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Rabbits that were injected intradermally with pertussis toxin (PT), produced from Bordetella pertussis, showed slight edema and erythema at the injection sites, but not hemorrhage nor necrosis. The edema lesions were stained blue by the intravenous injection of Pontamine Sky Blue 6B dye, suggesting that PT caused increased vascular permeability, similarly to the permeability factor (PF) of cholera toxin. The reaction of the PF of PT could be determined by measuring the diameter of the blue area. The diameter of the blue area bore a good linear relationship to the logarithm of the dose of PT. The activity of the PF was neutralized by anti-PT rabbit serum. Detoxification of PT with formalin did not increase the vascular permeability, but reverted pertussis toxoid showed a PF reaction in proportion to the reverted leukocytosis-promoting and histamine-sensitizing activities of PT. The supernate of a Bordetella pertussis culture also induced a PF reaction and the reaction could be made clear by heating the supernate at 56 C for 30 min, but the supernate of Bordetella bronchiseptica did not induce the reaction at all.  相似文献   

Effects of pertussis toxin on Ca2+ transients in rat arterial smooth muscle cells in primary culture were monitored, using quin 2-microfluorometry. In the presence or the absence of extracellular Ca2+, norepinephrine, histamine, caffeine and high extracellular K+ induced elevations in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. Cytosolic Ca2+ elevations induced by norepinephrine and histamine were inhibited by pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin, time- and dose-dependently. However, elevations induced by caffeine and K+-depolarization were unaffected by the pretreatment with this toxin. Thus, it is suggested that GTP binding protein, a pertussis toxin substrate and involved in the receptor-mediated cytosolic Ca2+ transients, is not involved in transient elevations in cytosolic Ca2+ induced by caffeine and K+-depolarization in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation of transducin by pertussis toxin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Transducin, the guanyl nucleotide-binding regulatory protein of retinal rod outer segments that couples the photon receptor, rhodopsin, with the light-activated cGMP phosphodiesterase, can be resolved into two functional components, T alpha and T beta gamma. T alpha (39 kDa), which is [32P]ADP-ribosylated by pertussis toxin and [32P]NAD in rod outer segments and in purified transducin, was also labeled by the toxin after separation from T beta gamma (36 kDa and approximately 10 kDa); neither component of T beta gamma was a pertussis toxin substrate. Labeling of T alpha was enhanced by T beta gamma and was maximal at approximately 1:1 molar ratio of T alpha : T beta gamma. Limited proteolysis by trypsin of T alpha in the presence of guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p) resulted in the sequential appearance of proteins of 38 and 32 kDa. The amino terminus of both 38- and 32-kDa proteins was leucine, whereas that of T alpha could not be identified and was assumed to be blocked. The 32-kDa peptide was not a pertussis toxin substrate. Labeling of the 38-kDa protein was poor and was not enhanced by T beta gamma. Trypsin treatment of [32P]ADP-ribosyl-T alpha produced a labeled 37-38-kDa doublet followed by appearance of radioactivity at the dye front. It appears, therefore, that, although the 38-kDa protein was poor toxin substrate, it contained the ADP-ribosylation site. Without rhodopsin, labeling of T alpha (in the presence of T beta gamma) was unaffected by Gpp(NH)p, guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S), GTP, GDP, and guanosine 5'-O-(thiodiphosphate) (GDP beta S) but was increased by ATP. When photolyzed rhodopsin and T beta gamma were present, Gpp(NH)p and GTP gamma S decreased [32P]ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. Thus, pertussis toxin-catalyzed [32P]ADP-ribosylation of T alpha was affected by nucleotides, rhodopsin and light in addition to T beta gamma. The amino terminus of T alpha, while it does not contain the pertussis toxin ADP-ribosylation site, appeared critical to its reactivity.  相似文献   

The cultivation of Bordetella pertussis affects production of pertussis toxin and biomass. Comparison of batch mode, chemostat operation and pHstat-turbidostatic control showed that productivities for the continuous process were greater than that for the batch operation. Continuous operation in balanced growth at the maximum specific growth rate, provided by the pHstat, resulted in the maximum specific production rate. Because of the strong association of pertussis toxin synthesis and cell growth, the concentration of toxin in the effluent of the continuous processes was greater than the maximum obtained in the batch bioprocess. An expanded Luedeking-Piret model of product formation kinetics fits the observed chemostat data and demonstrates that the production of pertussis toxin from the culture of B. pertussis is predominantly growth associated.  相似文献   

The binding of ATP to pertussis toxin and its components, the A subunit and B oligomer, was investigated. Whereas, radiolabeled ATP bound to the B oligomer and pertussis toxin, no binding to the A subunit was observed. The binding of [3H]ATP to pertussis toxin and the B oligomer was inhibited by nucleotides. The relative effectiveness of the nucleotides was shown to be ATP greater than ATP greater than GTP greater than CTP greater than TTP for pertussis toxin and ATP greater than GTP greater than TTP greater than CTP for the B oligomer. Phosphate ions inhibited the binding of [3H]ATP to pertussis toxin in a competitive manner; however, the presence of phosphate ions was essential for binding of ATP to the B oligomer. The toxin substrate, NAD, did not affect the binding of [3H]ATP to pertussis toxin, although the glycoprotein fetuin significantly decreased binding. These results suggest that the binding site for ATP is located on the B oligomer and is distinct from the enzymatically active site but may be located near the eukaryotic receptor binding site.  相似文献   

Genetics of pertussis toxin   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Pertussis toxin (PT) is the major virulence factor of Bordetella pertussis. The cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the PT genes from B. pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis and Bordetella bronchiseptica has elucidated the evolution of the Bordetella species and allowed considerable advances towards the understanding of their gene expression and the development of safer vaccines against pertussis.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin is an AB(5) toxin comprised of protein subunits S1 through S5. The individual subunits are secreted by a Sec-dependent mechanism into the periplasm, where the toxin is assembled. The Ptl type IV secretion system mediates secretion of assembled toxin past the outer membrane. In this study, we examined the time course of protein expression, toxin assembly, and secretion as a function of the bacterial growth cycle. Logarithmic growth was observed after a 1-h lag phase. Secreted toxin was first observed at 3 h. Secretion continued throughout the logarithmic growth phase and decreased as the culture entered the stationary phase after about 24 h. On a per cell basis, toxin secretion occurred at a constant rate of 3 molecules/min/cell from 2 to 18 h. More of toxin subunits S1, S2, and S3 were produced than were secreted, resulting in periplasmic accumulation. Periplasmic S1, S2, and S3 were found to be soluble in the periplasm, as well as membrane associated. About one-half of the periplasmic S1, S2 and S3 subunits were incorporated into holotoxin. Secretion component PtlF was present at a low level at time zero, and the level increased between 2 and 24 h from 30 to 1,000 molecules per cell; however, the initial level of PtlF, 30 molecules per cell, supported maximal secretion. The accumulation of both periplasmic toxin and secretion components suggests that translation rates exceed the rate of secretion and that secretion, not toxin and Ptl complex assembly, is rate limiting.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) with a dual spray electrospray ionization source has been used to measure the molecular weights of pertussis toxin (PT) subunits. Measurement accuracy better than 0.4 Da was achieved for all PT subunits in the molecular weight range of 11,000 to 27,000 Da. At this mass assignment accuracy level, the sequences of the PT subunits investigated in this study are easily determined based on molecular weight alone. The subunits 1, 2, and 5 of PT were observed to undergo oxidation under normal storage conditions as ammonium sulfate suspension at 2 to 8 degrees C. These oxidized subunits can be separated completely or partially by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) from their native counterparts. For the determination of oxidation sites, the oxidized subunits and their nonoxidized counterparts were fraction collected, trypsin digested, and mapped by LC-MS. The oxidized peptides and their nonoxidized counterparts were further studied by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to confirm their identities. The methionines at position 212 of subunit 1, at position 89 of subunit 2, and at position 40 of subunit 5 were found to be the primary sites of oxidation.  相似文献   

The production of pertussis toxin by Bordetella pertussis was increased by controlling the pH at 7.0 through the addition of sulfuric acid. The more commonly used hydrochloric acid and Tris buffer were observed to be detrimental to toxin yields.  相似文献   

Inhibition of lymphocyte and neutrophil chemotaxis by pertussis toxin   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The cells of the mammalian immune system possess special migratory properties within their in vivo environment, a surveillance characteristic that is thought to be important in the protection of the organism from transformants and exogenous pathogens. Pertussis toxin (PT) has been shown to disrupt the intensity of this process by seriously affecting lymphocyte recirculation in vivo. The mechanisms responsible for this inhibition were investigated by using the in vitro model systems of polymorphonuclear leukocyte and lymphocyte chemotaxis. The type of inhibition that was observed in these in vitro assay systems was quite similar to that observed in vivo, because PT could depress chemotaxis in vitro as well as the accumulation of radiolabeled lymphocytes and neutrophils within a peripheral site of inflammation in vivo. The alterations in neutrophil motility were found to be associated with a stimulus-specific inhibition of the triggering of superoxide anion generation and lysosomal secretion. Some inhibition of neutrophil adherence to plastic surfaces was also observed, most notably after augmentation of adherence with the chemoattractant fMLP. The observed alterations in cellular function after PT treatment occurred in the absence of defects in chemoattractant binding to the neutrophil cell surface, or of membrane potential changes stimulated by ligand binding. The effect of PT in this system was found to be associated with an abnormality in the regulation of intracellular free calcium, suggesting that the substrate for PT in neutrophils is involved in the regulation of calcium ion channels.  相似文献   

Together with macrophages and dendritic cells, mast cells have recently been shown to interact with certain pathogenic bacteria and present microbial antigens to the immune system. We show here that Bordetella pertussis can adhere to and be phagocytosed by mast cells. In addition, mast cells are able to process and present B. pertussis antigens to T lymphocytes. Furthermore, exposure of mast cells to B. pertussis induced the release of the proinflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 6 (IL-6). The release of IL-6 was strongly reduced by pertussis toxin expressed by B. pertussis . The production of IL-10, but not that of IL-4, by mast cells was also inhibited by pertussis toxin. Depletion of mast cells in vivo resulted in significant reduction of early TNF-α production in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids of B. pertussis -infected mice. These data suggest that mast cells may play a role in the induction of immune responses against B. pertussis through the release of cytokines, especially TNF-α.  相似文献   

Action of insulin modulated by pertussis toxin in rat adipocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the effect of pertussis toxin (PT) treatment on the ability of insulin to inhibit lipolysis and to stimulate glucose oxidation in isolated rat adipocytes. In cells maximally modified by PT (100% ADP ribosylation of a 41-kdalton protein in membranes), the ability of insulin to inhibit lipolysis stimulated either by PT alone or in combination with a catecholamine was abolished. In cells wherein ADP ribosylation was submaximal (about 67% modification), a small but variable antilipolytic action of insulin could still be detected. In cells maximally modified by PT, both basal and insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation were markedly reduced (to 10-15% of control levels). However, relative to the basal oxidation level, the fold stimulation by insulin in PT-treated cells was equivalent to the fold stimulation in control cells. Nonetheless, PT treatment caused a rightward shift in the dose-response curve for insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation as well as a small reduction in insulin binding. Our results point strongly not only to a link between the inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory complex (Gi) and the antilipolytic action of insulin but also to a link between the Gi complex and the overall regulation of glucose metabolism in adipocytes.  相似文献   

The intravenous administration of 2M NaCl causes marked swelling, vacuolization and degranulation of rat mesenteric mast cells. 72 h of water deprivation (with food available) doubled the number of mast cells in the rat mesentery. Both experimental conditions induced venular labeling. In vitro, up to 300 mM NaCl did not elicit the release of amines from the mast cell. These results led us to infer the existence of some intermediary between hyperosmolarity and mast cell activation. Increased venular permeability, mast cell degranulation and proliferation are common features in inflammatory processes. Sodium salicylate, a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was found to inhibit specifically cell dehydration thirst. A connection between inflammation and the peripheral mechanisms which trigger the central elaboration of the sensation of thirst is suggested.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against pertussis toxin subunits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Twenty monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) reacting with cholera toxin (CT) of Vibrio cholerae strain 569B were characterized in cross-section and GM1 ganglioside inhibition assays. MAbs were characterized by reaction with CT and Escherichia coli heat-labile porcine strain (LTp) and human strain (LTh) enterotoxins, and by GM1 ganglioside inhibition of mAb binding. Eight of 10 CT-A specific and 3 of 10 CT-B-specific mAbs cross-reacted with LTh and LTp. GM1 ganglioside inhibited reactions of the CT-B cross-reacting antibodies. Results showed that these epitodes common to the B subunit of CT and LT are located in or near the GM1 ganglioside binding region, and that the GM1 ganglioside-binding region of LT differs from that of CT.  相似文献   

Adenine nucleotides directly stimulate pertussis toxin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Both cholera toxin and pertussis toxin catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of purified bovine brain tubulin. The effect of cholera toxin was evident in the absence or presence of nucleotides. In contrast, pertussis toxin required adenine nucleotides for its ADP-ribosylating activity. ATP, ATP gamma S, App(NH)p, deoxy-ATP, and ADP all supported pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylations in the absence or presence of EDTA, suggesting that nucleotide hydrolysis was not involved. Adenine nucleotides also promoted pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of heat-treated bovine serum albumin. This result suggests that adenine nucleotides directly affect pertussis toxin. ATP stimulation of pertussis toxin-catalyzed hydrolysis of NAD to ADP-ribose supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

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