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Evidence on the post-weaning benefits of early-life breastfeeding is mixed, and highly context-dependent. Moreover, this evidence is drawn almost exclusively from modern settings, limiting our understanding of the relationship between breastfeeding and subsequent health in the past. We provide novel evidence on the nature and reach of these post-weaning benefits in a historical setting, drawing on a rich new longitudinal dataset covering nearly 1000 children from the Foundling Hospital, an orphanage in turn-of-the-century London. We find that even after the cessation of breastfeeding, ever-breastfed status reduced mortality risk and raised weight-for-age in infancy, that exclusive breastfeeding conferred additional benefits, and that breastfeeding duration had little impact. We also find a U-shaped pattern in weight-for-age by time since weaning, indicating a deterioration in health shortly after weaning, followed by a recovery. The early post-weaning advantages associated with breastfeeding, however, did not persist into mid-childhood. This indicates that any protective effects of earlier breastfeeding attenuated with age, and suggests a strong role for catch-up growth. This study contributes to the data and empirical settings available to explore the relationship between infant feeding and post-weaning health, and helps shed light on the contribution of changing breastfeeding norms to trends in health in twentieth-century Britain.  相似文献   



We sought to investigate infant feeding practices amongst HIV-positive and -negative mothers (0-9 months postpartum) and describe the association between infant feeding practices and HIV-free survival.


Infant feeding data from a prospective observational cohort study conducted at three (of 18) purposively-selected routine South African PMTCT sites, 2002-2003, were analysed. Infant feeding data (previous 4 days) were gathered during home visits at 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 weeks postpartum. Four feeding groups were of interest, namely exclusive breastfeeding, mixed breastfeeding, exclusive formula feeding and mixed formula feeding. Cox proportional hazards models were fitted to investigate associations between feeding practices (0-12 weeks) and infant HIV-free survival.


Six hundred and sixty five HIV-positive and 218 HIV-negative women were recruited antenatally and followed-up until 36 weeks postpartum. Amongst mothers who breastfed between 3 weeks and 6 months postpartum, significantly more HIV-positive mothers practiced exclusive breastfeeding compared with HIV-negative: at 3 weeks 130 (42%) versus 33 (17%) (p < 0.01); this dropped to 17 (11%) versus 1 (0.7%) by four months postpartum. Amongst mothers practicing mixed breastfeeding between 3 weeks and 6 months postpartum, significantly more HIV-negative mothers used commercially available breast milk substitutes (p < 0.02) and use of these peaked between 9 and 12 weeks. The probability of postnatal HIV or death was lowest amongst infants living in the best resourced site who avoided breastfeeding, and highest amongst infants living in the rural site who stopped breastfeeding early (mean and standard deviations: 10.7% ± 3% versus 46% ± 11%).


Although feeding practices were poor amongst HIV-positive and -negative mothers, HIV-positive mothers undertake safer infant feeding practices, possibly due to counseling provided through the routine PMTCT programme. The data on differences in infant outcome by feeding practice and site validate the WHO 2009 recommendations that site differences should guide feeding practices amongst HIV-positive mothers. Strong interventions are needed to promote exclusive breastfeeding (to 6 months) with continued breastfeeding thereafter amongst HIV-negative motherswho are still the majority of mothers even in high HIV prevalence setting like South Africa.  相似文献   

In its recently adopted Global Strategy on Infant and Young Child Feeding, the World Health Assembly called for urgent action in addressing the barriers to optimal feeding practices. This paper examines mothers' concerns about milk insufficiency as a major contributor to suboptimal infant feeding decisions, using survey data from peri-urban areas of two Bolivian cities. Mothers in the lowland modernizing city of Santa Cruz were more likely than mothers in the highland traditional city of Cochabamba to express concern about insufficient milk, and also less likely to feed their infants according to international recommendations. Furthermore, perceived milk insufficiency was particularly common among mothers of infants younger than 6 months of age -- an age at which infants are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of breast-feeding cessation and complementary feeding initiation. The paper concludes with policy, programme and research recommendations to address the critical problem of perceived insufficient breast milk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To monitor the natural course of otitis media with effusion. DESIGN: Prospective, longitudinal assessment of the state of the middle ear by otoscopy and tympanometry at monthly intervals from birth to 3 years. SETTING: Domiciliary visits to family homes. SUBJECTS: 95 full term infants born between August 1991 and November 1993. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Observed and simulated data (Monte Carlo) for the duration of single episodes of otitis media with effusion. RESULTS: 17 of the children had unilateral or bilateral otitis media with effusion for more than half of their first three years of life. Thirty three of the 95 children had tympanograms suggestive of otitis media with effusion at more than a third of observations; the remaining 62 had such tympanograms at less than a third of observations. The data of each group were described by a first order Markov model, yielding a mean duration of unilateral effusion episodes of 5-6 weeks in both groups; the mean duration of bilateral effusion was 6 and 10 weeks in the low and high incidence groups, respectively. However, the main difference between the groups was the time spent between episodes of effusion: effusion free periods were, on average, three times longer in the children who experienced less otitis media with effusion. CONCLUSION: Children who are susceptible to otitis media with effusion tend to have more separate episodes of effusion rather than an increased overall duration of episodes. Such children are primarily distinguished by the likelihood with which they acquire the disease than by their ability to recover from it.  相似文献   

E B Hook 《Teratology》1992,46(3):261-266
In data of the U.S. Collaborative Prenatal Study (CPS), the Drug Epidemiology Unit (DEU) reported a relative risk of about 2.3 between maternal female sex hormone exposure during months 1 to 4 of pregnancy and cardiovascular malformation in infants (Heinonen et al., '77a N. Engl. J. Med., 296:67-70). Wiseman and Dodds-Smith ('84) reexamined the original CPS data and found the DEU had made errors in classification of exposure and disease of some cases. Also they challenged the classification of cases as "exposed" in those born to mothers who received the compounds outside the day 19 to 50 window of cardiovascular embryogenesis. Wiseman and Dodds-Smith stated that their reanalysis "clearly showed that there was [in the data used by the DEU] no statistically significant association between exposure in the critical organogenic period of pregnancy and cardiac malformation in offspring." They did not undertake any statistical analysis, but their reanalysis resulted in a widespread nonacceptance of the association reported by the DEU. The study reported here reclassified the cases of the original DEU study in accord with the implications of the Wiseman and Dodds-Smith reanalysis of exposure and disease. After this reclassification, an effect magnitude measure of association, the relative risk rose from 2.33 to 2.48 and remained nominally significant statistically at the .05 level. Thus, if anything, the quantitative consequences of the Wiseman and Dodds-Smith review of the data, when applied in an unbiased manner, result in an increase in the measure of effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


母乳是新生儿最佳的营养来源,不仅提供丰富的营养物质,还能通过自身独特的微生物群影响新生儿肠道细菌的初始定植和机体健康。培养法和基因组测序法均揭示了母乳微生物的多样性和稳定性,除双歧杆菌和乳杆菌外,母乳中还含有多种潜在的益生菌。人乳低聚糖(human milk oligosaccharides,HMOs)是母乳中仅次于乳糖和脂类的第三丰富的营养物质。作为一种天然益生元,HMOs可以选择性地促进有益细菌的生长,从而在促进母乳喂养婴幼儿健康发育方面起着关键作用。本文总结了母乳中微生物的种类、来源、哺乳期间的变化及其与HMOs之间的关系,讨论了母乳微生物对婴幼儿健康的潜在影响,包括抑制病原体入侵肠道、促进免疫系统发育、调节婴幼儿代谢和改善早期认知发育等,以期为母乳源益生菌的开发提供理论指导。


A total of 495 African infants of low birth weight were discharged from Harari Maternity Hospital, Salisbury, between October 1972 and September 1973. Criteria used for discharge were (a) no clinical evidence of disease, (b) satisfactory feeding by mouth (breast or bottle or both), and (c) stable temperature control under normal room conditions. Of the 495 babies 264 fulfilled these criteria when they weighed 1801-1900 g (group 1), 99 when they weighed 1901-2000 g (group 2), and 132 (group 3) when they weighed 2001-2500 g. The overall follow-up rate of those infants living in greater Salisbury was 85-5%, the health visitor playing an important contributory role in their progress, especially those in group 1. More than two clinic visits in the first four to five weeks after discharge were essential for continuing weight gain in groups 1 and 2 but not in group 3. The mean daily weight gain for all babies at the end of four to five weeks was 26 g. Readmission rates for babies in groups 1,2, and 3 were 9-5%, 1%, and 0-8%, respectively, the largest single cause for readmission being bronchopneumonia associated with hypothermia. Altogether 60% of the readmissions occurred during the two winter months (June and July). Hypothermia, associated with low environmental temperatures played a significant part in morbidity and mortality, and twins, particularly in group 1, had a mortality rate three times greater than singletons in the same group. In general, even in underdeveloped communities singleton babies born outside the winter months with reasonable clinic or home visiting facilities can be discharged at a weight of 1800 g or more.  相似文献   

In the advent of the EU guidelines 2004/23/EG and 2006/17/EG requiring extensive safety and quality steps in bone banking, the prevalence and risk of infection disease transmission from bone allograft needs to be reconsidered. Therefore, we prospectively reviewed the screening process of bone donations and the outcome of surgeries utilizing bone allografts from our internal hospital bone bank with regard to infections according to CDC criteria. One-hundred and eighty-eight allogenic bone transplantation procedures in 160 patients were followed-up for 12–64 months (mean 32 months). Bacterial infection occurred in 11 patients, the overall infection rate therefore was 6.9%. After review of the clinical and intraoperative findings, none of the infections were likely to have been caused by the bone graft. Although no follow-up serologic testing was performed, no HIV of hepatitis infections were observed. Frozen bone allografts derived from live donors and provided by hospitals can generally be considered safe. However, without new and relevant clinical expertise, continuing this technique will be impeded by the new EU guidelines and their national implementations.  相似文献   



This study investigated the infant feeding practices of participating mothers who were recruited into a research project aimed at improving the nutritional status of mildly wasted children (< -1.0 to ?? -1.5 Weight-for-Height Z-scores) aged ?? 6 to < 60 months on Nias Island, Indonesia.


Cross-sectional, questionnaire-based interview of mothers of the index children (n = 215) who were admitted to the community program for mildly wasted children in the study area. Four focus groups and twenty in-depth interviews were conducted to explore further information on infant feeding practices in the study area.


Retrospective results indicated that 6% of the mothers never breastfed. Fifty two percent of mothers initiated breastfeeding within six hours of birth, but 17% discarded colostrum. Exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age was practiced by 12%. Seventy-four percent of the mothers offered supplementary liquids besides breast milk within the first 7 days of life, and 14% of infants received these supplementary liquids from 7 days onwards until 6 months of age. Moreover, 79% of the infants were given complementary foods (solid, semi-solid, or soft foods) before 6 months of age. About 9% of the children were breastfed at least two years. Less than one in five of the mildly wasted children (19%) were breastfed on admission to the community program. Qualitative assessments found that inappropriate infant feeding practices were strongly influenced by traditional beliefs of the mothers and paternal grandmothers in the study areas.


Generally, suboptimal infant feeding was widely practiced among mothers of mildly wasted children in the study area on Nias Island, Indonesia. To promote breastfeeding practices among mothers on Nias Island, appropriate nutrition training for community workers and health-nutrition officers is needed to improve relevant counseling skills. In addition, encouraging public nutrition education that promotes breastfeeding, taking into account social-cultural factors such as the influence of paternal grandmothers on infant feeding practice, is needed.  相似文献   



Infancy is a critical period during which rapid growth potentially programs future disease risk. Identifying the modifiable determinants of growth is therefore important. To capture the complexity of infant growth, we modeled growth trajectories from birth to six months in order to compare the genetic and environmental influences on growth trajectory parameters with single time-point measures at birth, three and six months of age.


Data were from Gemini, a population sample of 2402 UK families with twins. An average 10 weight measurements per child made by health professionals were available over the first six months. Weights at birth, three and six months were identified. Longitudinal growth trajectories were modeled using SITAR utilizing all available weight measures for each child. SITAR generates three parameters: size (characterizing mean weight throughout infancy), tempo (indicating age at peak weight velocity (PWV)), and velocity (reflecting the size of PWV). Genetic and environmental influences were estimated using quantitative genetic analysis.


In line with previous studies, heritability of weight at birth and three months was low (38%), but it was higher at six months (62%). Heritability of the growth trajectory parameters was high for size (69%) and velocity (57%), but low (35%) for tempo. Common environmental influences predominated for tempo (42%).


Modeled growth parameters using SITAR indicated that size and velocity were primarily under genetic influence but tempo was predominantly environmentally determined. These results emphasize the importance of identifying specific modifiable environmental determinants of the timing of peak infant growth.  相似文献   



Risk factors for congenital cryptorchidism were investigated in a prospective birth cohort study in Denmark and Finland from 1997 to 2001.

Methodology and Principal Findings

In total, 2,496 boys were examined for cryptorchidism at birth (cryptorchid/healthy: 128/2,368) and three months old (33/2,215). Information on risk factors was obtained antenatally (questionnaire/interview) or at birth from birth records. Use of nicotine substitutes during pregnancy (n = 40) and infertility treatment by intrauterine insemination (n = 49) were associated with an increased risk for cryptorchidism, adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) (OR (95%CI)) 3.04 (95%CI 1.00–9.27) and 3.01 (95%CI 1.27–7.15), respectively. No association was seen for mothers (n = 79) who had infertility treatment in form of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment (OR 0.71 95%CI 0.21–2.38). In total, 728 (29%) reported to have smoked during pregnancy, however, no increased risk among maternal smokers was found. Furthermore, we found statistically significant associations between cryptorchidism and low birth weight, prematurity, being small for gestational age, substantial vaginal bleeding, and breech presentation, which are in accordance with other studies.

Conclusions and Significance

Our study revealed two novel risk factors for cryptorchidism: intrauterine insemination and the use of nicotine substitutes in pregnancy. This suggests that cryptorchidism may not only be associated to genetic factors, but also to maternal lifestyle and exposure.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the interplay between genetic factors influencing baseline level and changes in BMI in adulthood. Methods and Procedures: A longitudinal twin study of the cohort of Finnish twins (N = 10,556 twin individuals) aged 20–46 years at baseline was conducted and followed up 15 years. Data on weight and height were obtained from mailed surveys in 1975, 1981, and 1990. Results: Latent growth models revealed a substantial genetic influence on BMI level at baseline in males and females (heritability (h2) 80% (95% confidence interval 0.79–0.80) for males and h2 = 82% (0.81, 0.84) for females) and a moderate‐to‐high influence on rate of change in BMI (h2 = 58% (0.50, 0.69) for males and h2 = 64% (0.58, 0.69) for females). Only very weak evidence for genetic pleiotropy was observed; the genetic correlation between baseline and rate of change in BMI was very modest (−0.070 (–0.13, −0.068) for males and 0.04 (0.00, 0.08) for females. Discussion: Our population‐based results provide a basis for identifying genetic variants for change in BMI, in particular weight gain. Furthermore, they demonstrate for the first time that such genetic variants for change in BMI are likely to be different from those affecting level of BMI.  相似文献   

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