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Tree pollen, especially Pinus spp. (Pinaceae), is shed in large quantities every spring in North America. Pine pollen deposition onto leaves was found to significantly influence the ovipositional behaviors of certain thrips species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in peanut and tomato leaf choice and no‐choice tests. Pine pollen (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) increased the oviposition rate 2.9‐fold for Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (western flower thrips) and 1.6‐fold for Frankliniella fusca (Hinds) (tobacco thrips) in choice tests averaged over both plant species. These results support the idea that pollen has a greater impact on F. occidentalis behavior than on F. fusca behavior. The most dramatic increase was in peanut, where F. occidentalis only oviposited on leaves dusted with pollen, suggesting that the addition of pollen stimulated this flower thrips to lay eggs on a poor host‐plant part. The impact of pollen on the rate of oviposition by thrips is important because it is the early‐instar nymphs that acquire tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), which these two thrips species vector. In a laboratory bioassay, the addition of pine pollen to TSWV‐infected peanut foliage increased the percentage of infected F. fusca after one generation.  相似文献   

Rabbit immunoglobulin G (R‐IgG) was used successfully as an external mark for thrips. Females of both Thrips tabaci Lindeman and Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) were marked with 1 mg ml?1 R‐IgG solution with 1%‘Tween 20’ by the contact exposure method. Determining the retention of the mark was by running the rinsing solution of individual thrips in an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The sandwich ELISA method was used with an additional biotin–avidin step. The threshold for a positive marking score was defined as three times the mean optical density readings of the negative control thrips. Under laboratory conditions, on bean pods, all marked thrips scored positive up to 6 days after marking (DAM). When marked thrips were kept in the laboratory on marigold flowers for 2 days, they all scored positive. When marked and unmarked thrips were placed together on these flowers, the mark was transferred to 10–20% of the unmarked thrips and they became positive. Under field conditions, on sticky traps covered with water‐base glue, 100, 80, and 20% of the marked T. tabaci scored positive by the 3rd, 6th, and 9th DAM, respectively. Under the same conditions 100, 90, and 10% of the marked F. occidentalis scored positive by the 3rd, 6th, and 9th DAM, respectively. The retention of the R‐IgG decreased significantly under conditions of wetness and high humidity. After 6 days on chive plants kept at 80–100% r.h., all marked thrips scored negative while on plants kept at 40–60% r.h., 85% of the marked thrips scored positive. Rabbit IgG can be used as an external marker for thrips. The suitability of this marking method for dispersal studies of these important pests needs to be evaluated.  相似文献   

The study aimed at determining thrips species composition and thrips population density on French bean planted as a sole crop and as an intercrop with either sunflower, Irish potato, or baby corn, in various combinations. Field experiments were conducted in two seasons to examine: (1) thrips population development and thrips species composition over time, (2) effect of intercrops on thrips population density and natural enemies, and (3) effect of intercrops on French bean yield. The experiments were conducted at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Embu, Kenya in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The thrips population on French beans increased with time. It showed a peak at the flowering stage then started declining when the crops were nearing senescence. French beans hosted four thrips species, Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom), Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), and Hydatothrips aldolfifriderici (Karny) (all Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in order of decreasing abundance. The main thrips species on Irish potato and sunflower was F. schultzei. Baby corn hosted only Frankliniella williamsi (Hood) and Thrips pusillus (Bagnall). A monocrop of French bean hosted more thrips than a French bean intercrop mix. Thrips natural enemies such as Orius spp. and Ceranisus spp. were recorded in all crop plants but in especially high numbers on French bean and baby corn, respectively. Plots with French bean alone had about 1.4 times higher yields compared to intercropped plots of French bean with sunflower and French bean with baby corn. However, the percentage of pods that could get rejected on the market due to thrips damage was highest on plots with French bean alone (68 and 63%) and lowest on plots with French bean and baby corn (35 and 37%) in the first and second seasons, respectively. This study showed that a complex of thrips is found in the field and its composition varies with crop stage and species. Intercropping French bean with other crops compromises on French bean yield but reduces damage to the French bean pods, thereby enhancing marketable yield.  相似文献   

The incidence of thrips in the High Plains of Texas (USA) was investigated using sticky traps during the 2021 and 2022 seasons. Yellow sticky traps were placed in wheat fields and collected and replaced weekly and thrips were counted under a dissecting scope. Weekly wheat reflectance measurements were taken using a hyperspectral radiometer from which normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated for each measurement. Temperature (degree day) and NDVI values were then related to weekly thrips incidence using regression. Thrips incidence curvilinearly increased over time during each of the two seasons and reached a maximum in the middle of June, after which it declined sharply. There was a strong positive relationship between degree days and thrips incidence until the incidence reached a maximum, whereas the incidence was negatively related to NDVI values. Analysis of the thrips changes over time progress with the two variables together showed that degree day has greater impact on thrips incidence than NDVI. However, the steep decline in thrips abundance after its peak in mid-June suggests that senesced wheat fields with NDVI values near zero are not significant sources of thrips, signifying the importance of wheat growth stages in the seasonal population dynamics of thrips. Overall, the 2-year results were generally consistent in trends of thrips incidence during the season, which may need to be considered when choosing vegetable planting dates in the region.  相似文献   

The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is a major pest in glasshouses, where light and photoperiod are often manipulated to grow crops. The effect of five photoperiods (L0:D24, L6:D18, L12:D12, L18:D6, and L24:D0) on the behaviour of adult females was investigated in the laboratory at 25 °C. The amount of walking, pollen consumption, and oviposition all increased with increasing photophase. The three behaviours occurred at a low rate in continuous darkness, and are therefore not exclusively diurnal. Three out of 16 thrips (19%) showed weakly rhythmic walking activity in continuous darkness, with an average circadian period of 25.3 ± 1.5 h. It is proposed that the length of the photophase determines the amount of nutrient intake, which in turn determines oviposition rate and thus affects population increase.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), one of the most important glasshouse pests, includes a soil passage composed of three instars that deserve more attention in terms of biocontrol strategies. It has been repeatedly reported that two polyphagous predatory mites, Stratiolaelaps miles (Berlese) and Hypoaspis (Geolaelaps) aculeifer (Canestrini) (Acari: Laelapidae), also prey on these thrips stages, in addition to several other soil inhabiting prey species. However, the potential thrips consumption rates have never been quantified for these predatory mites. Therefore, an arena experiment was carried out to investigate the potential predation rates of the two mites on second instar larvae, prepupae, and pupae of F. occidentalis. In addition, the fecundity on the thrips diet was assessed and compared to oviposition rate on a nematode prey. All thrips instars were accepted as prey by each mite species. Females of H. aculeifer preyed on 3.5 (± 0.5) thrips instars and laid 2.5 (± 0.87) eggs per day, whereas females of S. miles preyed on 1.64 (± 0.3) thrips and laid 0.8 (± 0.53) eggs. Males of both species killed 0.6 (± 0.3) thrips per day. The fitness of the two predatory mites on F. occidentalis as prey and their suitability as biocontrol agents are elucidated. Reasons for reduced thrips control in the soil environment, in contrast to the results obtained in arena assays are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to establish in a new geographical area, introduced insects must be able to survive any period of adverse conditions such as a temperate winter and be capable of subsequent development to adulthood and/or reproduction. However, this aspect of insect overwintering and cold tolerance has been poorly studied. At high latitudes, Frankliniella occidentalis is typically associated with artificially heated glasshouses, but has some ability to tolerate low temperatures and may survive winter field conditions for short periods, or for longer periods of time during mild winters. The effects of overwintering on the viability of survivors are, however, unknown. In this study, acute and chronic cold exposure regimes were imposed on first instar larvae and adult female Western Flower Thrips, after which the longevity, development and reproductive capacity of the survivors were monitored and compared to those of non-stressed individuals. Survival of cold exposure did not affect subsequent survivorship of immature or adult insects, though cold treated larvae took approximately two days longer to reach adulthood than untreated individuals (at 20°C, 18L:6D). Chill treatment of adult females significantly reduced their rate of reproduction (from 1.45 to 0.93 larvae day-1), reproductive lifespan (from 13.3 to 9.2 days) and as a result, total reproductive output (from 20.4 to 10.8 larvae), compared to control females. Acute exposure resulted in non-significant decreases of the same parameters. The relevance of the above effects to overwintering of F. occidentalis is discussed.  相似文献   

‘Lure-and-infect’ is an insect pest management strategy with high potential but so far there are few examples of its application. Using traps as surrogates for auto-dissemination devices, we tested the attractiveness to naturally occurring thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) of three trap types differing in colour and structure, with and without the thrips lure methyl isonicotinate (MI), and sticky plate traps as a control. The aim was to find more effective traps that could be further developed into devices for auto-dissemination and lure-and-infect of thrips. The number of thrips captured varied substantially with trap type and the presence of the MI lure. We found a high visual response to a sticky ‘white ruffle’ trap (i.e., a 30-cm-long cylindrical outline of folded fabric), compared to a commonly used blue sticky plate trap (Bug-scan) as the control. This effect was seen both in a greenhouse with roses (Rosa spp.), where we encountered western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), and in a grass field, where we encountered onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, and New Zealand flower thrips, Thrips obscuratus (Crawford). In the absence of MI, the white ruffle trap caught 7–22× more thrips than the control Bug-scan trap. A similarly designed blue ruffle trap and a modified Lynfield trap caught lower thrips numbers than the white ruffle and the control Bug-scan traps. Presence of MI substantially increased the captures of T. tabaci in all three trap types in the field (2.5–18×). In the greenhouse, without MI the white ruffle trap caught 3.5–14× more thrips than the Bug-scan, blue ruffle, or modified Lynfield traps. Presence of MI increased the captures of F. occidentalis males and females in the Lynfield and blue ruffle traps (1.4–2.8×), but not in the white ruffle trap in the greenhouse (ca. 1.1×). The importance of visual and olfactory factors for the design of effective auto-dissemination and lure-and-infect strategies for thrips management is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The population response of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) to triflumuron, growth regulator of the benzoyl-phenyl-urea group which performs a chitin-inhibiting action, was the subject of an experimental field test. The characteristics of the active ingredient (knock-down effect, temporal persistence and overall effect of the substance) were assessed in comparison with the responses of two synthetic insecticides (methiocarb, chlorpyrifos-methyl) and in relation to the different treatment strategies (number and dates of treatments). The results of the experimental tests were analysed using a specially developed innovative method, which allows to evaluate precisely and in quantitative terms the response of the system (modification in the population dynamics of thrips) to the treatment carried out. The observations performed highlight that, at the considered doses, triflumuron is characterized by a weak knock-down effect but by good temporal persistence which makes it a product endowed with a distinct larvicidal activity. Furthermore, its action is better overall than that of chlorpyrifos-methyl and is comparable with that of methiocarb.  相似文献   

We examined water balance characteristics and the influence of desiccating conditions on the physiology and behavior of adult western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Western flower thrips are globally invasive and likely to contend with shifts in water availability across their expansive geographic range. Basic water balance characteristics, including water mass and dry mass, were established for adult males and females, revealing a distinct sexual dimorphism wherein females are larger, and males retain a larger percentage of their body mass as water. Males lose relative water mass more quickly and their survival times are shorter compared to females. RNA-seq analysis identified significant enrichment of a multitude of factors including carbohydrate transport and metabolism in dehydrated males and females. This was validated by altered glycogen levels, suggesting a rapid depletion in glycogen during dehydration. The probability of thrips feeding significantly increases when desiccation occurs, potentially to replenish water content and nutrient reserves. Our results establish the fundamental water balance characteristics of adult thrips and indicate that dehydration significantly influences the survivorship and feeding behavior of thrips; all of which being crucial factors that contribute to their capacity as vectors for plant pathogens.  相似文献   

温度对西花蓟马生长发育、 繁殖和种群增长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)是一种入侵我国的重要害虫, 温度是决定蓟马能否建立稳定种群的最基本因素。为明确温度对西花蓟马种群增长的影响, 本研究在室内观察了西花蓟马在15℃, 20℃, 25℃, 30℃和35℃温度条件下的生长发育、 存活与繁殖能力, 并计算各温度条件下的种群增长参数。结果表明: 在35℃条件下, 西花蓟马不能完成发育, 其他温度条件下西花蓟马从卵孵化至蛹羽化成成虫, 以20℃条件下的存活率最高, 为62.8%。西花蓟马发育速率随温度升高明显加快, 在15℃下, 完成发育需要近30 d; 而在30℃下, 西花蓟马完成发育仅需10 d 左右。西花蓟马成虫寿命随温度的升高而明显缩短, 在15℃下, 平均寿命为36 d, 最长寿命达60 d; 在30℃下, 西花蓟马的平均寿命为10 d。西花蓟马在 15℃, 20℃和25℃条件下的平均繁殖力差异不显著, 分别为37.70, 32.56, 37.80头1龄若虫/雌, 但显著高于30℃条件下的平均繁殖力(9.36头1龄若虫/雌)。西花蓟马的种群增长参数净生殖率(R0)、 内禀增长率(rm), 在25℃时达最高值, 分别为20.10和0.178 d-1, 而在15℃下分别仅为18.67和0.096 d-1。据此得出, 20~25℃是最适宜西花蓟马生长发育和繁殖温度范围, 温度过高或过低都不利于西花蓟马种群增长。西花蓟马的发育起点温度为7.4℃, 充分完成发育所需的有效积温为208.0日·度。不考虑其他阻碍生长发育因素的情况下, 华南、 华中、 华北和东北地区的年发生代数分别为24~26, 16~18, 13~14和1~4代, 西南地区昆明与丽江分别为13~15和8~10代。  相似文献   

A microprojectile based transient expression assay was used to investigate the functional conservation of gene regulatory mechanisms in the male gametophytes of an angiosperm ( Nicotiana tabacum ) and two gymnospermous ( Picea abies and Pinus pinaster ) species. The activities of two angiosperm gene promoters, which have previously shown to be either preferentially expressed in the male gametophyte ( lat52 ) or highly expressed in both the sporophyte and male gametophyte ( Act I), were analysed. The results showed that in P. abies and P. pinaster , activity of the Act 1 promoter was significantly higher than the activity of the lat52 promoter, while the converse was observed in N. tabacum . Detailed analysis of lat52 5'promoter deletions demonstrated that although the minimal -67 bp lat52 core promoter was active at low levels in all three species, upstream regulatory elements conserved among several pollen-expressed genes, including the PBI element, were not functional in P. abies and P. pinaster . These results suggest that both taxa-specific and conserved regulatory mechanisms operate to control gene expression during pollen germination and tube growth.  相似文献   

The effect of the predatory miteHypoaspis aculeifer Canestrini (Acarina:Laelapidae) on soil-dwelling stages of thewestern flower thrips (WFT) Frankliniellaoccidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)and the influence of combined releases of H.aculeifer and two entomopathogenic nematodes(EPNs) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar(Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae) (strain HK3,HK3) and Steinernema feltiae Filipjev(Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) (Nemaplus®,SFN) were investigated in pot trials usingseedlings of green beans (Phaseolus vulgarisL.). Ten H. aculeifer adults per pot and 400infective juveniles (IJs) cm–2 soil, of the twoEPN strains were used. In comparison withuntreated control, H. aculeifer reduced theproportion of adult F. occidentalis emergenceby 46%, while SFN and HK3 led to a reductionin adult thrips emergence by 46% and 61%,respectively. Significant differences in adultWFT emergence were found between combinedtreatments of EPNs and H. aculeifer, andindividual applications of EPNs and/or H.aculeifer, with significantly lower adultthrips emergence in the combined treatments.These findings highlight the potential for acombined use of EPNs with H. aculeifer for thecontrol of soil-dwelling stages of thrips.  相似文献   

A panel of seven SR1 tobacco mutants (ATER1 to ATER7) derived via T‐DNA activation tagging and screening for resistance to a microtubule assembly inhibitor, ethyl phenyl carbamate, were used to study the role of microtubules during infection and spread of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). In one of these lines, ATER2, α‐tubulin is shifted from the tyrosinylated into the detyrosinated form, and the microtubule plus‐end marker GFP–EB1 moves significantly slower when expressed in the background of the ATER2 mutant as compared with the SR1 wild type. The efficiency of cell‐to‐cell movement of TMV encoding GFP‐tagged movement protein (MP‐GFP) is reduced in ATER2 accompanied by a reduced association of MP‐GFP with plasmodesmata. This mutant is also more tolerant to viral infection as compared with the SR1 wild type, implying that reduced microtubule dynamics confer a comparative advantage in face of TMV infection.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum [Chrysanthemum × morifolium Ramat. (Asteraceae)] is one of the economically most important greenhouse ornamentals worldwide. A major constraint in chrysanthemum production is adequate pest management, requiring the use of different tactics, such as improving host plant resistance, in the framework of an integrated pest management (IPM) approach. In this study, we investigated cross‐resistance of chrysanthemum to its three major pests: western flower thrips [Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)], celery leafminer [Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae)], and two‐spotted spider mite [Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)]. We quantified resistance to each pest by performing greenhouse bioassays with a broad range of chrysanthemum types from commercial germplasm provided by Dutch breeding companies. Considerable variation was detected among the chrysanthemum cultivars in thrips silver damage and growth damage, leafminer damage, measured as number of mines and pupae, and spider mite numbers and damage. We observed significant positive correlations between thrips damage (both silver and growth damage) vs. leafminer numbers (both mines and pupae), and between leafminer numbers (both mines and pupae) vs. spider mite numbers. Our results indicate an overlap in resistance to all three herbivores. The important implications of this result for chrysanthemum breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

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