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Cytochromes c of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The chemolithoautotrophic Gram-negative bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is versatile and can grow on a number of electron donors and acceptors. In the A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 genome, computer analysis identified 11 genes encoding putative cytochromes c. At least eight putative cytochromes c were differentiated on gels in ATCC 33020 cells grown on ferrous iron or sulfur. All these cytochromes were associated with the inner or the outer membranes. Lower levels of total cytochromes c were observed in sulfur- than in ferrous iron-grown cells. One cytochrome c was specific for sulfur conditions while three were specific for iron conditions, suggesting that cytochrome c synthesis is modulated depending on the electron donor.  相似文献   

The sulfur chemical speciation in extracellular and intracellular sulfur globules of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus caldus were investigated with an integrated approach including scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy and sulfur K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy (XANES). The results indicated that both strains can accumulate extracellular sulfur globules when grown on thiosulfate, and the major sulfur chemical speciation of which were S8 for A. ferrooxidans and mixture of ring sulfur and polythionate for A. caldus, respectively. In contrast, A. ferrooxidans can accumulate both linear sulfur and S8 internally when grown with sulfur powder and thiosulfate, whereas A. caldus did not accumulate intracellular sulfur globules. In addition, the fitted results of sulfur K-edge XANES spectra indicated that the reduced glutathione (containing thiols groups) were involved in sulfur bio-oxidation of both strains and the tetrathionate were the intermediate products during thiosulfate metabolism by two strains.  相似文献   

【目的】铁硫簇是最古老的一种氧化还原中心,它普遍存在于所有生命体内,在光合作用、呼吸作用和固氮作用这三个地球生命最基本的代谢途径中扮演着重要的角色。【方法】以嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(A.ferrooxidans ATCC 23270)基因组为模板,克隆表达其ISC铁硫簇组装的3个核心蛋白,IscS(半胱氨酸脱硫酶蛋白)、IscU(支架蛋白)和IscA(铁供体蛋白)。【结果】研究发现IscS能催化半胱氨酸脱硫,为铁硫簇的组装提供硫,支架蛋白IscU不具备结合铁的能力,IscA具有较强的铁结合能力。【结论】铁硫簇体外组装证明Fe-IscA在体外能将结合的铁传递给IscS,并在IscU上进行铁硫簇的组装。  相似文献   

Acid rock drainage (ARD) originating from the Yasumi-ishi tunnel near the main tunnel of the Yanahara mine in Japan was characterized to be moderately acidic (pH 4.1) and contained iron at a low concentration (51?mg/L). The composition of the microbial community was determined by sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes using PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. The analysis of the obtained sequences showed their similarity to clones recently detected in other moderately acidic mine drainages. Uncultured bacteria related to Ferrovum- and Gallionella-like clones were dominant in the microbial community. Analyses using specific primers for acidophilic iron- or sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum spp., Acidithiobacillus caldus, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, and Sulfobacillus spp. revealed the absence of these bacteria in the microbial community in ARD from the Yasumi-ishi tunnel. Clones affiliated with a member of the order Thermoplasmatales were detected as the dominant archaea in the ARD microbial population.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) lake of Xiang Mountain in Anhui Province, China, was characterized by acidic waters (pH around 2.8) containing high concentrations of soluble metals and sulfate. To investigate the function and dynamics of this extreme ecosystem, four water samples were collected from the lake in the fall of 2010. The acidophilic community structure was analyzed by molecular approaches, and bacterial and archaeal clone libraries of 16S rRNA genes were constructed. In contrast to dominance of chemolithotrophic acidophiles in typical AMD environments, autotrophic iron/sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were detected in only one sample with low abundance. Unexpectedly, the Cyanobacteria group was the predominant in all four samples (54.9%?77%). Chemoheterotrophs Acidiphilium and Acidisphaera were also abundant. These two heterotrophic groups contain bacteriochlorophyll that can perform photosynthesis, an advantage to grow and survive in such oligotrophic acidic environments. Only two clone sequences related to Legionella (2.8% of the total clones) were recovered from one sample in sharp contrast to its higher abundance (12.7%) in the summer of 2009. All archaeal sequences were affiliated to the phylum Crenarchaeota. The results of statistical analysis suggested that the water chemistry of the AMD lake controlled microbial composition of the AMD ecosystem.  相似文献   

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain D3-2, which has a high copper bioleaching activity, was isolated from a low-grade sulfide ore dump in Chile. The amounts of Cu2+ solubilized from 1% chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) concentrate medium (pH 2.5) by A. ferrooxidans strains D3-2, D3-6, and ATCC 23270 and 33020 were 1360, 1080, 650, and 600 mg·l ?1·30 d?1. The iron oxidase activities of D3-2, D3-6, and ATCC 23270 were 11.7, 13.2, and 27.9 μl O2 uptake·mg protein?1·min?1. In contrast, the sulfite oxidase activities of strains D3-2, D3-6, and ATCC 23270 were 5.8, 2.9, and 1.0 μl O2 uptake·mg protein?1·min?1. Both of cell growth and Cu-bioleaching activity of strains D3-6 and ATCC 23270, but not, of D3-2, in the chalcopyrite concentrate medium were completely inhibited in the presence of 5 mM sodium bisulfite. The sulfite oxidase of strain D3-2 was much more resistant to sulfite ion than that of strain ATCC 23270. Since sulfite ion is a highly toxic intermediate produced during sulfur oxidation that strongly inhibits iron oxidase activity, these results confirm that strain D3-2, with a unique sulfite resistant-sulfite oxidase, was able to solubilize more copper from chalcopyrite than strain ATCC 23270, with a sulfite-sensitive sulfite oxidase.  相似文献   

为探究酸性矿山排水生态系统不同环境中的微生物群落和功能,全面了解酸性矿山排水的形成和发展规律,采用高通量测序技术研究云南省蒙自某矿区酸矿水坑和周边溪水中的原核微生物群落组成,并结合样本理化特征分析影响群落结构的主要因素,进而解析菌群的环境功能。研究发现酸矿水坑中主要有广古菌门、变形菌门(包括α、γ和δ变形菌纲)、硝化螺菌门、厚壁菌门、放线菌门和酸杆菌门等类群,与周边溪水的群落结构具有明显差异。群落多样性与pH呈显著正相关,而热原体纲(Thermoplasmata)与pH呈负相关,可对群落结构起主导作用。酸矿水坑不同样本中均具有高丰度的亚铁原体属Ferroplasma (6.60%–86.34%),酸硫杆菌属Acidithiobacillus是酸矿水和沉积泥中主要的铁、硫氧化细菌,而专性铁氧化的钩端螺旋菌属Leptospirillum的丰度较低,铁卵形菌属Ferrovum几乎只存在于酸矿水中;此外,嗜酸或耐酸的异养菌广泛分布于酸矿水和沉积泥中,它们可促进铁、硫氧化菌的生长及催化矿石溶解。结果表明,pH通过影响微生物多样性和菌群分布而对酸性矿山排水环境微生物群落结构造成重大影响。  相似文献   

Acidic, ochre-precipitating springs at Mam Tor, East Midlands, UK, are analogous to sites impacted by acid mine drainage over prolonged periods of time, and were studied for the presence of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria. From enrichment cultures inoculated with Mam Tor sediment, a facultative anaerobe capable of reducing Fe(III) at pH values as low as three was isolated. 16S rRNA gene analysis showed that this bacterium is a close relative of Serratia species and not previously shown to respire using Fe(III) as an electron acceptor. Direct cell counts of the isolate grown with Fe(III)-NTA coupled with protein assays suggest that this bacterium is able to conserve energy for growth through Fe(III) reduction.  相似文献   

安徽某铁矿不同矿山废水库中微生物群落结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究安徽某铁矿不同矿山废水库中微生物群落结构特征及其影响因素。【方法】对比分析了该铁矿3个大型废水库的地球化学特征,并用高通量测序技术研究了水体中微生物群落组成,进而用统计学方法解析了环境因子对微生物群落结构的影响。【结果】3个废水库中有2个为酸性,1个为中性,理化性质有明显的差异。近年形成的塌方采场废水库(TF) pH仅为2.55±0.01,Fe浓度高达154.95±0.78mg/L,SO_4~(2–)浓度为3374.86±3.81mg/L;形成于20世纪70年代的排土场废水库(PT)酸性略弱(pH 2.9±0.02),Fe浓度(34.57±4.00 mg/L)与TF相比明显降低,SO_4~(2–)浓度则高达10398.98±626.70 mg/L;东沙采场废水库(DS)则为中性(pH7.55),但SO_4~(2–)仍高达4162.99mg/L,主要的金属离子为Mg(594.90 mg/L)、Ca (650.10 mg/L)。3个废水库的原核生物多样性随pH的升高而升高。两个酸性废水库的原核生物组成较为接近,但TF的化能自养菌含量较高(69.54%±2.89%),PT的化能异养菌含量较高(64.45%±13.81%)。自养铁氧化菌Ferrovum在TF中的比例高达(64.17±1.84)%,在PT中则下降为(35.39±13.74)%。但PT中含有丰富的化能异养嗜酸菌如Acidicapsa(15.75%±3.99%)、Acidiphilium(10.65%±2.05%)、Acidisphaera (6.34%±1.02%)等。DS中虽然也含有较高的金属离子和SO_4~(2–),但其中的原核生物组成与TF和PT截然不同,主要为Limnohabitans (18.47%)、Rhodobacter (8.42%)等。3个废水库的真核生物群落主要由藻类组成,酸水库TF和PT中主要为棕鞭藻属(Ochromonas)和胶球藻属(Coccomyxa),棕鞭藻属在TF中(53.65%±2.02%)占优势,胶球藻属在PT中(68.84±10.4%)占优势,中性废水库DS中则主要是小环藻属(Cyclotella)(49.85%)。经统计学分析,pH是影响矿山废水微生物多样性和群落组成的主要环境因素。  相似文献   

摘要:生物冶金技术具有良好的发展前景。喜温硫杆菌是生物冶金过程中的优势浸矿菌之一,在混合浸矿体系中可协助铁氧化细菌显著提高浸矿效率。本文在分析相关文献的基础上,并结合本实验室的研究工作,从喜温硫杆菌在浸矿过程中的作用机制、抗砷机制、基因组学研究和遗传改造等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对未来相关研究方向做了展望,旨在为喜温硫杆菌研究提供参考。  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2008,35(7):1170-1170
用传统的选冶工艺很难对低品位及伴生硫化矿进行有效的提取,而硫化矿生物浸出技术特别适用于处理这类矿物资源;相对于传统选冶工艺,它具有流程短、能耗小、成本低、污染少等优点,具有广阔的工业应用前景.  相似文献   

嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌生长动力学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在确定二价铁离子为A.f生长过程中惟一限制性底物条件下,通过考察初始亚铁离子浓度、初始pH值两种影响亚铁离子氧化代谢的主要因素来研究细菌的生长特性,得到以限制性底物亚铁离子浓度为表征的细菌生长曲线。利用基于Monod方程建立的细菌生长动力学方程模型,采用Matlab软件中的Gauss-Newton算法确定了在不同条件下细菌生长动力学参数,包括最大比生长速率μm、Monod常数K及Ro,推导出了不同条件下A.f对数期以底物Fe(Ⅱ)浓度为表征的生长动力学方程。  相似文献   

本文利用RT-PCR方法从转录水平上分别对A.ferrooxidans ATCC 23270基因组中可能编码硫酸盐-硫代硫酸盐结合蛋白基因sbp、膜结合硫代硫酸盐-辅酶Q氧化还原酶基因doxDA以及类硫氰酸酶基因p21等开放阅读框所在的基因座之间的联系进行了鉴定和分析,结果表明它们分别从属于预测的doxDA-1操纵元和doxDA-2操纵元.在此基础上,本文对doxDA操纵元的可能启动子序列也进行了预测和分析.  相似文献   

This is a report on the kinetic aspects and the analytical study of the bioproducts of the oxidation of zero-valence copper by immobilized Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Two different mechanisms of oxidation were considered: direct and indirect. A custom-built bioreactor was used to grow A. ferrooxidans in an iron-free media, which was required for the study of the direct mechanism. X-ray microdiffraction analysis of the copper after biooxidation in the sulfate-free medium revealed the presence of the copper sulfate, piypite, K(2)Cu(2)O(SO(4))(2), which indicates biooxidation of Cu metal has occurred. It was shown that the direct oxidation exists, but it is relatively slow, as compared to the indirect mechanism.  相似文献   

固体平板磁泳分离细菌新方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)能够在胞内形成电子致密的磁性颗粒,它的这种特性使利用氧化亚铁硫杆菌合成生物纳米磁性材料成为了可能。本课题组为了筛选出合成磁性颗粒能力强的菌株,对原有的液体磁泳进行了改进,采用了新的固体平板磁泳方法来筛选纯化目的菌株。经过磁泳分离后,细菌中含磁性颗粒的细胞比例由原始菌群的30%上升到90%,胞内含有的磁颗粒数目也由1~2颗增加至2~5颗,筛选得到的细菌在人工磁场下会进行趋磁运动。实验结果表明,氧化亚铁硫杆菌具有较弱的趋磁性,在人工磁场下会进行趋磁运动,但仅在地磁场作用下不能定向运动,利用固体平板磁泳筛选纯化含有磁性颗粒的氧化亚铁硫杆菌的方法是切实可行的,磁泳分离技术的进一步完善和改进为传统的微生物菌种分离提供了新的途径,为研究纯氧化亚铁硫杆菌菌株胞内磁性颗粒的形成条件及机理提供了前提条件,也为今后从浸矿细菌中分离筛选更多的含有磁性颗粒的菌株打下基础。  相似文献   

The kinetics of sulfur oxidation by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in shaking flasks and a 10-L reactor was studied. The observed linearity of growth and sulfur oxidation was explained by sulfur limitation. Total cell yield was not significantly different for exponential growth as compared to growth during the sulfur-limiting phase. Kinetic studies of sulfur oxidation by growing and nongrowing bacteria indicated that both free and adsorbed bacteria oxidize sulfur. Changes in the number of free bacteria rather than cells adsorbed on sulfur were better predictors of the kinetics of sulfur oxidation, indicating that the free bacteria were performing sulfur oxidation. The active growth phase always followed adsorption of bacteria on sulfur; however, the special metabolic role of adsorbed bacteria was unclear. Their activity in sulfur solubilization was considered.  相似文献   

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