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Tumor suppressor Apc (adenomatous polyposis coli) is implicated in the Wnt signaling pathway that is involved in the early embryonic development and tumorigenesis in vertebrates. While the heterozygous null mutant mice develop intestinal polyps, the homozygous embryos die before gastrulation. To investigate the role of Apc in later embryonic development, we constructed a novel hypomorphic Apc allele whose expression was attenuated by approximately 80%. In the hypomorphic Apc homozygous ES cells, reduction in Apc expression caused beta-catenin accumulation and Wnt signaling activation. The homozygous mutant mouse embryos survived 3 days longer than the null mutant embryos. Interestingly, they showed anterior truncation, partial axis duplication, and defective ventral morphogenesis. To determine the tissues where Apc functions for anterior and ventral morphogenesis, we constructed chimeric embryos whose epiblast was derived predominantly from the Apc hypomorphic homozygous cells but the visceral endoderm was from the wild type. Although these chimeric embryos still showed some anterior defects, their ventral morphogenesis was rescued. In addition, marker studies indicated that the axial mesendoderm was also defective in the homozygous embryos. Our results provide genetic evidence that expression of Apc at the normal level is essential for both anterior and ventral development, in the epiblast derivatives and visceral endoderm.  相似文献   

A lipidomic and metabolomic investigation of serum and liver from mice was performed to gain insight into the tumor suppressor gene Hint1. A major reprogramming of lipid homeostasis was found in both serum and liver of Hint1-null (Hint−/−) mice, with significant changes in the levels of many lipid molecules, as compared with gender-, age-, and strain-matched WT mice. In the Hint1−/− mice, serum total and esterified cholesterol were reduced 2.5-fold, and lysophosphatidylcholines (LPCs) and lysophosphatidic acids were 10-fold elevated in serum, with a corresponding fall in phosphatidylcholines (PCs). In the liver, MUFAs and PUFAs, including arachidonic acid (AA) and its metabolic precursors, were also raised, as was mRNA encoding enzymes involved in AA de novo synthesis. There was also a significant 50% increase in hepatic macrophages in the Hint1−/− mice. Several hepatic ceramides and acylcarnitines were decreased in the livers of Hint1−/− mice. The changes in serum LPCs and PCs were neither related to hepatic phospholipase A2 activity nor to mRNAs encoding lysophosphatidylcholine acetyltransferases 1-4. The lipidomic phenotype of the Hint1−/− mouse revealed decreased inflammatory eicosanoids with elevated proliferative mediators that, combined with decreased ceramide apoptosis signaling molecules, may contribute to the tumor suppressor activity of Hint1.  相似文献   

WW domain‐containing oxidoreductase (WWOX) is highly conserved in both human and murine. WWOX spans the second most common human chromosomal fragile site, FRA16D, and is commonly inactivated in multiple human cancers. Modeling WWOX inactivation in mice revealed a complex phenotype including postnatal lethality, defects in bone metabolism and steroidogenesis and tumor suppressor function resulting in osteosarcomas. For better understanding of WWOX roles in different tissues at distinct stages of development and in pathological conditions, Wwox conditional knockout mice were generated in which loxp sites flank exon 1 in the Wwox allele. We demonstrated that Cre‐mediated recombination using EIIA‐Cre, a Cre line expressed in germline, results in postnatal lethality by age of 3 weeks and decreased bone mineralization resembling total ablation of WWOX as in conventional null mice. This animal model will be useful to study distinct roles of WWOX in multiple tissues at different ages. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 1377–1382, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The stem cells (SCs) at the bottom of intestinal crypts tightly contact niche-supporting cells and fuel the extraordinary tissue renewal of intestinal epithelia. Their fate is regulated stochastically by populational asymmetry, yet whether asymmetrical fate as a mode of SC division is relevant and whether the SC niche contains committed progenitors of the specialized cell types are under debate. We demonstrate spindle alignments and planar cell polarities, which form a novel functional unit that, in SCs, can yield daughter cell anisotropic movement away from niche-supporting cells. We propose that this contributes to SC homeostasis. Importantly, we demonstrate that some SC divisions are asymmetric with respect to cell fate and provide data suggesting that, in some SCs, mNumb displays asymmetric segregation. Some of these processes were altered in apparently normal crypts and microadenomas of mice carrying germline Apc mutations, shedding new light on the first stages of progression toward colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

HIC1 (hypermethylated in cancer 1) is a tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 17p13.3, a region frequently hypermethylated or deleted in human neoplasias. In mouse, Hic1 is essential for embryonic development and exerts an antitumor role in adult animals. Since Hic1-deficient mice die perinatally, we generated a conditional Hic1 null allele by flanking the Hic1-coding region by loxP sites. When crossed to animals expressing Cre recombinase in a cell-specific manner, the Hic1 conditional mice will provide new insights into the function of Hic1 in developing and mature tissues. Additionally, we used gene targeting to replace sequence-encoding amino acids 186-893 of Hic1 by citrine fluorescent protein cDNA. We demonstrate that the distribution of Hic1-citrine fusion polypeptide corresponds to the expression pattern of wild-type Hic1. Consequently, Hic1-citrine "reporter" mice can be used to monitor the activity of the Hic1 locus using citrine fluorescence.  相似文献   

We have recently identified the TSLC1 gene as a novel tumor suppressor in human non-small lung cancer on chromosome 11q23.2. TSLC1 encodes a membrane glycoprotein showing significant homology with immunoglobulin superfamily molecules. Here, we report the isolation of a mouse orthologous gene, Tslc1. The Tslc1 cDNA contains a single open reading frame of 1335 bp encoding a putative protein of 445 amino acids, and its expression was detected in all tissues examined. The Tslc1 gene is mapped on mouse chromosome 9, a synteny of human chromosome 11q, and is composed of ten exons, the exon-intron junctions being highly conserved between human and mouse. The predicted amino acids of mouse Tslc1 display 98% identity with that of human TSLC1. Furthermore, data base analysis indicates that the amino acid sequences corresponding to the cytoplasmic domain of Tslc1 are identical in five mammals and highly conserved in vertebrates, suggesting an important role of Tslc1 in normal cell-cell interaction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The human maspin gene encodes a protein in the serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) family with tumor-suppressing functions in cell culture and in nude mice. In order to examine the role of maspin in an intact mammal, we cloned and sequenced the cDNA of mouse maspin. The recombinant protein was produced and its activity in cell culture was assessed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mouse maspin (mMaspin) was cloned by screening a mouse mammary gland cDNA library with the human maspin cDNA probe. Northern blot analysis was used to examine the expression patterns in mouse tissues, mammary epithelial cells, and carcinomas. Recombinant mMaspin protein was produced in E. coli. Invasion and motility assays were used to assess the biological function of mMaspin. RESULTS: mMaspin is 89% homologous with human maspin at the amino acid level. Like its human homolog, mMaspin is expressed in normal mouse mammary epithelial cells and down-regulated in mouse breast tumor cell lines. The expression is altered at different developmental stages in mammary gland. Addition of the recombinant mMaspin protein to mouse tumor cells was shown to inhibit invasion in a dose-dependent manner. As with the human protein, recombinant mMaspin protein also inhibited mouse mammary tumor motility. Deletion in the putative mMaspin reactive site loop (RSL) region resulted in the loss of its inhibitory functions. CONCLUSIONS: mMaspin is the mouse homolog of a human tumor suppressor gene. The expression of mMaspin is down-regulated in tumor cells and is altered at different developmental stages of mammary gland. mMaspin has inhibitory properties similar to those of human maspin in cell culture, suggesting that the homologous proteins play similar physiological roles in vivo.  相似文献   

Hsu TH  Chu CC  Jiang SY  Hung MW  Ni WC  Lin HE  Chang TC 《FEBS letters》2012,586(9):1287-1293
Recent studies indicated that the RIG1 (RARRES3/TIG3) plays an important role in cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. However, the regulatory mechanism of RIG1 gene expression has not been clearly elucidated. In this study, we identified a functional p53 response element (p53RE) in the RIG1 gene promoter. Transfection studies revealed that the RIG1 promoter activity was greatly enhanced by wild type but not mutated p53 protein. Sequence specific mutation of the p53RE abolished p53-mediated transactivation. Specific binding of p53 protein to the rig-p53RE was demonstrated using electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay. Further studies confirmed that the expression of RIG1 mRNA and protein is enhanced through increased p53 protein in HepG2 or in H24-H1299 cells. In conclusion, our results indicated that RIG1 gene is a downstream target of p53 in cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

Cell differentiation is associated either with a complete loss of proliferative potential or with a change in growth requirements. Neoplastic transformation may result from the activation of oncogenes that support growth or from inactivation or loss of tumor suppressor genes, which are thought to regulate differentiation. To examine the relationship between tumor suppressor genes and cell differentiation, we chose the gene "deleted in colorectal cancer" (DCC) and studied its role in a pheochromocytoma cell line, PC-12, using antisense RNA as well as antisense oligonucleotides to DCC. When exposed to nerve growth factor for several days, PC-12 cells develop long dendrites. This morphological change follows the transient expression of immediate early genes and is associated with an up-regulation of DCC. Interestingly, if the up-regulation of DCC was counteracted using an antisense RNA technique, the morphological changes were prevented, but the other parameters of the nerve growth factor response were unaffected. Moreover, when DCC expression was inhibited by antisense oligonucleotides to DCC in nerve growth factor-differentiated cells, the neuron-like phenotype was reversed. Our results demonstrate that the gene DCC is involved in a distal segment of neural differentiation and provide the first direct evidence that a tumor suppressor gene plays a role in cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Objective : To investigate expression and significance of PTEN gene in primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods: Immunohistochemical peroxidase-conjugated streptavidin (SP) method was used to detect expression of PTEN gene in 120 cases of primary HCC and its adjacent tissue 10 cases of normal liver tissue. The relationship between expression of tumor suppressor gene of PTEN and the percentage of lymph node metastasis of HCC was analyzed. Results: It was shown that PTEN gene was expressed in all 10 cases of normal liver tissues and paracancerous liver tissues. The staining was localized mainly in cytoplasm. Expression of PTEN in 120 cases of HCC were as follows: 12.5% were negative, 17.5% were weak positive, and 70% were strong positive. At time of diagnosis, 33/120 (27.5%) presented lymph node metastasis. Lymph node metastases were present in 80% (12 out of 15) PTEN negative HCC, 57.14% (12 out of 21) PTEN weak positive HCC and only 10.71% (9 out of 84) PTEN intense positive HCC, ( P <0.05). Therefore, PTEN tumor suppresor gene malfunction seems to be involed in mtastasing capacity of HCC. Conclusion: This study suggests that PTEN gene was deleted or weakly expressed in primary hepatocellar carcinoma, which is probably related to its tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Epigenetic regulation of gene expression orchestrates dynamic cellular processes that become perturbed in human disease. An understanding of how subversion of chromatin-mediated events leads to pathologies such as cancer and neurodevelopmental syndromes may offer better treatment options for these pathological conditions. Chromodomain Helicase DNA-binding protein 5 (CHD5) is a dosage-sensitive tumor suppressor that is inactivated in human cancers, including neural-associated malignancies such as neuroblastoma and glioma. Here we report a detailed analysis of the temporal and cell type-specific expression pattern of Chd5 in the mammalian brain. By analyzing endogenous Chd5 protein expression during mouse embryogenesis, in the neonate, and in the adult, we found that Chd5 is expressed broadly in multiple brain regions, that Chd5 sub-cellular localization undergoes a switch from the cytoplasm to the nucleus during mid-gestation, and that Chd5 expression is retained at high levels in differentiated neurons of the adult. These findings may have important implications for defining the role of CHD5-mediated chromatin dynamics in the brain and for elucidating how perturbation of these epigenetic processes leads to neuronal malignancies, neurodegenerative diseases, and neurodevelopmental syndromes.  相似文献   

p53 was originally considered to be a nuclear oncogene, but several convergent lines of research have indicated that the wild-type gene functions as a tumor suppressor gene negatively regulating the cell cycle. Mutations in the p53 gene have been detected in many tumor types and seem to be the most common genetic alterations in human cancer. In this preliminary study, sera of 92 patients (pts) with breast disease were analyzed for the presence of the mutant p53 protein (mp53) with a selective immunoenzyme assay employing a monoclonal antibody (PAb 240) specific for the majority of mammalian m p53 but not for the wild-type protein. Of the 10 patients with benign breast disease, only two (20%) showed detectable m p53 levels in the serum. In the breast cancer group, sera from 7 of the 30 pts (23%) without lymph node involvement were positive for m p53, as were 7 out of the 45 pts (15%) with metastatic lymph nodes and 1 out of the 7 pts (14%) with disseminated disease. The specifity of m p53 assay evaluated in 20 healthy controls was 100%. These preliminary results showed that serum positivity for m p53 is not related to breast disease extension. Further studies to assess the utility of m p53 as a possible prognosis factor in breast cancer are currently in progress.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) plays a critical function in cellular homeostasis. The misregulation of UPS is often found in human diseases, including cancer. Kelch-like protein 6 (KLHL6) is an E3 ligase gene mutated in diffused large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). This review discusses the function of KLHL6 as a cullin3-RING ligase and how cancer-associated mutations disrupt the interaction with the cullin3, resulting in the loss of KLHL6 function. Furthermore, the mRNA decay factor Roquin2 is discussed as the first bona fide substrate of KLHL6 in the context of B-cell receptor activation and B-cell lymphoma. Importantly, the tumor-suppressing mechanism of KLHL6 via the degradation of Roquin2 and the mRNA decay in the context of the NF-κB pathway is summarized.  相似文献   

Epigenetic regulation of gene expression orchestrates dynamic cellular processes that become perturbed in human disease. An understanding of how subversion of chromatin-mediated events leads to pathologies such as cancer and neurodevelopmental syndromes may offer better treatment options for these pathological conditions. Chromodomain Helicase DNA-binding protein 5 (CHD5) is a dosage-sensitive tumor suppressor that is inactivated in human cancers, including neural-associated malignancies such as neuroblastoma and glioma. Here we report a detailed analysis of the temporal and cell type-specific expression pattern of Chd5 in the mammalian brain. By analyzing endogenous Chd5 protein expression during mouse embryogenesis, in the neonate, and in the adult, we found that Chd5 is expressed broadly in multiple brain regions, that Chd5 sub-cellular localization undergoes a switch from the cytoplasm to the nucleus during mid-gestation, and that Chd5 expression is retained at high levels in differentiated neurons of the adult. These findings may have important implications for defining the role of CHD5-mediated chromatin dynamics in the brain and for elucidating how perturbation of these epigenetic processes leads to neuronal malignancies, neurodegenerative diseases, and neurodevelopmental syndromes.  相似文献   

The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

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