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Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type I (HSAN-I) is an axonal peripheral neuropathy associated with progressive distal sensory loss and severe ulcerations. Mutations in the first subunit of the enzyme serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) have been associated with HSAN-I. The SPT enzyme catalyzes the first and rate-limiting step in the de novo sphingolipid synthesis pathway. However, different studies suggest the implication of other genes in the pathology of HSAN-I. Therefore, we screened the two other known subunits of SPT, SPTLC2 and SPTLC3, in a cohort of 78 HSAN patients. No mutations were found in SPTLC3, but we identified three heterozygous missense mutations in the SPTLC2 subunit of SPT in four families presenting with a typical HSAN-I phenotype. We demonstrate that these mutations result in a partial to complete loss of SPT activity in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, they cause the accumulation of the atypical and neurotoxic sphingoid metabolite 1-deoxy-sphinganine. Our findings extend the genetic heterogeneity in HSAN-I and enlarge the group of HSAN neuropathies associated with SPT defects. We further show that HSAN-I is consistently associated with an increased formation of the neurotoxic 1-deoxysphinganine, suggesting a common pathomechanism for HSAN-I.  相似文献   

The segregation patterns of DNA markers from the pericentromeric regions of chromosomes 1 and 17 were studied in seven pedigrees segregating an autosomal dominant gene for Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type I (CMT I; hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy I). A multilocus analysis with four markers (pMCR-3, pMUC10, FY, and pMLAJ1) spanning the pericentromeric region of chromosome 1 excluded the CMT I gene from this region in six pedigrees but gave some evidence for linkage to the region of Duffy in one pedigree. Linkage of the CMT I gene to markers in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 17 (markers pA10-41, pEW301, p3.6, and pTH17.19) was established; however, in these seven pedigrees homogeneity analysis with chromosome 17 markers detected significant genetic heterogeneity. This analysis suggested that three of the seven pedigrees are not linked to this same region. Overall, two of the seven CMT I pedigrees were not linked to markers tested from chromosomes 1 or 17. These results confirm genetic heterogeneity in CMT I and implicate the existence of a third autosomal locus, in addition to a locus on chromosome 17, and a probable locus on chromosome 1. This evidence of etiological heterogeneity, supported by statistical tests, will have to be taken into consideration when fine-structure genetic maps of the regions around CMT I are constructed.  相似文献   

Hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy (AO), or Stickler syndrome, is a dominantly inherited disorder characterized by vitreo-retinal degeneration and frequently accompanied by epiphyseal dysplasia and premature degenerative joint disease. Three large families with AO were analyzed for clinical manifestations of the disease and for coinheritance of the genetic defect with RFLPs in the type II procollagen gene (COL2A1). Genetic linkage between AO and COL2A1 was demonstrated in the largest family, with a maximum LOD score of 3.52 at a recombination distance of zero. Data from a second family also supported linkage of AO and COL2A1, with a LOD score of 1.20 at a recombination distance of zero. These results are consistent with the conclusion that mutations in the COL2A1 gene are responsible for AO in these two families. In a third AO family, however, recombination between AO and COL2A1 occurred in at least one meiosis, and the data were inconclusive with respect to linkage.  相似文献   

Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type II (HSANII) is a rare autosomal-recessive disorder characterized by peripheral nerve degeneration resulting in a severe distal sensory loss. Although mutations in FAM134B and the HSN2 exon of WNK1 were associated with HSANII, the etiology of a substantial number of cases remains unexplained. In addition, the functions of WNK1/HSN2 and FAM134B and their role in the peripheral nervous system remain poorly understood. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we found that KIF1A, an axonal transporter of synaptic vesicles, interacts with the domain encoded by the HSN2 exon. In parallel to this screen, we performed genome-wide homozygosity mapping in a consanguineous Afghan family affected by HSANII and identified a unique region of homozygosity located on chromosome 2q37.3 and spanning the KIF1A gene locus. Sequencing of KIF1A in this family revealed a truncating mutation segregating with the disease phenotype. Subsequent sequencing of KIF1A in a series of 112 unrelated patients with features belonging to the clinical spectrum of ulcero-mutilating sensory neuropathies revealed truncating mutations in three additional families, thus indicating that mutations in KIF1A are a rare cause of HSANII. Similarly to WNK1 mutations, pathogenic mutations in KIF1A were almost exclusively restricted to an alternatively spliced exon. This study provides additional insights into the molecular pathogenesis of HSANII and highlights the potential biological relevance of alternative splicing in the peripheral sensory nervous system.  相似文献   

Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN) type IIA is caused by mutations in the mitofusin type-2 (MFN2) gene and represents one of the most common axonal forms of HMSN. We determined the spectrum and frequency of MFN2 gene mutations in patients from the Bashkortostan Republic (BR). Four different mutations were revealed in 5 out of 170 unrelated patients, i.e., c.2113G>A (p.Val705Ile) (1.2% among all types of HMSN in the total sample of patients and 2% among patients of Tatar ethnicity). This mutation was described previously; c.775C>T (p.Arg259Cys) (0.6%, in the total sample of patients and 2% among the patients of Tatar ethnicity); c.776G>A (p.Arg259His) (0.6% in the total sample of patients and 1.5% among the patients of Russians ethnicity); and c.2171T>C (p.Leu724Pro) (1.2% in the total sample of patients and 7.4% among the patients of Bashkirs ethnicity). These are new mutations that were not observed among healthy family members and in control samples of healthy subjects. Five identified nucleotide substitutions represent single nucleotide polymorphisms of the gene, including c.892G>A (p.Gly298Arg), c.957C>T (Gly319Gly), and c1039-222t>c, which were described previously, while c.175+28c>t and c.2204+15t>c represent new nucleotide substitutions in the intron regions of the gene.  相似文献   

We previously assigned the disease locus for autosomal dominant hereditary motor neuropathy type II (distal HMN II) within a 13-cM interval at chromosome 12q24.3. We constructed a physical map of the distal HMN II region based on yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), P1 artificial chromosomes (PACs), and bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) using an STS content mapping approach. The contig contains 26 YAC, 15 PAC, and 60 BAC clones and covers a physical distance of approximately 5 Mb. A total of 99 STS markers, including 25 known STSs and STRs, 49 new STSs generated from clone end-fragments, 20 ESTs, and 5 known genes, were located on the contig. This physical map provides a valuable resource for mapping genes and markers located within the distal HMN II region and facilitates the positional cloning of the distal HMN II gene.  相似文献   

Two patients in a consanguineous Indian family with infantile glycogenosis type II were found to have a G to A transition in exon 11 of the human lysosomal alpha-glucosidase gene. Both patients were homozygous and both parents were heterozygous for the mutant allele. The mutation causes a Glu to Lys substitution at amino acid position 521, just three amino acids downstream from the catalytic site at Asp-518. The mutation was introduced in wild type lysosomal alpha-glucosidase cDNA and the mutant construct was expressed in vitro and in vivo. The Glu to Lys substitution is proven to account for the abnormal physical properties of the patients lysosomal alpha-glucosidase precursor and to prevent the formation of catalytically active enzyme. In homozygous form it leads to the severe infantile phenotype of glycogenosis type II.  相似文献   

Kim JW  Nam SH  Jang KT  Lee SH  Kim CC  Hahn SH  Hu JC  Simmer JP 《Human genetics》2004,115(3):248-254
The dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) gene (4q21.3) encodes two major noncollagenous dentin matrix proteins: dentin sialoprotein (DSP) and dentin phosphoprotein (DPP). Defects in the human gene encoding DSPP cause inherited dentin defects, and these defects can be associated with bilateral progressive high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss. Clinically, five different patterns of inherited dentin defects are distinguished and are classified as dentinogenesis imperfecta (DGI) types I, II, and III, and dentin dysplasia types I and II. The genetic basis for this clinical heterogeneity is unknown. Among the 11 members recruited from the studied kindred, five were affected with autosomal dominant DGI type II. The mutation (g.1188CG, IVS2-3CG) lay in the third from the last nucleotide of intron 2 and changed its sequence from CAG to GAG. The mutation was correlated with the affection status and was absent in 104 unaffected individuals (208 alleles) with the same ethnic and geological background. The proband was in the primary dentition stage and presented with multiple pulp exposures. The occlusal surface of his dental enamel was generally abraded, and the dentin was heavily worn and uniformly shaded brown. The dental pulp chambers appeared originally to be within normal limits without any sign of obliteration, but over time (by age 4), the pulp chambers became partially or completely obliterated. The oldest affected member (age 59) showed mild hearing loss at high-frequency (8 kHz). Permanent dentition was severely affected in the adults, who had advanced dental attrition, premature loss of teeth, and extensive dental reconstruction.  相似文献   

Although one large family with hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN) type I that showed linkage to the Duffy blood group (FY) on chromosome 1 has previously been reported, we have failed to find evidence for such linkage after examining 14 markers from chromosome 1 in 12 pedigrees. We have excluded linkage between HMSN I and FY up to theta = 0.15 (lod = -3.01) and also between HMSN I and markers flanking FY; amylase (AMY), polymorphic urinary mucin (PUM), serum amyloid protein (APCS), and alpha-spectrin (SPTA). We have excluded HMSN I from 70 cM around this linkage group. Other markers examined were MS1, oncogene L-myc (MYCL), beta-subunit of nerve growth factor (NGFB), oncogene N-ras (NRAS), glucocerebrosidase (GBA), apolipoprotein AII (APOA2), antithrombin III (AT3), renin (REN), and MS32. These cover both the long and the short arms of chromosome 1 in addition to the centromeric region and yielded no evidence of linkage to HMSN I. Two-point lod scores between these markers are also presented. It is possible that there are two or more loci for HMSN I and it will be necessary to obtain significant lod scores from individual families to resolve this issue. This is increasingly possible now that hypervariable genetic markers such as PUM are available.  相似文献   

During adulthood, the neurotrophin Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) sensitizes nociceptors, thereby increasing the response to noxious stimuli. The relationship between NGF and pain is supported by genetic evidence: mutations in the NGF TrkA receptor in patients affected by an hereditary rare disease (Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy type IV, HSAN IV) determine a congenital form of severe pain insensitivity, with mental retardation, while a mutation in NGFB gene, leading to the aminoacid substitution R100W in mature NGF, determines a similar loss of pain perception, without overt cognitive neurological defects (HSAN V). The R100W mutation provokes a reduced processing of proNGF to mature NGF in cultured cells and a higher percentage of neurotrophin secreted is in the proNGF form. Moreover, using Surface Plasmon Resonance we showed that the R100W mutation does not affect NGF binding to TrkA, while it abolishes NGF binding to p75NTR receptors. However, it remains to be clarified whether the major impact of the mutation is on the biological function of proNGF or of mature NGF and to what extent the effects of the R100W mutation on the HSAN V clinical phenotype are developmental, or whether they reflect an impaired effectiveness of NGF to regulate and mediate nociceptive transmission in adult sensory neurons. Here we show that the R100 mutation selectively alters some of the signaling pathways activated downstream of TrkA NGF receptors. NGFR100 mutants maintain identical neurotrophic and neuroprotective properties in a variety of cell assays, while displaying a significantly reduced pain-inducing activity in vivo (n = 8–10 mice/group). We also show that proNGF has a significantly reduced nociceptive activity, with respect to NGF. Both sets of results jointly contribute to elucidating the mechanisms underlying the clinical HSAN V manifestations, and to clarifying which receptors and intracellular signaling cascades participate in the pain sensitizing action of NGF.  相似文献   

Vance et al. have reported linkage of hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type I (HMSN I) to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 17. We have studied eight families with HMSN I (also called the hypertrophic form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) for linkage of the disease locus to polymorphic loci in the centromeric region of chromosome 17. Linkage has been confirmed for D17S58 (EW301) with a maximum lod score of 5.89 at theta = 0.08 and for D17S71 (pA10-41) with a maximum lod score of 3.22 at theta = 0.08. EW301 is on 17p, 5.5 centimorgans from the centromere. Two families, previously reported as being linked to the Duffy blood group locus on chromosome 1, were included in this study, and one now provides positive lod scores for chromosome 17 markers. There was no evidence of heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Hereditary sensory neuropathy type I (HSN I) is an axonal form of autosomal-dominant hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy distinguished by prominent sensory loss that leads to painless injuries. Unrecognized, these can result in delayed wound healing and osteomyelitis, necessitating distal amputations. To elucidate the genetic basis of an HSN I subtype in a family in which mutations in the few known HSN I genes had been excluded, we employed massive parallel exon sequencing of the 14.3 Mb disease interval on chromosome 14q. We detected a missense mutation (c.1065C>A, p.Asn355Lys) in atlastin-1 (ATL1), a gene that is known to be mutated in early-onset hereditary spastic paraplegia SPG3A and that encodes the large dynamin-related GTPase atlastin-1. The mutant protein exhibited reduced GTPase activity and prominently disrupted ER network morphology when expressed in COS7 cells, strongly supporting pathogenicity. An expanded screen in 115 additional HSN I patients identified two further dominant ATL1 mutations (c.196G>C [p.Glu66Gln] and c.976 delG [p.Val326TrpfsX8]). This study highlights an unexpected major role for atlastin-1 in the function of sensory neurons and identifies HSN I and SPG3A as allelic disorders.  相似文献   

Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN) or Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is the most common hereditary illness of the peripheral nervous system. The genetics and the physiopathological aspects of the disease clarified until know, are here summarized. More than twenty genes and ten additional loci have been related with HMSN. These findings contribute to understand the metabolism of peripheral nerves and give the basis for molecular diagnostics and future therapy. Several Costa Rican families with CMT have been identified, specially with axonal forms. Two families present mutations in the myelin protein zero gene (IMPZ). In addition, linkage have been found between the disease and locus 19q13.3 in an extended family, and a mutation segregating with the disease is present in a candidate gene of the critical interval. Costa Rica has several advantages for genetical studies, that can contribute importantly in the generation of knowledge in the neurogenetical field.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage analyses suggest that mutations in type II collagen may be responsible for Stickler syndrome, or arthro-ophthalmopathy (AO), in many families. In the present study oligonucleotide primers were developed to amplify and directly sequence eight of the first nine exons of the gene for type II procollagen (COL2A1). Analysis of the eight exons in 10 unrelated probands with AO revealed that one had a single-base mutation in one allele that changed the codon of -CGA- for arginine at amino acid position alpha 1-9 in exon 7 to a premature termination signal for translation. The second mutation found to cause AO was, therefore, similar to the first in that both created premature termination signals in the COL2A1 gene. Since mutations producing premature termination signals have not previously been detected in genes for fibrillar collagens, the results raise the possibility that such mutations in the COL2A1 gene are a common cause of AO.  相似文献   

Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy (CMT) is one of the most common hereditary disorders, affecting 1:2500 individuals. CMT is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by chronic peripheral motor and sensory neuropathy. We have performed the detection of 1.5 Mb CMT1A tandem duplication in 17p11.2-12 chromosome region for autosome-dominant CMT1 patients and their relatives using the analysis of two (CA)n polymorphic microsatellite loci: 17S921 and 17S1358 localised in the duplication region. CMT1A duplication was found in three of five autosome-dominant CMT1 families. It has been shown that CMT1A duplication analysis is important for early differential diagnosis of CMT including prenatal diagnosis and genetic consulting in high risk families.  相似文献   

Elongator proteins comprise six subunits (ELP1–ELP6) and form protein complexes. The elongator protein 2 gene (elp2) encodes a protein with a WD40 repeats domain that acts as a scaffold for complex assembly. It also plays an important role in growth and development. In this study, the full-length cDNA of elongator protein 2 (Ajelp2) was cloned from the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (A. japonicus) using rapid amplification of cDNA ends PCR techniques and comprised 3,058 bp, including a 54 bp 5′ untranslated (UTR), a 526 bp 3′ UTR and a 2,478 bp open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 825 amino acids. The Ajelp2 sequence showed high homology to 12 other species. The molecular weight and isoelectric of point the presumptive protein were 91.6 kDa and 5.84, respectively. In situ hybridization indicated that the gene is expressed in the body wall, intestine, respiratory tree and longitudinal muscle. The expression level of Ajelp2 increased in recovering of organs in sea cucumber and showed it’s the highest expression level at the 15th day in the intestine and respiratory tree. Its expression then gradually decreased to normal levels. In the body wall, the expression level of Ajelp2 was up-regulated and then down-regulated. These results indicated that Ajelp2 is involved in protein regulation during the regeneration process in the sea cucumber A. japonicus.  相似文献   

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