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Proteins tendency to bind to one another in a highly specific manner forming stable complexes is fundamental to all biological processes. A better understanding of complex formation has many practical applications, which include the rational design of new therapeutic agents, and the analysis of metabolic and signal transduction networks. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis made possible the detection of the functional epitopes, and demonstrated that most of the protein-protein binding energy is related only to a group of few amino acids at intermolecular protein interfaces: the hot spots. The scope of this review is to summarize all the available information regarding hot spots for a better atomic understanding of their structure and function. The ultimate objective is to improve the rational design of complexes of high affinity and specificity as well as that of small molecules, which can mimic the functional epitopes of the proteic complexes.  相似文献   

The mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH (pHi) by removing a single intracellular proton in exchange for one extracellular sodium ion. It is involved in cardiac hypertrophy and ischemia reperfusion damage to the heart and elevation of its activity is a trigger for breast cancer metastasis. NHE1 has an extensive 500 amino acid N-terminal membrane domain that mediates transport and consists of 12 transmembrane segments connected by intracellular and extracellular loops. Intracellular loops are hypothesized to modulate the sensitivity to pHi. In this study, we characterized the structure and function of intracellular loop 5 (IL5), specifically amino acids 431–443. Mutation of eleven residues to alanine caused partial or nearly complete inhibition of transport; notably, mutation of residues L432, T433, I436, N437, R440 and K443 demonstrated these residues had critical roles in NHE1 function independent of effects on targeting or expression. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution spectra of the IL5 peptide in a membrane mimetic sodium dodecyl sulfate solution revealed that IL5 has a stable three-dimensional structure with substantial alpha helical character. NMR chemical shifts indicated that K438 was in close proximity with W434. Overall, our results show that IL5 is a critical, intracellular loop with a propensity to form an alpha helix, and many residues of this intracellular loop are critical to proton sensing and ion transport.  相似文献   

Platelet adhesion is mediated by von Willebrand factor (VWF) that binds platelet glycoprotein Ib (GPIb). Previous observations suggested that heparin competitively inhibits the binding of VWF to GPIb and may down-regulate platelet adhesion. We performed charged-to-alanine scanning mutagenesis of domain A1 and studied dose-dependent binding to heparin-Sepharose beads. Mutations at Lys1362 and Arg1395, at which the GPIb binding was markedly decreased, showed 41% and 42% binding, respectively. Clustered mutations in the segments 1332KDRKR1336 and 1405KKKK1408, which have been proposed as heparin binding sequences, showed 72% and 52% binding, respectively. However, single alanine substitutions within these clusters showed normal binding. Our findings suggest that heparin may inhibit the binding of VWF to GPIb by interacting with GPIb binding and interpret why some hemorrhagic complications of heparin therapy are not predictable based on techniques for monitoring the conventional anticoagulant effects of heparin.  相似文献   

We previously identified an HIV-1 fusion inhibitor P20A targeting HIV-1 gp41 6-HB fusion core. Using alanine scanning mutagenesis, we investigated the effect of 6-HB surface residue mutations on the binding affinity between P20A and 6-HB. Substitution of positively or negatively charged residues in the distal region of 6-HB with alanines resulted in significant decrease or increase of its binding affinity to P20A, respectively. The 6-HB with E630K, D632K, or E634K mutation exhibited enhanced binding affinity with P20A, suggesting that P20A blocks HIV-1 fusion through electrostatic interaction with the positively charged residues in the distal region of the gp41 fusion core.  相似文献   

Ether-a-go-go potassium channels have large intracellular regions containing ‘Per-Ant-Sim’ (PAS) and cyclic nucleotide binding (cNBD) domains at the N- and C-termini, respectively. In heag1 and heag2 channels, recent studies have suggested that the N- and C-terminal domains interact, and affect activation properties. Here, we have studied the effect of mutations of residues on the surfaces of PAS and cNBD domains. For this, we introduced alanine and lysine mutations in heag1 channels, and recorded currents by two-electrode voltage clamp. In both the PAS domain and the cNBD domain, contiguous areas of conserved residues on the surfaces of these domains were found which affected the activation kinetics of the channel. Next, we investigated possible effects of mutations on domain interactions of PAS and cNBD proteins in heag2 by co-expressing these domain proteins followed by analysis with native gels and western blotting. We found oligomeric association between these domains. Mutations F30A and A609K (on the surfaces of the PAS and cNBD domains, respectively) affected oligomeric compositions of these domains when proteins for PAS and cNBD domains were expressed together. Taken together, the data suggest that the PAS and cNBD domains form interacting oligomers that have roles in channel function.  相似文献   

Squalene epoxidase catalyzes the conversion of squalene to (3S)2,3-oxidosqualene, which is a rate-limiting step of the cholesterol biogenesis. To evaluate the importance of conserved aromatic residues, 15 alanine-substituted mutants were constructed and tested for the enzyme activity. Except F203A, all the mutants significantly lost the enzyme activity, confirming the importance of the residues, either for correct folding of the protein, or for the catalytic machinery of the enzyme. Further, interestingly, F223A mutant no longer accepted (3S)2,3-oxidosqualene as a substrate, while Y473A mutant converted (3S)2,3-oxidosqualene to (3S,22S)2,3:22,23-dioxidosqualene twice more efficiently than wild-type enzyme. It is remarkable that the single amino acid replacement yielded mutants with altered substrate and product specificities. These aromatic residues are likely to be located at the substrate-binding domain of the active-site, and control the stereochemical course of the enzyme reaction.  相似文献   

The presence of aromatic clusters has been found to be an integral feature of many proteins isolated from thermophilic microorganisms. Residues found in aromatic cluster interact via π–π or C–H?π bonds between the phenyl rings, which are among the weakest interactions involved in protein stability. The lone aromatic cluster in human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) is centered on F226 with the surrounding aromatics F66, F95 and W97 located 12 Å posterior the active site; a location which could facilitate proper protein folding and active site construction. The role of F226 in the structure, catalytic activity and thermostability of HCA II was investigated via site-directed mutagenesis of three variants (F226I/L/W) into this position. The measured catalytic rates of the F226 variants via 18O-mass spectrometry were identical to the native enzyme, but differential scanning calorimetry studies revealed a 3–4 K decrease in their denaturing temperature. X-ray crystallographic analysis suggests that the structural basis of this destabilization is via disruption and/or removal of weak C–H?π interactions between F226 to F66, F95 and W97. This study emphasizes the importance of the delicate arrangement of these weak interactions among aromatic clusters in overall protein stability.  相似文献   

Chitinase 92 from Aeromonas hydrophila JP101 contains C-terminal repeated chitin-binding domains (ChBDs) which were named ChBD(CI) and ChBD(CII) and classified into family 5 carbohydrate-binding modules on the basis of sequence. In this work, we constructed single and double ChBD by use of the pET system, which expressed as isolated ChBD(CII) or ChBD(CICII). Polysaccharide-binding studies revealed that ChBD(CICII) not only bound to chitin, but also to other insoluble polysaccharides such as cellulose (Avicel) and xylan. In comparison with ChBD(CII), the binding affinities of ChBD(CICII) are about 10- and 12-fold greater toward colloidal and powdered chitin, indicating that a cooperative interaction exists between ChBD(CI) and ChBD(CII). In order to investigate the roles of the highly conserved aromatic amino acids in the interaction of ChBD(CICII) and chitin, we have performed site-directed mutagenesis. The data showed that W773A, W792A, Y796A and W797A mutant proteins exhibited a much weaker affinity for chitin than wild-type protein, suggesting that these residues play important roles in chitin binding.  相似文献   

Acetyl-(dehydro-Phe) and acetyl-bis(dehydro-Phe) groups have been attached to the ε-amino group of the lysine residues of the copolymer poly(Glu92Lys8) by reacting this last with acetyl-(dehydro-Phe)-azlactone and acetyl-bis(dehydro-Phe)-azlactone, respectively. In the latter case induced CD is observed between 250 and 330 nm, due to the relative dissymmetric disposition of the two dehydro-Phe groups under the chiral field of the polypeptide chain. pH dependence of the induced CD, observed for the copolymer and lacking in the lowmolecular-weight structural model, is related to the α-helical and random coiled conformation of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Pannexin1 is a prime candidate to represent an ATP release channel. The pannexin1 channel can be activated by extracellular ATP through purinergic receptors P2X7 or P2Y. Recent studies have shown that the Pannexin1 channel is inhibited by its own permeant ion, ATP, and also by P2X7 receptor agonists and antagonists. However, the dose dependence of this inhibition indicated that significant inhibition was prominent at ATP concentrations higher than required for activation of purinergic receptors, including P2X7 and P2Y2. The inhibitory effect of ATP is largely decreased when R75 in the first extracellular loop of Pannexin1 is mutated to alanine, indicating that ATP regulates this channel presumably through binding. To further investigate the structural property of the putative ATP binding site, we performed alanine-scanning mutagenesis of the extracellular loops of pannexin1. Mutations on W74, S237, S240, I247 and L266 in the extracellular loops 1 and 2 severely impaired the inhibitory effect of BzATP, indicating that they might be the essential amino acids in the putative binding site. Mutations on R75, S82, S93, L94, D241, S249, P259 and I267 moderately (≥50%) decreased BzATP sensitivity, suggesting their supporting roles in the binding. Mutations of other residues did not change the BzATP potency compared to wild-type except for some nonfunctional mutants. These data demonstrate that several amino acid residues on the extracellular loops of Pannexin1 mediate ATP sensitivity. Cells expressing mutant Panx1W74A exhibited an enhanced release of ATP, consistent with the removal of a negative feedback loop controlling ATP release.  相似文献   

The Gin residue at amino acid position 102 ofBacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase was replaced with Ser, Thr, Tyr, or Phe to investigate the effect on substrate recognition. The Q102S and Q102T mutant enzymes were found to have a broader range of substrate specificity (measured byk cat/K m) than the wild-type enzyme. However, it is evident that either Ser or Thr at position 102 are of a size able to accommodate a wide variety of substrates in the active site and substrate specificity appears to rely largely on size discrimination in these mutants. The Q102F and Q102Y mutant enzymes have low catalytic efficiency and do not show this relaxed substrate specificity. However, their activities are restored by the presence of an aromatic substrate. All of the enzymes have a very low catalytic efficiency with branched chain aliphatic substrates.Abbreviations used BSLDH Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase - FBP fructose-1,6-bisphosphate - HP hydroxypyruvate - KB ketobutyrate - KC ketocaproate - KV ketovalerate - MDH malate dehydrogenase - PP phenylpyruvate - PYR pyruvate - RBE relative binding energy  相似文献   

Primary structure and crystallographic data of several legume lectins were used to predict the involvement in carbohydrate binding of six amino acid residues (Asp88, Glu108, Tyr134, Asn136, Leu226 and Gln227) in Griffonia simplicifolia lectin II (GS-II). The functional involvement of these residues was evaluated by assessing GlcNAc binding of modified forms of GS-II in which these residues were eliminated in truncated peptides or systematically substituted with other amino acids by site-specific mutations. Mutations at (Asp88, Tyr134 or Asn136 eliminated GlcNAc binding activity by GS-II, while those at Glut108, Leu226 or Gln227 did not alter the activity. The former three amino acids were functionally essential for carbohydrate binding by GS-II presumably through hydrogen bonding to and hydrophobic interactions with GlcNAc. Although an Asp or Gly substitution for Tyr134 eliminated GlcNAc affinity, substitution with Phe did not appreciably affect binding. Despite the fact that mutations to Leu226 and Gln227 did not alter carbohydrate binding, a truncated form of GS-II lacking these residues no longer exhibited carbohydrate binding affinity.  相似文献   

In order to probe the roles of Tyr-63, Trp-64 and Trp-109 in the active site of human lysozyme (peptidoglycan N-acetylmuramoylhydrolase, EC, six human lysozymes containing a mutation, Tyr-63 to Leu, Trp-64 to Phe or Tyr, Trp-109 to Phe or Tyr, and Glu-35 to Asp, were newly synthesized and their immunological and enzymatical activities were examined in comparison with the native enzyme. Enzymatic characterization indicated: (i) that the existences of an aromatic residue at position 63 and a tryptophan residue at position 64 are essential for the effective hydrolysis of glycol chitin substrate, but not for the lysis of bacterial substrate; (ii) that the conversion of Trp-109 to Phe or Tyr reduces the maximal velocity of the lytic reaction to 25% of the wild-type enzyme; however, the apparent affinity constant is not affected. Further, the difference between the activity against the charged substrate and that against the non-charged substrate was discussed from a viewpoint of the electrostatic interaction between enzyme and substrate.  相似文献   

Using a functional lactose permease mutant devoid of Cys residues (C-less permease), each amino acid residue in the hydrophilic N-terminus and the first putative transmembrane helix was systematically replaced with Cys (from Tyr-2 to Trp-33). Twenty-three of 32 mutants exhibit high lactose accumulation (70-100% or more of C-less), and an additional 8 mutants accumulate to lower but highly significant levels. Surprisingly, Cys replacement for Gly-24 or Tyr-26 yields fully active permease molecules, and permease with Cys in place of Pro-28 also exhibits significant transport activity, although previous mutagenesis studies on these residues suggested that they may be required for lactose transport. As expected, Cys replacement for Pro-31 completely inactivates, in agreement with previous findings indicating that "helix-breaking" propensity at this position is necessary for full activity (Consler TG, Tsolas O, Kaback HR, 1991, Biochemistry 30:1291-1297). Twenty-nine mutants are present in the membrane in amounts comparable to C-less permease, whereas membrane levels of mutants Tyr-3-->Cys and Phe-12-->Cys are slightly reduced, as judged by immunological techniques. Dramatically, mutant Phe-9-->Cys is hardly detectable when expressed from the lac promoter/operator at a relatively low rate, but is present in the membrane in a stable form when expressed at a high rate from the T7 promoter. Finally, studies with N-ethylmalemide show that 6 Cys-replacement mutants that cluster at the C-terminal end of putative helix I are inactivated significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three new aromatic compounds, identified as 1-(3′,4′-methylenedioxy-phenyl)-10-(3″-hydroxyphenyl)-decane (1), 1-(3′,4′-methylenedioxy-phenyl)-12-(3″-hydroxyphenyl)-dodecane (2), and 1-(3′,4′-methylenedioxy-phenyl)-12-(3″-hydroxyphenyl)-6Z-dodecylene (3), along with six known compounds (4–9) were isolated from the 95% EtOH extract of Homalomena occulta. Their structures were elucidated by chemical and spectral methods Compounds 4–9 were isolated for the first time from this plant. Compounds 1–3 exhibited inhibitory activity against BACE1, with IC50 values of 0.82–1.09 μmol/L.  相似文献   

Loop residues in domain II of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry delta-endotoxins have been demonstrated to be involved in insecticidal specificity. In this study, selected residues in loops beta6-beta7 (S(387)SPS(390)), beta8-beta9 (S(410), N(411), T(413), T(415), E(417) and G(418)) and beta10-beta11 (D(454)YNS(457)) in domain II of the Cry4Ba mosquito-larvicidal protein were changed individually to alanine by PCR-based directed mutagenesis. All mutant toxins were expressed in Escherichia coli JM109 cells as 130-kDa protoxins at levels comparable to the wild type. Only E. coli cells that express the P389A, S410A, E417A, Y455A or N456A mutants exhibited a loss in toxicity against Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae of approximately 30% when compared to the wild type. In addition, E. coli cells expressing double mutants, S410A/E417A or Y455A/N456A, at wild-type levels revealed a significantly higher loss in larvicidal activity of approximately 70%. Similar to the wild-type protoxin, both double mutant toxins were structurally stable upon solubilisation and trypsin activation in carbonate buffer, pH 9.0. These results indicate that S(410) and E(417) in the beta8-beta9 loop, and Y(455) and N(456) in the beta10-beta11 loop are involved in larvicidal activity of the Cry4Ba toxin.  相似文献   

When the acetogen Clostridium formicoaceticum was cultivated on mixtures of aromatic compounds (e.g., 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde plus vanillate), the oxidation of aromatic aldehyde groups occurred more rapidly than did O-demethylation. Likewise, when fructose and 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde were simultaneously provided as growth substrates, fructose was utilized only after the aromatic aldehyde group was oxidized to the carboxyl level. Aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase activity was constitutive (activities approximated 0.8 U mg–1), and when pulses of 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde were added during fructose-dependent growth, the rate at which fructose was utilized decreased until 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde was consumed. Although 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde inhibited the capacity of cells to metabolize fructose, lactate or gluconate were consumed simultaneously with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, and lactate or aromatic compounds lacking an aldehyde group were utilized concomitantly with fructose. These results demonstrate that (1) aromatic aldehydes can be utilized as cosubstrates and have negative effects on the homoacetogenic utilization of fructose by C. formicoaceticum, and (2) the consumption of certain substrates by this acetogen is not subject to catabolite repression by fructose. Received: 14 May 1998 / Accepted: 7 August 1998  相似文献   

The binding of oligopeptides containing basic and aromatic residues to phospholipid vesicles has been studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. Tryptophan-containing peptide such as Lys-Trp-Lys or Lys-Trp(OMe) exhibit a shift of their fluorescence toward shorter wavelengths and an increased fluorescence quantum yield upon binding to phosphatidylinositol (PI) or phosphatidylserine (PS) vesicles. No binding was detected with phosphatidylcholine vesicles. The binding is strongly dependent on ionic strength and pH. Binding decreases when ionic strength increases indicating an important role of electrostatic interactions. The pH-dependence of binding reveals that the apparent pK of the terminal carboxyl group of Lys-Trp-Lys is raised by ~3 units upon binding to PI and PS vesicles. The binding of tyrosine-containing peptides to PI and PS vesicles is characterized by an increase in the fluorescence quantum yield of the peptide without any shift in fluorescence maximum. A natural nonapeptide from the myelin basic protein which contains one tryptophan residue binds to PI and PS vesicles at low pH when the acidic groups are neutralized. This binding is accompanied by a shift of the tryptophyl fluorescence toward shorter wavelengths together with an enhancement of the fluorescence quantum yield. Dissociation of the complex is achieved at high ionic strength. These results indicate that aromatic residues of oligopeptides bound to the phospholipid polar heads by electrostatic interactions become buried in a more hydrophobic environment in the vicinity of the aliphatic chains of the lipids.  相似文献   

Membrane protein insertion in the lipid bilayer is determining for their activity and is governed by various factors such as specific sequence motifs or key amino-acids. A detailed fluorescence study of such factors is exemplified with PMP1, a small (38 residues) single-membrane span protein that regulates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in yeast and specifically interacts with phosphatidylserines. Such interactions may stabilize raft domains that have been shown to contain H+-ATPase. Previous NMR studies of various fragments have focused on the critical role of interfacial residues in the PMP1 structure and intermolecular interactions. The C-terminal domain contains a terminal Phe (F38), a single Trp (W28) and a single Tyr (Y25) that may act together to anchor the protein in the membrane. In order to describe the location and dynamics of W28 and the influence of Y25 on protein insertion within membrane, we carried out a detailed steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence study of the synthetic G13-F38 fragment and its Tyr-less mutant, Y25L in various membrane mimetic systems. Detergent micelles are conveniently used for this purpose. We used dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) in order to compare with and complement previous NMR results. In addition, dodecylmaltoside (DM) was used so that we could apply our recently described new quenching method by two brominated analogs of DM (de Foresta et al. 2002, Eur. Biophys. J. 31:185–97). In both systems, and in the presence and absence of Y25, W28 was shown to be located below but close to the polar headgroup region, as shown by its maximum emission wavelengths (λmax), curves for the quenching of Trp by the brominated analogs of DM and bimolecular constants for quenching (kq) by acrylamide. Results were interpreted by comparison with calibration data obtained with fluorescent model peptides. Time-resolved anisotropy measurements were consistent with PMP1 fragment immobilization within peptide-detergent complexes. We tentatively assigned the two major Trp lifetimes to the Trp (χ1=60° and 180°) rotamers, based on the recent lifetime–rotamer correlation proposed for model cyclic peptides (Pan and Barkley 2004, Biophys J 86:3828–35). We also analyzed the role of the hydrophobic anchor, by comparing the micelle binding of fragments of various lengths including the synthesized full-length protein and detected peculiar differences for protein interaction with the polar headgroups of DM or DPC.  相似文献   

Asp142 in the homotetrameric ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADP-Glc PPase) enzyme from Escherichia coli was demonstrated to be involved in catalysis of this enzyme [Frueauf, J.B., Ballicora, M.A. and Preiss J. (2001) J. Biol. Chem., 276, 46319-46325]. The residue is highly conserved throughout the family of ADP-Glc PPases, as well as throughout the super-family of sugar-nucleotide pyrophosphorylases. In the heterotetrameric ADP-Glc PPase from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber, the homologous residue is present in both the small (Asp145) and the large (Asp160) subunits. It has been proposed that the small subunit of plant ADP-Glc PPases is catalytic, while the large subunit is modulatory; however, no catalytic residues have been identified. To investigate the function of these conserved Asp residues in the ADP-Glc PPase from potato tuber, we used site-directed mutagenesis to introduce either an Asn or a Glu. Kinetic analysis in the direction of synthesis or pyrophosphorolysis of ADP-Glc showed a significant decrease (more than four orders of magnitude) in the specific activity of the SD145NLwt, SD145NLD160N, and SD145NLD160E mutants, while the effect was smaller (approximately two orders of magnitude) with the SD145ELwt, SD145ELD160N, and SD145ELD160E mutants. By contrast, mutation of the large subunit alone did not affect the specific activity but did alter the apparent affinity for the activator 3-phosphoglycerate, showing two types of apparent roles for this residue in the different subunits. These results show that mutation of Asp160 of the large subunit does not affect catalysis, thus the large subunit is not catalytic, and that the negative charge of Asp145 in the small subunit is necessary for enzyme catalysis.  相似文献   

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