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After several hours in 20 mM sodium phosphate and 40 mM KCI (pH 7.4) or similar simple solutions, ciliated cells exfoliate en masse from stripped gill epithelium of freshwater mussels, e.g., Elliptio complanatus. Three types of ciliated cells--lateral (L), laterofrontal (LF), and frontal (F)--can be distiniguished and counted separately in the suspensions. About one-half of the cells of each type remain motile. Motility is unaffected by addition of 10(-5) M A23187 or 10(-2) M Ca+2 added separately, but when ionophore and Ca+2 are added together, ciliary beat is largely arrested. Treatment of the cells with Triton X-100 (Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.) results in a total loss of motility as the ciliary membrane becomes disrupted. Such models can be reactivated by addition of ATP and Mg+2. All ciliated cell types are reactivated to about the same extent. At least 80% of the activity of the untreated preparation returns. Ca+2-EGTA buffers added to the reactivating solutions permit titration of free Ca+2 concentration vs. percent motility. Activity is unchanged for all cell types at Ca+2 less than 10(-7) M; at 10(-6) Ca+2, L cilia of all cell types are arrested differentially, whereas at Ca+2 greater than 10(-4) M most cilia of all cell types are arrested. We conclude: (a) that increasing cytoplasmic Ca+2 is directly responsible for ciliary arrest, (b) that the readily reversible physiological arrest response of the L cilia in the intact gill is caused by a rise in free Ca+2 in narrow limits from ca. 5 x 10(-7) M to ca. 8 x 10(-7) M, and (c) that the site which is sensitive to Ca+2 is part of the ciliary axoneme or the basal apparatus.  相似文献   

Using a "slit camera" recording technique, we have examined the effects of local laser irradiation of cilia of the gill epithelium of Mytilus edulis. The laser produces a lesion which interrupts epithelial integrity. In artificial sea water that contains high K+ or is effectively Ca++ free, metachronism of the lateral cilia continues to either side of the lesion with only minor perturbations in frequency synchronization and wave velocity, such as would be expected if metachronal wave coordination is mechanical. However, in normal sea water and other appropriate ionic conditions (i.e., where Ca++ concentration is elevated), in addition to local damage, the laser induces distinct arrest responses of the lateral cilia. Arrest is not mechanically coordinated, since cilia stop in sequence depending on stroke position as well as distance from the lesion. The velocity of arrest under standard conditions is about 3 mm/s, several orders of magnitude faster than spreading velocities associated with diffusion of materials from the injured region. Two responses can be distinguished on the basis of the kinetics of recovery of the arrested regions. These are (a) a nondecremental response that resembles spontaneous ciliary stoppage in the gills, and (b) a decremental response, where arrest nearer the stimulus point is much longer lasting. The slower recovery is often periodic, with a step size approximating lateral cell length. Arrest responses with altered kinetics also occur in laterofrontal cilia. The responses of Mytilus lateral cilia resemble the spreading ciliary arrest seen in Elliptio and arrest induced by electrical and other stimuli, and the decremental response may depend upon electrotonic spread of potential change produced at the stimulus site. If this were coupled to transient changes in Ca++ permeability of the cell membrane, a local rise in Ca++ concentration might inhibit ciliary beat at a sensitive point in the stroke cycle to produce the observed arrest.  相似文献   

Summary Pure lateral (L) cilia may be separated from the remaining (R) cilia types ofMytilus edulis gill by serotonin activation after hypertonic shock. The two classes of cilia were permeabilized with 0.012% Triton X-100 and incubated with32P-labeled ATP at low Ca++ (10–7 M), where L cilia beat, or in high Ca++ (2–20 M), where L cilia arrest but R cilia are active. The labeled cilia were separated into axoneme and membrane-matrix fractions by detergent extraction, subjected to SDS-PAGE on 5–15% gels, and autoradio-graphed. Neither cilia type undergoes Ca++-dependent phosphorylation of specific proteins, suggesting that neither Ca++-induced arrest in L cilia nor the Ca++ activation of other cilia is phosphorylation-dependent. However, lipid phosphorylation in L cilia is highly Ca++-dependent. Identified by thin-layer chromatography, the phospholipid that is phosphorylated in a Ca++-dependent manner is phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), yielding the 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). PIP2 increases at least 3-fold under Ca++-arrest conditions.Aequipecten gill lateral cilia, which require higher Ca++ levels for arrest, show even more striking changes. In both cases, the effect is maximal at micromolar Ca++ levels. Phosphorylation of other lipids is Ca++-independent. In the Ca++-insensitive or activated R cilia, PIP2 levels are intermediate, increasing only marginally with increased [Ca++]. The formation of PIP2 in response to Ca++, as opposed to its breakdown to form inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and diacylglycerol, may be characteristic of a Ca++ transport system. Mechanically sensitive, the L cilia arrest as a consequence of an inward flux of Ca++ ions, acting directly on the axoneme. After Ca++-induced arrest, the formation of PIP2 may be involved in sequestering Ca++ or in augmenting Ca++ pump activity, thus reducing Ca++ levels so that motility may resume quickly.  相似文献   

Calmodulin has been isolated and characterized from the gill of the bay scallop aequipecten irradians. Quantitative electrophoretic analysis of epithelial cell fractions show most of the calmodulin to be localized in the cilia, specifically in the detergent- solubilized membrane-matrix fraction. Calmodulin represents 2.2 +/- 0.3 percent of the membrane-matrix protein or 0.41 +/- 0.5 percent of the total ciliary protein. Its concentration is at least 10(-4) M if distributed uniformly within the matrix. Extraction in the presence of calcium suggests that the calmodulin is not bound to the axoneme proper. The ciliary protein is identified as a calmodulin on the basis of its calcium- dependent binding to a fluphenazine-sepharose affinity column and its comigration with bovine brain calmodulin on alkaline-urea and SDS polyacrylamide gels in both the presence and absence of calcium. Scallop ciliary calmodulin activates bovine brain phosphodiesterase to the same extent as bovine brain and chicken gizzard calmodulins. Containing trimethyllysine and lacking cysteine and tryptophan, the amino acid composition of gill calmodulin is typical of known calmodulins, except that it is relatively high in serine and low in methionine. Its composition is less acidic than other calmodulins, in agreement with an observed isoelectric point approximately 0.2 units higher than that of bovine brain. Comparative tryptic peptide mapping of scallop gill ciliary and bovine brain calmodulins indicates coincidence of over 75 percent of the major peptides, but at least two major peptides in each show no near-equivalency. Preliminary results using ATP-reactivated gill cell models show no effect of calcium at micromolar levels on ciliary beat or directionality of the lateral cilia, the cilia which constitute the vast majority of those isolated. However, ciliary arrest will occur at calcium levels more than 150 muM. Because calmodulin usually functions in the micromolar range, its role in this system is unclear. Scallop gill ciliary calmodulin may be involved in the direct regulation of dyneintubule sliding, or it may serve some coupled calcium transport function. At the concentration in which it is found, it must also at least act as a calcium buffer.  相似文献   

The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex has been demonstrated in high speed pellet preparations from sonicated ribbed mussel gill mitochondria. The activity of the complex is inhibited by low chloride (less than 100 mM) concentrations, EDTA (1 mM), succinate, ATP, and NAD/NADH ratios below 4. Inhibition by EDTA is relieved by addition of 10 mM MgCl2-1 mM CaCl2. ATP inhibition was enhanced by NaF and reversed by high Mg++ concentrations in the absence of NaF. Pyruvate and thiamine pyrophosphate inhibited the inactivation by ATP. The nonhydrolyzable ATP analog AMP-PNP caused inhibition of the overall catalytic activity that was identical to ATP. Factors involved in the ATP inhibition and Mg++ reversal are lost with freezing or cold storage. Preliminary results using gamma-32P-ATP indicate that a protein kinase that phosphorylates the alpha subunit of E1 (pyruvate dehydrogenase) from the mammalian PDC is associated with the gill PDC. The activity of the complex may be regulated by a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism and by the relative levels of substrates, products, and other metabolites in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Characterization of mussel gill cells in vivo and in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mussel gill cells are attractive models in ecotoxicological studies because gills are the first uptake site for many toxicants in the aquatic environment; gill cells are thus often affected by exposure to pollutants. Our aim was to characterize mussel gill cells in vivo and in vitro by using morphological, histochemical and functional end-points. In paraffin sections stained with haematoxylin–eosin, three zones were distinguished in the long central gill filaments: frontal, intermediate and abfrontal. Various types of ciliated cells were present in the frontal zone, and both ciliated and non-ciliated cells were found in the abfrontal zone. The intermediate zone was comprised of flattened endothelial cells. Lipofuscin granules occurred in the three zones in variable amounts, depending on the specimen. Haemocytes were found in the haemolymph sinus of gill filaments. Mucocytes were identified in both frontal and abfrontal zones by means of periodic acid Schiff-alcian blue (PAS-AB) staining. In cryostat sections, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity was mainly found in ciliated cells, whereas neutral lipids and acid-phosphatase-reactive lysosomes were present in all portions of the gill filament, mostly being related to lipofuscin granules. In mussels exposed to 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine in vivo, proliferating cells were scattered throughout the gill filament. Gill cells (typically 2×107 cells/ml per mussel; 95% viability) were isolated by dissociation with dispase. Gill cell suspensions were heterogeneous: 58% were ciliated epithelial cells (positive for SDH), 42% were non-ciliated cells (including epithelial cells and haemocytes), 2.3% were mucocytes (positive for PAS-AB) and 4.25% were haemocytes (able to phagocytose neutral red-stained zymosan). Gill cell cultures were maintained up to 18 days without changing the culture medium, viability decreasing below 50% at day 18. Primary cultures of mussel gill cells might therefore be useful models for the in vitro assessment of xenobiotic impacts on coastal and estuarine ecosystems.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project AMB99-0324), by the Basque Government through the Cooperation Fund Aquitaine/Euskadi 2001, by the University of the Basque Country through a grant to Consolidated Research Groups and by the European Commission (BEEP project, contract no. EVK3-CT2000-00025). Amagoia Gómez-Mendikute is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture.  相似文献   

Summary Lateral (L) cilia ofMytilus gill are activated by serotonin which, in molluscan systems, is known to activate adenylate cyclase. Triton-extracted models of L-cells, arrested at >10–6 M Ca++, are stimulated to beat by the addition of 10–5 M cAMP while still under Ca++ arrest conditions, suggesting that cAMP-activation is not mediated by alterations of Ca++ levels. Using isolated, permeabilized cilia, we find, independent of [Ca++], that cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation in L-cilia occurs uniquely and reversibly on three low molecular weight polypeptides of 23,000, 18,000, and 14,000 daltons. Phosphorylation is maximal at cAMP concentrations above 0.5 M. The phosphorylated chains partially coextract at high salt with a 14S dynein fraction and have approximately the same molecular weights as reported for dynein light chains. Such conditions mainly extract the outer dynein arm, about 40% of the Mg++-ATPase activity, and a corresponding amount of the cAMP phosphorylated chains. However, the three polypeptides sediment together at 10–11S, clearly separable from the 14S dynein ATPase. Using a gel-overlay technique, we find that calmodulin binds to axonemal polypeptides of L-cilia with molecular weights of 18,000 and 13,000, independent of Ca++, while in mixed-population cilia, only a 12,000 dalton chain binds calmodulin, in a Ca++ dependent manner. In neither case are calmodulin binding proteins found in the high salt fraction containing the cAMP-dependent phosphorylated chains, indicating that, in spite of some similarity in molecular weight, the cAMP-phosphorylated and calmodulin binding polypeptides are different. Also, double-labeling indicates that only the 18,000 dalton chains co-migrate. These data suggest that serotonin may activate lateral cilia through a cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of a dynein-associated regulatory protein complex, while Ca++ may inhibit ciliary movement, independently, by binding to calmodulin associated with a different class of regulatory protein.  相似文献   

Lateral (L) cilia of freshwater mussel (Margaritana margaritifera and Elliptio complanatus) gills can be arrested in one of two unique positions. When treated with 12.5 mM CaCl2 and 10?5 M A23187 they arrest in a “hands up” position, ie, pointing frontally. When treated with approximately 10 mM vanadate (V) they arrest in a “hands down” position, ie, pointing abfrontally. L-cilia treated with 12.5 mM CaCl2 and 1 mM NaN3 also arrest in a “hands down” position; substitution of 20 mM KC1 and 1 mM NaN3 causes cilia to move rapidly and simultaneously to a “hands up” position. The observations suggest that there are two switching mechanisms for activation of active sliding in ciliary beat one at the end of the recovery stroke and the other at the end of the effective stroke; the first is inhibited by calcium and the second by vanadate or azide. This is consistent with a model of ciliary beating where microtubule doublet numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are active during the effective stroke while microtubule doublets numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9 are passive, and the converse occurs during the recovery stroke.  相似文献   

A study of calcium metabolism in Tetrahymena during the regeneration of cilia evidenced that the process is inhibited by nifedipine and trifluoperazine. This suggests that calcium ions play an important regulatory role in this process. This was confirmed by studies on calcium uptake and efflux which showed that there was a net increase in calcium uptake prior to the reinitiation of motility. The increase coincided with a period of sensitivity to the calcium antagonist TMB-8 and with an increase in the intracellular level of cGMP. The process was also inhibited by neomycin and stimulated by phorbol esters, which suggests that hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol phosphates may take place as part of the calcium regulatory network during the regeneration of cilia.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The malate dehydrogenase (MHD) activity from the ribbed mussel gill is polymorphic with two distinct mitochondrial forms (M1 and M2) and five forms that could be resolved from cytosolic extracts (C1 to C5) by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and starch gel electrophoresis.
  • 2.2. Two of the cytosolic forms (C3 and C4) may represent interchangeable conformational states.
  • 3.3. With kinetic analysis there appear to be three distinct cytosolic forms (C1, C2 and C3–C4), with C2 possibly behaving as a heterodimer.
  • 4.4. The identity of C5 is uncertain.
  • 5.5. The forms isolated from the mitochondria (M1 and M2) exhibited lower apparent Kms for oxaloacetate (OAA) than the cytosolic forms.
  • 6.6. For all isozymic forms, the apparent Kms for OAA increased as the pH increased between pH 6 and 9
  • 7.7. Increasing the salt concentration raised the Km for OAA for all forms.
  • 8.8. The mMDHs were more sensitive to inhibition by NaCl than the cMDHs.
  • 9.9. Representative cMDH (C1) and mMDH (M2) isozymes exhibited substrate inhibition by high concentrations of OAA with the mMDH possessing lower Kis for substrate inhibition than the cMDH at each pH tested.
  • 10.10. Differences and similarities in Km app. for OAA at the different pHs and salt concentrations indicated that C1, C2 and C3–C4 and C5 were distinct forms, that M1 and M2 were distinct but very similar to each other, and that C1, C2, C3–C4 and C5 were distinct from M1 and M2.

  • 1.1. In search for mechanosensory molecules the composition of the ciliary proteins of mechanoreceptor hair cells of the abdominal organ and less mechanosensitive gill cells were compared electrophoretically.
  • 2.2. The hair cells and gill cilia were very similar in their polypeptide sets but differed by contents of three axonemal polypeptides with molecular weights of 125, 149 and 300 kilodaltons (kDa) and one membrane polypeptide of 159 kDa.
  • 3.3. The membrane polypeptide with a molecular weight of 159 kDa represented approximately 3% of the total ciliary protein of hair cells. There was only a trace of this polypeptide in gill cilia and their membrane fraction.
  • 4.4. A peculiarity of ciliary membranes of the hair cells was a high content of the 159 kDa-polypeptide, which constituted more than 20% of the total protein of membrane fraction.

Spreading ciliary arrest, induced by local laser microinjury, in freshwater mussel (e.g., Elliptio) gill lateral (L) cell cilia, has been characterized by quick fixation with osmium tetroxide, which permits the correlation of known features of the response with structural features of the gill epithelium. Quick fixation reliably preserves the state of the epithelium including the activity state of the L cilia at the moment of fixation. From a disrupted region, the stimulus that triggers arrest spreads outward along an undamaged filament preferentially from L cell to L cell for more than 300 microns to either side of the lesion. In physiological salt solutions transverse spread across the filament via heterologous cells is insufficient to elicit L ciliary arrest on the opposite side of the filament. The spread of arrest is dependent upon the structural integrity of the L epithelium, normally terminates at a boundary between adjacent L cells, and does not spread past a focal break. Arrest occurs asynchronously because cilia in different stroke positions respond to the stimulus with different time courses. The cilia stop in a uniform "hands up" position, i.e., pointing frontally. The arrest response is inhibited by reducing the concentration of extracellular Ca2+ (less than 10(-7) M) or by adding extracellular La3+ (1 mM) or K+ (15 mM). Recovery begins at the margin of a segment of arrested L cilia and spreads back toward the lesion at a constant initial velocity of ca. 60 microns/sec. About 300 microns from the lesion the recovery velocity rapidly falls to ca. 5 microns/sec. Recovery of ciliary beat precedes the recovery of metachronal coordination. Neither spread of the stimulus nor recovery require ciliary beat. The data support the hypothesis that the microinjury-induced arrest is initiated by an injury potential that triggers a graded regenerative depolarization that is propagated electrotonically along the epithelium from L cell to L cell, triggering Ca2+ influx into the axoneme and consequent Ca2+-induced L ciliary arrest as it spreads. A temporary non-linear gradient of intracellular Ca2+ concentration is established along the injured L epithelial tract. As individual cells recover, they lower their intracellular Ca2+ concentration from pCa 5 to pCa 7 in about 10 seconds.  相似文献   

1. Sea mussels were exposed to cadmium for short periods of time. The excised gills were incubated with radioactive orthophosphate. The gill proteins were separated by 1- and 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and the phosphorylation state of the proteins was determined by image analysis of autoradiographs. 2. 1-Dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that exposure of the animals to cadmium stimulated phosphorylation of the gill proteins in a cadmium concentration-dependent manner. 3. 2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that cadmium differentially affected the phosphorylation of various proteins. Major alterations were observed in the basic, high mol. wt proteins and in the acidic, low mol. wt polypeptides.  相似文献   

Calcium ion activation of lipoxidase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

1. Isolated, superfused ventricles of Geukensia demissa demissa were soaked in artificial seawater containing radiocalcium (45Ca). The efflux of 45Ca into cold seawater was analyzed, and the effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on the efflux was studied.2. The control 45Ca efflux contained three identifiable components with the following time constants: τ1 = 2.27 ± 0.30 min; τ2 = 8.8 ± 1.1 min; and τ3 = 133.1 ± 39.2 min.3. Excitation by 5-HT (10−6 M) caused an immediate systolic contracture and a transient increase in 45Ca efflux. The source of this efflux was depleted by a single, 10 min episode of 5-HT excitation.4. When 5-HT was washed out, an efflux increase of long duration was observed. The time constant (9.3 ± 1.8 min) was identical to that of the second control component, τ2.5. 5-HT caused excitation by decreasing the net calcium efflux, thereby increasing intracellular free calcium. No such change was associated with cardioinhibition by 5-HT.  相似文献   

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