The second aim was to test to what extent the same sensory and neuronal mechanisms would be adequate also for controlling the front and hind legs, despite the large differences in both leg morphology and kinematic patterns. The simulations show that front leg stepping can be generated by basically the same mechanisms while the hind leg control requires some reorganization. The simulations suggest that the influence from the femoral chordotonal organs on the network controlling levation-depression may have a reversed effect in the hind legs as compared to the middle and front legs. This, and other predictions from the model will have to be confirmed by additional experiments.  相似文献   

In the long germ insect Drosophila, all body segments are determined almost simultaneously at the blastoderm stage under the control of the anterior, the posterior, and the terminal genetic system . Most other arthropods (and similarly also vertebrates) develop more slowly as short germ embryos, where only the anterior body segments are specified early in embryogenesis. The body axis extends later by the sequential addition of new segments from the growth zone or the tail bud . The mechanisms that initiate or maintain the elongation of the body axis (axial growth) are poorly understood . We functionally analyzed the terminal system in the short germ insect Tribolium. Unexpectedly, Torso signaling is required for setting up or maintaining a functional growth zone and at the anterior for the extraembryonic serosa. Thus, as in Drosophila, fates at both poles of the blastoderm embryo depend on terminal genes, but different tissues are patterned in Tribolium. Short germ development as seen in Tribolium likely represents the ancestral mode of how the primary body axis is set up during embryogenesis. We therefore conclude that the ancient function of the terminal system mainly was to define a growth zone and that in phylogenetically derived insects like Drosophila, Torso signaling became restricted to the determination of terminal body structures.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts trade‐offs between fecundity and mobility, but there is substantial lack of empirical evidence if and how basic mobility relates to fitness costs. In a field experiment, we investigated fecundity costs of mobility in a non‐migratory, wing‐monomorphic grasshopper, Stenobothrus lineatus, and at the same time tested for possible effects of reproductive state (egg‐load) on the mobility. For 10 days, body weight and activity radius of 60 females were recorded daily and oviposition events were inferred from abrupt weight losses. We found a strong and significant relationship between the individual mobility and the time between egg pods laid (interpod period). Individual egg‐laying was reduced by a rate of 0.36 eggs per day with each meter increase in mean daily activity radius. The trade‐off was not biased by the size of the females, that is, constitution did not positively influence both offspring number and mobility. Egg‐load had no significant influence on the individual distances travelled. We could demonstrate that mobility – as induced and selected for by foraging, thermoregulation, predator escape, shelter seeking, and reproduction – can be directly paid off by fecundity. This direct consequence of mobility on individual fitness was detected for the first time in a walking insect.  相似文献   

As in the preceding paper stick insects walk on a treadwheel and different legs are put on platforms fixed relative to the insect's body. The movement of the walking legs is recorded in addition to the force oscillations of the standing legs. The coordination between the different legs depends upon the number and arrangement of the walking legs and the legs standing on platforms. In most experimental situations one finds a coordination which is different from that of a normal walking animal.Supported by DFG (Cr 58/1)  相似文献   

The fat body of the Lepidopteran, Calpodes ethlius, undergoes major functional changes during larval-adult metamorphosis. These changes occur in conjunction with extensive cell remodeling - a process whereby one population of cellular organelles is destroyed and replaced by another during development. Fat body organelles including mitochondria, microbodies, and RER are destroyed on a massive scale shortly before pupation (Locke and Collins, 1965; Locke and McMahon, 1971) a new populations of each are regenerated shortly after emergence of the adult. In addition, protein, lipid and RNA reserves formed shortly before pupation and multivesicular bodies formed shortly before emergence are secreted into the haemocoel during the first few days of adult life. Electron microscopic studies using tracer techniques, cytochemical and enzyme localization procedures, and sterological analyses have been undertaken to determine the time course and mechanism of organelle regeneration and the fate of reserves stored in the fat body.  相似文献   

An investigation has been made of the way, in which the height of the body of an insect (Carausius morosus) is controlled when walking over an uneven terrain. The animals have been filmed from the side while walking over different types of irregularity (step up, step down, obstacle, ditch). A frame by frame analysis of the height of the three thoracic segments of the insect has been performed. A computer model has been set up, which is able to describe the experimental results within the exactness of measurement. This model consists of three independent height controllers, each having a unique characteristic. The coupling of these three controllers is performed mechanically. One possible interpretation of this model is that the height of each segment is controlled by a closed loop mechanism with a proportional element as a controller.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Colour variation is frequently observed in spiders. Such variation can impact fitness by affecting the way spiders are perceived by relevant observers such as prey (i.e. by resembling flower signals as visual lures) and predators (i.e. by disrupting search image formation). Verrucosa arenata is an orb-weaving spider that presents colour variation in a conspicuous triangular pattern on the dorsal part of the abdomen. This pattern has predominantly white or yellow colouration, but also reflects light in the UV part of the spectrum. We quantified colour variation in V. arenata from images obtained using a full spectrum digital camera. We obtained cone catch quanta and calculated chromatic and achromatic contrasts for the visual systems of Drosophila melanogaster and Apis mellifera. Cluster analyses of the colours of the triangular patch resulted in the formation of six clusters and three clusters in the colour space of D. melanogaster and A. mellifera, respectively. Significant differences were found between morphs for both visual systems in contrasts between the colour pattern and two backgrounds against which it would be viewed. Yellow spiders showed higher chromatic contrast than white spiders, while white spiders showed higher achromatic contrast. Therefore, there are perceptual differences between V. arenata colour morphs in the visual systems of potential relevant observers which could pose an important selective pressure on this trait. A variation in the contribution of colour channels to the colour pattern observed in colour maps constructed from reflectance values of individual pixels could influence the way the pattern is perceived, and its resemblance to attractive flower signals.  相似文献   

In the present study, motoneurons innervating the flexor tibiae muscle of the stick insect (Cuniculina impigra) middle leg were recorded intracellularly while the single leg performed walking-like movements on a treadwheel. Different levels of belt friction (equivalent to a change in load) were used to study the control of activity of flexor motoneurons. During slow leg movements no fast motoneurons were active, but a recruitment of these neurons could be observed during faster leg movements. The firing rate of slow and fast motoneurons increased with incremented belt friction. Also, the force applied to the treadwheel at different frictional levels was adapted closely to the friction of the treadwheel to be overcome. The motoneurons innervating the flexor tibiae were recruited progressively during the stance phase, with the slow motoneurons being active earlier than the fast (half-maximal spike frequency after 10-15% and 50-60% of the stance phase, respectively). The resting membrane potential was more hyperpolarized in fast motoneurons (64.6 +/- 6.5 mV) than in slow motoneurons (-52.9 +/- 5.4 mV). However, the threshold for the initiation of action potentials was not statistically significantly different in both types of flexor motoneurons. Therefore, action potentials were generated in fast motoneurons after a longer period of depolarization and thus later during the stance phase than in slow motoneurons. We show that motoneurons of the flexor tibiae receive substantial common excitatory inputs during the stance phase and that the difference in resting membrane potential between slow and fast motoneurons is likely to play a crucial role in their consecutive recruitment.  相似文献   

We purified a novel protein with a molecular mass of 34 kDa from the Sarcophaga larval fat body. This protein, named AFP (anterior fat body protein), was restricted almost exclusively to the anterior fat body. The AFP content decreased after pupation on disintegration of the fat body tissue. cDNA analysis revealed that this protein consists of 306 amino acid residues and exhibits significant structural similarity with mammalian regucalcin (senescence marker protein-30), a calcium-binding liver protein. However, AFP did not seem to exhibit strong affinity with calcium. These results suggested that a seemingly uniform fat body tissue exhibits a regional difference in its function along the anterior-posterior axis.  相似文献   

The larva of the African chironomid Polypedilum vanderplanki can withstand complete desiccation. Our previous reports revealed that even when the larva is dehydrated without a brain, it accumulated a great amount of trehalose and successfully went into anhydrobiosis. In this paper we determined the viability after rehydration in tissues from the larvae followed by complete dehydration. Only fat-body tissues that were the main producer of trehalose could be preserved in a dry state at room temperature for an extended period of more than 18 months in a viable form. Thus we have confirmed that the central nervous system is not involved in the induction of anhydrobiosis, even in this complex multicellular organism.  相似文献   

During amphibian development, non-canonical Wnt signals regulate the polarity of intercalating dorsal mesoderm cells during convergent extension. Cells of the overlying posterior neural ectoderm engage in similar morphogenetic cell movements. Important differences have been discerned in the cell behaviors associated with neural and mesodermal cell intercalation, raising the possibility that different mechanisms may control intercalations in these two tissues. In this report, targeted expression of mutants of Xenopus Dishevelled (Xdsh) to neural or mesodermal tissues elicited different defects that were consistent with inhibition of either neural or mesodermal convergent extension. Expression of mutant Xdsh also inhibited elongation of neural tissues in vitro in Keller sandwich explants and in vivo in neural plate grafts. Targeted expression of other Wnt signaling antagonists also inhibited neural convergent extension in whole embryos. In situ hybridization indicated that these defects were not due to changes in cell fate. Examination of embryonic phenotypes after inhibition of convergent extension in different tissues reveals a primary role for mesodermal convergent extension in axial elongation, and a role for neural convergent extension as an equalizing force to produce a straight axis. This study demonstrates that non-canonical Wnt signaling is a common mechanism controlling convergent extension in two very different tissues in the Xenopus embryo and may reflect a general conservation of control mechanisms in vertebrate convergent extension.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe and explain how individual muscles control mediolateral balance during normal walking. Biomechanical modeling and experimental gait data were used to quantify individual muscle contributions to the mediolateral acceleration of the center of mass during the stance phase. We tested the hypothesis that the hip, knee, and ankle extensors, which act primarily in the sagittal plane and contribute significantly to vertical support and forward progression, also accelerate the center of mass in the mediolateral direction. Kinematic, force plate, and muscle EMG data were recorded simultaneously for five healthy subjects who walked at their preferred speeds. The body was modeled as a 10-segment, 23 degree-of-freedom skeleton, actuated by 54 muscles. Joint moments obtained from inverse dynamics were decomposed into muscle forces by solving an optimization problem that minimized the sum of the squares of the muscle activations. Muscles contributed significantly to the mediolateral acceleration of the center of mass throughout stance. Muscles that generated both support and forward progression (vasti, soleus, and gastrocnemius) also accelerated the center of mass laterally, in concert with the hip adductors and the plantarflexor everters. Gravity accelerated the center of mass laterally for most of the stance phase. The hip abductors, anterior and posterior gluteus medius, and, to a much lesser extent, the plantarflexor inverters, actively controlled balance by accelerating the center of mass medially.  相似文献   

Trehalose, the insect blood sugar, was found to inhibit diacylglycerol uptake by lipophorin from the fat body in vitro. Trehalose inhibited diacylglycerol uptake by about 40%-50% at various physiological concentrations. This suggests that trehalose may play a dual role in the hemolymph, i.e. serving as the insect's fuel and as a regulator in lipid transport.  相似文献   

Lipid storage in fat-body cells of adult female black flies was examined using freeze-etching electron microscopy. Frozen-etched lipid granules exhibited a laminated structure. The molecular arrangement of the lipid granule may depend on the physiological condition of the insect and may be involved in the control of lipid metabolism in the fat-body cell.  相似文献   

A neuromechanical simulation of the cockroach Blaberus discoidalis was developed to explore changes in locomotion when the animal transitions from walking straight to turning. The simulation was based upon the biological data taken from three sources. Neural circuitry was adapted from the extensive literature primarily obtained from the studies of neural connections within thoracic ganglia of stick insect and adapted to cockroach. The 3D joint kinematic data on straight, forward walking for cockroach were taken from a paper that describes these movements in all joints simultaneously as the cockroach walked on an oiled-plate tether (Bender et al. in PloS one 5(10):1–15, 2010b). Joint kinematics for turning were only available for some leg joints (Mu and Ritzmann in J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 191(11):1037–54, 2005) and thus had to be obtained using the methods that were applied for straight walking by Bender et al. (PloS one 5(10):1–15, 2010b). Once walking, inside turning, and outside turning were characterized, phase and amplitude changes for each joint of each leg were quantified. Apparent reflex reversals and joint activity changes were used to modify sensory coupling pathways between the CPG at each joint of the simulation. Oiled-plate experiments in simulation produced tarsus trajectories in stance similar to those seen in the animal. Simulations including forces that would be experienced if the insect was walking freely (i.e., weight support and friction) again produced similar results. These data were not considered during the design of the simulation, suggesting that the simulation captures some key underlying the principles of walking, turning, and transitioning in the cockroach. In addition, since the nervous system was modeled with realistic neuron models, biologically plausible reflex reversals are simulated, motivating future neurobiological research.  相似文献   

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