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We have cloned the gene encoding a precursor of mistletoe (Viscum album) toxin MLIII. Analyses of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of this gene revealed significant differences between MLI and MLIII preprotoxin genes. Immunochemical properties of recombinant A-subunit expressed in Escherichia coli and renatured were investigated using a panel of monoclonal antibodies raised against three mistletoe toxins (MLI, MLII, and MLIII). Ribosome-inactivating activity of recombinant MLIII A-subunit was detected in cell-free lysate of rabbit reticulocytes.  相似文献   

北寄生凝集素的分离和性质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用酸处理Sepharose 6B亲和层析和Sephacryl S-200凝胶过滤,首次从中药北寄生中分得一种有毒凝集素,称为北寄生凝集素(Viscum coloratum lectin,VCL),是一种高毒性的植物毒蛋白,对小鼠静脉给药的LD50为4.4μg/kg,其粗提物也具有很强的毒性,对小鼠腹腔给药的LD50为0.2g/kg,分子量52 000,等电点10.5.  相似文献   

The galactoside-binding lectin from mistletoe (Viscum album L.) is a biological response modifier, eliciting e.g. enhanced secretion of cytokines. This immunological activity warrants the further analysis of its ligand-binding properties with special attention paid to blood group epitopes. To avoid the microheterogeneity and complexity of naturally occurring glycoproteins, chemically strictly defined neoglycoconjugates and a panel of synthetic oligosaccharides were employed in solid-phase assays for direct binding and assessment of the relative inhibitory capacity. Since label incorporation into the lectin, although performed under protective conditions, or surface immobilization by adsorption to plastic may affect its affinity characteristics, the extent of neoglycoconjugate binding in the absence of any interfering substance and in the presence of oligosaccharides was determined comparatively with labeled and with immobilized lectin. In principle, these two factors could be excluded to markedly alter binding features. In addition to lactose, the blood group determinants H and B were strongly reactive. A fucose residue can thus especially be accommodated to the binding site when linked to the non-reducing unit. N-Acetyllactosamine was nearly as potent as an inhibitor as lactose. Lec and the A determinant were notably inferior to the other ABH blood group epitopes. Lea and Lex and their sialylated derivatives displayed only very weak binding capacity. Among the two natural isomers of sialyllactose, the α2,6-form displayed a higher level of inhibitory capacity than the α2,3-derivative. Isomeric variants of the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen, too, reduced lectin binding to the lactose-carrying polymer. Their capacities were surpassed by those of the H and the B determinants and a related form of the latter, the P1 epitope. An overlap of specificity with the immunomodulatory human galectin-3 is thus measurable for H/B-like structures. The documented differential reactivity of the mistletoe lectin to blood group oligosaccharides may have a bearing on the responsiveness of blood group-positive cell populations. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mistletoe toxic lectins consist of two polypeptide chains: an enzymatically active A chain, which is a toxic component, and a disulfide-bonded B chain, which confers the lectin properties on the total molecule. Mistletoe leaves contain three toxic lectins encoded by three genes. The B chains of these lectins were overproduced in Escherichia coli in a soluble form. The recombinant proteins bound with asialofetuin, but had substantially lower affinity for simple sugars D-galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine as compared with the natural proteins. The functional properties of the B chains strongly depended on the storage conditions (salt concentration and the presence of galactose); the dependence was explained by structural instability of nonglycosylated recombinant proteins. The lectin activity of one of the recombinant B chains was close to that of the native protein, which was attributed to the lack of N-glycosylation sites in the latter.  相似文献   

In this study, a mistletoe lectin (ML) was purified from Chinese mistletoe and the effect of this 60 kDa Chinese ML on human γδ T cell cytotoxicity, apoptosis and modulation of the cytokine network was studied. The cytotoxic properties of δ T cells was evaluated by using a ~(51)Cr release test and employed fluorescence-activated cell sorting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis to quantify translocation of the cell membrane phospholipid, phosphatidylserine and nuclear DNA fragmentation during apoptosis. It was found that: (ⅰ) ML effectively stimulated γδ T cell proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner; (ⅱ) ML increased γδ T cell cytotoxicity; (ⅲ) ML could modulate lipopolysaccharide-induced cytokine release in a pro-inflammatory manner by increasing tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α release and inhibiting the release of anti-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-10; (ⅳ) ML induced apoptosis in caspase-dependent and CD95-independent manner. The results indicated that ML is a potent immunomodulator to human γδ T cell cytotoxicity, apoptosis and cytokine production.  相似文献   

Viscumin of mistletoe (Viscum album L.) has a concentration-dependent activity profile unique to plant AB-toxins. It starts with lectin-dependent mitogenicity and then covers toxicity and cell agglutination, associated with shifts in the monomer/dimer equilibrium. Each lectin subunit harbors two sections for ligand contact. In the dimer, the B-chain sites in subdomain 2 gamma (designated as the Tyr-sites) appear fully accessible, whereas Trp-sites in subdomain 1 alpha are close to the dimer interface. It is unclear whether both types of sites operate similarly in binding glycoligands in solution. By systematically covering a broad range of lactose/lectin ratio in isothermal titration calorimetry, we obtained evidence for two sites showing dissimilar binding affinity. Intriguingly, the site with higher affinity was only partially occupied. To assign the observed properties to the Trp/Tyr-sites, we next performed chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization measurements of Trp and Tyr accessibility. A Tyr signal, but not distinct Trp peaks, was recorded when testing the dimer. Lactose-quenchable Trp peaks became visible on the destabilization of the dimer by citraconylation, intimating Trp involvement in ligand contact in the monomer. Fittingly, Tyr acetylation but not mild Trp oxidation reduced the dimer hemagglutination activity and the extent of binding to asialofetuin-Sepharose 4B. Altogether, the results attribute lectin activity in the dimer primarily to Tyr-sites. Full access to Trp-sites is gained on dimer dissociation. Thus, the monomer/dimer equilibrium of viscumin regulates the operativity of these sites. Their structural divergence affords the possibility for differences in ligand selection when comparing monomers (Tyr- and Trp-sites) with dimers (primarily Tyr-sites).  相似文献   

Synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) is one of the important effector functions of innate immune cells. Although several reports have indicated mistletoe lectins induce immune cells to produce cytokines, studies regarding the activities of the lectins in the production of NO have been very limited. Here, we report on the induction of NO synthesis in a murine macrophage cell line, RAW264.7, by Korean mistletoe lectin (KML-IIU). When the macrophage cells were treated with KML-IIU in the presence of a suboptimal concentration of IFN-γ, NO production was induced in a concentration-dependent manner. Significantly higher levels of NO were induced by subchains of the KML-IIU (A and B), which have lower toxicities, as compared to the hololectin. Furthermore, expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene was elevated in accordance with the level of NO production. When the synthase was inhibited by iNOS inhibitors (L-NIL and L-NAME), NO production was specifically reduced in a concentration-dependent manner. Our studies demonstrate that the KML-IIU and its subchains induce NO production in murine macrophage cells via activation of the iNOS gene expression, suggesting that the KML-IIU subchains may be used as an immunomodulator to enhance the effector functions of innate immune cells.  相似文献   

The biological activity of a lectin is influenced by its quaternary structure. Viscumin is special among the family members of toxic AB-type plant lectins, because it triggers mitogenicity, toxicity, and agglutination. Its activity profile is dependent on the concentration, motivating a thorough inspection of the status of quaternary structure. Over a broad range of protein concentrations (0.01-25 mg/mL), viscumin occurs as a dimer. At high concentrations, the solutions exhibited nonideality, self-association, and polydispersity in sedimentation equilibrium and velocity experiments caused by irreversible aggregation. Calculation of viscumin's overall shape based on sedimentation velocity data resulted in an elongated dimer form resembling that of crystallized agglutinin. Appearance of monomers was restricted to concentrations in the submicrogram/mL level, as demonstrated by fast protein liquid chromatography gel-filtration analysis. To shift the equilibrium to the monomer for comparative cell biological assays, we performed chemical modification under conditions protecting the lectin activity. Citraconylation was effective to destabilize the dimer. Binding studies by fluorescence-activated cell scan analysis revealed a reduction in cell association upon modification and a tendency for increased sensitivity towards haptenic inhibitors at microg/mL concentrations. Nonetheless, growth inhibition continued to be potent for the ricin-like monomer despite reduced extent of binding. Occurrence of a concentration-dependent monomer/dimer equilibrium appears to achieve the same objectives as the development of two separate protein entities in Ricinus communis, an alternative strategy to emergence of a monomeric toxin, and cell cross-linking dimeric agglutinin.  相似文献   

The behaviour ofN-acetyllactosamine-type oligosaccharides and glycopeptides on a column of mistletoe lectin I (MLI) immobilized on Sepharose 4B was examined. The immobilized lectin does not show any affinity for asialo-N-glycosylpeptides and related oligosaccharides, which possess one to four unmaskedN-acetyllactosamine sequences. However, substitution of at least one of theN-acetyllactosamine sequences by sialic acid residues, either at O-3 or O-6 of galactose, slightly enhances the affinity of the lectin. Such sialylatedN-glycosylpeptides or oligosaccharides are eluted from the lectin column by the starting buffer as retarded fractions. Surprisingly, the affinity of the immobilized MLI is higher for P1 antigen-containing glycopeptide isolated from turtle-dove ovomucoid and for glycopeptides from bovine thyroglobulin containing terminal non-reducing Gal1–3Gal sequences. These structures are strongly bound on the lectin column and their elution is obtained with 0.15M galactose in the starting buffer.In memory of Hartmut Franz.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the A chain of mistletoe lectin III (ML3A), a type II ribosome-inactivating protein, was determined using proteolytic digests of ML3A, HPLC separation of the peptides, Edman degration and MALDI-MS. Based on our results, ML3A consists of 254 amino acid residues, showing a high homology to the A chain of isolectin ML1 with only 24 amino acid residue exchanges. A striking important structural difference compared with ML1A is the lack of the single N-glycosylation site in ML3A due to an amino acid exchange at position 112 (ML1A: NL112GS ==> ML3A: T112GS). The alignment of ML3A with the A chains of ML1, isoabrins, ricin D, Ricinus communis agglutinin and three lectins, identified from the Korean mistletoe Viscum album ssp. coloratum, demonstrates the rigid conservation of all amino acid residues, responsible for the RNA-N-glycosidase activity as reported for ricin D. In addition, the fully determined primary structure of ML3A will give further information about the biological mechanism of mistletoe lectin therapy.  相似文献   

Mistletoe lectin I (MLI) is the major active constituent of mistletoe extracts, which are widely used for adjuvant tumour therapy. The 66-kDa heterodimeric disulphide-linked glycoprotein is classified as type II ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) due to the rRNA-cleaving enzyme activity of the A-subunit, also referred to as toxic entity. MLI and the close relative ricin both belong to the family of the two-chain plant type II RIP proteins. Isolation of the glycosylated proteins from plant material yield inhomogeneous material probably due to post-translational modifications. The aim of this study was to prepare pure and homogeneous protein as a prerequisite for structural and mechanistic studies in order to gain insight into the mode of action of this cytotoxic plant protein on tumour and immune cells. Of particular interest was to explain whether the differences in toxicity of ML and ricin are the result of variations of their enzymatic activities. By investigating the sequence homologies between the active sites of different RIPs we were able to deduce a set of primers which were suitable for specific amplification of the mistletoe lectin gene. Applying this PCR strategy the full-length 1923 nucleotide DNA sequence coding for the prepro-protein was obtained showing the existence of a single intron-free gene. In order to elucidate the molecular basis for the observed differences in cytotoxicity within the family of RIP the enzymatic A-subunit was expressed in a heterologous system. Expression of the A-chain in E. coli BL21/pT7 resulted in production of insoluble inclusion bodies constituting 20-30% of total protein. Refolding led to a pure and homogeneous protein species with an apparent molecular mass of 27 kDa and a pI value of 6.4. The ribosome-inactivating activity of the unglycosylated recombinant A-chain (IC50 20.5 pM) protein was in the same range as that of the glycosylated plant-derived ML A-chain (IC50 3.7 pM), which was very similar to that of ricin A-chain (IC50 4.9 pM). Thus, the higher cytotoxicity of ricin cannot be accountable for differences in the enzymatic activities of the type II RIP A-chains.  相似文献   

吴芬芳  马宁  陈立勇  苏鹏  李庆伟 《遗传》2012,34(4):87-93
七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)和盲鳗(Hyperotreti)作为现存的无颌类脊椎动物的代表,其适应性免疫系统中的受体分子与哺乳动物的抗原受体分子不同,这种独特的受体分子称为可变淋巴细胞受体VLRs(Variable lym-phocyte receptors)。目前VLRs分为3类,分别是VLRA、VLRB、VLRC,而VLRB由七鳃鳗类B淋巴细胞产生,是其体液免疫中主要成分,与IgM结构和功能类似。文章对日本七鳃鳗VLRB基因保守的C末端进行克隆、原核表达和重组蛋白纯化后,免疫Balb/c小鼠,通过细胞融合及间接酶联免疫吸附实验(Enzyme-linked immu-nosorbent assay,ELISA)筛选技术得到针对VLRB保守区的单克隆抗体细胞株。将杂交瘤细胞接种小鼠腹腔得到大量的单抗腹水,经Protein G亲和纯化后的单抗进行ELISA与Western blotting检测。经ELISA检测抗体效价为1:40000。Western blotting结果显示该单克隆抗体能够特异的检测重组VLRB蛋白及七鳃鳗血清中分泌型VLRB。流式细胞实验证明该单抗能特异识别七鳃鳗类淋巴细胞表面表达的膜型VLRB。VLRB单克隆抗体的成功制备和建株,为研究日本七鳃鳗基于VLR的适应性免疫系统提供了重要的工具。  相似文献   

The lactose-binding lectin from Bothrops jararacussu venom (BJcuL) is a homodimer belonging to group VII of the c-type animal lectins. BJcuL has also been shown to serve as an interesting tool for combating tumor progression by inhibiting cancer and endothelial cell growth. However, detailed structural studies of BJcuL and its biological mechanisms of cytotoxicity are yet to be reported, perhaps because of the non-availability of recombinant proteins in necessary quantities. Intending to increase the present information about structural and consequently the understating of biological studies, the cDNA coding for BJcuL from a venom gland has been cloned and sequenced. The mature protein-coding region was amplified by PCR with specific oligonucleotides, and subcloned into the pET-15b vector to express the recombinant BJcuL in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The deduced amino acid sequence exhibits a high degree of sequence identity with c-type lectins (CTLs) and c-type lectin-like domains (CTLDs). An insoluble and inactive 18.5-kDa protein was overexpressed after 1.0mM IPTG induction. The recombinant BJcuL was recovered and denatured in a buffer with 6M urea and purified on a nickel-affinity column. Protein refolding was carried out on this column, during procedure purification, followed by dialysis against CTBS and then by gel filtration for separation of the active dimmer. The refolding process of rBJcuL and the analysis of its structure were confirmed by biological assay, circular dichroism, and MALDI-TOF.  相似文献   

Mistletoe lignin was a typical angiosperm one based on the spectral (UV, IR, 13C-NMR) and functional group analyses, and on degradation products (nitrobenzene oxidation and acidolysis), the analytical results of which were compared with those of the host lignin. l-Phenylalanine-[U-14C] was efficiently incorporated into mistletoe lignin. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and cinnamate-4-hydroxylase were detected by incubation of the tissue slices under illumination. It was also found that O-methyltransferase activity of the crude homogenate catalysed the methylation of 5-hydroxyferulic but not the methylation of caffeic acid. However, the latter methylation activity could be recovered by purification. These results indicate that mistletoe lignin is synthesized independently from that of its host.  相似文献   

Lei Zhang  Shen Luo 《MABS-AUSTIN》2016,8(3):524-535
Glycans or carbohydrates attached to therapeutic glycoproteins can directly affect product quality, safety and efficacy, and therefore must be adequately analyzed and controlled throughout product life cycles. However, the complexity of protein glycosylation poses a daunting analytical challenge. In this study, we evaluated the utility of a lectin microarray for assessing protein glycans. Using commercial lectin chips, which contain 45 lectins toward distinct glycan structures, we were able to determine the lectin binding patterns of a panel of 15 therapeutic proteins, including 8 monoclonal antibodies. Lectin binding signals were analyzed to generate glycan profiles that were generally consistent with the known glycan patterns for these glycoproteins. In particular, the lectin-based microarray was found to be highly sensitive to variations in the terminal carbohydrate structures such as galactose versus sialic acid epitopes. These data suggest that lectin microarray could be used for screening glycan patterns of therapeutic glycoproteins.  相似文献   

A new mannose/glucose‐specific lectin, named DigL, was purified from seeds of Dialium guineense by a single step using a Sepharose 4b‐Mannose affinity chromatography column. DigL strongly agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes and was inhibited by d ‐mannose, d ‐glucose, and derived sugars, especially α‐methyl‐d ‐mannopyranoside and N‐acetyl‐d ‐glucosamine. DigL has been shown to be a stable protein, maintaining its hemagglutinating activity after incubation at a wide range of temperature and pH values and after incubation with EDTA. DigL is a glycoprotein composite by approximately 2.9% of carbohydrates by weight. By sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis, the purified DigL exhibited an electrophoretic profile consisting of a broad band of 28–30 kDa. Analysis using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry indicated that purified DigL possesses a molecular average mass of 28 452 ± 2 Da and shows the presence of possible glycoforms. In addition, DigL exhibited an intermediary toxic effect on Artemia sp. nauplii, and this effect was both dependent on native structure and mediated by a carbohydrate‐binding site. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An in vitro assay was developed to study the recognition mechanism for attachment of Leishmania flagella to sand fly midgut epithelium. Frozen sections of sand fly guts were incubated with Hagella preparations, and probed with a flagella-specific monoclonal antibody. Tissue-specific adhesion of flagella to midgut epithelium was demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence. None of the 13 sugars, screened to test for possible lectin-mediation, appeared to significantly inhibit the adhesion of flagella to gut sections. Similarly no inhibition was achieved by incubating flagella with pep 63 which inhibits the promastigote-macrophage recognition mechanism. Significant inhibition was attained by incubating flagella preparations with a monoclonal antibody which binds to a flagellar membrane-component. The possible relevance of the described mechanism for the biology of Leishmania in their sand fly hosts, is discussed.  相似文献   

In the acorn barnacle Megabalanus rosa, two types of galactose-binding C-type lectins (BRA-2 and BRA-3) have been identified. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of BRA-2 cDNA and genomic clones. In contrast to the BRA-3 gene, which consists of four exons, BRA-2 is encoded by a single exon, implying differences in the physiological roles of the two lectins.  相似文献   

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