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Polyploid organisms often have different geographic ranges than their diploid relatives. However, it is unclear whether this divergence is maintained by adaptation or results from historical differences in colonization. Here, we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment with diploid and autotetraploid Chamerion angustifolium to test for adaptation at the ploidy and population level. In the Rocky Mountains, pure diploid populations occur at high elevations and pure autotetraploid populations occur at low elevations with mixed ploidy populations between. We planted 3134 seedlings in 2004 and 3890 juveniles (bolting) in 2005 among nine plots, three in each of the diploid, mixed ploidy, and tetraploid zones, and monitored survival until 2008. For both seedlings and juvenile plants, elevation significantly influenced survival. The juvenile plants also showed a significant ploidy by elevation interaction, indicating that diploids and tetraploids survived best at their native elevations. In contrast, we found no evidence of local adaptation to plot within elevation. This suggests that the current distribution of diploids and tetraploids across elevations is the result of adaptation and that genome duplication may have facilitated the invasion of lower elevation habitats by limiting the movement of maladapted alleles from diploid populations at higher elevations.  相似文献   

Plant populations often adapt to local environmental conditions. Here we demonstrate local adaptation in two subspecies of the California native annual Gilia capitata using standard reciprocal transplant techniques in two sites (coastal and inland) over three consecutive years. Subspecies performance in each site was measured in four ways: probability of seedling emergence, early vegetative size (length of longest leaf), probability of flowering, and total number of inflorescences produced per plant. Analysis of three of the four variables demonstrated local adaptation through site-by-subspecies interactions in which natives outperformed immigrants. The disparity between natives and immigrants in their probability of emergence and probability of flowering was greater at the coastal site than at the inland site. Treated in isolation, these two fitness components suggest that migration from the coast to the inland site may be less restricted by selection than migration in the opposite direction. Two measurements of individual size (leaf length and number of inflorescences), suggest (though not strongly) that immigrants may be subject to weaker selection at the coastal site than at the inland site. A standard cohort life table is used to compare replacement rates (R0) for each subspecies at each site. Comparisons of R0s suggest that immigrants are under a severe demographic disadvantage at the coastal site, but only a small disadvantage at the inland site. The results point out the importance of integrating over several fitness components when documenting the magnitude of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Many trophically transmitted parasites manipulate their intermediate host phenotype, resulting in higher transmission to the final host. However, it is not known if manipulation is a fixed adaptation of the parasite or a dynamic process upon which selection still acts. In particular, local adaptation has never been tested in manipulating parasites. In this study, using experimental infections between six populations of the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis and its amphipod host Gammarus pulex, we investigated whether a manipulative parasite may be locally adapted to its host. We compared adaptation patterns for infectivity and manipulative ability. We first found a negative effect of all parasite infections on host survival. Both parasite and host origins influenced infection success. We found a tendency for higher infectivity in sympatric versus allopatric combinations, but detailed analyses revealed significant differences for two populations only. Conversely, no pattern of local adaptation was found for behavioral manipulation, but manipulation ability varied among parasite origins. This suggests that parasites may adapt their investment in behavioral manipulation according to some of their host's characteristics. In addition, all naturally infected host populations were less sensitive to parasite manipulation compared to a naive host population, suggesting that hosts may evolve a general resistance to manipulation.  相似文献   

Divergent selection pressures across environments can result in phenotypic differentiation that is due to local adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, or both. Trinidadian guppies exhibit local adaptation to the presence or absence of predators, but the degree to which predator‐induced plasticity contributes to population differentiation is less clear. We conducted common garden experiments on guppies obtained from two drainages containing populations adapted to high‐ and low‐predation environments. We reared full‐siblings from all populations in treatments simulating the presumed ancestral (predator cues present) and derived (predator cues absent) conditions and measured water column use, head morphology, and size at maturity. When reared in presence of predator cues, all populations had phenotypes that were typical of a high‐predation ecotype. However, when reared in the absence of predator cues, guppies from high‐ and low‐predation regimes differed in head morphology and size at maturity; the qualitative nature of these differences corresponded to those that characterize adaptive phenotypes in high‐ versus low‐predation environments. Thus, divergence in plasticity is due to phenotypic differences between high‐ and low‐predation populations when reared in the absence of predator cues. These results suggest that plasticity might initially play an important role during colonization of novel environments, and then evolve as a by‐product of adaptation to the derived environment.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is a key factor influencing mating system evolution in plants, but current understanding of its relationship with selfing rate is limited by a sampling bias with few estimates for self‐incompatible species. We quantified inbreeding depression (δ) over two growing seasons in two populations of the self‐incompatible perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea in Scandinavia. Inbreeding depression was strong and of similar magnitude in both populations. Inbreeding depression for overall fitness across two seasons (the product of number of seeds, offspring viability, and offspring biomass) was 81% and 78% in the two populations. Chlorophyll deficiency accounted for 81% of seedling mortality in the selfing treatment, and was not observed among offspring resulting from outcrossing. The strong reduction in both early viability and late quantitative traits suggests that inbreeding depression is due to deleterious alleles of both large and small effect, and that both populations experience strong selection against the loss of self‐incompatibility. A review of available estimates suggested that inbreeding depression tends to be stronger in self‐incompatible than in self‐compatible highly outcrossing species, implying that undersampling of self‐incompatible taxa may bias estimates of the relationship between mating system and inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Parallel evolution of similar phenotypes provides strong evidence for the operation of natural selection. Where these phenotypes contribute to reproductive isolation, they further support a role for divergent, habitat‐associated selection in speciation. However, the observation of pairs of divergent ecotypes currently occupying contrasting habitats in distinct geographical regions is not sufficient to infer parallel origins. Here we show striking parallel phenotypic divergence between populations of the rocky‐shore gastropod, Littorina saxatilis, occupying contrasting habitats exposed to either wave action or crab predation. This divergence is associated with barriers to gene exchange but, nevertheless, genetic variation is more strongly structured by geography than by ecotype. Using approximate Bayesian analysis of sequence data and amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, we show that the ecotypes are likely to have arisen in the face of continuous gene flow and that the demographic separation of ecotypes has occurred in parallel at both regional and local scales. Parameter estimates suggest a long delay between colonization of a locality and ecotype formation, perhaps because the postglacial spread of crab populations was slower than the spread of snails. Adaptive differentiation may not be fully genetically independent despite being demographically parallel. These results provide new insight into a major model of ecologically driven speciation.  相似文献   

 研究残存居群的数量性状分化及其地方适应性有助于了解不同居群对环境的适应性并制定相应的保育策略。本研究采用同园实验,利用随机区 组设计,对中华水韭(Isoetes s inensis)3个居群的9种优势基因型的数量性状进行巢式方差分析,并采用Bayesian方法计算等位酶(FST)和 数量性状(QST)的居群分化值。结果表明,在测量的14个数量性状中,有10个性状在居群间有显著性差异,仅有3个性状在居群内有显著性差 异;多重比较表明其中5个性状的平均值均以松阳居群最高,休宁居群最低;建德居群的大孢子囊的性状和植株高度的平均值最高,休宁居群最 低;推测这可能是与奠基者效应、物种间竞争及中华水韭在自然生境下形成的营养生长和生殖生长之间的权衡有关。对居群数量性状分化的QST 值和等位酶分化的FST值分析比较发现,在假设为自交系时有8个性状的QST值均大于FST值,表明存在明显的地方适应性,居群间个体的混合存 在潜在的远交衰退的风险,所以不宜采用居群间相互移植个体的方法来进行中华水韭居群的遗传复壮。对休宁和松阳两个居群的保育应采用提 高居群内基因流和改善生境环境的方法,促进居群内的遗传复壮;对建德居群应尽量减少人为干扰,宜建立特定生境的保护小区。  相似文献   

The deme-formation hypothesis states that selection can produce adaptive genetic variation within and among phytophagous insect populations. We conducted three field experiments and tested this prediction by transferring eggs and measuring performance of a mobile leafmining insect, Stilbosis quadricustatella. In Experiment 1, we compared the rate of mine initiation of leafminers transferred to natal and novel sites. In Experiment 2, we compared mine-initiation rate of leafminers transferred to natal and novel host-plant species. In Experiment 3, we compared the mine-initiation rate, mine-completion rate, and sources of mortality of miners transferred to neighboring natal and novel Quercus geminata trees. In the first, second, and third experiments, leafminer larvae initiated significantly more mines at the natal site, on the natal plant species, and on the natal Q. geminata tree, evidence for adaptive differentiation. Furthermore, plant-mediated mortality was significantly lower among miners transferred to natal Q. geminata trees. This result supports a key assumption of the deme-formation hypothesis: insects adapt to the defensive phenotypes of individual trees. However, natural-enemy mortality was significantly higher among miners transferred to natal trees, essentially reversing the plant effect. Therefore, rates of successful mine completion were similar on natal (19%) and novel (17%) trees. This experiment suggests that host plants and natural enemies may represent opposing forces of selection. Leafminers adapted to individual trees may realize a selective advantage only when natural-enemy densities are low.  相似文献   

Gene flow is often considered to be one of the main factors that constrains local adaptation in a heterogeneous environment. However, gene flow may also lead to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. We investigated the effect of gene flow on local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in development time in island populations of the common frog Rana temporaria which breed in pools that differ in drying regimes. This was done by investigating associations between traits (measured in a common garden experiment) and selective factors (pool drying regimes and gene flow from other populations inhabiting different environments) by regression analyses and by comparing pairwise FST values (obtained from microsatellite analyses) with pairwise QST values. We found that the degree of phenotypic plasticity was positively correlated with gene flow from other populations inhabiting different environments (among‐island environmental heterogeneity), as well as with local environmental heterogeneity within each population. Furthermore, local adaptation, manifested in the correlation between development time and the degree of pool drying on the islands, appears to have been caused by divergent selection pressures. The local adaptation in development time and phenotypic plasticity is quite remarkable, because the populations are young (less than 300 generations) and substantial gene flow is present among islands.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that most natural isolates of Escherichia coli are resistant to most or all colicins (antibiotics produced by E. coli) when assessed in the laboratory. Additionally, resistance to different colicin types appears to arise in a nonindependent manner. One possible mechanism to explain this nonindependence is pleiotropy: Multiple resistances are selected after exposure to a single colicin. This study, which was designed to address the role of pleiotropy in the generation of colicin resistance, revealed that 96% of colicin resistant mutants were resistant to two or more colicins. Mutational class was important because putative translocation mutants (Tol pathway mutants) resisted fewer colicins than putative receptor mutants. To determine whether colicin resistance is costly, the effects of colicin resistance mutations on maximal growth rate in a rich medium were also examined. Relative to the sensitive ancestor, translocation mutations lowered maximal growth rates by 17%, whereas putative receptor mutations did not significantly lower growth rates. Thus, when nutrients are abundant, the most advantageous forms of colicin resistance may not impose a cost. The ecological consequences of pleiotropic colicin resistance could involve population cycling between colicin sensitivity and resistance. Additionally, if the cost of resistance depends on the environment, ecological diversification could result.  相似文献   

克隆植物的表型可塑性与等级选择   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
表型可塑性是指生物个体生长发育过程中遭受不同环境条件作用时产生不同表型的能力。进化的发生有赖于自然选择对种群遗传可变性产生的效力以及各基因型的表型可塑性。有足够的证据说明表型可塑性的可遗传性,它实际上是进化改变的一个成分。一般通过优化模型、数量遗传模型和配子模型来研究表型可塑性的进化。植物的构型是相对固定的,并未完全抑制表型可塑性。克隆植物因其双构件性而具有更广泛的、具有重要生态适应意义的表型可塑性。构件性使克隆植物具有以分株为基本单位的等级结构,从而使克隆植物的表型选择也具有等级性。构件等级一般包含基株、克隆片段或分株系统以及分株3个典型水平。目前认为克隆植物的自然选择有两种模式,分别以等级选择模型和基因型选择模型表征。等级选择模型认为:不同的等级水平同时也是表型选择水平,环境对各水平具有作用,各水平之间也有相互作用,多重表型选择水平的净效应最终通过繁殖水平——分株传递到随后的世代中。基因型选择模型指出:克隆生长引起分株的遗传变异,并通过基株内分株间以及基株间的非随机交配引起种子库等位基因频率的改变,产生微进化。这两种选择模式均突出强调了分株水平在自然选择过程中的变异性以及在进化中的重要性,强调了克隆生长和种子繁殖对基株适合度的贡献。基因型选择模型包含等级选择模型的观点,是对等级选择模型的重要补充。克隆植物的表型可塑性表现在3个典型等级层次上,由于各层次对自然选择压力具有不同的反应,其表型变异程度一般表现出“分株层次>分株片段层次>基株层次”的等级性反应模式。很多证据表明,在构件有机体中构件具有最大的表型可塑性,植物的表型可塑性实际上是构件而非整个遗传个体的反应。这说明克隆植物的等级反应模式可能具有普适性。如果该反应模式同时还是构件等级中不同“个体”适应性可塑性反应的模式,那么可以预测:1)在克隆植物中,分株层次受到的自然选择强度也最大,并首先发生适应性可塑性变化,最终引起克隆植物微进化;2)由于较弱的有性繁殖能力,克隆植物在进化过程中的保守性可能大于非克隆植物。克隆植物等级反应模式的普适性亟待验证。  相似文献   

Evolutionary models predict that parasite virulence (parasite-induced host mortality) can evolve as a consequence of natural selection operating on between-host parasite transmission. Two major assumptions are that virulence and transmission are genetically related and that the relative virulence and transmission of parasite genotypes remain similar across host genotypes. We conducted a cross-infection experiment using monarch butterflies and their protozoan parasites from two populations in eastern and western North America. We tested each of 10 host family lines against each of 18 parasite genotypes and measured virulence (host life span) and parasite transmission potential (spore load). Consistent with virulence evolution theory, we found a positive relationship between virulence and transmission across parasite genotypes. However, the absolute values of virulence and transmission differed among host family lines, as did the rank order of parasite clones along the virulence-transmission relationship. Population-level analyses showed that parasites from western North America caused higher infection levels and virulence, but there was no evidence of local adaptation of parasites on sympatric hosts. Collectively, our results suggest that host genotypes can affect the strength and direction of selection on virulence in natural populations, and that predicting virulence evolution may require building genotype-specific interactions into simpler trade-off models.  相似文献   

The major goal of evolutionary thermal biology is to understand how variation in temperature shapes phenotypic evolution. Comparing thermal reaction norms among populations from different thermal environments allows us to gain insights into the evolutionary mechanisms underlying thermal adaptation. Here, we have examined thermal adaptation in six wild populations of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) from markedly different natural environments by analyzing thermal reaction norms for fecundity, thorax length, wing area, and ovariole number under ecologically realistic fluctuating temperature regimes in the laboratory. Contrary to expectation, we found only minor differences in the thermal optima for fecundity among populations. Differentiation among populations was mainly due to differences in absolute (and partly also relative) thermal fecundity performance. Despite significant variation among populations in the absolute values of morphological traits, we observed only minor differentiation in their reaction norms. Overall, the thermal reaction norms for all traits examined were remarkably similar among different populations. Our results therefore suggest that thermal adaptation in D. melanogaster predominantly involves evolutionary changes in absolute trait values rather than in aspects of thermal reaction norms.  相似文献   

祁连山青海云杉天然群体的种实性状表型多样性   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 以系统揭示其表型变异程度和变异规律为目的,对祁连山青海云杉(Picea crassifolia )天然分布区的10个群体的8个种实性状进行了比较分析。采用方差分析、多重比较,相关分析、聚类分析等多种分析方法,对群体间和群体内的表型多样性进行了讨论。方差分析结果表明,各种实性状在群体间都存在极显著差异,除球果干质量和球果长/球果径外,其余性状在群体内都存在着极显著的差异;表型分化系数即群体间变异为27.18%,小于群体内的变异(72.82%);球果长、球果径、球果干质量、球果形状指数、种子长、种子宽、千粒重和种子形状指数的变异系数分别为:10.08%、5.80%、19.29%、9.66%、8.38%、15.34%、6.52%和13.94%;8个种实性状间多数呈极显著或显著的正相关,球果干质量、种子长、千粒重、球果长和球果径为青海云杉易测定和重要的种实性状;种实性状呈现出以经度变异为主的梯度规律性;通过表型性状的聚类分析可以将青海云杉10个群体划分为4类。  相似文献   

To understand the evolutionary consequences of hybridization between the outcrossing plant Geum rivale (Rosaceae) and the selfer Geum urbanum, we tested the predictions of two simple models that assume either (A) low or (B) high pollen fitness in hybrids. Model A predicts only four genotypic classes (G. rivale, G. rivale backcross [BCR], F1, and Geum urbanum) and asymmetric introgression from inbreeding to outbreeding species. Model B predicts additional genotypic classes and potential generation of novel inbreeding lines in the hybrid swarm. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of adults revealed only the four genotypes predicted by model A. However, microsatellite analysis of parent–progeny arrays demonstrated production of selfed offspring by F1 and BCR maternal parents and contribution of these genotypes to outcross pollen pools, as predicted by model B. Moreover, AFLP and morphological analysis showed that the offspring generation comprised genotypes and phenotypes covering the entire spectrum of variation between the two parental species, in line with model B. A common garden experiment indicated no systematic reduction in fitness of offspring derived from hybrid parents. The genetic structure of the adults in the Geum hybrid swarm cannot be explained by restricted mating patterns but may result from ecological selection acting on a diverse offspring population.  相似文献   

The role of nuclear genes in local adaptation has been well documented. However, the role of maternally inherited cytoplasmic genes to the evolution of natural populations has been relatively unstudied. To evaluate the contribution of cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes and their interactions to local adaptation we created second-generation backcross hybrids between a Maryland and an Illinois population of the annual legume Chamaecrista fasciculata. Backcross progeny were planted in the sites native to each population for two years and we quantified germination, survivorship, fruit production, vegetative biomass, and cumulative fitness. We found limited evidence for the contribution of either cytoplasmic or nuclear genes to local adaptation. In Maryland plants had greater survivorship, biomass, fruit production, and cumulative fitness if their nuclear genome was composed predominately of native Maryland genes; cytoplasmic genes did not affect fitness. In Illinois local cytoplasm marginally enhanced fitness, whereas Maryland nuclear genes outperformed local nuclear genes. Interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear genes influenced seed weight, vegetative biomass, and fitness and therefore may affect evolution of these characters. Genetic effects were stronger acting through seed size than directly on characters. However, seed size differences between the two populations were largely genetic and therefore selection on fitness components is likely to result in evolutionary change. The contribution of nuclear and cytoplasmic genes to fitness components varied across sites and years, suggesting that experiments should be replicated and conducted under natural conditions to understand the influence of these genomes and their interactions to population differentiation.  相似文献   

Relationships between egg size and juvenile survival in brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, were determined experimentally at two levels of food abundance and then incorporated into a model that related maternal fitness to egg size and food supply. Egg volume was positively correlated with juvenile size at hatching and size at yolk sac resorption but had no significant effect on embryonic survival or development time. Juvenile survival was linearly related to egg size throughout the first 50 days of exogenous feeding at high and low food levels. The effects of egg size and food abundance on juvenile survival were not additive. Decreased food abundance significantly increased mortality among the smallest eggs but had a negligible effect on the largest eggs. Model simulations indicate that maternal fitness is a curvilinear function of egg size and that food supply influences both the height and the shape of the function. The fitness functions provide empirical support for the hypothesis that selection favors an increase in offspring size with reductions in resource abundance.  相似文献   

Predation is an important selective force that influences animal color patterns. Some larval populations of the streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, inhabit streams with fish predators. Other larval salamanders are found in shallow, ephemeral streams that are predator-free. Quantitative melanophore cell counts and estimates of percent body area pigmented indicated that larval coloration is strongly correlated with stream type. Larvae that coexist with fish tend to be lighter than larvae from streams that are Ashless and ephemeral. Two approaches demonstrated that lightly pigmented salamander larvae better match the common background in relatively permanent streams and are less conspicuous to fish than dark larvae. First, using a model based on the spectral sensitivity of the fish and reflectance properties of salamanders and natural stream backgrounds, we showed that light larvae are three times more cryptic than dark larvae on rocks. Second, lighter larvae had higher survival than darker salamanders on rocks in a predator- choice experiment. It is not clear why larvae in ephemeral streams are darker. Larvae in ephemeral streams should be active to feed and develop rapidly and reach sufficient size to metamorphose before seasonal drying. Several hypotheses may explain why larvae tend to be darker in ephemeral streams, such as increased thermoregulatory ability, better screening of ultraviolet radiation (in these shallower streams), or better background matching to terrestrial predators. Among populations where salamander larvae coexist with fish, there are differences in relative crypsis. Larvae from populations with fish and relatively high gene flow from ephemeral populations (where larvae are dark) tend to be darker (with more melanophores) and more conspicuous to predators than those from more genetically isolated populations, where larvae are lighter and more cryptic. These differences illustrate the role of gene flow as a constraint to adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The assumption of hybrid inferiority is central to the two models most widely applied to the prediction of hybrid zone evolution. Both the tension zone and mosaic models assume that natural selection acts against hybrids regardless of the environment in which they occur. To test this assumption, we investigated components of fitness in Iris fulva, I. hexagona and their reciprocal F1 hybrids under greenhouse conditions. The four cross types were compared on the basis of seed germination, vegetative and clonal growth, and sexual reproduction. In all cases, the hybrids performed as well as, or significantly better than, both of their parents. These results suggest that F1 hybrids between I. fulva and I. hexagona are at least as fit as their parents. The results of this study are therefore inconsistent with the assumptions of both the tension zone and mosaic models of hybrid zone evolution.  相似文献   

The frequent use of neutral markers to quantify genetic variation in natural populations emphasizes the role of stochastic events in explaining genetic differentiation between populations. Complementary studies on ecologically relevant traits are needed to assess the role of natural selection acting on adaptive variation in the development of local genetic differentiation. To test the hypothesis of local adaptation in the cyclical parthenogenetic species Daphnia magna, the phototactic behavior in the absence and presence of fish kairomone was assayed for 30 clones derived from resting eggs isolated from three habitats characterized by a different predation pressure by fish. Clones derived from populations in which fish are present were, on average, more negatively phototactic in and more responsive to the presence of fish kairomone than clones derived from a fishless habitat. In addition, the results show a high genetic diversity for the traits studied in all three gene pools investigated, indicating a high potential for microevolutionary changes in behavior of these Daphnia populations in the face of changes in predation pressure. The results of the present study indicate that working with large samples at the expense of having less precise estimates of genotypic values for specific genotypes may result in a loss of information with regard to the evolutionary potential of local populations.  相似文献   

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