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Book Reviews     
I ntroduction to M odern V irology (1975). S. B. Primrose.
H umic S ubstances—their S tructure and F unction in the B iosphere (1975). Edited by D. Povoledo & H. L. Golterman.
I nfectious M ultiple D rug R esistance (1975). S. Falkom.
D ictyostelium discoideum A D evelopmental S ystem . W. F. Loomis.
L ecture N otes on M edical M icrobiology (1975). R. R. Gillies.
S pores VI (1975). Edited by P. Gerhardt, R. N. Costilow and H. L. Sadoff.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M ycotoxins (1974). Edited by I. F. H. Purchase.
C owan and S teel's M anual for the I dentification of M edical B acteria (1974). S. T. Cowan.
A C olour A tlas of M icrobiology (1975). R. J. Olds.
M embranes and their C ellular F unctions (1974). J. B. Finean, R. Coleman & R. H. Michell.
S ingle C ell P rotein (1974). Edited by P. Davis.
W riting S cientific P apers in E nglish (1975). Maeve O'Connor & F. P. Woodford.
M icrobiology Vol. I (1975). Edited by V. A. Sherin & L. S. Smirnova.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article:
L aboratory M anual of C ell B iology (1975).
P reservation of B acteria with N otes on O ther M icro-organisms (1975).
P athogenic and N on -P athogenic A moebae (1975).  相似文献   

Combined Science 1 G. GREEN, K. PETFORD, A. SHORT and D.WALKER Pupils' book, 128 pp., illustrated, £1.25. Teachers' guide, 81 pp., illustrated, £1.95. London: John Murray, 1975. Reviewed by Stuart Newton

Pupils' Attitudes to Science: a review of research M. B. ORMEROD and D. DUCKWORTH 150 pp. Windsor: NFER Publishing Company, 1975. £3.50. Reviewed by Don Ryman

Pest Control and its Ecology Studies in Biology No. 50 H. F. VAN EMDEN 60 pp., illustrated. London: Edward Arnold, 1975. £1.90 boards, 95p paper. Reviewed by Colin Wood Robinson

Plant Cell Structure and Metabolism J. L. HALL, T. J. FLOWERS and R. M. ROBERTS 426 pp., illustrated. London: Longman, 1974. £4.95. Reviewed by J. H. Duffus

The Evolution of IBP E. B. WORTHINGTON (Ed.) 268 pp., illustrated. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. £10.50. Reviewed by A. D. Berrie

Biochemistry of Antimicrobial Action T. J. FRANKLIN and G. A. SNOW Second edition. 224 pp., illustrated. London: Chapman and Hall, 1975. £7.00 boards, £3.95 paper. Reviewed by A. I. Tiffin

Pollutants and Animals—a factual perspective F. MORIARTY 140 pp., illustrated. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1975. £5.65 Reviewed by Paul Rogers

Living Clocks in the Animal World M. F. BENNETT 221 pp., illustrated. Springfield, 111.: Charles C. Thomas, 1974. $11.75. Reviewed by R. P. Dales

Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene J. K. RAEBURN and H. A. RAEBURN Fourth edition. 375 pp., illustrated. London: John Murray, 1975. £1.95. Reviewed by A. W. Le Serve

A Zoo in Your Room R. CARAS 96 pp., illustrated. London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975. £1.65. Reviewed by Richard Cansdale

Plant Cell Biology—An Ultrastructural Approach B. E. S. GUNNING and M. W. STEER 278 pp., illustrated. London: Edward Arnold, 1975. £2.75. Reviewed by John F. Duffus

Experimental Work in Biology No. 7: Respiration and Gaseous Exchange D. G. MACKEAN Reviewed by Cecily Gale

General Ecology—Biocenology-Hydrobiology Volume 1 L. I. DROZHILOVA (Ed.) 109 pp., illustrated. Boston, Mass.: G. K. Hall, 1974. $21.00. Reviewed by A. D. Berrie

Biochemistry LUBERT STRYER 877 pp., illustrated. San Francisco and Reading: W. H. Freeman, 1975. £9.40. Reviewed by J. H. Parish

Photosynthesis M. A. TRIBE, M. R. ERAUT and R. K. SNOOK Cambridge University Press  相似文献   

BOOKS: Anderson , A. H. & Anderson , A. 1973. The Cactus Wren. BOOKS: Bellrose , C. 1976. Ducks, geese and swans of North America. BOOKS: Johnsgard , P. A. 1975. Waterfowl of North America. BOOKS: Palmer , R. S. (ed.) 1976. Handbook of North American birds. Vols. 2 and 3 (Waterfowl). BOOKS: Burton , J. A. (ed.) 1973. Owls of the world, their evolution, structure and ecology. BOOKS: Castillo , R. C., Jimenez , F. L. & Fernandez , C. M. 1974. Guia del Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel. BOOKS: Coronado , R., del Portillo , F. & Saez -Royuela , R. 1973. Guia de las Anatidas en España. BOOKS: Fernandez , J. A. 1974. Guia del Parque Nacional de Doñana. BOOKS: King , A. S. & Mc Lelland , J. 1975. Outlines of avian anatomy. BOOKS: Kumari , E. 1975. (Bird migration.) BOOKS: Olendorff , R. R. 1975. Golden Eagle country. BOOKS: Peaker , M. (ed.) 1975. Avian physiology. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London No. BOOKS: Smithe , F. B. 1974. Naturalist's color guide and supplement. BOOKS: Svensson , L. 1975. Identification guide to European passerines. BOOKS: Webster , M. A. 1975. An annotated check list of the birds of Hong Kong. BOOKS: Wright , P., Caryl , P. G. & Vowles , D. M. (eds.) 1975. Neural and endocrine aspects of behaviour in birds. BOOKS: Anon . 1976. [Our country's birds and animals.] BOOKS: Brown , P. E. 1976 (1964). Birds of prey. BOOKS: Kumari , E. (ed.) 1975. [Nature in Estonia—Conservation of species.] BOOKS: Massey , M. E. 1976. Birds of Breconshire. A review of status and distibution. Nowak , E. 1975 (1971). The range expansion of animals and its causes. BOOKS: Seebohm , H. 1976 (1901). Birds of Siberia. Wilson , A. 1975. American bird engravings. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: SOUND RECORDINGS: Nicholsky , I. D. 1975. [Catalogue of recordings of animal voices in the Central Phonotek of Animal Voice.] RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Ainley , D. G., Morrell , S. & Lewis , T. J. 1974. Patterns in the life histories of storm petrels on the Farallon Islands. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Bengtson , S.-A. & Fjellberg , A. 1975. Summer food of the Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) in Spitsbergen. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Bourne , G. R. 1974. The Red-billed Toucan in Guyana. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Brun , E. 1974. Breeding success of Gannets Sula bassana at Nordmjele RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Conroy , J. W. H., White , M. G., Furse , J. R. & Bruce , G. 1975. Observations on the breeding biology of the Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarctica at Elephant Island RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Davis , J. W. F. 1976. Breeding success and experience in the Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: De Naurois , R. 1975. The Grey Heron of the Banc d'Arguin (Mauritania) Ardea cinerea monicae. Bull. Br. Ornithol. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Evans , M. E. 1975. Breeding behaviour of captive Bewick's Swans. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Gaston , A. J. 1976. Brood parasitism by the Pied Crested Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Jensen , R. A. C. & Cunning , C. F. 1974. Breeding biology of two cuckoos and their hosts in South West Africa. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Källander , H. 1976. (Data on the breeding biology of the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus and the Marsh Tit P. palustris in southwest Scania.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Kear , J. 1975. Salvadori's Duck of New Guinea. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Mc Farlane , R. W. 1975. Notes on the Giant Coot (Fulica gigantea). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Nilsson , S. G. 1975. (Clutch size and breeding success of birds in nest boxes and natural cavities.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Parmelee , D. F. & Maxson , S. J. 1974. The Antarctic Terns of Anvers Island. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Sealy , S. G. 1975. Aspects of the breeding biology of the Marbled Murrelet in British Columbia. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Snow , B. K. 1974. The Plumbeous Heron of the Galapagos. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Allison , A., Newton , I. & Campbell , C. 1974. Loch Leven National Nature Reserve, a study of waterfowl biology. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Andersson , M. 1976. Population ecology of the Long-tailed Skua (Stercorarius longicaudus Vieill.). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Barclay , H. J. & Bergerud , A. T. 1975. Demography and behavioural ecology of the California Quail on Vancouver Island. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Barrat , A. et al. 1974. Recherches Ecologiques et Physiologiques sur la Faune des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Björkman , G. 1975. (The Bearded Tit in Lake Tåkern.) Vår Fågelvärld RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Bruning , D. F. 1974. Social structure and reproductive behaviour in the Greater Rhea. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Cadbury , C. J. 1975. Populations of swans at the Ouse Washes RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Chabrzyk , G. & Coulson , J. C. 1976. Survival and recruitment in the Herring Gull Larus argentatus. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Coulson , J. C. & Wooller , R. D. 1976. Differential survival rates among breeding Kittiwake Gulls Rissa tridactyla (L.). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Davies , N. B. 1976. Food, flocking and territorial behaviour of the Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba yarrellii Gould) in winter. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Davies , S. J. J. F. 1973. Land use by Emus and other wildlife species in the arid shrublands of Western Australia. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ekstam , U. 1975. (Changes of the avifauna and the nature and environment of Lake Tåkern in 1850–1974.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ferns , P. N. & Green , G. H. 1975. Observations of Pink-footed and Barnacle Geese in the Kong Oscar Fjord region of north-east Greenland RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Flack , J. A. D. 1976. Bird populations of aspen forests in western North America. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Foster , M. S. 1975. The overlap of molting and breeding in some tropical birds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Gjøsaeter , J. & Saetre , R. 1974. Predation of eggs of Capelin (Mallotus villosus) by diving ducks. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Harris , M. P. 1976. The seabirds of Shetland in 1974. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Jacobsson , L. 1975. (The grebes in Lake Tåkern.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Johannesson , H. 1975. (Activities of breeding Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Kerbes , R. H. 1975. Lesser Snow Geese in the Canadian Arctic. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Lill , A. 1974. The evolution of clutch size and male ‘chauvinism’ in the White-bearded Manakin. Lill , A. 1974. Social organization and space utilization in the lek-forming White-bearded Manakin, M. manacus trinitatis (Hartert). Z. Tierpsychol. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Lovejoy , T. E. 1974. Bird diversity and abundance in Amazon forest communities. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Moss , R. & Miller , G. R. 1976. Production, dieback and grazing of heather (Calluna vulgaris) in relation to numbers of Red Grouse (Lagopus l. scoticus) and Mountain Hares (Lepus timidus) in north-east Scotland. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Newton , I. & Campbell , C. R. G. 1975. Breeding of ducks at Loch Leven RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Nilsson , L. 1976. (Seasonal fluctuations of Anatidae in south Sweden during the non-breeding season.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Norton , D. W., Ailes , I. W. & Curatolo , J. A. 1975. Ecological relationships of the inland tundra avifauna near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ogilvie , M. A. & Boyd , H. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Oniki , Y. 1972. Studies of the guild of ant-following birds at Belém, Brazil. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Persson , T. 1975. (Marsh Harrier and Bittern in Lake Tåkern in 1972–1974.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Pienkowski , M. W. (ed.) 1975. Studies on coastal birds and wetlands in Morocco RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ryder , J. P. 1975. The significance of territory size in colonial nesting geese—a hypothesis. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Slud , P. 1976. Geographic and climatic relationships of avifaunas with special reference to comparative distribution in the neotropics. Smithson. Contr. Zool. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Solomon , M. E., Glen , D. M., Kendall , D. A. & Milsom , N. F. 1976. Predation of overwintering larvae of Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella (L.)) by birds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Stepney , P. H. R. 1975. Wintering distribution of Brewer's Blackbird: Historical aspect, recent changes, and fluctuations. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Svensson , S. 1976. (The distribution and abundance of the Heron Ardea cinerea in Sweden in 1972.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Weiner , J. & Glowacińlski , Z. 1975. Energy flow through a bird community in a deciduous forest in southern Poland. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Wolf , L. L., Stiles , F. G. & Hainsworth , F. R. 1976. Ecological organization of a tropical, highland hummingbird community. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Wormell , P. 1976. The Manx Shearwaters of Rhum. Scott. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Ahlén , I. & Andersson , Å. 1976. (Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus and White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos in Sweden in 1973.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Anderson , D. W. et al. 1975. Brown Pelicans: Improved reproduction off the southern California coast. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Bergengren , G. & Elderud , C. 1975. (Lake Tåkern Ecological Station—a presentation.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Besser , J. F., De Grazio , J. W. & Guarino , J. L. 1973. Decline of a blackbird population during seven years of baiting with a chemical frightening agent. Proc. 6 Bird Control Seminar, Bowling Green State Univ. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Blus , L. J., Joanen , T., Belisle , A. A. & Prouty , R. M. 1975. The Brown Pelican and certain environmental pollutants in Louisiana. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Hunt , F. R. 1975. Automatic radar equipment to determine bird strike probability. Part I. Night-time passerine migration. Natl. Res. Counc. Canada. Associate Committee on Bird Hazards to Aircraft. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Jeffries , D. J. & Parslow , J. L. F. 1976. Thyroid changes in PCB-dosed Guillemots and their indication of one of the mechanisms of action of these materials. Environ. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Ludke , J. L., Hill , E. F. & Dieter , M. P. 1975. Cholinesterase (ChE) response and related mortality among birds fed ChE inhibitors. Arch. Environ. Contam. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Lumsden , H. G. 1975. The Whistling Swan in James Bay and the southern region of Hudson Bay. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Mott , D. F. 1973. Monk Parakeet damage to crops in Uruguay and its control. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Peakall , D. B., Miller , D. S. & Kinter , W. B. 1975. Blood calcium levels and the mechanism of DDE-induced eggshell thinning. Environ. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Pounder , B. 1966. Waterfowl at effluent discharges in Scottish coastal waters. Scott. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Stone , C. P. 1973. Bird damage to agricultural crops in the United States—a current summary. Proc. 6 Bird Control Seminar, Bowling Green State Univ. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Sugden , L. G. 1976. Waterfowl damage to Canadian grain. C.W.S. Occas. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Wace , N. M. & Holdgate , M. W. 1976. Man and nature in the Tristan da Cunha Islands. IUCN Monogr. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Fimreite , N., Brun , E., Frøslie , A., Frederichsen , P. & Gundesen , N. 1974. Mercury in eggs of Norwegian seabirds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Abbott , I., Abbott , L. K. & Grant , P. R. 1975. Seed selection and handling ability of four species of Darwin's Finches. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Balthazart , J. & Stevens , M. 1975. Effects of testosterone proprionate on the social behaviour of male domestic ducklings, Anas platyrhynchos L. Anim. Behav. Bateson , P. P. G. & Jaeckel , J. B. 1976. Chicks' preferences for familiar and novel conspicuous objects after different periods of exposure. Anim. Behav. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Caryl , P. 1976. Sexual behaviour in the Zebra Finch, Taeniopygia guttata: response to familiar and novel partners. Clayton , D. 1976. The effects of pre-test conditions on the social facilitation of drinking in ducks. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Schuler , W. 1974. (The influence of the resemblance between mimic and model and of alternate prey upon the effectiveness of artificial Batesian mimicry.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Coelho , A. G. M. 1975. [Anting by Zonotrichia capensis matutina in north-east Brazil.] Notulae Biologicae RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Davies , N. B. & Green , R. E. 1976. The development and ecological significance of feeding tech niques in the Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Desforges , M. F. & Wood -Gush , D. G. M. 1976. Behavioural comparison of Aylesbury and Mallard ducks: sexual behaviour. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Erkinardo , E. 1973. Seasonal variation of the dimensions of pellets in Tengmalm's Owl, Aegolius funereus, and the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus. Aquilo Ser. Zool. 14: 84–88. Structure of the diel activity period in Tengmalm's Owl, Aegolius funereus, and the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus, and its seasonal changes. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Feare , C. J. 1975. Post-fledging parental care in Crested and Sooty Terns. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Gilbertson , D. W. 1975. Courtship as a reinforcement for key pecking in the pigeon, Columba livia. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Harvey , W. G. 1975. The habitat preferences of different colour morphs of Egretta garzetta on the Tanzanian coast. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Kevan , P. G. 1976. Sir Thomas More on imprinting: observations from the sixteenth century. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Kruuk , H. 1976. The biological function of gulls' attraction towards predators. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Lill , A. 1974. Sexual behavior of the lek-forming White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus trinitatis Hartert). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Moore , C. L. 1976. The transition from sitting on eggs to sitting on young in Ring Doves Streptopelia risoria: squab-egg preferences during the normal cycle. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Partridge , L. 1976. Individual differences in feeding efficiencies and feeding preferences of captive Great Tits. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Scaife , M. 1976. The response to eye-like shapes by birds, I. The effect of context: a predator and a strange bird. Anim. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Scaife , M. 1976. The response to eye-like shapes by birds, II. The importance of staring, pairedness and shape. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Spurr , E. B. 1975. Behaviour of the Adélie Penguin chick. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Studer -Thiersch , A. 1974. (The courtship of the flamingo genus Phoenicopterus, especially of Ph. ruber roseus.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Swingland , I. R. 1976. The influence of light intensity on the roosting times of the Rook (Corvus frugilegus). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: White , S. J. 1975. Effects of stimuli emanating from the nest on the reproductive cycle in the Ring Dove. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Windsor , D. & Emlen , S. T. 1975. Predator-prey interactions of adult and prefledgling Bank Swallows and American Kestrels. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Woolfenden , G. E., White , S. C., Mumme , R. L. & Robertson , W. B. 1976. Aggression among starving Cattle Egrets. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Baptista , L. F. & Wells , H. 1975. Additional evidence of song-misprinting in the White-crowned Sparrow. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Jenni , D. A., Gambs , R. D. & Betts , B. J. 1974. Acoustic behavior of the Northern Jacana. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Kroodsma , D. E. 1975. Song patterning in the Rock Wren. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Platz , F. 1974. (On the ontogeny of social behaviour patterns and the development of calls in the Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina Pallas), with a contribution to the anatomy of the vocal apparatus.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Stevenson -Hinde , J. & Roper , R. 1975. Individual differences in reinforcing effects of song. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Wickler , W. 1974. Influence between partners in duetting Robin Chats, Cossypha heuglini Hartlaub. (Aves, Turdidae). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Coulter , M. C. 1975. Post-breeding movements and mortality in the Western Gull (Larus occidentalism. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Griffin , D. R. 1976. The audibility of frog choruses to migrating birds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Minton , C. D. T. 1975. The waders of the Wash—ringing and biometric studies. Wash Wader Ringing Group cyclostyled report as part of the Wash Feasibility Study. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MIGRATION AND HOMING: Myrberget , S. 1975. Age distribution, mortality and migration of Willow Grouse Lagopus lagopus, on Senja, north Norway. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MIGRATION AND HOMING: Staav , R. 1975. (Migration of Nordic Bluethroats Luscinia s. svecica.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Anderson , A. 1975. A method of sexing Moorhens. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: O'Connor , R. J. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Oniki , Y. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Parkes , K. C. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Schreiber , R. W. 1976. Growth and development of nestling Brown Pelicans. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: PARASITOLOGY: Keymer , I. F. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Middlemiss , E. & Langley , H. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Storr , G. M., Johnstone , R. E., Dell , J. & Smith , L. A.  相似文献   

Textbook of Theoretical Botany Volume 4 R. C. McLEAN and W. R. IVIMEY-COOK 595 pp, illustrated. London: Longman, 1973. £12-00. Reviewed by Eric Caulton

Introduction to Human and Social Biology DON MACKEAN and BRIAN JONES 282 pp, illustrated. London: John Murray, 1975. £2.15. Reviewed by Charles Brady

The Educational Use of Living Organisms: A Source Book P. J. KELLY and J. D. WRAY 195 pp, illustrated. London: English Universities Press, for the Schools Council, 1975. £3.50. Reviewed by Tessa Davey

Handbook on the Laboratory Mouse CHARLES G. CRISPENS 267 pp. Springfield, fll.: Charles C. Thomas, 1975. $9.75. Reviewed by D. Lovell

Photosynthesis M. A. TRIBE, M. R. ERAUT and R. K. SNOOK 77 pp, illustrated. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. £500. Reviewed by J. I. Williams

Bone and Biomineralization Studies in Biology No. 53 K. SIMKISS 59 pp. London: Edward Arnold, 1975. £2.30 boards, £1.15 paper. Reviewed by Colin Stoneman

Chromosome Hierarchy: An Introduction to the Biology of the Chromosome BERNARD JOHN and KENNETH R. LEWIS 171 pp, illustrated. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975. £7.00 boards, £3.50 paper. Reviewed by R. A. E. Tilney-Bassett

Animal Behaviour: An Evolutionary Approach JOHN ALCOCK 547 pp, illustrated. Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates, 1975. £6.60. Reviewed by S. M. Evans

Animal Behaviour Readings from Scientific American, edited by THOMAS EISNER and EDWARD O. WILSON 339 pp, illustrated. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman &; Co., 1975. £7.15 boards, £3.95 paper. Reviewed by S. M. Evans

Biological Anthropology Readings from Scientific American, edited by SOLOMON H. KATZ 494 pp, illustrated. San Francisco and Reading: W. H. Freeman &; Co., 1975. £8.30 boards, £3.50 paper. Reviewed by Paul Rogers

Investigations in Behaviour and Elementary Neurobiology F. M. SPEED and J. J. B. SMITH 184 pp, illustrated. London: Macmillan Education, 1975. £2.20. Reviewed by John A. Barker

Fisheries, Resources of the Sea and their Management DAVID CUSHING 87 pp. London: Oxford University Press, 1975. £3.50. Reviewed by W. H. Dowdeswell

The Food and Health of Western Man JAMES L. MOUNT 270 pp. London: Charles Knight &; Co., 1975. £5.50. Reviewed by Erica F. Wheeler

The Oxford Book of Trees Text by A. R. CLAPHAM Illustrated by BARBARA E. NICHOLSON 216 pp. London: Oxford University Press, 1975. £4.95. Reviewed by Vicky W. Smith

Oxford Biology Readers London: Oxford University Press 44 Differentiation in Higher Plants, D. H. Northcote. 1974. 60p. 49 Spore Liberation in Cryptogams, C. T. Ingold. 1974. 30p. 52 Insect Flight, J. W. S. Pringle. 1975. 30p. 57 Disease in Higher Plants, R. K. S. Wood. 1974. 60p. 77 The Golgi Apparatus, G. M. W. Cook. 1975. 30p. 78 The Productivity of the Sea, D. H. Cushing. 1975. 30p. 81 The Plasma Membrane, JA. Lucy. 1975. 30p. These booklets form useful additions to the popular Oxford Biology series. Reviewed by David Tomley

Environmental Education Activities Manual WILLIAM B. STAPP and DOROTHY A. COX 6 books, Michigan: Stapp and Cox, 1974. $10 the set. Reviewed by David R. George

Soils and other Growth Media A. W. FLEGMANN and R. A. T. GEORGE 170 pp. London: Macmillan, 1975. £2.50. Reviewed by M. J. Bazin

Lectures on the Phenomena of Life Common to Animals and Plants CLAUDE BERNARD 288 pp, illustrated. Springfield, 111.: Charles C. Thomas, 1974. $12.95. Reviewed by Diana Manuel  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Schneider, G. (1973): über den Einfluß verschiedener Umweltfaktoren auf den Färbungspolyphänismus der Raupen des tropisch-amerikanischen Schwärmers Weygoldt, P. (1975): Die indirekte Spermatophorenübertragung bei Arachniden Scheloske, H. W. (1975): Fortpflanzungsverhalten und Lauterzeugung bei Laccobius minutus Schutz, F. (1975): Der Einfluß von Testosteron auf die Partnerwahl bei ge-prägt aufgezogenen Stockenten-Weibchen Abs, M. (1975): Zur Entwicklung der Lautäußerungen bei der Haustaube (Columba livia domestica) Gerladi, J. L., W. Heinrich und D. S. Lehrman ? (1975): Quantitative Be-obachtungen zum tagesrhythmischen Balzen, Brüten und Hudern der Lachtaube (Streptopelia risoria) Leisler, B. (1975): Die Bedeutung der Fußmorphologie für die ökologische Sonderung mitteleuropäischer Rohrsänger (Acrocephalus) und Schwirle (Locustella) Rüppell, G. (1975): Die Stoßtauchmanöver des Blaufußtölpels (Sula nebouxii) und des Meerespelikans (Pelecanus occidentalis) Pohl-Apel, G., und R. Sossinka (1975): Gonadenentwicklung beim Wellen-sittich, Melopsittacus undulatus Löhrl, H. (1975): Brutverhalten und Jugendentwicklung beim Mauerläufer (Ticbodroma muraria) Müller, H., und F. Moysich (1975): Beitrag zur Aktivität des Zwergsägers (Mergus albellus L.) Güttinger, H. R. (1975): Zur Fortpflanzungsperiodik des Himalaya-Grünlings (Carduelis spinoides) Köhler, K.-L. (1975): Eine neue Navigationshypothese für Nah- und Fern-orientierung Martens, J. (1975): Akustische Differenzierung verwandtschaftlicher Beziehungen in der Parus (Periparus)-Gruppe nach Untersuchungen im Nepal-Himalaya Bezzel, E. (1975): Die Wirksamkeit der Kotattacken von Wacholderdrosseln (Turdus pilaris) Thielcke, G. (1975): Das Schicksal der Greifvögel in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Brauer, K., und W. Schober (1976): Katalog der Säugetiergehirne. Morin, E. (1974): Das Rätsel des Humanen. Grundfragen einer neuen Anthropologic Mit einem Vorwort von A. Portmann Roederer, J. G. (1975): Introduction to the Physics and Psychophysics of Music (Einführung in die Physik und Psychophysik der Töne)  相似文献   


Previous studies on the refolding of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase from Escherichia coli assigned two slow refolding phases to rate-limiting isomerizations of two 'essential' proline residues, one in each of the two domains of the protein (Matthews, C.R., Crisanti, M.M., Manz, J.T. and Gepner, G.L. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 1445-1452). The double-jump experiment (Brandts, J.F., Halvorson, H.R. and Brennan, M. (1975) Biochemistry 14, 4953-4963) was used to further investigate this phenomenon. The reaction assigned to the carboxyl domain is consistent with the proline isomerization hypothesis. The amino domain process is more rapid than expected for proline isomerization and may reflect another type of slow folding reaction. The results permit a further refinement of the folding model for the alpha subunit and demonstrate the existence of a third unfolded species whose folding is not limited by either of these two reactions.  相似文献   

The conversion of 3-decynoyl-N-acetylcysteamine to 2,3-decadienoyl-N-acetylcysteamine catalyzed by a homogeneous mammalian liver enzyme has recently been described (F. M. Miesowicz and K. E. Bloch, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.65, 331 (1975). The allenic thioester product, however, does not accumulate in crude liver extracts suggesting that it undergoes further enzymatic transformation. Evidence is presented here that crotonase (enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase) catalyzes the hydration of allenic thioesters to the corresponding β-keto thioesters which are normal intermediates in the β-oxidation of fatty acids.  相似文献   

We have compared the plasma clearance rate of radioactive iron in cows both as ferric chloride and as iron specifically bound to transferrin. We have also repeated the transfusion experiment of Dern et al. (Dern, R.J., Monti, A. and Glynn, M.F. (1963) J. Lab. Clin. Med. 61, 280–291) using goats. The results show that neither non-specifically bound iron (Bates, G.W. and Schlabach, M.R. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 3228–3232) nor the iron bound to the two different sites in transferrin (Awai, M., Chipman, B and Brown, E.B. (1975) J. Lab. Clin. Med. 85, 769–784) can be identified as distinguishable iron pools by this technique.  相似文献   

E J Lee  S Moochhala 《Life sciences》1989,44(13):827-830
This study has characterised the distribution of bufuralol 1'-hydroxylase activity in various organs of male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Microsomes were prepared from the liver, kidney, brain, kidney, spleen and adrenals of male and female rats. Measurement of 1'-hydroxybufuralol produced by the incubation of racemic, (+) and (-) bufuralol with the microsomes was by HPLC. The specific activity (nmol/min/mg protein) of bufuralol 1'-hydroxylase in various tissues were: liver (M 12.3; F 10.2), kidney (M 12.3; F 11.7), brain (M 8.9; F 9.0), adrenal (M 0.9; F 0.3), lung (M 4.6; F 3.6) and spleen (M 8.8; F 10.0). Stereoselective preference (+/-) of the isozyme for (+) bufuralol was: Liver (M 2.2; F 2.2), kidney (M 2.2; F 2.1), brain (M 1.0; F 0.9), lung (M 0.74; F 0.95) and spleen (M 1.0; F 1.32).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in This Article
Microbial And Plant Protoplasts (1976). Edited by J. F. Peberdy, A. H. Rose, H. J. Rogers and E. C. Cocking, xii + 370 pp.
Bacteriology Illustrated (1976). R. R. Gillies & T. C. Dodds. xii + 247 pp.
Atlas of Ultra Structure Of Streptomyces In The Course Of Biosynthesis or Antibiotics (1975). W. Kurylowicz, W. Kurzatkowski, S. T. Williams, W. Woznicka & A. Paszkiewicz. 110 pp.
Numerical Taxonomy Of Streptomycetes (1975). W. Kurylowicz, A. Paszkiewicz. W. Woznicka, W. Kurzatkowski, T. Szulga, H. G. Gyllenberg, T. K. Niemela & J. S. Niemi. 109 pp.
The Role Of Immunological Factors In Infectious, Allergic And Autoimmune Processes (1976). Edited by Roland F. Beers, Jr. and Edward G. Bassett. Eighth Miles International Symposium. xv + 540 pp.  相似文献   

Mild trypsinolysis of Helix pomatia beta-hemocyanin leads to the formation of tubular polymers after removal of the collar part [van Breemen, J.F.L., Wichertjes, T., Muller, M.F.J., van Driel, R., and van Bruggen, E.F.J. (1975) Eur. J. Biochem. 60, 129--135]. Three-dimensional image reconstruction from electron micrographs of negatively stained tubular polymers showed: (a) alternating deep and shallow grooves in between the 10 helical chains, (b) the presence and position of two domains within each morphological wall-unit of the Mellema and Klug model [Mellema, J. E. and Klug, A. (1972) Nature (Lond.) 239, 146--150]. Optical diffraction of oxy and deoxygenated tubular polymers indicate a significant decrease in diameter with a concomitant increase in length upon deoxygenation.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40-transformed V11 F1 clone 1 subclone 7 rat cells produced a considerable amount of an elongated form of large-T antigen with an Mr of 115,000 (115K super-T antigen), but these cells did not produce detectable traces of normal-sized large-T antigen (86,000 daltons) (P. May, M. Kress, M. Lange, and E. May, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 44:189-200, 1980). First, a comparison of the tryptic peptide fingerprints of 115K super-T and large-T antigens suggested that 115K super-T antigen is simian virus 40 coded and contains a duplication of amino acid sequences of large-T antigen. Second, from S1 mapping analysis of 115K super-T mRNA, performed with various restriction fragments of simian virus 40 DNA, it was concluded that super-T mRNA is a form of large-T mRNA containing a tandem duplication of the sequence extending from approximately 0.46 to 0.35 map unit. The duplicated sequence corresponded to that region of the simian virus 40 genome in which 12 of 13 tsA mutation sites are clustered (C. J. Lai and D. Nathans, Virology 66:70-81, 1975).  相似文献   

K oepcke , H.-W.: DieLebensformen(Grundlageneiner universellgültigenbiologischen Theorie) . Bd. 1. l. Teil: Grundbegriffe, 1971;
M athews , M. B.: Connective tissue. Macromolecular structure and evolution. Molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics. Vol. 19. Ed. by A. K leinzeller , G. F. S pringer AND H. G. W ittmann .
Formen sozialen Verhaltens. Von Prof. Dr. N ikolaas T inbergen , Oxford. Übersetzt von Prof. Dr. O tto K oehler , Freiburg i. Br. 3. Auflage. 1975.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR-TKIs) are used as molecular targeted therapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. The therapy is applied to the patients having EGFR-primary L858R mutation, but drug tolerance caused by EGFR-secondary mutation is occurred within one and half years. For the non-invasive detection of the EGFR-TKIs treatment positive patients by positron emission tomograpy (PET) imagaing, fluorine-18 labeled thienopyrimidine derivative, [18F]FTP2 was newly synthesized. EGFR inhibition assay, cell uptake study, and blocking study indicated [18F]FTP2 binds with high and selective affinity for EGFR with L858R mutation, and not with L858R/T790M dual mutations. On animal PET study using tumor bearing mice, H3255 cells expressing L858R mutated EGFR was more clearly visualized than H1975 cells expressing L858R/T790M dual mutated EGFR. [18F]FTP2 has potential for detecting NSCLC which is susceptible to EGFR-TKI treatment.  相似文献   

The genus Mirococcus Borchsenius, 1947 is revised. Longicoccus Danzig, 1975 and Polystomophora Borchsenius, 1948 are considered new subjective synonyms of Mirococcus. Nine species, Mirococcus inermis (Hall, 1925) (= Polystomophora orientalis Matesova, 1960, syn. n.; = P. arakensis Moghaddam, 2010, syn. n.), M. ostiaplurimus (Kiritshenko, 1940), comb. n., M. sphaeroides Danzig, 1975, M. clarus Borchsenius, 1949 (= M. ashtarakensis Ter-Grigorian, 1964, syn. n.; = M. affinis Ter-Grigorian, 1967, syn. n.; = M. psammophilus Koteja, 1971, syn. n.) M. longiventris (Borchsenius, 1949), M. festucae Koteja, 1971, M. oligadenatus Danzig, 1982, M. ulykpani Danzig, 1990, and M. fossor Danzig, 1983 are taxonomically discussed and illustrated. Longicoccus cerariferus Danzig, 1975 and L. divnogoricus Gavrilov, 2003 are transferred to the genus Fonscolombia Lichtenstein, 1877; thus, the new combinations Fonscolombia cerarifera, comb. n. and F. divnogorica, comb. n. are formed.  相似文献   

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