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Changes in species composition in two 4-ha plots of lowland dipterocarp rainforest at Danum, Sabah, were measured over ten years (1986-1996) for trees > or = 10 cm girth at breast height (gbh). Each included a lower-slope to ridge gradient. The period lay between two drought events of moderate intensity but the forest showed no large lasting responses, suggesting that its species were well adapted to this regime. Mortality and recruitment rates were not unusual in global or regional comparisons. The forest continued to aggrade from its relatively (for Sabah) low basal area in 1986 and, together with the very open upper canopy structure and an abundance of lianas, this suggests a forest in a late stage of recovery from a major disturbance, yet one continually affected by smaller recent setbacks. Mortality and recruitment rates were not related to population size in 1986, but across subplots recruitment was positively correlated with the density and basal area of small trees (10-< 50cm gbh) forming the dense understorey. Neither rate was related to topography. While species with larger mean gbh had greater relative growth rates (rgr) than smaller ones, subplot mean recruitment rates were correlated with rgr among small trees. Separating understorey species (typically the Euphorbiaceae) from the overstorey (Dipterocarpaceae) showed marked differences in change in mortality with increasing gbh: in the former it increased, in the latter it decreased. Forest processes are centred on this understorey quasi-stratum. The two replicate plots showed a high correspondence in the mortality, recruitment, population changes and growth rates of small trees for the 49 most abundant species in common to both. Overstorey species had higher rgrs than understorey ones, but both showed considerable ranges in mortality and recruitment rates. The supposed trade-off in traits, viz slower rgr, shade tolerance and lower population turnover in the understorey group versus faster potential growth rate, high light responsiveness and high turnover in the overstorey group, was only partly met, as some understorey species were also very dynamic. The forest at Danum, under such a disturbance-recovery regime, can be viewed as having a dynamic equilibrium in functional and structural terms. A second trade-off in shade-tolerance versus drought-tolerance is suggested for among the understorey species. A two-storey (or vertical component) model is proposed where the understorcy-overstorey species' ratio of small stems (currently 2:1) is maintained by a major feedback process. The understorey appears to be an important part of this forest, giving resilience against drought and protecting the overstorey saplings in the long term. This view could be valuable for understanding forest responses to climate change where drought frequency in Borneo is predicted to intensify in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Knowledge of niche partitioning with respect to habitat is indispensable to understand the mechanism of coexistence of multiple species. Among primates, however, data are still deficient because repeated survey for a sufficiently long time, covering seasonal changes over a large area, is the only way to clarify habitat segregation within a seasonally fluctuating environment. Southeast Asia is particularly interesting because of the supra-annual, highly unpredictable seasonality in fruiting known as mast fruiting. We conducted repeated route census, habitat monitoring, and group tracking for 25 months in two study sites (ca. 10 km apart) in the largely primary lowland dipterocarp forest of the Danum Valley Conservation Area, eastern Sabah, northern Borneo, Malaysia. The five species of diurnal primates (Bornean orangutan Pongo pygmaeus, Müeller's gibbon Hylobates muelleri, red leaf monkey Presbytis rubicunda, long-tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis, and southern pig-tailed macaque M. nemestrina) did not show horizontal spatial segregation. Red leaf monkeys showed preferences for places with short tree height, but their distribution was not confined to such places. In response to the fruiting peak observed once during the study period, orangutans increased their numbers simultaneously in the two study sites. The average tree height used by the five species was different, but their range overlapped substantially. Compared with other primate communities, the lack of horizontal spatial segregation and the suggested long-distance movement of orangutans seem to be unique characteristics in Borneo, although the use of different forest strata is a widespread phenomenon among primate communities throughout the world.  相似文献   

Flowerings and flower visitors were observed continuously in alowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, for 53 mo in1992-1996. Flower visitors of 270 plant species were observed orcollected, and pollinators were assessed by observing body contact tostigmas and anthers. We recognized 12 categories of pollination systems.Among them, plants pollinated by social bees included the largest numberof species (32%) and were followed by beetle-pollinated species(20%). Pollination systems were significantly related with somefloral characters (flowering time of day, reward, and floral shape), butnot with floral color. Based on the relationships between pollinatorsand floral characters, we described pollination syndromes found in alowland dipterocarp forest. The dominance of social bees and beetlesamong pollinators is discussed in relation to the general floweringobserved in dipterocarp forests of West Malesia. In spite of high plantspecies diversity and consequent low population densities of lowlanddipterocarp forests, long-distance-specific pollinators were uncommoncompared with theNeotropics.  相似文献   

 Diurnal courses of net photosynthesis, transpiration and water potential of leaves of ten woody species from the natural lowland dipterocarp forests in Sabah (North Borneo, Malaysia) and one exotic tree species were studied in the field. The indigenous species represent different ecological niches and successional stages in the various layers of the dipterocarp forest, such as pioneers, trees of the understorey or main canopy and emergents. Diurnal changes in CO2 exchange and transpiration reflected primarily differences in irradiance. The diurnal courses of water potential mainly tracked the rate of transpiratory water loss. Light-dependency describes most of the diurnal variations of leaves’ gas exchange. Light response curves of net photosynthesis of the investigated species of the Dipterocapaceae were almost equal (light saturated assimilation rate, Amax: 5.0–7.2 μmol CO2 m–2 s–1), while those of the other species exhibited remarkable differences (Amax: 5.5–14.2 μmol CO2 m–2 s–1). Leaf area, chlorophyll content and specific leaf dry weight as the reference parameters for assimilation gave a general ranking of the Amax, which is highest for the pioneering species, less for the understorey trees and lowest for emergents. Light compensation points and light saturation of net photosynthesis were attained mainly between 6 and 9 μmol photons m–2 s–1 and between 230 and 534 μmol photons m–2 s–1, respectively, but were higher for pioneering species. Photosynthetic performance may be a diagnostic feature of the successional and ecological status of species, i.e. to characterize pioneering species from understorey species or from emergents of the dipterocarp forest. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

Saner P  Loh YY  Ong RC  Hector A 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29642
Deforestation in the tropics is an important source of carbon C release to the atmosphere. To provide a sound scientific base for efforts taken to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) good estimates of C stocks and fluxes are important. We present components of the C balance for selectively logged lowland tropical dipterocarp rainforest in the Malua Forest Reserve of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Total organic C in this area was 167.9 Mg C ha−1±3.8 (SD), including: Total aboveground (TAGC: 55%; 91.9 Mg C ha−1±2.9 SEM) and belowground carbon in trees (TBGC: 10%; 16.5 Mg C ha−1±0.5 SEM), deadwood (8%; 13.2 Mg C ha−1±3.5 SEM) and soil organic matter (SOM: 24%; 39.6 Mg C ha−1±0.9 SEM), understory vegetation (3%; 5.1 Mg C ha−1±1.7 SEM), standing litter (<1%; 0.7 Mg C ha−1±0.1 SEM) and fine root biomass (<1%; 0.9 Mg C ha−1±0.1 SEM). Fluxes included litterfall, a proxy for leaf net primary productivity (4.9 Mg C ha−1 yr−1±0.1 SEM), and soil respiration, a measure for heterotrophic ecosystem respiration (28.6 Mg C ha−1 yr−1±1.2 SEM). The missing estimates necessary to close the C balance are wood net primary productivity and autotrophic respiration.Twenty-two years after logging TAGC stocks were 28% lower compared to unlogged forest (128 Mg C ha−1±13.4 SEM); a combined weighted average mean reduction due to selective logging of −57.8 Mg C ha−1 (with 95% CI −75.5 to −40.2). Based on the findings we conclude that selective logging decreased the dipterocarp stock by 55–66%. Silvicultural treatments may have the potential to accelerate the recovery of dipterocarp C stocks to pre-logging levels.  相似文献   

Abstract. Species richness was studied in the understorey of natural Pinus sylvestris forest in the eastern Pyrenees. Understorey plant species were grouped in three structural groups as woody species, herbs and mosses. The response curves of total species richness and species richness of each structural group were fitted against environmental and stand-structural parameters, using Generalized Linear Models. The results suggested that, to predict species richness, environmental parameters were more important than tree-canopy structural parameters, in particular incoming radiation and soil nutrient concentration. The species richness response curve was often humped in relation to soil nutrient concentration. Different patterns of species richness were found for each structural group.  相似文献   

In an earlier special issue of this journal, Marsh & Greer summarized forest land use in Sabah at that time and gave an introduction to the Danum Valley Conservation Area. Since that assessment, during the period 1990-2010, the forests of Sabah and particularly those of the ca 10 000 km(2) concession managed on behalf of the State by Yayasan Sabah (the Sabah Foundation) have been subject to continual, industrial harvesting, including the premature re-logging of extensive tracts of previously only once-logged forest and large-scale conversion of natural forests to agricultural plantations. Over the same period, however, significant areas of previously unprotected pristine forest have been formally gazetted as conservation areas, while much of the forest to the north, the south and the east of the Danum Valley Conservation Area (the Ulu Segama and Malua Forest Reserves) has been given added protection and new forest restoration initiatives have been launched. This paper analyses these forest-management and land-use changes in Sabah during the period 1990-2010, with a focus on the Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Area. Important new conservation and forest restoration and rehabilitation initiatives within its borders are given particular emphasis.  相似文献   

The population fluctuation pattern of light-attracted beetles was studied from August 1992 to September 1998 (for 73 months) using ultraviolet light-traps set at three vertical levels in a tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. During our study, a general flowering occurred from April to July in 1996, and flowering on a small scale in 1997 and 1998. We analyzed the data for eight scarabaeid and six meloid species, some of which were anthophilous species. Various fluctuation patterns were observed among the beetle species in aspects of both seasonality and correlation with the supraannual phenological pattern. Three large chafer species (Scarabaeidae, Melolonthini) showed a clear seasonal fluctuation pattern with a peak once from March to May every year, the peak monthly catch greatly fluctuating annually. Other scarabaeid beetles did not show such a clear seasonal population pattern and hardly fluctuated annually. Populations of an anthophilous scarabaeid species, Parastasia bimaculata, a specific pollinator of Homalomena propinqua (Araceae), hardly fluctuated, probably because of its response to the constant flowering of its floral hosts. Monthly catches of an anthophilous scarabaeid, Anomala sp., and meloid beetles showed clear supraannual patterns in response to the general flowering and were significantly correlated with the flowering intensity with or without a lag of a month. The fluctuation pattern of meloids suggests a supraannual population fluctuation pattern of their hosts, i.e., megachilid/anthophorid bees. Received: November 9, 1999 / Accepted: February 8, 2000  相似文献   

Inoue  Yoichi  Sinun  Waidi  Okanoya  Kazuo 《Acta ethologica》2021,24(3):153-163
acta ethologica - In Southeast Asian forests, there are dramatic supra-annual peaks in fruit availability known as mast fruiting, followed by low-fruit periods. Gibbons are frugivorous small apes....  相似文献   

The first systematic observation of a general flowering, a phenomenon unique to lowland mixed-dipterocarp forests in Southeast Asia, is presented. During general flowering, which occurs at irregular intervals of 3–10 yr, nearly all dipterocarp species together with species of other families come heavily into flower. We monitored reproductive phenology of 576 individual plants representing 305 species in 56 families in Sarawak, Malaysia. Observations continued for 53 mo from August 1992 and covered one episode of a general flowering cycle. Among 527 effective reproductive events during 43 mo, 57% were concentrated in the general flowering period (GFP) of 10 mo in 1996. We classified 257 species into flowering types based on timing and frequency of flowering. The most abundant type was “general flowering” (35%), which flowered only during GFP. The others were “supra-annual” (19%), “annual” (13%), and “sub-annual” (5%) types. General flowering type and temporal aggregation in reproductive events were commonly found among species in various categories of taxonomic groups, life forms, pollination systems, and fruit types. Possible causes for general flowering, such as promotion of pollination brought about by interspecific synchronization and paucity of climatic cues suitable for flowering trigger, are proposed, in addition to the predator satiation hypothesis of Janzen (1974) .  相似文献   

Tree species composition (diameter at breast height (dbh) 10 cm) was studied in primary, selectively logged and heavily burnt forests in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The number of trees, tree species, and the Fishers's- diversity index were determined for the first 15 years (burnt forest) and 25 years (selectively logged forest) after disturbance. Additionally the population structure of six common and typical Macaranga pioneer tree species was compared through time between selectively logged, burnt and primary forest. Both selectively logged and burnt forest showed a significant reduction in number of trees and tree species per surface area directly after disturbance. Fire especially affected dominant tree species, while for selective logging the opposite was observed. In selectively logged forest the number of trees, tree species and the Fishers's- index reached pre-disturbance levels within c. 15 years. For burnt forest, only the number of trees recovered to pre-disturbance levels. The number of tree species stayed constant after disturbance, while the Fishers's- index decreased. The six studied Macaranga pioneer tree species seedlings were present in all forest types. Their density seems to be unrelated to light levels in the forest understorey but strongly related to the number of mature parent trees. Their sapling densities were strongly related to light levels in the forest understorey. The studied Macaranga species formed an important part of both under- and over-storey in burnt forest 15 years after disturbance, while they were almost absent in the understorey and only moderately common in the overstorey of selectively logged forest.  相似文献   

One of the serious environmental problems since the 1980s has been the conflict between the high rate of deforestation and maintenance of healthy ecosystem services and biological values in tropical forests. There is an urgent demand for setting up an appropriate environmental assessment to keep healthy ecosystem functions and biodiversity along with sustainable forest use based on ecology. In this study, we tried to assess logging-disturbance effects on the abundances of several flying insect groups (higher-taxon approach) in lowland tropical rain forest (Deramakot Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia), while considering seasonal changes and vertical forest stratification. The season was the most important factor affecting the abundances of all the insect groups. Effects of logging disturbance were prominent in the understorey but obscure in the canopy. Changes in physical conditions caused by logging—possibly an increased evaporation due to solar radiation—may have decreased the abundance of desiccation-sensitive insects, especially in the understorey. There are also two probable reasons for the difference between events in the understorey and those in the canopy: (1) noise effects of various physical, environmental factors may have obscured insect responses to logging disturbance in the canopy; (2) higher spatio-temporal variation in quality and quantity of living food resources—such as leaves, flowers and fruits—provided in the canopy may have affected the abundance of their consumer insects independently of logging disturbance. Thus, this study suggests that the abundance of some insect groups at higher-taxon level, especially in the understorey, can be used as bioindicators for assessing effects of logging disturbance on the forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Ten years'' hydrological investigations at Danum have provided strong evidence of the effects of extremes of drought, as in the April 1992 El Niño southern oscillation event, and flood, as in January 1996. The 1.5 km2 undisturbed forest control catchment experienced a complete drying out of the stream for the whole 1.5 km of defined channel above the gauging station in 1992, but concentrated surface flow along every declivity from within a few metres of the catchment divide after the exceptional rains of 19 January 1996. Under these natural conditions, erosion is episodic. Sediment is discharged in pulses caused by storm events, collapse of debris dams and occasional landslips. Disturbance by logging accentuates this irregular regime. In the first few months following disturbance, a wave of sediment is moved by each storm, but over subsequent years, rare events scour sediment from bare areas, gullies and channel deposits. The spatial distribution of sediment sources changes with time after logging, as bare areas on slopes are revegetated and small gullies are filled with debris. Extreme storm events, as in January 1996, cause logging roads to collapse, with landslides leading to surges of sediment into channels, reactivating the pulsed sediment delivery by every storm that happened immediately after logging. These effects are not dampened out with increasing catchment scale. Even the 721 km2 Sungai Segama has a sediment yield regime dominated by extreme events, the sediment yield in that single day on 19 January 1996 exceeding the annual sediment load in several previous years. In a large disturbed catchment, such road failures and logging-activity-induced mass movements increase the mud and silt in floodwaters affecting settlements downstream. Management systems require long-term sediment reduction strategies. This implies careful road design and good water movement regulation and erosion control throughout the logging process.  相似文献   

A synthesis is presented of sampling work conducted under a UK government-funded Darwin Initiative grant undertaken predominantly within the Danum Valley Conservation Area (DVCA), Sabah, East Malaysia. The project concerned the assemblage structure, gas physiology and landscape gas fluxes of termites in pristine and two ages of secondary, dipterocarp forest. The DVCA termite fauna is typical of the Sunda region, dominated by Termes-group soil-feeders and Nasutitermitinae. Selective logging appears to have relatively little effect on termite assemblages, although soil-feeding termites may be moderately affected by this level of disturbance. Species composition changes, but to a small extent when considered against the background level of compositional differences within the Sunda region. Physiologically the assemblage is very like others that have been studied, although there are some species that do not fit on the expected body size-metabolic rate curve. As elsewhere, soil-feeders and soil-wood interface-feeders tend to produce more methane. As with the termite assemblage characteristics, gross gas and energy fluxes do not differ significantly between logged and unlogged sites. Although gross methane fluxes are high, all the soils at DVCA were methane sinks, suggesting that methane oxidation by methanotrophic bacteria was a more important process than methane production by gut archaea. This implies that methane production by termites in South-East Asia is not contributing significantly to the observed increase in levels of methane production worldwide. Biomass density, species richness, clade complement and energy flow were much lower at DVCA than at a directly comparable site in southern Cameroon. This is probably due to the different biogeographical histories of the areas.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Primary and logged lowland dipterocarp forest sites were sampled for subterranean termites using soil pits located on a grid system in order to detect any patchiness in their distribution.
2. A spatial pattern in termite distributions was observed in the primary and logged sites, but the response differed between soil-feeding and non-soil-feeding termites.
3. Spatial analysis showed that soil-feeding termites were homogeneously distributed in the primary forest but significantly aggregated in the logged forest. This pattern was reversed for non-soil-feeding termites and may result from differences in resource provisioning between the two sites.
4. Gaps in termite distribution comprised a greater area than patches for both feeding groups and sites, but gaps dominated the logged site.
5. A significant association between soil-feeding and non-soil-feeding termite distributions occurred at both sites. This arose from an association between patches in the primary forest and between gaps in the logged forest.
6. Termite spatial pattern was optimally observed at a minimum extent of 64 m and lag of 2 m.
7. The spatially explicit SADIE (Spatial Analysis by Distances IndicEs) analyses were more successful than (non-spatially explicit) multivariate analysis (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) at detecting associations between termite spatial distributions and that of other biotic and abiotic variables.  相似文献   

We compared the bird distributions in the understorey of treefall gaps and sites with intact canopy in Amazonian terra firme forest in Brazil. We compiled 2216 mist-net captures (116 species) in 32 gap and 32 forest sites over 22.3 months. Gap habitats differed from forest habitats in having higher capture rates, total captures, species richness and diversity. Seventeen species showed a significantly different distribution of captures between the two habitats (13 higher in gap and four higher in forest). Gap habitats had higher capture rates for nectarivores, frugivores and insectivores. Among insectivores, capture rates for solitary insectivores and army ant followers did not differ between the two habitats. In contrast, capture rates were higher in gaps for members of mixed-species insectivore flocks and mixed-species insectivore–frugivore flocks. Insectivores, especially members of mixed-species flocks, were the predominant species in gap habitats, where frugivores and nectarivores were relatively uncommon. Although few canopy species were captured in gap or forest habitats, visitors from forest mid-storey constituted 42% of the gap specialist species (0% forest) and 46% of rare gap species (38% forest). Insectivore, and total, captures increased over time, but did so more rapidly in gap than in forest habitats, possibly as a response to gap succession. However, an influx of birds displaced by nearby timber harvest also may have caused these increases. Avian gap-use in Amazonian terra firme forests differs from gap-use elsewhere, partly because of differences in forest characteristics such as stature and soil fertility, indicating that the avian response to gaps is context dependent.  相似文献   

In order to obtain basic data on parasitic infections of Bornean orangutans, Pongo pygmaeus morio (Owen, 1837), in Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia, fecal examinations were conducted. Based on a total of 73 fecal samples from 25 individuals, cysts of Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba spp., and Chilomastix mesnili, cysts and trophozoites of Balantidium coli, and eggs of Trichuris sp. or spp., unknown strongylid(s), Strongyloides fuelleborni, and an unknown oxyurid, plus a rhabditoid larva of Strongyloides sp., were found. Mature and immature worms of Pongobius hugoti Baru? et al., 2007 and Pongobius foitovae n. sp. (Oxyuridae: Enterobiinae) were recovered from fecal debris and described. Pongobius foitovae is readily distinguished from P. hugoti by having a much longer esophageal corpus, a longer and distally hooked spicule in males, and a more posteriorly positioned vulva in female. Presence of plural species of non- Enterobius pinworms is a remarkable feature of the orangutan-pinworm relationship, which may reflect speciation process of the orangutans, host switching, and coevolution by pinworms.  相似文献   

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