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In postparturient goats, olfactory recognition of the young allows the establishment of a selective bond between the mother and her kids. Once this bond is formed, the mother rejects alien young that attempt to suckle. We tested whether the development of the maternal selective bond in goats modulates prolactin (PRL) and oxytocin (OT) release in response to suckling. On day 37 of lactation, serial blood samples were taken during nursing of the mother's own or alien kid(s) in 10 intact/selective goats and in 10 goats rendered anosmic/nonselective through prepartum peripheral ZnSO(4) irrigation. Spontaneous nursing behavior was also studied weekly from day 7 to 30 of lactation, at which time milk production was measured. Maternal selectivity had no effect on PRL release, in contrast to OT release, which was significantly affected by this factor. Intact mothers released OT only when nursing their own kids, but not with aliens, while anosmic/nonselective dams showed an increase in OT levels regardless of the identity of the kids. In addition to these effects on maternal selectivity, the amplitude of the response of both hormones was lower in anosmic mothers than in intact mothers. Finally, nursing behavior and milk production were not significantly affected by anosmia. We conclude that maternal selective behavior in goats, which relies on the individual olfactory signature of the kid, modulates the OT, but not the PRL, response to suckling. In addition, perception of the smell of the young appears to have a general facilitatory effect, independent of the kid's identity, on the release of both hormones.  相似文献   

We recently identified neuromedin S (NMS) from the rat hypothalamus as an endogenous ligand for the FM-4/TGR-1 receptor distinct from neuromedin U. In the present study, we examined the role of NMS in the oxytocin release response to suckling stimulation by rat pups. Intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of NMS induced cFos expression in the paraventricular nucleus and supraoptic nucleus. Double immunohistochemical analysis revealed induction of cFos expression in a proportion of oxytocinergic neurons in both nuclei. In addition, icv injection of NMS stimulated oxytocin release dose-dependently in intact rats, and increased milk secretion in lactating rats. On the other hand, icv injection of anti-NMS antiserum into lactating rats significantly suppressed suckling-induced milk ejection. These results suggest that, in the rat, endogenous NMS plays an important role in the oxytocin release response to the suckling stimulus.  相似文献   

In dams which had been kept isolated from pups for 8-10 h, the magnitude of the suckling-induced prolactin rise in the plasma was studied in relation to intensity of suckling stimulus and lactational age of the mother. At midlactation the response of prolactin evoked by suckling was enhanced as litter size increased. Suckling of 2 pups induced a greater prolactin rise in dams adjusted to 2 pups than in dams adjusted to 8 pups. Suckling of 8 pups caused a greater prolactin rise in dams which had been adjusted to an 8-pup litter, than in rats with a 2-pup litter. At late and prolonged lactation the rise of prolactin in the plasma induced by the suckling stimulus of 8 pups was significantly lower than at midlactation. Injection of perphenazine after a period of suckling induced a moderate increase of plasma prolactin in dams at midlactation, and a similar increase in dams at late lactation and at day 42 of lactation. It is concluded that in the first half of lactation the number of pups, i.e. the intensity of the suckling stimulus, is an important factor in determining the magnitude of the prolactin response to suckling. The lower response of plasma prolactin to suckling in late lactation is neither caused by a decrease in suckling stimulus from the pups nor by an increase in prolactin clearance; it is probably due to a gradual reduction in prolactin synthesizing and releasing capacity of the pituitary, brought on by a desensitization of the neural or neuroendocrine system to suckling stimuli as lactation proceeds.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of i.v. administration of cholecystokinin-tetrapeptide (CCK-4) on plasma release of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and control women, during both the follicular phase and the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle. Plasma AVP and OT concentrations increased following CCK-4 administration. AVP and OT response to CCK-4 was similar for PMDD and control women and unaffected by menstrual cycle phase. AVP and OT may play a role in the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis activity associated with the panic response induced by CCK-4.  相似文献   

Separation of litter for 6 hr resulted in plasma PRL levels of 48 +/- 5.8 and 45 +/- 5.7 ng per ml and AP PRL concentrations of 6.1 +/- 0.6 and 6.3 +/- 0.5 mug per mg AP in early (4-8 days) and late (20-22 days) lactation, respectively. After a 6-hr separation period, suckling for 2, 30, 60, and 90 min resulted in highly significant increases in the plasma PRL level in early lactaiton. Increases in plasma PRL levels were not seen in late lactation except in the 30-min suckled group. In both stages of lactation the AP PRL concentrations in the suckled groups were significantly lower than in the nonsuckled groups.  相似文献   

Prolactin secretion was stimulated in 5 cyclic gilts during the luteal phase (Day 10-13) with 5 mg haloperidol given i.v. Stimulation of prolactin secretion was also attempted by inducing milk let-down by suckling (4 sows), or by the injection of 1 mg oxytocin i.v. followed by hand milking (3 sows). Plasma prolactin concentrations increased significantly 1-2 h after haloperidol injection, and in 3 of 4 sows during suckling (P = 0.001); plasma relaxin concentrations did not change significantly at these times. No change was observed in plasma prolactin or relaxin concentrations at 15 min or 1-2 h after oxytocin injection and hand milking. Plasma relaxin concentrations ranged from below the sensitivity of the assay (100 pg/ml) to 450 pg/ml in lactating sows and from 100 to 2000 pg/ml in cyclic gilts. The results suggest that in cyclic gilts treated in the luteal phase with a dopaminergic receptor blocker, and in lactating sows during suckling, elevations in plasma prolactin concentrations were not accompanied, during the same period, by detectable changes in relaxin concentrations.  相似文献   

Intermittent release of oxytocin during suckling in the rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

This study evaluated the effect of different milking managements on oxytocin, prolactin and growth hormone release in Gir x Holstein cows. Six cows were suckled by their calves, before and after milking (SM group); another six cows were submitted to exclusive milking (M group). High OT levels were observed during suckling of the SM group, however both groups had similar levels of OT during milking. The SM group presented PRL levels significantly higher than the M group, however only during suckling. For GH levels, the SM group showed higher levels than the M group, however this difference was significant only during the first suckling, cleaning of the teats and at the beginning of machine milking. Despite these results, SM cows produced more milk (milking plus suckling) than M cows, however milk obtained by milking was similar for both groups.  相似文献   

Milk yield and plasma oxytocin (OT), prolactin (PRL), and cortisol (CORT) during suckling and machine milking were measured in multiparous ewes subjected to a mixed management system of 3 sucklings and two daily milkings. Peak hormones were significantly increased and were similar during suckling and milking for PRL (181 vs. 163.3 ng x mL(-1)) and CORT (12.5 vs. 11.5 ng x mL(-1)). During the period of exclusive suckling, OT was always significantly released (90.3 pg x mL(-1)); however, during the period of mixed management, OT concentrations only increased during suckling compared to milking (91.7 vs. 13.1 pg x mL(-1)). The mean volume of milk obtained during suckling (632 mL) was significantly higher than during milking (255 mL). Thus, during a mixed management system, oxytocin and prolactin releases are not under similar central regulation. A mixed system, without OT release during milking, does not contribute to accelerate the conditioning of ewes for machine milking.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-six Spanish does were used to evaluate the effect of suckling manipulation on postpartum breeding. Does were divided into four herds dependent upon their kidding dates (range from October to January) and location. All kids were nursed ad libitum for approximately 30 days following birth. Groups were then subdivided, and does with kids were randomly allotted to one of the following treatment groups: 1) continuous suckling (CS), 2) once-daily suckling (ODS) or 3) early weaning (EW). Nonlactating does (NL) which lost a kid or aborted were also evaluated for rebreeding performance. At least one fertile male equipped with a marking harness was placed with each treatment group for estrus detection. After 30 days, ODS kids were returned to their dams. The proportion of does exhibiting estrus within 60 days postpartum was greater for ODS and EW does compared to CS does (P<0.05 and P<0.001, respectively). Postpartum interval to first estrus was shorter (P<0.05) for ODS does than for CS does (41.7 and 48.0 days, respectively). The percentage of does conceiving within 60 days postpartum was 25.0, 44.7, 74.4 and 70.7% for CS, ODS, EW and NL does, respectively. The interval from parturition to conception was shorter (P<0.05) for ODS does (43.6 days) than for CS does (50.4 days). Overall kid production was 1.87 kids/doe/year. These results indicate that reducing the suckling stimulus in Spanish does during the breeding season may result in an earlier return to estrus with a greater percentage of does rebreeding within 60 days postpartum.  相似文献   

Plasma relaxin levels were measured in animals at different stages of lactation and related to the amount of nuzzling and suckling behavior exhibited by the piglets. Only in some acute suckling episodes was relaxin secreted rapidly and episodically in spite of normal piglet and sow behavior and interaction. However, when the piglets were removed from the dams 6 h before suckling, the sows were very restless and the relaxin response to suckling was delayed. Oxytocin injection in lactating but nonsuckled sows caused an episodic secretion of relaxin similar to suckling itself. The source of relaxin in the lactating sow may be the old corpus luteum, since progesterone levels increased acutely, somewhat reflecting the profile of relaxin increase over the suckling episode.  相似文献   

Magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular nuclei (PVN) show considerable plasticity during pregnancy and lactation. Prolactin receptors (PRL-R) have been identified in both these nuclei. The aim of this study was to investigate the cell type(s) expressing mRNA for the long form of prolactin receptor (PRL-R(L)) and to determine whether patterns of expression change during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, we examined effects of prolactin on excitability of oxytocin and vasopressin neurons. Sections from brains of nonpregnant, pregnant, and lactating rats were hybridized with an 35S-labeled probe to label PRL-R(L) mRNA together with digoxigenin-labeled probes to detect either oxytocin or vasopressin mRNA. In the SON, PRL-R(L) mRNA was predominantly colocalized with oxytocin mRNA, with over 80% of oxytocin neurons positive for PRL-R(L) mRNA. Very few (<10%) vasopressin neurons expressed PRL-R(L) mRNA. In the PVN, PRL-R(L) mRNA was also predominantly found in oxytocin neurons, and the proportion of PRL-R(L)-positive oxytocin neurons increased significantly during pregnancy and lactation. As in the SON, relatively few vasopressin cells contained PRL-R(L) mRNA. For in vivo electrophysiology, nonpregnant rats were anesthetized, and then extracellular single neuron activity was recorded in identified oxytocin and vasopressin neurons. After a period of baseline recording, the effect of prolactin (1 microg i.c.v.) on firing rate was examined. Prolactin treatment of nonpregnant rats induced a significant decrease in firing rates of oxytocin neurons. There was no effect of prolactin on the activity of vasopressin neurons. Together, these data provide strong evidence that prolactin directly and specifically regulates activity of oxytocin neurons.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses to exercise in the heat, especially sweating pattern, differ between children and adults. To determine whether such differences may be related to hormonal responses and to assess the possible association between this response and physical maturation, three groups of circumpubertal boys cycled at 50% of maximal O2 uptake (three 20-min bouts with 10 min of rest between bouts) in 42 degrees C at 20% relative humidity. On the basis of Tanner staging, 11 were prepubertal (PP), 12 midpubertal (MP), and 7 late pubertal (LP). Water ingestion was encouraged to minimize dehydration. Venous blood was sampled before and immediately after the session. Changes in heart rate, rectal temperature, and percent decrease in plasma volume did not differ among groups. There was no change in plasma osmolality in any of the groups. Resting testosterone concentrations were higher with increased level of physical maturity (PP = 0.4 +/- 0.1, MP = 8.2 +/- 1.9, LP = 13.8 +/- 1.2 nmol/l; P less than 0.05). In all groups, both aldosterone (ALD) and prolactin (PRL) markedly increased after exercise in the heat (ALD: PP = 161 +/- 40 vs. 1,289 +/- 263, MP = 173 +/- 47 vs. 1,245 +/- 153, LP = 250 +/- 76 vs. 1,681 +/- 400 pmol/l; PRL: PP = 8.1 +/- 1.2 vs. 24.9 +/- 4.2, MP = 8.8 +/- 1.0 vs. 22.0 +/- 8.9, LP = 8.4 +/- 0.8 vs. 39.0 +/- 3.6 micrograms/l; P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

L M Mai  J T Pan 《Life sciences》1990,47(14):1243-1251
The roles of oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVP) on both basal and estrogen-induced prolactin (PRL) secretion were examined. Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats that were ovariectomized for 3 weeks and received estrogen treatment for 1 week were used. Intravenous administration of hormones and serial blood sampling were accomplished through indwelling intraatrial catheters which were implanted two days before. Plasma PRL levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Oxytocin at a dose of 20 micrograms/rat stimulated a moderate PRL release in the morning and lower doses (5 and 10 micrograms) were without effect. Vasopressin was most effective at a dose of 5 micrograms/rat in stimulating PRL release, while consecutive injections of higher doses (10 and 20 micrograms) were less effective. In contrast, TRH, ranging from 1 to 8 micrograms/rat, induced a dose-dependent increases in PRL secretion. Using the effective dosages determined from the morning studies, repeated injections of either OT, AVP or their specific antagonists MPOMeOVT [( 1-(beta-mercapto-beta, beta-cyclopentamethylene propanoic acid), 2-(O-methyl)tyrosine, 8-ornithine]-vasotocin) and d (CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP ([1-(beta-mercapto-beta, beta-cyclo-pentamethylene propionic acid), 2-(O-methyl)tyrosine, 8-arginine]-vasopressin), were given hourly between 1300 to 1800 h and blood samples were obtained hourly from 1100 to 1900 h. It was found that either OT or AVP significantly reduced the afternoon PRL surge, while their antagonists were not as effective. When OT or AVP were administered together with their specific antagonists, the inhibitory effects of either hormone on PRL surge were reversed. Thus it is concluded that both OT and AVP assume a non-specific stress-like effect on PRL release, in which basal secretion is stimulated and surge secretion is inhibited.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) administration has been shown to inhibit adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)/cortisol secretion in several experimental conditions. In the present study, the plasma OT responses to suckling in 7 lactating women or to mechanical breast stimulation in 6 normally menstruating women (experimental tests) or to sham stimuli in the same subjects (control tests) were measured and correlated with the simultaneous changes in plasma ACTH/cortisol levels. All women showed similar basal levels of OT, ACTH and cortisol, which remained unmodified after sham stimulation. In contrast, both suckling and breast stimulation produced a significant increase in plasma OT levels and a significant decrease in plasma ACTH concentrations. When OT and ACTH data were considered together, a significant negative correlation was found between the OT increase and the simultaneous ACTH decline. Plasma cortisol levels were lower during suckling or breast stimulation than in control conditions. These data show an inverse relationship between plasma OT and ACTH levels during suckling and breast stimulation in humans, suggesting an inhibitory influence of OT on ACTH/cortisol secretion in a physiological condition.  相似文献   

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