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Due to work in model systems (e.g., flies and mice), the molecular mechanisms of embryogenesis are known in exquisite detail. However, these organisms are incapable of asexual reproduction and possess limited regenerative abilities. Thus, the mechanisms of alternate developmental trajectories and their relation to embryonic mechanisms remain understudied. Because these developmental trajectories are present in a diverse group of animal phyla spanning the metazoan phylogeny, including cnidarians, annelids, and echinoderms, they are likely to have played a major role in animal evolution. The starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, an emerging model system, undergoes larval development, asexual fission, and complete bi-directional regeneration in the field and laboratory. In order to investigate to what extent embryonic patterning mechanisms are utilized during alternate developmental trajectories, we examined expression of developmental regulatory genes during regeneration and fission. When compared to previously reported embryonic expression patterns, we found that all genes displayed some level of expression consistent with embryogenesis. However, five of seven genes investigated also displayed striking differences in gene expression between one or more developmental trajectory. These results demonstrate that alternate developmental trajectories utilize distinct molecular mechanisms upstream of major developmental regulatory genes such as fox, otx, and Hox-like.  相似文献   

Abstract. The starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis , is a small burrowing estuarine animal, native to the Atlantic coast of North America. In recent years, this anemone has emerged as a model system in cnidarian developmental biology. Molecular studies of embryology and larval development in N. vectensis have provided important insights into the evolution of key metazoan traits. However, the adult body plan of N. vectensis may arise via four distinct developmental trajectories: (1) embryogenesis following sexual reproduction, (2) asexual reproduction via physal pinching, (3) asexual reproduction via polarity reversal, and (4) regeneration following bisection through the body column. Here, we compare the ontogenetic sequences underlying alternate developmental trajectories. Additionally, we describe the predictable generation of anomalous phenotypes that can occur following localized injuries to the body column. These studies suggest testable hypotheses on the molecular mechanisms underlying alternate developmental trajectories, and they provoke new questions about the evolution of novel developmental trajectories and their initiation via environmental cues.  相似文献   

The lined sea anemone Edwardsiella lineata has evolved a derived parasitic life history that includes a novel body plan adapted for life inside its ctenophore hosts. Reputedly its sole host is the sea walnut, Mnemiopsis leidyi, a voracious planktivore and a seasonally abundant member of many pelagic ecosystems. However, we have observed substantially higher E. lineata prevalence in a second ctenophore species, the ctenophore predator Bero? ovata. The interplay among these 3 species has important conservation consequences as M. leidyi introductions are thought to be responsible for the severe depletion of numerous commercial fisheries in the Mediterranean basin, and both E. lineata and B. ovata have been proposed as biological controls for invasive M. leidyi. Over a 3-yr period (2004-2006), we collected 8,253 ctenophores from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, including M. leidyi, B. ovata, and a third ctenophore, Pleurobrachia pileus, and we recorded E. lineata infection frequencies, parasite load, and parasite location. We also conducted laboratory experiments to determine the likely mechanisms for parasite introduction and the effect of each host on parasite development. We observed peak E. lineata infection frequencies of 0% in P. pileus, 59% in M. leidyi, and 100% in B. ovata, suggesting that B. ovata could be an important natural host for E. lineata. However, in laboratory experiments, E. lineata larvae proved far more successful at infecting M. leidyi than B. ovata, and E. lineata parasites excised from M. leidyi exhibited greater developmental competence than parasites excised from B. ovata. Although we show that E. lineata is efficiently transferred from M. leidyi to B. ovata when the latter preys upon the former, we conclude that E. lineata larvae are not well adapted for parasitizing the latter species and that the E. lineata parasite is not well adapted for feeding in B. ovata; these developmental and ecological factors underlie the host specificity of this recently evolved parasite.  相似文献   

Direct development lies at 1 end of a continuum that encompassesvarious degrees of indirect development. Indirect developmentexists where a larval stage is interposed between the embryoand the adult and undergoes metamorphosis, though the ecologicaland morphological distinctiveness of the larval stage relativeto the adult stage can vary tremendously. There are numerousempirical examples where direct development has evolved fromindirect development, but little empirical evidence describinga recent transition from direct to indirect development. Here,we suggest 4 criteria for defining indirect, and therefore metamorphic,life histories. We then apply these criteria to address theplanula–polyp transition in cnidarians, focusing on 2species in the anthozoan family Edwardsiidae. The lined seaanemone, Edwardsiella lineata, has made a qualitative shifttowards indirect development that coincides with, and was potentiallyfacilitated by, the evolution of endoparasitism. We compareE. lineata's development with that of a closely related seaanemone, Nematostella vectensis, where the nonfeeding planulagradually develops the morphology of the adult polyp. In E.lineata, a novel parasitic life history stage is interposedbetween the planula and the polyp. We discuss how the evolutionof endoparasitism could facilitate the evolution metamorphiclife histories.  相似文献   

Many members of the cnidarian subclass Zoantharia (sea anemones, corals, and their allies) pass through a larval stage with eight complete mesenteries and without posterior musculature. This larva is usually transient, developing into an adult with 12 or more mesenteries. The adults of one family of sea anemones, the Edwardsiidae, bear the larval number and arrangement of mesenteries and lack the pedal disc seen in other sea anemones. The morphology of the Edwardsiidae has been interpreted in a number of ways: (1) the Edwardsiidae are the most basal extant zoantharian, having diverged before the evolution of additional mesenteries and basal musculature; (2) they are relatively advanced sea anemones that have secondarily simplified because they burrow in sand or mud rather than attaching to a hard substrate; or (3) edwardsiids are derived anemones that have retained a juvenile morphology through paedomorphosis. Phylogenetic analyses of small subunit ribosomal gene sequences reveal that the Edwardsiidae are derived zoantharians, nested within sea anemones. None of the proposed explanations fully explain the edwardsiid's body plan; edwardsiid anatomy is a mosaic of retained primitive and derived features. The results of the present study provide insight into zoantharian phylogeny and illustrate how phylogenetic tests can be used to study the evolution of cnidarian body plans.  相似文献   

The morphological and anatomical characteristics of the fissiparous seastar Coscinasterias acutispina were investigated at 23 sites around Japan in order to clarify the environmental factors determining asexual reproduction. The frequency of recent fission among the sites differed, although no significant differences were evident among the three major sea areas around Japan (the Sea of Japan, Seto Inland Sea, and Pacific Ocean), indicating that the spatial variability in incidence of fission might be determined on a local scale. Morphological observations revealed that the seastars endoparasitized by Dendrogaster okadai had not undergone fission recently, suggesting that fission was suppressed by parasitism. Stepwise multiple regression analysis of the frequency of seastars that had recently undergone fission revealed that nutrient conditions affected the incidence of fission. The relationships between the pyloric caeca index and arm length ratio at the individual level suggested that good nutritional conditions were required before the occurrence of fission. Additionally, regression analysis showed that high temperature was one of the triggers of fission in C. acutispina. Thus, the process of asexual reproduction in C. acutispina appears to be governed by intricate interactions among several factors, including parasitism by D. okadai, nutrient conditions, and high temperature.  相似文献   

The data on different modes of reproduction in sea anemones are generalized. These animals can reproduce sexually in an ordinary way or by parthenogenesis. Asexual reproduction occurs in various forms, such as transverse and longitudinal fission, pedal laceration, or autotomy of tentacles. Specific features of different variants of sexual and asexual reproduction and their combinations in sea anemones from different habitats of the World Ocean are discussed.  相似文献   

The ecological performance of the sea anemone Heteractis magnifica was examined during a 36-month experiment with respect to season and the presence and numbers of a mutualist (orange-fin anemonefish Amphiprion chrysopterus). Anemones primarily grew during the autumn, with most asexual reproduction occurring in winter; mortality was not strongly seasonal. Individual growth rates did not differ between anemones harboring one or two anemonefish, but these rates were three times faster than for anemones lacking Amphiprion. Anemones with two anemonefish had the highest fission rate, whereas those without anemonefish had the lowest. By contrast, anemones that were not defended by anemonefish suffered higher-than-expected mortality. As a consequence, anemones with two Amphiprion had the greatest net increase in surface area, and those lacking anemonefish had a negligible gain that was statistically indistinguishable from zero after three years. Anemonefish not only enhanced anemone survivorship as previously believed, they also fostered faster growth and more frequent asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

How any complex trait has evolved is a fascinating question, yet the evolution of parasitism among the nematodes is arguably one of the most arresting. How did free-living nematodes cross that seemingly insurmountable evolutionary chasm between soil dwelling and survival inside another organism? Which of the many finely honed responses to the varied and harsh environments of free-living nematodes provided the material upon which natural selection could act? Although several complementary theories explain this phenomenon, I will focus on the dauer hypothesis. The dauer hypothesis posits that the arrested third-stage dauer larvae of free-living nematodes such as Caenorhabditis elegans are, due to their many physiological similarities with infective third-stage larvae of parasitic nematodes, a pre-adaptation to parasitism. If so, then a logical extension of this hypothesis is that the molecular pathways which control entry into and recovery from dauer formation by free-living nematodes in response to environmental cues have been co-opted to control the processes of infective larval arrest and activation in parasitic nematodes. The molecular machinery that controls dauer entry and exit is present in a wide range of parasitic nematodes. However, the developmental outputs of the different pathways are both conserved and divergent, not only between populations of C. elegans or between C. elegans and parasitic nematodes but also between different species of parasitic nematodes. Thus the picture that emerges is more nuanced than originally predicted and may provide insights into the evolution of such an interesting and complex trait.  相似文献   

Abstract. The extraordinary parasitic metanauplius larva of Caribeopsyllus amphiodiae is sexually dimorphic, with conspicuous gonads, and elaborate lens-bearing eyes. The parasites usually occur singly within their host, and grow for ≤5 months within the stomach of burrowing ophiuroids ( Amphiodia urtica ). They transform into free-living, semelparous, non-feeding adults that live only 2 weeks. The species' life-history pattern, with a larval period ∼10 × longer than the adult life span, is contrariwise to that of other copepods but not for animals with non-feeding adults of both sexes. It appears that the life cycle of C. amphiodiae is pedomorphic, and probably evolved through a delay of metamorphosis regulated by developmental hormones. We attribute the dominance of the larval phase to the greater potential for survival and growth of the enterozoic parasitic stages than of the free-living, post-metamorphic stages. We note that among marine invertebrates, non-feeding adults of both sexes occur exclusively in taxa with a complex life cycle, and that non-feeding adults of both sexes are never found in taxa that have small larvae and delayed maturation. They occur only when there is a large larva that can provide the adult stage with sufficient nutrient reserves for reproduction.  相似文献   

Regeneration, the ability to replace lost body structures, and agametic asexual reproduction, such as fission and budding, are post‐embryonic developmental capabilities widely distributed yet highly variable across animals. Regeneration capabilities vary dramatically both within and across phyla, but the evolution of regeneration ability has rarely been reconstructed in an explicitly phylogenetic context. Agametic reproduction appears strongly associated with high regenerative abilities, and there are also extensive developmental similarities between these two processes, suggesting that the two are evolutionarily related. However, the directionality leading to this relationship remains unclear: while it has been proposed that regeneration precedes asexual reproduction, the reverse hypothesis has also been put forward. Here, we use phylogenetically explicit methods to reconstruct broad patterns of regeneration evolution and formally test these hypotheses about the evolution of fission in the phylum Annelida (segmented worms). We compiled from the literature a large dataset of information on anterior regeneration, posterior regeneration, and fission abilities for 401 species and mapped this information onto a phylogenetic tree based on recent molecular studies. We used Markovian maximum likelihood and Bayesian MCMC methods to evaluate different models for the evolution of regeneration and fission and to estimate the likelihood of each of these traits being present at each node of the tree. Our results strongly support anterior and posterior regeneration ability being present at the basal node of the annelid tree and being lost 18 and 5 times, respectively, but never regained. By contrast, the ability to fission is reconstructed as being absent at the basal node and being gained at least 19 times, with several possible losses. Models assuming independent evolution of regeneration and fission yield significantly lower likelihoods. Our findings suggest that anterior and posterior regeneration are ancestral for Annelida and are consistent with the hypothesis that regenerative ability is required to evolve fission.  相似文献   

Acoel worms in the genus Convolutriloba are remarkable in that closely related, morphologically very similar species reproduce asexually by dramatically different processes. Transverse fission, longitudinal fission, and reversed-polarity budding all occur within this genus, indicating an unparalleled ability to alter the A-P axis. Convolutriloba thus offers an exceptional opportunity to investigate the development and evolution of asexual reproduction. Molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that reversed-polarity budding is ancestral and fission is derived for the genus. A clear difference between budding and fission is indicated by the development of the nervous system, which forms de novo during budding, but regenerates largely by extensions of remaining components of the nervous system during both types of fission. Despite this and other differences between fission and budding, localized muscle disorganization coupled with behaviorally mediated tearing are characteristic of both transverse fission and reversed-polarity budding (though not longitudinal fission), suggesting that a homologous tissue-separation mechanism underlies these two outwardly quite different asexual reproductive modes. We suggest that the ability to split the posterior axis field into two adjacent fields, manifested during both reversed-polarity budding and longitudinal fission, may have been a driving force behind the diversification of asexual reproductive mode in this group.  相似文献   

Clonal propagation is an important life history trait for many sessile organisms, and often leads to the formation of monoclonal aggregations. In the marine environment, sea anemones have been model species for testing theory regarding the evolution of sex and understanding the contribution of sexual versus asexual reproduction to the population structure in facultatively clonal animals. However, little attention has been paid to tropical actiniarians. The corkscrew anemone Bartholomea annulata is common in tropical marine habitats in the western Atlantic and Caribbean; it forms small aggregations (2–4 anemones) on coral reefs and larger aggregations (>10 anemones) in mangrove habitats. We used field surveys and molecular analyses to investigate patterns of distribution, abundance, and genetic structure of aggregations formed by B. annulata on a reef in the US Virgin Islands and in a unique mangrove habitat in the Florida Keys. Abundance was greatest at the abandoned rock quarry mangrove habitat in the Florida Keys, where anemones formed continuously distributed aggregations carpeting the exposed limestone walls. Genetic diversity assessed via intersimple sequence repeats (ISSRs) and six microsatellite loci revealed that asexual reproduction plays only a minor role in the formation of both small and large anemone aggregations. Specifically, ISSR analyses showed that only ~10% of anemone aggregations were clonal in the US Virgin Islands, while microsatellite genotyping identified clonality in only 1 of 35 aggregations. In the Florida Keys, only four clonal genotypes were recovered within aggregations, but eight clones, representing 33% of the total surveyed population, had individuals in multiple aggregations. Thus, population structure of B. annulata appears to rely primarily on sexual reproduction, although asexual reproduction may play a nontrivial role in some environments. Mechanisms that drive the formation of genotypically diverse aggregations remain unknown, but may include attraction toward conspecifics, shared use of preferred habitats, or the local retention of larvae in partially enclosed habitats.  相似文献   

The many similarities between arrested dauer larvae of free-living nematodes and infective L3 of parasitic nematodes has led to suggestions that they are analogous lifecycle stages. The control of the formation of dauer larvae in Caenorhabditis elegans is well understood, with a TGF-β-superfamily growth factor playing a central role. Recent analyses of the expression of homologous TGF-β genes in parasitic nematodes has allowed this analogy to be tested; but the results so far do not support it. Rather, the results imply that in the evolution of animal parasitism, parasitic nematodes have taken signalling pathways and molecules from their free-living ancestors and used them in different ways in the evolution of their parasitic lifestyles.  相似文献   

Studies of the asexual reproduction of Convolutriloba longifissura (Acoela, Acoelomorpha) revealed that there is no longitudinal fission of the whole animal as has been described by Bartolomaeus and Balzer (1997) . Instead, the first step is a transverse fission. This results in the detachment of the caudal fourth of the mother animal. The detached part forms what we call the butterfly stage, which initially has no mouth and no eye fields. This stage gives rise to two new individuals by a longitudinal fission. Within 2–3 days the eye fields and a mouth develop in each of the two progenies formed in this way. In the meantime the mother individual grows and develops the three typical caudal lobes. The mother animal can repeat this process resulting in three individuals every fourth day. The finding of this new pattern of reproduction in the Acoela has prompted us to review the various ways by which asexual reproduction occurs in the group. The peculiar combination of few cases but high diversity of asexual reproduction in the Acoela is discussed from an evolutionary point of view.  相似文献   

Adult medusae of Carukia barnesi were collected near Double Island, North Queensland Australia. From 73 specimens, 8 males and 15 females spawned under laboratory conditions. These gametes were artificially mixed which resulted in fertilized eggs. Post fertilization, most eggs developed to an encapsulated planula stage and then paused for between six days and six months prior to hatching as ciliated planulae. The paused stage planulae were negatively buoyant and adhered to substrate. The first planula was produced six days post fertilization, lacked larval ocelli, remained stationary, or moved very slowly for two days prior to metamorphosis into primary polyps. Mature polyps reproduced through asexual reproduction via lateral budding producing ciliated swimming polyps, which in turn settled and developed into secondary polyps. Medusae production for this species was in the form of monodisc strobilation, which left behind polyps able to continue asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

A cattle-drinking pool in nature reserve "Zwin" on the Belgian coast contained free-living third-stage infective filaroid juveniles. These juveniles clearly differ morphologically from all known nematodes. Morphological and molecular analyses indicate a position within the Filaroidea. The aberrant biology of this nematode, namely, a free-living stage in an aquatic environment, is unknown within this superfamily, and the evolution of the parasitic phenotype to a free-living state is generally thought to be unlikely. However, the obtained placement in the small subunit molecular phylogenetic tree suggests that this free-living stage is most likely a secondary adaptation. It is reasonable to assert that nematodes with complex life cycles still have the genetic potential for a reversion from parasitism to a (partial) free-living stage.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella (Carlgren, 1943) was studied in the context of energy budgets determined under a variety of light and feeding conditions. Continuous darkness significantly increased rates of pedal laceration (the method of asexual reproduction), while different feeding rates had no significant effect. Digestive assimilation efficiency averaged 63% for whole brine shrimp, and conversion efficiencies (assimilated energy into biomass) averaged 31%. There were no significant differences between the conversion efficiencies of energy obtained from light or food. The index of reproductive effort (RE) for pedal laceration was very low, ranging from 0.004 to 0.044. This low RE associated with a substantial rate of asexual reproduction may, in part, explain the widespread success of certain sea anemones.  相似文献   

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