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DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) plays a central role in lagging strand DNA synthesis in eukaryotic cells, as well as an important role in DNA repair processes. Human Pol δ4 is a heterotetramer of four subunits, the smallest of which is p12. Pol δ3 is a trimeric form that is generated in vivo by the degradation of the p12 subunit in response to DNA damage, and during entry into S-phase. The biochemical properties of the two forms of Pol δ, as well as the changes in their distribution during the cell cycle, are reviewed from the perspective of understanding their respective cellular functions. Biochemical and cellular studies support a role for Pol δ3 in gap filling during DNA repair, and in Okazaki fragment synthesis during DNA replication. Recent studies of cells in which p12 expression is ablated, and are therefore null for Pol δ4, show that Pol δ4 is not required for cell viability. These cells have a defect in homologous recombination, revealing a specific role for Pol δ4 that cannot be performed by Pol δ3. Pol δ4 activity is required for D-loop displacement synthesis in HR. The reasons why Pol δ4 but not Pol δ3 can perform this function are discussed, as well as the question of whether helicase action is needed for efficient D-loop displacement synthesis. Pol δ4 is largely present in the G1 and G2/M phases of the cell cycle and is low in S phase. This is discussed in relation to the availability of Pol δ4 as an additional layer of regulation for HR activity during cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

In both budding and fission yeast, a large number of ribonucleotides are incorporated into DNA during replication by the major replicative polymerases (Pols α, δ and ?). They are subsequently removed by RNase H2-dependent repair, which if defective leads to replication stress and genome instability. To extend these studies to humans, where an RNase H2 defect results in an autoimmune disease, here we compare the ability of human and yeast Pol δ to incorporate, proofread, and bypass ribonucleotides during DNA synthesis. In reactions containing nucleotide concentrations estimated to be present in mammalian cells, human Pol δ stably incorporates one rNTP for approximately 2000 dNTPs, a ratio similar to that for yeast Pol δ. This result predicts that human Pol δ may introduce more than a million ribonucleotides into the nuclear genome per replication cycle, an amount recently reported to be present in the genome of RNase H2-defective mouse cells. Consistent with such abundant stable incorporation, we show that the 3′-exonuclease activity of yeast and human Pol δ largely fails to edit ribonucleotides during polymerization. We also show that, like yeast Pol δ, human Pol δ pauses as it bypasses ribonucleotides in DNA templates, with four consecutive ribonucleotides in a DNA template being more problematic than single ribonucleotides. In conjunction with recent studies in yeast and mice, this ribonucleotide incorporation may be relevant to impaired development and disease when RNase H2 is defective in mammals. As one tool to investigate ribonucleotide incorporation by Pol δ in human cells, we show that human Pol δ containing a Leu606Met substitution in the polymerase active site incorporates 7-fold more ribonucleotides into DNA than does wild type Pol δ.  相似文献   

Translesion DNA synthesis is an important branch of the DNA damage tolerance pathway that assures genomic integrity of living organisms. The mechanisms of DNA polymerase (Pol) switches during lesion bypass are not known. Here, we show that the C-terminal domain of the Pol ζ catalytic subunit interacts with accessory subunits of replicative DNA Pol δ. We also show that, unlike other members of the human B-family of DNA polymerases, the highly conserved and similar C-terminal domains of Pol δ and Pol ζ contain a [4Fe-4S] cluster coordinated by four cysteines. Amino acid changes in Pol ζ that prevent the assembly of the [4Fe-4S] cluster abrogate Pol ζ function in UV mutagenesis. On the basis of these data, we propose that Pol switches at replication-blocking lesions occur by the exchange of the Pol δ and Pol ζ catalytic subunits on a preassembled complex of accessory proteins retained on DNA during translesion DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The efficiency and fidelity of nucleotide incorporation and next-base extension by DNA polymerase (pol) κ past N(2)-ethyl-Gua were measured using steady-state and rapid kinetic analyses. DNA pol κ incorporated nucleotides and extended 3' termini opposite N(2)-ethyl-Gua with measured efficiencies and fidelities similar to that opposite Gua indicating a role for DNA pol κ at the insertion and extension steps of N(2)-ethyl-Gua bypass. The DNA pol κ was maximally activated to similar levels by a twenty-fold lower concentration of Mn(2+) compared to Mg(2+). In addition, the steady state analysis indicated that high fidelity DNA pol κ-catalyzed N(2)-ethyl-Gua bypass is Mg(2+)-dependent. Strikingly, Mn(2+) activation of DNA pol κ resulted in a dramatically lower efficiency of correct nucleotide incorporation opposite both N(2)-ethyl-Gua and Gua compared to that detected upon Mg(2+) activation. This effect is largely governed by diminished correct nucleotide binding as indicated by the high K(m) values for dCTP insertion opposite N(2)-ethyl-Gua and Gua with Mn(2+) activation. A rapid kinetic analysis showed diminished burst amplitudes in the presence of Mn(2+) compared to Mg(2+) indicating that DNA pol κ preferentially utilizes Mg(2+) activation. These kinetic data support a DNA pol κ wobble base pairing mechanism for dCTP incorporation opposite N(2)-ethyl-Gua. Furthermore, the dramatically different polymerization efficiencies of the Y-family DNA pols κ and ι in the presence of Mn(2+) suggest a metal ion-dependent regulation in coordinating the activities of these DNA pols during translesion synthesis.  相似文献   

DNA Polymerase δ (Pol δ) and the Werner syndrome protein, WRN, are involved in maintaining cellular genomic stability. Pol δ synthesizes the lagging strand during replication of genomic DNA and also functions in the synthesis steps of DNA repair and recombination. WRN is a member of the RecQ helicase family, loss of which results in the premature aging and cancer-prone disorder, Werner syndrome. Both Pol δ and WRN encode 3' → 5' DNA exonuclease activities. Pol δ exonuclease removes 3'-terminal mismatched nucleotides incorporated during replication to ensure high fidelity DNA synthesis. WRN exonuclease degrades DNA containing alternate secondary structures to prevent formation and enable resolution of stalled replication forks. We now observe that similarly to WRN, Pol δ degrades alternate DNA structures including bubbles, four-way junctions, and D-loops. Moreover, WRN and Pol δ form a complex with enhanced ability to hydrolyze these structures. We also present evidence that WRN can proofread for Pol δ; WRN excises 3'-terminal mismatches to enable primer extension by Pol δ. Consistent with our in vitro observations, we show that WRN contributes to the maintenance of DNA synthesis fidelity in vivo. Cells expressing limiting amounts (~10% of normal) of WRN have elevated mutation frequencies compared with wild-type cells. Together, our data highlight the importance of WRN exonuclease activity and its cooperativity with Pol δ in preserving genome stability, which is compromised by the loss of WRN in Werner syndrome.  相似文献   

The antineoplastic prodrug Cloretazine exerts its cytotoxicity via a synergism between 2-chloroethylating and carbamoylating activities that are cogenerated upon activation in situ. Cloretazine is reported here to inhibit the nucleotidyl-transferase activity of purified human DNA polymerase β (Pol β), a principal enzyme of DNA base excision repair (BER). The 2-chloroethylating activity of Cloretazine alkylates DNA at the O6 position of guanine bases resulting in 2-chloroethoxyguanine monoadducts, which further react to form cytotoxic interstrand DNA crosslinks. Alkylated DNA is often repaired via BER in vivo. Inhibition of the polymerase activity of Pol β may account for some of the synergism between Cloretazine’s two reactive subspecies in cytotoxicity assays. This inhibition was only observed using agents with carbamoylating activity. Furthermore, while therapeutically relevant concentrations of Cloretazine inhibited the polymerase activity of Pol β, the enzyme’s lyase activity, which may also participate in BER, was not significantly inhibited.  相似文献   

The strand displacement activity of DNA polymerase δ is strongly stimulated by its interaction with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). However, inactivation of the 3′–5′ exonuclease activity is sufficient to allow the polymerase to carry out strand displacement even in the absence of PCNA. We have examined in vitro the basic biochemical properties that allow Pol δ-exo to carry out strand displacement synthesis and discovered that it is regulated by the 5′-flaps in the DNA strand to be displaced. Under conditions where Pol δ carries out strand displacement synthesis, the presence of long 5′-flaps or addition in trans of ssDNA suppress this activity. This suggests the presence of a secondary DNA binding site on the enzyme that is responsible for modulation of strand displacement activity. The inhibitory effect of a long 5′-flap can be suppressed by its interaction with single-stranded DNA binding proteins. However, this relief of flap-inhibition does not simply originate from binding of Replication Protein A to the flap and sequestering it. Interaction of Pol δ with PCNA eliminates flap-mediated inhibition of strand displacement synthesis by masking the secondary DNA site on the polymerase. These data suggest that in addition to enhancing the processivity of the polymerase PCNA is an allosteric modulator of other Pol δ activities.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA polymerase δ (pol δ) is essential for DNA replication, though the functions of this smallest subunit of POLD4 have been elusive. We investigated pol δ activities in vitro and found that it was less active in the absence of POLD4, irrespective of the presence of the accessory protein PCNA. shRNA-mediated reduction of POLD4 resulted in a marked decrease in colony formation activity by Calu6, ACC-LC-319, and PC-10 cells. We also found that POLD4 reduction was associated with an increased population of karyomere-like cells, which may be an indication of DNA replication stress and/or DNA damage. The karyomere-like cells retained an ability to progress through the cell cycle, suggesting that POLD4 reduction induces modest genomic instability, while allowing cells to grow until DNA damage reaches an intolerant level. Our results indicate that POLD4 is required for the in vitro pol δ activity, and that it functions in cell proliferation and maintenance of genomic stability of human cells.  相似文献   

Activation of enzymes by low concentrations of denaturants has been reported for a limited number of enzymes including lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) and adenylate kinase. During unfolding studies on human biliverdin-IXα reductase it was discovered that the enzyme is activated at low concentrations of urea. Under standard assay conditions the native enzyme displays pronounced substrate inhibition with biliverdin as variable substrate; however in the presence of 3 M urea, the substrate inhibition is abolished and the enzyme exhibits Michaelian kinetics. When the initial rate kinetics with NADPH as variable substrate are conducted in 3 M urea, the Vmax is increased 11-fold to 1.8 μmol/min/mg and the apparent Km for biliverdin increases from 1 to 3 μM. We report the existence of two kinetically distinct folded intermediates between the native and unfolded forms. When the period of incubation with urea was varied prior to measuring enzyme activity, the apparent Vmax was shown to decay to half that seen at zero time with a half life of 5.8 minutes, while the apparent Km for NADPH remains constant at approximately 5 μM. With NADH as cofactor the half life of the activated (A) form was 2.9 minutes, and this form decays in 3 M urea to a less active (LA) form. The apparent Km for NADH increases from 0.33 mM to 2 mM for the A and LA forms. These kinetically distinct species are reminiscent of the activity-enhanced and inactive forms of L-PGDS observed in the presence of urea and guanidine hydrochloride.  相似文献   

The catalytic properties of human urokinase have been investigated using a synthetic chromogenic substrate; α-CBZ-l-lysine-p-nitrophenyl ester (ZLNP). The enzymatic assay based on the rate of hydrolysis of ZLNP offers several advantages over other methods currently employed in different laboratories. The steady state parameters of the two purified forms of human urokinase, which differ in molecular weight (33,000 and 54,000 daltons), have been determined over the pH range 5.2–7.8, and found to be indistinguishable.  相似文献   

Summary Two molecular forms of topoisomerase I differing in size and sensitivity to camptothecin were isolated from calf thymus. Mapping of topo I cleavage sites of the cloned chicken A-globin and human c-Ha-ras genes was carried out. Camptothecin was shown to affect site specificity of the topoisomerases.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the antigen-binding fragment of a monoclonal antibody to human interleukin-2 was determined in two crystal forms by the X-ray method of molecular replacement at 2.2 and 2.9 Å resolutions. The spatial structure of the protein and the stereochemistry of its antigen-binding site were analyzed.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurological genetic disorder caused by the expansion of the CAG trinucleotide repeats (TNR) in the N-terminal region of coding sequence of the Huntingtin's (HTT) gene. This results in the addition of a poly-glutamine tract within the Huntingtin protein, resulting in its pathological form. The mechanism by which TRN expansion takes place is not yet fully understood. We have recently shown that DNA polymerase (Pol) β can promote the microhomology-mediated end joining and triplet expansion of a substrate mimicking a double strand break in the TNR region of the HTT gene. Here we show that TNR expansion is dependent on the structure of the DNA substrate, as well as on the two essential Pol β co-factors: flap endonuclease 1 (Fen1) and DNA ligase 1 (Lig1). We found that Fen1 significantly stimulated TNR expansion by Pol β, but not by the related enzyme Pol λ, and subsequent ligation of the DNA products by Lig1. Interestingly, the deletion of N-terminal domains of Pol λ, resulted in an enzyme which displayed properties more similar to Pol β, suggesting a possible evolutionary mechanism. These results may suggest a novel mechanism for somatic TNR expansion in HD.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) is a well-known and frequently encountered carcinogen which generates a bulky DNA adduct (+)-trans-10S-BP-N2-dG (BP-dG) in cells. DNA polymerase kappa (polκ) is the only known Y-family polymerase that bypasses BP-dG accurately and thus protects cells from genotoxic BP. Here, we report the structures of human polκ in complex with DNA containing either a normal guanine (G) base or a BP-dG adduct at the active site and a correct deoxycytidine. The structures and supporting biochemical data reveal a unique mechanism for accurate replication by translesion synthesis past the major bulky adduct. The active site of polκ opens at the minor groove side of the DNA substrate to accommodate the bulky BP-dG that is attached there. More importantly, polκ stabilizes the lesion DNA substrate in the same active conformation as for regular B-form DNA substrates and the bulky BPDE ring in a 5′ end pointing conformation. The BP-dG adducted DNA substrate maintains a Watson–Crick (BP-dG:dC) base pair within the active site, governing correct nucleotide insertion opposite the bulky adduct. In addition, polκ''s unique N-clasp domain supports the open conformation of the enzyme and the extended conformation of the single-stranded template to allow bypass of the bulky lesion. This work illustrates the first molecular mechanism for how a bulky major adduct is replicated accurately without strand misalignment and mis-insertion.  相似文献   

Two polymorphisms were detected within exon 14 of the inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H1 (ITIH1) gene. The polymorphisms are detected by digesting the same 202-bp polymerase reaction product with the PstI and HphI restriction endonucleases. These gene polymorphisms lead to the change of two amino acids in the mature protein. The polymorphisms can be used for the analysis of 3p21 deletion in human carcinomas as well as to develop a better understanding of the protein polymorphism already described.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) is a key enzyme in eukaryotic DNA replication. Human Pol δ is a heterotetramer whose p12 subunit is degraded in response to DNA damage, leading to the in vivo conversion of Pol δ4 to Pol δ3. Two E3 ubiquitin ligases, RNF8 and CRL4Cdt2, participate in the DNA damage-induced degradation of p12. We discuss how these E3 ligases integrate the formation of Pol δ3 and ubiquitinated PCNA for DNA repair processes. CRL4Cdt2 partially degrades p12 during normal cell cycle progression, thereby generating Pol δ3 during S phase. This novel finding extends the current view of the role of Pol δ3 in DNA repair and leads to the hypothesis that it participates in DNA replication. The coordinated regulation of licensing factors and Pol δ3 by CRL4Cdt2 now opens new avenues for control of DNA replication. A parallel study of Pol δ4 and Pol δ3 in Okazaki fragment processing provides evidence for a role of Pol δ3 in DNA replication. We discuss several new perspectives of the role of the 2 forms of Pol δ in DNA replication and repair, as well the significance of the integration of p12 regulation in DNA repair and cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

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