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We compared the susceptibility of liver grafts from lean and obese Zucker rats to preservation injury, using two organ-preservation techniques: conventional static preservation (SP) and machine perfusion (MP) preservation. SP: livers preserved by UW solution at 4, 8 or 20 °C for 6-h. MP: livers perfused for 6-h with an improved oxygenated Krebs–Henseleit solution (KH) at 4, 8 or 20 °C. Reperfusion with KH (2-h) was performed either with the SP or MP preserved livers. Fatty livers tolerate SP poorly at 4, 8 and 20 °C as compared with MP at the same temperatures. SP induced a decrease in the ATP/ADP ratio both at 8 and 20 °C in obese rats while an increase in energy status was found with MP at 8 and 20 °C. Nitrate/nitrite (NOx) concentration was higher and bile flow lower in livers preserved with SP than MP. In lean rats, no differences were observed between MP and SP as regards enzyme release, bile production and NOx levels except for SP at 20 °C in which high enzyme release and low bile flow were observed. In lean rats ATP/ADP was higher and NOx was lower with MP at 20 °C than with SP at 20 °C. To optimize steatotic liver preservation SP should be avoided because it is particularly detrimental as compared with MP.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of insulin, corticosterone, T3, T4 and glucose were measured at 6 hour intervals throughout 24 hours in undisturbed, 34-day-old lean (Fa/?) and genetically obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats. fa/fa rats had higher plasma concentrations of insulin at all sampling times and higher plasma concentrations of corticosterone at 0300 and 0900 hours. Neither T3 nor T4 levels differed between phenotypes at any sampling time. Fasting for 24 hours at 34 days abolished the hyperinsulinaemia of fa/fa rats and raised the plasma corticosterone concentrations of both phenotypes. Before weaning there were no phenotypic differences in the plasma insulin or corticosterone concentrations measured at two sampling times in undisturbed rats. Following an intra-gastric glucose load however, fa/fa rats became hyper-insulinaemic compared with similarly treated Fa/? animals. Pancreatic insulin contents were higher in fa/fa rats at 34 days of age, but not before weaning. Somatostatin contents of the pancreas, hypothalamus and cerebral cortex did not differ between phenotypes at either 18 or 34 days of age. In conclusion, the elevated plasma concentrations of insulin and corticosterone in young fa/fa rats may contribute to their greater lipid deposition and lower protein deposition.  相似文献   

The in vitro conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) was studied in liver homogenates from fed and fasted lean and obese Zucker rats. T3 generation was decreased in fed young (2 month) obese rats as compared to values in fed lean controls. This was not corrected by the addition of dithiothreitol (DTT), suggesting a deficiency in 5'-deiodinase activity in young obese rats. Both lean and obese 2 month old rats responded to a 2 day fast by decreasing hepatic T3 generation as is always observed in other strains of rats. The hepatic conversion rate was not decreased in older (5 month) fed obese rats when compared to age-matched lean controls. Hepatic conversion of T4 to T3 was markedly decreased in 5 month old lean Zucker rats fasted for 4 days. In contrast, a 4 day fast had no effect on the hepatic conversion rate in the 5 month old obese rats. The hepatic conversion rate was assessed in 5 month old obese rats fasted for up to 28 days and hepatic conversion still did not decrease. This paradoxical response of the 5 month old obese rat may provide a new model to further evaluate the control of hepatic T3 generation from T4.  相似文献   

The activity of hepatic microsomal cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase was studied in genetically obese and lean Zucker rats. The liver microsomal cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity in fatty Zucker rats (fa/fa) is about 50% to 70% lower than that of the lean (Fa/-) rats of the same sex, when animals were sacrificed at the middle of the dark cycle. When rats were sacrificed at the middle of the light cycle, cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity was the same as in the dark cycle in obese rats of both sexes, but was 65% lower in lean rats. However, cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity was stimulated by the treatment with cholestyramine in both obese and lean rats. Our results suggested that the diurnal regulation of cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity is lost in obese rats but was present under cholestyramine treatment in the genetically obese strain of rats.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a new orexigenic and adipogenic peptide primarily produced by the stomach and the hypothalamus. In the present experiment, we determined the circulating ghrelin levels in 60-week old fa/fa Zucker rats with a well-established obesity (n = 12) and in their lean (FA/FA) counterparts (n = 12). We also tested the feeding response of both groups to intra-peritoneal (I.P.) injection of ghrelin agonist and antagonist. Obese rats ate significantly more than the lean rats (21.7 +/- 1.1 vs. 18.3 +/- 0.3 g/day; p < 0.01). Their plasma ghrelin concentration was 35% higher than that in the lean homozygous rats (p < 0.025). GHRP-6 (1 mg/kg I.P, a GHS-R agonist) stimulated food intake in lean but not in obese rats (p < 0.01), whereas [D-Lys)]-GHRP-6 (12 mg/kg I.P., a GHS-R antagonist) decreased food intake in both groups (p < 0.0001). These results indicate that the obese Zucker rat is characterized by an increase in plasma ghrelin concentrations and by an attenuated response to a GHS-R agonist. They support a role for ghrelin in the development of obesity in the absence of leptin signaling.  相似文献   

The L-alanine uptake by livers of Wistar and lean Zucker rats has been studied. The hepatic uptake and fractional extraction rates of alanine were estimated in 50–55 day old rats. No significant differences in amino acid concentrations and blood flows in afferent and efferent liver vessels were seen in lean Zucker rats when compared with Wistar rats. However, the hepatic uptake (1.6±0.1 and 0.7±0.1 mol/min/100 g bw, p<0.01) and the fractional extraction (26.8±2.1 and 15.2±3.1%, p<0.05) were much lower in Zucker than in Wistar rats. The hepatic active transport of L-alanine was determinedin vitro using isolated plasma membrane vesicles. Vesicles isolated from livers of lean Zucker rats showed similar values of Km (2.5±0.7 vs 2.0±0.5 mM for Wistar and Zucker respectively, N.S.), but lower values of Vmax when compared with Wistar rats (1.1±0.1 vs 0.6±0.005 nmol/mg prot 5 s, p<0.01, for Wistar and lean Zucker rats respectively). These results indicate that, the liver of lean Zucker rats concentrates alanine less efficiently than the liver of Wistar rats. This fact correlates well with a lower capacity of the Na+-dependent L-alanine trasport in liver plasma membrane vesicles from lean Zucker rats.  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that the obesity and hyperphagia of the genetically obese Zucker rat may be related to defective insulin action or binding in the hypothalamus. We used quantitative autoradiography to determine if insulin binding is altered in specific hypothalamic nuclei associated with food intake. Insulin binding was measured in the arcuate (ARC), dorsomedial (DMN), and ventromedial (VMN) hypothalamic nuclei of 3–4-month-old lean (Fa/Fa) and genetically obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats. A consistently reproducible 15% increase in the total specific binding of 0.1 nM [125I]-insulin was found in the ARC of the obese genotype. A slight increase in insulin binding in the DMN was also found. No difference in specific insulin binding was found between genotypes in the VMN. Nonlinear least squares analysis of competitive binding studies showed that the Kd of the ARC insulin binding site was 33% higher in the lean rats than in the obese rats, indicating an increased affinity for insulin. No difference in site number (Bmax) was found in the ARC, DMN or VMN, and no evidence was found for reduced insulin binding in the hypothalamus of the obese (fa/fa) genotype. The results suggest that hyperphagia and obesity of the obese (fa/fa) Zucker rat genotype may be associated with increased insulin binding in the arcuate nucleus.  相似文献   

Tissue and serum somatostatin levels were measured in genetically lean and obese Zucker rats. Immunoreactive somatostatin content was decreased in three central nervous system regions (hypothalamus, septum and preoptic area and thalamus) of obese rats but was increased in cerebral cortex. No differences were observed in antral or colonic somatostatin content but obese animals had significantly elevated pancreatic levels. Portal vein somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in contrast was significantly lower in obese rats. The widespread alterations in tissue and serum somatostatin-like immunoreactivity suggest either a diffuse abnormality of somatostatin physiology or a response to a generalised feature of the obese hyperinsulinaemic state.  相似文献   

To determine plasma clearance kinetics for beta-endorphin (BE) by empirical compartmental analysis, a bolus of radioactive labeled 125I-BE was rapidly injected into a carotid artery catheter of unanesthetized lean (L) and obese (O) Zucker rats. The plasma disappearance of 125I was followed over a 3-h period. A 3-component exponential equation provided the best fit for plasma data. Plasma transit times were very short (10 s); however, plasma fractional catabolic rate was much slower. Plasma mean residence time was similar for both groups (50 min) as was recycle time (1.3 min). These data suggest that BE plasma disappearance kinetics are similar in L and O rats.  相似文献   

The plasma lipoprotein composition as well as lipoprotein synthesis and secretion were studied in vivo and in a single-pass-perfused liver preparation in lean and obese Zucker rats. Compared with their lean littermates the levels in the plasma of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) + low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) were increased 4-, 2- and 2.5 fold, respectively, in obese rats. In these rats both VLDL and IDL + LDL were enriched in triglycerides, while the HDL were enriched in cholesterol. Although the VLDL and IDL + LDL protein concentrations were the same in lean and obese rats, the HDL protein concentration was 3-fold greater in the obese rats. Both the lean and obese rats incorporated similar amounts of [14C]leucine into total liver protein. However, obese rats incorporated 2.5-fold and 6-fold more [14C]leucine into VLDL and HDL in vivo, 2.7-fold and 1.7 fold more [35S]methionine in VLDL and HDL present in the perfusate, than did lean rats. The perfusate [35S]S-labelled apoproteins (apo-B100, B48; apo-E, apo-AI, apo-AIV and apo-C) were separated by gel electrophoresis and identified by autoradiography. Incorporation of [3H]glycerol into liver, VLDL, IDL + LDL and HDL triglycerides was 2-, 48-, 13- and 1.5-fold higher in obese than in lean rats, respectively. The [3H]-labelled triglycerides in VLDL and IDL + LDL present in the perfusate was 5.4-fold and 4.4-fold more in obese rat. There was no difference in the incorporation of [3H]glycerol into triglycerides of perfusate HDL between the two genotypes of rats. Thus, the hypertriglyceridaemia observed in obese Zucker rats results from very high synthetic rates of both the lipid and protein moieties of plasma lipoproteins. Before this study, no report of the simultaneous triglycerides and protein synthesis in vivo and in a single-pass-perfused liver preparations had been reported.  相似文献   

Summary— Genetically obese Zucker (fa/fa) rats were used as an experimental model to study the effects of hypolipidemic agents on peroxisome proliferation; comparison was made with Zucker lean phenotype (Fa/?) and Sprague-Dawley strain/phenotype. The pharmacokinetics of a single administration of ciprofibrate (1 or 3 mg/kg), appeared to be similar in all strains/phenotypes. After a 2-week oral administration at the same dosages, there were dosage-related increases in hepatocellular peroxisomal yield and in the hepatic enzymes' cyanide-insensitive acyl-CoA oxidase and catalase. The peroxisomal yield was less increased in Zucker than in Sprague-Dawley rats, while the enzyme activities were similarly increased. Although the absolute specific activity of microsomal ω-lauryl hydroxylase (cytochrome P4504A1) was lower in Zucker rats, it was increased more in this strain than in Sprague-Dawley rats in response to drug exposure. The hypolipidemic effect (cholesterol and triglyceride reduction) was more pronounced in Zucker obese rats. Based on biochemical and morphological results, no major differences between strains/phenotypes in terms of peroxisome proliferation were observed following a 2-week administration of ciprofibrate.  相似文献   

Conditioned taste aversion to threshold and suprathreshold concentrationsof sodium chloride, sucrose, and other sweeteners was measuredin obese and lean female Zucker rats. In the first experiment0.1M sodium chloride, 0.1M sucrose, or water was paired witha constant dosage of apomorphine hydrochloride (6.72 mg IP foreach rat). The magnitude of conditioned aversion to sucrose(0.1M and 0.316M) and sodium chloride (0.1M and 0.316M) followingthe initial conditioning trial was similar for obese and leanrats. However, repeated cycles of conditioning and extinctiontrials resulted in decreased sucrose intakes for obese ratsand increased sucrose intakes for lean rats. No changes in intakeoccurred with sodium chloride. In the second experiment 0.1M sucrose or water was paired withdoses of apomorphine hydrochloride based on each rat's bodyweight (30 mg/kg IP). The magnitude of aversion to sucrose (0.01M,0.0316M, 0.1M, 0.316M) and other sweetners (0.75M glucose, 0.1Msucrose, 0.001M sodium saccharin, and 0.025M sodium cyclamate)were similar for obese and lean rats. These data suggest thatrepeated testing with sucrose, rather than differences in sensorytaste factors, contributes to the previous reports of decreasedintake and sweet preference of obese rats.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone affecting several gastrointestinal functions, has also been shown to elicit satiety and affect daily meal patterns. Since Zucker obese rats are less sensitive to the satiety effects of CCK, two experiments were designed to determine if they are also less sensitive to the gastric emptying and intestinal transit rate effects of CCK. In the first experiment phenol red was administered to 5.5 hr fasted rats 15 minutes after intraperitoneal injection of CCK-8 or saline. Rats were sacrificed after 30 minutes, the stomach and small intestine were removed, and phenol red content was measured. More phenol red was in the stomach of obese but not lean rats treated with CCK-8. The rate of transit of the contents of the small intestine was increased by CCK-8 and the percent of phenol red in the fourth quarter of the small intestine was greater in obese than lean rats (91 vs 37%, p<0.05). In the second experiment gastrointestinal transit of ferric oxide was measured during the light and dark phases of the diurnal cycle, and when obese rats were ad lib or yoke-fed to lean pair-mates. Total gastrointestinal transit time of the ferric oxide was decreased 15% when CCK-8 was administered to yoke-fed obese rats in either the light or dark portions of the diurnal cycle but was not affected in ad lib-fed obese rats or lean rats. Thus, while Zucker obese rats are less sensitive to satiety effects of CCK, they appear to be more sensitive to the gastrointestinal effects of CCK, and therefore it is not clear what role these gastrointestinal responses have on the feeding behavior responses.  相似文献   

Genetically obese Zucker (Z) rats have been reported to display a body core temperature (Tb) that is consistently below that of their lean littermates. We asked the question whether the lower Tb was a result of deficits in thermoregulation or a downward resetting of the set point for Tb. For a period of 45 consecutive hours, lean and obese Z rats were free to move within a thermal gradient with an ambient temperature (T(a)) range of 15-35 degrees C, while subjected to a 12:12-h light-dark cycle. Tb was measured using a miniature radio transmitter implanted within the peritoneal cavity. Oxygen consumption (VO2) was measured using an open flow technique. Movements and most frequently occupied position in the gradient (preferred T(a)) were recorded using a series of infrared phototransmitters. Obese Z rats were compared with lean Z rats matched for either age (A) or body mass (M). Our results show that obese Z rats have a lower Tb [37.1 +/- 0.1 degrees C (SD) vs. 37.3 +/- 0.1 degrees C, P < 0.001] and a lower VO2 (25.3 +/- 1.9 ml x kg(-1) x h(-1)) than lean controls [33.1 +/- 3.7 (A) and 33.9 +/- 3.9 (M) ml x kg(-1) x h(-1), P < 0.001]. Also, the obese Z rats consistently chose to occupy a cooler T(a) [20.9 +/- 0.6 degrees C vs. 22.7 +/- 0.6 degrees C (A) and 22.5 +/- 0.7 degrees C (M), P < 0.001] in the thermal gradient. This suggests a lower set point for Tb in the obese Z rat, as they refused the option to select a warmer T(a) that might allow them to counteract any thermoregulatory deficiency that could lead to a low Tb. Although all rats followed a definite circadian rhythm for both Tb and VO2, there was no discernible circadian pattern for preferred T(a) in either obese or lean rats. Obese Z rats tended to show a far less definite light-dark activity cycle compared with lean rats.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular effects of angiotensin-(1-12) [ANG-(1-12)] were studied in the medial nucleus of the tractus solitarius (mNTS) in anesthetized, artificially ventilated, adult male Wistar rats. Microinjections (100 nl) of ANG-(1-12) (0.06 mM) into the mNTS elicited maximum decreases in mean arterial pressure (MAP; 34 ± 5.8 mmHg) and heart rate (HR; 39 ± 3.7 beats/min). Bilateral vagotomy abolished ANG-(1-12)-induced bradycardia. Efferent greater splanchnic nerve activity was decreased by microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the mNTS. Blockade of ANG type 1 receptors (AT(1)Rs; using ZD-7155 or L-158,809), but not ANG type 2 receptors (AT(2)Rs; using PD-123319), significantly attenuated ANG-(1-12)-induced cardiovascular responses. Simultaneous inhibition of both angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE; using captopril) and chymase (using chymostatin) completely blocked the effects of ANG-(1-12). Microinjections of A-779 [ANG-(1-7) antagonist] did not attenuate ANG-(1-12)-induced responses. Pressure ejection of ANG-(1-12) (0.06 mM, 2 nl) caused excitation of barosensitive mNTS neurons, which was blocked by prior application of the AT(1)R antagonist. ANG-(1-12)-induced excitation of mNTS neurons was also blocked by prior sequential applications of captopril and chymostatin. These results indicate that 1) microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the mNTS elicited depressor and bradycardic responses by exciting barosensitive mNTS neurons; 2) the decreases in MAP and HR were mediated via sympathetic and vagus nerves, respectively; 3) AT(1)Rs, but not AT(2)Rs, mediated these actions of ANG-(1-12); 4) the responses were mediated via the conversion of ANG-(1-12) to ANG II and both ACE and chymase were involved in this conversion; and 5) ANG-(1-7) was not one of the metabolites of ANG-(1-12) in the mNTS.  相似文献   

1. Genetically obese Zucker rats (fa/fa) contain 2-3 times higher activities mono- and diacylglycerol lipases in their spinal cords than their lean littermates. 2. When rats were exercised (1 hr daily, 5 days/week) on a treadmill for 6 months, there was a decrease of about 30% (P less than 0.05) in the activities of mono- and diacylglycerol lipases in lean rats but not in obese animals. 3. High activities of lipases in Zucker obese rats may be related to the elevated levels of beta-endorphin present in these animals. 4. The activities of arylsulfatase, beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase and alkaline phosphatase, tested to check the stability of spinal cord extracts, were similar in lean and obese rat spinal cords.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that exercise training may significantly increase the expression of the cardiac myosin isozyme V1 in the diabetic heart, a change associated with improved cardiac functional capacity. To test this hypothesis, cardiac myofibrillar adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) activity and myosin isozyme profiles were determined in trained and sedentary male hyperinsulinemic obese Zucker (OZT, OZS) and obese Wistar (OWT, OWS) rats. Lean sedentary (LZS, LWS) animals served as age-matched controls. Myofibrillar ATPase activity and the relative quantity of the high-ATPase isozyme V1 was significantly lower in both strains of sedentary obese rats than in the respective lean sedentary controls (P less than 0.05). Both 5 (OZT) and 10 wk (OWT) of moderate treadmill training increased these markers of cardiac myosin biochemistry in the obese animals (P less than 0.05). Thus, endurance exercise training remodels the cardiac isomyosin profile of hyperinsulinemic rats and, in doing so, may enhance cardiac contractility and functional capacity. Such changes may reflect an improvement in glucose availability and utilization in these hearts.  相似文献   

Obese Zucker rat is often used as a model of genetic obesity to understand the mechanism of the development of obesity. In the present work, in order to better understand the regulation of lipolysis in the Zucker rat, the lipolytic activities of adipocytes isolated from different adipose depots of lean and obese Zucker rats, in the basal state or after catecholamine stimulation have been measured. The obese Zucker rat presents hyperinsulinemia without hyperglycemia and with elevated plasma free fatty acids, suggesting a dyslipidemia. Morphological studies of three adipose deposits show a marked hypertrophic and hyperplastic type of obesity, much pronounced in the subcutaneous depot. In the current study we show that the basal lipolytic rate is higher in adipocytes from each deposit of obese rats (when results are corrected for cell surface area). This finding, associated with the increase of all deposits, could contribute to the elevated plasma FFA observed. Investigation of the responsiveness of dibutyril cAMP (DBcAMP) points out that the defect in the NE responsiveness is essentially located at post-receptor level. Nevertheless, a receptor defect could not be excluded as suggested by a decrease of the beta-ARs observed in all deposits. Our study points out that the lipolytic resistance to catecholamines in adipose tissue of obese Zucker rats appears to counteract the increase in the lipolytic rate, in order to moderate the increase in plasma FFA levels that may contribute to the hyperinsulinemia observed, characteristic of an insulino-resistant state.  相似文献   

Changes in the ambient force environment alter the regulation of adiposity, food intake and energy expenditure (i.e., energy balance). Lean (Fa/Fa) and obese (fa/fa) male Zucker rats were exposed to 2G (twice Earth's normal gravity) for eight weeks via centrifugation to test the hypothesis that the Fa/Fa rats recover to a greater degree from the effects of an increased ambient force environment on body mass and food intake, than do the fa/fa rats which have a dysfunctional leptin regulatory system. The rats (lean and obese exposed to either 1G or 2G) were individually housed in standard vivarium cages with food and water provided ad libitum. The acute response to 2G included a transient hypophagia accompanied by decreased body mass, followed by recovery of feeding to new steady-states. In the lean rats, body mass-independent food intake had returned to 1G control levels six weeks after the onset of centrifugation, and body mass increased towards that of the 1G rats. In contrast, food intake and body mass of the 2G obese rats plateaued at a level lower than that of the 1G controls. Although percent carcass fat was reduced more in the 2G leans vs. 2G obese rats, the latter lost significantly more grams of fat than did the leans. Our data suggest that with respect to food intake and body mass, the lean rats recover from the initial effects of 2G exposure to a greater degree than do the fatty rats, a difference that likely reflects the functionality of the leptin regulatory system in the leans.  相似文献   

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