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GM2-gangliosidoses are neurological disorders caused by a genetic deficiency of either the β-hexosaminidase A or the GM2 activator, a glycolipid binding protein. In a patient with an immunologically proven GM2 activator protein deficiency, A T412 → C transition (counted from A of the initiation codon) was found in the coding sequence, which results in the substitution of Arg for the normal Cys107 in the mature GM2 activator protein. The remainder of the coding sequence remained entirely normal.  相似文献   

A patient diagnosed as having Type-AB GM2-gangliosidosis was found to have a defect in β-hexosaminidase A, but not in the activator (GM2-activator) specific for the enzymic hydrolysis of GM2 ganglioside. β-Hexosaminidase A and B isolated from the brain of the patient showed normal activity toward synthetic substrates, but could not hydrolyze GM2 ganglioside in the presence of GM2-activator isolated from normal human liver or brain. The level of GM2-activator in the brain of this patient was three times higher than that found in the two control brains. The activator isolated from the brain of this patient was able to stimulate the hydrolysis of GM2 ganglioside catalyzed by human hepatic or brain β-hexosaminidase A but not by B.  相似文献   

A single nucleotide transition within exon 5 of the beta-hexosaminidase alpha chain gene was identified in a Puerto Rican patient with GM2-gangliosidosis B1 variant as the mutation responsible for the unusual enzymological characteristics of this variant (G533----A; Arg178----His) (the DN-allele). A total of seven patients with enzymological characteristics of B1 variant have since been studied. They were Puerto Rican (DN), Italian, French, Spanish, two patients of mixed ethnic origin (English/Italian/Hungarian and English/French/Azores), and a Czechoslovakian. In confirmation of our earlier finding based on screening with allele-specific probes, all patients except the one from Czechoslovakia carried the same DN-allele. A new point mutation found in this patient changed the same codon affected in the DN-allele (C532----T; Arg178----Cys). An asymptomatic Japanese individual included as a control also carried one allele with the DN-mutation. Site-directed mutagenesis and expression studies in COS I cells demonstrated that either of the two point mutations abolishes the catalytic activity of the alpha subunit. The Spanish patient was homozygous for the DN-allele, but others were all compound heterozygotes. The Puerto Rican patient was a compound heterozygote with the DN-mutation in one allele and with the four-base insertion in exon 11, one of the two mutations found in the classical Ashkenazi Jewish Tay-Sachs disease, in the other allele. Abnormalities of the other allele were not identified in all other compound heterozygous patients. In these patients, the level of mRNA derived from the other allele was variable, ranging from being undetectable to being much lower than normal. This series of studies uncovered a new B1 variant mutation, confirmed our preliminary finding that the DN-allele has a surprisingly wide geographic and ethnic distribution, and pointed out the highly complex nature of the molecular genetics of this rare disorder. They also support our working hypothesis that mutations responsible for the unique enzymological characteristics of the B1 variant should be located in or near exon 5 of the gene and that this region of the enzyme protein is critical for its catalytic function.  相似文献   

A point mutation within exon 5 of beta-hexosaminidase alpha chain gene was identified earlier in a Puerto Rican patient with GM2-gangliosidosis B1 variant (the DN-allele) [K. Ohno and K. Suzuki: J. Neurochem. 50:316-318, 1988]. Oligonucleotide probes designed to detect either the normal or the DN-allele showed that four additional patients carried the same mutation. These patients were of Italian, French, Spanish, and English/Italian/Hungarian origin. Three of them, as well as our original patient, were compound heterozygotes with positive signals for both the mutant and normal probes, while the Spanish patient was positive only for the DN-allele. A patient from Czechoslovakia was negative for the DN-allele. Thus, the specific mutation originally found in the Puerto Rican patient has a surprisingly wide geographic and ethnic distribution. This mutation can account for the B1 variant phenotype in five of the six B1 variant patients so far examined.  相似文献   

Fragile-X syndrome, the most common inherited form of mental retardation, has a very unusual mode of inheritance. The disease is caused by a multistep expansion, in successive generations, of a polymorphic CGG repeat localized in a 5' exon of FMR-1, a gene of unknown function. Two main mutation types have been categorized. Premutations are moderate expansions of the repeat and do not cause mental retardation. Full mutations are found in affected individuals and involve larger expansions of the repeat, with abnormal methylation of the neighboring CpG island. The full mutations demonstrate striking somatic instability and extinguish expression of FMR-1. Premutations are changed to full mutation only when transmitted by a female with a frequency that increases up to 100% as a function of the initial size of the premutation. Direct detection of the mutations provides an accurate test for pre- and postnatal diagnosis of the disease, and for carrier detection. A similar unstable expansion of a trinucleotide repeat occurs in myotonic dystrophy.  相似文献   

The GM2-gangliosidosis B1 variant occurs at an exceptionally high frequency in the northern part of Portugal. In most patients, the disease manifests itself as a juvenile form, as opposed to the late-infantile form described for many patients from other parts of the world. We have analyzed the beta-hexosaminidase alpha gene in 11 patients, as well as in some relatives, in order to characterize the underlying abnormalities. They were screened for the two previously identified mutations responsible for the B1 variant phenotype (G533----A, also designated as the "DN allele," and C532---T) by PCR amplification of an 800-bp DNA fragment and subsequent dot-blot hybridization with allele-specific oligonucleotides. The fragment amplified from one patient was also subcloned and sequenced. Ten patients, constituting a clinically and biochemically homogeneous group, were found to be homozygous for the DN allele. The other, whose clinical profile more resembled the late-infantile phenotype often described in the literature, was a compound heterozygote carrying the DN allele and another, as yet unidentified, abnormal allele. Our results, corroborated by previously published data, suggest that homozygotes and compound heterozygotes for the DN allele may be distinguishable at the phenotypic level, depending on the nature of the abnormality in the other allele. A common ancestral origin for the DN allele can also be postulated.  相似文献   

11 patients with Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) and 4 patients with Sandhoff disease were identified using the methods of heat inactivation of hexosaminidase at 50 degrees C (3 and 4 hours) and electrofocusing on PAG-plates in the pH range 3.5-9.5. Ion exchange chromatography on DEAE cellulose DE-52 proved to be reliable for identification of heterozygotes in cases when the proband was not available. The incidence of TSD gene was estimated in 2 population samples--from the cities of Gomel and Kostroma. It was about 0.004 in the Gomel sample. No heterozygotes were detected in Kostroma.  相似文献   

A lymphoid cell line established by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformation of peripheral blood B-lymphocytes from a patient with Sandhoff disease showed a severe deficiency of beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase activity (residual activity around 10% of that in lymphoid cell lines from normals or other lipidotic patients). This residual beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase was completely heat-labile in contrast to that of normals. The molecular forms of residual beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Sandhoff lymphoid cell line were separated by Con A-sepharose and electrofocusing. Their properties and electrofocusing profiles were compared to those from Sandhoff fibroblasts and from fetal brain: this comparison permitted to identify the residual molecular forms with Hex S and Hex C. The microheterogeneity of Hex S and Hex C, demonstrated by electrofocusing, was discussed. 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-D-galactonolactone (GalNAcLone) showed a strong inhibitory effect on lysosomal Hex A, B and S, but only a very slight effect on Hex C. Studies of the inhibition type (competitive on Hex A, B and S and mixed on Hex C) gave some informations about the enzymatic site. Elsewhere, differences in affinity of GalNAcLone for the various isoenzymes could be utilized to define optimal assay conditions for specifically determining Hex C (standard assay containing 400 mumol/l of GalNAcLone). These results demonstrated that EBV-transformed lymphoid cell lines represent an accurate model system for enzymatic studies of Sandhoff disease.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of the human beta-galactosidase gene revealed six different mutations in 10 of 11 Japanese GM1-gangliosidosis patients. They were the only abnormalities in each allele examined in this study. A 165-nucleotide duplication (positions 1103-1267) was found in two infantile patients, producing an abnormally large mRNA; one patient was probably a homozygote, and the other was a heterozygote of this mutation. The other two infantile patients had different mutations; a 123 Gly(GGG)----Arg(AGG) mutation in one patient and a 316 Tyr(TAT)----Cys(TGT) mutation in the other. A 201 Arg(CGC)----Cys(TGC) mutation, eliminating a BspMI site, was detected in a late-infantile/juvenile patient; the restriction-site analysis of amplified genomic DNA confirmed his heterozygosity for this mutation. A 51 Ile(ATC)----Thr(ACC) mutation was found in all five adult/chronic patients examined in this study. It created a SauI site, and restriction-site analysis confirmed that four patients were homozygous mutants. The other was a compound heterozygote for this mutation and another 457 Arg(CGA)----Gln(CAA) mutation. These mutant genes expressed markedly decreased or completely deficient enzyme activities in beta-galactosidase-deficient human fibroblasts transformed by adenovirus-SV40 recombinants. We conclude that gene mutations are heterogeneous in GM1-gangliosidosis but that the 51 Ile(ATC)----Thr(ACC) mutation is common among the Japanese adult/chronic cases. Genotype-phenotype correlations in GM1-gangliosidosis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The AB-variant form of GM2 gangliosidosis is an inherited lysosomal storage disease. Biochemical data have linked its cause to the lack of a functional GM2 activator protein (activator). In the present study we identify a mutation in the gene encoding the activator protein of an AB-variant patient. These data represent direct evidence that the disease in the patient described here is a result of mutations at the Activator gene locus. A T412----C transition was found in the homozygous form in cDNA and genomic DNA from the patient. This nucleotide change would result in the substitution of Cys138 by an Arg residue in the activator protein. Whereas the patient's fibroblasts produce apparently normal levels of activator mRNA, they lack a functional activator protein. Transfection of either a construct containing the normal activator cDNA, pAct1, or a cDNA construct containing the T----C transition caused COS-1 cells to transcribe high levels of activator mRNA. Lysates from cells transfected with pAct1 produced an elevated level of both pro- and mature forms of the activator protein, with an accompanying 11-fold enhancement in the ability of purified hexosaminidase A to hydrolyze GM2 ganglioside. However, lysates from cells transfected with the mutant cDNA construct contained only low levels of the pro-activator protein, which failed to enhance hexosaminidase A activity significantly above the endogenous level of mock transfected COS cells. We conclude that the T412----C transition in the GM2 Activator gene of the patient is responsible for the disease phenotype.  相似文献   

Variant AB of infantile GM2 gangliosidosis is a fatal disease leading invariably to death within the first few years of life, due to the excessive storage of the glycolipids GM2 and GA2 which occurs in the nervous tissue of the patient. Unlike other variants of this hereditary disease, where a deficiency of hexosaminidase A, the ganglioside-GM2-degrading enzyme, could be demonstrated, the variant AB is characterized by a normal or even elevated level of this enzyme. To examine the possibility of a mutant hexosaminidase A, well capable of hydrolyzing the fluorogenic synthetic substrates but unable to attack the ganglioside, the enzyme was isolated from a patients tissue and characterized biochemically and immunologically in comparison with an enzyme preparation from normal control tissue. No differences between hexosaminidase A from normal and variant AB tissue could be detected indicating that the defect involved in this disease is not at the genetic level of production of either alpha or beta chains of hexosaminidase A.  相似文献   

A novel variant cDNA from the human ST2 gene other than ST2 or ST2L was identified and tentatively named ST2V. Alternative splicing inserts a new exon which leads to a change in the C-terminal portion of ST2, causing it to gain a hydrophobic tail instead of losing the third immunoglobulin-like domain. ST2V is expressed in human leukemic cell line UT-7 and its sublines UT-7/GM, UT-7/EPO, and UT-7/TPO, in addition to human helper T cell line 5C10. The amount of ST2V mRNA is greatly diminished when UT-7/GM cells are induced to differentiate into either erythroblastic or megakaryoblastic phenotypes. The possible roles of the ST2V in growth and differentiation are intriguing.  相似文献   

The levels of hexosaminidase A activity in cultivated fibroblasts of two patients with GM2-gangliosidosis were close to the normal range with 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-2-acetamido-2-deoxyglucopyranoside and 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-2-acetamido-2-deoxygalactopyranoside as substrates, and the enzymes were normal in most parameters analyzed. However, the enzymes of both patients were almost completely inactive against two specific substrates for hexosaminidase A, rho-nitrophenyl-6-sulfo-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranoside, and ganglioside GM2 in the presence of GM2-activator. Fibroblast extracts of both patients showed normal hexosaminidase B and GM2-activator activity, the latter was strongly decreased in two cases with variant AB. It is suggested that human hexosaminidase A may contain two different active sites which might be inactivated separately by different mutations.  相似文献   

Summary Uptake of radioactivity from 14C-galactose into gangliosides by cultured skin fibroblasts was studied. GM3 was the major ganglioside in control human fibroblasts. An increase of GM1 was demonstrated in GM1-gangliosidosis fibroblasts. The degree of GM1 accumulation was correlated with the clinical types of this disease. The fibroblasts from an infantile-type patient showed a marked increase of GM1. In late-onset types the amount of total gangliosides was only slightly increased, but the distribution of individual gangliosides was definitely abnormal; a relative increase of GM1 was demonstrated in these cases. GM1 -galactosidase activities were not detectable in either infantile or late-onset cases.  相似文献   

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