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Kin selection theory predicts conflict between queens and workers in the social insect colony with respect to male production. This conflict arises from the haplodiploid system of sex determination in Hymenoptera that creates relatedness asymmetries in which workers are more closely related to the sons of other workers than to those of the queen. In annual hymenopteran societies that are headed by a single queen, the mating frequency of the queen is the only factor that affects the colony kin structure. Therefore, we examined the mating structure of queens and the parentage of males in a monogynous bumblebee, Bombus ignitus, using DNA microsatellites. In the seven colonies that were studied, B. ignitus queens mated once, thereby leading to the prediction of conflict between the queen and workers regarding male production. In each of the five queen-right colonies, the majority of the males (95%) were produced by the colony’s queen. In contrast, workers produced approximately 47% of all the males in two queenless colonies. These results suggest that male production in B. ignitus is a conflict between queen and workers.  相似文献   

In colonies of primitively eusocial wasps, some dominant workers become successive queens and inherit queenship after the death of the foundress queens. Although workers in many species do not mate, workers of Polistes snelleni are capable of mating and female production. In this study, we removed foundress queens from colonies of P. snelleni to evaluate the effects of queen loss on the dominant–subordinate relationships among the remaining workers and the productivity of colonies in the species. The foundress queens were the sole egg layers in almost all of the queenright colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour among the wasps in the queenright colonies was significantly less than in the orphan colonies. The frequency of dominance behaviour in the successive queens after queen removal was significantly more than in the foundress queens. Multiple workers had developed ovaries, including the successive queens in 66.7 % (10/15) of the orphan colonies after queen removal. The orphan colonies produced significantly more cells and eggs than the queenright colonies. Our results suggest that the reproductive potential of the successive queens in the orphan colonies is not lower than that of the foundress queens, and that the productivity of the orphan colonies is maintained rather than causing potential conflict over direct reproduction among workers.  相似文献   

We estimated queen mating frequency, genetic relatedness among workers, and worker reproduction in Vespa crabro flavofasciata using microsatellite DNA markers. Of 20 colonies examined, 15 contained queens inseminated by a single male, 3 colonies contained queens inseminated by two males, and 2 colonies contained queens inseminated by three males. The genetic relatedness among workers was estimated to be 0.73±0.003 (mean±SE). For this high relatedness, kin selection theory predicts a potential conflict between queens and workers over male production. To verify whether males are derived from queens or workers, 260 males from 13 colonies were genotyped at four microsatellite loci. We found that all of the males were derived from the queens. This finding was further supported by the fact that only 33 of 2,990 workers dissected had developed ovaries. These workers belonged to 2 of the 20 colonies. There was no relationship between queen mating frequency and worker reproduction, and no workers produced male offspring in any of the colonies. These results suggest that male production dominated by queens in V. crabro flavofasciata is possibly due to worker policing.  相似文献   

In social Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps), the number of males that mate with the same queen affects social and genetic organization of the colony. However, the selective forces leading to single mating in certain conditions and multiple mating in others remain enigmatic. In this study, I investigated whether queens of the wood ant Formica paralugubris adopting different dispersal strategies varied in their mating frequency (the number of males with whom they mated). The frequency of multiple mating was determined by using microsatellite markers to genotype the sperm stored in the spermatheca of queens, and the validity of this method was confirmed by analysing mother–offspring combinations obtained from experimental single-queen colonies. Dispersing queens, which may found new colonies, did not mate with more males than queens that stayed within polygynous colonies, where the presence of numerous reproductive individuals ensured a high level of genetic diversity. Hence, this study provides no support to the hypotheses that multiple mating is beneficial because it increases genetic variability within colonies. Most of the F. paralugubris queens mated with a single male, whatever their dispersal strategy and life history. Moreover, multiple mating had little effect on colony genetic structure: the effective mating frequency was 1.11 when calculated from within-brood relatedness, and 1.13 when calculated from the number of mates detected in the sperm. Hence, occasional multiple mating by F. paralugubris queens may have no adaptive significance.  相似文献   

Cyclical oligogyny is considered to be the mechanism that is most likely to be responsible for stabilizing cooperation in polygynous, epiponine wasps, in which single-queen colonies produce new queens and multiple-queen colonies produce males. In contrast with the number of studies on relatedness among adult females, we know little about relatedness among males in polygynous epiponine wasps. We estimated worker and male relatedness in the Brazilian epiponine wasp Polybia paulista Ihering and found that colonies of P. paulista produced males when they contained multiple queens. Although average relatedness within males did not differ significantly from 0.5, the number of alleles observed suggests that there were more than one queen to produce males in each colony. Our data would be helpful to elucidate dynamics of the male production in a colony of epiponine wasps.  相似文献   

A single-locus two-allele model is analyzed to determine the invasion conditions for facultative biasing of colony sex allocation by hymenopteran workers in response to queen mating frequency, for a situation in which colonies have a single queen mated to one or two males. Facultative biasing of sex allocation towards increased male production in double mated colonies and increased female production in single mated colonies can both invade when the population sex allocation ratio is at the worker optimum. However, when the population sex allocation ratio is more male biased than the worker optimum, plausibly due to mixed queen and worker control, it is likely that only increased female allocation in colonies perceived by the workers to have single mated queens can invade. In this case, the frequency of mistakes made by workers in assessing queen mating frequency is an important constraint on the invasion of facultative male biasing in colonies perceived to have a double mated queen. When the population sex allocation ratio is not between the optima for workers in single and double mated colonies, plausibly due to strong queen control, then facultative biasing cannot invade. In this situation, workers in all colonies should attempt to bias allocation towards increased females. Worker male production in queenright colonies (provided not all males are worker-derived), unequal sperm use by double mated queens, and the amount of facultative biasing, do not alter these results.  相似文献   

Summary. Aspects of the sociobiology of the native Australian stingless bee Trigona carbonaria (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) were investigated using highly variable microsatellite markers. The queen mating frequency was estimated by examining genotypes of samples of workers from five colonies across three to five microsatellite loci. In each case, results were consistent with the workers being progeny of a queen mated with a single male. Microsatellite analysis of haploid males from two of the colonies suggested they predominantly arose from queen-laid eggs. As workers are more related to sons-of-workers than to sons-of-queens in monandrous colonies, this is somewhat surprising, and suggests that there may be colony-level costs associated with worker reproduction, or that queens are able to regulate worker reproduction via the ritualized cell provisioning and oviposition process. Males from another T. carbonaria colony were found to be diploid.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of facultative sex allocation by workerson queen fitness in a Furnish population of the ant Formicatruncorum. Workers rear female-biased broods in colonies headedby a singly mated queen and male-biased broods in colonies headedby a multiply mated queen. As a result, multiply mated queenshave a 37% fitness advantage over singly mated queens. Neitherreproductive output nor worker population of colonies variedwith queen mating frequency. We suggest that singly mated queenspersist in the population because fitness benefits to multiplymated queens via sex allocation are balanced by costs of additionalmatings. Alternatively, singly mated queens may persist simplybecause some queens lack opportunities to mate multiply or becausemale control sometimes prevents additional matings by queens.  相似文献   

Variation in queen number alters the genetic structure of social insect colonies, which in turn affects patterns of kin-selected conflict and cooperation. Theory suggests that shifts from single- to multiple-queen colonies are often associated with other changes in the breeding system, such as higher queen turnover, more local mating, and restricted dispersal. These changes may restrict gene flow between the two types of colonies and it has been suggested that this might ultimately lead to sympatric speciation. We performed a detailed microsatellite analysis of a large population of the ant Formica selysi, which revealed extensive variation in social structure, with 71 colonies headed by a single queen and 41 by multiple queens. This polymorphism in social structure appeared stable over time, since little change in the number of queens per colony was detected over a five-year period. Apart from queen number, single- and multiple-queen colonies had very similar breeding systems. Queen turnover was absent or very low in both types of colonies. Single- and multiple-queen colonies exhibited very small but significant levels of inbreeding, which indicates a slight deviation from random mating at a local scale and suggests that a small proportion of queens mate with related males. For both types of colonies, there was very little genetic structuring above the level of the nest, with no sign of isolation by distance. These similarities in the breeding systems were associated with a complete lack of genetic differentiation between single- and multiple-queen colonies, which provides no support for the hypothesis that change in queen number leads to restricted gene flow between social forms. Overall, this study suggests that the higher rates of queen turnover, local mating, and population structuring that are often associated with multiple-queen colonies do not appear when single- and multiple-queen colonies still coexist within the same population, but build up over time in populations consisting mostly of multiple-queen colonies.  相似文献   

We investigated the fine genetic structure of colonies of the ant, Leptothorax acervorum, to examine how queens share parentage (skew) in a social insect with multiple queens (polygyny). Overall, 494 individuals from eight polygynous field colonies were typed at up to seven microsatellite loci each. The first main finding was that surprisingly many sexual progeny (60% of young queens and 49% of young males) were not the offspring of the extant queens within their colonies. This implies that a high turnover (brief reproductive lifespan) of queens within colonies could be an important feature of polygyny. The second main result was that in most colonies relatedness among sexual progeny fell significantly below that expected among full siblings, proving that these progeny were produced by more than one singly-mated queen, but that skew in two colonies where the data permitted its calculation was moderate to high. However, relative to a German population, the study population is characterized by low queen-queen relatedness and low skew in female production, which is in line with the predictions of skew theory.  相似文献   

Mating frequency of Vespa analis queens and the genetic relatedness of their workers was analyzed by DNA microsatellite genotyping. Of 20 colonies studied, 18 had a queen inseminated by a single male and two had queens each inseminated by two males. The estimated effective number of matings was 1.05 ± 0.037 (mean ± SE), with 75–85% of the offspring of the two multiply mated queens sired by a single male. The pedigree relatedness between nestmate workers averaged over the 20 colonies was estimated to be 0.74 ± 0.008, almost identical to the predicted value of 0.75 for colonies headed by a singly mated queen. Multiple matrilines; that is, the presence of workers not related to the current queens, were detected in six colonies, suggesting that queen replacement occurred via usurpation of the founding queens in these six colonies. These results demonstrate that the kin structure of V. analis is similar to that reported in other vespid species.  相似文献   

Nonrecombining genomic variants underlie spectacular social polymorphisms, from bird mating systems to ant social organization. Because these “social supergenes” affect multiple phenotypic traits linked to survival and reproduction, explaining their persistence remains a substantial challenge. Here, we investigate how large nonrecombining genomic variants relate to colony social organization, mating system and dispersal in the Alpine silver ant, Formica selysi. The species has colonies headed by a single queen (monogynous) and colonies headed by multiple queens (polygynous). We confirmed that a supergene with alternate haplotypes—Sm and Sp—underlies this polymorphism in social structure: Females from mature monogynous colonies had the Sm/Sm genotype, while those from polygynous colonies were Sm/Sp and Sp/Sp. Queens heading monogynous colonies were exclusively mated with Sm males. In contrast, queens heading polygynous colonies were mated with Sp males and Sm males. Sm males, which are only produced by monogynous colonies, accounted for 22.9% of the matings with queens from mature polygynous colonies. This asymmetry between social forms in the degree of assortative mating generates unidirectional male‐mediated gene flow from the monogynous to the polygynous social form. Biased gene flow was confirmed by a significantly higher number of private alleles in the polygynous social form. Moreover, heterozygous queens were three times as likely as homozygous queens to be multiply mated. This study reveals that the supergene variants jointly affect social organization and multiple components of the mating system that alter the transmission of the variants and thus influence the dynamics of the system.  相似文献   

Sex ratios in social insects have become a general model for tests of inclusive fitness theory, sex ratio theory and parent–offspring conflict. In populations of Formica exsecta with multiple queens per colony , sex ratios vary greatly among colonies and the dry-weight sex ratio is extremely male-biased, with 89% of the colonies producing males but no gynes (reproductive females). Here we test the queen-replenishment hypothesis, which was proposed to explain sex ratio specialization in this and other highly polygynous ants (i.e. those with many queens per nest). This hypothesis proposes that, in such ants, colonies produce gynes to recruit them back into the colony when the number of resident queens falls below a given threshold limiting colony productivity or survival. We tested predictions of the queen-replenishment hypothesis by following F. exsecta colonies across two breeding seasons and relating the change in effective queen number with changes in sex ratio, colony size and brood production. As predicted by the queen-replenishment hypothesis, we found that colonies that specialized in producing females increased their effective queen number and were significantly more likely to specialize in male production the following year. The switch to male production also coincided with a drop in productivity per queen as predicted. However, adoption of new queens did not result in a significant increase in total colony productivity the following year. We suggest that this is because queen production comes at the expense of worker production and thus queen production leads to resource limitation the following year, buffering the effect of greater queen number on total productivity.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies provide model systems for the examination of conflicts among parties with different genetic interests. As such, they have provided the best tests of inclusive fitness theory. However, much remains unknown about in which party's favour such conflicts are resolved, partly as a result of the only recent advent of the molecular tools needed to examine the outcome of these conflicts. Two key conflicts in social insect colonies are over control of the reproductive sex ratio and the production of male offspring. Most studies have examined only one of these conflicts but in reality they occur in tandem and may influence each other. Using microsatellite analyses, the outcome of conflict over sex ratios and male production was examined in the bumble bee, Bombus hypnorum. The genotypes were determined for mother queens, their mates and males for each of 10 colonies. In contrast to other reports of mating frequency in this species, all of the queens were singly mated. The population sex ratio was consistent with queen control, suggesting that queens are winning this conflict. In contrast, workers produced over 20% of all males in queen-right colonies, suggesting that they are more effective in competing over male-production. Combining these results with previous work, it is suggested that worker reproduction is a labile trait that may well impose only small costs on queen fitness.  相似文献   

Colonies of the European hornet, Vespa crabro, are typically founded by a single queen mated to a single male. From the resulting colony relatedness pattern we predicted strong worker-queen conflict over male production where both the workers and the queen attempt to produce the colony's males. To test for this conflict, male production was studied in 15 hornet nests using a combination of DNA microsatellite analysis (282 males), worker ovary dissections (500 workers from eight nests) and 50 h of observation (four nests). In contrast to our prediction, the data show that hornet males are queens' sons, that workers never attempt to lay eggs, rarely have activated ovaries, and that there is no direct aggression between the queen and the workers. This contrasts with other data for vespine wasps, which support relatedness predictions. Dolichovespula arenaria has the same kin structure as V. crabro and workers produce males in many colonies. The similarity between these two species makes it difficult to explain why workers do not reproduce in V. crabro. Self-restraint is expected if worker reproduction significantly reduces colony productivity but there is no obvious reason why this should be important to V. crabro but not to D. arenaria. Alternatively, queen control may be important. The absence of expressed queen-worker conflict rules out physical control. Indirect pheromonal control is a possibility and is supported by the occurrence of royal courts and queen pheromone in Vespa but not Dolichovespula. Pheromonal queen control is considered evolutionarily unstable, but could result from a queen-worker arms race over reproductive control in which the queen is ahead. The genetic data also revealed diploid males in one colony, the first example in the vespine wasps, and two colonies with double matrilines, suggesting that occasional usurpation by spring queens occurs.  相似文献   

Social insect queens reproduce while workers generally do not. Queens may also have other behavioural roles in the colony. In small, independent-founding colonies of social wasps, the dominant queen physically enforces her interests over those of the workers and serves as a pacemaker of the colony, stimulating workers to forage and engage in other tasks. By contrast, in large-colony, swarm-founding wasps, the collective interests of the workers are fulfilled in sex allocation and production of males, whether or not they coincide with the interests of the queens. The behavioural role of the queens in such species has not been extensively studied. We investigated the role of the queens both in regulating worker activity and in reducing the numbers of reproductively active queens in the swarm-founding epiponine wasp Parachartergus colobopterus. We found no evidence that queens regulate worker activity, as they were rarely involved in any interactions. Worker activity may be self-organized, without centralized active control by anyone. Furthermore, we found no evidence that the reduction in queen number characteristic of this tribe of wasps occurs in response to aggression among queens. The reduction in queen number may be a result of worker treatment of queens, although worker discrimination against some queens was not obvious in our data. i Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory has received some of its strongest support from analyses of within-colony conflicts between workers and queens in social insects. One of these conflicts involves the timing of queen production. In neotropical wasps, new queens are only produced by colonies with just one queen while males are produced by colonies with more queens, a pattern favoured by worker interests. We now show that new colonies, or swarms, have few queens and variable within-colony relatednesses which means that their production is not tied to new queen production. The queens in these swarms are seldom the mothers of the workers in the swarm. Therefore, either colonies producing swarms have very many queens, or queens joining daughter swarms are reproductive losers on the original colonies. As new colony production is not linked to queen production, it can occur at the ecologically optimum time, i.e. the rainy season. This disassociation between queen production and new colony production allows worker interests in sex ratios to prevail without hampering new colony production at the most favourable season, an uncoupling that may contribute to the ecological success of the Epiponini.  相似文献   

Summary: Polymorphism of the functional queens in Myrmecina graminicola is analyzed. Both gynomorphs (G-§§ G) and a wide range of intermorphs (I-§§ I) occur, which all are usually mated and egg-laying. Colonies having a gynomorphic queen are always monogynous, whereas about 57% of all colonies with intermorphic queens are polygynous, having two or more coexisting functional queens. The female sexual offspring of individual gynomorphic queens either consists of gynomorphs only, or exclusively of intermorphs. Intermorphic queens may have exclusively intermorphic female sexual progeny, or simultaneously both gynomorphs and intermorphs. Single colonies in laboratory culture produce the same kind of female progeny over several subsequent breeding cycles (artificially compressed "years" of 9-10 months). No environmental influence on queen morph determination could be detected. A genetically mediated queen polymorphism, as in Harpagoxenus sublaevis and Leptothorax sp. A, is suggested. Colony sizes vary considerably, with polygynous I-queen colonies being largest (57.2 - 34.3 s.d. workers), followed by G-queen colonies (44.6 - 22.7 s.d.) and monogynous I-queen colonies (34.4 - 23.7 s.d.), suggesting occasional budding of polygynous colonies.  相似文献   

The Australian endemic ant Nothomyrmecia macrops is considered one of the most ‘primitive’ among living ants. We investigated the genetic structure of colonies to determine queen mating frequencies and nestmate relatedness. An average of 18.8 individuals from each of 32 colonies, and sperm extracted from 34 foraging queens, were genotyped using five highly variable microsatellite markers. Queens were typically singly (65%) or doubly mated (30%), but triple mating (5%) also occurred. The mean effective number of male mates for queens was 1.37. No relationship between colony size and queen mate number was found. Nestmate workers were related by b=0.61 ± 0.03, significantly above the threshold under Hamilton’s rule over which, all else being equal, altruistic behaviour persists, but queens and their mates were unrelated. In 25% of the colonies we detected a few workers that could not have been produced by the resident queen, although there was no evidence for worker reproduction. Polyandry is for the first time recorded in a species with very small mature colonies, which is inconsistent with the sperm‐limitation hypothesis for the mediation of polyandry levels. Facultative polyandry is therefore not confined to the highly advanced ant genera, but may have arisen at an early stage in ant social evolution.  相似文献   

Hamilton's kin selection theory predicts conflicts of interestamong relatives, even within highly cooperative social insectsocieties. Because workers are the most numerous caste, collectiveworker interests may be an important force in determining theoutcome of conflicts. In this study, we used genotypes fromtwo DNA microsatellite loci to show that two kinds of collectiveworker interests are satisfied in Brachygastra mellifica, amember of the multiqueen epiponine wasps. First, from the highrelatedness of queens (0.66) and the fact that queens are singlymated (shown by genotyping their stored sperm), we calculatedthat new queens are reared in colonies with a harmonic meanof 1.2 old queens, whereas males are reared in colonies withmuch higher queen numbers. This split sex ratio result is predictedunder worker control. It matches other studies of epiponines,but B. mellifica has much larger mature colonies (averaging7951 adults) with many more queens (averaging 398), showingthe pattern holds for large-colony species. Second, we reportthe first genetic data on parentage of males in epiponines andshow that these are also consistent with collective worker interests.Workers are on average significantly more related to queensthan to other workers (r = .37 versus .23) and should thereforesuppress each other and allow the queens to lay haploid (male)eggs. Though many workers have developed ovaries and could layeggs, the genetic analyses showed that most or all males comefrom queens.  相似文献   

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