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A comprehensive and critical review of all available literature on associations between Australian lycaenid butterflies and ants was undertaken to establish an accurate database of the partners involved. Collections and observations of lycaenids and ants were used to augment this review, resulting in a significant number of newly documented association (and non-association) records. Twenty published records considered to be erroneous or doubtful are noted, with justifications given for their deletion from the association database. In total, 265 different associations between lycaenids and ants, plus 65 non-attendance records are documented for Australia. Nearly 80% of the lycaenid species in Australia, for which the early stages are known, are recorded associating with ants and half of these are obligately ant-associated. Patterns of association are examined from the perspective of both lycaenids and ants, with a focus on ant systematics and ecology. Lycaenids are recorded with five ant subfamilies, including the first record of an association with the Pseudomyrmecinae. The Dolichoderinae, and to some extent the Formicinae, have a disproportionately high percentage of genera that associate with lycaenid butterflies. All ant species that tend lycaenids spend at least some portion of their time foraging on vegetation to collect plant and insect nectar. There is a robust relationship between the competitive status of ants within a community, and their frequency and degree of association with lycaenids. Obligate ant-association is accompanied by a high degree of specificity for ant partner, but two notable exceptions, Ogyris aenone and O. amaryllis are discussed. Facultative myrmecophiles tend to associate with a broad range of ants, although interactions with ecologically dominant ants are less frequent than might be expected based on the abundance of dominant ant species in Australian communities.  相似文献   

Complex of adaptations of myrmecochorous plants to the ant dispersal composes so called myrmecochorous syndrome. To study the effect of some morphological and anatomical adaptations on diaspore attractiveness for ants, the field experiments with diaspores and their extracts were carried out. It was shown that chemical cues attracting ants are located in different parts of diaspores: in elaiosome only (C. cava) or in elaiosome, coverage of external layer of the fruit and in the fruit collar (P. obscura). Anatomy of adaptive structure of diaspores is also discussed together with the results of field experiments.  相似文献   

It is noticed by some researchers that ants may cause some forensic confusion in understanding death scenes. In the aspect of relationship between the ant‐animal decomposition, we observed the behavior of ants congregating on dead animals. Amongst various species of ants visiting dead rabbits, Tetramorium tsushimae Emery was noticeable in producing scratched scars, mounds, and nests around dead rabbits and covering them with soils. The behaviors are likely to interfere or to disturb the usual process of decomposition succession lead by maggots. We discussed that a series of cadaveric behaviors of T. tsushimae may be used as a potential forensic hint not to misunderstand death scenes disturbed by the species.  相似文献   

P. Nonacs 《Insectes Sociaux》1991,38(4):345-349
Summary Lasius pallitarsis ants were placed in situations where they encountered unfamiliar areas and had to choose between one of two directions for further exploration. Workers advancing onto new ground apparently leave behind some chemical signature to which later ants orient. This orientation occurred under two types of experimental conditions. First, ants show a significant tendency to follow each other as they advance out from their colony into unexplored areas. The same ants transferred into an entirely novel situation, in which there is no obvious homeward direction, show similar behavior. When ants are coming from familiar ground, following tends to increase as the number of ants passing the decision point increases. However, following decreases when ants are on entirely novel ground. The results are discussed in relation to models describing foraging responses.  相似文献   

Summary Elaiosomes attract rodent predators, as well as ant dispersers (Myrmica discontinua and Formica podzolica), to Viola nuttallii seeds. Seed removal by ants and rodents was studied over 24 h and over two separate 4-h periods. Experimental treatments included i) ants and rodents having access to seeds, ii) only ants having access, iii) only rodents having access, and iv) neither ants nor rodents having access. Seed dehiscence was monitored for 3 days. A simple model is used to determine the relative importance of ants and rodents in removing seeds, and these frequencies are related to the time when most seeds were released. The data show that most seeds are shed from capsules between 9 AM and 1 PM and are immediately removed by ants. Ants, on the average, remove 88% of the seeds. The timing of seed dehiscence increases the probability of seeds being dispersed by ants. The results are discussed with respect to the hypothesis that a sychrony of the time of seed dispersal and the period when most ants (mutualists) and least rodents (predators) are active would be advantageous to the plant species.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants (tribe Attini) are a unique group of ants that cultivate a fungus that serves as a main source of their food. The fungus is grown on fresh leaves that are harvested by workers. We examine the respective contribution of ants and their symbiotic fungus in the degradation of plant material by examining the digestive capacities of seven Attini species in the genera Atta and Acromyrmex. The results show that both, the ants and their mutualistic fungi, have complementary enzymatic activities. Ants are specialized in the degradation of low molecular weight substrates (oligosaccharides and heterosides) whereas the fungus displays high polysaccharidase activity. The two genera Atta and Acromyrmex are not distinguished by a specific enzymatic activity. The seven different mutualistic associations examined display a similar enzymatic profile but have quantitative differences in substrate degradation activities. The respective contribution of ants and the fungus garden in plant degradation are discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants live symbiotically with a fungus that they cultivate on the plant leaves that they cut. The innumerous studies on the plant selection mechanism used by leaf-cutting ants show the researchers’ interest in this issue. Many classical studies propose that plants are selected according to the fungus garden nutritional needs and the absence of potentially harmful substances. This hypothesis is corroborated by behavioral experiments using cycloheximide (fungicide) with citric pulp or forage plants greatly accepted by leaf-cutting ants. According to this hypothesis, under the action of a fungicide, the fungus emits an allomone that informs worker ants that some food is inadequate to its growth. Although some authors state that the cycloheximide “fungicide” used is specific and non toxic to ants, our findings are distinct. In our study, various concentrations of cycloheximide were administered orally to leaf-cutting worker ants in a citric pulp paste diet. After the ingestion period, the ants were isolated and offered the symbiotic fungus for 21 days and the mortality rate was evaluated. As expected, the treatment with 0.01% cycloheximide showed a low mortality rate (8.86%). At 0.1%, the mortality rate was mild (27.85%), and treatment with 1% cycloheximide resulted in moderate mortality (45.57%). In contrast, the positive control with 0.1% sulfluramid showed a high mortality rate (91.14%). Therefore, we concluded that the ingestion of high concentrations of cycloheximide results in a moderate mortality rate in leaf-cutting worker ants.  相似文献   

中国蚁科研究的展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李参  陈益 《昆虫知识》1992,29(3):177-179
<正> 蚂蚁是地球上数量最多、分布甚广、营群体生活的昆虫。据 B.Holldobler和 E.O.Wilson(1990)的统计,目前已定名的有8804种,如加上未定名的种类,估计在2万种以上。E.O.Wilson教授(1971)曾估计地球上每时每刻至少有10~(15)个蚂蚁在行走。因此,蚂蚁对人类的关系非常密切。  相似文献   

Many aphids are known to engage in a trophic mutualism with ants, whereby the aphids secrete sugary-rich honeydew which is collected by the ants for food, and the ants, in exchange, protect the aphids against natural enemies. Previous results, however, suggest that the production of some of the honeydew sugars, such as the ant-attractant trisaccharide melezitose, may induce an indirect cost to the aphids. This led us to believe that large differences in the nature of the secreted honeydew might exist, due to some clones capitalizing more or less on their mutualistic interaction with ants, or due to some “cheater” clones foregoing the production of particular sugars, instead taking advantage of the ant-attracting effect of other non sugar-deficient clones, co-occurring on the same plant. Here we present data on clonal variation in the composition of honeydew of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae which confirm this prediction. In particular, our results show that there was large interclone variation in the amount of glucose, melezitose and total sugar produced. The variation in the production of melezitose, however, showed particularly large differences, with 54% (7 out of 13) of the clones screened being virtually deficient for the production of this sugar, irrespective of whether the aphid colonies were ant-tended or not. The consequences of this finding in the context of the evolution and maintenance of the ant–aphid mutualism, as well as the adaptive benefits of oligosaccharide synthesis in aphids and other insects are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between plants and ants is often mediated by the presence of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) that attract ants and provide rewards by protecting plants from herbivores or parasites. Ficus trees (Moraceae) and their pollinators (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) are parasitized by many nonpollinating fig wasp species (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) that decrease the reproductive output of the mutualistic partners. Previous studies have shown that ants living on and patrolling Ficus species can efficiently deter parasitic wasps. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of EFNs on figs of Ficus benguetensis and test the hypothetical protection service provided by ants. Figs in different developmental stages were collected from Fu-Yang Eco Park, Taipei, Taiwan. Sugars on the fig surface were collected and analyzed through high-performance anion-exchange chromatography. Moreover, ants were excluded from the figs to determine the effect of ants on the nonpollinating fig wasps. We identified three oligosaccharides whose relative proportions varied with the fig developmental phase. In addition, results showed that the ant-excluded figs were heavily parasitized and produced three times less pollinators than did the control figs. Finally, the specific interactions of Ficus benguetensis with ants and the relationship between figs and ants in general are discussed.  相似文献   

Three species of epiphytic Dischidia have been investigated in terms of their relationship to ants on trees. Two species, D. parvifolia and D. astephana , are associated with ants and trees in montane areas. A clear association has been found between ants of the genus Crematogaster and the tree Leptospermum flavescens. This relationship is complex and probably both organisms benefit from the association. The ants live in tunnels in the wood of the major branches and the trunk, and the entire tree is occupied by one ant colony. Trees occupied by ants are maintained by the ants substantially clear of epiphytes other than the two species of Dischidia. The potential benefits to the tree and to the ants of this association are noted. The roots of D. astephana and D. parvifolia penetrate into the cavities of these ant nests and presumably gain nutrients from waste in the ant nests. Both Dischidia species are effectively scavenging upon the waste material from the ant-tree association. The leathery dome-shaped leaves of D. astephana are not vital to the development of the scavenging habit as D. parvifolia has lens-shaped leaves, but may offer some advantage to D. astephana by the uptake of nutrients from waste deposited by the ants under the dome-shaped leaves by interception of stem flow and by uptake of gaseous waste. Ants do not nest under these leaves. Seeds of these species of Dischidia are taken by ants into the central woody area of the ant nest where they germinate. Both Leptospermum and Dischidia can be visualized as showing adaptations to a nutient-deficient tropical montane environment. These adaptations are discussed as is the need for reassessment in this genus of the term 'ant-plant', and the need for wider recognition of the 1ant-tree' relationship between Crematogaster and Leptospermum.  相似文献   

Ants held in the laboratory and field ants of the species Pogonomyrmex barbatus have quantitative differences in their cuticular hydrocarbons and a qualitative difference in their methyl-branched hydrocarbons. Laboratory-held workers showed twice the hydrocarbon content as field ants. This difference was mainly due to higher amounts of straight-chain alkanes and methyl-branched alkanes in laboratory ants, whereas the proportion of the alkenes remained the same for both groups. In addition to the absence of some hydrocarbons in the field colonies, one of the methyl-branched hydrocarbons differed in amount and branching pattern between the two groups of ants. Whereas, notable peaks of 2-methylalkanes were identified in ants kept in the laboratory, these compounds could not be identified in ants living in their natural habitat. However, a trace amount of 4-methyltriacontane was found in lieu of the 2-methyltriacontane counterpart in field ants. Possible explanations for both qualitative and quantitative differences are discussed.  相似文献   

The question is discussed as to the reason why some animal societies, such as bees or ants, are sexually differentiated, that is, onlysome of its members are exhibiting reproducing activities. It is indicated that human society may be on its way to such a sexual differentiation which may eventually come.  相似文献   

This report shows that one of the most important roles of the flower nectar of an autogamous perennialRorippa indica (L.) Hieron is as an attractant for employing some ant species as a defense against herbivorous insects. The plant has flowers from spring to early winter. Its flower nectar is frequently stolen by some ant species (hereafter cited as ants) which also feed on small herbivorous insects on the plant. Internations among the tritrophic levels (R. indica, herbivores, ants) were experimentally examined and the followings became clear. (1) Ants were attracted toR. indica in search of its flower nectar. (2) The gradual secretion of flower nectar seemed to detain ants on the plant. (3)Pieris butterfly lavae were the major herbivores onR. indica and were potentially harmful to the plant. (4) The presence of ants reduced the survival rate ofP. rapae larvae onR. indica. (5) The presence of ants reduced the feeding damage toR. indica. (6) The disadvantage of nectar use by ants seemed to be minimal for the plant since the ants did not disturb the other flower visitors. These facts suggest a mutualistic relationship betweenR. indica and ants. That is, the flower nectar serves as an indirect defense against herbivorous insects.  相似文献   

Fallen branches, logs, and exposed roots (fallen branches hereafter) commonly form part of the trunk trail system of leaf-cutting ants that inhabit the tropical rain forest. We studied the role of fallen branches on resource discovering and on leaf transport rates in Atta cephalotes . Fallen branches were common components of the A. cephalotes trail system; they were present in all the nests, and in the majority of the trunk trails examined (13/16). A field experiment revealed that, at the beginning of their foraging activity, ants discovered food sources located at the end of fallen branches earlier than those located on the leaf litter. Additionally, laden ants walked faster along a fallen branch than along soil tracks of the trunk trails. This increment in speed was higher in slow-walking ants ( e.g. , with larger loads) than in fast-walking ants ( e.g. , with smaller loads). These results suggest that the presence of fallen branches may direct the searching effort of leaf-cutters and increase the foraging speed of laden ants when these structures are part of the trunk trail system. The advantages of using fallen branches as part of a trail system, and their potential consequences in the spatial foraging pattern of leaf-cutting ants, are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1 Ants that protect food resources on plants may prey on (or deter) herbivores and thereby reduce damage. Red wood ants (of the Formica rufa group) are dominant ants in boreal forests of Eurasia and affect the local abundance of several herbivorous species.
  • 2 The pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.) is a herbivore that causes severe damage by feeding on the bark of coniferous seedlings within areas of forest regeneration.
  • 3 We investigated whether ants can protect conifer seedlings from pine weevil feeding. In a manipulative experiment, ants were attracted to sugar baits attached to spruce seedlings and the damage caused by pine weevils was compared with control seedlings without ant‐baits.
  • 4 The feeding‐scar area was approximately one‐third lower on the seedlings with ant‐baits compared with the controls. Besides red wood ants, Myrmica ants were also attracted in high numbers to the ant baits and the relative effects of these species are discussed.
  • 5 The results obtained in the present study support the trophic cascade hypothesis (i.e. damage to herbivores is suppressed in the presence of predators). The decreased pine weevil feeding on the baited seedlings was probably a result of nonconsumptive interactions [i.e. the presence of (or harassment by) ants distracting pine weevils from feeding].
  • 6 Understanding the role of ants may have important implications for future strategies aiming to control pine weevil damage. For example, maintaining suitable conditions for ants after harvesting stands may be an environmentally friendly but currently unexploited method of for decreasing weevil damage.

Cordia nodosa Lamark (Boraginaceae) is a myrmecophyte (i.e., plants housing ants in hollow structures) that provisions associated ants with food bodies (FBs) produced 24 h a day. Distributed over all the young parts of the plants, they induce ants to forage continually and so to protect the plants. Metabolites are stored in the inner cells of C. nodosa FBs as they form. In addition the peripheral cells have an extrafloral nectary-like function and secrete a substance that covers the FBs. The amalgam of these two functions, distinct in other known cases, is discussed taking into account the origin of FBs and extrafloral nectaries.  相似文献   

Ant-mimicry has evolved in numerous families of spiders. Although some mimics resemble ants very precisely in their morphology and behaviour, others have only a superficial resemblance to ants. In the present study, each of at least seven (and probably ten) out of 11 species of Myrmarachne from peninsular Malaysia associates with one particular species or genus of ant that it specifically resembles; these are therefore 'good' or 'specific' mimics. Myrmarachne malayana lives in the foraging ranges of a variety of ants and shows no specific resemblance to any one genus of ant, and it is best considered as a 'poor' or 'general' mimic. A species of Castianeira (Corinnidae) with a much less precise similarity to ants (a 'poor' mimic) was associated with Polyrhachis ants. It had previously been suggested that Orsima ichneumon (Salticidae) is an ant or insect mimic in reverse; in the present study, it was associated with Polyrhachis ants but is not considered to be an ant-mimic. Two recent theoretical models show how a poor ant-mimic may be better protected than a good mimic under certain circumstances. These data provide some support for the multimodel hypothesis, although not for Sherratt's hypothesis. However, a realistic test of these hypotheses requires more information than that provided here on both mimics and models.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 645–653.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Intensive agricultural practices drive biodiversity loss with potentially drastic consequences for ecosystem services. To advance conservation and production goals, agricultural practices should be compatible with biodiversity. Traditional or less intensive systems (i.e. with fewer agrochemicals, less mechanisation, more crop species) such as shaded coffee and cacao agroforests are highlighted for their ability to provide a refuge for biodiversity and may also enhance certain ecosystem functions (i.e. predation).
2. Ants are an important predator group in tropical agroforestry systems. Generally, ant biodiversity declines with coffee and cacao intensification yet the literature lacks a summary of the known mechanisms for ant declines and how this diversity loss may affect the role of ants as predators.
3. Here, how shaded coffee and cacao agroforestry systems protect biodiversity and may preserve related ecosystem functions is discussed in the context of ants as predators. Specifically, the relationships between biodiversity and predation, links between agriculture and conservation, patterns and mechanisms for ant diversity loss with agricultural intensification, importance of ants as control agents of pests and fungal diseases, and whether ant diversity may influence the functional role of ants as predators are addressed. Furthermore, because of the importance of homopteran-tending by ants in the ecological and agricultural literature, as well as to the success of ants as predators, the costs and benefits of promoting ants in agroforests are discussed.
4. Especially where the diversity of ants and other predators is high, as in traditional agroforestry systems, both agroecosystem function and conservation goals will be advanced by biodiversity protection.  相似文献   

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