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Variation in environmental or genetic quality leads to phenotypic variation in condition, but how much variation in fitness is created by this variation in condition? Using Drosophila melanogaster, we manipulated condition via alternative larval diets and then tested several key factors predicted to influence how much variation in fitness results from differences in condition. Specifically, we were interested in whether male and female fitness are affected equally by condition and whether the strength of selection on condition depends on the abundance of key resources limiting the reproductive output of each sex. We measured selection on condition in alternative assay contexts that varied in the abundance of adult food (a key resource for females) or in the abundance of females (a key resource for males). Overall, selection tended to be stronger on males than females. However, selection on males was weakened when the abundance of their key resource (females) was elevated. Increasing the abundance of the key resource for females (live yeast) elevated their reproductive output as expected but did not change the strength of selection in this sex. Instead, this manipulation increased selection on males, suggesting that this environmental factor indirectly affects selection on males via their interaction with females.  相似文献   

We analyzed the trade-offs between fitness components detected in four experiments in which traits were manipulated by inserting small (control) and large (treatment) P-elements into the Drosophila melanogaster genome. Treatment effects and the interactions of treatment with temperature, experiment, and line were caused by the greater length and different positions of the treatment insert. In inbred flies, the treatment decreased early and total fecundity. Whether it increased the lifespan of mated females depended upon adult density. Analysis of line-by-treatment-by-temperature interactions revealed hidden trade-offs that would have been missed by other methods. They included a significant trade-off between lifespan and early fecundity. At 25°C high early fecundity was associated with decreased reproductive rates and increased mortality rates 10–15 days later and persisting throughout life, but not at 29.5°C. Correlations with Gompertz coefficients suggested that flies that were heavier at eclosion also aged more slowly and that flies that aged more slowly had higher fecundity late in life at 25°C. The results support the view that lifespan trades off with fecundity and that late fecundity trades off with rate of aging in fruitflies. Genetic engineering is an independent method for the analysis of trade-offs that complements selection experiments.  相似文献   

Populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had been selected for divergent rates of senescence were compared with respect to age-specific male mating ability. The competitive mating ability of males from populations with delayed senescence was inferior to that of males from populations with higher rates of senescence when males were young. This relationship was reversed when males were older. For noncompetitive mating ability and for recovery of fertility after an exhaustive mating bout, there was no difference between populations with different rates of senescence when males were young. However when males were older, flies from populations selected for delayed senescence again had superior mating ability. Thus, rates of male reproductive senescence can be altered in predictable ways by natural selection. The results for the competitive mating tests are consistent with the hypothesis that antagonistic gene action between early- and late-life fitness components influences the evolution of senescence in these populations.  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of the correlation between growth rate r and yield K in experimental lineages of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. First, we isolated a single clone every approximately 250 generations from each of eight populations selected in a glucose‐limited medium for 5000 generations at approximately 6.6 population doublings per day (20 clones per line × 8 lines) and measured its growth rate and yield in a new, galactose‐limited medium (with ~1.3 doubling per day). For most lines, r on galactose increased throughout the 5000 generations of selection on glucose whereas K on galactose declined. Next, we selected these 160 glucose‐adapted clones in the galactose environment for approximately 120 generations and measured changes in r and K in galactose. In general, growth rate increased and yield declined, and clones that initially grew slowly on galactose improved more than did faster clones. We found a negative correlation between r and K among clones both within each line and across all clones. We provide evidence that this relationship is not heritable and is a negative environmental correlation rather than a genetic trade‐off.  相似文献   

Through the course of an adaptive radiation, the evolutionary speed of cladogenesis and ecologically relevant trait evolution are expected to slow as species diversity increases, niches become occupied, and ecological opportunity declines. We develop new likelihood‐based models to test diversity‐dependent evolution in the auks, one of only a few families of seabirds adapted to underwater “flight,” and which exhibit a large variety of bill sizes and shapes. Consistent with the expectations of adaptive radiation, we find both a decline in rates of cladogenesis (a sixfold decline) and bill shape (a 64‐fold decline) evolution as diversity increased. Bill shape diverged into two clades at the basal cladogenesis event with one clade possessing mostly long, narrow bills used to forage primarily on fish, and the other with short thick bills used to forage primarily on plankton. Following this initial divergence in bill shape, size, a known correlate of both prey size and maximum diving depth, diverged rapidly within each of these clades. These results suggest that adaptive radiation in foraging traits underwent initial divergence in bill shape to occupy different food resources, followed by size differentiation to subdivide each niche along the depth axis of the water column.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical models have addressed the influence of metapopulation dynamics on the fitness of females and hermaphrodites in gynodioecious plants. In particular, selection is thought to favor hermaphrodites during population establishment because that sex should be less prone to pollen limitation, especially if self-fertilization is possible. However, inbreeding depression could limit this advantage. In this experimental study of Silene vulgaris, a weedy gynodioecious plant, the fitness of females and hermaphrodites was estimated from seed production in both mixed-sex populations and for individuals isolated from these populations by 20, 40, 80, or 160 m. In mixed populations females display statistically significant greater per capita seed production owing to higher capsule production and higher rates of seed germination. The fitness of both sexes declines with increasing isolation, but at different rates, such that in the 160-m treatment hermaphrodites are by far the more fit sex. Allozyme studies suggest that this differential decline is because the selfing rate in hermaphrodites increases as a function of isolation, at least partially compensating for a decline in the availability of outcross pollen. Overall, the negative effects of pollen limitation on females far outweighs the negative effects of inbreeding depression following selfing in hermaphrodites. Thus, extinction/recolonization dynamics would appear to favor hermaphrodites as long as seed dispersal events exceed some critical distance.  相似文献   

经遗传修饰生物体的研究进展及其释放后对环境的影响   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:41  
80年代以来,以基因工程为代表的生物技术突飞猛进。转移不同性状的转基因作物在美国被批准进入大田试验的有40个以上的作物,包括小麦、玉米和水稻等4种谷类粮食作物,主要的纤维作物棉花,蔬菜种类10种以上,水果9种,其它还有油料作物,牧草和花卉等。到1996年6月已被批准进入市场的已有18种,还有一批有待批准商业化。今年2月,美国农业部已第一次批准一种喂饲其它螨的转基因螨进入大田试验。第一个转基因线虫也正在申请向环境释放。已至少有25个发展中国家,10个以上作物转基因成功,GMOs作大田释放的总数在160次以上。基因工程能带来巨大的经济效益和社会效益。但是有不少数量的科学家或如“有关科学家联盟”等一些非政府组织指出基因工程的产物向环境释放会可能带来生态或环境危险。发达国家中,美国与欧洲国家的政府对GMOs批准释放的态度也是一样的,后者要比前者慎重得多。最近丹麦科学家已证实转基因油菜中的抗除草剂基因已经转入杂草中;由美国一种子公司开发的转基因大豆被证实对人体过敏而其产品决定不向市场投放。要有充分的科学实验,自然科学家与社会科学家相结合,对经遗传修饰生物体可能带来巨大经济效益和造成环境或生态危机进行充分的评估。在这基础上作出权衡,供政府决策者能作出正确的决策。这不仅在中国而是在全世界范围内已到了一个关键时刻。因此,生物安全问题是每次《生物多样性公约》缔约国会议的主要讨论议题。  相似文献   

A selection experiment using Drosophila melanogaster revealed a strong trade-off between adult weight and larval development time (LDT), supporting the view that antagonistic pleiotropy for these two fitness traits determines mean adult size. Two experimental lines of flies were selected for a shorter LDT (measured from egg laying to pupation). After 15 generations LDT was reduced by an average of 7.9%. The response appeared to be controlled primarily by autosomal loci. A correlated response to the selection was a reduction in adult dry weight: individuals from the selected populations were on average 15.1% lighter than the controls. The lighter females of the selected lines showed a 35% drop in fecundity, but no change in longevity. Thus, there is no direct relationship between LDT and adult longevity. The genetic correlation between weight and LDT, as measured from their joint response to selection, was 0.86. Although there was weak evidence for dominance in LDT, there was none for weight, making it unlikely that selection acting on this antagonistic pleiotropy could lead to a stable polymorphism. In all lines, sex differences in weight violated expectations based on intrasex genetic correlations: Females, being larger than males, ought to require a longer LDT, whereas there was a slight trend in the opposite direction. Because the sexual dimorphism in size was not significantly altered by selection, it appears that the controlling loci are either invariant or have very limited pleiotropic effect on developmental time. It is suggested that they probably control some intrinsic, energy-intensive developmental process in males.  相似文献   

Gene duplications have long been advocated to contribute to the evolution of new functions. The role of selection in their early spread is more controversial. Unless duplications are favored for a direct benefit of increased expression, they are likely detrimental. In this article, we investigated the case of duplications favored because they combine already functionally divergent alleles. Their gene‐dosage/fitness relations are poorly known because selection may operate on both overall expression and duplicates relative dosage. Using the well‐documented case of Culex pipiens resistance to insecticides, we compared strains with various ace‐1 allele combinations, including two duplicated alleles carrying both susceptible and resistant copies. The overall protein activity was nearly additive, but, surprisingly, fitness correlated better with the relative proportion of susceptible and resistant copies rather than any absolute measure of activity. Gene dosage is thus crucial, duplications stabilizing a “heterozygote” phenotype. It corroborates the view that these were favored because they fix a permanent heterosis, thereby solving the irreducible trade‐off between resistance and synaptic transmission. Moreover, we showed that the contrasted successes of the two duplicated alleles in natural populations depend on genetic changes unrelated to ace‐1, confirming the probable implication of recessive sublethal mutations linked to structural rearrangements in some duplications.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that positive heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs) arise as a consequence of inbreeding, which is often assumed to have a strong impact in small, fragmented populations. Yet according to empirical data, HFC in such populations seem highly variable and unpredictable. We here discuss two overlooked phenomena that may contribute to this variation. First, in a small population, each generation may consist of a few families. This generates random correlations between particular alleles and fitness (AFCs, allele‐fitness correlations) and results in too liberal tests for HFC. Second, in some contexts, small populations receiving immigrants may be more impacted by outbreeding depression than by inbreeding depression, resulting in negative rather than positive HFC. We investigated these processes through a case study in tadpole cohorts of Pelodytes punctatus living in small ponds. We provide evidence for a strong family structure and significant AFC in this system, as well as an example of negative HFC. By simulations, we show that this negative HFC cannot be a spurious effect of family structure, and therefore reflects outbreeding depression in the studied population. Our example suggests that a detailed examination of AFC and HFC patterns can provide valuable insights into the internal genetic structure and sources of fitness variation in small populations.  相似文献   

Darwin's fecundity advantage model is often cited as the cause of female biased size dimorphism, however, the empirical studies of lifetime selection on male and female body size that would be required to demonstrate this are few. As a component of a study relating sexual size dimorphism to lifetime selection in natural populations of the female size-biased waterstrider Aquarius remigis (Hemiptera: Gerridae), we estimated coefficients for daily fecundity selection, longevity selection, and lifetime fecundity selection acting on female body size and components of body size for two consecutive generations. Daily fecundity was estimated using females confined in field enclosures and reproductive survival was estimated by twice-weekly recaptures. We found that daily fecundity selection favored females with longer total length through direct selection acting on abdomen length. Longevity selection favored females with smaller total length. When daily fecundity and reproductive longevity were combined to estimate lifetime fecundity we found significant balancing selection acting on total length in both years. The relationship between daily fecundity and reproductive longevity also reveals a significant cost of reproduction in one of two years. We relate these selection estimates to previous estimates of sexual selection on male body size and consider the relationship between contemporary selection and sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

We report our studies of the effect of inbreeding on the response to selection for increased pupal weight in the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. We also report the effects of inbreeding and selection for pupal weight on the heritable variation in fitness and fitness components. We created replicate and independent inbred lines with F-values of 0.00, 0.375, and 0.672, by 0, 2, and 5 generations, respectively, of brother-sister mating of adult beetles from an outbred stock population. Subsequently, we imposed artificial within-family selection for increased pupal weight in each of 15 inbred lines for eight generations; each line had its own paired, unselected control. We compared the response to selection across the three levels of inbreeding with theoretical expectation, and investigated the effects of inbreeding and selection on fitness variation among families within all 30 selected and control lines. Among-line variation in pupal weight increased with increased inbreeding prior to selection but diminished with directional selection. Inbreeding reduced the realized heritability of pupal weight concordant with quantitative predictions of additive theory. Mean fitness, measured in several ways, declined with inbreeding and declined further with selection. In contrast, the genetic variation for fitness in the inbred and selected lines lines equalled or exceeded that of the outbred controls. Our results suggest that inbreeding and selection may affect traits in different ways depending on the relative amounts of additive and nonadditive genetic variation.  相似文献   

In many animals, sexual selection has resulted in complex signaling systems in which males advertise aspects of their phenotypic or genetic quality through elaborate ornamentation and display behaviors. Different ornaments might convey different information or be directed at different receivers, but they might also be redundant signals of quality that function reliably at different times (ages) or in different contexts. We explored sexual selection and age‐ and condition‐dependent signaling in the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), a sexually dichromatic warbler with two prominent plumage ornaments—a melanin‐based, black facial “mask” and carotenoid‐based, UV‐yellow “bib.” In a three‐year study, variance among males in the number of social (Mw) and extra‐pair (Me) mates generated strong sexual selection on mask and bib attributes. Some traits (mask size, bib yellow brightness) were correlated with male age and did not experience selection beyond age‐related increases in Mw and Me. Other traits showed age‐specific (bib size) or age‐reversed (ultraviolet brightness) patterns of selection that paralleled changes in the information‐content of each ornament. The components of male fitness generating selection in young versus old males were distinct, reflecting different sources of variation in male fertilization success. Age‐ and context‐dependent changes in the strength, direction, and target of selection may help explain the maintenance of multiple ornaments in this and other species.  相似文献   

Modernization has increased longevity and decreased fertility in many human populations, but it is not well understood how or to what extent these demographic transitions have altered patterns of natural selection. I integrate individual‐based multivariate phenotypic selection approaches with evolutionary demographic methods to demonstrate how a demographic transition in 19th century female populations of Utah altered relationships between fitness and age‐specific survival and fertility. Coincident with this demographic transition, natural selection for fitness, as measured by the opportunity for selection, increased by 13% to 20% over 65 years. Proportional contributions of age‐specific survival to total selection (the complement to age‐specific fertility) diminished from approximately one third to one seventh following a marked increase in infant survival. Despite dramatic reductions in age‐specific fertility variance at all ages, the absolute magnitude of selection for fitness explained by age‐specific fertility increased by approximately 45%. I show that increases in the adaptive potential of fertility traits followed directly from decreased population growth rates. These results suggest that this demographic transition has increased the adaptive potential of the Utah population, intensified selection for reproductive traits, and de‐emphasized selection for survival‐related traits.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1053-1072
We address the subject of entrainment of the hamster clock by the day:night cycle in summer when the sun sets after 6 PM and rises before 6 AM (nights<12 h). Summer day:night cycles were simulated by 6 light:dark (LD) cycles with D<12 h (summerlike, SLD) ranging from SLD 12.5h:11.5h (D, 6:15 PM–5:45 AM) to 18h:6h (D, 9 PM–3 AM). These are the near limiting SLDs for constant PM timing (entrainment) of behavioral estrus and wheel running in hamsters. The onset of estrus was observed every 4 d in the same hamsters as a phase marker of their 24h clock. On the day before an experimental estrus, preceded and followed by control onsets, a dark period was imposed to cover a putative 6 PM–6 AM light-sensitive period (LSP). This was scanned with a light pulse (and periodic 5sec bell alarms) lasting 5–240 min. Shifts in onset of estrus on the next day were plotted vs. the end of the light pulse for PM times (“dusk”) and its onset for AM times (“dawn”). The resulting phase shifts from the six SLDs were similar, permitting their combination into a single phase-response curve (PRC) of 1605 shifts. This SLD composite PRC rose at 10:15 PM, peaked at 2 AM (81min advanced shift), fell linearly to 5:55 AM, and then abruptly to normal at 6 AM (no shift). Peak shift was unaffected by light pulse duration or intensity, or hamster age. The SLD composite PRC lacked the 6 PM–9 PM curve of delayed shifts present in reported PRCs from LD 12h:12h and DD. However, a two-pulse experiment showed that all light from 6 PM to L-off was needed to block (balance) the advancing action of a 5min morning light pulse, thereby maintaining entrainment. A working hypothesis to explain daily entrainment and seasonal fertility in the golden hamster is illustrated. A nomenclature for labeling the phases of the hamster clock (circadian time) is proposed.  相似文献   

本文论述了陕北黄土高原植被的性质,并以土壤分析数据说明植被破坏不仅影响土壤的机械侵蚀,而且使土壤的有机质、氮、磷、含水量等一些重要数值降低,一般程度不等的降低幅度为2一7倍之间;另外,恢复植被不仅能保持水土,防止侵蚀,更重要的是使土壤性质因素向良好方向发展,提高土壤肥力。  相似文献   

The variance in fitness across population members can influence major evolutionary processes. In socially monogamous but genetically polygynandrous species, extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is widely hypothesized to increase the variance in male fitness compared to that arising given the socially monogamous mating system. This hypothesis has not been definitively tested because comprehensive data describing males’ apparent (social) and realized (genetic) fitness have been lacking. We used 16 years of comprehensive social and genetic paternity data for an entire free‐living song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) population to quantify and compare variances in male apparent and realized fitness, and to quantify the contribution of the variances in within‐pair reproductive success (WPRS) and extra‐pair reproductive success (EPRS) and their covariance to the variance in realized fitness. Overall, EPP increased the variance in male fitness by only 0–27% across different fitness and variance measures. This relatively small effect reflected the presence of socially unpaired males with zero apparent and low realized fitness, small covariance between WPRS and EPRS, and large variance in WPRS that was relatively unaffected by EPP. Therefore, although EPP altered individual males’ contributions to future generations, its impact on population‐level parameters such as the opportunity for selection and effective population size was limited.  相似文献   

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