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Shh and Ptc are associated with taste bud maintenance in the adult mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In mammals, taste receptor cells are organized into taste buds on tongue. Taste buds are trophically maintained by taste neurons and under continuous renewal, even in adults. We found that the receptor for Sonic hedgehog (Shh), Patched1 (Ptc), was expressed around taste buds where cells were proliferating, and that Shh was expressed within basal cells of taste buds. Denervation caused the loss of Shh and Ptc expression before the degeneration of taste buds.  相似文献   

The adult fungiform taste papilla is a complex of specialized cell types residing in the stratified squamous tongue epithelium. This unique sensory organ includes taste buds, papilla epithelium and lateral walls that extend into underlying connective tissue to surround a core of lamina propria cells. Fungiform papillae must contain long-lived, sustaining or stem cells and short-lived, maintaining or transit amplifying cells that support the papilla and specialized taste buds. Shh signaling has established roles in supporting fungiform induction, development and patterning. However, for a full understanding of how Shh transduced signals act in tongue, papilla and taste bud formation and maintenance, it is necessary to know where and when the Shh ligand and pathway components are positioned. We used immunostaining, in situ hybridization and mouse reporter strains for Shh, Ptch1, Gli1 and Gli2-expression and proliferation markers to identify cells that participate in hedgehog signaling. Whereas there is a progressive restriction in location of Shh ligand-expressing cells, from placode and apical papilla cells to taste bud cells only, a surrounding population of Ptch1 and Gli1 responding cells is maintained in signaling centers throughout papilla and taste bud development and differentiation. The Shh signaling targets are in regions of active cell proliferation. Using genetic-inducible lineage tracing for Gli1-expression, we found that Shh-responding cells contribute not only to maintenance of filiform and fungiform papillae, but also to taste buds. A requirement for normal Shh signaling in fungiform papilla, taste bud and filiform papilla maintenance was shown by Gli2 constitutive activation. We identified proliferation niches where Shh signaling is active and suggest that epithelial and mesenchymal compartments harbor potential stem and/or progenitor cell zones. In all, we report a set of hedgehog signaling centers that regulate development and maintenance of taste organs, the fungiform papilla and taste bud, and surrounding lingual cells. Shh signaling has roles in forming and maintaining fungiform papillae and taste buds, most likely via stage-specific autocrine and/or paracrine mechanisms, and by engaging epithelial/mesenchymal interactions.  相似文献   

Cai J  Qi Y  Hu X  Tan M  Liu Z  Zhang J  Li Q  Sander M  Qiu M 《Neuron》2005,45(1):41-53
In the developing spinal cord, early progenitor cells of the oligodendrocyte lineage are induced in the motor neuron progenitor (pMN) domain of the ventral neuroepithelium by the ventral midline signal Sonic hedgehog (Shh). The ventral generation of oligodendrocytes requires Nkx6-regulated expression of the bHLH gene Olig2 in this domain. In the absence of Nkx6 genes or Shh signaling, the initial expression of Olig2 in the pMN domain is completely abolished. In this study, we provide the in vivo evidence for a late phase of Olig gene expression independent of Nkx6 and Shh gene activities and reveal a brief second wave of oligodendrogenesis in the dorsal spinal cord. In addition, we provide genetic evidence that oligodendrogenesis can occur in the absence of hedgehog receptor Smoothened, which is essential for all hedgehog signaling.  相似文献   

A unique limb phenotype is described in a radiation-induced mutant mouse resulting from an inversion of a proximal segment of chromosome 5. The limb phenotype in the homozygous mutant presents with two anterior skeletal elements in the zeugopod but no posterior bone, hence the name replicated anterior zeugopod, raz. The zeugopod phenotype is accompanied by symmetrical central polydactyly of hand and foot. The chromosomal inversion includes the Shh gene and the regulatory locus, located approximately 1 Mb away, within the Lmbr1 gene. In homozygous mutants, the expression of Shh mRNA and Shh protein is severely downregulated to about 20% of wild-type limb buds, but Shh expression appears normal throughout the remainder of the embryo. Correspondingly, Gli3 expression is upregulated and posteriorly expanded in the raz/raz limb bud. We propose that the double anterior zeugopod and symmetrical central polydactyly are due to an increased and uniform concentration of the Gli3 repressor form because of lowered Shh signaling.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cells in the taste buds and epithelia of mouse circumvallate papillae after colchicine treatment were examined by the methods of in situ DNA nick-end labeling, immunocytochemistry, and electron microscopy. After colchicine treatment, numerous positive cells appeared in the taste buds by DNA nick-end labeling, and some epithelial cells in the basal and suprabasal layers in and around the circumvallate papillae also revealed positive staining. Condensed and fragmented nuclei with a high density were occasionally found in the taste bud cells and in the basal and suprabasal layer epithelial cells by electron-microscopic observation. An immunocytochemical reaction for tubulin revealed weak staining in taste bud cells, because of the depolymerization of microtubules, and a decrease of the microtubules in the taste bud cells was observed by electron microscopy. These results indicate that colchicine treatment of mice induces the apoptosis of taste bud and epithelial cells in the circumvallate papillae and dorsal epithelial cells around the circumvallate papillae.  相似文献   

Most insulin-producing beta-cells in the fetal mouse pancreas arise during the secondary transition, a wave of differentiation starting at embryonic day 13. Here, we show that disruption of homeobox gene Nkx6.1 in mice leads to loss of beta-cell precursors and blocks beta-cell neogenesis specifically during the secondary transition. In contrast, islet development in Nkx6. 1/Nkx2.2 double mutant embryos is identical to Nkx2.2 single mutant islet development: beta-cell precursors survive but fail to differentiate into beta-cells throughout development. Together, these experiments reveal two independently controlled pathways for beta-cell differentiation, and place Nkx6.1 downstream of Nkx2.2 in the major pathway of beta-cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Mash1, a mammalian homologue of the Drosophila achaete-scute proneural gene complex, plays an essential role in differentiation of subsets of peripheral neurons. In this study, using RT-PCR and in situ RT-PCR, we investigated if Mash1 gene expression occurs in rat taste buds. Further, we examined dynamics of Mash1 expression in the process of degeneration and regeneration in denervated rat taste buds. In rat tongue epithelium, Mash1 gene expression is confined to circumvallate, foliate, and fungiform papilla epithelia that include taste buds. In taste buds, Mash1-expressing cells are round cells in the basal compartment. In contrast, the mature taste bud cells do not express the Mash1 gene. Denervation and regeneration experiments show that the expression of Mash1 requires gustatory innervation. We conclude that Mash1 is expressed in cells of the taste bud lineage, and that the expression of Mash1 in rat taste buds is dependent upon gustatory innervation.  相似文献   

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