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A cytogenetic study of repeated spontaneous abortions.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
During a cytogenetic study of spontaneous abortions, successive abortions from 40 couples were karyotyped. The chromosome constitutions of the first and second abortions were found to be highly correlated. In each of 21 instances in which the first abortion was chromosomally normal, the subsequent abortion(s) was normal as well. In nine cases, the two abortions were chromosomally abnormal, and in four of these, both abortions were trisomic. Combined with findings from other studies of consecutive spontaneous abortions, the present data indicate that certain couples are at an increased risk for either repeated chromosomally normal abortions or for repeated trisomic conceptions. The increased risk of trisomy does not seem to be restricted to a particular chromosome, and the magnitude of the risk increase appears to be independent of maternal age.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study of human spontaneous abortions using banding techniques   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
Summary The karyotypes of 941 singleton and 42 twin abortuses and 4 cystic placentae were determined. 30.5% of the singletons were chromosomally abnormal; 49.8% of these were trisomic, 23.7% X-monosomics and 17.4% polyploid. 143 trisomies were identified by banding; over a third had an extra chromosome 16, more than 10% and extra 21 or 22 and about 5% an extra 2, 18 or 15. Examples of trisomy 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 and 20 were also encountered. Using the data from two other published studies, the prevalence of different trisomies was estimated and an attempt was made to relate the karyotype of the conceptus to its subsequent development.  相似文献   

Simplified "overnight" and longer term primary culture techniques are described for obtaining chromosome preparations from tiny chorionic villi samples (5-15 mg).  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and flow cytometric analyses were performed on 38 human spontaneous abortions in an attempt to obtain information on karyotype abnormalities and to compare the two approaches of analysis. In 19 cases, it was not possible to perform cytogenetic analysis because too long a time had passed between surgical sampling and cell culture, and in vitro culture failed. Of the 19 cases analyzed, 10/19 showed a normal karyotype and 5/19 showed a single trisomy (2/5 trisomies involved chromosome 16, 1/5 trisomy involved chromosome 18, 1/5 trisomy involved chromosome 20, and 1/5 was Klinefelter syndrome). Of the remaining 4/19 cases, 2/19 showed a polyploid condition (1 tetraploidy and 1 triploidy), 1/19 a double trisomy (chromosomes 13 and 21), and 1/19 a pentasomy of the sex chromosomes (49,XXXXY). Flow cytometric analysis was performed on all abortive samples. The samples were subdivided, when possible, into two portions conventionally named amniotic and chorionic, using the amniotic membrane as an anatomical reference. Maternal blood lymphocytes were used as a diploid standard for each sample. In the 19 cases not analyzed by the cytogenetic approach, flow cytometric analysis showed 9 diploid and 10 aneuploid DNA distributions. In the remaining 19 cases, analyzed with both approaches, the comparison of DNA estimations using cytogenetic and flow cytometric analyses showed good agreement. In the cases with karyotype abnormalities, flow cytometric measurement provided evidence of an alteration of DNA content with respect to the diploid standard. Flow cytometric analysis showed a diploid distribution, whereas cytogenetic analysis revealed chromosomal abnormalities in only 4/19 cases. These discordant results could be related to mosaic conditions or maternal cell contamination. Moreover, cytogenetic and flow cytometric analyses were performed on 2 amniotic cell cultures, and concordant results were obtained. The results obtained suggest that a combination of these techniques is beneficial in attempts to obtain information about DNA content alterations, even when cultures fail, and in screening studies of human abortions.  相似文献   



This study was conducted to determine the frequency and contribution of chromosomal abnormalities in miscarriages and in couples with recurrent in vitro fertilization/intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) failure.


A total of 221 individuals; 79 with three or more recurrent spontaneous abortions and 142 with at least three IVF/ICSI failures. Chromosomal analysis from peripheral blood lymphocytes was performed according to standard cytogenetic methods using G-banding technique.


Abnormal karyotype was found in 21 (9.50%) individuals. Of these 21 subjects, 4 (19.04%) exhibited sex chromosomal abnormalities and 17 (80.96%) had autosomal abnormalities. Male partners had significantly higher chromosomal abnormalities (5.88%) than of females (3.61%). These abnormalities were also higher in patients with recurrent spontaneous abortions than with IVF/ICSI failure (P < 0.05).


These data may be indicative that chromosomal abnormalities are involved more in spontaneous abortions than in recurrent IVF/ICSI failure. Cytogenetic analysis could be valuable for these couples when clinical data fail to clarify the cause.  相似文献   

Altogether, 750 cases of spontaneous abortion between the fifth and 25th week of gestation were analyzed cytogenetically by the direct-preparation method using chorionic villi. The majority of cases (68%) were derived from early abortions before the 12th week of gestation. The frequency of abnormal karyotypes was 50.1%; trisomy was predominant (62.1%), followed by triploidy (12.4%), monosomy X (10.5%), tetraploidy (9.2%), and structural chromosome anomalies (4.7%). Among trisomies, chromosomes 16 (21.8%), 22 (17.9%), and 21 (10.0%) were prevalent. The frequency of chromosomally abnormal abortions increased with maternal age but only because of an increase of trisomy. Polyploidy and monosomy X, however, decreased. Mean maternal age was significantly increased for trisomies 16, 21, and 22 and was highest for trisomies 18 and 20. The results obtained are within the range of variability reported earlier from tissue culture-type studies. A consistent feature during our study is the excess of females in chromosomally normal abortions (male:female sex ratio 0.71). According to the methodology applied, maternal cell contamination and undetected 46,XX molar samples cannot have influenced the sex ratio. However, a bias introduced by social status or maternal age cannot be excluded. With the more rapid and convenient direct preparation of chorionic villi, reliable cytogenetic data on causes of spontaneous abortions can be obtained.  相似文献   

The Authors studied the Human normal full term placenta and in the feto-maternal Rh and ABO incompatibilities. In the Human normal full term placenta the sincitium trophoblastum coat shows the usual microvillosity and the normal cytoplasmatic organules; in the placenta of ABO isoimmunized subjects the sincitium trophoblastum coat is intensely vacuolyzated; in the placenta of Rh isoimmunized subjects the lamina sincitiale vacuolyzation is more evident in the basal side. Discussion on the morphology related to the placenta barrier function.  相似文献   

Droplet-digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) technique was set up to detect/quantify Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) DNA in clinical specimens, including chorionic villi and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from spontaneous abortion (SA)-affected females. This ddPCR assay showed high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in detecting MCPyV DNA cloned in a recombinant plasmid vector, the control. ddPCR was extended to MCPyV DNA to investigate/quantify its sequences in clinical samples. Overall, 400 samples were analyzed, that is, 100 chorionic villi and 100 PBMCs, from SA females (n = 100), the cases, and 100 chorionic villi and 100 PBMCs from females who underwent voluntary pregnancy interruption (VI, n = 100), the control. MCPyV DNA was detected in 4/100 (4%) and 5/100 (5%) of SA and VI chorionic villi, respectively. The mean viral DNA load was 1.99 ( ± 0.94 standard mean deviation [SD]) copy/104 cells in SA and 3.02 ( ± 1.86 [SD]) copy/104 cells in VI. In PBMCs, MCPyV DNA was revealed in 9/100 (9%) and 14/100 (14%) of SA and VI, with a mean of 2.09 ( ± 1.17 [SD]) copy/104 cells and 4.09 ( ± 4.26 [SD]) copy/104 cells in SA and VI, respectively. MCPyV gene expression analysis by quantitative PCR for the large T antigen (LT) and viral capsid protein 1 (VP1) showed their mRNAs in 2/4 (50%) SA- and 2/5 (40%) VI-MCPyV-positive samples. MCPyV DNA was detected/quantified using the ddPCR technique, in chorionic villi and PBMCs from SA and VI. In our experimental conditions, ddPCR provided a powerful tool to detect/quantify MCPyV DNA sequences in clinical samples.  相似文献   

80 spontaneous abortions (40 at 6-12 weeks and 40 at 13-32 weeks of pregnancy) and 50 induced abortions (49 at 6-12 weeks and 1 at 18 weeks) were karyotyped. Among spontaneous abortions of the first trimester were found 14 different types of chromosome anomalies. The chromosome complex 48,XY, D+, F+, has not yet been described in the literature and belongs to the eempty embryonic sac 1.0:1.5 cm with a weakly developed trophoblast. Among late-term spontaneous abortions no chromosome anomalies were found. An aberrant karyotype of a 7-8 week induced abortion was revealed as 46, XX/47, XXX (5% of the nuclei with double sex chromatin and 47% with single sex chromatin). Normal karyotypes were distributed according to sex chromosome complex as follows: spontaneous abortions of 6-12 weeks, 18(XY), 8(XX); spontaneous abortions 13-32 weeks, 19(XY), 21(XX); induced abortions, 16(XY), 32(XX). The data revealed a random character in the series of investigations. The absence of the XO monosomies was noted.  相似文献   

Chromosomal mosaicism in chorionic villus samples (CVS) may arise from different sources, such as clonal diversity within the chorionic tissue or contamination with maternal cells. To determine the origin of karyotyped cells, we compared the immunocytochemical features of mitotic cells in CVS long-term cultures with histological sections of their tissue of origin, i.e. chorionic villi. Immunolabelling of intermediate filaments specific for epithelial cells (cytokeratin) and mesenchymal cells (vimentin) established that mitoses yielded from CVS long-term cultures indeed stem from independently growing clones derived from both the epithelial and mesenchymal parts of the chorionic villi. Thus, mosaicism in CVS cultures may reflect true genetic heterogeneity within the biopsy. However, epithelial chorionic cells undergo in vitro metaplasia leading to co-expression of cytokeratins and vimentin. Fetal-specific immune markers (-HCG and SP1-glycoprotein) are not reliably expressed in CVS cell culture.  相似文献   

Genetic defects of the zygote, such as chromosome aberrations, are the most frequent causes of abnormal embryonic development and spontaneous abortion. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Chromosome aberrations likely cause changes in placental morphology and function (such as size, shape, vascularity, and the presence of trophoblastic inclusion). We postulated that chromosome aberrations may affect rates of cell proliferation or programmed cell death (apoptosis) during the differentiation of chorionic villi. To address these questions, we evaluated cell proliferation using a monoclonal antibody to Ki-67 (a cell-cycle marker) and apoptosis using the in situ end-labeling method (TUNEL) on paraffin-embedded placental tissues. Tissues were obtained from spontaneous abortions in early gestational periods with normal (11 cases) and abnormal karyotypes (15 cases), as well as eight normal control placentas from elective abortions. Apoptotic cells were found in the stroma of all cases, but were significantly higher in number in the stroma of chromosomally abnormal versus chromosomally normal spontaneous abortions. The apoptotic index of the trophoblasts was not significantly different between groups. Cell proliferation was higher in muscularized blood vessels in chromosomally normal placentas (both elective and spontaneous abortions) versus chromosomally abnormal spontaneous abortions. Cell proliferation was different in the trophoblast and stroma between the groups but to a lesser degree than in blood vessels. The morphological and biological data presented here suggest that: (1) chromosomally abnormal spontaneous abortions may occur because of different mechanisms than chromosomally normal spontaneous abortions, (2) apoptosis of the stromal cells and cell proliferation in blood vessels and stroma play an important role in the differentiation and functioning of villi, and (3) these changes could explain the etiology of spontaneous abortion and growth retardation of chromosomally abnormal embryos.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study was carried out in the chromosome set for 202 couples with recurrent spontaneous abortions of unknown genesis. Anomalies in the chromosome set were observed in 2.5% of cases.  相似文献   

More than 50% of spontaneous abortions (SAs) have abnormal chromosomes; the most common abnormalities are trisomy, sex chromosome monosomy, and polyploidy. Conventional cytogenetic analysis of SAs depends on tissue culturing and is associated with a significant tissue culture failure rate and contamination by maternally derived cells. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), in combination with flow cytometry (FCM), can detect numerical and unbalanced structural chromosomal abnormalities associated with SAs while avoiding the technical problems associated with tissue culture. Routine cytogenetic and CGH analysis was performed independently on tissue from 301 SAs. Samples shown to be chromosomally balanced by CGH were analyzed by FCM to determine ploidy. Of 253 samples successfully analyzed by both approaches, there was an absolute correlation of results in 235 (92.8%). Of the 18 cases with discrepancies between cytogenetic and CGH/FCM results, an explanation could be found in 17. Twelve samples produced a 46,XX karyotype by cytogenetics, whereas CGH/FCM demonstrated aneuploidy/polyploidy or a male genome, indicating maternal contamination of the tissue cultures. In two cases, where tetraploidy was demonstrated by cytogenetics and diploidy by FCM, tissue culture artifact is implied. In three cases, CGH demonstrated an aneuploidy, and cytogenetics demonstrated hypertriploidy. In one unexplainable case, aneuploidy demonstrated by CGH could not be detected by repeat CGH analysis, conventional cytogenetic, or FISH analysis. These results demonstrate that CGH supplemented with FCM can readily identify chromosomal abnormalities associated with SAs and, by avoiding maternal contamination and tissue culture artifacts, can do so with a lower failure rate and more accuracy than conventional cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

Detail studies on a diastasic digested leucofuxin coloured citotrofoblastic and synciziotrophoblastic villus cells permitted to localize chorion glicoprotein concentration almost exclusively in the proximal portion of the trophoblastic syncitium. Furthermore, like in the epatic tissue, but unlike the findings in some other sites such as sarcolemma, necrilemm basal membranes, the reticula villus substance is argirofila but not P.A.S. positive. Some considerations were proposed to explain this abnormal pattern.  相似文献   

Summary This report documents the first 262 cases of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) performed in parallel with cytogenetic and morphological investigations. Histomorphological examination of these CVS specimens gave suitable results in about 96% (251 cases). Of the latter, 201 samples (80.1%) exhibited villi and 176 (70.1%), maternal tissue. Viability and maturation of the chorionic villi were determined light microscopically even in cases with few villus trees. Smooth avascular villi with poorly defined margins observed under an inverted microscope, less than 10 mitoses after short-term incubation, and reduced growth of cell cultures were significantly correlated with sampling at the chorion laeve by means of histomorphologic criteria. Villi from cases exhibiting cytogenetically proved chromosomal abnormalities were characterized by molar degeneration or stromal fibrosis, or both, in 4 out of 9 cases, including 3 mosaics. In early abortions (within 3 weeks after CVS), an unexpectedly high rate of pathohistological changes within maternal tissue was evident. These results need further confirmation by investigation of a greater number of samples with immunohistochemical and morphometric methods.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic investigation of spontaneous abortions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A M Kuliev 《Humangenetik》1971,12(4):275-283

Summary 88 spontaneous abortions were investigated cytogenetically, 18 of them proved to have anomalies of chromosomes. Cells with aberrations were exposed to continuous cultivation. Successful prolonged cultures were grown from embryos with the following karyotypes: trisomy D, trisomy C and mosaicism (46,XX/47,XX,C+/48,XX,C+E+). It was shown that nonmosaic abnormal karyotypes were stable in the process of prolonged cultivation.
Zusammenfassung 88 spontane Aborte wurden cytogenetisch untersucht. Bei 18 von ihnen fanden sich Chromosomenanomalien. Bei Zellen und Aberrationen wurden Langzeit-Kulturen durchgeführt. Diese Langzeit-Kulturen waren erfolgreich bei Embryonen und den folgenden Karyotypen: Trisomie D, Trisomie C und einem Mosaik (46,XX/47,XX,C+/48,XX,C+E+). Abnorme Karyotypen ohne Mosaik verhielten sich bei der Langzeit-Kultivierung stabil.

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