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We address the question: under which circumstances can we rely upon spontaneous succession and when are technical measures more effective in restoration programs? To answer this question, the position of a disturbed site along the productivity–stress gradient was considered. The probability of attaining a target stage by spontaneous succession decreases toward both ends of the productivity–stress gradient, whereas the acceptance of technical measures generally increases. In correspondence with that, the monetary cost of restoration increases toward the ends of the gradient. Therefore, spontaneous succession is advocated especially if environmental site conditions are not very extreme.  相似文献   

Summarized here are ten investigations concerning the volume of coarse woody debris (CWD) in Central European streams. Altogether, 69 stream sections were examined ranging from Northern German lowland streams to brooks in alpine regions. Most of the study streams are according to Central European standards quasi‐natural and are bordered by deciduous forest. The geometric mean of CWD volume related to stream length is 1.44 m3 /100 meter reach. Related to stream bottom area, the geometric mean of CWD volume is 0.202 m3 /100 m2 . The mean number of logs (≥10 cm diameter) is 12.5 logs/100 meter reach, and 3.01/100 m2 bottom area (geometric means). Regarding only quasi‐natural stream sections (riparian forest currently unmanaged and no removal of CWD for at least 10 years), the geometric mean of CWD standing stock is 0.45 m3 /100 m2 for lowland streams, 0.38 m3/100 m2 for streams in lower mountainous areas and 0.02 m3 /100 m2 for alpine floodplains. From the distribution of size classes and comparison with other studies it is likely, that the current CWD standing stock is considerably less than the potential amount of CWD. For centuries all of the streams have been influenced by man. Historic alterations of the stream, its floodplain and the riparian vegetation may still affect CWD supply and standing stock. We conclude that virtually all streams in Central Europe are highly altered with respect to the amount of CWD, and that the importance of CWD is under‐represented in recent assessment principles for streams in Germany.  相似文献   

The connection between religion, nature and conservation has become a prominent topic among scholars and conservation practitioners. Numerous studies have shown that spiritual beliefs have contributed to preserving important biodiversity in sacred areas around the world. In Western contexts, however, that link has been underexplored, perhaps due to a common view of Christianity as anti-naturalistic. Here, I rely on a literature review and first-hand observations to identify patterns and trends characterizing Catholic sacred sites in Central Italy. I show that a high proportion of the sites are located in natural areas, and that some types of sites and strands of Catholicism are associated with natural settings more frequently than others. Further, these natural sacred sites often display ecological features that highlight their important conservation role. Greater awareness and consideration of local spiritual heritages are recommended to guarantee more effective and integrated management of the sites.  相似文献   

抗寒性是植物适应和忍耐低温胁迫的能力,是复杂的多基因特征,其研究历史悠久。近些年的研究为理解植物如何响应外界低温并获得抗寒性提供了重要线索。本文概述了低温下木本植物冰核及其传播、深度过冷却与玻璃化形成、低温锻炼的生理学与遗传调控、低温锻炼的分子生物学与遗传工程等方面的进展,以期为人们在维持重要作物高产的同时提高其抗寒性提供参考。  相似文献   

EST-SSR标记在木本植物中的开发和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简述EST-SSR的开发策略,重点就其在木本植物遗传研究中的遗传多样性分析、遗传连锁图谱构建、比较作图以及种质资源鉴定的应用现状和存在问题作介绍,并对其应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

季节性休眠是多年生木本植物在生态和进化上的一种"权衡"机制,也是植物界多样性生存策略的组成部分.木本植物的休眠反应首先是Ca2+作为信号物质诱导CO/FT基因的表达,进而引起与休眠相关的DAM基因的表达;而低温可以诱导休眠的发生,冷诱导表达的基因CBF和COR在休眠期间也有表达;而与逆境相关的蛋白如脱水蛋白、抗冻蛋白、热激蛋白和热稳定蛋白等也与休眠反应有密切的关系.本文就与木本植物季节性休眠相关的分子机制进行了综述.  相似文献   

木本植物体细胞胚胎发生技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
体细胞胚胎发生技术是植物规模化、产业化快速繁殖和基因转化再生植株的重要手段。对近年来进行体细胞胚胎诱导并再生植株的木本双子叶植物、单子叶植物及裸子植物等树种进行了综述 ,并探讨体细胞胚胎发生中的技术影响因素及其基因表达与调控等研究进展 ,最后提出今后应该加强研究的关键问题。  相似文献   

A Unified Law of Spatial Allometry for Woody and Herbaceous Plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: The objective of the present paper is to provide both proof and theoretical deduction of an overlapping, valid law of allometry for woody and herbaceous plants used in agriculture and forestry. In his attempt to find an adequate expression for stand density, independent of site quality and age, Reineke (1933[281]) developed the following equation for even‐aged and fully stocked forest stands in the northwest of the USA: ln(N) = a ‐ 1.605 . ln(dg), based on the relationship between the average diameter dg and the number N of trees per unit area. With no knowledge of these results, Kira et al. (1953[281]) and Yoda et al. (1957[281] and 1963[281]) found the boundary line ln(m) = b ‐ 3/2 . ln(N) in their study of herbaceous plants. This self‐thinning rule ‐ also called the ‐ 3/2‐power rule ‐ describes the relationship between the average weight m of a plant and the density N in even‐aged herbaceous plant populations growing under natural development conditions. It is possible to make a transition from Yoda's rule to Reineke's stand density rule if mass m in the former rule is substituted by the diameter dg. From biomass analyses for the tree species spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), allometric relationships between biomass m and diameter d are derived. Using the latter in the equation ln(m) = b ‐ 3/2 . ln(N) leads to allometric coefficients for spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), that come very close to the Reineke coefficient. Thus Reineke's rule (1933[281]) proves to be a special case of Yoda's rule. Both rules are based on the simple allometric law governing the volume of a sphere v and its surface of projection s: v = c1 . s3/2. If the surface of projection s, is substituted by the reciprocal value of the number of stems s = 1/N and the isometric relationship between volume v and biomass m is considered v = c2 . m1.0 we come to Yoda's rule m = c3 . N‐3/2 or, in logarithmic terms, ln(m) = ln c3 ‐ 3/2 . ln(N).  相似文献   

Measuring Biomass and Carbon Stock in Resprouting Woody Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Resprouting multi-stemmed woody plants form an important component of the woody vegetation in many ecosystems, but a clear methodology for reliable measurement of their size and quick, non-destructive estimation of their woody biomass and carbon stock is lacking. Our goal was to find a minimum number of sprouts, i.e., the most easily obtainable, and sprout parameters that should be measured for accurate sprout biomass and carbon stock estimates. Using data for 5 common temperate woody species, we modelled carbon stock and sprout biomass as a function of an increasing number of sprouts in an interaction with different sprout parameters. The mean basal diameter of only two to five of the thickest sprouts and the basal diameter and DBH of the thickest sprouts per stump proved to be accurate estimators for the total sprout biomass of the individual resprouters and the populations of resprouters, respectively. Carbon stock estimates were strongly correlated with biomass estimates, but relative carbon content varied among species. Our study demonstrated that the size of the resprouters can be easily measured, and their biomass and carbon stock estimated; therefore, resprouters can be simply incorporated into studies of woody vegetation.  相似文献   

丽水大山峰木本植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丽水市大山峰位于浙南山区,是浙江省木本植物区系最丰富地区之一,共有木本植物84科237属543种,而且古老孑遗植物和珍稀濒危植物较多,地理成分复杂多样,可划分为14个分布区类型,区系具有明显的热带-温带过渡性;木本植物区系中,中国特有种占绝对优势,共有338种,占总种数的62.2%,是构成大山峰森林植被的建群种和优势种的主要成分.与邻近山地植物区系比较发现,大山峰木本植物区系与浙江白云山关系最密切.  相似文献   

Climate change has caused shifts in species’ ranges and extinctions of high-latitude and altitude species. Most cold-tolerant evergreen broadleaved woody plants (shortened to cold-evergreens below) are rare species occurring in a few sites in the alpine and subalpine zones in the Korean Peninsula. The aim of this research is to 1) identify climate factors controlling the range of cold-evergreens in the Korean Peninsula; and 2) predict the climate change effects on the range of cold-evergreens. We used multimodel inference based on combinations of climate variables to develop distribution models of cold-evergreens at a physiognomic-level. Presence/absence data of 12 species at 204 sites and 6 climatic factors, selected from among 23 candidate variables, were used for modeling. Model uncertainty was estimated by mapping a total variance calculated by adding the weighted average of within-model variation to the between-model variation. The range of cold-evergreens and model performance were validated by true skill statistics, the receiver operating characteristic curve and the kappa statistic. Climate change effects on the cold-evergreens were predicted according to the RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios. Multimodel inference approach excellently projected the spatial distribution of cold-evergreens (AUC = 0.95, kappa = 0.62 and TSS = 0.77). Temperature was a dominant factor in model-average estimates, while precipitation was minor. The climatic suitability increased from the southwest, lowland areas, to the northeast, high mountains. The range of cold-evergreens declined under climate change. Mountain-tops in the south and most of the area in the north remained suitable in 2050 and 2070 under the RCP 4.5 projection and 2050 under the RCP 8.5 projection. Only high-elevations in the northeastern Peninsula remained suitable under the RCP 8.5 projection. A northward and upper-elevational range shift indicates change in species composition at the alpine and subalpine ecosystems in the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

几种提取木本植物中RNA方法的比较和改进   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
以胡杨、核桃和白梨的叶片和根为试材 ,以常用的Trizol法、改良的植物RNA提取法和热硼酸盐法 ,比较其提取总RNA的量和纯度。结果表明 ,热硼酸盐法效果最好。研磨样品时加入多聚聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 (PVPP) ,可有效地吸附色素类物质 ;纯化过程中沉降RNA时间调整为 1h ,整个提取时间可缩短至 2d。  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are widely selected for various biological mechanisms in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Recent evidence suggests that microRNA (miRNA) function may affect synonymous codon choices near miRNA target sites. To better understand this, we perform genome-wide analysis on synonymous codon usage around miRNA target sites in four plant genomes. We observed a general trend of increased site accessibility around miRNA target sites in plants. Guanine-cytosine (GC)-poor codons are preferred in the flank region of miRNA target sites. Within-genome analyses show significant variation among miRNA targets in species. GC content of the target gene can partly explain the variation of site accessibility among miRNA targets. miRNA targets in GC-rich genes show stronger selection signals than those in GC-poor genes. Gene's codon usage bias and the conservation level of miRNA and its target also have some effects on site accessibility, but the expression level of miRNA or its target and the mechanism of miRNA activity do not contribute to site accessibility differences among miRNA targets. We suggest that synonymous codons near miRNA targets are selected for efficient miRNA binding and proper miRNA function. Our results present a new dimension of natural selection on synonymous codons near miRNA target sites in plants, which will have important implications of coding sequence evolution.  相似文献   

木本植物多倍体育种研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李云  冯大领 《植物学报》2005,22(3):375-382
本文从木本植物多倍体育种资源、多倍体育种途径和多倍体鉴定等方面, 对国内外木本植物的多倍体育种研究进展进行了综述。与农作物相比, 尽管木本植物在多倍体育种中有其缺陷, 但木本植物丰富的物种资源及无性繁殖等特性较大程度地发挥了多倍体育种的优越性。  相似文献   

木本植物多倍体育种研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
李云  冯大领 《植物学通报》2005,22(3):375-382
本文从木本植物多倍体育种资源、多倍体育种途径和多倍体鉴定等方面,对国内外木本植物的多倍体育种研究进展进行了综述.与农作物相比,尽管木本植物在多倍体育种中有其缺陷,但木本植物丰富的物种资源及无性繁殖等特性较大程度地发挥了多倍体育种的优越性.  相似文献   

Canebrakes are dense stands of Arundinaria gigantea (Walt.) Muhl. that covered large areas of the southeastern North America. With agricultural development, canebrakes were quickly converted to crop and pastureland and now occur only in small, isolated patches. There is growing interest in the use of A. gigantea and other temperate bamboo species in riparian and floodplain revegetation in North America, but lack of detailed information on propagation and management of woody perennial grasses hinders reestablishment activities. Our study assesses the influence of nutrient and woodchip mulch amendments on survival and growth of A. gigantea transplanted as part of a riparian restoration project in central Kentucky. After two growing seasons, culm number (aboveground stems) increased 4‐fold and extent of transplanted clumps expanded 26‐fold. The survival rate of transplanted cane clumps was 98%. Hardwood chip mulch significantly increased the emergence of new culms, culm height growth, and clump area. Composted manure, applied at a rate that contributed a similar mass of organic matter as the hardwood mulch, also significantly increased new culm number and clump area. Our findings demonstrate that addition of manure or hardwood mulch can significantly enhance aboveground production of A. gigantea transplants. However, survival and initial growth of untreated clumps were also adequate in this study. It appears that careful site selection, transplantation, and site maintenance may be sufficient to ensure A. gigantea establishment on many sites. Practitioners should assess soil drainage, water stress, and fertility along with herbaceous competition and incidence of overbank flooding before determining the necessity of organic amendments to supplement establishment of A. gigantea or other woody grasses for riparian restoration.  相似文献   

木本植物非均质化组织石蜡切片制作方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在常规石蜡切片技术的基础上, 针对木本植物茎段木质化程度高、硬度大以及各部分组织硬度不均匀等特点, 选取核桃(Juglans regia)茎段以及芽接愈合区域组织为实验材料, 对固定、软化和脱水等关键步骤进行改进, 获得结构完整且染色清晰的茎段组织和嫁接愈合区域组织切片, 可清晰地观察到各部分组织的形态特征和愈合过程中的发育特征, 且缩短了制片周期。采用改良后的实验流程成功获得了苹果(Malus pumila)、桃(Amygdalus persica)、杏(Armeniaca vulgaris)、李(Prunus salicina)和杨(Populus tomentosa)的茎段横截面切片。该方法为从解剖学上研究林木茎段生长机制和形态发育变化提供技术基础, 为非均质化植物材料的石蜡切片制作提供参考。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chilling-stress tolerance is a prerequisite for maize production under cool climatic conditions. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the Central European dent and flint pools for chilling tolerance during heterotrophic and early autotrophic growth in field trials and growth chamber experiments. METHODS: Five European flint and five dent inbreds and their 25 factorial crosses were evaluated in six natural environments, where chilling occurred, for chlorophyll concentration and plant height at the three-leaf stage, and plant height and fresh weight at the seven-leaf stage. In growth chambers, leaf 3 growth was analysed under cold and control conditions. KEY RESULTS: Comparing the field and growth chamber data, the strongest association was found between leaf elongation rate during cold nights and plant height at the three-leaf stage, with a weaker association with the seven-leaf stage. In the field, moderate correlations were observed between plant height at the three-leaf stage, and plant height and fresh weight at the seven-leaf stage, respectively. Furthermore, mid-parent and hybrid performance were only moderately correlated. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that heterotrophic and early autotrophic growth stages are controlled by different genetic factors or that maternal effects play a role. In addition, the findings showed that mid-parent performance is a poor predictor of hybrid performance. Consequently, test cross performance should be the target in quantitiative trait locus (QTL) mapping studies with the final goal of establishing marker-assisted breeding programmes for chilling-tolerant hybrids.  相似文献   

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