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《Endocrine practice》2018,24(1):40-46
Objective: To determine whether participation in a multidisciplinary telementorship model of healthcare delivery improves primary care provider (PCP) and community health worker (CHW) confidence in managing patients with complex diabetes in medically underserved regions.Methods: We applied a well-established healthcare delivery model, Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), to the management of complex diabetes (Endo ECHO) in medically underserved communities. A multidisciplinary team at Project ECHO connected with PCPs and CHWs at 10 health centers across New Mexico for weekly videoconferencing virtual clinics. Participating PCPs and CHWs presented de-identified patients and received best practice guidance and mentor-ship from Project ECHO specialists and network peers. A robust curriculum was developed around clinical practice guidelines and presented by weekly didactics over the ECHO network. After 2 years of participation in Endo ECHO, PCPs and CHWs completed self-efficacy surveys comparing confidence in complex diabetes management to baseline.Results: PCPs and CHWs in rural New Mexico reported significant improvement in self-efficacy in all measures of complex diabetes management, including PCP ability to serve as a local resource for other healthcare providers seeking assistance in diabetes care. Overall self-efficacy improved by 130% in CHWs (P<.0001) and by 60% in PCPs (P<.0001), with an overall large Cohen's effect size.Conclusion: Among PCPs and CHWS in rural, medically underserved communities, participation in Endo ECHO for 2 years significantly improved confidence in complex diabetes management. Application of the ECHO model to complex diabetes care may be useful in resource-poor communities with limited access to diabetes specialist services.Abbreviations: CHW = community health worker; CME = Continuing Medical Education; ECHO = Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes; FQHC = federally qualified health center; PCP = primary care provider  相似文献   



To assess the impact of mental health visits (MHV) on the cost of care for Veterans with diabetes and comorbid mental health conditions.


A national cohort of 120,852 Veterans with diabetes and at least one mental health diagnosis (i.e., substance abuse, depression or psychoses) in 2002 was followed through 2006. Outcomes were pharmacy, inpatient and outpatient costs in 2012 dollars.


Least-square covariate adjusted estimates from the joint model of total VA costs of the number of MHV using December 31, 2012 value dollars indicate that relative to those with fewer MHV, those with 3+ MHV had the lowest mean inpatient cost ($21,406), but the highest mean outpatient and pharmacy cost ($9,727 and $2,015, respectively). If all Veterans who received zero MHV actually received 3+ MHV, we estimate through simulated scenarios that between $32,272,329 and $181,460,247 in inpatient costs would be saved. However, these savings would be offset by additional expenditures of between $1,166,017,547 and $1,166,224,787 in outpatient costs and between $151,604,683 and $161,439,632 in pharmacy costs.


Among Veterans with diabetes and comorbid mental disorders having three or more mental health visits is associated with marginally decreased inpatient cost, but these potential savings seem to be offset by increased outpatient and pharmacy costs.  相似文献   



Mobile health applications are complex interventions that essentially require changes to the behavior of health care professionals who will use them and changes to systems or processes in delivery of care. Our aim has been to meet the technical needs of Health Extension Workers (HEWs) and midwives for maternal health using appropriate mobile technologies tools.


We have developed and evaluated a set of appropriate smartphone health applications using open source components, including a local language adapted data collection tool, health worker and manager user-friendly dashboard analytics and maternal-newborn protocols. This is an eighteen month follow-up of an ongoing observational research study in the northern of Ethiopia involving two districts, twenty HEWs, and twelve midwives.


Most health workers rapidly learned how to use and became comfortable with the touch screen devices so only limited technical support was needed. Unrestricted use of smartphones generated a strong sense of ownership and empowerment among the health workers. Ownership of the phones was a strong motivator for the health workers, who recognised the value and usefulness of the devices, so took care to look after them. A low level of smartphones breakage (8.3%,3 from 36) and loss (2.7%) were reported. Each health worker made an average of 160 mins of voice calls and downloaded 27Mb of data per month, however, we found very low usage of short message service (less than 3 per month).


Although it is too early to show a direct link between mobile technologies and health outcomes, mobile technologies allow health managers to more quickly and reliably have access to data which can help identify where there issues in the service delivery. Achieving a strong sense of ownership and empowerment among health workers is a prerequisite for a successful introduction of any mobile health program.  相似文献   



Although the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Oman is high and rising, information on how people were self-managing their disease has been lacking. The objective of this study was therefore to assess diabetes self-management and education (DSME) among people living with type 2 diabetes in Oman.


A questionnaire survey was conducted in public primary health care centres in Muscat. Diabetes self-management and education was assessed by asking how patients recognized and responded to hypo- and hyperglycaemia, and if they had developed strategies to maintain stable blood glucose levels. Patients'' demographic information, self-treatment behaviours, awareness of potential long-term complications, and attitudes concerning diabetes management were also recorded. Associations between these factors and diabetes self-management and education were analysed.


In total, 309 patients were surveyed. A quarter (26%, n = 83) were unaware how to recognize hypoglycaemia or respond to it (26%, n = 81). Around half (49%, n = 151), could not recognize hyperglycaemia and more than half could not respond to it (60%, n = 184). Twelve percent (n = 37) of the patients did not have any strategies to stabilize their blood glucose levels. Patients with formal education generally had more diabetes self-management and education than those without (p<0.001), as had patients with longer durations of diabetes (p<0.01). Self-monitoring of blood glucose was practiced by 38% (n = 117) of the patients, and insulin was used by 22% (n = 67), of which about one third independently adjusted dosages. Patients were most often aware of complications concerning loss of vision, renal failure and cardiac problems. Many patients desired further health education.


Many patients displayed dangerous diabetes self-management and education knowledge gaps. The findings suggest a need for improving knowledge transfer to people living with diabetes in the Omani clinical setting.  相似文献   



To examine the process and outcomes of care of COPD patients by Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) and primary care physicians.


We conducted a cross sectional retrospective cohort study of Medicare beneficiaries with COPD who had at least one hospitalization in 2010. We examined the process measures of receipt of spirometry evaluation, influenza and pneumococcal vaccine, use of COPD medications, and referral to a pulmonary specialist visit. Outcome measures were emergency department (ER) visit, number of hospitalizations and 30-day readmission in 2010.


A total of 7,257 Medicare beneficiaries with COPD were included. Of these, 1,999 and 5,258 received primary care from APPs and primary care physicians, respectively. Patients in the APP group were more likely to be white, younger, male, residing in non-metropolitan areas and have fewer comorbidities. In terms of process of care measures, APPs were more likely to prescribe short acting bronchodilators (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.18, 95%Confidence Interval [CI] 1.05–1.32), oxygen therapy (aOR = 1.25, 95% CI 1.12–1.40) and consult a pulmonary specialist (aOR = 1.39, 95% CI 1.23–1.56), but less likely to give influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations. Patients receiving care from APPs had lower rates of ER visits for COPD (aOR = 0.84, 95%CI 0.71–0.98) and had a higher follow-up rate with pulmonary specialist within 30 days of hospitalization for COPD (aOR = 1.25, 95%CI 1.07–1.48) than those cared for by physicians.


Compared to patients cared for by physicians, patients cared for by APPs were more likely to receive short acting bronchodilator, oxygen therapy and been referred to pulmonologist, however they had lower rates of vaccination probably due to lower age group. Patients cared for by APPs were less like to visit an ER for COPD compared to patients care for by physicians, conversely there was no differences in hospitalization or readmission for COPD between MDs and APPs.  相似文献   



To examine variations in the quality and cost of care provided to patients with diabetes mellitus by Community Health Centers (CHCs) compared to other primary care settings.

Research Design and Methods

We used data from the 2005–2008 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (N = 2,108). We used two dependent variables: quality of care and ambulatory care expenditures. Our primary independent variable was whether the respondent received care in a Community Health Centers (CHCs) or not. We estimated logistic regression models to determine the probability of quality of care, and used generalized linear models with log link and gamma distribution to predict expenditures for CHC users compared to non-users of CHCs, conditional on patients with positive expenditures.


Results showed that variations of quality between CHC users and non-CHC users were not statistically significant. Patients with diabetes mellitus who used CHCs saved payers and individuals approximately $1,656 in ambulatory care costs compared to non-users of CHCs.


These findings suggest an opportunity for policymakers to control costs for diabetes mellitus patients without having a negative impact on quality of care.  相似文献   



Volunteer community health workers (CHWs) form an important element of many health systems, and in Kenya these volunteers are the foundation for promoting behavior change through health education, earlier case identification, and timely referral to trained health care providers. This study examines the effectiveness of a community health worker project conducted in rural Kenya that sought to promote improved knowledge of maternal newborn health and to increase deliveries under skilled attendance.


The study utilized a quasi-experimental nonequivalent design that examined relevant demographic items and knowledge about maternal and newborn health combined with a comprehensive retrospective birth history of women’s children using oral interviews of women who were exposed to health messages delivered by CHWs and those who were not exposed. The project trained CHWs in three geographically distinct areas.


Mean knowledge scores were higher in those women who reported being exposed to the health messages from CHWs, Eburru 32.3 versus 29.2, Kinale 21.8 vs 20.7, Nyakio 26.6 vs 23.8. The number of women delivering under skilled attendance was higher for those mothers who reported exposure to one or more health messages, compared to those who did not. The percentage of facility deliveries for women exposed to health messages by CHWs versus non-exposed was: Eburru 46% versus 19%; Kinale 94% versus 73%: and Nyakio 80% versus 78%.


The delivery of health messages by CHWs increased knowledge of maternal and newborn care among women in the local community and encouraged deliveries under skilled attendance.  相似文献   

目的:调查社区中糖尿病足高危人群在糖尿病患者中的比例以及糖尿病患者对糖尿病足防治相关知识掌握的情况.方法:对哈尔滨市5个社区中262例糖尿病患者进行糖尿病足防治相关知识调查及ABI测定和分析.结果:262例患者中ABI<0.9者77例,占29.38%.糖尿病并发下肢动脉病变组与正常组比较,前者的年龄大、病程长、空腹血糖、餐后血糖、胆固醇、收缩压、吸烟率、合并冠心病率、合并脑血管病率明显增高.多元线性回归分析显示,年龄、病程、PBG2h、HbAlc是影响ABI的独立因素.近50%的病人对糖尿病足防治相关知识掌握明显不足.结论:在社区定期开展糖尿病足筛查,及时发现糖尿病危险足,积极开展糖尿病足的宣传教育活动,提高患者的自我防护意识,减少糖尿病足的发生率.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2021,27(11):1156-1164
ObjectiveTo provide a review of the impact of high deductible health plans (HDHPs) on the utilizations of services required for optimal management of diabetes and subsequent health outcomes.MethodsSystematic literature review of studies published between January 1, 2000, and May 7, 2021, was conducted that examined the impact of HDHP on diabetes monitoring (eg, recommended laboratory and surveillance testing), routine care (eg, ambulatory appointments), medication management (eg, medication initiation, adherence), and acute health care utilization (eg, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, incident complications).ResultsOf the 303 reviewed articles, 8 were relevant. These studies demonstrated that HDHPs lower spending at the expense of reduced high-value diabetes monitoring, routine care, and medication adherence, potentially contributing to the observed increases in acute health care utilization. Additionally, patient out-of-pocket costs for recommended screenings doubled, and total health care expenditures increased by 49.4% for HDHP enrollees compared with enrollees in traditional health plans. Reductions in disease monitoring and routine care and increases in acute health care utilization were greatest in lower-income patients. None of the studies examined the impact of HDHPs on access to diabetes self-management education, technology use, or glycemic control.ConclusionAlthough HDHPs reduce some health care utilization and costs, they appear to do so at the expense of limiting high-value care and medication adherence. Policymakers, providers, and payers should be more cognizant of the potential for negative consequences of HDHPs on patients’ health.  相似文献   



Prior studies have noted significant health disadvantages experienced by LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) populations in the US. While several studies have identified that fears or experiences of stigma and disclosure of sexual orientation and/or gender identity to health care providers are significant barriers to health care utilization for LGBT people, these studies have concentrated almost exclusively on urban samples. Little is known about the impact of stigma specifically for rural LGBT populations, who may have less access to quality, LGBT-sensitive care than LGBT people in urban centers.


LBGT individuals residing in rural areas of the United States were recruited online to participate in a survey examining the relationship between stigma, disclosure and “outness,” and utilization of primary care services. Data were collected and analyzed regarding LGBT individuals’ demographics, health care access, health risk factors, health status, outness to social contacts and primary care provider, and anticipated, internalized, and enacted stigmas.


Higher scores on stigma scales were associated with lower utilization of health services for the transgender & non-binary group, while higher levels of disclosure of sexual orientation were associated with greater utilization of health services for cisgender men.


The results demonstrate the role of stigma in shaping access to primary health care among rural LGBT people and point to the need for interventions focused towards decreasing stigma in health care settings or increasing patients’ disclosure of orientation or gender identity to providers. Such interventions have the potential to increase utilization of primary and preventive health care services by LGBT people in rural areas.  相似文献   



This study aims to investigate the differences in the utilization of healthcare services between patients with bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) and patients without using a population-based database in Taiwan.


This study comprised of 350 patients with BPS/IC and 1,750 age-matched controls. Healthcare resource utilization was evaluated in the one-year follow-up period as follows: number of outpatient visits and inpatient days, and the mean costs of outpatient and inpatient treatment. A multivariate regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between BPS/IC and total costs of health care services.


For urological services, patients with BPS/IC had a significantly higher number of outpatient visits (2.5 vs. 0.2, p<0.001) as well as significantly higher outpatient costs ($US166 vs. $US6.8, p<0.001) than the controls. For non–urologic services, patients with BPS/IC had a significantly high number of outpatient visits (35.0 vs. 21.3, p<0.001) as well as significantly higher outpatient cots ($US912 vs. $US675, p<0.001) as compared to the controls. Overall, patients with BPS/IC had 174% more outpatient visits and 150% higher total costs than the controls. Multiple-regression-analyses also showed that the patients with BPS/IC had significantly higher total costs for all healthcare services than the controls.


This study found that patients with BPS/IC have a significantly higher number of healthcare related visits, and have significantly higher healthcare related costs than age-matched controls. The high level of healthcare services utilization accrued with BPS/IC was not necessarily exclusive for BPS/IC, but may have also been associated with medical co-morbidities.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2023,29(7):538-545
ObjectiveTo assess the landscape of digital health resources in the United States, better understand the impact of the digital health on shared decision-making, and identify potential barriers and opportunities for progress in the care of persons with diabetes.MethodsThe study consisted of two phases: A qualitative phase in which one-on-one interviews were conducted virtually with 34 physicians (endocrinologists {Endos}: n = 15; primary care physicians {PCPs}: n = 19) between February 11, 2021 and February 18, 2021, and a quantitative phase in which two online, email-based surveys in the English language were conducted between April 16, 2021 and May 17, 2021: one with healthcare professionals (HCP) (n = 403: n = 200 Endos and n = 203 PCPs), and one with persons with diabetes (n = 517: patients with type 1 diabetes, n = 257; patients with type 2 diabetes, n = 260).ResultsDiabetes digital health tools were found to be helpful in shared decision-making, but leading barriers include cost, coverage, and lack of time by healthcare professionals. Among diabetes digital health tools, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems were used most commonly and viewed as most effective in improving quality of life and facilitating shared decision-making. Strategies for increasing use of diabetes digital health resources included lower cost, integration into electronic health records, and increased simplicity of tools.ConclusionThis study revealed that both Endos and PCPs feel that diabetes digital health tools have an overall positive impact. Integration with telemedicine and simpler, lower cost tools with increased patient access can further facilitate shared decision-making and improved diabetes care and quality of life.  相似文献   

为探讨个性化延续护理对2型糖尿病合并高血压患者生活质量及服药依从性影响,本研究选取2015年6月至2017年1月在哈励逊国际和平医院治疗的150例2型糖尿病合并高血压患者,随机分组,对照组患者应用常规护理,试验组患者给予个性化延续护理,观察比较两组患者血糖、血压、焦虑自评量表(self-rating anxiety scale, SAS)、抑郁自评量表(self-rating depression scale, SDS)、自尊量表(self-esteem scale,SES)、依从性差异。结果显示,12个月后试验组患者空腹血糖(7.59±1.26) mmol/L,糖化血红蛋白(glycated hemoglobin, HbAIC)(5.62±1.28)%较对照组明显下降(p<0.05);12个月后试验组患者收缩压(116.08±9.41) mmHg、舒张压(90.35±6.92) mmHg明显低于对照组(p<0.05);试验组患者SAS (35.13±4.27)分、SDS (31.42±2.09)分、SES (25.01±5.85)分同对照组比较明显改善(p<0.05);试验组患者依从性97.33%、不良生活习惯改善94.67%、健康知识掌握98.67%同对照组比较显著升高(p<0.05)。本研究结论初步表明针对2型糖尿病合并高血压患者应用个性化延续护理可改善患者血糖和血压水平,提高患者生活质量和治疗依从性,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:观察针对性健康教育对老年2型糖尿痛患者的干预效果及对生活质量的影响,为糖尿病的临床护理提供参考。方法:将120例老年2型糖尿病患者随机分为两组,对照组实施常规健康教育,观察组根据患者的文化水平、心理状况、遵医态度、实际需求实施针对性健康教育,护理3个月后观察患者餐后2h血糖(2hPG)、空腹血糖(FPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)变化,并采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、生活质量评定表(QOL)对患者的生活质量进行评定。结果:观察组护理后2hPG、FPG、HbAlc分别为(9.3±1.4)mmol/L、(6.9±2.1)mmol/L、(5.1±1.3)%,低于对照组的(11.3±1.8)mmol/L、(8.4±2.6)mmoUL、(6.9±1.5)%(P〈0.05);观察组完全从医率为65.00%,高于对照组的40.00%(P〈0.01);观察组护理后总体健康评分为(92.84+7.19)分,高于对照组的(84.62±6.91)分(P〈0.05)。结论:针对性健康教育有利于提高老年2型糖尿病患者的从医性,提高血糖控制效率,改善患者的身心功能,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

目的:减少和延缓糖尿病并发症的发生,提高生存质量;降低个体医疗费用;降低社会负担.方法:对病人进行糖尿病有关监测项目的检查.了解患病情况;收集被调查者糖尿病相关知识掌握信息;按照护理程序的方法,遵循WHO倡导的"饮食、运动、能量平衡促健康"的理念,建立对糖尿病病人健康行为的护理干预模式;以Orem"自我照顾"的理论为指导,将其应用于对糖尿病病人的健康行为指导之中,实施护理干预措施,提高病人的自护能力.结果:对94例糖尿病病人实施12个月的健康行为管理结果是:①糖化血红蛋白百分比均数由8.64下降为7.76,空腹血糖均数值(mmol/L)由8.94下降为6.68,提高了糖尿病的治疗有效率;②病人的自护能力由干预前的33.16%,提高到83.33%,自护缺陷明显改善;③病人遵医行为平均率由干预前的51.83%,提高到82.14%.使血糖平均降低了2.26mmol/L.结论:病人对饮食、运动指导、合理用药等知识有教育需求,表明医院内的健康教育对糖尿病病人是不够的,社区护理干预是护理工作的延续,对病人的支持更有针对性.接受个性化护理干预的病人对疾病防治知识认识较前提高,纠正了不良生活习惯,自我监测能力和自我护理能力提高,生理指标、并发症指标、生活质量较前改善,住院率下降,表明护理干预对病人具有支持作用,可以提醒和帮助病人遵从医嘱,达到很好控制疾病,重塑健康生活方式的目的.  相似文献   



Most longitudinal studies showed increased relative mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus until now. As a result of major changes in treatment regimes over the past years, with more stringent goals for metabolic control and cardiovascular risk management, improvement of life expectancy should be expected. In our study, we aimed to assess present-day life expectancy of type 2 diabetes patients in an ongoing cohort study.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We included 973 primary care type 2 diabetes patients in a prospective cohort study, who were all participating in a shared care project in The Netherlands. Vital status was assessed from May 2001 till May 2007. Main outcome measurement was life expectancy assessed by transforming actual survival time to standardised survival time allowing adjustment for the baseline mortality rate of the general population. At baseline, mean age was 66 years, mean HbA1c 7.0%. During a median follow-up of 5.4 years, 165 patients died (78 from cardiovascular causes), and 17 patients were lost to follow-up. There were no differences in life expectancy in subjects with type 2 diabetes compared to life expectancy in the general population. In multivariate Cox regression analyses, concentrating on the endpoints ‘all-cause’ and cardiovascular mortality, a history of cardiovascular disease: hazard ratio (HR) 1.71 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.23–2.37), and HR 2.59 (95% CI 1.56–4.28); and albuminuria: HR 1.72 (95% CI 1.26–2.35), and HR 1.83 (95% CI 1.17–2.89), respectively, were significant predictors, whereas smoking, HbA1c, systolic blood pressure and diabetes duration were not.


This study shows a normal life expectancy in a cohort of subjects with type 2 diabetes patients in primary care when compared to the general population. A history of cardiovascular disease and albuminuria, however, increased the risk of a reduction of life expectancy. These results show that, in a shared care environment, a normal life expectancy is achievable in type 2 diabetes patients.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the influence of patient obesity on primary care physician practice style. Research Methods and Procedures: This was a randomized, prospective study of 509 patients assigned for care by 105 primary care resident physicians. Patient data collected included sociodemographic information, self‐reported health status (Medical Outcomes Study Short Form‐36), evaluation for depression (Beck Depression Index), and satisfaction. Height and weight were measured to calculate the BMI. Videotapes of the visits were analyzed using the Davis Observation Code (DOC). Results: Regression equations were estimated relating obesity to visit length, each of the 20 individual DOC codes, and the six DOC Physician Practice Behavior Clusters, controlling for patient health status and sociodemographics. Obesity was not significantly associated with the length of the visit, but influenced what happened during the visit. Physicians spent less time educating obese patients about their health (p = 0.0062) and more time discussing exercise (p = 0.0075). Obesity was not related to discussions regarding nutrition. Physicians spent a greater portion of the visit on technical tasks when the patient was obese (p = 0.0528). Mean pre‐visit general satisfaction for obese patients was significantly lower than for non‐obese patients (p = 0.0069); however, there was no difference in post‐visit patient satisfaction. Discussion: Patient obesity impacts the medical visit. Further research can promote a greater understanding of the relationships between obese patients and their physicians.  相似文献   

This study compared the ability of four measures of patient retention in HIV expert care to predict clinical outcomes. This retrospective study examined Veterans Health Administration (VHA) beneficiaries with HIV (ICD-9-CM codes 042 or V08) receiving expert care (defined as HIV-1 RNA viral load and CD4 cell count tests occurring within one week of each other) at VHA facilities from October 1, 2006, to September 30, 2008. Patients were ≥18 years old and continuous VHA users for at least 24 months after entry into expert care. Retention measures included: Annual Appointments (≥2 appointments annually at least 60 days apart), Missed Appointments (missed ≥25% of appointments), Infrequent Appointments (>6 months without an appointment), and Missed or Infrequent Appointments (missed ≥25% of appointments or >6 months without an appointment). Multivariable nominal logistic regression models were used to determine associations between retention measures and outcomes. Overall, 8,845 patients met study criteria. At baseline, 64% of patients were virologically suppressed and 37% had a CD4 cell count >500 cells/mm3. At 24 months, 82% were virologically suppressed and 46% had a CD4 cell count >500 cells/mm3. During follow-up, 13% progressed to AIDS, 48% visited the emergency department (ED), 28% were hospitalized, and 0.3% died. All four retention measures were associated with virologic suppression and antiretroviral therapy initiation at 24 months follow-up. Annual Appointments correlated positively with CD4 cell count >500 cells/mm3. Missed Appointments was predictive of all primary and secondary outcomes, including CD4 cell count ≤500 cells/mm3, progression to AIDS, ED visit, and hospitalization. Missed Appointments was the only measure to predict all primary and secondary outcomes. This finding could be useful to health care providers and public health organizations as they seek ways to optimize the health of HIV patients.  相似文献   

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