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Mitochondrial DNA and the peopling of South America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The initial peopling of South America is largely unresolved, in part because of the unique distribution of genetic diversity in native South Americans. On average, genetic diversity estimated within Andean populations is higher than that estimated within Amazonian populations. Yet there is less genetic differentiation estimated among Andean populations than estimated among Amazonian populations. One hypothesis is that this pattern is a product of independent migrations of genetically differentiated people into South America. A competing hypothesis is that there was a single migration followed by regional isolation. In this study we address these hypotheses using mtDNA hypervariable region 1 sequences representing 21 South American groups and include new data sets for four native Peruvian communities from Tupe, Yungay, and Puno. An analysis of variance that compared the combined data from western South America to the combined data from eastern South America determined that these two regional data sets are not significantly different. As a result, a migration from a single source population into South America serves as the simplest explanation of the data.  相似文献   

Summary Ascending spinal projections in the caiman (Caiman crocodilus) were demonstrated with Nauta and Fink-Heimer methods following hemisections of the third spinal segment in a series of twelve animals. These results were compared with earlier data in the literature obtained from a turtle, a snake, and a lizard using the same experimental and histological procedures. The results show remarkable similarities considering that each species represents a different reptilian order with different evolutionary history and habitat. However, the caiman displays several important peculiarities.Although the dorsal funiculus of the caiman contains the largest number of ascending spinal projections of the four species examined, this funiculus has not differentiated into cuneate and gracile fasciculi as is the case in the tegu lizard. The ventro-lateral ascending spinal projections follow a fundamentally similar general morphologic pattern in the four species with only minor variations. The anatomical arrangement in the caiman and tegu lizard appears most similar in the high cervical and the medullary regions; however, this is not the case in midbrain and thalamic regions where considerably more extensive projections are seen in the caiman. In the caiman an extensive spinal connection to the ventro-lateral nucleus of the dorsal thalamus is present; this connection is reminiscent of the mammalian spinal projection to the ventro-basal complex. The caiman has in common with the other three reptilian species a small projection to another dorsal thalamic region that is apparently homologous to the mammalian intralaminar nuclei, which are the destination of the mammalian paleospinothalamic tract.  相似文献   

S. J. Gorzula 《Oecologia》1978,35(1):21-34
Summary Mark and recapture studies were carried out for three and a half years on a population of Caiman c. crocodilus inhabiting a savanna lagoon system in the Venezuelan Guayana. Sub-adult and adult caimans migrated from permanent lagoon refuges to temporary lagoons during the wet season. A distinct homing response by artificially displaced caimans was observed.The wet season was the most significant time of the year for both feeding and growth. It was estimated that caimans take 6 years to reach a size of 97 cm. Thereafter the growth rate was variable. During a dry year there was little growth, but during a wet year a large caiman could increase in length by up to 10 cm.During the first 18 months of life, young caimans remained near the nest site. Older caimans dispersed and competed for territories which resulted in a high incidence of damage, particularly to the tails, as a result of intraspecific fighting.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of European hedgehogs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
European hedgehog populations belonging to Erinaceus europaeus and E . concolor have been investigated by mitochondrial DNA analysis. A 383 bp fragment of the cytochrome b gene has been sequenced and maximum parsimony and neighbour-joining trees of Tamura–Nei genetic distance values have been constructed. Similar topologies have been produced by both methods, showing a deep divergence between E . europaeus and E . concolor and a further subdivision of each species into a western and an eastern clade. A comparison with previously published allozyme data is made, and concordant and discordant patterns are discussed. The influence of Pleistocene glaciations on the observed pattern of divergence is inferred.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) types based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns with HaeIII were investigated in clinical isolates of Sporothrix schenckii in North and South America. In addition to 14 mtDNA types (Types 1–14) so far reported, six new mtDNA types, Types 15–20 were found in this study. Type 3 was divided into two subtypes, Subtype 3A and Subtype 3B based on RFLP with Msp1. Type 14 was also divided into three subtypes, Subtype 14A, Subtype 14B and Subtype 14C based on RFLP with Hha1. Nineteen isolates in the United States consisted of 1 isolate of Type 1, 12 of Type 2, 2 of Type 4, 3 of Type 14 (1 of Subtype 14B and 2 of Subtype 14C) and 1 of Type 15. Twenty nine isolates in Venezuela consisted of 13 of Type 3 (Subtype 3B), 6 of Type 4, 1 of Type 18, 3 of Type 19 and 6 of Type 20. Thirteen isolates in Argentina consisted of 2 of Type 3 (Subtype 3A), 4 of Type 4, 4 of Type 16 and 3 of Type 17. One isolate in Brazil was Type 3 (Subtype 3A). Based on the phylogeny of 20 mtDNA types (Types 1–20) constructed by estimating sequence divergences of mtDNA, mtDNA types were clustered into two groups: Group A (Types 1–3, Type 11 and Types 14–19) and Group B (Types 4–10, Types 12–13 and Type 20). These results suggest that S. schenckiiisolates in North and South America mainly belong to Group A. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We describe the gonadal and abdominal fat storage cycles for a population of Caiman crocodilus fuscus kept in captivity at a breeding farm. The reproductive cycles of males and females are clearly seasonal. Vitellogenic follicles were observed in females year‐round; however, the follicular growth that produces the preovulatory follicles for the breeding season occurs in November–May (most of the dry season to the beginning of the rainy season). These months correspond with the presence of physiologically reproductive males. Oviposition takes place during the wet season (April–August) and the births occur at the end of this season (September–November). Fat storage was not related to reproductive activity, and did not vary by month or between sexes. Although environmental and hormonal conditions have been improved for these captive animals, they maintain a strongly seasonal reproductive cycle, historically fixed to oviposit in the most favorable period for nest construction and hatching during the rainy season. Zoo Biol 22:121–133, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA under siege in avian phylogeography   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been the workhorse of research in phylogeography for almost two decades. However, concerns with basing evolutionary interpretations on mtDNA results alone have been voiced since the inception of such studies. Recently, some authors have suggested that the potential problems with mtDNA are so great that inferences about population structure and species limits are unwarranted unless corroborated by other evidence, usually in the form of nuclear gene data. Here we review the relative merits of mitochondrial and nuclear phylogeographical studies, using birds as an exemplar class of organisms. A review of population demographic and genetic theory indicates that mitochondrial and nuclear phylogeographical results ought to concur for both geographically unstructured populations and for populations that have long histories of isolation. However, a relatively common occurrence will be shallow, but geographically structured mtDNA trees--without nuclear gene corroboration--for populations with relatively shorter periods of isolation. This is expected because of the longer coalescence times of nuclear genes (approximately four times that of mtDNA); such cases do not contradict the mtDNA inference of recent isolation and evolutionary divergence. Rather, the nuclear markers are more lagging indicators of changes in population structure. A review of the recent literature on birds reveals the existence of relatively few cases in which nuclear markers contradict mitochondrial markers in a fashion not consistent with coalescent theory. Preliminary information from nuclear genes suggests that mtDNA patterns will prove to be robust indicators of patterns of population history and species limits. At equilibrium, mitochondrial loci are generally a more sensitive indicator of population structure than are nuclear loci, and mitochondrial estimates of F(ST)-like statistics are generally expected to exceed nuclear ones. Hence, invoking behavioural or ecological explanations of such differences is not parsimonious. Nuclear genes will prove important for quantitative estimates of the depths of haplotype trees, rates of population growth and values of gene flow.  相似文献   

Summary Investigation of the cochlear potentials in a reptile shows that the microphonics contain 2 components as previously observed in birds. The potentials depend to varying degrees and in a similar way as in birds on metabolism; the time course is expanded by a factor of 20.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

We analyzed mtDNA sequence variation in 590 individuals from 18 south Amerindian populations. The spatial pattern of mtDNA diversity in these populations fits well the model proposed on the basis of Y-chromosome data. We found evidence of a differential action of genetic drift and gene flow in western and eastern populations, which has led to genetic divergence in the latter but not in the former. Although it is not possible to identify a pattern of genetic variation common to all South America, when western and eastern populations are analyzed separately, the mtDNA diversity in both regions fits the isolation-by-distance model, suggesting independent evolutionary dynamics. Maximum-likelihood estimates of divergence times between central and south Amerindian populations fall between 13,000 and 19,000 years, which is consistent with a Pleistocenic peopling of South America. Moreover, comparison of among-population variability of mtDNA and Y-chromosome DNA seems to indicate that South America is the only continent where the levels of differentiation are similar for maternal and paternal lineages.  相似文献   

Movements of the neck, jaws, and hyolingual apparatus during inertial feeding in Caiman crocodilus were studied by cineradiography. Analysis reveals two kinds of cycles: inertial bites (reposition, kill/crush, and transport) and swallowing cycles. They differ in their gape profile and in displacement of the neck, cranium, and hyolingual apparatus. Inertial bites are initiated by an elevation of the neck and cranium; the head is then retracted backward, the prey simultaneously being lifted by the hyolingual apparatus. Next the lower jaw is depressed, and the prey is rapidly pushed further upward by the hyolingual apparatus. Thereafter fast mouth-closure occurs with the neck and cranium being abruptly depressed, the lower jaw elevated, and the hyolingual apparatus rapidly retracted ventrally. Depression of the neck and cranium thrusts the head forward and impacts the backward moving prey more posteriorly in the oral cavity. Swallowing cycles initially involve movement of the hyoid in front of the prey followed by rapid posteroventrad retraction of the hyoid, forcing the prey into the esophagus during opening and closing of the mouth. After mouth-closure, the hyoid apparatus is again protracted. Jaws, neck, tongue, and hyoid apparatus play an active role during intertial feeding sequences. At the beginning of a feeding sequence, the hyolingual apparatus mainly moves dorsoventrally, whereas toward the end of a sequence anteroposterior displacements of the hyoid are prominent. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic inference based on language is a vital tool for tracing the dynamics of human population expansions. The timescale of agriculture-based expansions around the world provides an informative amount of linguistic change ideal for reconstructing phylogeographies. Here we investigate the expansion of Arawak, one of the most widely dispersed language families in the Americas, scattered from the Antilles to Argentina. It has been suggested that Northwest Amazonia is the Arawak homeland based on the large number of diverse languages in the region. We generate language trees by coding cognates of basic vocabulary words for 60 Arawak languages and dialects to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among Arawak societies, while simultaneously implementing a relaxed random walk model to infer phylogeographic history. Estimates of the Arawak homeland exclude Northwest Amazonia and are bi-modal, with one potential homeland on the Atlantic seaboard and another more likely origin in Western Amazonia. Bayesian phylogeography better supports a Western Amazonian origin, and consequent dispersal to the Caribbean and across the lowlands. Importantly, the Arawak expansion carried with it not only language but also a number of cultural traits that contrast Arawak societies with other lowland cultures.  相似文献   

Whole mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences in 62 fish from 13 locations in Southeast China identified two major clades corresponding to two allopatric taxa, Glyptothorax fokiensis fokiensis and Glyptothorax fokiensis hainanensis . Reciprocal monophyly and a molecular clock separation between these two taxa of 2·3 million years indicate these taxa should be elevated to species. Mismatch distributions and Fu's F S statistic suggest that both G. fokiensis and G. hainanensis have experienced recent population expansions. Analysis of molecular variance indicates that most of the genetic variation resides among populations within both species, with Φ ST= 0·645 for G. fokiensis and 0·801 for G. hainanensis , suggesting restricted gene flow among populations. Significant correlations between the geographic and the genetic distances provide support for the importance of geographic isolations between populations. Nested clade analysis also confirms low levels of genetic exchanges between the two major groups and between populations within each group. The phylogeographical pattern among populations of Glyptothorax in East Asia can be attributed to historical fragmentations, demographic expansions and occasional long-distance dispersals stimulated by tectonic activity and Ice Age climate changes.  相似文献   

This study presents the first detailed analysis of the mitochondrial DNA diversity of least cisco Coregonus sardinella in Alaska using a 678 bp segment of the control region (D‐loop) of the mitochondrial genome. Findings suggest that the history of C. sardinella in Alaska differs from that of other species of Coregonus present in the state and surrounding regions. The examined populations of C. sardinella are genetically diverse across Alaska. Sixty‐eight distinct mitochondrial haplotypes were identified among 305 individuals sampled from nine locations. The haplotype minimum spanning network and phylogeny showed a modest level of geographic segregation among haplotypes, suggesting high levels of on‐going or recent connectivity among distant populations. Observed ΦST values and the results of homogeneity and AMOVAs indicate incipient genetic differentiation between aggregations in three broad regional groups. Sites north of the Brooks Range formed one group, sites in the Yukon and Selawik Rivers formed a second group and sites south of the Yukon drainage formed the third group. Overall, the sequence data showed that a large proportion of mtDNA genetic variation in C. sardinella is shared across Alaska, but this variation is not homogeneously distributed across all regions and for all haplotype groups.  相似文献   

Present climate of northwestern South America and the southern Isthmus is detailed in terms of major hydro-climatic controls, supported by evidence from station records, reanalysis data and satellite information. In this tropical region, precipitation is the principal hydro-climatological variable to display great variability. The primary objective is to view the controls that operate at intra-seasonal to inter-decadal time scales. This is a topographical complex region whose climate influences range in provenance from the South Atlantic to the Canadian Prairies, and from the North Atlantic to the Eastern Pacific. The situation is further complicated by interactions and feedbacks, in time and space, between these influences, which are interconnected over various scales. The greatest single control on the annual cycle is the meridional migration of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone and its pattern of associated trade winds. Consideration of these alone and their interaction with the Cordilleras of the Andes and Central America produce a variety of unimodal and bimodal regimes. Regionally, two low level jet streams, the westerly Choco jet (5°N) and the easterly San Andrés jet (12-14°N), and their seasonal variability, have tremendous significance, as do mesoscale convective storms and mid-latitude cold fronts from both the northern (“nortes”) and southern (“friagems”) hemispheres. There are many examples of hydro-climatological feedbacks within the region. Of these the most notable is the interaction between evaporation over the Amazon, precipitation onto the eastern Andes and streamflow from the headwaters of the Amazon. This is further compounded by the high percentages of recycled precipitation over large areas of the tropics and the potential impacts of anthropogenic modification of the land surface. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon (ENSO) is the greatest single cause of interannual variability within the region, yet its effects are not universal in their timing, sign or magnitude. A set of regional physical connections to ENSO are established and their varying local manifestations are viewed in the context of the dominant precipitation generating mechanisms and feedbacks at that location. In addition, some potential impacts of longer run variations within the ocean-atmosphere system of the Atlantic are examined independently and in conjunction with ENSO. This review of the climatic controls and feedbacks in the region provides a spatial and temporal framework within which the highly complex set of factors and their interactions may be interpreted from the past.  相似文献   

Wang JP  Hsu KC  Chiang TY 《Molecular ecology》2000,9(10):1483-1494
Nucleotide sequences of 3' end of the cytochrome b gene, tRNA genes, D-loop control region, and the 5' end of the 12S rRNA of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to assess the genetic and phylogeographic structure of Acrossocheilus paradoxus populations, a Cyprinidae fish of Taiwan. A hierarchical examination of populations in 12 major streams from three geographical regions using an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicates high genetic differentiation both among populations (PhiST = 0.511, P < 0.001) and among regions (PhiCT = 0.368, P < 0.001). Limited migration largely contributed to the genetic differentiation. High nucleotide diversity (1.13%) and haplotype diversity (0.80%) were detected among populations. The degree of genetic differentiation was correlated with geographical distance between populations, a result consistent with the one-dimensional stepping stone models. A neighbour-joining tree recovered by (DAMBE) supports the pattern of isolation by distance and reveals a closer relationship between populations of the central and southern regions. A minimum spanning network based on nucleotide substitutions reflected migration routes from populations of the central region to the northern and southern regions, respectively. Postglacial colonization and expansion can explain the phylogeographical pattern. Single and ancient migration events may have allowed the northern region to attain the monophyly of mtDNA alleles. In contrast, most populations within geographical regions are either paraphyletic or polyphyletic due to the relatively shorter time period for coalescence. Both low haplotype number and genetic variability suggest a bottleneck event in the Chingmei population of northern Taiwan. Based on coalescence theory, the monophyly of the Tungkang population of the southern region may be associated with a founder event.  相似文献   

Spanish Cedar (Cedrela odorata L.) is a globally important timber species which has been severely exploited in Mesoamerica for over 200 years. Using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms, its chloroplast (cp) DNA phylogeography was studied in Mesoamerica with samples from 29 populations in six countries. Five haplotypes were characterized, phylogenetically grouped into three lineages (Northern, Central and Southern). Spatial analysis of ordered genetic distance confirmed deviation from a pattern of isolation by distance. The geographically proximate Northern and Central cpDNA lineages were genetically the most differentiated, with the Southern lineage appearing between them on a minimum spanning tree. However, populations possessing Southern lineage haplotypes occupy distinct moist habitats, in contrast to populations possessing Northern and Central lineage haplotypes which occupy drier and more seasonal habitats. Given the known colonization of the proto-Mesoamerican peninsula by South American flora and fauna prior to the formation of the Isthmus of Panama, it seems most likely that the observed population structure in C. odorata results from repeated colonization of Mesoamerica from South American source populations. Such a model would imply an ancient, pre-Isthmian colonization of a dry-adapted type (possessing the Northern lineage or a prototype thereof), with a secondary colonization via the land bridge. Following this, a more recent (possibly post-Pleistocene) expansion of moist-adapted types possessing the Southern lineage from the south fits the known vegetation history of the region.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of red deer (Cervus elaphus)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In order to understand the origin, phylogeny, and phylogeography of the species Cervus elaphus, we examined the DNA sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 51 populations of deer from the entire distribution area of Cervinae with an emphasis on Europe and Asia. Several methods, including maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and nested clade analysis, revealed that red deer originated from the area between Kyrgyzstan and Northern India. We found two distinct groups of red deer: a western group consisting of four subgroups and an eastern group consisting of three subgroups. Our mtDNA data do not support the traditional classification of red deer as only one species nor its division into numerous subspecies. The discrepancies between the geographical pattern of differentiation based on mtDNA cytochrome b and the existing specific and subspecific taxonomy based on morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

Women in Prehistory: North America and Mesoamerica. Cheryl Claassen and Rosemary A. Joyce. eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997. 300 pp.  相似文献   

The grey wolf (Canis lupus) and coyote (C. latrans) are highly mobile carnivores that disperse over great distances in search of territories and mates. Previous genetic studies have shown little geographical structure in either species. However, population genetic structure is also influenced by past isolation events and population fluctuations during glacial periods. In this study, control region sequence data from a worldwide sample of grey wolves and a more limited sample of coyotes were analysed. The results suggest that fluctuating population sizes during the late Pleistocene have left a genetic signature on levels of variation in both species. Genealogical measures of nucleotide diversity suggest that historical population sizes were much larger in both species and grey wolves were more numerous than coyotes. Currently, about 300 000 wolves and 7 million coyotes exist. In grey wolves, genetic diversity is greater than that predicted from census population size, reflecting recent historical population declines. By contrast, nucleotide diversity in coyotes is smaller than that predicted by census population size, reflecting a recent population expansion following the extirpation of wolves from much of North America. Both species show little partitioning of haplotypes on continental or regional scales. However, a statistical parsimony analysis indicates local genetic structure that suggests recent restricted gene flow.  相似文献   

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