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Comparisons of the nervous systems of closely related invertebratespecies show that identified neurons tend to be highly conservedeven though the behaviors in which they participate vary. Allopisthobranch molluscs examined have a similar set of serotonin-immunoreactiveneurons located medially in the cerebral ganglion. In a smallnumber of species, these neurons have been physiologically andmorphologically identified. In the nudibranch, Tritonia diomedea,three of the neurons (the dorsal swim interneurons, DSIs) havebeen shown to be members of the central pattern generator (CPG)underlying dorsal/ventral swimming. The DSIs act as intrinsicneuromodulators, altering cellular and synaptic properties withinthe swim CPG circuit. Putative homologues of the DSIs have beenidentified in a number of other opisthobranchs. In the notaspid,Pleurobranchaea californica, the apparent DSI homologues (As1–3)play a similar role in the escape swim and they also have widespreadactions on other systems such as feeding and ciliary locomotion.In the gymnosomatid, Clione limacina, the presumed homologousneurons (Cr-SP) are not part of the swimming pattern generator,which is located in the pedal ganglia, but act as extrinsicmodulators, responding to noxious stimuli and increasing thefrequency of the swim motor program. Putative homologous neuronsare also present in non-swimming species such as the anaspid,Aplysia californica, where at least one of the cerebral serotonergicneurons, CC3 (CB-1), evokes neuromodulatory actions in responseto noxious stimuli. Thus, the CPG circuit in Tritonia appearsto have evolved from the interconnections of neurons that arecommon to other opisthobranchs where they participate in arousalto noxious stimuli but are not rhythmically active.  相似文献   

The threshold shear values needed to elicit the escape reactionto a quantifiable fluid mechanical disturbance were comparedbetween five free-swimming oceanic copepod species. The resultsindicate a significant difference in the threshold for differentspecies of copepods and between different age groups withina single species. In general, animals captured from more energeticregimes required a higher threshold than those captured frommore pacific locations. Labidocera madurae required the highestshear values with 51.5 s–1 for 50% of the animals testedto elicit an escape reaction (S50). Acartia tonsa and Euchaetarimana, in contrast, were behaviorally the most sensitive requiringan S50 of only 1.5 and 4.1 s–1, respectively, to initiatean escape reaction. Pleuromamma xiphias and Oithona requiredintermediate shear values with an S50 of 7.2 and 8.1 s–1.When compared to literature values, the threshold needed toelicit an escape reaction was consistently higher than averageenvironmental shear values. Threshold shear values also variedsignificantly with developmental stage. Naupliar stages of A.tonsarequired greater than six times the S50 value required by adultsof the same species. This suggests that the higher vulnerabilityto predation of naupliar stages of copepods may not only reflectinferior escape strength, but may also result from the higherthreshold needed to elicit an escape reaction. This study supportsthe hypothesis that selective feeding patterns exhibited bypredators of copepods may be the result of the differentialbehavioral sensitivities of different species and developmentalstages of copepods.  相似文献   

In locomotory systems, the central pattern generator and motoneuron output must be modulated in order to achieve variability in locomotory speed, particularly when speed changes are important components of different behavior acts. The swimming system of the pteropod molluscClione limacina is an excellent model system for investigating such modulation. In particular, a system of central serotonergic neurons has been shown to be intimately involved in regulating output of the locomotory pattern generator and motor system ofClione. There are approximately 27 pairs of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system ofClione, with about 75% of these identified. The majority of these identified immunoreactive neurons are involved in various aspects of locomotory speed modulation. A symmetrical cluster of pedal serotonergic neurons serves to increase wing contractility without affecting wing-beat frequency or motoneuron activity. Two clusters of cerebral cells produce widespread responses that lead to an increase in pattern generator cycle frequency, recruitment of swim motoneurons, activation of the pedal serotonergic neurons and excitation of the heart excitor neuron. A pair of ventral cerebral neurons provides weak excitatory inputs to the swimming system, and strongly inhibits neurons of the competing whole-body withdrawal network. Overall, the serotonergic system inClione is compartmentalized so that each subsystem (usually neuron cluster) can act independently or in concert to produce variability in locomotory speed.  相似文献   

The maximum excretion rate of NH4 (39 nmol mg dry wt–1h–1) was directly measured for Daphnia pulex by measuringNH4 accumulation in bottles containing D. pulex and dense, satiatingsuspensions of heat-killed algae. Ammonium release rates inthe algal suspensions were compared to those of individual animalsremoved from the suspension and placed in flow cells. Ammoniumrelease rate, R (nmol mg dry wt–1 h–1). in the flowcell decreased very rapidly with time, t (min), after removalaccording to the relation R = 26 + 25e–0.16t. Ammoniumexcretion obtained by the flow cell method after extrapolationto time zero was not significantly different from that obtainedin the bottles. The considerable experiment-to-experiment variationin NH4 excretion was in large part correlated (r2 = 0.73) withthe feeding rate on the algae.  相似文献   

The within-swim pattern of cycle periods in Tritonia swimmingchanged when the behavior was repeatedly elicited suggestingthat an excitatory process reaches a ceiling or wanes over repeatedtrials. Exposure to subthreshold stimuli enhanced swimming inresponse to a subsequent super-threshold stimulus, perhaps usinga similar excitatory process. In reduced preparations, subthresholdstimuli increased action potential activity in identified serotonergicneurons. Finally, stimulating serotonergic neurons enhanceda fictive swimming pattern, much like subthreshold stimuli enhancedthe swimming behavior. Both within-swim and across-swim changesin the swimming behavior may be caused by increased activityin identified serotonergic neurons. Comparative study suggeststhat ancestral serotonergic systems facilitated network oscillationsfor the production of rhythmic behaviors such as feeding andlocomotion. This concept of serotonin as oscillatizer is usedto explain the role of serotonergic neurons in Tritonia. Implicationsfor human mental health are discussed.  相似文献   

The feeding motor program in Limax maximus is the neural correlateof feeding and consists of a discrete pattern of cyclical efferentactivity generated by the buccal ganglia in response to stimulationof chemosensory pathways. The small cardioactive peptide, SCPB(10–6 to 10–9 M), increases the responsiveness ofthe FMP and the endogenous activity of specific feeding motoneuronssuch as the fast salivary burster. Stimulation of buccal neuron,B1, which contains SCPB-like immunoreactive substance, similarlyincreases the activity of feeding motoneurons. Furthermore,both exogenous SCPB and stimulation of Bl increase the contractileforce of the heart. Thus it appears that the peptidergic neuronBl is a multifunctional interneuron that is involved in thecontrol of both peripheral and central targets.  相似文献   

The prey capture phase of feeding behavior in the pteropod molluscClione limacina consists of an explosive extrusion of buccal cones, specialized oral appendages which are used to catch the prey, and significant acceleration of swimming. Several groups of neurons which control different components of prey capture behavior inClione have been previously identified in the CNS. However, the question of their coordination in order to develop a normal behavioral reaction still remains open. We describe here a cerebral interneuron which has wide-spread excitatory and inhibitory effects on a number of neurons in the cerebral and pedal ganglia, directed toward the initiation of prey capture behavior inClione. This bilaterally symmetrical neuron, designated Cr-PC (Cerebral interneuron initiating Prey Capture), produced monosynaptic activation of Cr-A motoneurons, which control buccal cone extrusion, and inhibition of Cr-B and Cr-L motoneurons, whose spike activities maintain buccal cones in a withdrawn position inside the head in non-feeding animals. In addition, Cr-PC produced monosynaptic activation of a number of swim motoneurons and interneurons of the swim central pattern generator (CPG) in the pedal ganglia, pedal serotonergic Pd-SW neurons involved in a peripheral modulation of swimming and the serotonergic Heart Excitor neuron.  相似文献   

In situ growth and development of Neocalanus flemingeri/plumchrusstage C1–C4 copepodites were estimated by both the artificial-cohortand the single-stage incubation methods in March, April andMay of 2001–2005 at 5–6°C. Results from thesetwo methods were comparable and consistent. In the field, C1–C4stage durations ranged from 7 to >100 days, dependent ontemperature and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration. Averagestage durations were 12.4–14.1 days, yielding an averageof 56 days to reach C5, but under optimal conditions stage durationswere closer to 10 days, shortening the time to reach C5 (fromC1) to 46 days. Generally, growth rates decreased with increasingstage, ranging from 0.28 day–1 to close to zero but weretypically between 0.20 and 0.05 day–1, averaging 0.110± 0.006 day–1 (mean ± SE) for single-stageand 0.107 ± 0.005 day–1 (mean ± SE) forartificial-cohort methods. Growth was well described by equationsof Michaelis–Menten form, with maximum growth rates (Gmax)of 0.17–0.18 day–1 and half saturation Chl a concentrations(Kchl) of 0.45–0.46 mg m–3 for combined C1–3,while Gmax dropped to 0.08–0.09 day–1 but Kchl remainedat 0.38–0.93 mg m–3 for C4. In this study, in situgrowth of N. flemingeri/plumchrus was frequently food limitedto some degree, particularly during March. A comparison withglobal models of copepod growth rates suggests that these modelsstill require considerable refinement. We suggest that the artificial-cohortmethod is the most practical approach to generating the multispeciesdata required to address these deficiencies.  相似文献   

The pteropod mollusk Clione limacina swims by dorsal-ventralflapping movements of its wing-like parapodia. Two basic swimspeeds are observed—slow and fast. Serotonin enhancesswimming speed by increasing the frequency of wing movements.It does this by modulating intrinsic properties of swim interneuronscomprising the swim central pattern generator (CPG). Here weexamine some of the ionic currents that mediate changes in theintrinsic properties of swim interneurons to increase swimmingspeed in Clione. Serotonin influences three intrinsic propertiesof swim interneurons during the transition from slow to fastswimming: baseline depolarization, postinhibitory rebound (PIR),and spike narrowing. Current clamp experiments suggest thatneither Ih nor IA exclusively accounts for the serotonin-inducedbaseline depolarization. However, Ih and IA both have a stronginfluence on the timing of PIR—blocking Ih increases thelatency to PIR while blocking IA decreases the latency to PIR.Finally, apamin a blocker of IK(Ca) reverses serotonin-inducedspike narrowing. These results suggest that serotonin may simultaneouslyenhance Ih and IK(Ca) and suppress IA to contribute to increasesin locomotor speed.  相似文献   

We examined the NO3 and NH4+ uptake capabilities of thedinoflagellate Peridinium cinctum and of the accompanying nanoplanktonduring the spring P. cinctum bloom in Lake Kin-neret. Throughoutthe Peridinium season, the smaller algae had greater affinitiesand faster specific uptake rates for both NO3and NH4+It appears that P. cinctum cannot directly compete with nanoplanktonfor nitrogen nutrients. Other factors such as the ability ofdinoflagellates to swim freely in the water column and low grazingpressures may explain their dominance in the lake.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of Locomotory Speed Change: The Pteropod Solution   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Three primary factors contribute to locomotory speed changesin the pteropod mollusk Clione limacina. (1) An increase incycle frequency of locomotory appendages is associated witha baseline depolarization and enhancement of postinhibitoryrebound in central pattern generator (CPG) interneurons, anda reorganization of the CPG through recruitment of additionalinterneurons. (2) An increase in the force of appendage movementsis generated through enhancement of activity of active motoneurons,recruitment of additional motoneurons and peripheral modulationof swim musculature. (3) Changes in biomechanical aspects ofappendage movements are presumably achieved, at least in part,through changes in the activity of motoneurons and swim muscle.All changes associated with non-startle swim acceleration areproduced by a serotonergic arousal system that acts at all threelevels of the swimming system: CPG interneurons, motoneuronsand swim musculature.  相似文献   

Species-specific differences in the assimilation of atmosphericCO2 depends upon differences in the capacities for the biochemicalreactions that regulate the gas-exchange process. Quantifyingthese differences for more than a few species, however, hasproven difficult. Therefore, to understand better how speciesdiffer in their capacity for CO2 assimilation, a widely usedmodel, capable of partitioning limitations to the activity ofribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase, to the rateof ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration via electron transport,and to the rate of triose phosphate utilization was used toanalyse 164 previously published A/Ci, curves for 109 C3 plantspecies. Based on this analysis, the maximum rate of carboxylation,Vcmax, ranged from 6µmol m–2 s–1 for the coniferousspecies Picea abies to 194µmol m–2 s–1 forthe agricultural species Beta vulgaris, and averaged 64µmolm–2 s–1 across all species. The maximum rate ofelectron transport, Jmax, ranged from 17µmol m–2s–1 again for Picea abies to 372µmol m–2 s–1for the desert annual Malvastrum rotundifolium, and averaged134µmol m–2 s–1 across all species. A strongpositive correlation between Vcmax and Jmax indicated that theassimilation of CO2 was regulated in a co-ordinated manner bythese two component processes. Of the A/Ci curves analysed,23 showed either an insensitivity or reversed-sensitivity toincreasing CO2 concentration, indicating that CO2 assimilationwas limited by the utilization of triose phosphates. The rateof triose phosphate utilization ranged from 4·9 µmolm–2 s–1 for the tropical perennial Tabebuia roseato 20·1 µmol m–2 s–1 for the weedyannual Xanthium strumarium, and averaged 10·1 µmolm–2 s–1 across all species. Despite what at first glance would appear to be a wide rangeof estimates for the biochemical capacities that regulate CO2assimilation, separating these species-specific results intothose of broad plant categories revealed that Vcmax and Jmaxwere in general higher for herbaceous annuals than they werefor woody perennials. For annuals, Vcmax and Jmax averaged 75and 154 µmol m–2 s–1, while for perennialsthese same two parameters averaged only 44 and 97 µmolm2 s–1, respectively. Although these differencesbetween groups may be coincidental, such an observation pointsto differences between annuals and perennials in either theavailability or allocation of resources to the gas-exchangeprocess. Key words: A/Ci curve, CO2 assimilation, internal CO2 partial pressure, photosynthesis  相似文献   

The nudibranch Melibe leonina swims by rhythmically flexingits body from side to side at a frequency of 1 cycle every 2–5sec. Melibe swim spontaneously, when they are dislodged fromthe substrate, or when they come in contact with predatory seastars,such as Pycnopodia helianthoides. Intracellular recordings obtainedfrom semi-intact swimming Melibe reveal a population of 15 swimmotoneurons (SMNs) in each pedal ganglion. In general, SMNsin one pedal ganglion fire out-of-phase with SMNs in the oppositepedal ganglion, resulting in rhythmic side-to-side bending movements.In isolated brains, recordings from SMNs yield similar results,indicating the existence of a swim central pattern generator(CPG). There is no evidence for synaptic interactions betweenSMNs and either inhibiting or exciting SMNs has no impact onthe swim pattern. The SMNs are driven by a CPG consisting of4 interneurons; 2 in the cerebropleural ganglia and 1 in eachpedal ganglion. Appropriate bursting activity in the swim interneuronsis necessary for swimming to occur. Either hyperpolarizationor depolarization of any of the 4 CPG interneurons disruptsthe normal swim pattern. Swimming behavior, and the fictiveswim motor program expressed by the isolated brain, are inhibitedby light and nitric oxide donors. NADPH-diaphorase stainingand nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunocytochemistry of Melibebrains suggests the source of nitric oxide might be a pair ofbilaterally symmetrical cells located in the cerebropleuralganglia.  相似文献   

To study the effect of chronically elevated CO2 on the excitability and function of neurons, we exposed mice to 7.5–8% CO2 for 2 wk (starting at 2 days of age) and examined the properties of freshly dissociated hippocampal neurons. Neurons from control mice (CON) and from mice exposed to chronically elevated CO2 had similar resting membrane potentials and input resistances. CO2-exposed neurons, however, had a lower rheobase and a higher Na+ current density (580 ± 73 pA/pF; n = 27 neurons studied) than did CON neurons (280 ± 51 pA/pF, n = 34; P < 0.01). In addition, the conductance-voltage curve was shifted in a more negative direction in CO2-exposed than in CON neurons (midpoint of the curve was –46 ± 3 mV for CO2 exposed and –34 ± 3 mV for CON, P < 0.01), while the steady-state inactivation curve was shifted in a more positive direction in CO2-exposed than in CON neurons (midpoint of the curve was –59 ± 2 mV for CO2 exposed and –68 ± 3 mV for CON, P < 0.01). The time constant for deactivation at –100 mV was much smaller in CO2-exposed than in CON neurons (0.8 ± 0.1 ms for CO2 exposed and 1.9 ± 0.3 ms for CON, P < 0.01). Immunoblotting for Na+ channel proteins (subtypes I, II, and III) was performed on the hippocampus. Our data indicate that Na+ channel subtype I, rather than subtype II or III, was significantly increased (43%, n = 4; P < 0.05) in the hippocampi of CO2-exposed mice. We conclude that in mice exposed to elevated CO2, 1) increased neuronal excitability is due to alterations in Na+ current and Na+ channel characteristics, and 2) the upregulation of Na+ channel subtype I contributes, at least in part, to the increase in Na+ current density. sodium ion channels; oxygen deprivation  相似文献   

The theory and practice of applying the thermodynamics of irreversibleprocesses to mass-flow theories is presented. Onsager coefficientswere measured on cut and uncut phloem and cut xylem strandsof Heracleum muntegazzimum. In 0.3 N sucrose + 1 mN KC1 theyare as follows. In phloem, LEE = 5 ? 10–4 mho cm–1,LpE = 9 ? 10–6 cm3 s–1 cm–2 volt–1 cm,and LPP = 0.16 cm3 s–1 cm–2 (J cm–3)–1cm. In uncut phloem strands LEE is about 1 ? 10–3 mhocm–1. In xylem in 2 x 10–3 N KCI, Lpp = 50 to 225,LPE = 2 ? 10–4, and LEE = 4 ? 10–3. The measurementsare tentative since the blockage of the sieve plates is an interferingfactor, but if they are valid they lead to the conclusion thatneither a pressure-flow nor an electro-kinetic mechanism envisaginga ‘long distance’ current pathway can be the majormotive ‘force’ for transport in mature phloem. Measurementsof biopotentials along conducting but laterally detached phloembundles of Heracleum suggest, nevertheless, that there may bea small electro-osmotic component of at least 0.1 mV cm–1endogenous in the phloem.  相似文献   

The effects of different applied NO3 concentrations onextension growth and final length and area of leaves 1–4of five cereals and six pasture grasses of temperate originwere examined. Increased applied NO3 in the range 0.1–0.5.0mol m–3 caused decreased duration of growth but increasedgrowth rate and final length of leaves 2–4 of the cerealsAvena saliva, Hordeum vulgare, Secale cereale, x Triticosecaleand Triticum aestivum. For all cereals, increased NO3resulted in increased area of leaves 1–4. Pasture grasseswere supplied either 0.5 or 50 mol m–3 NO3. Increasedapplied NO3 (0.5–5.0 mol m–3) resulted indecreased duration of growth and increased growth rate and finalarea of leaves 1–4 of Bromus wiltdenowii, leaves 2–4ofFestuca arundinaceae and leaves 3 and 4 of Lolium muitiflorum.In addition, length of leaves 3 and 4 of B. witidenowii increasedwith increased NO3. Increased NO3 resulted inincreased area of leaves 2–4 of Dactylis gtomerata andLolium perenne and leaves 3 and 4 of Phalaris aquaiica but hadno effect on extension growth of all three species. Avena sativa L, oat, Hordeum vulgare L, barley, Secale cereale L, rye, x Triticosecale Wittm, triticale, Triticum aestivum L, wheat, Bromus willdenowii Kunth, prairie grass, Dactylis gtomerata L, cocksfoot, Festuca arundinaceae Shreb, tall fescue, Lolium multijlorum Lam, Italian ryegrass, Lolium perenne L, perennial ryegrass, Phalaris aquatica L, nitrate, leaf extension, leaf expansion  相似文献   

The capacity for C4 photosynthesis in Panicum milioides, a specieshaving reduced levels of photorespiration, was investigatedby examining the activity of certain key enzymes of the C4 pathwayand by pulse-chase experiments with 14CO2. The ATP$P1 dependentactivity of pyruvate,P1 dikinase in the species was extremelylow (0.14–0.18 µmol mg chlorophyll–1 min–1).Low activity of the enzyme was also found in Panicum decipiensand Panicum hians (related species with reduced photorespiration)and in Panicum laxum (a C3 species). The antibody to pyruvate,P1dikinase caused about 70% inhibition of the ATP$P1 dependentactivity of the enzyme in P. milioides. The activity of NAD-malicenzyme and NADP-malic enzyme in P. milioides was equally low(approximately 0.1–0.2 µmol mg chlorophyll–1min–1) and similar to the activity in P. decipiens, P.hians and P. laxum. Photosynthetic pulse-chase experiments underatmospheric conditions showed a typical C3-like pattern of carbonassimilation including the labelling of glycine and serine asexpected during photorespiration. During the pulse with 14CO2only about 1% of the labelled products appeared in malate and2–3% in aspartate. During a chase in atmospheric levelsof CO2 for up to 6 min there was a slight increase in labellingin the C4 acids. The amount of label in carbon 4 of aspartatedid not change during the chase, indicating little or no turnoverof the C4 acid via decarboxylation. The results indicate thatunder atmospheric conditions P. milioides assimilates carbondirectly through the C3 pathway. Photorespiration as indicatedby the CO2 compensation point may be repressed in the speciesby a more efficient recycling of photorespired CO2. (Received June 8, 1982; Accepted July 22, 1982)  相似文献   

We previously showed that plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) activity accounted for 25–30% of relaxation in bladder smooth muscle (8). Among the four PMCA isoforms only PMCA1 and PMCA4 are expressed in smooth muscle. To address the role of these isoforms, we measured cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) using fura-PE3 and simultaneously measured contractility in bladder smooth muscle from wild-type (WT), Pmca1+/–, Pmca4+/–, Pmca4–/–, and Pmca1+/–Pmca4–/– mice. There were no differences in basal [Ca2+]i values between bladder preparations. KCl (80 mM) elicited both larger forces (150–190%) and increases in [Ca2+]i (130–180%) in smooth muscle from Pmca1+/– and Pmca1+/–Pmca4–/– bladders than those in WT or Pmca4–/–. The responses to carbachol (CCh: 10 µM) were also greater in Pmca1+/– (120–150%) than in WT bladders. In contrast, the responses in Pmca4–/– and Pmca1+/–Pmca4–/– bladders to CCh were significantly smaller (40–50%) than WT. The rise in half-times of force and [Ca2+]i increases in response to KCl and CCh, and the concomitant half-times of their decrease upon washout of agonist were prolonged in Pmca4–/– (130–190%) and Pmca1+/–Pmca4–/– (120–250%) bladders, but not in Pmca1+/– bladders with respect to WT. Our evidence indicates distinct isoform functions with the PMCA1 isoform involved in overall Ca2+ clearance, while PMCA4 is essential for the [Ca2+]i increase and contractile response to the CCh receptor-mediated signal transduction pathway. PMCA; bladder smooth muscle; gene-altered mice  相似文献   

The acidophilic alga Dunaliella acidophila exhibits optimalgrowth at pH 1. We have investigated the regulation of phosphateuptake by this alga using tracer techniques and by performingintracellular phosphate measurements under different growthconditions including phosphate limitation. In batch culturewith 2·2 mol m–3 phosphate in the medium the uptakeof phosphate at micromolar phosphate concentrations followeda linear time dependence in the range of minutes and rates werein the range of 1 µmol phosphate mg–1 chl h–1,only. However, under discontinuous phosphate-limited growthconditions, tracer influx revealed a biphasic pattern at micromolarphosphate concentrations: An initial burst phase resulted ina 104-fold internal phosphate accumulation and levelled offafter about 10 s. A double reciprocal plot of the initial influxrates obtained for phosphate-limited and unlimited algae exhibitedMichaelis-Menten kinetics. Phosphate limitation caused a significantactivation of the maximum velocity of uptake, yielding Vmaxup to 1 mmol mg–1 chl h–1 as compared to valuesin the order of 50 µmol phosphate mg–1 chl h–1for the second phase (this magnitude is also representativefor non-limited batch cultures). Concomitantly the Michaelisconstant was altered from 4 mmol m–3 to 0·7 mmolm–3. The rapid uptake of phosphate was inhibited by arsenateand FCCP and was not stimulated by Na+. The pH dependence oftracer accumulation and measurements of the intracellular phosphatepool under different growth conditions indicate that at lowpH and low external phosphate concentrations the high protongradient present under these conditions is utilized for a H3PO4uptake or a H+/H2PO4 cotransport. However, when the externalphosphate concentration was increased to levels sufficientlyhigh for transport to be driven by the positive membrane potential(10 mol m–3 phosphate), the pH dependence of phosphateuptake was more complex, but could be explained by the uptakeof H3PO4 or a H+/H2PO4-cotransport at low pH and a differenttype H2PO4-transport (with unknown type of ion coupling)at high pH-values. It is suggested that this flexible couplingof phosphate transport is of essential importance for the acidresistance of Dunaliella acidophila. Key words: Acid resistance, Dunaliella acidophila, phosphate cotransport, phosphate limitation, plasma membrane, sodium  相似文献   

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