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Studies on the live-bearing scorpaenid genus Sebastes have recently shown that embryos of one species receive nutrition in addition to that supplied in the yolk. In this large genus, however, reproductive characteristics may differ among species. Energetics of embryonic development in kurosoi, Sebastes schlegeli Hilgendorf, were analyzed to determine the patterns of embryonic nutrition. The egg of this species is larger and contains over three times the energy content of that in S. melanops, another species which has been studied. Catabolism during the 51 days of embryonic development required 88% of the original energy in the egg, but the embryo at birth contained 93% of the initial egg energy. Thus the total energy required for development from fertilization to birth requires ≈1.8 times the initial, endogenous energy supply. Histological studies demonstrate that uptake occurs through ingestion and absorption of ovarian fluid in the hindgut. Protein and nitrogen budgets during development suggest that the primary substance taken up is nitrogenous.No distinct structures are apparent in the ovarian system to supply nutrients to the developing embryos. Analysis of fecundity-at-length, however, shows that post-fertilization fecundity estimates are significantly lower than pre-fertilization values; the reduction apparently occurs through resorption of ova or early embryos. Along with catabolism, this results in an overall decrease in the energy content of the ovaries during development, but the total amounts of protein and nitrogen remain nearly static. We thus suggest that resorption of unfertilized ova or early embryos which die may enrich the ovarian fluid and supply energy to the surviving embryos. This is a primitive form of embryonic nutrition in viviparous species and may be common in the genus Sebastes.  相似文献   

It has been well established that eggs of insects, including those of the silkworm Bombyx mori, contain various molecular species of ecdysteroids in free and conjugated forms. In B. mori eggs, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) is a physiologically active molecule. In nondiapause eggs, 20E is produced by the conversion of maternal conjugated ecdysteroids (ecdysteroid-phosphates) and by de novo biosynthesis. In contrast, in diapause eggs, neither of these metabolic processes occurs. In de novo biosynthesis of 20E in B. mori eggs, hydroxylation at the C-20 position of ecdysone, which is catalyzed by ecdysone 20-hydroxylase, is a rate-limiting step. Furthermore, we found that a novel enzyme, called ecdysteroid-phosphate phosphatase (EPPase), specifically catalyzes the conversion of ecdysteroid-phosphates to free ecdysteroids. The developmental changes in the expression pattern of EPPase mRNA correspond closely to changes in the enzyme activity and in the amounts of free ecdysteroids in eggs. EPPase is localized in the cytosol of yolk cells, and the bulk of maternal ecdysteroid-phosphates is bound to vitellin and stored in yolk granules. The vitellin-bound ecdysteroid-phosphates are scarcely hydrolyzed by EPPase. Therefore, to examine how ecdysteroid-phosphates are hydrolyzed by EPPase during embryonic development further investigations were focused on yolk granules. Recent data indicate that acidification in yolk granules, induced by vacuolar H(+)-ATPase, triggers the dissociation of ecdysteroid-phosphates from the vitellin-ecdysteroid-phosphates complex and the dissociated ecdysteroid-phosphates are released from yolk granules to the cytosol. To explain the process of the increase in the level of 20E during embryonic development in B. mori eggs, a possible model is proposed.  相似文献   

A marked increase in the rate of oxagen consumption and heat production, measured by the direct method, is observed in the chick embryogenesis. The intensity of respiration and heat production of the embryos decreases as the development proceeds. During development the data obtained by direct and indirect calorimetry diverge. This divergence, referred to as psi u-function, gradually decreases by the moment of hatching. Differences in the value of heat production and psi u-function were found in crosses of meat and egg directions, related to differences in the growth rate and productivity of adult fowl.  相似文献   

We prepared a cDNA library for a microarray from eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, at the germ-band formation (24 hours after fertilization) stage. Using a microarray constructed with 2,445 ESTs, we screened gene expression profiles during germ-band formation at six specific time points in the early embryonic stages (from the unfertilized egg to the formation of abdominal leg appendages), and determined 241 of these cDNAs to represent genes that were expressed differentially during the germ-band formation stage. These differentially expressed genes grouped into two clusters. In the early and late clusters, 203 and 38 genes were upregulated, respectively. In the upregulated clusters, we isolated several genes that were associated with development and cell communication, including egalitarian, RAD23b, innexin 2, and senescence-associated protein. Northern blot hybridization revealed that the expression patterns of 14 genes had changed in each of the stages. In this study, we assessed changes in the levels of gene expression in relation to the germ-band formation stages in whole Bombyx embryos.  相似文献   

We examined the expression of apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III) during embryonic development of the silkworm Bombyx mori. ApoLp-III mRNA was first expressed 24 h after oviposition, which corresponds to the time of germ band formation. The amount of apoLp-III in the eggs increased from day 2, peaked on day 4, and then gradually decreased until hatching (on day 9.5). ApoLp-III was apparently synthesized during early embryogenesis, as radioactive amino acids were incorporated into newly synthesized apoLp-III in three-day-old eggs. Moreover, radioactive apoLp-III was found only in the embryo and not in the extraembryonic tissue. KBr density gradient ultracentrifugation of egg homogenates showed that apoLp-III was associated with low-density lipophorin (LDLp). These results suggest that LDLp is required for the delivery of lipids for organogenesis during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Silkworm eggs of diapause nature were chilled or treated with hydrochloric acid. Glutamine synthetase activity in such treated eggs was present soon after the treatment, whereas in non-diapause eggs it was not detectable until 24 h after the start of development. During larval life, the glutamine synthetase was found to be absent in midgut tissue. Topical application of a JH analogue resulted in extened larval duration and it reduced glutamine synthetase activity initially, but in the latter part of development the activity was higher.  相似文献   

Drapc1 expression during mouse embryonic development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We identified the mouse homolog of human DRAPC1 (APCDD1) gene, shown to be a target of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in cancer cell lines. Analysis of its spatiotemporal expression in mouse embryos from E7.5 to E14 showed that Drapc1 is expressed during development of the extraembryonic structures, nervous system, vascular system and inner ear. In addition, Drapc1 is expressed in the mesenchyme of several developing organs at sites of epithelio-mesenchymal interactions. Drapc1 expression was also found in the hair follicles of the adult mouse skin. Similarity of Drapc1 expression pattern to location of active beta-catenin in developing mouse embryo further suggests that mouse Drapc1 is a novel in vivo target gene of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Changes in the amounts of vitellin and other yolk proteins of the eggs of the silkworm, Bombyx mori were investigated during embryonic development using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunotitration techniques. In the newly laid eggs, soluble proteins were separated into at least nine bands after electrophoresis. The major band was identified as vitellin, accounting for about 40% of the total proteins. The four predominant bands including vitellin exhibited the same mobility as the proteins of haemolymph, but one other major band was specific to the eggs, accounting for about 20% of the proteins.During embryonic differentiation 6–7 days after oviposition, the total protein content did not decrease and the banding patterns and their relative concentrations remained unchanged as a whole. However the concentration of the egg specific protein steadily decreased. During subsequent larval differentiation until hatching, the total proteins were utilized to about 50% of the initial levels: the rapid degradation was observed in almost every species of proteins.An immunotitration experiment further demonstrated that vitellin was not utlilized during embryonic differentiation but was consumed markedly during larval differentiation. However, about 30% of initial level was reserved in the newly hatched larvae. Such a prolonged persistence of vitellin is discussed in relation to protein metabolism during embryonic development in silkworms.  相似文献   

Quantification of the differential expression of metabolic enzyme and heat-shock protein genes (Hsp) during early embryogenesis in diapause and non-diapause eggs of the silkworm B. mori was carried out by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Data analysis revealed that, the phosphofructokinase (PFK) expression started at a higher level in the early stage (6 h after oviposition) in non-diapause eggs, while in diapause induced eggs, it started at a lower level. However, the PFK gene expression in diapause eggs was comparatively higher than in non-diapause eggs. PFK facilitates use of carbohydrate reserves. The lower level of PFK gene expression in the early stage of diapause induced eggs but comparatively higher level of expression than in non-diapause eggs is due to enzyme inactivation via protein phosphorylation during early embryogenesis followed by de-phosphorylation in later stage. The sorbitol dehydrogenase-2 (SDH-2) gene was down regulated in diapause induced eggs up to 24 h and its expression levels in diapause induced eggs coincided with that of PFK gene at 48h in non-diapause eggs. During carbohydrate metabolism, there is an initial temporary accumulation of sorbitol which acts as protectant. The down regulation of SDH-2 gene during the first 24 hours in diapause induced eggs was due to the requirement of sorbitol as protectant. However, since the diapause process culminates by 48 h, the SDH-2 gene expression increased and coincided with that of PFK gene expression. The trehalase (Tre) gene expression was at a lower level in diapause induced eggs compared to non-diapausing eggs. The induction of Tre activity is to regulate uptake and use of sugar by the tissues. The non-diapause eggs revealed maximum expression of GPase gene with major fluctuations as well as an overall higher expression compared to diapause induced eggs. The diapause process requires less energy source which reflects lower activity of the gene. Heat shock protein (Hsp) genes (Hsp20.4, 40, 70, and 90) revealed differential levels of expression in both the eggs at all stages of embryonic development. The present study thus provides an overview of the differential expression levels of metabolic enzyme and Hsp genes in non-diapause and diapause induced eggs of multivoltine silkworm B. mori within 48 h after oviposition, confirming the major role of in early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Using RT-PCR, a cDNA fragment of NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase from silkworm, Bombyx mori, was cloned from three-day-old nondiapause eggs. RACE was used to isolate the ends of the DNA. The full-length cDNA obtained was composed of 3471 bp with an open reading frame encoding a protein of 687 amino-acid residues with a relative molecular mass of 77 700. The protein, fused with glutathione S-transferase, was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The fused protein not only had NADPH-dependent cytochrome c-reducing activity, but also acted as an electron carrier from NADPH to bovine adrenal 21-hydroxylase P450 in the steroid hydroxylation reaction, confirming that the protein is the silkworm NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase. Ecdysone 20-hydroxylase activity in the nondiapause egg microsomes increased until the fourth day after oviposition, and then decreased, little being detected on the ninth day. An antibody raised against the P450 reductase inhibited the ecdysone hydroxylation. Immunoblot analyses of the microsomes indicated that the P450 reductase protein appeared distinctly in the three-day-old nondiapause eggs and, in contrast to the developmental pattern of ecdysone hydroxylase activity, continued to increase as the embryos developed. These results suggest that ecdysone hydroxylation in the early stage of embryogenesis is dependent on the presence of both P450 reductase and ecdysone 20-hydroxylase P450, but its gradual reduction in the later stage may be due to the decrease in the level of ecdysone 20-hydroxylase P450.  相似文献   

Visinin like 1 (Vsnl1) encodes a calcium binding protein which is well conserved between species. It was originally found in the brain and its biological functions in central nervous system have been addressed in several studies. Low expression levels have also been found in some peripheral organs, but very little information is available regarding its physiological roles in non-neuronal tissues. Except for the kidney, the expression pattern of Vsnl1 mRNA and protein has not yet been addressed during embryogenesis. By in situ hybridization and immunolabeling we have extensively analyzed the expression pattern of Vsnl1 during murine development. Vsnl1 specifies the cardiac primordia and its expression becomes restricted to the atrial myocardium after heart looping. However, in the adult heart, Vsnl1 is expressed by all four cardiac chambers. It also serves as a specific marker for the cardiomyocyte-derived structures in the systemic and pulmonary circulation. Vsnl1 is dynamically expressed also by many other organs during development e.g. taste buds, cochlea, thyroid, tooth, salivary and adrenal gland. The stage specific expression pattern of Vsnl1 makes it a potentially useful marker particularly in studies of cardiac and vascular morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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