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In the distinctive gelatinous Perca fluviatilis egg mass, limited fungal growth by Aphanomyces and Saprolegnia spp. especially S. diclina , occurred within dead eggs but did not spread to adjacent live eggs. Perch eggs exposed to parasitic challenge by Saprolegnia parasitica , S. dieclina (type III) and S. ferax , under fluctuating temperature regimes replicating spring water temperatures, did not have significantly greater mortality than did unchallenged controls. The observations suggest that perch eggs have some anti-fungal properties which usually prevent the spread of fungus throughout the egg mass and that under normal spring temperatures there should be negligible ecological consequences of fungal infection in perch egg masses.  相似文献   



Myco-heterotrophic plants are partly or entirely non-photosynthetic plants that obtain energy and nutrients from fungi. These plants form a symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal, ectomycorrhizal or saprotrophic fungi to meet their nutrient demands.


This Botanical Briefing summarizes current knowledge about myco-heterotrophy, discusses its controversial aspects and highlights future directions for research.


Considerable recent progress has been made in terms of understanding the evolutionary history, germination and nutrition of myco-heterotrophic plants. Myco-heterotrophic plants: (1) are diverse and often ancient lineages that have coevolved with fungi, (2) often demonstrate unusually high specificity towards fungi during germination and maturity, and (3) can either cheat common mycorrhizal networks supported by neighbouring photosynthetic plants to satisfy all or part of their energetic and nutritional needs, or recruit free-living saprotrophic fungi into novel mycorrhizal symbioses. However, several fundamental aspects of myco-heterotrophy remain controversial or unknown, such as symbiotic costs and physiology.Key words: Cheater, common mycorrhizal network, mutualism, myco-heterotrophy, non-photosynthetic, symbiosis  相似文献   

Transgenic sugarcane plants resistant to stem borer attack   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A truncated cryIA(b) gene encoding the active region of the Bacillus thuringiensis -endotoxin was expressed in transgenic sugarcane plants (Saccharum officinarum L.) under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter. Genetic transformation was accomplished by electroporation of intact cells. The levels of recombinant toxin were established and biological activity tests were performed against neonate sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis F.) larvae. Transgenic sugarcane plants showed significant larvicidal activity despite the low expression of CryIA(b).  相似文献   

The elastin digestion assay was examined to determine if it would facilitate the identification of Coccidioides immitis when non-pathogenic fungi resembling C. immitis are encountered. Fungal isolants tested have anamorphs that closely resemble the macroscopic or microscopic morphology of C. immitis. Elastin hydrolysis was measured by elastin-agar plate assays. Approximately 80% of the isolants hydrolyzed elastin; thus, the elastin digestion assay as a differential test appears to have little value.  相似文献   

Glycolipids of fungi and plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Plant nutrients, with the exception of nitrogen, are ultimately derived from weathering of primary minerals. Traditional theories about the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in plant nutrition have emphasized quantitative effects on uptake and transport of dissolved nutrients. Qualitative effects of the symbiosis on the ability of plants to access organic nitrogen and phosphorus sources have also become increasingly apparent. Recent research suggests that ectomycorrhizal fungi mobilize other essential plant nutrients directly from minerals through excretion of organic acids. This enables ectomycorrhizal plants to utilize essential nutrients from insoluble mineral sources and affects nutrient cycling in forest systems.  相似文献   

Using radioactive labelling techniques on two cultivars of strawberry (Fragaria grandiflora Duch.) and on the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) which fed on them, differential feeding was monitored. Leaves of the susceptible cultivar Georg Soltwedel previously damaged by mites were more attractive for spider mites than leaves of undamaged plants. The opposite was observed when the resistant cultivar Macherauch's Frühernte was investigated. The results are discussed according to the induced resistance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Adaptive response to oxidative stress: Bacteria, fungi, plants and animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are continuously produced and eliminated by living organisms normally maintaining ROS at certain steady-state levels. Under some circumstances, the balance between ROS generation and elimination is disturbed leading to enhanced ROS level called "oxidative stress". The primary goal of this review is to characterize two principal mechanisms of protection against oxidative stress - regulation of membrane permeability and antioxidant potential. The ancillary goals of this work are to describe up to date knowledge on the regulation of the previously mentioned mechanisms and to identify areas of prospective research and emerging directions in investigation of adaptation to oxidative stress. The ubiquity for challenges leading to oxidative stress development calls for identification of common mechanisms. They are cysteine residues and [Fe,S]-clusters of specific regulatory proteins. The latter mechanism is realized via SoxR bacterial protein, whereas the former mechanism is involved in operation of bacterial OxyR regulon, yeast H(2)O(2)-stimulon, plant NPR1/TGA and Rap2.4a systems, and animal Keap1/Nrf2, NF-κB and AP-1, and others. Although hundreds of studies have been carried out in the field with different taxa, the comparative analysis of adaptive response is quite incomplete and therefore, this work aims to cover a plethora of phylogenetic groups to delineate common mechanisms. In addition, this article raises some questions to be elucidated and points out future directions of this research. The comparative approach is used to shed light on fundamental principles and mechanisms of regulation of antioxidant systems. The idea is to provide starting points from which we can develop novel tools and hypothesis to facilitate meaningful investigations in the physiology and biochemistry of organismic response to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Signals for local and systemic responses of plants to pathogen attack   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Activation of plant defences following recognition of pathogen attack involves complex reiterative signal networks with extensive signal amplification and cross-talk. The results of two approaches that have been taken to analyse signalling in plant-microbe interactions are discussed here. Activation tagging with T-DNA harbouring multiple 35S enhancer elements was employed as a gain-of-function approach to dissect signalling related to bacterial pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. From a screen of approximately 5000 activation tagged lines, one line was identified as harbouring a T-DNA leading to over-expression of an apoplastic aspartic protease (CDR-1), that resulted in resistance to normally virulent Pseudomonas syringae. The second approach was to screen for loss-of-function mutants in T-DNA tagged populations. From a screen of 11 000 lines, one line, defective in induced resistance-1 (dir-1) lost resistance to normally avirulent P. syringae. Models for action of the products of the CDR-1 and DIR-1 genes suggest involvement of peptide and lipid signals in systemic disease resistance responses in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Thigmo mechanisms are adaptations that permit a plant to alter growth rates, change morphology, produce tropisms, avoid barriers, control germination, cling to supporting structures, infect a host plant, facilitate pollination, expedite the movement of pollen, spores, or seeds, and capture prey. Through these varied functions, plant thigmo systems have evolved impressive controls of cell differentiation, localized growth rates, regulated synthesis of novel products, and some elegant traps and projectile systems. For most thigmo events, there will be a dependence upon transmission of a signal from the cell wall through the plasmalemma and into the cytoplasm. We propose the possible involvement of integrin-like proteins, Hechtian strands, and cytoskeletal structures as possible transduction components. Many thigmo mechanisms may use some modification of the calcium/calmodulin signal transduction system, though the details of transduction systems are still poorly understood. While transmission of thigmo signals to remote parts of a plant is associated with the development of action potentials, hormones may also play a role. Thigmo mechanisms have facilitated an enormous array of plant and fungal adaptations that make major contributions to their success despite their relatively sessile or immobile states.  相似文献   

Circular proteins, defined as head-to-tail cyclized polypeptides originating from ribosomal synthesis, represent a novel class of natural products attracting increasing interest. From a scientific point of view, these compounds raise questions of where and why they occur in nature and how they are formed. From a rational point of view, these proteins and their structural concept may be exploited for crop protection and novel pharmaceuticals. Here, we review the current knowledge of three protein families: cyclotides and circular sunflower trypsin inhibitors from the kingdom of plants and the Amanita toxins from fungi. A particular emphasis is placed on their biological origin, structure, and activity. In addition, the opportunity for discovery of novel circular proteins and recent insights into their mechanism of action are discussed.  相似文献   

Potassium transport in fungi and plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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