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Vlot AC  Bol JF 《Journal of virology》2003,77(20):11284-11289
The three genomic RNAs of alfalfa mosaic virus each contain a unique 5' untranslated region (5' UTR). Replacement of the 5' UTR of RNA 1 by that of RNA 2 or 3 yielded infectious replicons. The sequence of a putative 5' stem-loop structure in RNA 1 was found to be required for negative-strand RNA synthesis. A similar putative 5' stem-loop structure is present in RNA 2 but not in RNA 3.  相似文献   

The conserved 3'-terminal stem-loop (3' SL) of the West Nile virus (WNV) genomic RNA was previously used to probe for cellular proteins that may be involved in flavivirus replication and three cellular proteins were detected that specifically interact with the WNV 3' SL RNA (J. L. Blackwell and M. A. Brinton, J. Virol. 69:5650-5658, 1995). In this study, one of these cellular proteins was purified to apparent homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation and liquid chromatography. Amino acid sequence Western blotting, and supershift analyses identified the cellular protein as translation elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha). Competition gel mobility shift assays demonstrated that the interaction between EF-1 alpha and WNV 3' SL RNA was specific. Dephosphorylation of EF-1 alpha by calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase inhibited its binding to WNV 3' SL RNA. The apparent equilibrium dissociation constant for the interaction between EF-1 alpha and WNV 3' SL RNA was calculated to be 1.1 x 10(-9) M. Calculation of the stoichiometry of the interaction indicated that one molecule of EF-1 alpha binds to each molecule of WNV 3' SL RNA. Using RNase footprinting and nitrocellulose filter binding assays, we detected a high-activity binding site on the main stem of the WNV 3' SL RNA. Interaction with EF-1 alpha at the high-activity binding site was sequence specific, since nucleotide substitution in this region reduced the binding activity of the WNV 3' SL RNA for EF-1 alpha by approximately 60%. Two low-activity binding sites were also detected, and each accounted for approximately 15 to 20% of the binding activity. Intracellular association between the host protein and the viral RNA was suggested by coimmunoprecipitation of WNV genomic RNA and EF-1 alpha, using an anti-EF-1 alpha antibody.  相似文献   

Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) Val-RNA forms a complex with the peptide elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) in the presence of GTP: the Val-RNA is protected by EF-Tu·GTP from non-enzymatic deacylation and nuclease digestion. The determination of the length of the shortest TYMV Val-RNA fragment that binds EF-Tu·GTP leads us to conclude that the valylated aminoacyl RNA domain equivalent in tRNAs to the continuous helix formed by the acceptor stem and the T arm is sufficient for complex formation. Since the aminoacyl RNA domain is also sufficient for adenylation by the ATP(CTP):tRNA nucleotidyltransferase, an analogy can be drawn between these two tRNA-specific proteins.  相似文献   

The 3' untranslated region (UTR) of bamboo mosaic potexvirus (BaMV) genomic RNA was found to fold into a series of stem-loop structures including a pseudoknot structure. These structures were demonstrated to be important for viral RNA replication and were believed to be recognized by the replicase (C.-P. Cheng and C.-H. Tsai, J. Mol. Biol. 288:555-565, 1999). Electrophoretic mobility shift and competition assays have now been used to demonstrate that the Escherichia coli-expressed RNA-dependent RNA polymerase domain (Delta 893) derived from BaMV open reading frame 1 could specifically bind to the 3' UTR of BaMV RNA. No competition was observed when bovine liver tRNAs or poly(I)(C) double-stranded homopolymers were used as competitors, and the cucumber mosaic virus 3' UTR was a less efficient competitor. Competition analysis with different regions of the BaMV 3' UTR showed that Delta 893 binds to at least two independent RNA binding sites, stem-loop D and the poly(A) tail. Footprinting analysis revealed that Delta 893 could protect the sequences at loop D containing the potexviral conserved hexamer motif and part of the stem of domain D from chemical cleavage.  相似文献   

Kwon CS  Chung W 《FEBS letters》1999,462(1-2):161-166
The 5' untranslated region (UTR) of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA 4 confers a highly competitive translational advantage on a heterologous luciferase open reading frame. Here we investigated whether secondary structure in the 5' UTR contributes to this translational advantage. Stabilization of the 5' UTR RNA secondary structure inhibited competitive translational activity. Alteration of a potential single-stranded loop to a stem by substitution mutations greatly inhibited the competitive translational activity. Tobacco plants infected with wild type virus showed a 2.5-fold higher accumulation of maximal coat protein than did plants infected with a loop-mutant virus. Amplification of viral RNA in these plants could not explain the difference in accumulation of coat protein. Phylogenetic comparison showed that potential single-stranded loops of 12-23 nucleotides in length exist widely in subgroups of CMV.  相似文献   

Shen R  Miller WA 《Journal of virology》2004,78(9):4655-4664
RNAs of many viruses are translated efficiently in the absence of a 5' cap structure. The tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) genome is an uncapped, nonpolyadenylated RNA whose translation mechanism has not been well investigated. Computational analysis predicted a cap-independent translation element (TE) within the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) of TNV RNA that resembles the TE of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), a luteovirus. Here we report that such a TE does indeed exist in the 3' UTR of TNV strain D. Like the BYDV TE, the TNV TE (i) functions both in vitro and in vivo, (ii) requires additional sequence for cap-independent translation in vivo, (iii) has a similar secondary structure and the conserved sequence CGGAUCCUGGGAAACAGG, (iv) is inactivated by a four-base duplication in this conserved sequence, (v) can function in the 5' UTR, and (vi) when located in its natural 3' location, may form long-distance base pairing with the viral 5' UTR that is conserved and probably required. The TNV TE differs from the BYDV TE by having only three helical domains instead of four. Similar structures were found in all members of the Necrovirus genus of the Tombusviridae family, except satellite tobacco necrosis virus, which harbors a different 3' cap-independent translation domain. The presence of the BYDV-like TE in select genera of different families indicates that phylogenetic distribution of TEs does not follow standard viral taxonomic relationships. We propose a new class of cap-independent TE called BYDV-like TE.  相似文献   

The terminal half of the 5' untranslated region (UTR) in the (+)-strand RNA genome of tomato bushy stunt virus was analyzed for possible roles in viral RNA replication. Computer-aided thermodynamic analysis of secondary structure, phylogenetic comparisons for base-pair covariation, and chemical and enzymatic solution structure probing were used to analyze the 78 nucleotide long 5'-terminal sequence. The results indicate that this sequence adopts a branched secondary structure containing a three-helix junction core. The T-shaped domain (TSD) formed by this terminal sequence is closed by a prominent ten base-pair long helix, termed stem 1 (S1). Deletion of either the 5' or 3' segment forming S1 (coordinates 1-10 or 69-78, respectively) in a model subviral RNA replicon, i.e. a prototypical defective interfering (DI) RNA, reduced in vivo accumulation levels of this molecule approximately 20-fold. Compensatory-type mutational analysis of S1 within this replicon revealed a strong correlation between formation of the predicted S1 structure and efficient DI RNA accumulation. RNA decay studies in vivo did not reveal any notable changes in the physical stabilities of DI RNAs containing disrupted S1s, thus implicating RNA replication as the affected process. Further investigation revealed that destabilization of S1 in the (+)-strand was significantly more detrimental to DI RNA accumulation than (-)-strand destabilization, therefore S1-mediated activity likely functions primarily via the (+)-strand. The essential role of S1 in DI RNA accumulation prompted us to examine the 5'-proximal secondary structure of a previously identified mutant DI RNA, RNA B, that lacks the 5' UTR but is still capable of low levels of replication. Mutational analysis of a predicted S1-like element present within a cryptic 5'-terminal TSD confirmed the importance of the former in RNA B accumulation. Collectively, these data support a fundamental role for the TSD, and in particular its S1 subelement, in tombusvirus RNA replication.  相似文献   

Zhu H  Duan CG  Hou WN  Du QS  Lv DQ  Fang RX  Guo HS 《Journal of virology》2011,85(24):13384-13397
RNA silencing provides protection against RNA viruses by targeting both the helper virus and its satellite RNA (satRNA). Virus-derived small interfering RNAs (vsiRNAs) bound with Argonaute (AGO) proteins are presumed participants in the silencing process. Here, we show that a vsiRNA targeted to virus RNAs triggers the host RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6)-mediated degradation of viral RNAs. We confirmed that satRNA-derived small interfering RNAs (satsiRNAs) could be associated with different AGO proteins in planta. The most frequently cloned satsiRNA, satsiR-12, was predicted to imperfectly match to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNAs in the upstream area of the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR). Moreover, an artificial satsiR-12 (asatsiR-12) mediated cleavage of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) sensor construct harboring the satsiR-12 target site. asatsiR-12 also mediated reduction of viral RNAs in 2b-deficient CMV (CMVΔ2b)-infected Nicotiana benthamiana. The reduction was not observed in CMVΔ2b-infected RDR6i plants, in which RDR6 was silenced. Following infection with 2b-containing CMV, the reduction in viral RNAs was not observed in plants of either genotype, indicating that the asatsiR-12-mediated reduction of viral RNAs in the presence of RDR6 was inhibited by the 2b protein. Our results suggest that satsiR-12 targeting the 3' UTR of CMV RNAs triggered RDR6-dependent antiviral silencing. Competition experiments with wild-type CMV RNAs and anti-satsiR-12 mutant RNA1 in the presence of 2b and satRNA demonstrate the inhibitory effect of the 2b protein on the satsiR-12-related degradation of CMV RNAs, revealing a substantial suppressor function of the 2b protein in native CMV infection. Our data provide evidence for the important biological functions of satsiRNAs in homeostatic interactions among the host, virus, and satRNA in the final outcome of viral infection.  相似文献   

Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) has many important roles in mammalian cells, including contributing to the control of cell survival and proliferation. S1P is generated by sphingosine kinases (SKs), of which two mammalian isoforms have been identified (SK1 and SK2). To gain a better understanding of SK regulation, we have used a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify SK1-interacting proteins and established elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) as one such protein that associates with both SK1 and SK2. We show the direct interaction of eEF1A with the SKs in vitro, whereas the physiological relevance of this association was demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation of the endogenous proteins from cell lysates. Although the canonical role of eEF1A resides in protein synthesis, it has also been implicated in other roles, including regulating the activity of some signaling enzymes. Thus, we examined the potential role of eEF1A in regulation of the SKs and show that eEF1A is able to directly increase the activity of SK1 and SK2 approximately 3-fold in vitro. Substrate kinetics demonstrated that eEF1A increased the catalytic rate of both SKs, while having no observable effect on substrate affinities of these enzymes for either ATP or sphingosine. Overexpression of eEF1A in quiescent Chinese hamster ovary cells increased cellular SK activity, whereas a small interfering RNA-mediated decrease in eEF1A levels in MCF7 cells substantially reduced cellular SK activity and S1P levels, supporting the in vivo physiological relevance of this interaction. Thus, this study has established a novel mechanism of regulation of both SK1 and SK2 that is mediated by their interaction with eEF1A.  相似文献   

Conditions were established for the introduction of both tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNAs into tobacco mesophyll protoplasts by electroporation. The proportion of infected protoplasts was quantified by staining with viral coat protein-specific antibodies conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate. Approximately 30–40% of the protoplasts survived electroporation. Under optimal conditions, up to 75% of these were infected with TMV-RNA. Successful infection was demonstrated in 19 out of 20 experiments. Optimal infection was achieved with several direct current pulses of 90 sec at a field strength of 5 to 10 kV/cm. Changing the position of the protoplasts within the chamber between electric pulses was essential for achievement of high rates of infection. Optimal viral RNA concentration was about 10 g/ml in a solution of 0.5 M mannitol without buffer salts.  相似文献   

The RNA of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) is a monocistronic messenger that lacks both a 5' cap structure and a 3' poly(A) tail. We show that in a cell-free translation system derived from wheat germ, STNV RNA lacking the 600-nucleotide trailer is translated an order of magnitude less efficiently than full-size RNA. Deletion analyses positioned the translational enhancer domain (TED) within a conserved hairpin structure immediately downstream from the coat protein cistron. TED enhances translation when fused to a heterologous mRNA, but the level of enhancement depends on the nature of the 5' untranslated sequence and is maximal in combination with the STNV leader. The STNV leader and TED have two regions of complementarity. One of the complementary regions in TED resembles picornavirus box A, which is involved in cap-independent translation but which is located upstream of the coding region.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that the vimentin 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) contains a highly conserved region, which is sufficient for the perinuclear localization of a reporter mRNA. This region was shown to specifically bind protein(s) by band shift analyses. UV-cross-linking studies suggest these proteins are 46- and 35-kDa in mass. Here, we have used this sequence as ‘bait’ to isolate RNA binding proteins using the yeast three-hybrid method. This technique relies on a functional assay detecting bona fide RNA–protein interaction in vivo. Three cDNA isolates, HAX-1, eEF-1γ and hRIP, code for proteins of a size consistent with in vitro cross- linking studies. In all cases, recombinant proteins were capable of binding RNA in vitro. Although hRIP is thought to be a general mRNA binding protein, this represents an unreported activity for eEF-1γ and HAX-1. Moreover, HAX-1 binding appears to be specific to vimentin’s 3′UTR. Both in vivo synthesized eEF-1γ and HAX-1 proteins were ‘pulled out’ of HeLa whole cell extracts by binding to a RNA affinity column comprised of vimentin’s 3′UTR. Moreover, size-fractionation of extracts results in the separation of large complexes containing either eEF-1γ or HAX-1. Thus, in addition to their known functions, both eEF-1γ and HAX-1 are RNA binding proteins, which suggests new roles in mRNA translation and/or perinuclear localization.  相似文献   

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