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EPR spin trapping experiments on bacterial oxalate decarboxylase from Bacillus subtilis under turn-over conditions are described. The use of doubly (13)C-labeled oxalate leads to a characteristic splitting of the observed radical adducts using the spin trap N-tert-butyl-α-phenylnitrone linking them directly to the substrate. The radical was identified as the carbon dioxide radical anion which is a key intermediate in the hypothetical reaction mechanism of both decarboxylase and oxidase activities. X-ray crystallography had identified a flexible loop, SENS161-4, which acts as a lid to the putative active site. Site directed mutagenesis of the hinge amino acids, S161 and T165 was explored and showed increased radical trapping yields compared to the wild type. In particular, T165V shows approximately ten times higher radical yields while at the same time its decarboxylase activity was reduced by about a factor of ten. This mutant lacks a critical H-bond between T165 and R92 resulting in compromised control over its radical chemistry allowing the radical intermediate to leak into the surrounding solution.  相似文献   

Purified prostaglandin H synthase (EC, reconstituted with hemin, was reacted with substrates of the cyclooxygenase and peroxidase reaction. The resulting EPR spectra were measured below 90 K. Arachidonic acid, added under anaerobic conditions, did not change the EPR spectrum of the native enzyme due to high-spin ferric heme. Arachidonic acid with O2, as well as prostaglandin G2 or H2O2, decreased the spectrum of the native enzyme and concomitantly a doublet signal at g = 2.005 was formed with maximal intensity of 0.35 spins/enzyme and a half-life of less than 20 s at -12 degrees C. From the conditions for the formation and the effect of inhibitors, this doublet signal was assigned to an enzyme intermediate of the peroxidase reaction, namely a higher oxidation state. The doublet signal with characteristic hyperfine structure was nearly identical to the signal of the tyrosyl radical in ribonucleotide reductase (EC Hence the signal of prostaglandin H synthase was assigned to a tyrosyl radical. Electronic spectra as well as decreased power saturation of the tyrosyl radical signal indicated heme in its ferryl state which coupled to the tyrosyl radical weakly. [FeIVO(protoporphyrin IX)]...Tyr+. was suggested as the structure of this two-electron oxidized state of the enzyme. A hypothetical role for the tyrosyl radical could be the abstraction of a hydrogen at C-13 of arachidonic acid which is assumed to be the initial step of the cyclooxygenase reaction.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductases from Escherichia coli and from mammalian cells are heterodimeric enzymes. One of the subunits, in the bacterial enzyme protein B2 and in the mammalian enzyme protein M2, contains iron and a tyrosyl free radical that both are essential for enzyme activity. The iron center in protein B2 is an antiferromagnetically coupled pair of high-spin ferric ions. This study concerns magnetic interaction between the tyrosyl radical and the iron center in the two proteins. Studies of the temperature dependence of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) relaxation and line shape reveal significant differences between the free radicals in proteins B2 and M2. The observed temperature-dependent enhanced EPR relaxation and line broadening of the enzyme radicals are furthermore completely different from those of a model UV-induced free radical in tyrosine. The results are discussed in terms of magnetic dipolar as well as exchange interactions between the free radical and the iron center in both proteins. The free radical and the iron center are thus close enough in space to exhibit magnetic interaction. For protein M2 the effects are more pronounced than for protein B2, indicating a stronger magnetic interaction.  相似文献   

Free radicals and/or hydrogen peroxide produced by exposure of cells to ultrasound are potentially cytotoxic and mutagenic. The formation and type of free radical species can be substantially modulated by the chemical composition of the media in which the ultrasound exposures of cells are carried out. In the current study, we examined the free radical intermediates formed during ultrasound exposure of a typical cell culture medium (RPMI-1640); the dominant free radicals that were identified by spin trapping were derived from the hydrophobic amino acids Trp, Leu, and Phe, and were formed by hydrogen abstraction from these amino acids. Compared to exposures in phosphate-buffered saline, the yield of *OH radicals and H2O2 was significantly reduced in the cell culture medium, glucose (the main organic component in the medium), and the hydrophobic amino acids (Trp, Phe, Tyr, Leu, Val, Met) being chiefly responsible for this effect. In contrast, other nonhydrophobic amino acids did not contribute significantly to the *OH or H2O2 decrease. These findings are consistent with the accumulation of hydrophobic solutes at the liquid-gas interface of the collapsing cavitation bubbles resulting in increased efficiency of radical scavenging.  相似文献   

The radical intermediate of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR) from Moorella thermoacetica was characterized using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy at X-band and D-band microwave frequencies. EPR spectra, obtained with various combinations of isotopically labeled substrate (pyruvate) and coenzyme (thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP)), were analyzed by spectral simulations. Parameters obtained from the simulations were compared with those predicted from electronic structure calculations on various radical structures. The g-values and 14N/15N-hyperfine splittings obtained from the spectra are consistent with a planar, hydroxyethylidene-thiamine pyrophosphate (HE-TPP) pi-radical, in which spin is delocalized onto the thiazolium sulfur and nitrogen atoms. The 1H-hyperfine splittings from the methyl group of pyruvate and the 13C-hyperfine splittings from C2 of both pyruvate and TPP are consistent with a model in which the pyruvate-derived oxygen atom of the HE-TPP radical forms a hydrogen bond. The hyperfine splitting constants and g-values are not compatible with those predicted for a nonplanar, sigma/n-type cation radical.  相似文献   

We investigated the location and distribution of paramagnetic species in dry black, brown, and yellow (normal) soybean seeds using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-band (9?GHz) EPR imaging (EPRI), and HPLC. EPR primarily detected two paramagnetic species in black soybean. These two different radical species were assigned as stable organic radical and Mn2+?species based on the g values and hyperfine structures. The signal from the stable radical was noted at g?≈?2.00 and was relatively strong and stable. Subsequent noninvasive two-dimensional (2D) EPRI of the radical present in black soybean revealed that the stable radical was primarily located in the pigmented region of the soybean coat, with very few radicals observed in the soybean cotyledon (interior). Pigments extracted from black soybean were analyzed using HPLC. The major compound was found to be cyanidin-3-glucoside. Multi-EPR and HPLC results indicate that the stable radical was only found within the pigmented region of the soybean coat, and it could be cyanidin-3-glucoside or an oxidative decomposition product.  相似文献   

The reaction of the functional tyrosyl radical in protein R2 of ribonucleotide reductase from E. coli and mouse with the enzyme inhibitor hydroxyurea has been studied by EPR stopped-flow techniques at room temperature. The rate of disappearance of the tyrosyl radical in E. coli protein R2 is k2 = 0.43 M-1 s-1 at 25 degrees C. The reaction follows pseudo-first-order kinetics up to 450 mM hydroxyurea indicating that no saturation by hydroxyurea takes place even at this high concentration. Transient nitroxide-like radicals from hydroxyurea have been detected for the first time in the reaction of hydroxyurea with protein R2 from E. coli and mouse, indicating that 1-electron transfer from hydroxyurea to the tyrosyl radical is the dominating mechanism in the inhibitor reaction. The hydroxyurea radicals appear in low steady-state concentrations during 2-3 half-decay times of the tyrosyl radical and disappear thereafter.  相似文献   

There is no direct evidence to support the contention that contracting skeletal muscle and/or associated vasculature generates free radicals in exercising humans. The unique combination of isolated quadriceps exercise and the measurement of femoral arterial and venous free radical concentrations with the use of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy enabled this assumption to be tested in seven healthy men. Application of ex vivo spin trapping using alpha-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) resulted in the detection of oxygen- or carbon-centered free radicals (a(N) = 1.38 +/- 0.01 mT and a(beta)(H) = 0.17 +/-0.01 mT, where a(N) and a(beta)(H) are the nitrogen and beta-hydrogen coupling constants, respectively) with consistently higher EPR signal intensities of the PBN spin adduct observed in the venous compared with the arterial circulation (P < 0.05). Incremental exercise further increased the venoarterial intensity difference [85 +/- 58 arbitrary units (AU) at 24 +/- 6% maximal work rate (WR(max)) vs. 387 +/- 214 AU at 69 +/- 7% WR(max); P < 0.05]. When combined with measured changes in femoral venous blood flow (Q), this resulted in a net adduct outflow of 130 +/- 118 and 1,146 +/- 582 AU/min (P < 0.05), which was positively associated with leg oxygen uptake (r(2) = 0.47, P < 0.05) and Q (r(2) = 0.47, P < 0.05). These results provide the first evidence for oxygen- or carbon-centered free radical outflow from an active muscle bed in humans.  相似文献   

The tyrosyl radicals generated in reactions of ethyl hydrogen peroxide with both native and indomethacin-pretreated prostaglandin H synthase 1 (PGHS-1) were examined by low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies. In the reaction of peroxide with the native enzyme at 0 degrees C, the tyrosyl radical EPR signal underwent a continuous reduction in line width and lost intensity as the incubation time increased, changing from an initial, 35-G wide doublet to a wide singlet of slightly smaller line width and finally to a 25-G narrow singlet. The 25-G narrow singlet produced by self-inactivation was distinctly broader than the 22-G narrow singlet obtained by indomethacin treatment. Analysis of the narrow singlet EPR spectra of self-inactivated and indomethacin-pretreated enzymes suggests that they reflect conformationally distinct tyrosyl radicals. ENDOR spectroscopy allowed more detailed characterization by providing hyperfine couplings for ring and methylene protons. These results establish that the wide doublet and the 22-G narrow singlet EPR signals arise from tyrosyl radicals with different side-chain conformations. The wide-singlet ENDOR spectrum, however, is best accounted for as a mixture of native wide-doublet and self-inactivated 25-G narrow-singlet species, consistent with an earlier EPR study [DeGray et al. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 23583-23588]. We conclude that a tyrosyl residue other than the catalytically essential Y385 species is most likely responsible for the indomethacin-inhibited, narrow-singlet spectrum. Thus, this inhibitor may function by redirecting radical formation to a catalytically inactive side chain. Either radical migration or conformational relaxation at Y385 produces the 25-G narrow singlet during self-inactivation. Our ENDOR data also indicate that the catalytically active, wide-doublet species is not hydrogen bonded, which may enhance its reactivity toward the fatty-acid substrate bound nearby.  相似文献   

Urate oxidase, or uricase (EC, is a peroxisomal enzyme that catalyses the oxidation of uric acid to allantoin. The chemical mechanism of the urate oxidase reaction has not been clearly established, but the involvement of radical intermediates was hypothesised. In this study EPR spectroscopy by spin trapping of radical intermediates has been used in order to demonstrate the eventual presence of radical transient urate species. The oxidation reaction of uric acid by several uricases (Porcine Liver, Bacillus Fastidiosus, Candida Utilitis) was performed in the presence of 5-diethoxyphosphoryl-5-methyl-pyrroline-N-oxide (DEPMPO) as spin trap. DEPMPO was added to reaction mixture and a radical adduct was observed in all cases. Therefore, for the first time, the presence of a radical intermediate in the uricase reaction was experimentally proved.  相似文献   

1. A reaction center-cytochrome c complex has been isolated from Chromatium vinosum which is capable of normal photochemistry and light-activated rapid cytochrome c553 and c555 oxidation, but which has no antenna bacteriochlorophyll. As is found in whole cells, ferrocytochrome c553 is oxidized irreversibly in milliseconds by light at 7 K. 2. Room temperature redox potentiometry in combination with EPR analysis at 7 K, of cytochrome c553 and the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll dimer (BChl)2 absorbing at 883 nm yields identical results to those previously reported using optical analytical techniques at 77 K. It shows directly that two cytochrome c553 hemes are equivalent with respect to the light induced (BChl)2+. At 7 K, only one heme can be rapidly oxidized in the light, commensurate with the electron capacity of the primary acceptor (quinone-iron) being unity. 3. Prior chemical reduction of the quinone-iron followed by illumination at 200K, however, leads to the slow (t1/2 approximately equal to 30 s) oxidation of one cytochrome c553 heme, with what appears to be concommitant reduction of one of the two bacteriophytins (BPh) of the reaction center as shown by bleaching of the 760 nm band, a broad absorbance increase at approx. 650 nm and a bleaching at 543 nm. The 800 nm absorbing bacteriochlorophyll is also involved since there is also bleaching at 595 and 800 nm; at the latter wave-length the remaining unbleached band appears to shift significantly to the blue. No redox changes in the 883 absorbing bacteriochlorophyll dimer are seen during or after illumination under these conditions. The reduced part of the state represents what is considered to be the reduced form of the electron carrier (I) which acts as an intermediate between the bacteriochlorophyll dimer and quinone-iron. The state (oxidized c553/reduced I) relaxes in the dark at 200K in t1/2 approx. 20 min but below 77 K it is trapped on a days time scale. 4. EPR analysis of the state trapped as described above reveals that one heme equivalent of cytochrome becomes oxidized for the generation of the state, a result in agreement with the optical data. Two prominent signals are associated with the trapped state in the g = 2 region, which can be easily resolved with temperature and microwave power saturation: one has a line width of 15 g and is centered at g = 2.003; the other, which is the major signal, is also a radical centered at g = 2.003 but is split by 60 G and behaves as though it were an organic free-radical spin-coupled with another paramagnetic center absorbing at higher magnetic field values; this high field partner could be the iron-quinone of the primary acceptor. The identity of two signals associated with I-. is consistent with the idea that the reduced intermediary carrier is not simply BPh-. but also involves a second radical, perhaps the 800 nm bacteriochlorophylls in the reduced state...  相似文献   

Oxalate decarboxylase (OXDC) from the wood-rotting fungus Flammulina velutipes, which catalyzes the conversion of oxalate to formic acid and CO(2) in a single-step reaction, is a duplicated double-domain germin family enzyme. It has agricultural as well as therapeutic importance. We reported earlier the purification and molecular cloning of OXDC. Knowledge-based modeling of the enzyme reveals a beta-barrel core in each of the two domains organized in the hexameric state. A cluster of three histidines suitably juxtaposed to coordinate a divalent metal ion exists in both the domains. Involvement of the two histidine clusters in the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme, possibly through coordination of a metal cofactor, has been hypothesized because all histidine knockout mutants showed total loss of decarboxylase activity. The atomic absorption spectroscopy analysis showed that OXDC contains Mn(2+) at up to 2.5 atoms per subunit. Docking of the oxalate in the active site indicates a similar electrostatic environment around the substrate-binding site in the two domains. We suggest that the histidine coordinated manganese is critical for substrate recognition and is directly involved in the catalysis of the enzyme.  相似文献   

This minireview is about the path that led me to the identification of the Photosystem II reaction center in oxygenic photosynthesis. It is based mostly on my own experiences and viewpoints. Thus, the article is essentially a personal account, and does not include all contributions that led to the identification of this functional unit of Photosystem II. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The influence of the local environment on the formation of a tyrosyl radical was investigated in modified photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The reaction centers contain a tyrosine residue placed approximately 10 A from a highly oxidizing bacteriochlorophyll dimer. Measurements by both optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed spectral features that are assigned as arising primarily from an oxidized bacteriochlorophyll dimer at low pH values and from a tyrosyl radical at high pH values, with a well-defined transition that occurred with a pK(a) of 6.9. A model based on the wild-type structure indicated that the Tyr at M164 is likely to form a hydrogen bond with His M193 and to interact weakly with Glu M173. Substitution of Tyr or Glu for His at M193 increased the pK(a) for the transition from 6.9 to 8.9, while substitution of Gln for His M193 resulted in a higher pK(a) value. Substitution of Glu M173 with Gln resulted in loss of the partial formation of the tyrosyl that occurs in the other mutants at low pH values. The results are interpreted in terms of the ability of the residues to act as proton acceptors for the oxidized tyrosine, with the pK(a) values reflecting those of either the putative proton acceptor or the tyrosine, in accord with general models of amino acid radicals.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) catalyzes the rate limiting step in DNA synthesis where ribonucleotides are reduced to the corresponding deoxyribonucleotides. Class Ib RNRs consist of two homodimeric subunits: R1E, which houses the active site; and R2F, which contains a metallo cofactor and a tyrosyl radical that initiates the ribonucleotide reduction reaction. We studied the R2F subunit of B. cereus reconstituted with iron or alternatively with manganese ions, then subsequently reacted with molecular oxygen to generate two tyrosyl-radicals. The two similar X-band EPR spectra did not change significantly over 4 to 50 K. From the 285 GHz EPR spectrum of the iron form, a g 1-value of 2.0090 for the tyrosyl radical was extracted. This g 1-value is similar to that observed in class Ia E. coli R2 and class Ib R2Fs with iron-oxygen cluster, suggesting the absence of hydrogen bond to the phenoxyl group. This was confirmed by resonance Raman spectroscopy, where the stretching vibration associated to the radical (C-O, ν7a = 1500 cm−1) was found to be insensitive to deuterium-oxide exchange. Additionally, the 18O-sensitive Fe-O-Fe symmetric stretching (483 cm−1) of the metallo-cofactor was also insensitive to deuterium-oxide exchange indicating no hydrogen bonding to the di-iron-oxygen cluster, and thus, different from mouse R2 with a hydrogen bonded cluster. The HF-EPR spectrum of the manganese reconstituted RNR R2F gave a g 1-value of ∼2.0094. The tyrosyl radical microwave power saturation behavior of the iron-oxygen cluster form was as observed in class Ia R2, with diamagnetic di-ferric cluster ground state, while the properties of the manganese reconstituted form indicated a magnetic ground state of the manganese-cluster. The recent activity measurements (Crona et al., (2011) J Biol Chem 286: 33053–33060) indicates that both the manganese and iron reconstituted RNR R2F could be functional. The manganese form might be very important, as it has 8 times higher activity.  相似文献   

1. A reaction center-cytochrome c complex has been isolated from Chromatium vinosum which is capable of normal photochemistry and light-activated rapid cytochrome c553 and c555 oxidation, but which has no antenna bacteriochlorophyll. As is found in whole cells, ferrocytochrome c553 is oxidized irreversibly in milliseconds by light at 7 K.2. Room temperature redox potentiometry in combination with EPR analysis at 7 K, of cytochrome c553 and the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll dimer (BChl)2 absorbing at 883 nm yields identical results to those previously reported using optical analytical techniques at 77 K. It shows directly that two cytochrome c553 hemes are are equivalent with respect to the light induced (BChl)2 At 7 K, only one heme can be rapidly oxidized in the light, commensurate with the electron capacity of the primary acceptor (quinone-iron) being unity.3. Prior chemical reduction of the quinone-iron followed by illumination at 200K, however, leads to the slow ( ) oxidation of one cytochrome c553 heme, with what appears to be concommitant reduction of one of the two bacteriophytins (BPh) of the reaction center as shown by bleaching of the 760 nm band, a broad absorbance increase at approx. 650 nm and a bleaching at 543 nm. The 800 nm absorbing bacteriochlorophyll is also involved since there is also bleaching at 595 and 800 nm; at the latter wave-length the remaining unbleached band appears to shift significantly to the blue. No redox changes in the 883 absorbing bacteriochlorophyll dimer are seen during or after illumination under these conditions. The reduced part of the state represents what is considered to be the reduced form of the electron carrier (I) which acts as an intermediate between the bacteriochlorophyll dimer and quinoneiron. The state (oxidized ) relaxes in the dark at 200 K in approx. 20 min but below 77 K it is trapped on a days time scale.4. EPR analysis of the state trapped as described above reveals that one heme equivalent of cytochrome becomes oxidized for the generation of the state, a result in agreement with the optical data. Two prominent signals are associated with the trapped state in the g = 2 region, which can be easily resolved with temperature and microwave power saturation: one has a line width of 15 g and is centered at g = 2.003; the other, which is the major signal, is also a radical centered at g = 2.003 but is split by 60 G and behaves as though it were an organic free-radical spin-coupled with another paramagnetic center absorbing at higher magnetic field values; this high field partner could be the iron-quinone of the primary acceptor. The identity of two signals associated with I is consistent with the idea that the reduced intermediary carrier is not simply BPh but also involves a second radical, perhaps the 800 nm bacteriochlorophylls in the reduced state. As such, the single electron would be shared in some way, and it is probable that one of these centers will be very close to the paramagnetism of the iron-quinone. Alternatively, it is possible that the electron only occupies BPh (the optical changes associated with the 800 nm bacteriochlorophyll occurring on a secondary basis) and that some of the BPh population of the trapped state is not close enough to interact with the quinone-iron.5. Light-induced triplet state formation is dramatically diminished in material in which I as well as the quinone-iron is reduced before illumination. This supports the idea that with quinone-iron alone reduced before illumination, triplet formation requires light activated electron transfer from the bacteriochlorophyll dimer to I (not possible if I is already reduced) and that the triplet is formed by the return of the electron from I to (BChl)2.6. Results indicate that although the two cytochrome c553 hemes may be equivalent at the point of activation, once one has become oxidized the other becomes less competent for oxidation by the (BChl)2.  相似文献   

Incubation of prostaglandin H synthase-1 (PGHS-1) under anaerobic conditions with peroxide and arachidonic acid leads to two major radical species: a pentadienyl radical and a radical with a narrow EPR spectrum. The proportions of the two radicals are sensitive to temperature, favoring the narrow radical species at 22 °C. The EPR characteristics of this latter radical are somewhat similar to the previously reported narrow-singlet tyrosine radical NS1a and are insensitive to deuterium labeling of AA. To probe the origin and structure of this radical, we combined EPR analysis with nitric oxide (NO) trapping of tyrosine and substrate derived radicals for both PGHS-1 and -2. Formation of 3-nitrotyrosine in the proteins was analyzed by immunoblotting, whereas NO adducts to AA and AA metabolites were analyzed by mass spectrometry and by chromatography of 14C-labeled products. The results indicate that both nitrated tyrosine residues and NO-AA adducts formed upon NO trapping. The predominant NO-AA adduct was an oxime at C11 of AA with three conjugated double bonds, as indicated by absorption at 275 nm and by mass spectral analysis. This adduct amounted to 10% and 20% of the heme concentration of PGHS-1 and -2, respectively. For PGHS-1, the yield of NO-AA adduct matched the yield of the narrow radical signal obtained in parallel EPR experiments. High frequency EPR characterization of this narrow radical, reported in an accompanying paper, supports assignment to a new tyrosyl radical, NS1c, rather than an AA-based radical. To reconcile the results from EPR and NO-trapping studies, we propose that NS1c is in equilibrium with an AA pentadienyl radical, and that the latter reacts preferentially with NO.  相似文献   

The photochemical reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 has been crystallized. The crystals were obtained in a solution of beta-octylglucoside by the vapor diffusion technique using polyethylene glycol 4000 as the precipitant at 22 degrees C. The orthorhombic crystals (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1)) have cell constants a = 142.5 A, b = 136.1 A, c = 78.5 A, and diffract to 3.7 A. The crystals display pronounced linear dichroism in the carotenoid absorption spectral region.  相似文献   

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