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Lifetime reproductive success in female insects is often egg‐ or time‐limited. For instance in pro‐ovigenic species, when oviposition sites are abundant, females may quickly become devoid of eggs. Conversely, in the absence of suitable oviposition sites, females may die before laying all of their eggs. In pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae), each species has an obligate mutualism with its host fig tree species [Ficus spp. (Moraceae)]. These pro‐ovigenic wasps oviposit in individual ovaries within the inflorescences of monoecious Ficus (syconia, or ‘figs’), which contain many flowers. Each female flower can thus become a seed or be converted into a wasp gall. The mystery is that the wasps never oviposit in all fig ovaries, even when a fig contains enough wasp females with enough eggs to do so. The failure of all wasps to translate all of their eggs into offspring clearly contributes to mutualism persistence, but the underlying causal mechanisms are unclear. We found in an undescribed Brazilian Pegoscapus wasp population that the lifetime reproductive success of lone foundresses was relatively unaffected by constraints on oviposition. The number of offspring produced by lone foundresses experimentally introduced into receptive figs was generally lower than the numbers of eggs carried, despite the fact that the wasps were able to lay all or most of their eggs. Because we excluded any effects of intraspecific competitors and parasitic non‐pollinating wasps, our data suggest that some pollinators produce few offspring because some of their eggs or larvae are unviable or are victims of plant defences.  相似文献   

For an undescribed fig‐pollinating wasp (Ceratosolen sp. 1) of Ficus septica, we isolated 15 polymorphic microsatellite markers from a genomic library partially enriched for GATA and CAG repeats. Polymorphism of these loci was evaluated by genotyping 40 female individuals collected from different fruits of host trees in southern Taiwan. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 15 and the observed heterozygosity of each locus ranged from 0.100 to 0.775. These loci would be suitable for further studies concerning population genetics, hybridization and sex ratio adjustment of the coexisting fig‐pollinating wasps.  相似文献   

1. Fig trees (Ficus) are pollinated only by agaonid wasps, whose larvae also gall fig ovules. Each ovule develops into either a seed (when pollinated) or a wasp (when an egg is also laid inside) but not both. 2. Ovipositing wasps (foundresses) favour ovules near the centre of the enclosed inflorescence (syconium or 'fig'), leaving ovules near the outer wall to develop into seeds. This spatial stratification of wasps and seeds ensures reproduction in both partners, and thereby enables mutualism persistence. However, the mechanism(s) responsible remain(s) unknown. 3. Theory shows that foundresses will search for increasingly rare inner ovules and ignore outer ovules, as long as ovipositing in outer ovules is sufficiently slow and/or if inner ovules confer greater fitness to wasps. The fig-pollinator mutualism can therefore be stabilized by strong time constraints on foundresses and by offspring fitness gradients over variation in ovule position. 4. Female fig wasps cannot leave their galls without male assistance. We found that females in outer ovules were unlikely to be released. Inner ovules thus have added value to foundresses, because their female offspring are more likely to mate and disperse. 5. For those offspring that did emerge, gall position (inner/outer) and body size did not influence the order in which female pollinators exited syconia, nor did early emerging wasps enjoy increased life spans. 6. We also found that the life spans of female wasps nearly doubled when given access to moisture. We suggest that conflict resolution in the fig-pollinator mutualism may thus be influenced by tropical seasonality, because wasps may be less able to over-exploit ovules in dry periods due to time constraints.  相似文献   

The processes allowing evolutionary transitions in resources used by parasitic wasps are largely unknown. Microhymenopteran communities associated with figs could provide a model system to investigate such transitions. We investigate here a species of genus Idarnes . The larvae generally develop as inquilines of the pollinating wasp larvae. However, in figs where the parasitic pressure is high, eggs are laid in developing seeds. These eggs turn into small males. This is the first report of seed consumption by a fig wasp. Using an alternative resource to produce small males could provide a pathway to select for increased ability to use this resource and hence provide an intermediate step for evolving the capacity to use new resources.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 9–17.  相似文献   

Figs (Moraceae) and pollinator fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) have a highly specific mutualistic relationship but fig wasps occasionally enter atypical hosts, and this can lead to hybrid fig trees and the potential for gene flow between species. Many fig trees are dioecious, with fig wasp offspring developing in galled ovules inside figs on male trees, whereas seeds develop only in figs on female trees. We generated experimental hybrids between the Asian Ficus montana Blume and a closely related African species Ficus asperifolia Miquel. Male F1s were sterile if entered by Kradibia tentacularis (Grandi) (Agaonidae), the pollinator of F. montana, because its offspring always failed to develop, without ovule enlargement. As with the F1s, figs on most male backcross plants [F. montana × (F. montana × F. asperifolia)] also aborted shortly after pollinator entry, resulting in a higher turnover of figs than with F. montana, although the times taken for the figs to reach receptivity were similar. Pollinator larvae nonetheless consistently managed to develop inside the figs of one backcross plant and also occasionally in a few figs from another backcross individual. In these figs, galled ovules developed as normal, whereas in figs that aborted the galled ovules failed to enlarge. The sex ratio of K. tentacularis progeny in the backcross figs was female biased and did not differ from that in F. montana figs. Sycoscapter spec. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitoid of K. tentacularis, was able to lay eggs and developed normally inside male backcross figs where its host was present.  相似文献   

Abstract  Fig trees are important components of tropical forests, because their fruits are eaten by so many vertebrates, but they depend on pollinating fig wasps to produce mature fruits. Disturbance to habitat structure can have a major impact on insect diversity and composition, potentially reducing fruit yields. We investigated the impact of habitat disturbance on the fig wasp community associated with male figs of Ficus tinctoria in Xishuangbanna, China. The community comprised one pollinator species Liporrhopalum gibbosae and six non-pollinating wasp species: Sycoscapter sp.1, Philotrypesis ravii , Philotrypesis sp.1, Neosycophila omeomorpha , Sycophila sp.1, and Walkerella sp.1. More disturbed areas were characterized by higher temperatures, less shade, and more vehicle noise. The response of the fig wasp community was complex, with no simple relationship between intensity of disturbance and pollinator abundance. However, the sex ratios (proportion of male progeny) of pollinators increased significantly in more disturbed areas. We conclude that potential changes in fig wasp community composition brought about by disturbance, are unpredictable, with unclear consequences for tropical rainforest biodiversity.  相似文献   

The climatic oscillations of the last glacial period have had profound influences on the demography and levels of genetic diversity of extant species. Molecular evidence of glacial effects on temperate species has been well documented, whereas little is known regarding that on subtropical species. Here we present analyses based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene (1052 bp) and genotypes at 15 microsatellite loci to investigate the historical demography, population structure and ongoing gene flow of an undescribed fig‐pollinating wasp (Ceratosolen sp. 1) of Ficus septica in subtropical Taiwan. Reconstructed historical demography based on the coalescent tree of COI sequences suggests that C. sp. 1 has undergone a drastic population expansion which was tightly coupled with climatic changes since the last glacial maximum (LGM). The magnitude of the population size change was approximately 500‐fold, indicating that the population of this wasp and its host was likely highly compressed during the last glacial period. The lack of significant population differentiation (FST < 0.02, for all pairwise FST values) may be due to rapid postglacial expansion facilitated by long‐distance dispersal, although a low frequency of first‐generation migrants was detected. Our results clearly demonstrate how recent climatic changes since the LGM and dispersal ability have jointly shaped the genetic composition of a subtropical fig‐pollinating wasp.  相似文献   

  • 1 Male polymorphisms have been described in some non‐pollinating fig wasps, as well as in other animals. The proximal basis and the maintenance of alternative male reproductive strategies are either genetic or environmental.
  • 2 Here we studied male dimorphism in the non‐pollinating fig wasp Sycobia sp. We conducted experimental manipulations to study the factors influencing offspring male morph allocations and explore a possible basis for the determination and maintenance of male dimorphism in Sycobia sp.
  • 3 The results showed that brood size was the major and underlying factor influencing the male morph ratio. When the brood size increases, the wingless male ratio also increases.
  • 4 Also, our results indicated that there was no direct maternal control on offspring male morph allocation.
  • 5 Male dimorphism in Sycobia sp. probably represents an environmentally determined conditional strategy, which responded to offspring population density at the level of the individual fig.

Fig-pollinating wasps lay their eggs in fig flowers. Some species of fig-pollinating wasps are active pollinators, while others passively transfer pollen. In dioecious fig species, the ovules of male figs produce wasps but no seeds. By observations and experiments on four dioecious Ficus species we show that (i) passive pollinators distribute pollen haphazardly within figs, but fertilization of female flowers in male figs is inhibited. Consequently, wasp larvae will develop in nonfertilized ovules: they cannot benefit from pollination; (ii) active pollinators efficiently fertilize flowers in which they oviposit. Lack of pollination increases larval mortality. Hence, fig pollinators are not obligate seed eaters but ovule gallers. Active pollination has probably evolved as a way to improve progeny nourishment.
Comparison of pollination and oviposition process in male and female figs, suggests that stigma shape and function have coevolved with pollination behaviour, in relation to constraints linked with dioecy.  相似文献   

Abstract. Figs host three ecologically distinct groups of wasps: pollinators, non-pollinators (parasitic wasps) and parasitoids. Both pollinators and non-pollinators complete their life cycles using fig tissue, while parasitoids appear to attack some groups of non-pollinators. We used nucleotide sequence data to address a series of questions concerning genealogical associations, host specificities and degree of strict-sense co-evolution exhibited by members of these groups. We used the relatively conserved 12S rRNA gene of the mitochondria to estimate high level relationships among pollinator, parasitic and parasitoid taxa by sampling species collected from host figs representing five sections (three subgenera) from Asia, Africa, Europe and Central America. We found that all pollinators formed a clear monophyletic group. However, we could not resolve whether or not all of the non-parasitoid wasps associated with figs (Agaonidae, sensu Bouček) formed a single monophyletic group. Further, we used the more variable COII mitochondrial gene to attempt to determine relationships among closely related species of pollinators within two New World genera. Using sequences from the same gene we estimated the phylogenetic relationships among the parasites collected from the same New World host fig species and compared them with those of the pollinators. At fine taxonomic scale, we found that for both pollinator and parasites, species were generally specific to a given fig host. Moreover, the phylogenies of the non-pollinators are largely congruent with those of the pollinators, suggesting the predominance of strict-sense co-evolution on shared host fig species. The implications of these findings and opportunities for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Fig pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) enter Ficus inflorescences (figs), oviposit in some of the flowers, and pollinate in the process. Each larva completes its development within a single flower. In most cases, an inflorescence entered by a wasp will represent its only egg‐laying site. The mechanisms that prevent pollinating wasps from exploiting all the flowers inside a fig are not understood. In this study, hypotheses about flower use by pollinating fig wasps were tested by investigating egg deposition patterns in three species. 2. Either one or three wasps were introduced into figs. The figs were then harvested. Serial sections allowed assessment of the presence or absence of a wasp egg in a sample of flowers in each fig. The overall proportion of flowers with eggs and the spatial distribution of eggs were then compared in single wasp figs and three foundress figs. 3. In all species, the proportion of flowers with a wasp egg increased with foundress number but less than three‐fold. 4. In all species, at least in single foundress figs, flowers near the fig cavity were more likely to receive a wasp egg than were flowers near the fig wall. 5. In two species, when the number of foundresses was multiplied by three, there was an increase in the use of flowers near the fig wall, while in the third species, the increase was spread evenly among flowers. 6. Factors affecting wasp egg deposition patterns and the potential of investigating such patterns for studying the stability of the mutualism are discussed.  相似文献   

Historical abiotic factors such as climatic oscillations and extreme climatic events as well as biotic factors have shaped the structuring of species' genetic diversity. In obligate species‐specific mutualisms, the biogeographic histories of the interacting species are tightly linked. This could be particularly true for nuclear genes in the Ficus‐pollinating wasp mutualistic association as the insects disperse pollen from their natal tree. In this study, we compare spatial genetic structure of plant and pollinator for the Ficus hirtaValisia javana association throughout southeast China including Hainan Island, for both nuclear and cytoplasmic markers. We show that dispersal of the insect leads to plant and insect presenting similar signatures of lack of genetic isolation by distance for nuclear genes on the continent over a distance of 1000 km. But we also show that the demographic histories of plant and insect are strikingly different. This is in agreement with extreme climatic events leading to transient regional extinctions of the insects, associated with local survival of the plants. We also observe evidence of genetic differentiation for both wasps and fig‐tree between the continent and Hainan Island, although the Qiongzhou Strait is only on average 30 km wide, suggesting that geographic isolation by itself has not been sufficient to generate this differentiation. Hence, our results suggest that in highly dispersive mutualistic systems, isolation‐by‐dispersal limitation across a geographic barrier could be supplemented by isolation by adaptation, and maybe by coevolution, allowing further genetic divergence. In such systems, species may frequently be composed of a single population.  相似文献   

Figs and their pollinating fig wasps are dependent on one another for propagation of their own kinds. The wasps reproduce by ovipositing through the styles of female flowers within the closed fig receptacles (syconia). About half of the female flowers within the syconia of monoecious figs have styles which are longer than the ovipositors of the wasp, and they will therefore produce seeds rather than wasp larvae. Since a longer ovipositor would enable a wasp to reach more ovules and deposit more eggs, the question arises at to why longer ovipositors have not evolved.
In an attempt to answer this question, four seemingly plausible hypotheses are examined but each is shown to be problematical in some way. Consideration is then given to a fifth hypothesis which proposes that ovipositor length is constrained by abortion of syconia with relatively few seed embryos and many agaonid larvae. It is argued first that this pattern of abortion will be selected during a sustained period of heavy wasp infestation because seeds will then become scarce relative to pollen-carrying wasps. Increased expenditure by the fig on seed production would therefore be favoured by natural selection. A greater expenditure on seeds would occur if young syconia with exceptionally heavy wasp infestations were dropped and the saved nutrients invested in syconia of a subsequent crop containing average levels of wasp larvae and seeds. Provided that the energy and nutrient cost of dropping young syconia is small, the selective advantage to the wasp of longer ovipositors is eliminated in this way. A stable coexistence of figs and wasps is therefore possible. The paper concludes by discussing two general predictions of the abortion hypothesis, and how these may be tested.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers for the pollinator fig wasp Liporrhopalum tentacularis were developed using genomic libraries enriched for di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeats. A subset of 31 positive clones was sequenced and primers were designed. Eleven primer pairs produced polymorphic amplification products in L. tentacularis. Eight markers gave unambiguously scorable patterns and were further characterized on 29 individuals collected from different fruits of the dioecious host fig Ficus montana in Indonesia. Three to 19 alleles per locus were detected in this set of samples. The observed heterozygosity ranged between 0.10 and 0.55.  相似文献   

Ecological processes are manifest in the evolution and form of phenotype diversity. The great abundance of parasitoid species has led to speculation whether rates of speciation and extinction are dependent on parasitoid diversity. If these factors are mutually exclusive, species diversity should fluctuate instead of remaining relatively constant over time. It is not known whether radiations constrained by coevolutionary interactions conform to density‐dependent diversification processes. Here we test the prediction that parasitoid fig wasp diversification responds to changes in ecological opportunity and density‐independent processes. A phylogenetic approach is used to estimate relative divergence times and infer diversification rate changes using γ‐statistics. Monte Carlo constant rates tests that accommodate incomplete sampling could not reject constant rates diversification. Parasitoid fig wasp diversification is consistent with a more complex explanation than density‐dependent cladogenesis. The results suggest contemporary African parasitoid fig wasp diversity remains a legacy of an ancient ecological opportunity facilitated by fig tree diversification following the breakup of Pan‐African forests and evolution of the savanna biome over the last 55 Ma and the more recent aridification of the African continent in the last 5 Ma. These results imply that amplified phenotypic differentiation of specialist insects coevolving with plants is coupled to evolutionarily infrequent changes in ecological opportunity.  相似文献   

1. The underlying basis of alternative male reproductive strategies is either genetic or environmental. Several non‐pollinating fig wasp lineages have dimorphic males, typically with winged males that disperse from natal figs to mate and flightless males that seek mating opportunities in natal figs. 2. Walkerella sp. from Ficus benjamina has dark and pale wingless males. Observations and experiments in Xishuangbanna, Southern China found that (i) the sex ratio of Walkerella sp. did not vary with foundress number or brood size. (ii) The frequency of dark males increased with brood size and foundress number and they were absent from figs with a single foundress. This produced a higher proportion of dark males at higher densities. (iii) Males of both morphs fought, but injuries to dark males were more frequent. (iv) Dark males were more likely to disperse away from their natal figs and (v) they were more resistant to dehydration. 3. Responses to selection are constrained by the genetic options available. Consequently, selection pressures acting on different lineages can produce similar outcomes that are achieved in different ways. Walkerella species lack winged males, but dark males display some of their features, dispersing from natal figs and displaying appropriate physiological and behavioural adaptations. However, dark males also displayed increased levels of damage from fighting – a feature unlikely to be shared with the winged males of other species.  相似文献   

The interaction between figs (Ficus spp., Moraceae) and their pollinator fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) is an obligate mutualism, but females of dioecious fig trees exploit fig wasps without providing rewards. Figs are closed inflorescences that typically trap pollinator females after entry, but some fig wasp species can re‐emerge (although wingless) and subsequently oviposit in and pollinate further figs. Using glasshouse populations, we examined the sex ratios and clutches laid by single foundresses of Kradibia tentacularis (Grandi) in their first and subsequent male figs of Ficus montana Blume, and how the probability of emergence and entering a second fig varied between seasons. A maximum of four figs were entered by any one foundress. Wingless foundresses were able to locate and enter figs up to 60 cm from the first fig they entered, but the probability of entry declined sharply with distance from that fig. The foundresses that re‐emerged produced slightly higher adult offspring totals than those that failed to re‐emerge. Clutch sizes of a single foundress in its first fig equalled those in all the subsequent figs combined, with clutch size per fig decreasing when more figs were entered. Smaller clutches had less female‐biased sex ratios. Figs were more numerous in summer than in winter, but the proportion of figs entered by only wingless foundresses remained unchanged. Movement between figs increases pollinator reproductive success in male figs, thereby encouraging foundresses that encounter a female tree to also move between and pollinate several female figs.  相似文献   

Host–parasites interaction is a common phenomenon in nature. Diffusive coevolution might maintain stable cooperation in a fig–fig wasps system, in which the exploiter might diversify their genotype, phenotype, or behavior as a result of competition with pollinator, whereas the figs change flower syconia, fruits thickness, and syconia structure. In functionally dioecious Ficus auriculata, male figs and female figs contain two types of florets on separate plant, and share high similarities in outside morphology. Apocryptophagus (Sycophaginae, Chalcidoidea, Hymenoptera) is one of few groups of nonpollinating fig wasps that can reproduce within both male and female figs. On the basis of the morphology and DNA barcoding, evidence from partial sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I and nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2, we found that there are two nonsibling Apocryptophagus species living on male and female F. auriculata figs, respectively. We estimated that these two species diverged about 19.2 million years ago. Our study suggests that the host shift from Ficus variegate or Ficus prostrata fig species to male figs is a preference way for Apocryptophagus wasps to adapt to the separation of sexual function in diecious figs. Furthermore, to escape the disadvantage or sanction impact of the host, the exploiter Apocryptophagus wasps can preferably adapt to exploiting each sex of the figs, by changing their oviposition, niche shift, and habitat.  相似文献   

Fig‐pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) only reproduce within fig tree inflorescences (figs). Agaonid offspring sex ratios are usually female‐biased and often concur with local mate competition theory (LMC). LMC predicts less female‐bias when several foundresses reproduce in a fig due to reduced relatedness among intra‐sexually competing male offspring. Clutch size, the offspring produced by each foundress, is a strong predictor of agaonid sex ratios and correlates negatively with foundress number. However, clutch size variation can result from several processes including egg load (eggs within a foundress), competition among foundresses and oviposition site limitation, each of which can be used as a sex allocation cue. We introduced into individual Ficus racemosa figs single Ceratosolen fusciceps foundresses and allowed each to oviposit from zero to five hours thus variably reducing their eggs‐loads and then introduced each wasp individually into a second fig. Offspring sex ratio (proportion males) in second figs correlated negatively with clutch size, with males produced even in very small clutches. Ceratosolen fusciceps lay mainly male eggs first and then female eggs. Our results demonstrate that foundresses do not generally lay or attempt to lay a ‘fixed’ number of males, but do ‘reset to zero’ their sex allocation strategy on entering a second fig. With decreasing clutch size, gall failure increased, probably due to reduced pollen. We conclude that C. fusciceps foundresses can use their own egg loads as a cue to facultatively adjust their offspring sex ratios and that foundresses may also produce more ‘insurance’ males when they can predict increasing rates of offspring mortality.  相似文献   

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