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Proteolipid protein (PLP) and DM-20 were intensely labeled after immunoprecipitation of total cellular proteins and myelin proteins labeled with [35S]methionine in nerve slices. These results provided evidence that PLP and DM-20 are incorporated into the myelin membrane following their synthesis in Schwann cells. In contrast, PLP and DM-20 were not fatty acylated after incubation of the nerve slices with [3H]palmitic acid, however, PO glycoprotein and 24kDa protein were heavily fatty acylated. The lack of fatty acylation of PLP and DM-20 in the peripheral nervous system suggests that fatty acyltransferase responsible for their acylation is absent or non-functional in the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Proteolipid protein (PLP) is a major structural component of central nervous system (CNS) myelin. Evidence exists that PLP or the related splice variant DM-20 protein may also play a role in early development of oligodendrocytes (OLs), the cells that form CNS myelin. There are several naturally occurring mutations of the PLP gene that have been used to study the roles of PLP both in myelination and in OL differentiation. The PLP mutation in the jimpy (jp) mouse has been extensively characterized. These mutants produce no detectable PLP and exhibit an almost total lack of CNS myelin. Additionally, most OLs in affected animals die prematurely, before producing myelin sheaths. We have studied cultures of jp CNS in order to understand whether OL survival and myelin formation require production of normal PLP. When grown in primary cultures, jp OLs mimic the relatively undifferentiated phenotype of jp OLs in vivo. They produce little myelin basic protein (MBP), never immunostain for PLP, and rarely elaborate myelin-like membranes. We report here that jp OLs grown in medium conditioned by normal astrocytes synthesize MBP and incorporate it into membrane expansions. Some jp OLs grown in this way stain with PLP antibodies, including an antibody to a peptide sequence specific for the mutant jp PLP. This study shows that: (1) an absence of PLP does not necessarily lead to dysmyelination or OL death; (2) OLs are capable of translating at least a portion of the predicted jp PLP; (3) the abnormal PLP made in the cultured jp cells is not toxic to OLs. These results also highlight the importance of environmental factors in controlling OL phenotype. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The acylation of proteolipid protein (PLP) was examined in myelin and myelin subfractions from rat brain during the active period of myelination. Proteolipid protein and DM-20 in myelin and myelin subfractions were readily acylated in developing rat brain 22 hours after intracerebral injection of [3H]palmitic acid. No differences in the relative specific activity of PLP in myelin from 9-, 15-, and 30-day-old rat brains was observed; however, the relative specific activity of PLP in the heavy myelin subfraction tended to be higher than that in the light myelin subfraction. The acylation of PLP was confirmed by fluorography of immuno-stained cellulose nitrate sheets, clearly establishing that the acylated protein is in fact the oligodendroglial cell- and myelin-specific protein, PLP. Since PLP is acylated in the 9-day-old animal, when little compact myelin is present, it is possible that the acylation of PLP is a prerequisite for the incorporation of this protein into the myelin membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have created transgenic mice bearing varying copy numbers of a transgene coding for normal DM-20, the alternatively spliced quantitatively minor isoform of myelin proteolipid protein. Demyelination of the CNS occurs as a consequence of 70 copies of this transgene. Overt symptoms begin at ∼3 months with a wobbling gait. Occasional seizures lasting a few seconds begin at 3–4 months. These symptoms progress in severity with age. Death occurs by 8–10 months. Myelination in 2-month-old animals, before the onset of any overt symptoms, appears morphologically normal at the electron microscopic level. However, the myelin in these 2-month-old animals has a reduced amount of the major myelin proteolipid protein and about three times as much DM-20 as normal animals. In 7-month-old animals that appear to be undergoing demyelination in the CNS, both the major myelin proteolipid protein and DM-20 are greatly reduced relative to the 2-month-old animal. Mice with 17 copies of the transgene also have a reduced amount of the major myelin proteolipid protein but appear to be otherwise normal and have normal life spans (>2 yr). Mice with low copy numbers of the transgene (2–4 copies) appear to be unaffected and have normal life spans.  相似文献   

Most of the mutations within the PLP gene result in degeneration of oligodendrocytes and this is believed to be caused by intracellular trafficking defects. Previous studies have demonstrated that cells expressing the wild type PLP gene release a factor promoting differentiation/survival of oligodendrocyte and that this factor is the C-terminal portion of the protein itself. In this study we asked how the naturally occurring mutations of the PLP gene (jimpy, jimpy msd, and rumpshaker) affect this activity. We developed a transient expression system for retroviral production and transduction that enabled the expression of mutant PLP/DM20 cDNAs in NIH3T3 cells. None of the NIH3T3 cells producing mutant PLP/DM20s secreted the PLP-related factor that increases the number of oligodendrocytes. Since it has been shown that rumpshaker DM20 can be transported to the cell surface, but its folding is incorrect, absence of secretion of this factor is more heavily attributable to incorrect protein folding than to the defect in the PLP/DM20 trafficking.  相似文献   

Selective Extraction of the DM-20 Brain Proteolipid   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Brain DM-20 proteolipid was previously shown to be structurally different from the myelin major proteolipid (MMPL). In an attempt to set up a large-scale purification of DM-20, we studied extraction of brain proteolipids with mixtures of methylene chloride containing up to 80% methanol. The CH2Cl2-CH3OH (3:7, vol/vol) mixture is highly selective for the extraction of bovine brain DM-20 compared to MMPL. Purified DM-20 was obtained after chromatography of the extract on methylated Sephadex.  相似文献   

Incubation of rat brain myelin with [3H]palmitic acid in the presence of ATP, CoA and MgCl2 or [14C]-palmitoyl-CoA in a cell-free system resulted in the selective labelling of 'PLP' [proteolipid protein; Folch & Lees (1951) J. Biol. Chem. 191, 807-817] and 'DM-20' [Agrawal, Burton, Fishman, Mitchell & Prensky (1972) J. Neurochem. 19, 2083-2089] which, after polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in SDS, were revealed by fluorography. These results provide evidence of the association of fatty acid-CoA ligase and acyltransferase in isolated myelin. Palmitic acid is covalently bound to PLP and DM-20, because 70 and 92% of the radioactivity was removed from proteolipid proteins after treatment with hydroxylamine and methanolic NaOH respectively. Incubation of myelin with [3H]palmitic acid in the absence of ATP, CoA, MgCl2, or all three, decreased incorporation of fatty acid into PLP to 3, 55, 18 and 2% respectively. The cell-free system exhibits specificity with respect to the chain length of the fatty acids, since myristic acid is incorporated into PLP at a lower rate when compared with palmitic and oleic acids. The acylation of PLP is an enzymic reaction, since (1) maximum incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid into PLP occurred at physiological temperatures and decreased with an increase in the temperature; (2) acylation of PLP with [3H]palmitic acid and [14C]palmitoyl-CoA was severely inhibited by SDS (0.05%); and (3) the incorporation of fatty acid and palmitoyl-CoA into PLP was substantially decreased by the process of freezing-thawing and freeze-drying of myelin. We have provided evidence that all of the enzymes required for acylation of PLP and DM-20 are present in isolated rat brain myelin. Acylation of PLP in a cell-free system with fatty acids and palmitoyl-CoA suggests that a presynthesized pool of non-acylated PLP and DM-20 is available for acylation.  相似文献   

The central nervous system of the shiverer mouse is known to be severely deficient in myelin. Animals heterozygous for this autosomal-recessive mutation were crossed, and the myelin proteins were examined in the brains and spinal cords of shiverers and unaffected littermates among the offspring. In the brains and spinal cords of nine of the 14 unaffected littermates examined, the quantities of the myelin basic and proteolipid proteins were lower than normal. Furthermore, in the brains of heterozygotes 33 to ~ 150 days old, the myelin basic and proteolipid proteins were reduced in amount, compared to wild-type controls; the myelin basic protein was also present in subnormal amounts in the spinal cords from heterozygous animals at the ages of 17 to 150 days. More severe reductions in the quantities of the myelin proteins were observed in central nervous system tissue from homozygous shiverer mice, and the quantity of the myelin proteolipid protein in the central nervous system of the shiverer mouse, expressed as a ratio to the control value at each age, underwent a developmental decline. In heterozygotes, as well as shiverers, the peripheral nerves were also deficient in the P1 and Pr proteins, which are the same as the basic proteins in rodent central nervous system myelin. The findings regarding heterozygotes suggest that the defective primary gene product in the shiverer mouse could be the myelin basic protein itself or a protein required for a rate-limiting step in the processing of the myelin basic protein.  相似文献   

Uncoated vesicles (UCV) loaded with the myelin proteolipid apoprotein covalently tagged with fluorescein (PLPF) were found to interact with isolated oligodendrocytes from bovine brain at 4°C as well as at 37°C. After 1.5 hours of incubation, the labeled protein was localized in the cell membranes. After 2.5 hours the fluorescence intensity associated with the oligodendrocytes decreased and completely disappeared at t=3.5 hours. Addition of KCl or EDTA in the incubation medium significantly hindered the interaction with cells. In contrast, the elimination of membrane proteins from UCV did not perturb cell labeling. A specific role of PLP was suggested since UCV loaded with a soluble protein (BSAF) led to a weak cell labeling.Abbreviations IAF 5-iodacetamidofluorescein - BSA bovine serum albumin - BSA BSA labelled with IAF - PLP proteolipid apoprotein - PLPF aqueous form of PLP tagged with IAF - CV coated vesicles - UCV uncoated vesicles - UCV*PLPF UCV loaded with PLPF - MV model vesicles This work was suported by Cnrs and INSERM.  相似文献   

Paralytic tremor (Plp-pt) is a missense mutation of the myelin proteolipid gene (Plp) in rabbits. The myelin yield in the Plp-pt brain is reduced and the protein and lipid composition of central nervous system (CNS) myelin is abnormal. We studied the intracellular transport of the normal and Plp-pt mutant PLP and DM-20 in transiently transfected Cos-7 cells. While the mutant PLP accumulates in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and does not reach the plasma membrane, the spliced isoform of PLP, mutant DM-20, is normally transported to the cell surface and integrated into the membrane. Analysis of rabbit sciatic nerves revealed that concentration of peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin proteins is normal in Plp-pt myelin. In the PNS like in the CNS, the level of Plp gene products is subnormal. But this does not affect myelination, in the PNS where PLP, present in low concentration, is not a structural component of compact myelin. The normal level of Plp gene expression in Schwann cells is low and these results suggest that, in the Plp-pt PNS, Schwann cell function is not affected by the deficiency in PLP and/or the impairment of intracellular PLP transport. Special issue dedicated to Dr Marion E. Smith.  相似文献   

The shaking pup is an X-linked canine mutant with a severe hypomyelination of the CNS. Proteolipid protein (PLP) and the related DM-20 protein were examined in this mutant by densitometric scanning of Western blots stained with PLP antiserum. In the spinal cord of 4-week-old mutants, PLP was reduced to less than 1% of the control level, which is a greater deficiency than was found for other myelin proteins. On Western blots of control spinal cord, PLP stained much more intensely than DM-20. However, on Western blots of the mutant spinal cord, a component with the electrophoretic mobility of DM-20 stained slightly more intensely with PLP antiserum than PLP itself. This component was shown to be DM-20 by its lack of reactivity with an antiserum raised to a synthetic peptide corresponding to part of the PLP sequence that is missing in DM-20. Thus PLP and DM-20 are expressed in approximately equal and greatly reduced amounts in the mutant spinal cord. Although PLP or DM-20 could not be detected in brain from the 4-week-old mutant, similar disproportional expression of these two proteins was demonstrated in both spinal cord and brain from a 10-week-old mutant pup. Immunostaining of tissue sections showed that the small amounts of PLP and/or DM-20 synthesized in the mutant are present in the thin myelin sheaths. The results suggest that the shaking pup could have a primary defect in the PLP gene leading to a severe deficiency of PLP and DM-20 as well as disproportional expression of these two proteins.  相似文献   

Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) contains thioester-bound, long-chain fatty acids which are known to influence the structure of the molecule. To gain further insights into the role of this post-translational modification, we studied the effect that chemical deacylation of PLP had on the morphology of myelin and on the protein's ability to mediate the clustering of lipid vesicles. Incubation of rat optic nerves in isoosmotic solutions containing 100 mM hydroxylamine (HA) pH 7.4 led to deacylation of PLP and decompaction of myelin lamellae at the level of the intraperiod line. Incubation of nerves with milder nucleophilic agents (Tris and methylamine) or diluted HA, conditions that do not remove protein-bound fatty acids, caused no alterations in myelin structure. Other possible effects of HA which could have affected myelin compaction indirectly were ruled out. Incubation of optic nerves with 50 mM dithioerythritol (DTE) also led to the splitting of the myelin intraperiod line and this change again coincided with the removal of fatty acids. In addition, the apparently compacted CNS myelin in the PLP-less myelin-deficient rat, like that in tissue containing deacylated PLP, was readily decompacted upon incubation in isoosmotic buffers, suggesting that the function of PLP as a stabilizer of the interlamellar attachment is, at least in part, mediated by fatty acylation. Furthermore, in contrast to the native protein, PLP deacylated with either HA or DTE failed to induce the clustering of phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol vesicles in vitro. This phenomenon is not due to side-effects of the deacylation procedure since, upon partial repalmitoylation, the protein recovered most of its original vesicle-clustering activity. Collectively, these findings suggest that palmitoylation, by influencing the adhesive properties of PLP, is important for stabilizing the multilamellar structure of myelin.  相似文献   

Studies of brain myelin in the "quaking mouse"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Myelin was isolated from the brains of "quaking" and littermate control animals and its composition was determined. The brains of quaking animals contained approximately one-fourth as much myelin as the control animals. There were qualitative as well as quantitative differences between the myelin from the two groups. By continuous cesium chloride gradient flotation it was shown that the myelin from the quaking animals consisted solely of a band corresponding to the heavier and smaller of the two bands found in normal controls. Cholesterol and glycolipids were lower and phospholipids (mainly phosphatidylcholine) and protein were higher in quaking animals than in controls. Also, phosphatidal-ethanolamine was decreased, and several consistent differences in the fatty acids (both unsubstituted and hydroxy) and aldehydes of the component lipids were found. In general there were smaller amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids in quaking animals. We suggest from these findings that myelin in the quaking mouse has certain compositional similarities with juvenile myelin, but it may be an abnormal type of myelin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Oligodendroglial cell death in the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) mutants can be partially rescued by the environment factor(s) supplied by the wild-type cells in vivo and in vitro. It is possible that the presence of PLP or DM-20 results in secretion of a factor or factors in the CNS influencing oligodendrocyte development. We previously showed that DM-20 mRNA is produced in G26 mouse oligodendroglioma, B104 rat neuroblastoma, and B16 mouse melanoma but not in NIH3T3 mouse fibroblast cell lines. Culture supernatants from these cell lines were added to primary glial cell cultures from embryonic day 17 mouse brain. After 4 days, the number of oligodendrocytes present in cultures with supernatants from DM-20-producing cells (G26, B104, and B16) was significantly higher than that of control cultures but not with the NIH3T3 supernatant. To investigate more directly whether the PLP gene expression is involved in this process, NIH3T3 cells (nonneural cells) were forced to produce PLP or DM-20. By addition of the supernatants from the PLP/DM-20 transformants, the number of oligodendrocytes in the mixed glial cell cultures increased. This clearly demonstrates that the expression of the PLP gene is sufficient for and directly associated with secretion of a factor, which influences the oligodendrocyte development.  相似文献   

The two main myelin proteolipids, PLP (30 kDa) and DM-20 (25 kDa), differ by an internal deletion in DM-20. The deleted fragment, of 35 amino acids (116-150), corresponds to the major hydrophilic domain of PLP. Fluorescence anisotropy experiments using diphenylhexatriene as a fluorescent probe were performed to detect the phase separation induced by these two proteolipids in multilamellar vesicles of binary composition. We found that in vesicles composed of 30% L-alpha-PS and 70% DPPC, the PLP boundary layer contained about 18 motionally restricted phospholipids, almost exclusively L-alpha-PS. On the contrary, the DM-20 boundary layer contained only 14 to 15 phospholipids, with a composition no different from that of the bulk vesicle. In mixtures of DMPG and DPPC, the selectivity of PLP for the acidic phospholipid DMPG was maintained, but was lower than that observed for L-alpha-PS. We assume that this selectivity of PLP stems mainly from electrostatic interactions between the charged residues of the 116-150 fragment, deleted in DM-20, and the acidic phospholipids. These results suggest that fragment 116-150 may play a specific role in the interaction of PLP with the lipid bilayer of the myelin membrane.  相似文献   

Myelin proteolipid protein gene (Plp1) expression is temporally regulated in brain, which peaks during the active myelination period of CNS development. Previous studies with Plp1‐lacZ transgenic mice demonstrated that (mouse) Plp1 intron 1 DNA is required for high levels of expression in oligodendrocytes. Deletion‐transfection analysis revealed the intron contains a single positive regulatory element operative in the N20.1 oligodendroglial cell line, which was named ASE (a ntis ilencer/e nhancer) based on its functional properties in these cells. To investigate the role of the ASE in vivo, the element was deleted from the native gene in mouse using a Cre/lox strategy. Although removal of the ASE from Plp1‐lacZ constructs profoundly decreased expression in transfected oligodendroglial cell lines (N20.1 and Oli‐neu), the element was dispensable to achieve normal levels of Plp1 gene expression in mouse during development (except perhaps at postnatal day 15) and throughout the remyelination period following cuprizone‐induced (acute) demyelination. Thus, it is possible that the ASE is non‐functional in vivo, or that loss of the ASE from the native gene in mouse can be compensated for by the presence of other regulatory elements within the Plp1 gene.  相似文献   

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