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The effect of chronic converting enzyme inhibition with enalapril on the PRA, PRL and plasma aldosterone responses to metoclopramide was studied in 10 patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension. Enalapril reduced supine blood pressure and increased heart rate significantly. PRA and urinary sodium excretion rose significantly. PRA levels did not change after metoclopramide neither during placebo nor during enalapril. The aldosterone response to metoclopramide was not altered by enalapril, indicating that this response is independent of the renin-angiotensin system. The PRL response to metoclopramide was considerably enhanced after 4 weeks of treatment with enalapril. It is proposed that enalapril, by decreasing the formation of angiotensin II, increases the prolactin reserve.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) secretion was studied after i.m. administration of Metoclopramide (alone or with a pretreatment with 5-Br-2alpha-ergo-cryptine) and after i.m. administration of Sulpiride. The results obtained evidenced a considerable hPRL increase after Metoclopramide administration, similar to that observed with Sulpiride, completely abolished by 5-Br-2alpha-ergocryptine. On the basis of these data it seems evident a strong and specific effect of Metoclopramide on hPRL secretion, probably more potent than Sulpiride.  相似文献   

The dopaminergic antagonist, metoclopramide (MCP) causes an increase in plasma aldosterone (PA) by a processnot well delineated. To investigate the mechanism of action of metoclopramide (MCP), studies were performed in rats after pre-treatment with L-dihydroxy-phenylalanine (L-dopa) and after bilateral nephrectomy. Intra-arterial MCP (200 μg/kg) resulted in a significant elevation in PA and prolactin (PRL) at 5 min and plasma renin activity (PRA) at 10 min without altering serum potassium levels. Pre-administration of L-dopa (30 mg/kg) delayed and markedly blunted PA, PRL and PRA resonses to MCP. In 7 rats, studied 30 hours after bilateral nephrectomy, the PRA was measurable (2.5 ± 0.4 ng/ml h?1) but displayed no response to MCP. In contrast, the PA and PRL responses to MCP were not significantly affected. L-dopa induced suppression of PRA and PA was prevented by pre-administration of MCP. These results suggest that dopaminergic modulation of PA secretion occurs independently of the renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   

Two of 7 patients with acromegaly and one of 7 normal subjects exhibited a paradoxical rise in growth hormone (GH) to human corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) when pretreated with metoclopramide, although CRH alone did not induce an increase in GH. In one of these two patients with acromegaly, the GH increase to metoclopramide alone also reached the criteria of a paradoxical response. These two acromegalic patients showed a GH increase to metoclopramide pretreatment before and up to two months after surgery. In another acromegalic patient, whose GH level remained high 5 months after surgery, metoclopramide induced an increase in GH level, while in a patient who had an above-normal GH level 18 months after surgery, the resumption of physiological GH secretion after surgery was evidenced by a postoperative absence of a GH response to metoclopramide. It is suggested from these results that the GH response to metoclopramide and the metoclopramide-provoked GH response to CRH in patients with acromegaly result from the secretion of GH from nonadenomatous cells of the pituitary.  相似文献   

Quipazine (2-(1-piperazinyl) quinoline maleate), a serotonin agonist which also has other effects on serotonin metabolism, in doses from 2.5 – 20 mg/kg, i.p., was found to markedly increase plasma prolactin levels in male rats. This increase was blocked by the serotonin antagonists methysergide and brom-lysergic acid diethylamide and potentiated by para-chlorophenylalanine, an inhibitor of serotonin synthesis. These findings suggest that the increase in plasma prolactin levels is due to the serotonin agonist properties of quipazine. Apomorphine and 2-Br-α-ergocryptine pretreatment blocked the effect on plasma prolactin of quipazine, while apomorphine given 15 min after quipazine brought about a rapid decline in the elevated plasma prolactin levels produced by quipazine.  相似文献   

Bromocriptine treatment in rats (3 mg/kg per day, 7 days) significantly reduced alpha-msh and aldosterone plasma levels 2 hrs after the final treatment in animals on low, normal and high sodium diets. Alpha-MSH dose response curves for corticosterone and 18-hydroxydeoxycorticosterone (18-OH-DOC) in subsequently incubated glomerulosa cells gave stimulation at lower concentrations of alpha-MSH (10(-10) moles per litre) than in cells from untreated animals (10(-9) moles per 1). Curves for aldosterone (ald) and 18-hydroxycorticosterone (18-OH-B) were also affected in cells from animals on a low sodium diet. Fasciculata-reticularis cell responses to ACTH were unaffected. Metoclopramide (4 mg/kg per day, 7 days) elevated plasma alpha-MSH, although ald was unaffected, but inhibited the glomerulosa cell response to alpha-MSH in vitro. Acute dopaminergic responses in plasma ald may be mediated through alpha-MSH in rats, but chronically alpha-MSH may down- regulate glomerulosa cell alpha-MSH receptors. It is unlikely that alpha-MSH mediates the adrenocortical response to sodium depletion.  相似文献   

This study was designed to verify if the decrease in blood prolactin (PRL) induced by selective face cooling during exercise could be part of a response to specific body thermal stress. Five healthy trained male cyclists presenting a significant plasma PRL elevation to exercise were, on three occasions and at weekly interval, submitted to a submaximal exercise (approx. 65% VO2max) on ergocycle with and without selective face cooling. In absence of face cooling a first trial served to establish reference values for workload, heart rate and plasma PRL levels, the latter increasing markedly (450% of resting values) in these conditions. On a second trial but with workload maintained at reference values (222 +/- 9 W), a significant bradycardia was observed with face cooling; furthermore, plasma PRL response to exercise was significantly reduced (to 31% of original response). On a third trial with face cooling, workload had to be significantly augmented (242 +/- 10 W) to maintain heart rate at reference level (78% HRmax); in addition, plasma PRL response to exercise was almost unchanged compared to the reference-value level. The absence of a significant face cooling-induced decrease in sympathetic tonus, as evaluated through peripheral plasma catecholamines response, does not indicate a role for the autonomic nervous system in the face cooling-induced reduction of both heart rate and PRL responses during exercise. Assay of circulating peripheral beta-endorphins could indicate that the face cooling-induced PRL blunted response does not necessarily involve an opioid mediation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Both corticosterone and prolactin (PRL) levels increase in response to stress. In these studies we examined the effect of corticosterone on the PRL response to both physical (footshock) and psychological (novel environment) stress. Three groups of rats were used: sham adrenalectomized (SHAM), adrenalectomized (ADX), and adrenalectomized with corticosterone replacement (ADX+CORT). The corticosterone-treated animals received 80 ug corticosterone/ml drinking water. Blood samples were drawn via an indwelling cannula and PRL values determined using radioimmunoassay. ADX rats showed a consistently greater PRL response to being placed on a platform above water (novel environment) or when receiving intermittant footshock than did ADX+CORT rats. The PRL response of the latter group was similar to that of the SHAM animals. These findings indicate that corticosterone levels of an animal can significantly attenuate the magnitude of the PRL response to both physical and psychological stress. These findings further emphasize that the PRL response to stress is dependent not only upon the immediate action of the stressor, but also the prior stress history of the animal.  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) underlying the hyperphosphatemia of lactic acidosis is uncertain. We assessed the interacting influence of the acid anion and acid-base status on plasma phosphorus concentration by administering lactic acid alone, lactic acid plus sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate alone, and sodium lactate alone to four different groups of dogs. The findings of (1) no increase in plasma phosphorus concentration with lactic acid plus sodium bicarbonate versus a marked increment with lactic acid alone, and (2) no difference in the plasma phosphorus response to sodium lactate versus sodium bicarbonate indicate that acidemia is necessary for the expression of lactate-induced hyperphosphatemia. The apparent greater propensity for marked hyperphosphatemia in lactic acidosis than in other types of metabolic acidosis remains unexplained, but conceivably might relate to differences in intracellular pH and in the rate of glycolysis.  相似文献   

When ovariectomized ewes were treated with LH-RH, all 3 receiving prolactin infusion and 4 out of 5 receiving an infusion of NaCl solution responded.  相似文献   

Fenton’s reagent that generates reactive hydroxyl radical species was evaluated for its effectiveness as a pretreatment agent on cotton cellulosic substrates to increase its susceptibility to cellulase enzyme. Response surface methodology was used to optimize four different process variables viz., time of reaction; substrate size and concentrations of Fe2+ and H2O2. Overall, the cellulose substrates treated at 0.5 mM concentration of Fe2+, 2% concentration of H2O2 for a reaction period of 48 h gave the highest enzyme activity as determined using the response surface methodology. Cellulose substrates with high aspect ratio recorded better enzyme response than that with low aspect ratio which is supported by copper number estimation. The cellulosic substrate prepared using a combination of optimized Fenton’s pretreatment conditions and/or enzyme hydrolysis were studied and characterized by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Additionally, degree of polymerization analysis gives further insight into the degradation during Fenton’s reaction.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated that patients with hyperprolactinemia have impaired PRL response to dopaminergic blockade and increased TSH response. Since inhibitory dopaminergic modulation of aldosterone is well established, we have examined whether prolactinoma patients have an altered aldosterone response to dopaminergic blockade. To investigate this possibility we compared the plasma PRL, TSH and aldosterone responses to the dopamine (DA) antagonist metoclopramide (MCP; 10 mg i.v.) in 10 women with prolactinomas and 7 healthy female controls. Basal PRL levels in prolactinoma patients were elevated and showed a blunted rise following MCP. Although basal TSH levels were similar in the 2 groups of subjects, they significantly increased (p = 0.017) in prolactinoma patients while in contrast they did not significantly change in control subjects. Basal supine plasma aldosterone was similar in patients with prolactinomas (0.23 +/- 0.03 nmol/l) and in healthy subjects (0.25 +/- 0.04 nmol/l) and the increased aldosterone concentrations from 15 to 120 min following MCP were not significantly different in prolactinoma patients and in control subjects. It is concluded that in patients with prolactinomas, the alteration in the dopaminergic regulation is specifically related to the lactotroph.  相似文献   

In dams which had been kept isolated from pups for 8-10 h, the magnitude of the suckling-induced prolactin rise in the plasma was studied in relation to intensity of suckling stimulus and lactational age of the mother. At midlactation the response of prolactin evoked by suckling was enhanced as litter size increased. Suckling of 2 pups induced a greater prolactin rise in dams adjusted to 2 pups than in dams adjusted to 8 pups. Suckling of 8 pups caused a greater prolactin rise in dams which had been adjusted to an 8-pup litter, than in rats with a 2-pup litter. At late and prolonged lactation the rise of prolactin in the plasma induced by the suckling stimulus of 8 pups was significantly lower than at midlactation. Injection of perphenazine after a period of suckling induced a moderate increase of plasma prolactin in dams at midlactation, and a similar increase in dams at late lactation and at day 42 of lactation. It is concluded that in the first half of lactation the number of pups, i.e. the intensity of the suckling stimulus, is an important factor in determining the magnitude of the prolactin response to suckling. The lower response of plasma prolactin to suckling in late lactation is neither caused by a decrease in suckling stimulus from the pups nor by an increase in prolactin clearance; it is probably due to a gradual reduction in prolactin synthesizing and releasing capacity of the pituitary, brought on by a desensitization of the neural or neuroendocrine system to suckling stimuli as lactation proceeds.  相似文献   

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