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It is indispensable for cells to adapt and respond to environmental stresses, in order for organisms to survive. Stress granules (SGs) are condensed membrane‐less organelles dynamically formed in the cytoplasm of eukaryotes cells to cope with diverse intracellular or extracellular stress factors, with features of liquid‐liquid phase separation. They are composed of multiple constituents, including translationally stalled mRNAs, translation initiation factors, RNA‐binding proteins and also non‐RNA‐binding proteins. SG formation is triggered by stress stimuli, viral infection and signal transduction, while aberrant assembly of SGs may contribute to tissue degenerative diseases. Recently, a growing body of evidence has emerged on SG response mechanisms for cells facing high temperatures, oxidative stress and osmotic stress. In this review, we aim to summarize factors affecting SGs assembly, present the impact of SGs on germ cell development and other biological processes. We particularly emphasize the significance of recently reported RNA modifications in SG stress responses. In parallel, we also review all current perspectives on the roles of SGs in male germ cells, with a particular focus on the dynamics of SG assembly.  相似文献   

Different types of NPs (nanoparticles) are currently under development for diagnostic and therapeutic applications in the biomedical field, yet our knowledge about their possible effects and fate in living cells is still limited. In the present study, we examined the cellular response of human brain-derived endothelial cells to NPs of different size and structure: uncoated and oleic acid-coated iron oxide NPs (8-9 nm core), fluorescent 25 and 50 nm silica NPs, TiO2 NPs (21 nm mean core diameter) and PLGA [poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)]-PEO [poly(ethylene oxide)] polymeric NPs (150 nm). We evaluated their uptake by the cells, and their localization, generation of oxidative stress and DNA-damaging effects in exposed cells. We show that NPs are internalized by human brain-derived endothelial cells; however, the extent of their intracellular uptake is dependent on the characteristics of the NPs. After their uptake by human brain-derived endothelial cells NPs are transported into the lysosomes of these cells, where they enhance the activation of lysosomal proteases. In brain-derived endothelial cells, NPs induce the production of an oxidative stress after exposure to iron oxide and TiO2 NPs, which is correlated with an increase in DNA strand breaks and defensive mechanisms that ultimately induce an autophagy process in the cells.  相似文献   

Stress granules (SGs) are cytoplasmic aggregates of RNA and proteins in eukaryotic cells that are rapidly induced in response to environmental stress, but are not seen in cells growing under favorable conditions. SGs have been primarily studied in mammalian cells. The existence of SGs in the fission yeast and the distantly related budding yeast was demonstrated only recently. In both species, they contain many orthologs of the proteins seen in mammalian SGs. In this study, we have characterized these proteins and determined their involvement in the assembly of fission yeast SGs, in particular, the homolog of human G3BP proteins. G3BP interacts with the deubiquitinating protease USP10 and plays an important role in the assembly of SGs. We have also identified Ubp3, an ortholog of USP10, as an interaction partner of the fission yeast G3BP-like protein Nxt3 and required for its stability. Under thermal stress, like their human orthologs, both Nxt3 and Ubp3 rapidly relocalize to cytoplasmic foci that contain the SG marker poly(A)-binding protein Pabp. However, in contrast to G3BP1 and USP10, neither deletion nor overexpression of nxt3(+) or ubp3(+) affected the assembly of fission yeast SGs as judged by the relocalization of Pabp. Similar results were observed in mutants defective in orthologs of SG components that are known to affect SG assembly in human and in budding yeast, such as ataxia-2 and TIA-like proteins. Together, our data indicate that despite similar protein compositions, the underlying molecular mechanisms for the assembly of SGs could be distinct between species.  相似文献   

Autophagy is emerging as a critical response of normal and cancer cells to environmental changes and plays an important role in cell metabolism and maintenance of damaged organelles. Transmembrane prostate androgen-induced protein (TMEPAI) is a pro-tumorigenic factor with high expression in tumor cells. In this study, we showed that depletion of TMEPAI leads to lysosomal labilization and inhibits autophagy. Further study showed that the inhibition of autophagy induced by the depletion of TMEPAI is involved in regulation of Beclin-1. Depletion of TMEPAI increases the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs. Our study reveals the role of TMEPAI in promoting lysosome stability and autophagy, which might be used as a target for cancer chemotherapeutic treatment.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a membrane-trafficking process that delivers cytoplasmic constituents to lysosomes for degradation. It contributes to energy and organelle homeostasis and the preservation of proteome and genome integrity. Although a role in cancer is unquestionable, there are conflicting reports that autophagy can be both oncogenic and tumor suppressive, perhaps indicating that autophagy has different roles at different stages of tumor development. In this report, we address the role of autophagy in a critical stage of cancer progression—tumor cell invasion. Using a glioma cell line containing an inducible shRNA that targets the essential autophagy gene Atg12, we show that autophagy inhibition does not affect cell viability, proliferation or migration but significantly reduces cellular invasion in a 3D organotypic model. These data indicate that autophagy may play a critical role in the benign to malignant transition that is also central to the initiation of metastasis.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a membrane-trafficking process that delivers cytoplasmic constituents to lysosomes for degradation. It contributes to energy and organelle homeostasis and the preservation of proteome and genome integrity. Although a role in cancer is unquestionable, there are conflicting reports that autophagy can be both oncogenic and tumor suppressive, perhaps indicating that autophagy has different roles at different stages of tumor development. In this report, we address the role of autophagy in a critical stage of cancer progression—tumor cell invasion. Using a glioma cell line containing an inducible shRNA that targets the essential autophagy gene Atg12, we show that autophagy inhibition does not affect cell viability, proliferation or migration but significantly reduces cellular invasion in a 3D organotypic model. These data indicate that autophagy may play a critical role in the benign to malignant transition that is also central to the initiation of metastasis.  相似文献   

Stress granules (SG) are cytoplasmic aggregates of stalled translation preinitiation complexes that form in cells exposed to various environmental stresses. Here, we show that stress granules assemble in cells infected with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) mutants carrying alterations in the leader (L) protein, but not in cells infected with wild-type TMEV. Stress granules also formed in STAT1-deficient cells, suggesting that SG formation was not a consequence of increased type I interferon (IFN) production when cells were infected with the mutant virus. Ectopic expression of the wild-type L protein was sufficient to inhibit stress granule formation induced by sodium arsenite or thapsigargin treatment. In conclusion, TMEV infection induces stress granule assembly, but this process is inhibited by the L protein. Unlike poliovirus-induced stress granules, TMEV-induced stress granules did not contain the nuclear protein Sam68 but contained polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB), an internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-interacting protein. Moreover, G3BP was not degraded and was found in SG after TMEV infection, suggesting that SG content could be virus specific. Despite the colocalization of PTB with SG and the known interaction of PTB with viral RNA, in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence assays failed to detect viral RNA trapped in infection-induced SG. Recombinant Theiler's viruses expressing the L protein of Saffold virus 2 (SAFV-2), a closely related human theilovirus, or the L protein of mengovirus, an encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) strain, also inhibited infection-induced stress granule assembly, suggesting that stress granule antagonism is a common feature of cardiovirus L proteins.  相似文献   

Dysfunctional macroautophagy/autophagy has been causatively linked to aging and the pathogenesis of many diseases, which are also broadly characterized by dysregulated cellular redox. As the autophagy-related (ATG) conjugation systems that mediate autophagosome maturation are cysteine dependent, their oxidation may account for loss in this catabolic process under conditions of oxidative stress. During active autophagy, LC3 is transferred from the catalytic thiol of ATG7 to the active site thiol of ATG3, where it is conjugated to phosphatidylethanolamine. In our recent study, we show LC3 is bound to the catalytic thiols of inactive ATG3 and ATG7 through a stable thioester, which becomes transient upon autophagy stimulation. Transient interaction with LC3 exposes the catalytic thiols on ATG3 and ATG7, which under pro-oxidizing conditions undergo inhibitory oxidation. This process was found to be upregulated in aged mouse tissue and therefore may account, at least in part, for impaired autophagy observed during aging.  相似文献   

Mutations in valosin-containing protein (VCP) cause inclusion body myopathy (IBM), Paget''s disease of the bone, and frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD). Patient muscle has degenerating fibers, rimmed vacuoles (RVs), and sarcoplasmic inclusions containing ubiquitin and TDP-43 (TARDNA-binding protein 43). In this study, we find that IBMPFD muscle also accumulates autophagosome-associated proteins, Map1-LC3 (LC3), and p62/sequestosome, which localize to RVs. To test whether VCP participates in autophagy, we silenced VCP or expressed adenosine triphosphatase–inactive VCP. Under basal conditions, loss of VCP activity results in autophagosome accumulation. After autophagic induction, these autophagosomes fail to mature into autolysosomes and degrade LC3. Similarly, IBMPFD mutant VCP expression in cells and animals leads to the accumulation of nondegradative autophagosomes that coalesce at RVs and fail to degrade aggregated proteins. Interestingly, TDP-43 accumulates in the cytosol upon autophagic inhibition, similar to that seen after IBMPFD mutant expression. These data implicate VCP in autophagy and suggest that impaired autophagy explains the pathology seen in IBMPFD muscle, including TDP-43 accumulation.  相似文献   

P bodies promote stress granule assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent results indicate that nontranslating mRNAs in eukaryotic cells exist in distinct biochemical states that accumulate in P bodies and stress granules, although the nature of interactions between these particles is unknown. We demonstrate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that RNA granules with similar protein composition and assembly mechanisms as mammalian stress granules form during glucose deprivation. Stress granule assembly is dependent on P-body formation, whereas P-body assembly is independent of stress granule formation. This suggests that stress granules primarily form from mRNPs in preexisting P bodies, which is also supported by the kinetics of P-body and stress granule formation both in yeast and mammalian cells. These observations argue that P bodies are important sites for decisions of mRNA fate and that stress granules, at least in yeast, primarily represent pools of mRNAs stalled in the process of reentry into translation from P bodies.  相似文献   

We previously reported that inhibition of endosomal/lysosomal function can dramatically enhance human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infectivity, suggesting that under these conditions productive HIV-1 infection can occur via the endocytic pathway. Here we further examined this effect with bafilomycin A1 (BFLA-1) and show that this enhancement of infectivity extends to all HIV-1 isolates tested regardless of coreceptor usage. However, isolate-specific differences were observed in the magnitude of the effect. This was particularly evident in the case of the weakly infectious HIV-1(SF2), for which we observed the greatest enhancement. Using reciprocal chimeric viruses, we were able to determine that both the disproportionate increase in the infectivity of HIV-1(SF2) in response to BFLA-1 and its weak infectivity in the absence of BFLA-1 mapped to its envelope gene. Further, we found HIV-1(SF2) to have lower fusion activity and to be 12-fold more sensitive to the fusion inhibitor T-20 than HIV-1(NL4-3). Proteasomal inhibitors also enhance HIV-1 infectivity, and we report that the combination of a lysosomal and a proteasomal inhibitor greatly enhanced infectivity of all isolates tested. Again, HIV-1(SF2) was unique in exhibiting a synergistic 400-fold increase in infectivity. We also determined that inhibition of proteasomal function increased the infectivity of HIV-1 pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus G protein. The evidence presented here highlights the important role of the lysosomes/proteasomes in the destruction of infectious HIV-1(SF2) and could have implications for the development of novel antiviral agents that might take advantage of these innate defenses.  相似文献   

The inhibition of the ubiquitin-dependent proteasome system (UPS) via specific drugs is one type of approach used to combat cancer. Although it has been suggested that UPS inhibition prevents the rapid decay of AU-rich element (ARE)-containing messages, very little is known about the cellular mechanisms leading to this effect. Here we establish a link between the inhibition of UPS activity, the formation of cytoplasmic stress granules (SGs), and mRNA metabolism. The assembly of the SGs requires the phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF2alpha by a mechanism involving the stress kinase GCN2. On prolonged UPS inhibition and despite the maintenance of eIF2alpha phosphorylation, SGs disassemble and translation recovers in an Hsp72 protein-dependent manner. The formation of these SGs coincides with the disassembly of processing bodies (PBs), known as mRNA decay entities. As soon as the SGs assemble, they recruit ARE-containing messages such as p21(cip1) mRNA, which are stabilized under these conditions. Hence, our findings suggest that SGs could be considered as one of the players that mediate the early response of the cell to proteasome inhibitors by interfering temporarily with mRNA decay pathways.  相似文献   

In LAMP-2-deficient mice autophagic vacuoles accumulate in many tissues, including liver, pancreas, muscle, and heart. Here we extend the phenotype analysis using cultured hepatocytes. In LAMP-2-deficient hepatocytes the half-life of both early and late autophagic vacuoles was prolonged as evaluated by quantitative electron microscopy. However, an endocytic tracer reached the autophagic vacuoles, indicating delivery of endo/lysosomal constituents to autophagic vacuoles. Enzyme activity measurements showed that the trafficking of some lysosomal enzymes to lysosomes was impaired. Immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled cathepsin D indicated reduced intracellular retention and processing in the knockout cells. The steady-state level of 300-kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptor was slightly lower in LAMP-2-deficient hepatocytes, whereas that of 46-kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptor was decreased to 30% of controls due to a shorter half-life. Less receptor was found in the Golgi region and in vesicles and tubules surrounding multivesicular endosomes, suggesting impaired recycling from endosomes to the Golgi. More receptor was found in autophagic vacuoles, which may explain its shorter half-life. Our data indicate that in hepatocytes LAMP-2 deficiency either directly or indirectly leads to impaired recycling of 46-kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptors and partial mistargeting of a subset of lysosomal enzymes. Autophagic vacuoles may accumulate due to impaired capacity for lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   



Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-linked fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma (FUS/TLS or FUS) is concentrated within cytoplasmic stress granules under conditions of induced stress. Since only the mutants, but not the endogenous wild-type FUS, are associated with stress granules under most of the stress conditions reported to date, the relationship between FUS and stress granules represents a mutant-specific phenotype and thus may be of significance in mutant-induced pathogenesis. While the association of mutant-FUS with stress granules is well established, the effect of the mutant protein on stress granules has not been examined. Here we investigated the effect of mutant-FUS on stress granule formation and dynamics under conditions of oxidative stress.


We found that expression of mutant-FUS delays the assembly of stress granules. However, once stress granules containing mutant-FUS are formed, they are more dynamic, larger and more abundant compared to stress granules lacking FUS. Once stress is removed, stress granules disassemble more rapidly in cells expressing mutant-FUS. These effects directly correlate with the degree of mutant-FUS cytoplasmic localization, which is induced by mutations in the nuclear localization signal of the protein. We also determine that the RGG domains within FUS play a key role in its association to stress granules. While there has been speculation that arginine methylation within these RGG domains modulates the incorporation of FUS into stress granules, our results demonstrate that this post-translational modification is not involved.


Our results indicate that mutant-FUS alters the dynamic properties of stress granules, which is consistent with a gain-of-toxic mechanism for mutant-FUS in stress granule assembly and cellular stress response.

Pesticides entering our body, either directly or indirectly, are known to increase the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders. The pesticide-induced animal models of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease recapitulates many of the pathologies seen in human patients and have become popular models for studying disease biology. However, the specific effect of pesticides at the cellular and molecular levels is yet to be fully established. Here we investigated the cellular effect of three commonly used pesticides: DEET, fipronil and maneb. Specifically, we looked at the effect of these pesticides in the formation of stress granules and the concomitant translational arrest in a neuronal cell line. Stress granules represent an ensemble of non-translating mRNAs and appear in cells under physiological stress. Growing evidence indicates that chronic stress may covert the transient stress granules into amyloids and may thus induce neurodegeneration. We demonstrate here that all three pesticides tested induce stress granules and translation arrest through the inactivation of the eukaryotic initiation factor, eIF2α. We also show that oxidative stress could be one of the major intermediary factors in the pesticide-induced stress granule formation and that it is a reversible process. Our results suggest that prolonged pesticide exposure may result in long-lived stress granules, thus compromising the neuronal stress response pathway and leading to neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Comment on: Peña-Llopis S, et al. EMBO J 2011; 30:3242-58.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells form dynamic cytoplasmic mRNA stress granules (SGs) in response to environmental stresses including viral infections. SGs are involved in regulating host mRNA function and metabolism, although their precise role during viral infection is unknown. SGs are thought to assemble based on functions of the RNA-binding proteins TIA-1/TIAR or Ras-GAP SH3 domain-binding protein (G3BP). Here, we investigated the relationship between a prototypical plus-strand RNA virus and SGs. Early during poliovirus infection, SG formation is induced, but as infection proceeds this ability is lost, and SGs disperse. Infection resulted in cleavage of G3BP, but not TIA-1 or TIAR, by poliovirus 3C proteinase. Expression of a cleavage-resistant G3BP restored SG formation during poliovirus infection and significantly inhibited virus replication. These results elucidate a mechanism for viral interference with mRNP metabolism and gene regulation and support a critical role of G3BP in SG formation and restriction of virus replication.  相似文献   

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