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Microbial technology includes not only the production of materials in bioreactors, or the production of new catalysts by genetic engineering but extends to aspects of both human and animal health care, waste and pollution management, enhanced oil recovery, mineral leaching, advanced plant breeding, diagnostics and analytical equipment, biosensors, bioelectronics and renewable energy system based on biomass feedstocks. National strategies of industrialized countries are being developed which identify microbial technology as a substantial factor in the attainment of industrial and economic goals. Although extremely promising microbial technology is not a quick fix and its application will only arise as a result of systematic programme of research and development. Such programme requires a broad base of disciplinary underpinning in molecular biology, genetics and bioengineering. The development of expertise of this kind in the tertiary educational institutions is the essential starting point. It should be developed by appropriate programmes and networking systems.  相似文献   

能源微生物油脂技术进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
微生物油脂技术是缓解生物柴油规模化生产原料短缺的有效途径之一。介绍了国内外利用产油真菌生产能源微生物油脂的现状,包括拓展发酵原料、选育优良菌株、建立新型调控策略和不同培养模式以及解析油脂过量积累的分子机制;概括了微生物油脂技术产业化面临的问题及其解决方案;最后指出了能源微生物油脂研究未来发展方向。  相似文献   

随着近代微生物学与地质学研究的不断发展和深入,微生物在矿业相关领域的基础和应用研究日益受到重视。本文总结了近年来微生物及其技术在找矿、选矿、采矿等方面的应用研究进展情况,并着重对微生物在矿产的成矿以及废弃矿区的环境修复方面的研究进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

Infectious diseases are a type of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Although the discovery of antibiotics changed the treatment of infectious diseases and reduced the mortality of bacterial infections, resistant bacterial strains have emerged. Anti‐infective therapy based on aetiological evidence is the gold standard for clinical treatment, but the time lag and low positive culture rate of traditional methods of pathogen diagnosis leads to relative difficulty in obtaining the evidence of pathogens. Compared with traditional methods of pathogenic diagnosis, next‐generation and third‐generation sequencing technologies have many advantages in the detection of pathogenic microorganisms. In this review, we mainly introduce recent progress in research on pathogenic diagnostic technology and the applications of sequencing technology in the diagnosis of pathogenic microorganisms. This review provides new insights into the application of sequencing technology in the clinical diagnosis of microorganisms.  相似文献   

生物安全是国家安全的重要组成部分,科技是国家生物安全的重要战略支撑。针对我国当前面临的重大生物安全威胁,科技部进行了一系列项目部署,不断加强生物安全科技支撑能力建设。本文重点总结了自"十二五"以来我国生物安全科技工作在重大新发突发传染病防控、外来物种入侵甄别与防控、实验室生物安全、生物安全特种资源库建设、基因合成与编辑技术等方面取得的主要成就,展望了前沿生物技术发展与学科交叉融合所带来的新型生物安全风险与防控机遇,并对我国生物安全科技发展提出建议。  相似文献   

自然环境中99%微生物在实验室条件下仍是不能被培养的,称之为"未培养"微生物或微生物"暗物质"。对其进行研究不仅有助于认识环境中微生物代谢多样性,丰富生命之树,同时未培养微生物还蕴含着巨大的新基因和新天然产物资源。但传统培养技术的局限性阻碍了"未培养"微生物资源的开发和利用。虽然随着分子生物学技术的发展,可以直接从环境中获得未培养微生物的遗传信息,分析微生物的广泛代谢多样性,但微生物的生理特征和代谢产物等分析仍然需要建立在研究纯菌株的基础上。目前,已经有很多新颖的培养技术被研发,如原位培养技术、共培养技术和连续流生物反应器培养技术等用于挖掘未培养微生物资源。本文主要介绍了连续流生物反应器培养新技术的发展与改进,探讨了"未培养"微生物培养技术及设备的发展方向,以进一步促进"未培养"微生物资源的开发与利用。  相似文献   

A model for the tryptophan operon is formulated based on the genetic and biophysical data available on the structure of the operon and the nature of interactions between the represser and its ligands. Studies have been done, on wild-type, superrepressing, and loose-binding strains to identify conditions at which the stability of the system changes (i.e., evolves to a stable synthesis or periodic synthesis with increasing amplitude). Also, the factors that increase the yield of tryptophan are studied and predictions made, based on the results, for obtaining overproducing strains of tryptophan that can be used for the industrial production of this useful amino acid.  相似文献   

目的利用堆肥处理技术对大庆油田原油污染土壤进行生物修复处理研究,建立最佳堆制配比及堆制条件。方法比较堆肥过程中不同碳氮比对石油烃降解效果的影响,分析堆制过程中各理化参数和总石油烃降解的变化趋势,建立最佳堆制配比及堆制条件。结果 3种比例的堆肥处理,总碳含量呈下降趋势而总氮含量呈上升趋势,当C∶N约为30∶1时,堆肥温度9d持续在50℃以上,土壤中石油烃降解率达到最高。60d后,土壤中总石油烃的降解率可达78%。结论堆肥C∶N为30∶1时为最佳的堆制比例。  相似文献   

中药现代化是目前中药研究最迫切的需要,微生物转化技术可以利用微生物的特性解决中药现代化研究中难以解决的诸多问题,我们总结了微生物转化中药的特点,转化酶系统及反应类型,分析了微生物生物转化对中药的影响,认为微生物转化技术酶系统广泛,选择性强,反应条件温和可控,反应类型广泛,适用于所有类型的中药有效成分的生物转化,经过转化后,可以提高中药药效,降低毒性,去除杂质,帮助有效成分的体内代谢及产生新的药物成分。中药微生物转化技术必定成为中药学与微生物学完美契合的典范,推进中药现代化的进程。  相似文献   

现代微生物识别技术在水产养殖环境研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养殖环境的恶化已成为制约水产业健康发展的瓶颈。鉴于微生物在养殖水体中的重要作用,本文从技术角度对近年来发展起来的现代微生物分子识别技术进行了概括介绍,并综述了以核酸为靶分子和以微生物表面抗原为靶分子的两类微生物识别技术在水产养殖中的应用进展,为水产养殖环境的改善及其病害防治提供参考。  相似文献   

第三代测序技术在微生物研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹晨霞  韩琬  张和平 《微生物学通报》2016,43(10):2269-2276
1977年Sanger发明的双末端终止法开启了测序之旅,而测序技术在30多年内不断革新。每种新技术的出现都有超过前代产品的独特之处,但也会不可避免的存在自身局限性,关键在于掌握每种技术的优缺点并加以合理应用。第三代测序技术是一种集高通量、快速度、长读长及低成本等多种优点于一身的新型测序技术,它的出现为基因组学、转录组学及DNA甲基化等研究注入了新活力。本文在介绍基本技术原理的基础上,着重概述了第三代测序技术在微生物研究中的应用,从而揭示了其广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

微生物活菌分为繁殖能力的活菌和有代谢活动但没有繁殖能力的活菌。传统的平板计数方法无法对有代谢活动但没有繁殖能力的活菌进行准确定量分析。本文综述了微生物活细胞检测新技术的研究进展,包括以PCR为基础的新技术和荧光活化细胞分选术与流式细胞术结合的新技术。  相似文献   

A microbiological process was established to harvest electricity from the carbon monoxide (CO). A CO fermenter was enriched with CO as the sole carbon source. The DGGE/DNA sequencing results showed that Acetobacterium spp. were enriched from the anaerobic digester fluid. After the fermenter was operated under continuous mode, the products were then continuously fed to the microbial fuel cell (MFC) to generate electricity. Even though the conversion yield was quite low, this study proved that synthesis gas (syn-gas) can be converted to electricity with the aid of microbes that do not possess the drawbacks of metal catalysts of conventional methods.  相似文献   

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