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1. By the VAN WISSELINGH color reaction and the chitosan sulfatetest it was revealed that Chlorella cells contain chitosan probablyin their cell walls. 2. By fractionating the cell material into several fractionsfollowed by their hydrolysis, it was revealed that the majorityof glucosamine was present in the residue material remaininginsoluble in ethanol-ether and perchloric acid (PCA) solution.Conceivably, this glucosamine has derived, for the most part,from the chitosan contained in the cell wall material. 3. During the course of life cycle of the algal cells, the increasein content of glucosamine occurred in three steps: first, inproportion to the growth of smaller (young) cells into largercells; second, corresponding to the formation of autosporeswithin ripened cells; and third, in parallel with the growthof newly born daughter cells. 4. Between the first and second phase mentioned above, thereoccurred an abrupt breach in the increase of glucosamine. Thisphenomenon was presumed to be closely related to the profoundchange in the permeability of cell walls occuring at this transitionalstage of cell development. (Received September 5, 1960; )  相似文献   

The cells of Chlorella ellipsoidea were grown synchronously,and at different stages of their life cycle, the cells wereanalysed for their contents in amino acids existing in freeforms as well as in the fractions of bulk protein and peptides.Throughout the algal life cycle, the content of bulk protein(per unit dry weight of cells) remained relatively constant,being about 20 to 40 times those of peptides and free aminoacids. The amino acid composition of the protein fraction alsoremained fairly constant, the predominant amino acids beingalanine, glutamic acid, glycine and leucine. The contents inthe bulk peptides increased appreciably during the periods ofgrowth and "ripening" (light period), and decreased markedlyduring the periods of "post-ripening" and cellular division(dark period). Similar modes of change in content were alsoobserved in most of the individual amino acids contained inthe peptide fraction. The most abundant component in the peptidefraction was arginine followed by glutamic acid, glycine andcyst(e)ine. Rather irregular was the mode of change of the levelsof individual free amino acids, although, as a whole, theirbehavior was similar to that of bulk peptides, increasing duringthe light period and decreasing during the dark period. Themost predominant free amino acids were glutamic acid and alaninefollowed by proline. Experimental evidence showed that the processes of formationof free amino acids and peptides are for the most part lightdependent, while the synthesis of protein, which is thoughtto be effected using as building blocks mostly free amino acids—formeddirectly or indirectly from early photosynthates or derivedfrom pre-formed peptides—is essentially a light-independentprocess. Peptides, as a whole, seem to have significance asreservoirs of building blocks for the syntheses in the darkof protein and other nitrogenous cellular substances. The synthesisof protein in the dark takes place not only by consuming thefree amino acids and peptides that have been accumulated duringthe light period, but also by assimilating the exogenous nitrogensource (nitrate). The distribution of individual amino acidsin the three main fractions mentioned above as it changed duringthe course of algal cell cycle was followed in detail, and theresults obtained were discussed in relation to various relevantdata reported by other workers. (Received June 29, 1964; )  相似文献   

Protein metabolism of Yoshida ascites hepatoma cells was studied in the early phase of logarithmic proliferation and in the following stage in which cell mass remains constant (resting phase). The rate of protein synthesis was measured by a short-time incorporation of [8H]lysine, while degradation was concurrently assessed by following the decrease of specific activity of [14C]lysine-labeled proteins. Most of the labeled amino acid injected intraperitoneally into the animal was immediately available for the tumor cells, with only a minor loss towards the extra-ascitic compartment. It was thus possible to calculate the dilution of the isotope in the ascitic pool of the lysine, which increased concurrently with the ascitic plasma volume. Amino acid transport capacity did not change in the log vs. the resting cells. This fact permitted the correction of the specific activity of the proteins synthesized by tumors in the two phases, taking into account the dilution effect. Protein synthesis was found to proceed at a constant rate throughout each of the two phases, although it was 30% lower during the resting as compared to the log phase. When cell mass attained the steady-state, protein degradation occurred at such a level as to balance the synthesis. Throughout the resting phase the amount of lysine taken up by the cells and renewed from the blood remained unchanged. Protein turnover, as studied in subcellular fractions, exhibited a similar rate in nuclei and microsomes, where it proceeded at a higher level than in mitochondria. On the whole, the results encourage the use of the Yoshida ascites hepatoma as a suitable model for studying protein turnover in relation to cell growth in vivo.  相似文献   

作者应用透射电镜技术观察了杭州双睾虫(Diplorchis hangzhouensis)生活史各阶段(自由生活的钩毛蚴、蝌蚪鳃上的后期幼虫、沼蛙膀胱内的成虫)体壁的超微结构,讨论了幼虫发育至成虫过程中这些结构演变的意义,并与其它单殖吸虫的体壁进行了比较。  相似文献   

  1. Starting with uniformly 32P-labeled Chlorella cells, a synchronousculture was run in a medium containing non-labeled phosphate.During the synchronous growth and division of the algal cells,the changes in amount of total and labeled P in various phosphatecompounds were followed.
  2. Characteristic changes were observedwith (acid-soluble) polyphosphate"A", nucleotidic labile phosphates,(acid-insoluble) polyphosphate"C", DNA-P and protein-P. Thelabeled phosphorus of polyphosphate"C" showed a decrease duringthe earlier phase of experiment,although a considerable uptakeof non-labeled P from the culturemedium into this compoundwas observed throughout the experiment.In parallel with theloss of labeled phosphorus in this compound,the increase oflabeled phosphorus occurred in polyphosphate"A", in the nucleotidiclabile-P compounds, and in DNA, suggestingthat these substancesreceived P from polyphosphate "C". Thelabeled P in polyphosphate"A" and in the nucleotidic labile-Pcompounds increased graduallywith the progress of culture,attained their maximum levelsat the stage of ripening, anddecreased markedly during theprocess of "post-ripening" anddivision of cells, indicatingthat these compounds were in activeturnover and playing someimportant roles in the process ofcell maturation and division.
  3. The total amounts of inorganic P, RNA-P and lipid-P increasedcontinuously throughout the experiment and showed no significantchange in the content of labeled P.
(Received June 5, 1961; )  相似文献   

  1. Chlorella ellipsoidea was grown synchronously and the changesin content of various vitamins during the algal life cycle werefollowed either by chemical or microbiological assay methods.
  2. In terms of µg per gram of cell dry weight, the contentof some vitamins (niacin, biotin, inositol and choline) remainedalmost constant throughout the algal life cycle, while thatof others (vitamin B6-complex, pantothenic acid, folic acid,thiamine and riboflavin) was found to decrease more or lessmarkedly during the "growing phase" and increase at later phasesof "ripening". The content of p-aminobenzoic acid increasedonly at an early stage of "ripening", and that of ascorbic acidincreased only at the stages in which photosynthesis occurredmost actively.
  3. These results were discussed in an attemptto interprete theirrelationship with the previously reportedobservations pertainingto the physiological and biochemicalevents occurring in thelife cycle of the alga.
(Received November 7, 1959; )  相似文献   

DCs是迄今所知最有效的抗原呈递细胞,在体外可以用CD14 的单核细胞诱导分化而得到.imDCs能够主动地摄取抗原和病原体,产生MHC-抗原肽复合物,并且从抗原获取位点向二级淋巴组织迁移,逐渐分化成mDCs,mDCs与幼稚的T细胞相互作用,从而导致免疫应答或耐受.在这些过程中,DCs必须经历数次变形和转位以通过基底膜和血管壁等屏障,并且在二级淋巴组织内与幼稚的T细胞发生直接的物理性接触.为了更好地理解DCs从外周组织向二级淋巴组织迁移的过程和启动免疫应答的机制,通过研究体外DCs分化过程中细胞膜的生物物理特性,包括细胞膜的粘弹性、表面电荷及其分布和流动性,结果发现DCs细胞膜粘弹性逐渐增加,mDCs的电泳率最大,表面电荷分布出现明显的不对称现象,并且膜流动性也逐渐增加,说明DCs的细胞膜生物物理特性在其行使生理功能的过程中发挥着重要的作用,这对更深入地理解DCs的迁移和与幼稚T细胞相互作用以及免疫应答的启动过程具有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

研究珍汕97A和珍汕97B的雌雄蕊原基形成期、花粉母细胞形成期和花粉母细胞减数分裂期的幼穗及单核期、二核期和三核期的花药中呼吸代谢三羧酸循环(TCA)的苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)和异柠檬酸脱氢酶(IDH)及戊糖途径(PPP)的磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G6PDH)、磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶(6PGDH)和5一磷酸核糖异构酶(RSPI)的活性。结果表明:可育花药的5种酶活性皆高于同期不育花药;而幼穗中,TCA途径中的MDH和IDH在不育系与保持系之间无差异,PPP途径的G6PDH和6PGDH及R5PI则保持系高于不育系。这说明不育系中PPP发生的变化早于TCA途径,PPP途径的改变可能与小孢子败育有着更为直接的关系。  相似文献   

  1. Using the technique of synchronous culture, investigationsweremade of the effects of temperature and light-intensityon cellularlife cycle of Chlorella ellipsoidea. Some improvementsin theculture technique for obtaining a good synchrony of algalgrowthwere described.
  2. By following the changes of averagecell volume and cell numberoccurring during culturing, therates of the following processesof life cycle were determined:(i) "growth" (or the increasein cell mass) occurring from thestage of smaller cells (Da)to the stage of ripened cell (L3),(ii) "ripening" (or processofformation of "nuclear substances"as estimated from the averagenumber of daughter cells formedfrom single mother cell), and(iii) " maturing and division" which leads to the full maturationof mother cells (L-cells)and their division into separate daughtercells (D-cells).
  3. "Growth"and "ripening" were found to be dependent in light,"maturingand division" light-independent. The time requiredfor "growth"and "ripening" (C) is dependent on temperaturebut independentof light intensity, the onset of "maturing anddivision" occurringat the same time (D) of culturing undervaried light intensities.The average cell volume at this stage(L3),however, was foundto be markedly modified by light intensity;larger with highertemperatures (see Fig. 4).
  4. Changes in incubation temperature(under the condition of saturatinglight intensities) were foundto affect the life cycle in thefollowing way: (i) The timeof onset of "maturing and division"(D), varies markedly withculturing temperature; earlier athigher temperatures, (ii)The average cell volume at this stagealso depends on temperature; smaller at higher temperatures.
  5. The average number of daughtercells (n) emerging from singlemother cells, was found to beuninfluenced by culturing temperature;(4.0–4.1 underthe conditions of the present study). Itwas found that thedivision number n is remarkably varied bychanging the lightintensity in the "growth" and "ripening"phases; 2.0 at 1 kilolux,3.7 at 5 kilolux, 4.2 at saturatinglight intensities (10 and25 kilolux). This finding was explainedby assuming a light-dependentformation of "nuclear substances"during the "growth" and "ripening"phases, the quantity of thesubstances in the cell at L3 stagedeterminig the division number.
  6. The experimental data wereanalyzed reaction kinetically, therate constants and othercharacteristics of the reactions constitutingthe processesof life cycle were determined, and values forthe apparent activationenergy for each reaction were computed.The reactions were discussedwith special reference to theirrelationship with photosyntheticprocess was discussed.
(Received November 7, 1959; )  相似文献   

  1. Previous studies have shown that when Chlorella protothecoidesis grown in a medium rich in glucose and poor in nitrogen source(urea), apparently chlorophyll-less cells with profoundly degeneratedplastids—referred to as "glucose-bleached cells—areproduced either in the light or in darkness. When the glucose-bleachedcells are incubated in a medium enriched with the nitrogen sourcebut without added glucose, an active formation of chlorophylloccurs after a certain lag period under illumination, whilein darkness a very small amount of chlorophyll is formed atabout the same time as in the light. The stimulating effectof light on the chlorophyll formation is not appreciably affectedwhen the photosynthetic CO2-fixation of greening algal cellsis blocked by the addition of CMU. In the present study, itwas further found that the light-enhanced chlorophyll formationproceeds, although at a somewhat lower rate, under aerationof CO2-free air. All the experiments in this work were doneunder these non-photosynthetic conditions to exclude any influenceof photosynthates.
  2. The effect of light (from daylight fluorescentlamps) on thechlorophyll formation in the glucose-bleachedalgal cells wassaturating at about 1,000 lux. Blue light wasfound to be mosteffective; yellow, green and red light followingin the orderof decreasing effectiveness.
  3. When the bleachedalgal cells were illuminated for a short periodin the lag phaseof chlorophyll formation and subsequently incubatedin darkness,there occurred an appreciable enhancement of chlorophyllformationin the dark. When the short illumination was appliedat differenttimes of the lag phase, the enhancement was inducedto almostthe same extent. But the longer the duration of theilluminationduring the lag phase, the greater was the enhancementof chlorophyllformation in the subsequent dark incubation.In such experimentsblue light was most effective and red lightleast, as it wasthe case in the experiments of continuous illumination.An intervenientillumination of the bleached cells at lowertemperatures orunder the atmosphere of N2 produced little orno enhancementof the chlorophyll formation in the subsequentdark incubation.
  4. Based on these results, it was concluded that the light enhancementof chlorophyll formation in the glucose-bleached algal cellsis mediated by a non-chlorophyllous photoreceptor(s), absorbingmaximally blue and yellow light, and that a light-induced changeof the photoreceptor is immediately followed by a certain dark(temperaturedependent and aerobic) process(es) which is connected,directly or indirectly, to the chlorophyll synthesis.
(Received August 10, 1967; )  相似文献   

The fine structure of the longitudinal layer of the tunica muscularis of the mouse jejunum was studied in various stages of mechanically stimulated contraction. The relaxed cell is long and narrow with smooth cytoplasmic and nuclear contours. As contraction progresses, the cell becomes ellipsoid and its borders exhibit invaginations at the points of myofilamentous attachment to the plasma membrane and vesicle-containing projections of the intervening membrane. These changes are interpreted as representing the deforming forces applied by the myofilaments to the plasma membrane. The nucleus of the contracted cell is shortened and widened, with convolution of its limiting membranes. This alteration, as well as progressive changes in the alignment of cytoplasmic organelles, is thought to be due to forces exerted on the internal structure of the cell by the contractile elements. The myofilaments form a network of oriented bundles during contraction. Aggregates of filaments of two different diameters are noted. The two sizes of filaments intermingle only in small areas of increased density. These dense areas increase in length and number during contraction. A model of the functional organization of the cell is proposed.  相似文献   

1. Pollen mother cells exposed to low dosages of x-rays at various stages show different frequencies of chromosome abnormalities in the first meiotic anaphase. 2. Maximum frequencies of abnormalities were obtained in buds irradiated in the pachytene stage of the meiotic prophase and in the preceding mitosis. 3. These results are taken to indicate that the x-ray-sensitive portions of the chromonemata are closely approximated in pairs in pachytene and in the early mitotic prophase. The significance of this in relation to non-homologous pairing is indicated. 4. From the nature of the chromosome configurations observed it is concluded that chromonemata are two-parted when they synapse and that a chromonematic division occurs between pachytene and anaphase and during the mitotic prophase. 5. The frequencies of abnormalities show a linear relationship to dosage. 6. The diameter of the sensitive volume of the chromonema is calculated and found to approximate the diameter of some known protein molecules. 7. The linkage mechanism is found to make up about 90 per cent of the total sensitive volume which corresponds with the approximate reduction in length of the chromonema from pachytene to anaphase. 8. The relation of these sensitive volumes to the gene is discussed.  相似文献   

静脉注射雌二醇可使非发情期雌鼠蓝斑(LC)中去甲肾上腺素(NE)能神经元放电增加,发情期雌鼠LC中NE能神经元放电减少。非发情期雌鼠LC中NE能神经元自发放电频率与注射雌二醇后放电频率之间存在着正相关。摘除卵巢雌鼠LC中NE能神经元放电频率比发情期、非发情期雌鼠均显著减少,但对雌二醇的反应与非发情期雌鼠相似,仍为放电增加。结果提示:静脉注射雌二醇可改变LC中NE能神经元的放电。此效应可能反映了内源性雌激素水平及LC中NE能神经元兴奋性的密切关系。  相似文献   

小麦产量和品质对灌浆期不同阶段低光照强度的响应   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
在田间池栽条件下,分别于小麦(品种:'济南17' 和 '鲁麦21')(Triticum aestivum cv. 'Jinan17' and 'Lumai21') 灌浆的前期(开花后1~10 d), 中期(11~20 d)和后期(21~30 d)进行了遮去50%光合有效辐射的试验,研究了产量和品质的变化及其生理原因。主要结论如下:1)弱光条件下,光合物质生产均受到严重抑制,产量下降,容重降低;植株的氮素积累量减少、向子粒分配的比例低,但子粒蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量升高,其中,子粒灌浆前期遮光升高的幅度最大。2)遮光后小麦子粒麦谷蛋白和醇溶蛋白含量均升高,但麦谷蛋白升高的幅度大于醇溶蛋白,使麦谷蛋白与醇溶蛋白的比例升高,麦谷蛋白大聚合体(GMP)含量也升高,粉质仪参数也显著提高;子粒灌浆前期或中期遮光对上述指标的影响则较小,子粒品质的形成与灌浆后期的光照条件关系更为密切。3)灌浆期相对较弱的光照强度对改善品质有利,但以降低产量为代价,两个品种的小麦所表现出的趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

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